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In order to illustrate the essence of each case in a more accurate way, this book has systematically deconstructed every aspect of the home design that refers to space, structure, interface, decoration as well as special areas. Each of the case is illustrated detailedly from the point of functional area, besides, descriptive text and the corresponding plan vividly recur the transformation from plane to space, from the abstract to the intuition. Reading along the layout of the book, readers not only find inspiration from the cases, but also would experience the peculiarity of the home design and enjoy the tactile sensation of the textured space.


Home design combines the essence of architecture and art, and designers do their best to find the new ways in the various contradictions and conflicts to perfectly express their understanding of space and the owners’ initial imagination. At the same time, each case built always contains many certain or uncertain factors that refer to the furnishings or even space composition. Each of these factors seems to tell a never ending story and records people’s feeling of excitement, confusion, recalling and longing. It is precisely because of these vivid emotional experiences that make home design to be charming and attractive.

100 HOME DESIGN PRINCIPLES 家居设计法则100 高巍/编

贺丽 代伟楠/译

家居设计融合了建筑与艺术的精华,设计师们尽其所能的在各种矛盾与冲突中找到新的折中方法表达出自身对于空间 的理解以及业主们最纯真的幻象。同时,每项建成的家居案例都包含了许多确定或不确定性的因素,大到空间的构 图,小到装饰陈设都有着一段说不完的故事,在它们的背后记录着人们的激动与困惑、追忆与向往。正是因为这些鲜 活的情感体验才使得家居设计拥有迷人的魅力,令人神往。 为了更加真实准确的还原家居案例的实质,本书从空间、构造、界面、装饰以及特殊区域等方面将家居设计所涵盖的 范围逐一解构,并且在每个案例的介绍上将功能区一一细分,用描述性的文字和对应的平面图生动的再现出从平面到 空间、从抽象到直观的转变过程。 沿着本书的编排方式阅读,除了能够找到方案上的灵感之外,更能体验到一种家居设计的独特性,一种能够引发触摸 的质感体验。

辽宁科学技术 出版社 辽宁科学技术出版社

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