Year II - N.13 - 23 pages
Ibagué, July of 2010
L inking D istances UNAD monthly publication of South Zone
On July 7 of this year the celebration of 29 years of creation of UNAD in the auditorium and the Concha Acustica of José Celestino Mutis National Headquarters, located in the city of Bogotá. The event was attended by the entire family that was present through different media, web c o n f e r e n c e , R U V, N o t i U n o , institutional Facebook among others, special guests from the government of countries like Israel, Spain and France also attended. These people with the Rector of UNAD, Dr. Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador, guided the
Holders 25 YEARS OF CEAD PITALITO By: Jorge Eliecer Cruz Ortiz Director CEAD Pitalito On 25 and June 26, the South celebrated 25 years of institutional presence in this region took care to include in the Cead Pitalito, which was the first to be created in this territory. Page 16
Panel of Internationalization and subsequently signed agreements with these countries generating multicultural learning spaces, breaking the geographical barriers and showing that today, UNAD is a leader in open and distance education in virtual and access to quality higher education. As part of the event was the launch of the Second World Conference on Distance Education to be held in Cartagena de Indias with the celebration of 30 years of our institution, also a Maestro Edgar Morin documentary was presented, who was visiting Colombia, at the end there was a musical intervention and a toast.
prospective thinking, leadership and social commitment to the UNAD projected as one of the Mega Universities of the World thus contributing to the fulfillment of the ideal of country we all dream. CCCCCCCCC
ÍNDEX EDITORIAL .............................................2 SCHOOL DAY .........................................3 RESEARCH AND REGION ....................8 SOCIAL IMPACT COMMUNITY .............9 VIMEDIOS ............................................11 TECNO-TIPS ........................................15 SPECIAL EDITION ...............................16
Congratulations to all UNAD and foremost, our Rector, who with his
WELFARE ............................................19 ENTERTAINMENT ...............................21
STATE OF THE ART OF THE TRANSFORMATION, MARKETING AND USE OF NATURAL PRODUCTS IN COLOMBIA By: Specialist Milena Alcócer Tocora Coordinator Zonal investigation Director Group GIEPRONAL Student Edna Patricia Buitrago Méndez Member Semillero SEPRON Currently, it is worrying to see in Colombia, the large number of people who use "natural Page 8 remedies"...
ENTREPRENEURSHIP .... FROM A DREAM TO FAILURE By: Arnulfo García Cabezas Tutor ECACEN CEAD Ibagué It is possible that by the head of many students and professionals of the UNAD, round the idea of setting up an own business, either because they have entrepreneurial spirit or see this option as an alternative to develop their life project. Page 7
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Linking Distances Direction
Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado Director South Zone UNAD Node Ibagué
Gloria Isabel Vargas H.
Editorial Board Pedro Uriel Rojas Gualteros Victoria E. Hernández Alejandro Méndez Óscar Luna Riojas Danilo Bonilla John Fredy Montes Juan Carlos Mojica Milena Alcócer Néstor Ramos
Coordination Doris Edith Rojas celis
On 25 and 26 June to commemorate 25 years of CEAD Pitalito, an event that began with the Supreme Council meeting in the middle and the presence of the Governor of Huila Department. Each of the activities made clear the position of our university in the region and the leadership of those who have given life to our education, highlighting the forum "Educational Use of ICT in Education: ingenuity and creativity to educational inclusion", the holding of grades, awards at CEAD Pitalito by various public and private institutions and the National Headquarters of the UNAD. Also awards were handed the best staff in the South Zone by our Principal Dr. Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador, an act that validates and recognizes the outstanding performance of our teammates, fundamental institutional positioning. As part of this great celebration took place on Sanpedrito Unadista, traditional event in our Area, with the participation of candidates from each of our centers; directors, academics, administrative, students, graduates and community. We join in this cultural event which strengthens our roots and makes us part through music, drums and
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
July of 2010
traditional dances identifying our people and the essence of who we are.
Carlos Darío Granada Henry Carvajal Argote Liliana Eugenia Álvarez Jorge Hugo Hernández V.
A large parade through the main streets of Pitalito, left in the memory of Laboyanos the presence of UNAD South Zone, united and participating in this great celebration. This great celebration was completed with the election and coronation ceremony of our new zonal queen, Miss Diana Carolina Machado Neiva CCAV, who received the crown from the hands of Miss Florence, which as an incentive to students engaged and committed to their project and his college.
Media Room UNAD CEAD Ibagué Street 34 No. 9A-26 neighborhood San Simón Parte Baja Phone (8) 2654385 - 2658107 - 2658337 2658380 - 2658287 Fax 2647953. email:
Edition, Desing and Layout
virtual daily edition of "Linking Distances" is also published in English, "Linking Distances" in compliance with one of our functions substantive "Internationalization" in this way the South Zone contributes to the consolidation of our educational project abroad, such as learning organization and designed to impact the world for its educational quality, outreach and access to higher education. The brilliant work of translating the virtual newspaper each month is accomplished through the efforts and dedication of the School of Education Science and Tutors of the South Zone. ccccccccccccccc
Inside this edition you will find all the extended information of each and every one of the events held and its key players, recognizing the leadership of Dr. Jorge Eliecer Cruz director of Pitalito CEAD and his team, who stopped hosting the name of the UNAD high, likewise the Southern Supreme Council thanked the honorable, our Rector y managers who gave us their support and commitment to this region in the south of the country in fulfillment of our Enjoy this edition prepared for all academic project educational and o f y o u w i t h 0 t h e m o s t institutional purposes. representative of our South Zone... Dear Readers, do not forget that our
THE WORLD OF LIFE1: THE FOUNDATION OF THE HUMAN BEING IN SCIENCE By: Luz Margery Motta Polo Tutor ECSAH CCAV Neiva The World of Life is where it arises and is based not only science but that is where the man makes sense of its manifestations and expressions. This is where everything is born and some scientific knowledge, as Husserl (1962: 143) "As in other projects, the practical interests and achievements of these belong to the world of life, as assume and enrich it in action; and in this way, this also applies to science as a project and human praxis". That is, of all the different interpretations of reality have been made, daily life is central to the analysis in the social sciences, but it is worth clarifying that the reality of the world of everyday life is just an analysis level of the real. I shall start by saying, that daily life is where we appropriate sense, the interpretations and ways of acting; we become part of a society and a culture and, at the same time, designing new ways, new social practices and new ways of relating. To the social scientist is the best "laboratory" study which takes the inputs for pre comprehend, understand and reproduce the power relations that there are woven into the social life linked and connected by language and action.
Berger and Luckman, stated: "The world of everyday life not only takes for granted as reality by the ordinary members of society in the subjectively meaningful conduct of their lives. It is a world that originates in their thoughts and actions, and that is sustained as real by them"3. Then to cover the present of my life, either as a social actor or researcher of a reality, it involves the most immediate level of perception that I have about things around me and even about myself, which undoubtedly makes it difficult to obtain necessary distance required by the process of reflection and analysis that is done on things. However, the reality of everyday life does not move only in the limited time of me here and me now but also involves different degrees of proximity and distance both spatial and temporal. No doubt the closest thing to me is the area of daily life directly accessible to my body manipulation; this area contains the world that is within my reach, which I develop for example when I work. However there are other levels of everyday life or the life-world calling proposed by Habermas4, who says that consists of culture, society and
personality, each of these items refers to interpretive guidelines or basic assumptions about culture and its influence on the action, appropriate patterns of social relations (society) and the mode of being of people (personality) and behaving. For Habermas, these structures are reproduced by three fundamental ways: the functional aspect of understanding, it is, the continuation of valid knowledge, tradition and renewal of cultural knowledge; the coordination aspect of the action, or stabilization of solidarity groups, and the aspect of socialization, or training of actors able to answer for their actions. Each of the main components of the (1)The world of life or the daily life will mean the same. (2)RITZER, George. Contemporary Sociological Theories. Editorial Mc Graw Hill. Spain. 1993. Page 293. (3)BERGER, Peter y LUCKMANN, Thomas. The social building of reality. Amorrurtu Editors. Buenos Aires. 1994. (4)JĂœNGER. Habermas. The need of checking the left. Tecnos, 1991. Page 125.
Without a doubt, we must take into account that around everyday life, is that it is presented as an ordered reality, that is, "the actor perceives social reality as independent of his own apprehension"2. In other words, reality is presented as something external to its individuality also is imposed. From this point of view, it is not possible to question the reality of everyday life, not only because we consider it as already objectified, but because we live in it comfortably. And it is here, where we do our own actions. Which means to challenge our own way of acting and thinking.
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life world has its corresponding elements in the system. The cultural production, social integration and the formation of personality take place at the system level. cccccccccc The perspective of social integration focuses on the world of life and the ways in which the action system is integrated through a statutorily guaranteed or reached consensus through communication. So some theorists believe that society is formed by the Social Inclusion of communicative action and consider the company as the world of life. Adopting the internal perspective - the members of the group and employ a hermeneutic - to be able to relate their understanding with the members of the life world. The constant reproduction of society is considered, then, as a result of actions by members of the lifeworld to maintain their symbolic structures. In this sense it is important to understand that the common objectifications of daily life are supported primarily by the linguistic significance. Therefore, the understanding of language is essential to any understanding of the reality of everyday life is from our eyes as a member of society or interpret it. Another aspect that is important to note to understand the different elements that shape the reality of everyday life, is that I share with others and not simply a
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
July of 2010
subjective construction. Others who act along with me to do so within the same framework of objectification those accept and from which order and organize their own lives. "What is important is that there is an ongoing correspondence between my meanings and their meanings in this world, we share a common sense of reality"5. cccccccccccccccc However, there are situations or visions depending on the role in society, whether as social and / or researcher, which features around the management of reality (such as aesthetic and religious experience) divert attention from the reality of everyday life. That is, for a specific time, are allowed to participate in these experiences away from the hoarder world that constitutes the reality of everyday life, making it possible for the enjoyment of views different to his conscience. Once lived the experience, the reality of everyday life, welcomes and integrates within its parameters the information provided by the experience and re-focus the attention of individuals in their own daily routines. Ultimately what occurs is an exercise of translating the human experience and research, which passes through
the language, which allows the system reinterpret vulgar or scientific knowledge, which is used in common way everyday life and it is the ability to integrate and assimilate experiences is what makes the reality of everyday life, a flexible reality, which fits to the various factors that come externally, thus ensuring its continuity and permanence. (5)BERGER, Peter and LUCKMANN, Thomas. The social construction of reality. Amorrurtu Editors. Buenos Aires. 1994. Bibliography: CCCCCcccccccccccccccc Luckmann, Thomas. Knowledge and Society. Essays on action, religion and communication. Editorial Trotta, Madrid, 2008. Cap. 1 and 6. ccccccccccccccccccc
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TIPS FOR LEARNING ENGLISH By: Carlos DarĂo Granada Bedoya Tutor ECE CEAD Florencia There is no doubt that mastery of a second language brings a wealth of benefits that allow for excellent personal and professional development in Colombia has opted for the English language for reasons that are obvious. Many government programs tend to promote teaching and learning of English as a second language, example is the bilingual program of the ministry of national education (MEN), which want to implement such education from the earliest stages of learning, specifically from teaching in the first childhood.
specifically English-speaking channels, activating the "close caption" your TV to appreciate the subtitling of films or series to see, but this aid was created for the deaf allow to know the proper pronunciation of English words acquire a fluid product of the review of actual dialogue.
in PDF format for later printing, it is important to always have a bilingual dictionary that allows you to see those words that does not recognize it possible to expand your Recognizing the importance of today's 2. Development of written vocabulary. English proficiency have made a expression through the number of tips to encourage the use of i n t e g r a t i o n o f I C Ts . English in our daily activities in order to enable practical use of this language and thus consolidate the knowledge To practice their English writing can acquired in English courses 0, I, II and be put in contact with English III given in the various undergraduate speakers through the Internet, for programs of the National Open which it can use social networks like University and Distance (UNAD). facebook, hi5, twitter or establish At the next opportunity I will be providing These tips are a product of my own c o n t a c t w i t h t h e m t h r o u g h further advice to enable them to practice learning experience and proficiency in messenger programs such as their English and thus consolidate the English given that a degree in English M e s s e n g e r S k y p e , t h i s w i l l knowledge acquired during the course of because during my time at university I communicate fluently strengthening English 0, I, II and III, I hope to put into had the same issues that many their knowledge in sentence practice these first three tips that I know will students have the time to start learning construction and translation of the give good results so they can develop fluency in English and well structured. and practice language in Colombia. I same. hope these tips help you in learning Until the next opportunity. this beautiful language 1. Practice English in their daily lives. It is important for learning English is concerned that language linking the various activities of our life, which I recommend to label objects with the name commonly used in English and Spanish, this will enable them to acquire a good vocabulary to them assist in the construction of sentences and the translation of texts. It is equally good when watching television,
3. Encourage the reading of articles and books in English. To stimulate and strengthen their understanding of English is ideal to develop the habit of reading books or articles written in this language, for which you can purchase books or download articles in English on various portals such as newspapers or magazines in English-speaking the downloads of books and articles
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
July of 2010
Page 6 STEAM MACHINE COLTAN INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION THROUGH TIME By: Augusto Castro Triana Industrial Engineering Coordinator – UNAD CEAD Ibagué ¡It is closer to our lives than we imagine! It's with us in the phones, portable computers, in home medical implants and additional countless applications; but also close to our children in their areas of fun to interact with video games and many other manifestations that offers the portfolio of entertainment in the modern world. And beyond our reach, in laboratories, manufacturing facilities and highly specialized industries, such as aerospace and technology for magnetic levitation high-speed trains.
¡The Coltan! It is an unique mineral with special properties is prompting new alternative, breaking old scientific paradigms and opening huge potential for modern life, according to the hungry humanity ever innovative products that will enable new and more productive options and simultaneously offered comfort and ergonomic features characteristic of modern times. If we review the history of the Industry, we find that in their development there have been various points in time, which dramatically influenced to modify the provisions so far, adding many new sources of value to what has been achieved; this is how First Industrial Revolution redirected the
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July of 2010
industrial materials traditionally used in various high-tech manufacturing processes. And its features are so shocking that the scientific community and media have widely reported its existence, its characteristics, benefits and huge projections over time, giving it an almost romantic fiction and its existence and operation in deposits What could one expect from this momentous technological innovation? made out in special points of our Any attempt to answer that may fall short planet, including in Colombia. of the changes in social and economic There is terms, since it was the very life of the much of the people that changed since then. Then, in f u t u r e , at the twentieth century the trigger of a new least in the processing and of course by way of a short and Second Industrial Revolution was the medium term Computer, with which the Industry once Technology. again potencialized its scope in terms of Most likely people, popularizing the reduction from the Industrial cost, products that otherwise might never Revolution have been acquired by the population will be repeated sequentially with massively. different elements and motifs, impacting the economy, increasing the Automation and robotics are two of its efficiency of production processes and m a j o r promoting that every time the manifestations, coverage of goods and services have but not the only longer ranges in quality and in quantity ones with which to benefit people world. mass production, designed early last century as a positive result of t h e F i r s t Industrial Revolution, again optimized production processes. course of human history and the split into a "before" and "after", from the productive use of the steam engine as a generator of alternative energy in the low force produced by the man, animals and tools known at that time, in the late eighteenth century.
The Coltan, mentioned at the beginning of this writing, has very special characteristics in a short time for research in scientific terms, has replaced
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By: Arnulfo GarcĂa Cabezas Tutor ECACEN CEAD IbaguĂŠ
It is possible that by the head of many students and professionals of the UNAD, round the idea of setting up an own business, either because they have entrepreneurial spirit or see this option as an alternative to develop their life project. Start a business, or develop an interesting idea of business is no easy task, but is even more complex, mature it and make it sustainable in time. Entrepreneurship is a decision that cannot be taken lightly. In fact, it is advisable to carefully plan the creation of business, and thus reduce the chance of failure. However, few entrepreneurs who think and projected long-term and many who are are motivated just for the emotion of the experience, not analyzing the implications that encloses entrepreneurship. In fact, the lack of planning, organization and projection, are the main causes affecting the high rate of mortality of micro, small and medium-sized industries.
company with the conviction that it will generate great income money, therefore, concentrate more on producing that in looking at the market, and this is a quite erroneous perception. Therefore, it people tend to learn from the mistake and, unfortunately, the mistakes in business pay very expensive. Under this premise, the absence of planning goes against the development of the project, since it is with the planning that the methodology and the goals can be define d.
Generally, entrepreneurs start their Also, small, medium and microenterprises, do not work guided by specific, measurable and verifiable results. This, and the lack of knowledge of the business, is some frequent explanations for the failure of entrepreneurship initiatives.
are guided very intuitively by what the feel in that moment, and they do everything to "ojĂmetro", but that doesn't always work, and it's a very risky way to manage. It is important to point out, that small businessman nor assume all of the functions, since it is difficult, and weakens the organizational management practice. It is very possible that a business is not sustainable if the entrepreneur is devoted solely to administrative work and stops the development of the product or service. Bearing in mind the previous idea, it is advisable that entrepreneurs train themselves in matters such as finance, marketing strategies, marketing, financial control and planning. If it is possible and necessary, have specialized professionals or associate with people from various areas it can be a viable option because, having specific knowledge and technical skills is not sufficient to successfully carry out an excellent business idea, a multidisciplinary team is the best add-on. The entrepreneur should have financial resources, access to technological resources, as well as have: adequate channels of marketing, qualified manpower, specialized consulting and offer innovative products.
Most of new entrepreneurs do not have financial information flows of cash or costs that reflect the reality of business structure. Generally, they
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STATE OF THE ART OF THE TRANSFORMATION, MARKETING AND USE OF NATURAL PRODUCTS IN COLOMBIA By: Specialist Milena Alcócer Tocora Coordinator Zonal Investigation Director Group GIEPRONAL Student Edna Patricia Buitrago Méndez Member Semillero SEPRON Currently, it is worrying to see in Colombia, the large number of people who use "natural remedies" without knowing the effectiveness of them; in addition the existing pharmaceutical legislation does not have clear parameters regarding the dispensation of natural products. It is important to mention that natural medicines have emerged as a new alternative for the treatment of different conditions and diseases because they have some advantages over synthetic products these benefits are directed toward the biological balance of the active principles generally does not accumulate in the body, and its side effects are limited. However, in despite of increasing research and scientific studies of natural products, no many of the active principles awarded to these products have been proved. The form of collection and conservation of plants is relevant when defining its effectiveness; plant cells suffer transformation as soon as you collect them. Thus separating the air portion of the root causes disruption of food flow and perspiration. Enzymes that favored the formation of active substances when plants were planted; begin to decompose as soon as they are cut off. An improper harvesting and drying increases the
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July of 2010
amount of degradation products, remedies" without knowing the this way the plant loses part of its effectiveness of them; additionally quality. the existing pharmaceutical legislation presents no clear On the other hand, some natural p a r a m e t e r s r e g a r d i n g t h e products with medicinal properties dispensation of products natural. may become toxic if not properly handled. For example, poisoned (1) children, have been reported x.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=38 because they have been given &Itemid=7 “paico”, a herb which is popularly used to to cleanse the stomach but that contains an oil that produces a kidney and liver injury drinks. The natural products of animal origin also subject very used currently, although it is known very little since the animals from which these products originate must meet certain quality standards. In this regard, the group of research in natural products, Etnofarmacología and food GIEPRONAL through the research semillero SEPRON has developed a State of the art oriented toward the analysis of the problems that arise at the lack of knowledge regarding the exploitation of natural products in the country, being common to the majority of Colombians to use "natural
THE REGENT OF PHARMACY, THE COMMUNITY PHARMACIST By: Fabio Alberto Gonzรกlez Salgado Regent of Pharmacy UNAD Technical Director Project Virtual Pharmacy Colombia has made great strides in the health system, and although much work has to be done, until now, it is quite what was accomplished in what corresponds to the guarantee of the quality of service.
it is not in vain for the fact that by 2007, over 50% of the Regents of Pharmacy graduates were from the UNAD and were present in all areas and the country.
One of these advances comes from the end of last century, in relation to the quality of medicines, access to personal service and increasingly well trained. With this, the process to ensure appropriate use of not only drugs, but medical devices, dental equipment, X-rays and alternative therapies has begun.
The modern Regent of Pharmacy means the pharmacy as a dynamic profession, he is not abandoning the
In this process, the Regency of Pharmacy has had a dynamic role that has allowed the growth and professionalism in response to the accelerated pace of globalization and market demands. The Regency of Pharmacy was established in the University of Antioquia in 1967, as interim assistant career Pharmaceutical Chemistry, but after and because of the changes in the industry and the needs of the population, began to be structured as an independent profession, so as to separate training in their 90s, now Pharmaceutical Chemists of the area of science and the Regents of Pharmacy in the area of management, these races, different but complementary, have allowed progress in the pharmaceutical services, particularly in the area hospital and outpatient dependent. It was the National Open University and Distance an important bastion in this new field of the Regency of Pharmacy, by promoting the vision and mission of the profession, at a time, making it more competitive in areas annexed, therefore,
compounding and dispensing as a basis for his activity, but ventures into other fields such as: Quality Management Systems, Supply System, Human Resource Management , Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmacy Practice, Nonformal Education, Patient Support Groups, Marketing and Merchandising, Management of Medical Devices, Medicines Management Alternative Therapies, Enabling Process and Accreditation of Institutions, among others. This dynamism has enabled over time, that the Regency of Pharmacy is strengthened as one of the most promising professions in the coming decades, as well as being a health worker, speech shows a profile as a business administrator specialist
knowledgeable of legislation for the sector, counselor and advisor to the community, etc. The Regent of Pharmacy, from being the assistant of the pharmaceutics, to become a freelance professional who provides support to the doctor, nurse, specialist, dentist and especially the patients and their environment.
For the Regent of Pharmacy, the technologic title is just an academic reference, since being a technologist college preparatory courses noncyclic, is a professional recognition in society, his salary doubled or even tripled to any technologist; unemployment indicators are very low, which in itself evidence of his performance and productivity, and his presence in more than 80% of the pharmaceutical services in the country. There are many challenges, what to do, to visualize, to grow and to face this challenge we have the best support: UNAD. The Regents of Pharmacy are only one, with a harmonized program that strengthens the professional in the workplace, professional and personal. A profession is made from the exercise and demonstrate that every day thousands of people who take this way of life and look after the welfare of patients every day and love what they do.
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UNAD SHINES IN CAQUETA JOURNALISM AWARDS By: Wbeymar Herrera Bilbao Communication Coordination Edilberto Silva Fierro Director UNAD CEAD Florencia
Social communicators, a boost to their efforts: Friday June 25 was celebrated with great enthusiasm the Awards for Journalism "Goddess of Chaira", the highest honor given annually to the Communicators and Journalists of Caquetá, for their effort and dedication to this noble task of communicating and informing the community Caqueta. ccccccccccc Among the nominees and winners, two UNAD Social Communicators attended who have distinguished themselves by their good performance in the local media, they are Angie Alexandra Aldana on TV and Francia Edith Otela on the Radio. Similarly, the Bachelor and Specialist Manuel de La Vega Miranda, Director of RCN Radio Florence and Tutor of Cead UNAD Florence, was awarded the Recognition of Life and Work of a journalist, a well received recognition in the guild for the remarkable work done in the media of Caqueta. ccccccccccccccccccc The event held in the meeting room "Patio Bonito", was attended by personalities from the region as the Governor of Caquetá, the President of the Regional Assembly, the Executive Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Caqueta, Secretary of Government, Government officials
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and the union of Communicators and Journalists of the Department who presented research papers.
cheers and congratulations from the Director of Cead, Dr. Edilberto Silva Fierro and the whole family UNAD of Caqueta.
The works awarded to graduates were: ccccccccccccccccccccccccc Journalism Award Goddess of Chaira to Francia Edith Otela Dizú G r a d u a t e d U N A D Radio mode - "Chronicle of Working Children". ccccccccccccc Journalism Award Goddess of Chaira to Angie Alexandra Aldana G r a d u a t e d U N A D . TV mode - "Organ Donation and Transplantation, life or death decision". ccccccccccccccccccccc These awards belong to two of the four modes which are awarded annually by the department to the best research work in Radio, Newspapers, TV, Photography and demonstrate academic and journalistic quality of the graduates of the Programme of Social Communication of CEAD. They deserve extended applause,
Journalism Awards of Chaira, from left to right Angie Alexandra Aldana, Manuel de La Vega, Francy Edith Otela, German Medina governor of Caqueta, Jose Bocanegra, Wendy Barriosplace Patio Bonito
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We continue Covering the Events of the Southern Zone Correspondent Network By: Engineer John Fredy Montes Coordinator VIMMEP South Zone
During the 25 years old celebration of UNAD in Pitalito – Huila, The Network Correspondent was there with its members: Doris Rojas - Tutor, the professional Julio Cesar Bocanegra and the Social Communication graduates Liliana Merchan and Sigifredo Arias from Ibague CEAD, Wbeymar Herrera - Tutor from Florencia CEAD. It was made a full coverage of that event in areas related to: photography, radio and digital video to save memories of activities on June 25th and 26th 0f 2010. As a result we have obtained some products and created a photo gallery for UVR: interview with Dr. Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador UNAD Rector and Dr. Jorge Eliecer Cruz, Director of CEAD Pitalito; these are important inputs that will be part of transmissions by radio program "Bridging Distances� from the UNAD south zone. We also made a multimedia record of the Folclorito parade on Saturday of June 26th at 2:00 pm, with the participation of each delegations from the area: Ibague, Florencia, Pitalito, Neiva, Mariquita, Libano, La Plata and San Vicente del Caguan. This video was referred to NotiUNAD institutional repository to be included in the program items schedule. Once again the Network correspondent did its part supporting the events covering during the UNAD south zone events.
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Interview to the library service By: Virtual Bulletin 1. Virtual Bulletin. How is the process of modernization of the Library? Wilson Pinto. We are currently in a very good step, since we have implemented the new library services (repository and metasearch), Latin American agreements with secured resources in technology infrastructure, servers, software that support channel and interoperable model for managing content in the environment and the UNAD-learning, which is our contribution to the dream of the megauniversities. It has set up 80 teams to 24 rooms online at CEAD and is a staff of over 300 reference books in the reading rooms increased the number of databases the library to 32 in 2010, and has a greater impact on the consulting income to standardize databases with username and password and intraunit virtual campus, and to integrate all corporate information resources, such as graduates and free in a single search with the goal form. 2. B.V. What has been proposed in the plan to improve the Library UNAD in a short time? W.P. Is running the strengthening of databases the library, improved usability and integration of institutional content, to provide better search experience in the content, and implement better and increased services Web 2.0.
3 B.V. How many users has the UNAD library? W.P. Quantitatively the UNAD Library users exceed expectations large proportion of traditional libraries, such as Virtual, in the case of the Library 2010, 30,000 users, 50%, our community has benefited from this service in a virtual and 15,000 users, or 15%, UNAD community in the traditional way. 4. B.V. What are the goals? W.P. Our mission is to reach all users with the UNAD library services regardless of the limits of space and time by fitting it very quickly to technological innovations in both the traditional and the virtual. 5. B.V. What is missing or has too much the UNAD Library? W.P. The UNAD has a rich potential in the publication of contents in different formats, we are working on the interoperability of these resources from the Library and alfabetizacional training.
At the same time, we update our portfolio, we update our platform and improve the visibility of the institutions, to create and register the institutional repository UNAD in international search engines and to strengthen, support and communication with our librarians zonal.
6. What factors determine the level of a good Virtual Library?
At this moment it´s being making adequate spaces, furniture and equipment for the library network UNAD, preventing once users have all the contents of the UNAD available online, they find in libraries, versatile spaces that complement virtual services overlapping with interactive spaces, based on physical structures that provide the best consultation and learning environments.
W.P. In the case of university libraries has developed the ISO 11 620, which cites the management indicators that measure the usability of the databases, which quantifies the importance they give users to those contained in the consultation and unloading. We also find the indicator registered population in the service and described.ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
July of 2010
Continued from page 12... Interview to the library service Alternatively, consider interesting to relate these with the georeferencing (location) of these, combined with Web support to enable to provide better monitoring their activities for visitors and have inputs for decision making, like knowing what is the service most in demand?, How long is a session? o What are the most commonly used words in queries?, to compare that content is relevant or the most popular of the library and whether these respond or not, this demand for information and remembrance service at the university. *Wilson Manuel Pinto Librarian, is at the forefront of modernization and updating of the sub-platform Virtual Library, repository and meta search engine, is a graduate of the University of Quindio, in agreement with the University of Tolima in 2006, the D I G I TA L D O C U M E N TAT I O N S p e c i a l i s t , Knowledge Management and Information of the External University of Colombia in agreement with the UniversitĂŠ Paul ValĂŠry Montpellier III. 2010
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July of 2010
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The Operational Plan of the South Zone in the OP13, project 34 - Academic Productivity is assumed the important commitment to ensuring that thirty (30) Area directors are certified in OVA diploma and to develop a virtual object in compliance with the guidelines institutional VIMMEP (VicerrectorĂa Educational Media and Mediation). For that and as a mechanism of preparation a device has been designed, it consists of training in areas related to: handling of HTML for creating web pages, basic use of graphical programs such as Microsoft Picture Manager and Firewoks Macromedia, use of basic and free software for audio and video processing and use of Cloud Computing programs for converting documents to PDF. Each topic is addressed each week and implementing projects are presented to measure both the degree of assimilation of the content and skills of tutors. The proposal which is being developed in South Zone began as a pilot test in the CEAD Ibague since 7 July and will end on August 7, it will be of great help to the Tutors and Course Directors, to carry on activities academic of courses they run. Zonal Committee in the next VIMMEP socialize the proposal to be implemented in other centers in South Zone by agreement with the main actors of this training, the tutors and course directors. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
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July of 2010
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TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS, ADVANCES AND DEVELOPMENTS By: CĂŠsar Valencia GIDT San Vicente del CaguĂĄn A computer network, also called network computer or computer network, is a set of computers connected by wires, signals, waves or any other method of transporting data, they share information (files), resources (CD-ROM, printers, etc..), services (Internet access, email, chat, games, etc.). increasing efficiency and productivity of people.
One of the highlights for the manufacturer has been the successful transmission of optical data at a speed of 16.4 Terabit per second over a distance of 2,550 km. This result is a decisive step towards Ethernet systems at 100 Gbit/s, ensuring maximum utilization of the bandwidth of fiber and can cope with future capacity needs. cccccccccccccccccccccccc
Progress in the area of telecommunications have allowed the man to play in a more efficient and this efficiency is largely what has led to new businesses that require higher daily challenges its developers, this Thus, it has been high-impact alternatives over time such as: Internet (electronic mail), fast train, airplane, communication cables (eg fiber optic), cellular telephony, cable TV etc, to the point achieve feats such as those recently achieving "Alcatel-Lucent with a new milestone in optical networks, including a new optical transmission record (41.8 Petabit / and three new photonic integrated circuits. To get an idea 1 petabit is the same as 1,000,000,000,000,000 bits.
And with the emergence of new technologies were implemented new rules to control the transmission of information: FTTx Solution is a generic term for allocating transmission network architectures of high performance, based on optical technology.
A passive optical network PON (Passive Optical Network English) eliminates all active components between the server and client instead introducing passive optical components (passive optical splitters) to guide traffic through the network, whose main element is the optical splitter device (known as splitter). The use of these passive systems significantly reduces the costs and are used in networks FTTH. GPON Passive Optical Network Gigabit Capacity (GPON or Gigabitcapable Passive Optical Network in English).
FTTH (Fiber To The English Home), also known as fiber to the home, is based on the use of fiber optic cables and optical distribution systems adapted to this technology for the delivery of advanced services such as Triple Play: telephony , Internet broadband and television to homes and businesses of subscribers.
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July of 2010
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25 YEARS OF CEAD PITALITO By: Jorge Eliecer Cruz Ortiz Director CEAD Pitalito
On 25 and June 26, the South celebrated 25 years of institutional presence in this region took care to include in the Cead Pitalito, which was the first to be created in this territory. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
of the Board of Governors and directors of the South Zone, in which, 38 were new graduates. Cead of Pitalito, graduated seven business managers, eight software engineers, a pharmacy technologist in regedit, three maintenance engineers, two professional animal husbandry, an agroforestry engineer, and seven psychologists, the Ceres of La Plata, two engineers graduated systems, a psychologist, zootecnista two agroforestry management professionals and business m a n a g e r, a n d t h e s t u d e n t representative to the Board of Governors, Carolina Street Cead of Pasto, who received the title of psychologist.
The presence of the Supreme Council of the UNAD in celebrating the 25th anniversary of Pitalito Cead by the regular meeting held on the morning of June 25, became a sovereign act of institutional commitment is evidenced based and community of the region by the internal agency greater authority in the university, all the counselors and the participation of Doctor Luis Jorge Sanchez Garcia, Governor of Huila, who represents the governors of Colombia on the On the morning of Saturday June 26, council. took out the formal act central to the presence of municipal authorities, The academic forum called the academic community of the "educational use of ICT in South Zone and special guests at the education: ingenuity and creativity event, the Rector of the UNAD, to educational inclusion" was held p r e s e n t e d a p l a q u e on the afternoon of June 25 with Commemorating 25 years and made three papers that were presented Cead Pitalito special recognition to by Drs: Jaime Alberto Leal Doctor Gloria Isabel Vargas Afanador, Rector UNAD; Roberto Hurtado, Zonal Director, Doctor Salazar Ramos, Vice President of Hugo Alberto Moreno Ramírez, Media and pedagogical mediations Doctor Yamilet Peña Betancourt a n d J a i m e U N A D P o l a n í a , Doctor Jaime Joaquin Murcia, representing Surcolombiana Doctor Yubérica Hernandez and USCO University who allowed us to Doctor Jorge Eliecer Cruz, director know the progress of your who had the Cead Pitalito in its institution in the use of ICT for history, the Engineer Carlos Alberto Lopez Monsalve and Licentiate academic processes. Dagoberto Gomez, manager of the On the night of June 25, held the community, the graduate Bernardo graduation ceremony presided by Urbano Bolaños and Administrative the Rector of the UNAD, Doctor Miguel Antonio Gómez Molina. Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador and was attended by several members Likewise, the recognitions received
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
July of 2010
from municipal mayor, Doctor Carlos Arturo Giraldo Aragon, who was presented with the medal Pitalito City, the highest honor of the municipality, the Departmental Assembly, presented a resolution of appreciation for the initiative presented by Rep. Carlos Alirio Esquivel. Similarly, surveys were received Comfamiliar, Montessory Educational Institution, Student Network of the Southern Zone, the Ceres of La Plata, the ladybug and Ceres CEAD Ibague. The formal ceremony ended chatting a cake and a glass of champagne to commemorate the 25 years of institutional presence. The academic community of Pitalito CEAD gave out awards to the Rector of the UNAD, Doctor Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador, the Vice Chancellor of Educational Media and Mediations, Doctor Roberto Salazar Ramos, the first Director, Doctor Hugo Alberto Ramírez Moreno, the Director more time performance of the office, Doctor Jaime Joaquin Murcia Narvaez, the graduate of business administration, Bernardo Urbano Bolaños, the higher administrative service time, Miguel Antonio Gómez Molina and a posthumous special recognition to Doctor Miguel Antonio Ramon Martinez, who was received by Doctor Gustavo Tellez, family and member of the Council Superior UNAD.
paintings by artists Hermman Ayerbe Gonzalez, Gustavo Chinchilla, Mario Ayerbe Gonzalez, Milton Morales Grillo and William Modesto Rojas. The commemorations ended in the afternoon and evening of Saturday June 26, with the completion of UNAD Sampedrito South Zone 2010, which included the participation of candidates from the eight centers in the area: Ibague, Mariquita, Lebanon, Florence, San Vicente del Caguan, Neiva, La Plata and Pitalito, in the afternoon, held a large parade down the main roads and at night Pitalito, developed the cultural event of election and coronation of the new queen of folk zonal , was won by the candidate of Neiva CCAV Diana Carolina Machado; as viceroy, was chosen as the candidate of the CEAD Pitalito Aura Andrea Bermeo and a princess, was designated as the candidate of CERES San Vicente del Caguan, Yuri Andrea Ramos Quesada. The cultural event ended with the animation of the Freedom Party, who played Andean music and dance.
Particularly noteworthy is the appointment made by the Rector of multiple classroom UNAD Cead with the name "Auditorio Enrique Diego Pérez Pérez" in posthumous recognition to a student leader who died of murder in March of 2009, while serving as student representative to the Higher Council of the UNAD. The graduate Jesús Antonio Arcos, handed over a sculpture in its report that adorn the room along with a plaque given by the tutors of the School in the Cead Pitalito ECAPMA. The room was decorated for the event, with
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July of 2010
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July of 2010
CULTURAL UNADISTA ENCOUNTER, SANPEDRITO AND BEAUTY AND SANJUANERO DANCING CONTEST 2010 AREA SOUTH - CEAD PITALITO By: Wilington Rodríguez Zonal Coordinator Welfare CEAD Ibagué Last July 26th, in response to institutionalized integration of the South Zone, it took place the Unadista cultural encounter, sanpedrito y sanjuanero dancing contest 2010. Cultural manifestations of departments of HUILA, CAQUETÁ and TOLIMA were present in this event which was held in Pitalito, Huila CEAD. All of the South Zone Centers participated (LIBANO, SAN VICENTE THE CAGUAN, MARIQUITA, LA PLATA, NEIVA, FLORENCIA, IBAGUE and of course the host, PITALITO) The work performed for several months by the zonal director, each one of the leaders of wellbeing and the logistical team of CEAD Pitalito was reflected in the busy and colorful parade which flooded the streets of the municipality of Pitalito of amused. As well as the election and Coronation of Miss event zone South 2010, where each of the delegations offered a sample of authentic talents and cultural enthusiasm.
graduates, tutors, administrative, family and community are thrilled at cultural and sports activities promoted by University Wellbeing, finding the opportunity to build affection, respect and loyalty that exposes our SOLIDARIO PAP. In the month of October, our University community will have an important meeting with sport, since now we prepare, to attend the Neiva CCAV and continue to close our ties of friendship.
team work of CEAD Pitalito and finally thanks to all who worked, danced, sweated, sang, laughed and enjoyed in cultural unadista encounter, sanpedrito and beauty and sanjuanero dancing contest 2010. See you in Neiva!
A thousand congratulations to our new beauty and sanjuanero dancing winner, Miss Diana Carolina Machado (Neiva), as well as Aura Andrea CÉAD Pitalito Bermeo who got the second place (Pitalito) and Yuri Andrea Ramos Quesada who was designated as the princess (San Vicente del Caguan). Thanks a lot to JORGE ELIECER CRUZ and his entire
The sanjuanero, Pasillo, Criolla rumba, the bambuco, the rajaleña, the carranga, joropo, Porros, fandango and up to the salsa dancing, were present in this encounter of music and traditional dances that met the premise to amalgamate the voices, palms and the whistles who regardless of their place of origin, living the high degree of cohesion we have achieved in the Community University of the South. We are the UNAD! Students,
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July of 2010
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SERVICE CULTURE AT UNAD SOUTH ZONE By: Sandra Mercedes Parra Trujillo Zonal Leader Customer Care System
Some years ago to talk about a service culture was a subject that did not exist. In different companies, universities, banks employees used to be less tolerated with customers and the customers were complaining all the time about the bad service. Many marketing research concluded that this is a cultural problem which leads to the creation of a customer service systems giving greater responsibility to the staff. That's why UNAD designed a strategy to improve its service. The University Human Resource is always in training and development processes for changing attitudes about their dedication to the service. From June 4th of 2007 by the principal decision No 1132, it was created the Customer Care System (CCS) as a management tool that allows meeting the PQRS (questions, complaints, suggestions) presented by users. In the UNAD south zone there is a team responsible of the system success. It is integrated by tutors, missionaries, mirror decanos and another who have been training to the academic community in general on this issue. Local leaders are responsible for this system RocĂo del Pilar Vanegas and Jacob Vargas in Pitalito, Vivian Rocio Galindo y Freddy Garcia in Mariquita, Carmen Piedad Rivas and Liz Giomaira Montenegro in Neiva, Miriam Sanchez in Florencia, Janeth Constanza Gonzalez in San Vicente del Caguan,
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
July of 2010
Martha Cecilia Duran in La Plata, Mireya RocĂo Prado and Olga Cecilia Pineda Loaiza in Libano, and in Ibague all the zonal leaders of each unit . To get SAU success is everyone's responsibility, do not forget to apply the principles of a service culture, avoid prohibited phrases, to be gentle by telephone and face to face attention, look at our gestures, hear our voice, to be well dressed and to have always on our lips a kind word. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Finally, I invite you to promote the use of the User Service Platform and to consider the words of our principal Dr. Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador "Remember to promote our service culture all time in the field of solidarity".
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If you send messages in HTML, you´ll be punished. If you do Top Posting, you´ll be punished. If you send SPAM, you´ll be punished. If you send an Off-Topic without OT, you´ll be punished. If you write with capital letter, you´ll be punished. If you write at h4x0r, you´ll be punished. If you write with ´q´or ´k´, you´ll be punished. If you displace, you´ll be punished. If the subject isn´t descriptive, you´ll be punished. If you send attachments, you´ll be punished. If you write more than 80 characters by line, you´ll be punished. If you use a weird encoding, you´ll be punished. And if you ask about this, you´ll be punished.
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
July of 2010
¿Agatha, do you remember? When we were babies, there was only one cable: the telephone one...
After that the TV comes by cable…
Then Internet and more services…
There is some kind of afraid of some teachers into the computer yet, but we are over it, eh? We are over it...
And more… and more…
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July of 2010
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sheets to improve attention
LABYRINTH OPERATIONS Find the finish following the right results to each one of the Math, adds. EXIT
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
July of 2010