October 14, 2010
“Look at the potential, not the difference.”
The Rio Squawk The official newsletter of the Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club ”The Funniest Rotary Club West & East of the Mississippi.”
District 5510 ~ Tempe, Arizona USA For information regarding subscriptions, advertising, submitting or requesting a story or photograph, sending a letter or making a comment, Email: patrick@pnacentral.org The Rio Squawk is a free publication circulated weekly to both Rotarians and non-Rotarians worldwide, with readership on six continents. For membership information, call 623-326-7951 or join us for breakfast 7:00AM Thursdays at the Hometown Buffet, 1312 N Scottsdale Rd
Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith - Missouri, USA District 5510 Governor - Glenn W. Smith Governor Elect - Alan Havir Governor Nominee – Abe Feder Assistant Governor – John Slentz Secretary - Perry Rattiner Treasurer - Joanne Kline World’s First Service Club Organization Founded on February 23, 1905 Over 1,200,000 Members in 33,000 clubs Located in over 200 Countries Worldwide
IN THIS ISSUE 3 6 14 15 16 22 26 28 32 33 34 35 36 37 44
Club Minutes Camp Tatiyee (cover story) A Dollar Makes a Difference – Rick Daly Mail Box Laura Kalb in Jordan The ABC‘s of Rotary Daly Thoughts Born to be Wild Ugly Old Lady Car Wash Tundra Comics Timmy the Squirrel Tears of Joy Miscellaneous Foolishness Display Ads Speakers Bureau
Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club President Corey Bruggeman Immediate Past President Patrick de Haan Vice President James Greene Secretary Jack Buckles Treasurer Bobbi de Haan Sergeant at Arms PDG Ben Eubank Environmental Services Chair Jim Lemmon Gift of Life Chair Ron Freeman Greeter Kent Hendricks Guiding Rotarian PDG Ben Eubank Health Services Chair PDG Ben Eubank International Service Chair Dona Eubank Leadership Committee Chair Bobbi de Haan Marketing Committee Chair Greg Searfoss Membership Committee Co-Chairs PDG Ben Eubank & Patrick de Haan Official Mascot Rio Macaw Pathway to Reading Committee Chair Jack Buckles Photographer/Writer Bobbi De Haan PolioPlus Committee PDG Ben Eubank & Brad Dowden Progetto Salvamamme – Salvabebè James Greene & Bobbi de Haan Public Relations & Media Management Patrick de Haan River Rally, Octoberfest, Picnic in the Park Jim Lemmon Rotary Foundation Chair PDG Ben Eubank Service Committee Chair Lynsie Scharpf Trainers Kent Hendricks Geoff Pashkowski Ambassadorial Scholars Justin Randall (Spain) Laura Kalb (Middle East) Beth Anne Martin (2011 Latin America) Service Above Self Award Recipients Jim Lemmon (2001) PDG Ben Eubank (2007)
Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club Lions Camp Tatiyee October 14, 2010 PRESENT: Corey Bruggeman, Jack Buckles, Bobbi de Haan, Patrick de Haan, Ben Eubank, Dona Eubank, Ron Freeman, Kent Hendricks, and Geoff Pashkowski. GUESTS: John Slentz and Lion Sherman McCutcheon..
1) President Corey tried to call the meeting to order promptly at 7:00AM. 2) Invocation – Ron 3) Pledge & Four Way Test – Pat
4) Introduction of Guests – Corey Sherman McCutcheon – Lions Camp Tatiyee John Slentz – Assistant Governor District 5510 5) Get Food – GOOD as usual – BACON! 6) Rio‘s Macaw is sick with a broken leg. Bobbi told two bad jokes for Rio! Bad Bobbi! a. Q – Why did the woman wear a helmet at the dinner table?? A – She was on a crash diet!! b. Q – What do you call a funny book about eggs? A – A ―yolk‖ book. 7) Ben did his usual great job extracting Happy Dollars from our wallets. Did you know that if you look up the definition of ―extortion‖ in the dictionary, there is a picture of Ben Eubank in the margin next to it? 8) Bumper Snicker of the Week: ―I‘m from Texas. What country are you from?‖ (Seen on Ben Eubank‘s Yugo) 9) Pat presented a draft of the updated Bylaws. This version reflects the latest suggested Bylaws posted on the RI web site. We made only a few minor changes. It was briefly reviewed, discussed, and approved. 10) Bobbi announced that Larry Horton, our nominee for the 2011 GSE team to Australia, was selected to be on the team. 11) The Governor’s Assembly on Wednesday, October 27th will be held at the North Tempe Boys & Girls Club at 6:30PM. The address is 1555 N. Bridalwreath Street, Tempe, AZ 85281. Dinner will be served. We have the room from 5:30-8:30PM, so it‘s alright to come early. 12) October is vocational service month. Every October, Rotarians are encouraged to focus their attention on vocational service. Vocational Service Month is an opportunity to begin year-long vocational service activities, ranging from Rotary discussions to awards to community projects.
13) Important Dates:
October 24th – The Interact Fall Leadership Conference at ASU. Corey, Morgan and Kayla are attending. October 24th - World Polio Day (Sunday). In honor of World Polio Day, The Rotary Foundation is happy to announce 2-for-1 recognition points for every online contribution of $100 or more made to PolioPlus during October18-24, 2010, Central Standard Time. Go to www.rotary.org contribute to contribute online. October 27th – Governor‘s Assembly at the North Tempe Boys & Girls Club (Wednesday evening) October 28th – Governor Glenn Smith‘s official visit to the Club. November 6th – Tri-District Foundation Training. Bobbi will attend.
14) PRESENTATION - At last month‘s ―United in Service‖ Summit meeting, we learned about the challenges facing Camp Tatiyee, a camp for children with disabilities run by the Arizona Lions clubs. The nature of the crisis is severe enough that they may have to close the camp. For over fifty years, this program has provided a quality camping experience for individuals who otherwise might not ever leave their homes. While empowering and encouraging the campers, it provides a much-needed respite for their parents/caregivers. The Lions did not ask to speak to our meeting. We requested them because we know that the Camp Tatiyee situation is not about the Lions. It‘s about the children they serve, and we (Lions, Kiwanis, and Rotary) are all committed to serving the same population. As service providers, we cannot afford to lose as valuable and proven community resource such as
Camp Tatiyee. As Rotarians, we need to really put ―Service above Self‖ first and support the efforts of our counterparts. Our presenter today was Sherman McCutcheon, a member of the Chandler Lions Club and President of Camp Tatiyee. Lion Sherman did an excellent job of explaining the plan to save Camp Tatiyee and secure it permanently for the future.
THE SAVE OUR CAMP CAMPAIGN A LITTLE HISTORY ~ Lions Camp Tatiyee has been operating since 1958 at its current location. The Forest Service contacted the camp and to let them know that it wanted to exchange the land for other locations that it could manage more efficiently. Approximately 12 years ago Lions Camp Tatiyee and the Lions Foundation of Arizona (LFA) collaborated to form Tatiyee Land Campaign (TLC). Over the years, LFA has identified land for the exchange and purchased appropriate properties suitable for the exchange. The Lions of Multiple District 21 (MD 21) and friends of the Lions have been very helpful in this effort. The land is now ready for the exchange and we are now finishing up the Environmental Impact Statement for the exchange. There have been environmental studies, archeological studies and ecological studies. There have been meetings with Federal, state, local government and town residents regarding this exchange. We feel that we are on the upside of the meetings and studies. As mentioned earlier, we have purchased the land but we did so with promissory notes and by depleting reserves. We also refinanced the property at 32nd Street and Roosevelt to raise funds for the land purchases. This economic environment has not been kind. CURRENTLY ~ The Tatiyee Land Campaign has fulfilled its mission, and has secured the land for the exchange. Now we are in the phase of maintaining payments until the campaign is completed, thus the SOC (Save our Camp campaign). The Lions Camp Tatiyee board has been the leader with this part of the fund raising drive. You may have heard various amounts of money talked about until the campaign is completed. It is very difficult to pin down hard and fast numbers but we will attempt to give you some idea. The SOC Campaign officially came to pass May 1st, 2010. Since that time, the SOC campaign, Lions of MD 21, Friends of Lions, and Lions Clubs have raised approx $83K. A phenomenal effort! That was a short fix to get through the summer. Continued fund raising and contributions are a must! We ask that those Lions who have not pledged your $4.00 a month for 20 months please do so. If just two third of the Lions in MD21 honored the pledges, that would take us a long way! SOC fixed expenses now are running approximately $7,200.00/month, $85,600 annually. However, there are some variables in there. There are some promissory notes that require annual pay out, some promissory notes that are required to be liquidated and tax and insurance payments. That number could be in the range of additional $100K for this next year fiscal year. LFA has used up its reserves to pay the monthly deficits. LFA is now running in the red monthly by approximately $7,000 to $8,000 to pay its bills. In that regard, the LFA Board of Directors has dedicated itself to help get the campus leased out so that it can carry its own weight. This is difficult to do in these economic times, but the board is working hard towards that end. It has also been said that LFA is going bankrupt. That is not an appropriate choice of words. Remember earlier, it was stated that we have land free and clear for the exchange. LFA has assets of $4.5 million dollars and liabilities of $1.7 million dollars. We have no cash to pay bills! I guess, before LFA went out of business it could liquidate some land. The consequences of this action could be difficult in that the camp could wind up with a smaller parcel of land or down the road it could cost us (the Lions MD 21) Welcome Governor Glenn & Sherry more money to secure enough land to efficiently operate the camp. Governor's Assembly: THE BOTTOM LINE ~ We are almost there! We are looking at 3 more years and this campaign will close. All debts will be paid and the Camp will have a home, free and clear into the future! Won‘t you continue to help make this dream a reality! Those special populations of Camp Tatiyee campers are counting on all of us! (Continued on page 6 and also on page 20) 15) There was no further business. Corey adjourned at 8:30AM before Ben could fine him again.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 North Tempe Boys & Girls Club 1555 N. Bridalwreath Street - Tempe 6:30 - 8:30 PM Dinner will be provided
Governor's Visit: Thursday, October 28, 2010 Hometown Buffet 1312 N. Scottsdale Road - Scottsdale 7:00 - 8:00 AM
fall leadership conference
$10.00 PER PERSON 8:00-8:30 AM REGISTRATION 8:30 AM TO 4:00 PM CONFERENCE LUNCH, SNACKS, & WATER INCLUDED All high school leaders are invited to spend a packed day developing and practicing their leadership skills!
Questions? a.lambrou@cox.net
Please register online! http://www.rotary5510.org/home/40/140-interact-parental-consent-form
SAVE OUR CAMP LIONS CAMP TATIYEE Located in Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona, Lions Camp Tatiyee sits on 80 acres in a beautiful Ponderosa Pine forest on the Mogollon Rim. Lions Camp Tatiyee is simply a place created to give a chance for individuals with special needs to relax, be themselves and have a great time with new friends. It is an environment where they can be independent and free, happy and fulfilled, excited and relaxed all at the same time. Experience Lions Camp Tatiyee, a project of Lions Clubs of Arizona Multiple District 21, serving campers from all over Arizona.
Lions Camp Tatiyee is accredited by the American Camping Association (ACA) since the year 2000. ACA is the organization that sets the standards for the camping industry. This means that Camp Tatiyee has to comply with and maintain over 300 health and safety standards. MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of Lions Camp Tatiyee is to provide a camping experience for challenged individuals, among their peers, that encourages independence and self-confidence. HISTORY In 1950, Lion Jim Busey had a vision. That vision was to give the thrill and astounding experience of camping to challenged individuals. He traveled throughout the entire state of Arizona enlisting the support of all the Arizona Lions to build and maintain a camp for challenged children and adults. He wanted the handicapped population to have the chance to enjoy a natural camping experience. Through his efforts and the Arizona Lions, Lions Camp Tatiyee was established in 1958. After some hard labor and dedication from the Lions, Lions Camp Tatiyee was established in 1958. Two years later we began with a solitary cabin and 12 children. In 2008 we had four large dormitories and could serve over 600 campers. Since 1958 we have been serving hundreds of children and adults throughout the state each year. Lions Camp Tatiyee was built with the sole purpose of serving special needs and it has become much more. It is now a part of people‘s everyday lives. To many people it is a home away from home. The camp has been a labor of love by the Arizona Lions Clubs. The Arizona Lions are part of Lions International, the largest service organization worldwide. Our motto represents everything we stand for, it is simply ―We Serve‖. The Camp has operated for the last fifty years without charging a single fee to any person. The Lions of Arizona have operated the camp as a nonprofit 501(c)(3), which means we operate solely on the donations from Lions, individuals, businesses, corporate sponsors and grants.
A DAY AT TATIYEE . . . We start the day off by waking up around 7 and heading over to breakfast. After breakfast we go to flag raising and then to dorm clean-up. The counselors try to make the dorm spic and span while campers can kick back and enjoy. We then go to morning programs, which could range from go-karts to art to cooking to fishing to recreation to yoga to water fights! It all depends on what is appropriate for each week. We also may go on full day programs, to Woodland Lake or the casino. Then camp heads to the dining hall for a hearty lunch only to await a rest hour, or “kick back hour” when we lounge around the dorm to regain our strength for afternoon programs. When those eventually come around the corner they could be science, hiking, scavenger hunts or swimming. Everyone heads to the dining hall for dinner and then back to the dorms for night program set up. When night program occurs it usually lasts two hours and ranges from casino night to alien abductions. Finally, we crash into our pillows anywhere from 8-9 or 9-10 depending on what the week is. Along with dances on every Thursday night and the “introductions” program on Sunday, we hope to make your week either a blast, or relaxing or fun! Please remember we attempt to make each program new, exciting and appropriate for each week. For example, alien abductions and circus night is not going to happen in an adult week, same goes with casino night for the primary groups.
You get out of the car, look around, and whether you‘re new to camp or someone who‘s been coming for years you can almost feel the excitement in the air. You already are envisioning yourself driving in the go-karts or jamming out at the dance. You see the faces of all the fun and kooky counselors and soon feel at home. The point is, once you come there‘s no going back, for it‘s the Tatiyee experience, you‘re about to have one of the best weeks in a long time. It‘s going to be one heck of an adventure!
"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul." - William Henley
The Staff Our staff is our biggest asset, for they establish the feeling and tone at camp. We select staff through personal interviews and are very selective upon hiring. A majority of the applicants hired are studying or going into the fields including, but not limited to, education, medical, or special needs. Our staff undergoes rigorous training for an entire week. They endure an intense training week that includes, but is not limited to, mock fire drills, C.P.R. training, missing camper drills, lifting techniques, seizure procedures, dressing, feeding, role-playing and hours of disability awareness. We maintain high standards for our employees. We also have random drug testing and criminal background checks. During camper sessions we only accept volunteers who have previously worked at Lions Camp Tatiyee and have been trained through us. Our medical staff consists of an E.M.T. and one Certified Nurse. Staff lives on site and are on call the entire summer. This job is not easy; the demands and hours are great and it takes a unique person to be able to do this and those are the individuals we seek out and attempt to retain. Our return rate for staff continues to be between 85-95 percent every year.
Fire Pit
Thanks to Carolyn O‘Hara for permission to use her photographs
Camp Tatiyee Wish list Rec Hall: 4 more Gorilla racks for storage Sound and lighting equipment New flooring through grant Pond: Awning Fishing pole holders that can be welded to railing or put in ground to hold camper poles for more independence Ramada: We need a large storage cabinet in this area for science, something that can be locked and endure winter. Dorms: 5 bulletin boards (2 ft by 3 ft) Extra beach size towels available in dorms Mini tool kits to prevent minor calls to maintenance Gorilla rack for Ponderosa Kitchen: 2 New convection ovens 1 portable salad bar 2 11.5‘ x 3‘ stainless steal prep tables with storage 6‖ off the ground underneath New grill top 6 place range top 7‘ x 2‘ wooden topped prep table Stainless steel backsplashes behind cooking areas Large hand immersion blender New stainless steel counter for dish pit in hall Silverware/dishes for 125 (we need 3 dozen of everything 6 New water jugs 2 additional racks on wheels for air drying dishes 1 large steamer Separate cabinet for cooking program in dining hall New dish towels and a dozen heavy beach towels for close down Dish towels
Pool: Laundry baskets New sling lift Programs: A bowling ramp Songbooks with chords Covered area outside for messier projects (no concrete) maybe a large tarped area Latex free balls: bouncy, basketball, tetherball, volleyball kick ball etc…. Remote control cd player for pool area Rain barrels Cordless microphone Shoe racks for backstage Long net for pool White shirts from small to xxl about 8 of each Dining Hall/Lounge: Pool Cues/sticks repaired and/or replaced One Pool table recovered New curtain rods that curtains can slide on Pool: Laundry baskets New sling lift Programs: A bowling ramp Songbooks with chords Covered area outside for messier projects (no concrete) maybe a large tarped area Latex free balls: bouncy, basketball, tetherball, volleyball kick ball etc…. Remote control cd player for pool area Rain barrels Cordless microphone Shoe racks for backstage Long net for pool White shirts from small to xxl about 8 of each Dining Hall/Lounge: Pool Cues/sticks repaired and/or replaced One Pool table recovered New curtain rods that curtains can slide on
During Camp Sessions
(Mid-August to Mid-May: Contact Pam (Executive Director); (480)-380-4254 Lions Camp Tatiyee P.O. Box 6910 Mesa, AZ, 85216
(Mid May to Mid August): Contact Pam (Executive Director); (928)-537-4781 Fax: (928)-537-8456
Get Involved! This project runs through January 8th
Making a Difference...
So, RIM's fundraiser, A Dollar Makes A Difference (http://www.adollarmakesadifference.com), kicked off this last weekend - how many of you would be willing to help us prove a point? We have been challenged (by the "YES I CAN" man himself, Don Ratliff) to set a big goal for this fundraiser. We were originally going to go for $25,000.00. Don challenged us to double that, which we found very exciting and adventurous, in all sorts of ways that have caused RIM and I (Mrs. Rim) to both grow as individuals and as partners in both life and this endeavor. We are very grateful for that! So, here's where we can use your help. This fundraiser began last Saturday October 9, 2010 with the kick-off party, and it will end officially on Saturday January 8, 2011 with a party that is ALREADY promising to be a huge event! During these three months - amidst all the activities and events and contests and raffles that will be getting under way - we are going to ask for people to participate by donating just ONE DOLLAR to this fundraiser. Of course, if people would like to give more, that would CERTAINLY be welcome. But the whole point behind "A Dollar Makes A Difference" is this: $50,000.00 SEEMS like a lot of money to raise, doesn't it? Now look at it this way... What if 50,000 PEOPLE each gave ONE DOLLAR APIECE?! That seems a lot more do-able, doesn't it? What would happen if YOU were to donate just ONE DOLLAR, and then ask one or two of your friends to do the same? Would you be willing to part with ONE DOLLAR to be a part of something HUGE to benefit a group of heroes who are not only worthy of our attention and appreciation, but who DESERVE our attention, appreciation and admiration? We are asking for your help in the form of giving just ONE DOLLAR, and then asking your friends to do the same. What's a dollar to you? What if YOUR dollar is the one that makes the difference? Guess what... IT IS!! We are so grateful for your willingness to participate! And I, personally, am so very grateful for your help in contributing to my husband's success in this venture that is so incredibly close to his heart.
A Dollar Makes A Difference A dollar can make a difference It can change a person's life It can serve a soldier in combat It can serve that soldier's wife*
We let our soldiers know that we care By supporting Packages From Home Your dollar will go toward shipping A package of "care" to the combat zone
God bless America, and God bless those men and women and their families, who have sacrificed - for us - more than we can ever hope to really comprehend or appreciate.
Rick and Sandi Daly "I want to serve the people who have been serving FOR US."
Rick Daly
And when our troops return They sometimes need a hand The Emergency Relief Fund Provides "solution" for problems unplanned As we raise money to help these two charities Our intention is simply to serve The men and women who give of themselves That our forefathers' Dreams be preserved. By Sandra Anne Daly
*We would like to acknowledge that we are aware that there are women in the military, as well, and husbands here at home—the word “wife” just works well for the poem. Thank you for understanding.
or meditate with some tapes
Hi Pat It is nice to see two pages at once. I really like that format. By the way, I love reading the emails from the foreign exchange student in Jordan. Is she open to getting emails? I would love to connect with her personally to tell her how much I enjoy her emails. Warm Regards
Susan Seats
From: Casa Grande Daybreak Rotary Club To: Adnan S. Sherwani Islamabad Rotary Club Islamabad, Pakistan Subject: Our club's wish to participate in your global peace initiative Hi Adnan: The Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club sends us a copy of their Rio Squawk newsletter. Our club would like to be a part of your "365 days of World Understanding for Peace". I am sending you our club's banner. The Casa Grande Daybreak Rotary Club was chartered on August 21, 2006. I will also add you to our clubs e-bulletin. YIR,
Ross Feezer, CGDRC Secretary
(Regarding the new format for the Rio Squawk)
Thank you for accepting our invitation to be Facebook friends. Kindly accept Best wishes from members of our Club, the Rotary Club of Nagpur, District 3030.
It looks very good. Excellent job!
Glenn W. Smith, DG
Arun Bhargava
District 5510, 2010-2011 I went to the Issuu site, it looks good! I also wanted to double check the details for your Governor meeting? When is it again?
Founded in 1944
Laura Kalb
WADI RUM AND AQABA TRIP Sunday - October 10, 2010 I had an amazing time in Wadi Rum and Aqaba this weekend. What stood out is how relaxing it was for me and making new friends. Now I have been to the very north and south of the country! Though North Jordan looks like Flagstaff and South Jordan looks a lot like southern Arizona and monument valley. We stayed one night with the Bedouin and took a nice Jeep tour; it was very fast up, down, and around sand dunes! All in all I was very pleased though I saw several dinosaur-sized ribcages sticking out of the sand, obviously bleached white skeletons of some large animal a la The Flintstones. My tour guide said they were camel skeletons, "camels die" he told me. I guess so! I video-recorded practically all of the jeep tour with my video camera, sand got into the camera and now I think was the cause for it to not work at the moment. I am going to take it to a camera store this week and God Willing (inshallah) I will be able to get it fixed and have that footage uploaded for you to In Aqaba we paid to use the Movenpick Hotel's private beach on the Red Sea and that's where I parked myself for most of the day! I had my Theories of International Relations book to keep me company. Several of my fellow students went out on glass bottom boats to look at the reefs, and snorkel. That is something I want to do next time I go, anyone interested in joining me? Thanks for reading.
Laura Kalb
(Left) Climbing the sand dunes.
Captain’s Camp
See Laura‘s Wadi Rum video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKD36DGTfUg
Rotary Foundation Day and a Dinner Celebration It's time to register to attend two events related to Our Rotary Foundation. The first is an AZ Tri-District Rotary Foundation Day that will be held on Saturday, November 6, 2010 from 9am-3pm at EVIT in Mesa (see link to register http://www.eventbrite.com/event/811825191). It will cost just $20 to cover breaks, lunch, great information and the camaraderie of the day. Everyone is welcome to attend but this will be especially helpful for club officers of 2010-11 and 2011-12 and new or prospective members. Don't be shy about signing up. Every clubs should have 4-5 people there to soak up all of the information. Highlights include details about Group Study Exchange and new changes, How to Create and Execute Grants, news about Ambassadorial and Peace Scholars, and a keynote address from Steve Solomon from The Rotary Foundation. Steve is not just a staff member; he was an Ambassadorial Scholar and weaves a wonderful story about his experience. Second, DG Glenn has brought us back our own District Foundation Dinner - Thanks For Giving! This dinner will be the week after the Training Day Saturday, November 13, 2010 beginning at 6 pm at the Mesa Country Club. This will be a venue for you to hear and see where your giving dollars are being used. We will hear from Ambassadorial Scholars (Imagine being the recipient of a $25,000 scholarship!), hear fabulous results of what some grants have done and more. We will also take time to honor the Rotarians who are actively supporting the Rotary Foundation as Major Donors, Bequest Society Members, Benefactors and other levels of TRF support. Plan to be there as we say to you "Thanks for Giving". It‘s easy to register, just use the link http://www.eventbrite.com/event/810317682
“SAVE OUR CAMP PROJECT 2010/2011” HELP THE LIONS SAVE CAMP TATIYEE Name: __________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________
Club Name: ______________________________________________________
COMMITMENT $4.00 per month for 20 months One-Time Contribution of $80 Two Contributions of $40 Each Other
Lions Camp Tatiyee, P.O. Box 6910, Mesa, AZ 85216
Looking for a Simple, Low-Cost, High-Impact Polio Project? All we need is a $25 donation from 100 Clubs, Companies, or Individuals
To make a contribution or if you need additional information, contact:
Patrick de Haan (Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club) 623-326-7951 or patrick@pnacentral.org Jan Snyder (Tempe East Rotary Club) 480-951-9250 www.sustainableltd.org
48. GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE One of the most popular and rewarding programs of The Rotary Foundation is the Group Study Exchange. Since the first exchange between districts in California and Japan in 1965, the program has provided educational experiences for about 25,000 business and professional men and women who have served on about 5,500 teams. The GSE program pairs Rotary districts to send and receive study teams. Since 1965, more than $42 million has been allocated by The Rotary Foundation for Group Study Exchange grants. One of the attractive features of GSE is the opportunity for the visiting team members to meet, talk and live with Rotarians and their families in a warm spirit of friendship and hospitality. Although the original Group Study Exchanges were male only, in recent years teams include both men and women. In addition to learning about another country as the team visits farms, schools, industrial plants, professional offices and governmental establishments, the GSE teams serve as ambassadors of goodwill. They interpret their home nation to host Rotarians and others in the communities in which they visit. Many of the personal contacts blossom into lasting friendships. Truly, the Group Study Exchange program has provided Rotarians with one of its most enjoyable, practical and meaningful ways to promote world understanding. 49. ROTARY FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE An interesting Rotary program of fellowship is the Rotary Friendship Exchange. This activity, originally recommended by the New Horizons Committee in 1981, is intended to encourage Rotarians and spouses to visit with Rotarian families in other parts of the world. It may be conducted on a club-to-club or district-to-district basis. The idea is for several Rotarian couples to travel to another country on the Rotary Friendship Exchange. Later the hospitality is reversed when the visit is exchanged. After a successful pilot experiment, the Rotary Friendship Exchange has become a permanent program of Rotary. The Rotary Friendship Exchange is frequently compared to the Group Study Exchange program of The Rotary Foundation, except that it involves Rotarian couples who personally pay for all expenses of their inter-country experience. Doors of friendship are opened in a way which could not be duplicated except in Rotary. Rotarians seeking an unusual vacation and fellowship experience should learn more about the Rotary Friendship Exchange. Some unusual Rotary adventures are awaiting you!
Your Club is invited to join Tempe Rio Salado and our Sister Club, the Rotary Club of Islamabad, Pakistan, to become part of this important Global Peace Initiative!
Looking for a COST EFFECTIVE Literacy Project? Are you working with a limited Club service budget or short of voluynteers? Would you like to get books to hundreds of impoverished valley children for just a few cents per book? Contact Rotarian Jack Buckles & learn about Pathway to Reading! JBuck32175@aol.com
Rio Macaw now has
1,059 Facebook Friends! Congratulations to Larry Horton On being selected for the
2011 Australia GSE Team
Daly Thoughts
I Choose DESCENSION I'm reading a book right now titled, "Callings: Finding and Following An Authentic Life" by Gregg Levoy, and yesterday morning I read a paragraph that, I believe, will become a profound tool for me to use. "Joseph Campbell once said that "where you stumble, there is your treasure," referring to a story from the Arabian Nights in which a farmer's plow catches on something in the dirt, and despite much struggle he can't dislodge it. He finally stops, digs in the ground, and discovers that his plow has caught on a metal ring attached to a door, through which is a passageway leading to a treasure. Wherever our most primal fears reside - our fears of the dark, of death, of being devoured, of meaninglessness, of lovelessness, or of loss - chances are good that beneath them lie germs of wisdom and maybe a vision or a calling. Wherever you stumble - on a tree root, on a rock, on fear or shame or vulnerability, on someone else's words, on the truth - dig there."
Sandra Anne Daly
5. 6.
When I read that paragraph I got a clear visual of my Pop Your Paradigm experience in 1999-2000, and in that visual I could see clearly how I can apply this to my life right now. That 1999-2000 experience looked like this:
1. My plow had been caught for 34 years on, "I am a victim. No one will ever love me no matter what I do and I will never have peace in my life. Why did I ever have to be born? I hate my life." Summer of 1999 I had the thought - and the willingness to believe it - "There's got to be a better way for me to live than this." I had never had that particular thought before, and it was the equivalent of me letting go of doing what I had always done, and doing something different. This was me letting go of wrestling and struggling to free my plow, and kneeling in the dirt to begin scooping the soil away to see what it was caught on. September 19, 1999 - after five or six weeks of digging - I turned on my television and discovered the ring and the door leading down to I did not know where... but I did know that, even though it looked scary and dark down in the depths, what was at the other end of the passageway I could see was a treasure. I was not ready to climb down those steps and into that passageway at first. And it took me nine months of preparation - back and forth between being sucked into the habit of struggle with the plow, and remembering that the door (and the opportunity to find treasure) was there - before I finally was ready. June 23 or 24 of the year 2000 I decided I was going to finally climb down those steps. It took me a couple of days to get to the bottom, and... June 26, 2000 as I was climbing UP the steps of a Greyhound bus and leaving behind the only life I had ever known, I found myself standing at the bottom of the steps that were under that door in the field. It was scary and dark, but I was very excited to be on my way! And three weeks later, after many adventures and awesome discoveries about myself AND about life, I found that I had been right when I had uncovered that door nine months previously and just known that I would find a treasure at the other end of that dark passageway before me. After three weeks of "traversing the dark unknown" I found myself LIVING my treasure.
And now here I am ten years later, having recognized my struggle - my plow having been caught on something once again; having made the decision to let go of the plow and the struggle and kneel in the dirt; having used my bare hands to scoop that dirt away to uncover the ring and the door; having opened that door as wide as it will go... and having danced around that opening for months now, longing for the treasure that I know is at the other end of that passageway, but unable to descend the stairs for fear of what could happen to me between this end of the passage and the other. What monsters am I going to meet? How many times am I going to trip in the dark and fall? What if I fall and then find myself unable to get back up again? Even worse than that - what if somebody SEES me fall? What if I have to confront a monster and I don't handle it the "right" way? What if I get halfway through the passageway and find the going "too hard" and sit down and never get back up again? At least up here at the top of the stairs I know what to expect from my life... It's
easy to keep doing what I'm comfortable doing, even though the life I'm living is not completely what I'd like it to be. I am a bit upset with myself for letting my fear stop me for this long. Then again, there's a bigger truth here. I have danced around in the field at the opening of that passageway for exactly as long as it has taken for me to be ready to descend the stairs. What's to be upset about? Not a dang thing. Making myself "wrong" will not help me to move. Allowing myself to be at peace with who I am and where I am is the only way I will be able to move forward with any confidence at all. I am ready to go deeper into who I really am and the power-full life that I am meant to live. I am ready to descend those stairs and walk through the unknowns that exist in that passageway, knowing that those "unknowns" that I'm so afraid of will cease to be unknown the instant that I choose to look at them. I am ready to move from my current life - which I have treasured for the last ten years - to the deeper, fuller, more expanded treasure that I know is eagerly waiting for me to take the steps necessary for me to reach it. That treasure wants me every bit as much as I want it, and now I'm ready to keep that in mind as I move through the adventure that awaits me in the depths. It's time for another grand adventure! How about you? Are you ready for your own treasure? What do you find yourself repeatedly stumbling over and struggling with? If you were willing to take a deeper look at it, what do you think you would see? Are you ready to face
I Choose DESCENSION This week I choose to descend into the depths of who I am, to traverse the passageway that leads to my treasure, to look with gratitude upon that which scares me because I know that without it I would never be inspired to grow into MORE of who I Really Am.
the "monsters" in your imagination with the knowing that your imagination is the ONLY place that they are scary? I remember my Pop Your Paradigm experience, being a woman alone - homeless, jobless, and very nearly penniless - in Phoenix in the summertime, standing in the willingness to face my own personal "monsters" and learn what they were there to teach me. I stand now in that willingness again - different monsters, same fears - knowing that what's waiting there in the dark has only the power that I give to it... the power to stop me from moving at all, or the power to help me to grow past the confines of the passageway and straight into the treasure. Your treasure is waiting for you, as well. Are you ready to descend the stairs? Are you ready to traverse that passageway? Are you ready to become the person who can live that treasure? What are you stumbling over? What do you find yourself hooked into over and over again? What are you struggling with? Remember, "Where you stumble, there is your treasure." Be willing to dig, and then to descend...
Love, Sandi
Bobbi de Haan’s
Born to be Wild
Celebrating the Care and Husbandry of Exotic and Endangered Wildlife
BEAUTY AND THE BEASTS The California condor's unlikely success story By Christy Karras Since the reintroduction of California condors to the Utah/Arizona border region a dozen years ago, the condors have eaten lots of things. Sometimes, their choices are cringe-inducing: the consummate scavengers‘ first meal in the wild, for example, was a dead pet dog.
California Condor
But nothing prepared Grand Canyon park rangers for their discovery on a day last March, when reports of giant, circling black birds led curious people to look over the edge of a cliff, hoping to see what the beasts were having for dinner. When rangers arrived at the feeding site, they found the condors gathered, feasting on the corpse of a man who‘d been missing in the canyon for two months. It was gruesome—not only the nature of the discovery, but the creatures themselves: their fleshy, snakelike necks, shiny feathers, bodies as big as boulders—and wingspans wider than the length of the human body itself. The man‘s body was hauled away—for the sake of propriety, and also because human bodies are considered hazardous waste. Those who know about condors always are interested in what the birds are eating, especially since it could be almost anything—as long as it‘s already dead. But the content of the birds‘ diet isn‘t as important as what they are doing and where, because without strenuous and optimistic human intervention, condors wouldn‘t exist at all. Their population now stands at about 300; about half of those live in the wild. That‘s more than 10 times the 22 birdsat the species‘ nadir in 1982—making it one of the West‘s best conservation success stories. The birds are unlikely celebrities. Seeing a condor is like looking at a pterodactyl or some other remnant of dinosaur times. They can weigh up to 25 pounds (about 10 times the weight of a Red-tailed Hawk). Their wingspans can reach almost 10 feet—wider than the widest human arm span ever recorded, wide enough that they could completely blanket an old Volkswagen Beetle. They can glide through the air at up to 55 mph at up to 15,000 feet in altitude, traveling 100 miles in a day in search of food. Many people view them as prehistoric relics, and in a way, they are: Condors plied the skies during the Pleistocene era, eating mastodons and saber-toothed tigers. The idea of preserving something so ancient is one of the reasons public and private conservation groups are working together to save the condor through the most expensive wildlife rehabilitation project in American history. A private, nonprofit conservation group, The Peregrine Fund, oversees captive breeding and periodically releases hand-raised young birds at Arizona‘s Vermillion Cliffs site, just south of the Utah/Arizona border. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Arizona and Utah state wildlife divisions manage condor territory and help keep track of the birds once they‘re released. Donors and volunteers have spent millions of dollars and countless hours to prevent the birds‘ extinction—a lot of work when you consider that condors aren‘t a crucial part of the ecosystem and no other species depends on them.
Andean Condor
But they say humans, who are responsible for the condor‘s decline, have a responsibility to prevent its extinction. If we fail to save the condor, they reason, we have failed to save a part of the wilderness we ought to have been able to preserve. This quest reminds us of our own power for destruction or salvation. In other words, we should save the condor because we can—and because something this strange is definitely worth saving. ―The aesthetics of it, and the way that affects people—a condor flying over a place is as amazing as the Grand Canyon,‖ said Chris Parish, director of the Peregrine Fund‘s reintroduction project. ―The people who see that don‘t question the money.‖
Early last spring, retired BLM biologist Mike Small led the St. George-area Red Cliffs chapter of the Audubon Society on a field trip to see the 50 or so condors that now live in the crevices of the Vermillion Cliffs. At a viewing area below the release site, about two and a half hours‘ drive from St. George, a dozen or so bird lovers gathered under a cool, bright sky with their scopes and binoculars, hoping at least one or two of the creatures would be home. And there were condors, visible with the naked eye, despite the distance. They rose above the brightly colored cliffs in an upward spiral, circling lazily on the thermals. These birds rarely flap; they don‘t have to. Instead, they simply step off a ledge and glide upward, lifted by air thermals, and swirl together in an effortless circle. For bird watchers, there‘s great appeal in the idea of seeing a significant percentage of a species‘ entire population in a single day; the Audubon Society group spotted about 26. ―We‘ve had people from all over, in fact internationally, to see the condors,‖ Small said. To Shelia Smith, who lives in St. George, seeing the condors was a rare chance to view a bird that seems primordial in its size and shape. ―It‘s like time travel to me,‖ Smith said, a little breathless, as she watched nine birds—3 percent of the world‘s population—gathering on a rock in the distance and spreading their awning-sized wings to catch the warmth of the sun. ―This is so special, because there are so few birds, and here we are, so close.‖ Condors comically resemble the giant vultures perched next to sun-baked animal skulls in cartoons and postcards. When they come in for a landing, their long, muscular legs hang below them, swinging forward and back while their heads track from side to side. Dinnertime is typically spent with heads buried in rotting animal flesh. But their fans think they deserve a better reputation. ―As a class, scavengers are very smart, alert, curious animals,‖ Small said. At a celebration of the species‘ recovery in California earlier this year, wildlife biologist Jan Hamber wondered aloud why humans are so fascinated by condors. She answered her own question with a quote from early 20th-century ornithologist William Dawson. ―For me, the heart of mystery, of wonder, and of desire lies with the California condor, that magnetic and almost legendary figure which still haunts the vastness of our lessening wilderness.‖ Dawson wrote this in 1911, when the birds were still flying up and down the West Coast. ―I am not ashamed to have fallen in love with so gentle a ghoul.‖ The reintroduction process hasn‘t been easy. Even under the best of circumstances, the birds aren‘t very good at reproducing on their own; they don‘t reach sexual maturity for about six to eight years, and when they find mates and breed, the young often don‘t survive. When biologists captured every one of the remaining birds in the 1980s and took them to the Los Angeles Zoo and the San Diego Zoo‘s Wild Animal Park, they artificially increased reproduction by hand-raising chicks from birth. This allowed parents to lay more eggs, instead of spending precious time caring for their young.
The first few condors were released into the wild again in Baja, California. That was followed by Arizona—a place they hadn‘t been seen since 1924. The condors‘ spectacular habitat at the edge of the Vermillion Cliffs is north of Highway 89, past the road out to Jacob Lake and the Grand Canyon‘s north rim. During winter, the birds generally forage south of their home. A few pairs have permanently settled in the Grand Canyon area, where park visitors can sometimes see several at a time. The best chance to see the birds in Utah comes in summer, when about half the Arizona population ranges northward. Members of the Audubon Society have seen as many as 16 at a time near Kolob Reservoir, on the north end of Zion National Park. Though there are no permanent nesting sites in Utah, Small says it‘s bound to happen. The chicks released years ago are finally reaching breeding age and forming pairs, which they maintain for life (though not always successfully—as with human populations, it sometimes takes birds a few tries to decide on a mate). They nest in rock crevices and bear only one egg every two years. When chicks emerge, they are covered in grayish fuzz and their white heads looks like bare skulls. For condor watchers, every chick is a cause for celebration; by the start of 2008, seven birds had fledged in the wild. Transmitters tell researchers where the condors are—and ultimately, how they die. Sometimes, electricity from power poles or accidents get them. But the most common cause of death—and the one most responsible for the birds‘ steep decline in the first place—is lead poisoning. It‘s the result of an unfortunate combination: a dietary staple of dead deer, extreme sensitivity to lead‘s toxic effects, and a home where humans frequently hunt deer with bullets containing lead. After several birds died and others had to be brought in for treatment to remove lead from their blood, the state of Arizona began giving copper bullets to hunters with permits in condor areas. Utah hunters are encouraged, though not Common name: California condor required, to use copper ammunition. Scientific name: Gymnogyps californianus The issue illustrates the difficulties surrounding Family: Cathartidae conservation in the West. Last year, a loud contingent of Order: Falconiformes condor supporters successfully lobbied for a ban on leadSize: Length: 46-52 in (117-132 cm); wingspan: 109 in core ammunition in California‘s condor country—an (277 cm); weight: 23 Ib (10.4 kg) unlikely occurrence in Utah, where many people don‘t Key features: Very long, broad wings with prominent know much about condors, and others aren‘t eager to ―fingers‖ at tips; plumage largely black, white triangle support a carnivorous animal that requires a big habitat. on underside of wings; head and neck pink, with small But the condors won‘t survive in Utah without hunters‘ black ruff; juveniles have dark head and neck support: Most of the birds that have tried to set up Habits: Soars on level (or slightly raised) wings, permanent homes in Utah died of lead poisoning. searching for prey; very stable in the air (Coincidentally, Barnes Bullets, one of the world‘s largest Nesting: No nest; lays egg on ground in cave or large and oldest copper bullet manufacturers, is based in tree hole; 1 egg; incubation 55-60 days; young fledge American Fork, Utah). after 180 days; 1 brood Voice: Hissing and grunting at nest; otherwise silent Parish grew up in the kind of small Arizona town where Diet: Carrion, mainly from large carcasses ―we always had these people coming into our community Habitat: Hills and plains and talking about endangered species and saying, ‗You‘re Distribution: California and Arizona: population extinct going to lose half your land.‘‖ He still considers himself a in the wild in 1987, but now reintroduced into these two hunter and stresses that no one is going to ask hunters or states ranchers to change anything except their ammunition— Status: Critically Endangered which could help more than the condors. Studying how the
condors die, he says, ―We‘ve stumbled onto this pathway of lead poisoning that includes me, as a hunter. I had no idea that the very meat that I take home to my family could have lead fragments in it.‖ He adds that cooperation is improving; more than 80 percent of hunters in northern Arizona have switched to copper bullets. Conservationists are trying to preserve a balance between the birds‘ need for space and the public‘s fascination— galvanizing support while keeping the birds out of harm‘s way. To them, the condor symbolizes our natural history and the present-day wilderness we are simultaneously losing and celebrating. Its survival represents mankind‘s tenacity, ingenuity and compassion, even as its near demise represents human folly. ―This allows us to say, ‗Look what we‘ve done for ourselves.‘‖ Parish says. ―It‘s not so much that we owe it to the condors; we owe it to ourselves to not let this species slip away.‖ .
October 23, 2010
Circle-K 75th Ave & Cactus
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
We’re Back! And Uglier Than Ever! Mark your calendars, dust off your dancing shoes, dry clean your dresses, powder your wigs, and stock up on lipstick!
If you like these cartoons, visit Chad’s web site - Tundra Comics
James Greene’s
Timmy the Squirrel
Bizarre Pictures of Cute Little Animals
JACK BUCKLES’ TEARS OF JOY Funny Stories, Bad Jokes, Bumper Stickers, etc. HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? (WRITTEN BY KIDS) You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.-- Alan, age 10 No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with.-- Kristen, age 10 WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.-- Camille, age 10 HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids.-- Derrick, age 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? Both don't want any more kids.-- Lori, age 8 WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.-- Lynnette, age 8 (isn't she a treasure) On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. -- Martin, age 10 WHAT WOULD YOU DO ON A FIRST DATE THAT WAS TURNING SOUR? I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.-- Craig, age 9 WHEN IS IT OKAY TO KISS SOMEONE? When they're rich.-- Pam, age 7 The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that.- - Curt, age 7 The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do.-- Howard, age 8 IS IT BETTER TO BE SINGLE OR MARRIED? It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them.-- Anita, age 9 (bless you child) HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?-- Kelvin, age 8 And the #1 Favorite is........
HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A MARRIAGE WORK? Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck.-- Ricky, age 10
WHAT IS IT LIKE TO FALL IN LOVE? If falling in love is anything like learning how to spell, I don't want to do it. It takes too long." -- Glenn, age 7 "Love is like an avalanche where you have to run for your life." -- John, age 9 "I think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something, but the rest of it isn't supposed to be so painful." -- Manuel, age 8 "Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife." -- Tom, age 5
Edible Architecture
RIO MACAW’S FACEBOOK PAGE Rio now has 1,059 friends on his Facebook page. What‘s even more amazing is that more than 200 of them are from different countries around the world, true to the spirit of Rotary International. Rio currently has friends in: India Greece Turkey Argentina Portugal Denmark Italy England Venezuela Bangladesh Pakistan South Africa Brazil Chile Mexico You can visit Rio at this link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/rio.macaw?ref=name
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands!
The 2011
Walk Across America For Special Needs Kids
A Directory of Speakers We Have Used Looking for a good club presentation? Here are some resources for the Phoenix area.
Chaplaincy for the Homeless
At its main office in the Lodestar Resource Center, the Ecumenical Chaplaincy for the Homeless helps thousands of homeless people each year obtain lost documents, such as birth certificates and drivers' licenses, so they can get jobs, obtain medical help, or find housing. Very moving, informative presentation.
Chaplain Dave Goodall Executive Director 1125 W. Jackson St. Phoenix AZ 85007 602-417-9853 chaplaindave@azhomeless.org
North Tempe Boys & Girls Club
The North Tempe Branch offers activities from each of the 5 Boys & Girls Clubs of America Core Program Areas: Education and Career Development; Character and Leadership Development; The Arts; Health and Life Skills; and Sports, Fitness, and Recreation, and a Power Hour homework completion program where dedicated staff members are available to assist children complete their daily homework.
Lynsie Scharpf Branch Executive 1555 N. Bridalwreath St. Tempe, AZ 85281 480-858-6520 Fax 480-858-6545 lynsier@clubzona.org
Safeddy Identification Cards Shiela Maguire Executive Director PO Box 20724 Mesa, AZ, 85277-0724 (480) 236-8811 http://www.maguirepublications.com
Indicates that this person belongs to a Rotary Club or organization.
The Safeddy card is an identification card. On the front, the card will have the person’s photograph and personal information such as name, date of birth, address and basic medical information. On the back of the card there will be listed some Do’s and Don’ts. Many times first responders will escalate a situation through no fault of their own by inadvertently asking or doing something that triggers aggressive behavior.
Citizens Offering Police Support Officer Larry Horton Phoenix Police COPS Program 620 West Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-262-7218 Fax: 602-534-1972 larry.horton@phoenix.gov
100 Club of Arizona Sharon Knudson-Felix Executive Director 5033 N. 19th Ave., Suite 123 Phoenix, AZ 85015. (602) 485-0100 Fax (602) 242-1715 info@100club.org
Lauren’s Institute for Education Margaret Travillon Co-Founder & CEO 3341 E. Queen Creek Road, Suite 109 Gilbert, AZ 85297 480.621.836 fax: 480.621.8513 margaret@laurensinstitute.org
C.O.P.S., is the volunteer force of the Phoenix Police Department. Volunteers work under the direction of the Employment Services Bureau and play an important part in our city's police operation. Volunteers work side by side with sworn officers in almost every aspect of law enforcement, from administration to investigation. Larry is passionate about this program and gives an excellent presentation!
The mission of the 100 Club of Arizona is to provide financial assistance to families of public safety officers and firefighters who are seriously injured or killed in the line-of-duty, and to provide resources to enhance their safety and welfare. This is an excellent organization and a very worthwhile presentation.
Lauren’s Institute for Education (L.I.F.E.) is a special place for developmentally disabled children. They offer a variety of therapies that nurture each individual child's overall growth to improve their quality of life and the lives of their family members. Their 11,000 square-foot facility is state of the art with over 20 thrapy rooms.
This absolutely wonderful program was started by a local Lions Club as a way to provide free books to poor children who otherwise would not have any. The Pathway volunteerrs hold “Free Book Fairs” at local schools, providing the children with a vast selection of books from which they can pick one to keep. What’s amazing is that they are so affordable. It costs just a few cents per child!
Pathway to Reading Jack and Karen Buckles jbuck32175@aol.com PDG Forrest Hickman forhick@q.com
FBI Special Agent Paul Schaaf Federal Bureau of Investigations 201 E Indianola Phoenix AZ 85012 602-279-5511 Fax 602-294-4055 Paul.schaaf@ic.fbi.gov
ChildLight Foundation For Afghan Children Diana Tacey Founder & President 480-964-5484 http://www.childlightfoundation.org taceyinmesa@msn.com
Polio Echo Brad Dowden President P.O. Box 61024 Phoenix, AZ 85082 polio_echo@polioecho.org dowdenbrad@yahoo.com
John Fitzsimmons Phone: (602) 820-6202 mail@fitzmagic.com http://www.fitzmagic.com
Desert Edge Mentoring Dennis Gregory Executive Director 1950 W Heatherbrae Dr. Ste 4 Phoenix, AZ 85015 602-237-2485 http://www.desertedgementoring.com
Max A. Butler Certified Arborist 602-885-4361 Max.a.butler@gmail.com
ChildLight Foundation for Afghan Children is committed to caring about and relieving the suffering of children and their families. When families suffer, children suffer. This was a fantsastic prersentation about one of the most dangerous and needy places on the planet. Well worth your time to schedule Diana!
Serving polio survivors (certified under United Way and supported by Easter Seal Society of Arizona and Arizona Chapter of March of Dimes) strives to service these needs by offering information, services, equipment and "support" by professionals, and most importantly, by those who are walking in your shoes!
A high-energy performance filled with magic, comedy and jawdropping stunts, John Fitzsimmons offers one of the most amazing shows you’ll ever see. John thrills audiences with everything from the most creative way to make a balloon animal to “The World’s Most Dangerous Card Trick” — a smashing stunt that landed him on every major TV network in the nation. John is extremely active in our community, supporting many of our local charities.
Holistic Horticulture
Special Agent Schaaf spoke to us about “Cyber Crime.” The top three priorities for the FBI are terrorism, counter intelligence, and cyber crime. Cyber crime includes SQL infection, scams, identity theft, extortion, investment fraud, and mortgage fraud. This was a fascinating presention full of important information.
As an outpatient clinic they provide therapeutic intervention through counseling and mentoring. Their targets are male and female adolescents ages 10-17 and male and female adults ages 18 and older, who are seeking guidance while progressing through their life stages. They offer a learning environment, leadership skills, and real world experiences while promoting personal growth, team and relationship building and accrual of lifelong skills.
Max is amazing! Everything you could ever want to know about trees, Max knows. After earning his ISA Certification (WE-7939A) while working for several local tree care companies, Max decided to start his own tree health management practice emphasizing entire tree systems rather than focusing only on trees' individual components. Thus, Holistic Horticulture was born.
Astonishing Families Justin Rohner Executive Director 4327 E. Cloudburst Ct. Gilbert, AZ 85297 480-235-1006 (Todd Runyan) trr23@cornell.edu
O’Connor House Linda Searfoss lrsearfoss@msn.com Linda is the past Executive Director of Valley Big Brothers Big Sisters and recently served as interim CEO of the Red Cross, so she can talk on multiple topics.
Origami Joey Hudy Origami Artist hudy3569@aol.com Schedule Joey through his mother, Julie. Try not to interfere with his school. He‘s a great kid!
Police Photography Hal Becker Professional Photographer halbecker@msn.com The gallery Hal brings also includes military and landscapes.
Hold On To Your Dreams
Bobbi de Haan 3629 W Camino Real. Glendale, AZ 85310 623-326-7950 grannywomyn@q.com
The O’Connor House Project is a community effort to relocate both the original adobe house and the spirit of Sandra Day O’Connor to Arizona’s Papago Park. There, the house will once again be a gathering place where people find the level of compromise and consensus needed to move society forward..
Joey Hudy shows us an award winning piece that he entered in an OrigamiUSA competition. Named the “Winged Devil”, the 360-fold work of art took him four hours to complete. Very moving, heart-felt presentation. Joey has autism and uses paper-folding as a way to stay calm and function. Another amazing story.
Hal Becker specializes in photographing our public safety officers and military. Hal has used his technical skills and artistic eye to capture the people behind law enforcement, honoring them for their service. It was amazing to see all of the places Hal has been in pursuit of his craft and to experience his journey through his pictures. Awesome!
Francoise Maricle was born two months prematurely in a Japanese internment camp in Indonesia during World War II. She was in three different camps with her mother and older brother for the next three years. She survived in spite of the horrible physical and mental conditions. This is an amazing story and presentation!
Francoise Maricle Author 17831 N Del Webb Blvd. Sun City, AZ 85373 623-972-3168 fmaricle2008@gmail.com
Cruising the Oceans
Justin, from Astonishing Families, provided us with a thought provoking presentation about his Mind 4 Money program. It was excellent! Wealth is about attitude. Justin uses his skills to help families change their attitudes towards their finances, become grounded, and turn their lives around. Very useful information.
A few years ago, Bobbi went on a short cruise with her daughter and immediately fell in love with cruising. Now, with several cruises under her belt, she has put together an informative presentation showing what you can expect. Geared for the novice as well as the seasoned traveler, her insight and perspective will have you longing for the high seas. Focus will be on her voyage aboard the Oasis of the Seas, the world’s largest cruise ship. Great pictures!
Save the Family Tim Lidster Director of Community Outreach 450 W. 4th Place Mesa, AZ 85201 480-898-0228 x 245 timl@savethefamily.org
Last year, Save the Family served 195 families including 393 children in its Transitional Living Program and an additional 114 families with 226 children in its Affordable Rental Program, and through an outreach of local schools, Save the Family served an additional 2500 youths.
College Depot Janet Reno - Director 1221 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85004 602-262-7783 Fax 602-495-0177
judy.reno@phoenix.gov www.phoenix.gov/collegedepot
A collaborative effort between the City of Phoenix and several private partners, it is located in the Burton Barr Library, near the library’s “Teen Club.” They provide a complete range of support services, from encouraging kids to consider college, to helping them with their applications and tests, and providing support.
Fill the Bookshelves in Fiji These two Pat Tillman Scholars from ASU are arranging to Nicolette Lewis Mailai Echeverria
send a load of books to school children on a remote island in Fiji. A vacationing Chandler teacher discovered the severe need for reading material and started collecting books. Nikki & Mailai accepted the challenge and want to make this happen. Very interesting. This is an area which is often forgotten yet has some real issues that can easily be corrected.
(Waiting for updated contact information)
Desert Sounds Performing Arts Jenny Crews President PO Box 7526 Chandler, AZ 85246 480-304-4762 480-699-6902 info@desertSounds.org
Phoenix Police Missing Persons Unit Sgt. Bryan Chapman 2120 N Central Ave. Phoenix AZ 85004 602-262-4088 bryan.chapman@phoenix.gov
Desert Sounds Performing Arts, Inc. is an organization of local community residents who know the benefits of participating in the arts, both personally and professionally. Their goal is to provide underserved children access to school band and orchestra programs, lessons and performance opportunities
Sgt. Chapman provided us with a conprehensive, fascinating behindthe-scene look at the Phoenix Police Department’s Missing Persons Unit. We learned about how well the Amber Alert system works and reviewed the facts and data pertaining to missing individuals. The presentation was so good, everyone stayed late to hear more. Sgt. Chapman is a captivating speaker and really knows his material well. Especially useful were his hints for parents/grandparents.
India James Freeman Past District Governor 3160 E. Main St., Lot 42 Mesa, AZ 85213 623-640-6201 jram@q.com
Lauren’s Institute for Education Margaret Travillon Co-Founder and CEO 3341 E. Queen Creek Road, Suite 109 Gilbert, AZ 85297 480-621-8361x207 Fax: 480-621-8513
East Valley Rotaract Laura Zilverberg North Tempe Multigenerational Center
1555 N Bridalwreath St, Tempe, AZ 85281480-463-4886 evrotaract@gmail.com
PDG Jim blended pictures, slides, and items from his numerous trips overseas with wonderful stories of his experiences. Although his primary focus for the presentation was on his visits to projects that were funded by Rotarian Matching Grants, he also covered political, cultural, and economic concerns in the area. PDG Jim easily captivated us with his passion for the people of the region. Good talk!
Lauren’s Institute for Education (L.I.F.E.) is a special place for developmentally disabled children. They offer a variety of therapies that nurture each individual child's overall growth to improve their quality of life and the lives of their family members. Their 11,000 square-foot facility is state of the art with 20 rooms for specialized therapy, an outdoor patio, staff offices, observation rooms and much more! A great program!
The East Valley Rotaract Club is a community-based club sponsored by the Paradise Valley Rotary Club. The Club is extremely active and involved in their community. They are known for their creative fundraising projects and high energy level. It’s always a treat to hear about their current activities. Good job!
The Mutual UFO Network is one of the oldest and largest UFO investigative organizations in the United States. Their Mission Statement is the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity through investigations, research and education. It was very interesting to hear and ask questions about the “Phoenix lights” and other regional sightings. It’s almost like having your own X-Files speak to your meeting.
MUFON Mutual UFO Network Stacey Wright & Jim Mann State Section Directors Jim@PhoenixMUFON.com Stacey@PhoenixMUFON.com
"It is my Purpose to serve as flesh-and-blood proof that patterns can be broken, and to assist others in breaking their own limiting patterns of thought that keep them stuck in circumstances that are unsatisfying, or maybe even painful. I believe that every person on this planet deserves to live a life they can love, and it is my Purpose to assist them in doing so."
Neutralize your "programming" and start LIVING your life!
Sandra Anne Daly Author and Certified Life Mastery Consultant www.chooseyouruniverse.com
Native American Connection
Their philosophy and services are grounded in Native American cultural and spiritual values, with a deep sense of purpose. They serve a variety of individuals and families in a wide-range of services - from homeless men or women seeking recovery in hopes of becoming clean and sober and reuniting with their children and families to working families looking for affordable housing or pursuing the path to homeownership.
Melissa Arellano Valazquez Marketing Coordinator 4520 N Central Avenue, Suite 600 Phoenix, Arizona 85012 P: 602.254.3247 F: 602.256.7356 m.arellano@nativeconnections.org
A. T. Stills University Dr. Jack Dillenberg Dean 5850 E. Still Circle Mesa, AZ 85206 480-219-6000 jdillenberg@atsu.edu
The mission of the Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health is to educate caring, technologically adept dentists who become community and educational leaders serving those in need, and to be the leader in the lifelong education of community responsive general dentists. This program is heavily vested in community service. VERY impressive!
Southwest Bureau of Economics Bryce Wilson and Steven Bustamante History of American Coins 3918 E Stanford Avenue Gilbert, Az 85234 888-399-4690 lazardsb@yahoo.com
The Centers for Habilitation Dawn Hocking Development/HR Specialist 215 West Lodge Drive Tempe, Arizona 85283-3652 480-730-4221 Fax: 480-730-5214 DawnHocking@tch-az.com
Positive Network Alliance Patrick de Haan, MAPC President & CEO 3629 W Camino Real Glendale AZ 85310 623-326-7951 patrick@pnacentral.org
We received a fascinating half hour review of the history of American coins and currency. Covering everything from the Coinage Act of 1792 to the Gold Standard Act of 1900 and current trends and conditions, this was a most informative lecture. We also enjoyed looking at the many historic coins they brought with them.
TCH provides services for individuals in every stage of life. From early intervention for infants and toddlers to senior recreation programs, from at-home attendant care to community employment supports, TCH meets the needs of individuals with disabilities. The TCH mission-empowering people with disabilities-is evident in all programs.
PNA serves impoverished and homeless children from PK-3rd grade through their Christmas Tree Project. They also serve the children of our deployed troops through their National Gratitude Project. They are active 365 days a year, so you don’t have to wait until December to have a visit from the real Santa Claus!