Manuale inglese

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REGISTRATION Fill the form Choose your options Verify your data Your personal account

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Step by step Verify your registration

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Image requirements How to set your files How to send your images Uploading your images Verify your submission

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REGISTRATION: Fill the form Registration can only be done throught the official website Registrations sent on paper or via email won’t be accepted. Once registration is done the user receives their author code, which is fundamental for logging in. Images should be sent by uploading them through the form found in the Submission page under the Participate button. Images receive a special code. Once they are in our servers they remain anonymous so judges can’t tell who the authors are. To begin click on the Participate button

Choose a state only if you live in Italy

Phone numbers are not mandatory, but highly advisable

Please enter a valid e-mail, or you won’t be able to complete your registration.

Registration Click on STEP 1 to fill the registration form

First step is filling out the form with your information

REGISTRATION: choose your options Select a method to send your images The author can can upload his images on our servers using the form (recommended method) or send them to our offices on a DVD, CD or USB stick (non-returnable). If the latter option is chosen you will have to download the form, print it and fill it out. Once it’s complete you can send it to the address indicated on the website.

Pre-ordering the catalog The pre-order is not mandatory. Participants can pre-order a catalog for 14 euros instead of 30, plus the shipping costs. The system calculates the exact amount depending on the country of destination. For Italy the shipping is 4 euro.

Payment specifications The participation fee is 24 euros (12 euros if the author is entering the kid section.) Although the payment is made only after sending the author’s registration, on this step you must indicate what will be your preferred method of payment. If after sending the registration form you want to send the payment using a different methrod from that which was indicated please let us know in an email sent to:

Data consent It’s important that you accept the law protected declaration about the treatment of your personal data.

Registration will be considered completed once the participation fee is received. It is possible to upload the authors photos on our even in the absence of payment, these photos will be allowed to compete only with the balance of the share.

Use of images All my pictures and all the image rights are my property, nevertheless I hereby give permission to organizers to use them, but not exclusively, for the following reasons: publishing of the official catalogue of the contest, photographic exhibition, publishing online, realization of an audiovisual presentation about the contest, publishing in OASIS magazine and, relating winning pictures, release of the news to the press and online. Each use of the images shall be referred to the contest anyway and every time the author shall be credited. Other uses are not allowed. To register, the competitor shall accept all the rules about the use of the images participanting to the contest.

Control code Type the code in the small box below the image and submit your form.

REGISTRATION: verify your data Overview Once you’ve clicked on the Submit button on the bottom of the registration form, and before your information is sent, you’ll see a page containing the data you are submitting. Please verify and make sure that everything you’re sending is correct. If not, click on the Back button. When you send your form you will receive an email containing important information, such as your user code and password. Please check your spam folder in case you don’t find the email in the Inbox.

STEP 1 Control your information.

The email contains your author code and password, necessary to have acces to your personal page and the links to make the payment.

REGISTRATION: your personal account On the email you will find a link to login to your page to send your images. Enter the code and the password you received. If you have any problems with the login, try copying and pasting. Sometimes some characters are misinterpreted. Ie: the capital “i” can look like a lower case “L”, the letter “o” can look like the number zero and vice versa. These simple errors can be the cause of the most common login problems. Other login problems and errors include double registration. Please keep your code and, if possible, don’t create more than one account. If you want to cancel your current account and create another one, please send us an email to:

Login to your personal page in order to send your images.

How to send your Payment The email you will receive from us contains 2 links. The first link will direct you to CartaSÏ and it’s meant for users that want to pay by credit card. For other payment methods, including Paypal, you can click on the second link.

These two payment links can also be found in your personal page on the website. You can log in your personal account with your code and password. To access your personal account go back to the main registration menu and click on STEP 3

In addition to the links to make the payment, the email you receive contains your author code and password.

How to send your Payment To find out more about other payment methods that we accept click on the link found in your email or simply click on STEP 3 on the wesbite and log in using your code and password .

How to send your Payment There are three main methods to send the payment online: - Credit card - Paypal - Bank money transfer and two offline methods - Bank money transfer - Postal money orders

To learn how to pay with your credit card go to page 5 To pay with Paypal go to STEP 2: Payment and click on the Paypal button found on the page.

Electronic bank transfer, use the information you find for traditional bank

NOTE ur Once you sent yo might participation fee, it switch take 1 to 2 days to us from your payment stat gistered not registered to re

Bank transfer: Beneficiary: AITN Cuneo Address: Via Aldo Moro 12 - 12051- Alba CN Bank: Banca Carige sede Alba IBAN: IT59 Q034 3122 5000 0000 6296 880 Codice Bik o Swift code: CARI ITG1 297 Description of payment: Oasis PhotoContest Registration: Please don’t forget to include your author code Postal money orders, at the moment accepting money orders only from Italy. Procure a money order at a post office and fill it out as follows: Numero Conto Corrente: 971 9833 Intestato a: AITN - via Fornace Sorba 2 Alba CN Causale: Iscrizione Oasis PhotoContest Concorrente: insert your author code in here.

Payment registration Once the payment has been sent you will receive a notification that the payment was sent, regardless of the method you choose - CartaSì and Paypal will send you an email. - If you pay by money order or money transfer you will always have a receipt that you should keep. In this way you know the payment was sent. Asking us for further confirmation won’t be necessary so we ask you to avoid sending us email if that is the only question you have. You’ll find the status of your payment on your personal page. If the payment was not made the images won’t be accepted for the competition.

Registration on hold If you log on to your control panel to upload your images, you will find this text, it means that your payment has yet to be registered. However If you’ve sent your payment, this doesn’t mean that it wasn’t received. Keep in mind that the registration of payments usually takes 1-2 days. Registration of payments sent offline might take more than 2 days. The switch of payment status from unpaid to paid does not happen automatically like it does on auction websites. You can send your images even if you see the unregistered payment notification, but your images won’t be admitted to the competition until you see on your control panel that your payment was registered

Successful registration If you log on to your control panel on STEP 3 and you find a notification indicating that your payment has been successful registered, it means that all your images have been accepted to the competition

Image requirements Each competitor can participate in one or more sections. For each section the maximum number of entries is 3 images, with the exception of the section Storyboard which allows a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 images. The photographs must be sent as digital files. Photos shot with film will be accepted, however they must be digitalized in the required format prior to submission.

The addition, duplication, deletion or moving of objects in pictures won't be accepted, nor will the use of artistic digital filters and effects. Authors must keep the original files, as produced by the camera, in RAW, TIFF, JPG, or DNG format, or as negatives or slide films. The author will be asked to send the original files if necessary. If the author didn't keep the RAW or DNG files, they will have to present the shots that followed and preceded the image in question.

Photos are expected to be sent in high resolution (300 dpi.) When printed the shorter side must be at least 15 cm (6 inches), or 1800 pi- If the author fails to provide the jury with any of xels. All works must show an accurate reflection the previously mentioned files, the submitted of the subject and the scene just as they appea- photo might be disqualified. red to the author at the moment of shooting. Digitally altered photos that were modified beyond optimization purposes will be disqualified. Adjustments of color, contrast, brightness and sharpness, removal of dust and scratches and cutting are accepted.

Preparing your images When preparing files to send to the contest please bear in mind the limits of post production operations allowed following to the rules and regulations of the contest and avoid major manipulation of pixels.

In print the shorter side of the image should have a width of 15 cm (6 inches). All works must show an accurate reflection of the subject and the scene just as they appeared to the author at the moment of shooting.

Clonature, cancellation, duplication of pixels The jury will examine the photographs without are not allowed. considering the authors, this means the authors will remain anonymous until the winning Adjustments of color, contrast, brightness and works are selected. Please bear this in mind sharpness are accepted as long as it’s not when you submit your images and do not add overused or exaggerated. any signatures, logos or graphic elements that could identify you as the author. Heavy interventions such as excessive airbrush will be considered a negavite point by Photos that have been digitally altered beyond the Jury. standard optimization will be disqualified. Photos are expected to be sent in high resolu- The preferred format for files is jpg. Tiff and tion, this means that images should be saved eps files are also accepted. with 300 pixels of resolution at the very least.

How to send your images Re-naming files (only if sending via traditional mail) When you upload your images on the website The author code is the code you receive right the system automatically renames your files. It’s after sending your registration. It is unique and no use renaming your digital files if you upload it is made by the system. It consists of a letter them on our servers. You would only need to and three digits ie: e213. The only way of getting upload them using your personal account on your author code is by registrating yourself to the contest. Registration can only be done on However, if you intend to send your images through traditional mail either on a CD, DVD, or The letter indicates the section you’re submitting USB flash drive, it is necessary that you ma- your image under. Every section is represented nually rename your files following the system’s by a specific letter*.The number inditates the progressive number of that particular file. For inway. steance, if you submit more than one image So in this case files must be renamed indivi- under the same section, the first will get the number 1, the second the number 2 and so on. dually following the pattern we present here: Author code + underscore, low dash + sectio You can submit 3 images per section, except for numer + number of the photo. Please don’t add ‘Storyboard’ which allows 9 images. any spaces. You can send your files to: AITN, Via Sorba 2, 12051, ALBA (CN) Italy AUTHOR CODE UNDERSCORE


e213_A3 NUMBER OF YOUR IMAGE File naming example














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Uploading your images Photo title Every picture that you send is expected to have title and a short caption. The TITLE of the photo is completely up to the author. Usually the title of the work is linked to the subject that inspired the author.

Information about your photo the DESCRIPTION should be written below the title. It should be a brief description of the image, perhaps with relevant information about the picture, ie: the subject, location or moment of shooting, and any other information that the author would like to give always regarding the picture.

Image upload button Simply click on the button that reads ‘Search’ and select the file that you want to send. Click on the Search button to select the file you want to submit to the contest. The maximum weight allowed is 20 MB per photograph, but we stronly suggest that the files you send are not heavier than 4 MB (per image.)Heavier files will result in a long and tedius uploading process. Keep in mind that ADSL connections might be fast when downloading files, but very slow when uploading them on the net. We recommend not to wait until the last day to send your images as our servers might become very slow due to the amount on users sending on that day .

Scegli il file Click on the button that reads “Scegli il file” to look your for file. Once you’ve selected it you should see the name of your file .

Invia file Click on “Invia File” to upload your selected file and please wait until the window is closed. When you are ready to send your file or files simply click on Send Images If you don’t click on “Send Images” your files won’t be uploaded on our servers

Confirmation page If your files we successfully sent, you will be automatically redirected to the confirmation page. Once you’ve sent your first images you can always go back to your control panel and send more images.

Verify your submission Once your images were uploaded you can see them on your control panel. You might want to make sure that the files sent correspond to the photographs you wanted to submit. If you made a mistake sending the wrong file, changed your mind about the photo you want to submit, or got an error during the uploading process you can ask us for the removal of said image. Our webmaster will delete the photo you want to cancel or replace it with a new photo.

MODEL OF CANCELLATION REQUEST I, (name of the author) contestant of Oasis photocontest registered with author code: (insert author code) password: (insert password) hereby ask for the removal of the file sent under the (insert section) category, in posizion (1, 2 or 3) Signature: Send your request to:

Above you can see the picture P1 was uploaded with a title and a description under the landscape section. The ‘Search’ field disappears. You can see the file you uploaded by clicking on ‘See Image’. The second picture P2 is missing its title and description. It's always possible to change the title and description of images. Once you’re ready to send your files click on ‘Send images’. However you can’t change or delete uploaded files. If you want to do so please get in contact with us.

ur pictures You can upload yo at different times. is Deadline for entries December 31 delete the If you would like to itted, send picture you’ve subm est a cancellation requ

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