Ibagué, June of 2010
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
Editorial Board
Last May 26th, 2010 , it was held the 2nd meeting of successful experiences of ECSAHUNAD South Zone “For a community of knowledge and solidarity with its region”. Neiva CCAV was the organizer of this event, and the ECSAH team , coordinated by the zonal dean, Dra. Victoria Eugenia Hernandez, carried out the necessary actions to have a successful event. Page 7
Pedro Uriel Rojas Gualteros Victoria E. Hernández Alejandro Méndez Óscar Luna Riojas Danilo Bonilla John Fredy Montes Juan Carlos Mojica Milena Alcócer Néstor Ramos
Direction Gloria Isabel Vargas H.
Coordination Julio César Bocanegra Bocanegra Doris Edith Rojas celis
Edition, Desing and Layout Media Room UNAD CEAD Ibagué
Holders V ACADEMIC SCHOOL FAIRS AND UNAD INTEGRATION: A prospectively solidarity. Drafted Committee of CommunicationsCOMUNAD-CCAV Neiva n the framework developed during the Cultural Week on 20th, 21th and May 22th, Community Center Virtual Care Neiva, made the "V A C A D E M I C S C H O O L FA I R A N D INTEGRATION UNAD" as an investigative academic cultural and social event, to consolidate on the skills of their actions for social projection. The exhibition brought together more than 600 people among which were important regional leaders, tutors, students, alumni and community. The formal ceremony was preceded by the Director of CCAV Neiva, Doctor Jaime Joaquin Murcia Narvaez, who highlighted the social commitment that has the UNAD as an autonomous entity of the national order, responding thus to the community through activities that contribute to the development SHD. The fair focused on academic events such as "Education and Solidarity", ECOMMERCE, and EXPOUNAD. For its part, the ecological and cultural area was carried out environmental action and Sampedrito UNAD. Page 16
PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, CAREGIVERS... DIGITAL LANGUAGE LEARNING By: Gloria Esperanza Castellanos Tutor ECSAH CEAD Ibagué The rich media and information technology and communication have led to our young people to immerse themselves in constant interactions that have formed huge barriers between parents, grandparents, caregivers and our youth and adolescents. Until age 8 children are proud of their parents, idealize and see them as role models, but after a few years, when the adolescence begins, the challenge for parents is much higher because the generational gap is evident and opens a gap between parents and children because of differences in tastes, fashions, preferences and ways of communicating. This generational crisis, makes parents often can not understand their teens and have not yet been aware of the great changes that are happening around them and that they increase the restrictions on interactions with their children. Page 9
Translation Carlos Darío Granada Henry Carvajal Argote Liliana Eugenia Álvarez Jorge Hugo Hernández V.
CULTURAL WEEK IN CERES OF LIBANO FROM 17 TO 23 OF MAY By: Mireya Prado Rocío Coordinator CERES UNAD The activities of the Cultural Week in the CERES "Park of the Snowy Mountains" started with the Socialization of the Successful Experience of the student Héctor Charry of the program of Psychology, on an exploratory study realized in the Path Zaragoza and Rio Recio of the Municipality of Libano, which has as aim determine what possible alternative crops are possible to be implemented in the environmental and social conditions in this zone of Libano,Tolima. Likewise the students of ECACEN deveolped Entrepreneurship Workshop with the Association of Disabled People of Libano, which was very pertinent for the processes that are developing commercially. From the ECSAH, the Council offered a Chat of Supply and Nutrition to the Grandparents of the Foundation EMMAUS and the student... Page18
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Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado Director South Zone UNAD Node IbaguĂŠ
The Cultural Week has become a traditional event and recognition in our South Zone. Thanks to the different academic, cultural and sporting events taking place in each of the CEAD, CCAV and CERES, have been generating spaces of relaxation, strengthening and recognition of values, talents and general interest topics that enrich the knowledge of students and guests. This is the final objective of the different units and management missionary, who lead the activities. For a week the Southern live an atmosphere of joy and folklore academy, then at the end of it, each location is chosen in Queens to participate in the Zonal Folclorito for this year 2010, will take place in the CEAD Pitalito, which also celebrated its 25 year presence in this beautiful region.
On the other hand, Ibague Node received a Cluster's visit on 17 and 18 Jun where we have the participation of students, graduates and all our academic and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e c o m m u n i t y, connected through the Web Conference. We felt the advancement and strengthening of our team's work through the various networks that have allowed assertive communication, identification and appropriation of our educational project and construction as a whole, since each of the units and missionary management. At the same time, we were visited by Ministry of National Education to CEAD of Florencia, where the couple visited us showed our quality standards, the appropriation of our solidarity teaching academic project, performance criteria and organizational values, leaving our university high.
Inside this issue you will find the excerpts of the most representative activities carried out in each of the Centers; may observe not only the cultural richness of our region, but the union of the whole area around significant events that contribute to development and knowledge management, as well as the positioning of our university project.
Therefore, I make a very special recognition to each of the Directors who, with the appropriate team and thanks to the high sense of belonging and commitment that characterized the success achieved in this cultural week that stays in the memory of our community, as well as visits by the Cluster and the MEN being, the latter is highly significant
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
for our community by the large institutional responsibility. Finally, we highlight the process of choosing the best staff of our South Zone, which was developed in the first instance at Local and Zonal level then, this practice seeking motivation and recognition to staff members who are distinguished by their high sense of commitment and institutional membership.
ACTIVITIES THAT INTEGRATE THE STUDENT COMMUNITY By: Augusto Castro Triana Industrial Engineering Coordinator UNAD – CEAD Ibagué
It is the epoch of the Cultural Week and the Fair of the Unadista Talent, event that integrates our community about the own traditions of our Culture Tolimense. During the last years, the CEAD Ibagué of the UNAD dresses of colors and in its dependences music and autochthonous music is heard, everybody is smiles, the creativity and the fair competition is evident in the managerial sample and in the beauty contest . In this occasion, the School of Basic S c i e n c e s , Te c h n o l o g y a n d Engineering - ECBTI took part in diverse events as: The student beauty contest, with the student of Electronic Engineering Jenny Marcela Pamplona, who had an outstanding performance in her folkloric presentation, recognized by the public applauses and congratulations. In the academic field two conferences were programmed by topics as interesting as different, these were: Cancer in men and women, by Doctor Andrés Enrique Ramirez and Communication Cellular route by Engineer Harold Esneider Perez. It is necessary to
mention that these professionals are tutors of the ECBTI in the Programs of Regency of Drugstore and Electronic Engineering, respectively. In the Managerial Sample three Projects of the Program of Industrial Engineering were presented, two of them, winners in their respective categories: Innovation to mechanical processes - Bipedestación's Wheelchair, presented by the student Jhon Fredy Rojas and Innovation to productive processes, of the students Diana Urquijo y Aldemar Prada, on the topic of Dehydration of fruits. These projects were coordinated by the Engineer Augusto Castro T., and it is expected that those projects continue the process of improvement and specialization until reaching a commercial level in a short time.
coordination of the Engineer Alvaro Erasmo Guzmán C. The ECBTI expresses its voice of recognition to all who took part from the different Schools, each one contribution, was important to reach the success, which was constructed collectively from the Zonal Direction and of the CEAD, Dr. Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado. In complement, the coordinating enthusiasts of the contest, companions of the ECACEN, Doctors Oscar Luna, Marfa Maritza Echeverry, Olga Patricia Valbuena, Laura Rita Gómez, Arnulfo García and the participation of our Zonal Dean of the ECBTI, Engineer Alejandro Méndez G. For the students our appreciation and deep recognition for their outstanding and unsurpassable participation.
The aspect of Investigation was also present with the sample of posters of multiple socio-economic Projects, generated by the different Schools, in an interesting sample of the creativity and the academic capacity of our Unadista students . This activity was prepared by Zonal Coordinator of the Area, Milena Raquel Alcócer and the
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
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LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE By: Jorge Hugo HernĂĄndez V. Tutor ECE CEAD IbaguĂŠ
Today, online education has become a great opportunity to prepare in different fields of knowledge, including languages. Technology provides a wide variety of resources and tools that facilitate learning a second language environments and situations very similar to reality. Learning English via the Internet gives total freedom to study on the schedule you choose, by the time you want from anywhere in the world. It is a natural method that allows the development of the four communication skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking through different life situations. The scenarios are presented by means of high-quality cartoons, which will help visual and auditory memory, step forward in the process of learning a new language.
o f r e a d i n g c o m p r e h e n s i o n , online course, it has some s p e a k i n g , l i s t e n i n g a n d advantages such as: pronunciation. * A teacher on-line, which makes corrections, gives you advice and 4. GRAMMAR: You can study for the guides you through the process of grammar lesson. To learn English, it learning. is always important to know the correct structure of language. * Dictionary, where in addition to knowing the meaning of the word, 5. WRITING: Based on the grammar you can hear their pronunciation. and vocabulary already studied, do writing exercises. This section reinforces everything seen in * A grammar reference guide. previous years, as well as their writing skills in English. * A complete index of the course.
6. NEW WORDS: The part of "new words" or vocabulary allows you to * A tracking sheet to see your learn and increase their vocabulary evolution. through oral and written exercises as c c c c c c c Generally, the courses offered through well as improving pronunciation and * Access to the full course of English. intonation. this mediation include activities such as: 7. SPEAKING: Exercises to speak * You can access the course from English from the first lesson. 1. STUDY: In this section we examine Through a series of dedicated anywhere where Internet access the issue being presented. It has a exercises and with the "Intonation", count. cccccccccccccccccccc translation available and provides you get tools to express themselves information that will serve you f l u e n t l y, c o n f i d e n c e , g o o d * Studies on the schedule that suits throughout the lesson. pronunciation and intonation. you and by the time you want. Similarly, at any time and in any 2. DICTATION: This activity develops listening comprehension and writing. The system tells you where you've made mistakes to correct. 3. ROLE PLAY: This interesting system allows you to participate in a dialogue in English playing a character. First recorded his voice, following directions given to him, then listen to the whole dialogue. Subsequently, makes corrections, and compare your pronunciation with that of a native in English. This section develops the skills
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
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From the course of deepening and Human Development and Family degree option have been developing different populations with multiple jobs where the only thing in common is the role of families in each of them. This time the 2010 cohort was characterized because the projects undertaken by students were intended to encourage diverse communities, including making an impact at the theoretical and practical. The scope of the projects were achieved in the sense that it managed to make a contextual research, using the IAP model, trying, as they investigated, to generate positive change within the community, making
them think through different psycho- into account the deployment of e d u c a t i o n a l a c t i v i t i e s a n d resources to understand and respond to situations. participatory. The projects and proposals presented * ANALYSIS OF GRIEF IN THE FAMILIES THAT HAVE USED IN THE were: FUNERAL SERVICE SERFUNCOOP * T H E I M P A C T O F LOS OLIVOS IBAGUE 2010 - "A NEW P S Y C H O L O G I C A L DAWN" Proposal care and social VULNERABILITY OF A PERSON IN support to families in the city of Ibague THE OPERATION OF THEIR who have suffered the loss of one of its FA M I L I E S " L O S R E M A N S O S members, to provide psychosocial CLINIC, IBAGUE - 2009 -" RESTART” support and gradually to minimize the Proposal for the promotion and impact and post impact affects not only mental health prevention aimed at the individual but also to their families. patients and their families in Los Remansos Clinic Ibague with the aim * PERCEPTIONS OF FAMILY LINKS of improving family dynamics and the WITH 15 PEOPLE HOMOSEXUAL quality of life of each member, taking O R I E N TAT I O N T R A N S V E S T I T E
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June of 2010
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F R O M K E N N E D Y NEIGHBORHOOD, IBAGUE 2010 "Open Road", Proposal of care and psychosocial support to persons with homosexual orientation in the neighborhood of Ibague Kennedy, to improve self-esteem and development of social skills to facilitate their participation in community spaces. * IMAGINARY OF THE FAMILIES OF THE PACANDE NEIGHBORHOOD ON THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE SEPARATION ON CHILDREN IBAGUE 2010 - "Embracing Change" Proposal of care and support, aimed at families in the neighborhood of Ibague Pacandé to generate changes in behavior and attitudes by development of social skills and assertive communication. * ROLE OF RURAL WOMEN IN THE NEWS AFFECT YOUR SELFREALIZATION PROCESS AND FA M I LY R E L AT I O N S H I P S . CHUCUNÍ DISTRICT, IBAGUE 2010 - "WOMEN EXIST” Proposal care and support to create strategies for new meaning to the rural women's role in the settlement of the Municipality of Ibague Chucuni. ccccccccccccccccc The approaches used were systemic, which addressed the issue of family and mental health, family types and their relations, humanistic, addressed the theory of self and sense of life,
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
psychoanalysis, Freud addressed the theory and the stages psychosexual development of children. Additionally worked with the grain of sand modules familiar to complement the theory. On the other hand, is to emphasize on learning from the course, and this is set to deepen the sense of family issues and ownership of the precepts of research and strengthening the IAP model in the design of social projects. It is valuable all that we can learn from the experiences of students in the communities and the ideas they have to work with them and achieve complementarity between what they can see and live in communities and the contribution from the theoretical and makes them practical advice on, becoming a mutual teaching-learning process.ccccccccccccccccccccc Thus once again the course of deepening Human Development and Family, stands out not only as an alternative for the degree of psychology, but an opportunity to build and strengthen competencies in psychosocial intervention, particularly research and provide assistance these communities as diverse but with a common characteristic: the need for help and that is where the psychologist UNAD with social meaning, comes to generating proposals framed by public policies that result in sustainability and human development of Region.
Last May 26th, 2010 , it was held the 2nd meeting of successful experiences of ECSAH- UNAD South Zone “For a community of knowledge and solidarity with its region”. Neiva CCAV was the organizer of this event, and the ECSAH team , coordinated by the zonal dean, Dra. Victoria Eugenia Hernandez, carried out the necessary actions to have a successful event. The meeting was attended by Libano, Ibague, Pitalito, Florencia and Neiva CEADS, through the webconference supported by the Unit of Pedagogical Mediations; the first activity was the welcoming words done by Zone director Dr. Gloria Isabel Vargas; then the CCAV director, DR> Jaimen Joaquin Murcio announced the criteria to evaluate the different experiences. After the presentation of the different experiences, the jury announced the best experiences. The Zona dean, Dra. Victoria Eugenia Hernandez closed the event, congratulating the different groups and saying that all the work were great and they present the communitarian social emphasis of the UNAD. The jury was formed by three well known psychologists of the Huila Department, who politely participated in this academic activity.
1. First place: “women sexual dysfunctions, a problem to explore and to understand” presented by Leidy Cecilia Cabrera, María Fernanda Méndez, Miryam Rocha, Norma Constanza Santos and Sandra Ortiz, from Neiva CCAV. 2. Second Place: “Promotion and implementation of alternative no-traditional culture as a strategy to the improvement of quality of rural life in regions such as Rio Recio and Zaragosa of Limano Tolima by Hector Alberto Charry Vivas, from Libano CEAD.
Jury - CCAV Neiva
3. Third place: “analysis of duel among the families who have used the funeral services of SERFUNCOOP – Los olivos presented by Angela Bautista, Kelly Herrera, Maria Gutierrez, Constanza Martinez, Yenny Forero, and Yenny Hernandez, from Ibague CEAD. This kind of event motivates students and the academic community since the can see the results of the works they are carrying out in the university.
The three selected experience were:
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June of 2010
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With the aim of developing an event of socialization and community integration of students in the CEAD Pitalito in the framework of the cultural week, on 21 May, the event took place of support for proposals for student grade option of the psychology program. In this event there were four drafts of four research and professional proposed experiences directed; proposals in which was reflected the need to investigate and generate psychosocial intervention on the issue of life project. In the offers of investigation they find the following topics: project of life in young women belonging to Christian communities, the poverty as a history of personal life, social representations of the punishment, the socioeconomic poverty and his influence in the violent behavior of the young persons. In all that the offers for professional experience the students were developing intervention psicosocial with the project of sexual and reproductive health in young women in the program of mental health of ESE Tarqui's Hospital, intervention with the boarders' community of Pitalito's penitentiary establishment, with the projects of personal growth, project of life and prevention of consumption of psychoactive substances. This way so it is possible to see the projects of investigation and the professional directed experience they are the options preferred by the students for his option of degree. In
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
addition, it is possible to see as the topics of these two options they tend for a profile emphatically socially community, processes of selfmanagement in the professionals gone away from psychology. It is necessary to add that beyond an option of degree, the psychology in the frame of the code of practice and bio茅tico of the profession in Colombia, is defined as a science orientated to the comprehension of the behavior and specially orientated to the promotion of the quality of life. Therefore it is important that in development of these processes of investigation and of intervention, the students in this phase of his vocational training demonstrate the capacity of observation and analysis of the problematic social ones in the frame of the different theories. To summarize it is possible to say that in the frame of the cultural week the school of social sciences arts and humanities ECSAH a space of debate and academic meeting was generated. In this event it is demonstrated as the students of the program of psychology manage across the development of their different options of degree to acquire a project of life with the psychology. Likewise these projects contribute to a social service with the communities from new comprehensions and re significances of the problem across the processes of investigation and of intervention.ccccccccccccccc
The rich media and information technology and communication have led to our young people to immerse themselves in constant interactions that have formed huge barriers between parents, grandparents, caregivers and our youth and adolescents. Until age 8 children are proud of their parents, idealize and see them as role models, but after a few years, when the adolescence begins, the challenge for parents is much higher because the generational gap is evident and opens a gap between parents and children because of differences in tastes, fashions, preferences and ways of communicating. This generational crisis, makes parents often can not understand their teens and have not yet been aware of the great changes that are happening around them and that they increase the restrictions on interactions with their children. Communication in its various forms is essential in strengthening the bond between parents and children, hence the need to understand the areas of communication and interaction more common in teenagers today. It is essential on the part of parents, children and young adolescents the knowledge of ICTs, Internet, chat, Messenger and other forms of modern communication, to reduce the generation gap and better communication with children that is, parents should know the ways of
communication used by their fundamental study to strengthen the children, or who interacts with whom theoretical basis and as a reference and who or who their partners. ccccc in this approach, is conducting research in Chile Luis CĂĄrcamo The Psychosocial Care Center, Ulloa and Felipe Nesbet Montecinos seeking to improve relationships w h a t t h e y h a v e c a l l e d t h e and communication between young Messenger and the generation people and their parents or carers expressed as follows: "Given the have made a project called "Digital proximity of the young people with Literacy for parents and carers new technologies, this age group is towards the reduction of generation the one appropriate with greater gaps", this project aims to improve intensity of this new communication relationships and links between tool. Instant messaging becomes an young people and their parents or important tool in the socialization caregivers. For this project 32 process of youth, taking place in persons from the communities 3 and past decades the telephone. Unlike 4 of Ibague are participating, who other technologies, the mail has through a survey, expressed interest become one of the few common in participating in this process. elements across the social segments". Messenger generation Experience the challenge of as say the authors of this research handling mouse to the difficulties has supported the process of faced by some older people ... it is socialization and identity in On-line gratifying to think that there is a meetings with their peers, ensuring group of parents, grandparents and the sharing of experiences and caregivers interested in improving interactions as free of selftheir relations, willing to overcome consciousness can occur in face to fear and take on the technologies face interaction " . challenge to use. This process is being undertaken with the support of Both the generation and generations the School of Basic Sciences and Messenger Google, Facebook, Engineering Technologies-ECBTI, Twitter and those to come, manage which designed the courses of to arouse our concern for parents, introduction to the PC, use of Word grandparents and caregivers to and use email, as fundamental initiate a training process in which to concepts in a training class for achieve levels of understanding on parents family in the district 3 and 4. the various forms of communication and socialization and that in this way, The importance of this project has they can be alert, vigilant and its essence in understanding forms attitude of listening to young people of socialization of youth. A what they need is a message of support and companionship. "... Parents children struggle to
learn their language as a child ... struggle to understand his effort".
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June of 2010
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The CCAV of Neiva, developed the first forum on child sexual abuse, promoted by the Regional Development Vicerrectoría and Community Project, who are leading important processes from the line of Community Development, Participation and Equity. According to Dr. Marly Mercedes Murcia, leader of the social office CCAV projection of Neiva, sexual abuse is a common scourge in our society and unfortunately obscured by the myriad of questions to which the victim has no choice and his family, the lack of attention and even more, for the prevention of traumatic events such involvement brings a biopsychosocial, therefore, seeks to help strengthen families and their self-care. The UNAD aware of its commitment to the region, leads awareness strategies, prevention and advocacy around these issues, articulating partnerships
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
with institutions like the ICBF (Colombian Family Welfare Institute), ICML and CF (Institute of Legal Medicine cand Forensic Sciences), the SDD (Health Department Departmental Huila) and the Corporation Art and Life, in which event succeeded in linking parents, community mothers, educational institutions and ommunity at large to learn about the characteristics of victims and victimizers support networks and prompt attention. Approximately three hundred people attended to the forum, which was achieved to raising awareness about the importance of
good treatment of children, their recognition as individuals, their rights, establishment of empathy and effective communication, creating an interactive bonding, and resolution of their problems in a positive and non violent way. ECACEN joining forces, it also integrated the work of care to vulnerable populations in the department of Huila, with a day of awareness and environmental protection in the settlement Álvaro Uribe Vélez. There were days of oral health and barbershop community gave aid and a variety of trees to plant around thier area.
Within the framework of the cultural week, the School of Educational Sciences (ECE) CEAD of Ibague, developed on May 25 the talk, "Ethical and Political Commitment Citizen." The talk was given by Dr. Walter Cataño Orlando Aponte, Bachelor of Social Science, Maestrante in Education at the University of Tolima, workshops of the University of Ibague and who currently serves as professor of the Tolimense and San Simon schools. The talk focused on the commitments that all citizens, without distinction, should play in daily life as members of a society. Thus addressed the ethics and politics, and from these themes are encouraged some initiatives, ideas and criticisms, as well as a number of theories, concepts and basic ideas in this regard. These views were shared by Dr. Catano from ideas of great philosophers and thinkers, taking as reference the Constitution of our country and covering various aspects related to education, social, cultural, politics and the presidential election.
roots ... then the ethical commitment, would be closer to the essence, to rediscover what that is there and the political commitment, try to change the direction, do a little more than ask us not be subversive in the sense of losing the fear of going beyond, not to stay in the same schemes”. cccccccccccccccccc The activity was organized in the auditorium Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador and included the participation of students and tutors from different schools who were very interested in the subject treated and the end of it, it gave rise to a number of comments and reflections in terms of tangible as these commitments can be observed in everyday life. Spaces like this are rewarding and generated in our educational community awareness about the importance of citizenship within modern society. The talk can be heard in its entirety at the link:ccccccccccccccccccccccccc http://conferencia.unad.edu.co/p12464393/
These are important conclusions of the talk, quoting verbatim: "Trying to stand on our own feet, which means, to build an idea, a social image, educational, and cultural, what we believe is the truth to build a knowledge and not repeat actions to violate what we have at hand ... What is the role of the individual in society? Within the policy framework, as a person and subject, I act and I have the ability to influence and change things. Education affects predominantly in the guidelines that are given, it is planned and schematic, which is why learning must be creative and forward to an encounter with the
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June of 2010
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ECAPMA: SAMPLE TRADITIONAL USE OF PLANTS By: Danilo Bonilla Trujillo Mirror Dean ECAPMA South Zone Node IbaguĂŠ
As part of the Cultural Week of Cead Ibague, School of Agricultural Sciences, Livestock and Environment (ECAPMA), linked through the participation of the Academic Student Organic Agriculture, with exposure of plants often used in the houses, some culinary and other characteristics of medicinal uses, such as Lettuce, Celery, Arugula, Cucumber, Radish, Mint, Pennyroyal, Marigold, from more than 30 samples. Each plant was presented with scientific and common names, taxonomy, nutritional and / or medicinal characteristics. This activity aimed to present a teaching and learning exercise, not only for students, also for the attendees who visited the various stands. The academic year of Biological Agriculture relevance period closes its UNAD community showing the product of their work every six months.
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
ACTIVITIES THAT INTEGRATE THE STUDENT COMMUNITY By: Augusto Castro Triana Industrial Engineering Coordinator UNAD – CEAD Ibagué
It is the epoch of the Cultural Week and the Fair of the Unadista Talent, event that integrates our community about the own traditions of our Culture Tolimense. During the last years, the CEAD Ibagué of the UNAD dresses of colors and in its dependences music and autochthonous music is heard, everybody is smiles, the creativity and the fair competition is evident in the managerial sample and in the beauty contest . In this occasion, the School of Basic S c i e n c e s , Te c h n o l o g y a n d Engineering - ECBTI took part in diverse events as: The student beauty contest, with the student of Electronic Engineering Jenny Marcela Pamplona, who had an outstanding performance in her folkloric presentation, recognized by the public applauses and congratulations. In the academic field two conferences were programmed by topics as interesting as different, these were: Cancer in men and women, by Doctor Andrés Enrique Ramirez and Communication Cellular route by Engineer Harold Esneider Perez. It is necessary to
mention that these professionals are tutors of the ECBTI in the Programs of Regency of Drugstore and Electronic Engineering, respectively. In the Managerial Sample three Projects of the Program of Industrial Engineering were presented, two of them, winners in their respective categories: Innovation to mechanical processes - Bipedestación's Wheelchair, presented by the student Jhon Fredy Rojas and Innovation to productive processes, of the students Diana Urquijo y Aldemar Prada, on the topic of Dehydration of fruits. These projects were coordinated by the Engineer Augusto Castro T., and it is expected that those projects continue the process of improvement and specialization until reaching a commercial level in a short time.
coordination of the Engineer Alvaro Erasmo Guzmán C. The ECBTI expresses its voice of recognition to all who took part from the different Schools, each one contribution, was important to reach the success, which was constructed collectively from the Zonal Direction and of the CEAD, Dr. Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado. In complement, the coordinating enthusiasts of the contest, companions of the ECACEN, Doctors Oscar Luna, Marfa Maritza Echeverry, Olga Patricia Valbuena, Laura Rita Gómez, Arnulfo García and the participation of our Zonal Dean of the ECBTI, Engineer Alejandro Méndez G. For the students our appreciation and deep recognition for their outstanding and unsurpassable participation.
The aspect of Investigation was also present with the sample of posters of multiple socio-economic Projects, generated by the different Schools, in an interesting sample of the creativity and the academic capacity of our Unadista students . This activity was prepared by Zonal Coordinator of the Area, Milena Raquel Alcócer and the
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
On May 29th, 2010 in the Cead Ibagué South Zona, it took place the 5th managerial sample which counted on the students' participation of all the schools, with ingenious and innovative ideas of business, applying academic theories of courses such as foundations of marketing, managerial initiative and service to the client. With this type of events it is achieved to stimulate the development of the entrepreneurship, fundamental principle of the model of UNADISTA formation. It is necessary to emphasize the interest, effort and creativity of each expositor, the way the stands were decorated and the commitment of the ECACEN as organizer school. The event counted on the participation of 105 students who presented 35 business ideas or projects. Some of these projects were: Aracacha Matches (RAPI KACHA), yuca drink YUKI FRESK), wheel chair with biped station (To stand in both feet), East Spaghettis, fruit dehydration (black berry). It is important that all these projects to be continued so that formal business be created, this way UNAD students will contribute in the productive processes of the country , participating this way in an enterprising Colombia.
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June of 2010
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SAMPLE BUSINESS IDEAS CEAD PITALITO By: Adelaida Cuellar Bahamon Academic Leader ECACEN CEAD Pitalito
On May 15, 2010, at the Enrique Perez Perez Auditorium of the UNAD CEAD Pitalito, held Sample Business Ideas from the students of the Project Design. In the event there were various business alternatives Surcolombiana Region need, including: solutions for the management of domestic solid waste for Saladoblanco and San AugustĂn municipalities, coffee special roaster in Saladoblanco and Pitalito, Crafts Commercialization of Acevedo , dairy companies, tour operators, are ideas that emerged from the requirements reflected as a result of an environmental study was also supported by the Development Plan of each municipality and the Competitiveness Agenda of Huila, where the economic trend is oriented coffee special production, craft and agro ecotourism, to make this a highly productive region, drawing on the resources offered by nature.
L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD
June of 2010
Page 16 V ACADEMIC SCHOOL FAIRS AND UNAD INTEGRATION: A prospectively solidarity. Drafted Committee of Communications-COMUNAD-CCAV Neiva In the framework developed during the Cultural Week on 20th, 21th and May 22th, Community Center Virtual Care Neiva, made the "V ACADEMIC SCHOOL FAIR AND INTEGRATION UNAD" as an investigative academic cultural and social event, to consolidate on the skills of their actions for social projection. The exhibition brought together more than 600 people among which were important regional leaders, tutors, students, alumni and community. The formal ceremony was preceded by the Director of CCAV Neiva, Doctor Jaime Joaquin Murcia Narvaez, who highlighted the social commitment that has the UNAD as an autonomous entity of the national order, responding thus to the community through activities that contribute to the development SHD. The fair focused on academic events such as "Education and Solidarity", ECOMMERCE, and EXPOUNAD. For its part, the ecological and cultural area was carried out environmental action and Sampedrito UNAD. In order to analyze the meaning for the UNAD characterize the Academic Teaching Project from the perspective of solidarity, in the forum "Education and Solidarity, addressed the topic from three scenarios: Educationalcultural, economic and social life, excellent presentations by the intellectual qualities, broad business experience and high personal qualities of the guests: Doctor Jorge Enrique Ramon Martinez, Doctor Israel Silva Guarnizo and Sociology, Aldemar MacĂas Tamayo.ccccccccccccccccccc During the development of the forum,
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June of 2010
Doctor Ramon Martinez, in his paper on Education and Culture of Solidarity focused on the six components of the Teaching Academic Outreach Project, "PAP` Solidarity ", the UNAD, as support for vital public project characterizes our institution to become the mega university committed to social change in the regions to contribute to coexistence and peace. On the other hand, Doctor Silva Guarnizo, presented the proposal for the solidarity economy as an economic and cultural project alternative to capitalism and private banks who are the linchpins of the neoliberal economic model that dehumanizes the true purpose of the economy, which must be oriented towards the collective welfare. D o c t o r M a c i a s Ta m a y o , m a d e reference to that solidarity is possible insofar as there are collective purposes, as is the community of the hand of the academy, the leading social change processes, therefore no solidarity should be an abstract concept but a decision-making and actions. The point of encounter and interaction space of mediated communication trends'S ICT to promote e-commerce and innovative concept in OD corresponded to E-COMMERCE, which was attended by major regional companies such as Huila Digital, Comfamiliar Huila, Coomotor, Gaitana Express, Juriscoop, Cam, Incubarhuila and Sena. These companies participated in a meeting of developing their web pages, with the aim of sharing technology strategies, marketing communication and virtual. cccccccccc
Each year EXPOUNAD becomes more visible showcase creativity and entrepreneurship of students and graduates of different academic schools and community impacted by our institution, embodied in research projects, corporate and business plans, thus showing entrepreneurship and enterprise in the region. The UNAD, generating culture and sustainable development of global society and knowledge, presented in recognition of master teacher's family to the great composer of the Americas, Doctor Jorge Villamil Cordovez because Huila, Colombia and Latin America, always recalled as a person of prodigious intelligence who sang to life, love, friendship, nature and its people, before the world like the green heart of Colombia. cccccccccccccccccccc It also provided a space for reflection and analysis on human values and intellectual capacities of people with physical disabilities through the projection of a cinematographic work "The Elephant Man" by director David Lynch. Through this film forum was intended to sensitize participants on the importance of building a more inclusive society.
environmental problems is sponsored Andino Park in the city of Neiva, as a starting point for CCAV students, tutors and staff took to defend and protect the environment and thus contribute to beautifying the landscape of the park and its surroundings. ccccccccccccccccccc
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The Sampedrito, closed the show V and integration of academic schools in the midst of joy and camaraderie of the family UNAD, with the election and coronation of Miss CCAV of Neiva, Diana Carolina Machado, Psychology Program, winner for his brilliant interpretation Sanjuanero of Huila. cccccccccccc Thus, the CCAV Neiva, fulfilled its social commitment expressed in its mission of encouraging citizens to form new economic, social and human development of local, regional and global quality, efficiency and social equity. ccccccc
Within the framework of the project PIGA to respond significantly to
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CULTURAL WEEK IN CERES OF LIBANO FROM 17 TO 23 OF MAY By: Mireya Prado Rocío Coordinator CERES UNAD The activities of the Cultural Week in the CERES "Park of the Snowy Mountains" started with the Socialization of the Successful Experience of the student Héctor Charry of the program of Psychology, on an exploratory study realized in the Path Zaragoza and Rio Recio of the Municipality of Libano, which has as aim determine what possible alternative crops are possible to be implemented in the environmental and social conditions in this zone of Libano,Tolima. Likewise the students of ECACEN deveolped Entrepreneurship Workshop with the Association of Disabled People of Libano, which was very pertinent for the processes that are developing commercially. From the ECSAH, the Council offered a Chat of Supply and Nutrition to the Grandparents of the Foundation EMMAUS and the student Carol Ximena Urueña carried out a forum of " Resolution of Conflicts " where the students of the CERES and the community in genera took parl.
the program of Psychology. For their part, the students of the course of Political Culture, together with the tutor realized an experts' Panel, in which councilmen from Libano and Villahermosa, the Mayor of the Municipality of Murillo and the Deputy of the Departmental Assembly of the Tolima gentleman Arturo Sanchez took part. The Social Communication program with its tutor and students socialized a "Digital Magazine" made by students and developed a workshop on "Digital Photography" with participation of some students of CERES. From ECAPMA tutors and students held a workshop on "Water Conservation" with the collaboration of the Specialist from CORTOLIMA Blanca Rocio Rodriguez and a Workshop on "Global Warming and other Bovine Excreta Management" by the Engineer Alvaro Arango and Dr. Juan Carlos Henao. The ECBTI with tutors and students screened three films during the week and developed a lecture on "Unwanted pregnancy in adolescents" issued by the Specialist Pediatrician Melquisedec Vargas Sandoval
In coordination with the Counceling, the tutors and the students of ECSAH developed a workshop on Prevention of the Dengue, a forum on Woman and perspectives of Kind and other one with Population in Situation of Displacement. Also it At the end of the program, on was carried out a workshop on " Saturday, May 22 there was a race Urban Cultures " coordinated by the whose theme was watching "HOW student Luz Eslendy Toro Sierra of
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June of 2010
MUCH YOU KNOW THE UNAD" with an excellent turnout from all academic and administrative community of Alma Mater. Similarly to the event there were linked institutions which have joined us in the Snowy Mountains Park CERES such as SENA, CUN, University of Tolima and ESAP with a folk presentation of each one; as well that day it was socialized the importance and relevance of CERES in the region and its impact on the municipality's development by the Coordinator. The great end of the event was the election of the queen UNAD 2010, Yi n y o l a S i e r r a o f B u s i n e s s Administration program of ECACEN who will represent us on June 25th in the Folclorito to be held in Pitalito, an activity that was well attended by students and community in general, being a successful integration and strengthening of the participating schools. Undoubtedly, each and every one of the activities carried out were characterized by the commitment and sense of belonging of all academic and administrative community and should be followed up to strengthen this area, ensuring a perfect set of disclosure and to enrich cultural construction regional development. Thanks to all equipment and CERES UNAD which made it possible to realize this event…cccccccccccccccc
ACADEMIC, CULTURAL AND SPORT WEEK By: Wbeymar Herrera Bilbao. Communication Coordination
Welfare and joy to the UNAD community: with great success culminated on Saturday May 22, the academic, cultural and sport week that annually UNAD celebrates in the CEAD of Florence, in an organized activity that was attended students of different academic programs, tutors and administrative staff.cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc The event was installed on Thursday May 20 at 6:30 pm in the CEAD, business shows were held by students of business administration program, Web site design by students of the Systems Engineering program, Robots display line followers by students in the Electrical Engineering and photographic exhibition by the Social Communication Program, were programmed similarly conferences related to the handling and disposal of solid waste systems and Social Entrepreneurship. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
On the sports side, the disciplines of Chess, Table Tennis, Volleyball and MicrofĂştbol integrated into this university community, leading to considerable assistance to the event and encouraging physical activity as an element of recreation and welfare. Cultural activity was developed under the framework of UNAD values such as solidarity, discipline, tolerance, honesty, respect and fairness, these values were well represented by the six candidates who participated with the aim of becoming the new Queen of CEAD Florence, "Sanpedrito UNAD" cultural event held last 25 and June 26 in the town of Pitalito Huila, and where the new Queen of this CEAD Miss Costanza Losada, a graduate of Psychology, went to defend the crown that the CEAD possessed by the South Zone.
Thus, the UNAD CEAD Florence strengthens the learning process and student participation in all activities that generate training, applied to academic work and research of our own South Zone.
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June of 2010
In the beautiful town of La Plata cradle of holiday San Pedrina tradition in the department of Huila, took place from Mat 20th to 22th "Week of Culture, Research and UNAD Integration" the specialist Yineth Vargas Quintero, Leader of CERES, opened the event from the auditorium of the Colombian Family Welfare Institute, the Forum "Issues of Gender and Sexuality", this event was developed to support the construction of the social fabric in adolescents based on the sexuality and gender status. The event was coordinated by the ECSAH academic team and had the mass participation of Psychology students who in their role as rapporteurs, developed the central theme of the forum, with interventions as well coated and analysis.ccccccccccccccccccccccc For this event we had the attendance and active participation of young students from different institutions of the municipality, including Luis Carlos Trujillo IE, IE Marillac and SENA. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Following the program of the cultural week, the Specialist Jairo Alberto Zúñiga, ECBTI school tutor made the event "New Model For Solving Equations", this event was held at the facilities of the CERES and included the participation of the different programs offered; the event was a workshop where the tutor Jairo showed that with dynamic oriented games can generate new pedagogical models for teaching equations based on their resolution to this, the tutor made use of a machine designed by himself, which was well received by students attending, given the simplicity of its use. ccccccccccccccc Similarly ECACEN and ECAPMA schools participated in the conferences "Love to Service" and "Nutritional and Physiological Aspects Related to the Genetic Improvement", the academic event
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June of 2010
concluded with a small discussion based on questions from those attending the Forum which were answered by the panel of speakers invited to the event and likewise recognized the excellent work of the UNAD institution as a rapporteur for the event. cccccccccccccccccccccccccc To end this Week of Culture, Research and UNAD Integration, was made the V version of our local San Pedrito UNAD. In this event each of the schools set out its roots and traditions, decorating the beautiful streets of the town La Plata, with colorful processions and beautiful floats realized the tradition and culture of the south west of Huila and Cauca East; there lived the true artistic expression in the official parade event where the sound of drums and flutes, rajaleña groups extolled the beauty of Opita women, traditions and folklore of Huila in the most heartfelt lyrics harmonized with the most beautiful music our municipality, the undisputed cradle of San Pedrina festivities in the department of Huila, and the heat of the bars each of the candidates masterfully executed this axis typical dance parties in our region, but Ms. Claudia Marcela Cortes Ramos, candidate of ECACEN, demonstrated their skills in this dance better staying with the title sovereign UNAD community in La Plata Huila. ccccccccccccccccccccccccc Thus our cultural week was completed successfully and with great joy at the CERES which addressed the research academy and playful as the core of our university work. It is important to note the continued ad decided support from the direction of the Centre head Dr Yineth Vargas Quintero, to carry out all activities
in the event and the administrative staff, school leaders and students who made it possible to build team and draw attention to the UNAD as a community. ccccccccccc
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In the cultural week of José Celestino Mutis Ceres San Sebastián de Mariquita and giving effect to planned activities on the part of Welfare in the first semester 2010, was conducted the election of the queen of CERESUNAD Folklor-Mariquita, where the student of Psychology of ECSAH School was elected, involving candidates of ECACEN and ECBTI. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc The event had the following Jurors: Mr. Rodrigo Garzón, folk researcher and designer and Consuelo Parra, dance instructor. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc In the event there were the following workshops: ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 1 - Look for improvement. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 2 - Art of thinking. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 3 - Decide the UNAD the best option. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 4 - Supporting our own. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 5 - Occupational risk and first aid. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 6 - Prevention for hypertension, the aim is to improve the quality and lifestyle of people. cccccccccccccccccccc
These activities fall within the scope "Growth and Institutional Development", related to the area of cultural and artistic expressions of our students.
Psychology students CERES Mariquita
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June of 2010
CULTURAL ACTIVITY, CERES, SAN ST ND VICENTE, MAY 21 – 22 By: Janeth Constanza Gonzalez Pulido Counsellor CERES SAN Vicente del Caguán
After the welcoming words we had some conferences. The first one was business Leadership by the zoo technician Nicanor Montealegre Marín, the second one was habits for leadership by Doctor Armando Andrade Zambrano and finally the forum ¨Zona de Litigio¨ by the writer Carlos Fernando Perdomo Lozada. Most of the students attended this event.
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El CERES San Vicente del Caguan, counts on a University Well being, is made of all the set of policies, strategies, plans, programs and projects which support academicals processes and make part of an integral formation of our students. University Well being is part of most philosophies of universities; it is in charge of, and is oriented to help to the integral formation of our students, the formation of a communitarian spirit and the democratic participation of al the university members. In our CERES San Vicente del Caguan, the cultural activity was divided in two parts, the academicals and the cultural which were coordinated by the teachers and the sportive and integrative which was coordinated by the administrative and some academicals staff.
The event began with an inaugural ceremony and some welcoming words by our coordinator Aldinever Chacón Rojas.
On Saturday 22nd the cultural celebration begun with a sportive activity , this event was very important since some other universities such as CUN and AMAZONIA participated. There were several competitions: micro soccer, volleyball and basketball.
The cultural celebration ended with the presentation of the UNAD dancing group, some music, plays and the prize-giving of the sportive activities.
Instituto Nacional de Promocion Social High School. 5th Avenue No 5-61 La Consolata Neighborhood. Phone: (098) 4645508. Email:ceressanvicente@yahoo.es
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June of 2010
Page 24 STORE AND SHARE YOUR FILES ONLINE By: Engineer Jorge Tapiero Ram铆rez Innovaci贸n y Desarrollo Tecnol贸gico UNAD Zona Sur Nodo CEAD Ibagu茅 Windows Live Skydrive is a free online storage 25GB. You can use Skydrive storage to back up your files for free online or share files that are too heavy to send. You can set permissions and determine which folders are private, public or shared with the people decide.cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
Features cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc What does Skydrive give you? cccccccccc 25 GB of free storage online ccccc Skydrive offers a fantastic free online storage space of 25GB. That amounts to 8,000 photos or 5,000 MP3. Skydrive can use to back up your photos or documents or even mark them as public and share a folder with friends.
Set permissions cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc You control who sees your files online, decide that a folder is private and you can access it from any PC with Internet connection, which is perfect for an online backup of the files. You can check that the permission for a folder is "public" or share with specific people, which means you can safely share files with classmates, colleagues, friends and relatives.
Drag, drop and upload Skydrive Upload files is simple: just drag them from your computer and place them on Skydrive. Then you can create multiple folders, set permissions and send invitations to your friends. Skydrive Each file has a unique URL that you can make known to your contacts, making it easier to share files online. Taken from: http://www.microsoft.com/spain/windowslive/skydrive.aspx Steps to use your SkyDrive. 1. You have a mail account on Hotmail or MSN. 2. Section started in the mail server or MSN Hotmail.
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3. Then enter the tool Skydrive
4. Manager of our Skydrive: In this one we have the options necessary to administer our Directories and Files
5. Let's create a directory: cccccccccccccccccc We click the option to create folder, give it a name and assign permissions.
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Page 26 6. Upload files to the folder We click Add Files and simply look on our PC.
7. Share your file or folder 8. For this it is enough to click the option to change permissions, there can assign different security levels and share with one of the contacts I have in my mail or any person if I make it public. Similarly you can create photo albums and share with your contacts to your social network.
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Today, thanks to the mass of technologies, there are many mobile devices and digital cameras that provide people with capacity to produce large numbers of photographs. Users of this information usually are faced with different problems to share their prized galleries through tools such as email, due to the limitation of 10 megabytes (MB) with some of these tools. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Therefore, this article will show you a simple way to resolve this problem through the reduction or compression of images allows us to applicative Microsoft Office Picture Manager 速, a tool that is somehow hidden in the most used office suite world as it is Microsoft Office 速 2003 and 2007 versions. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc We begin with the assumption of a user; you have in your computer equipment Ms Office Suite 速 2007 mentioned above and a folder containing a gallery of 20 photos. As a first step, we check if the folder size exceeds the limit of 10 MB and it will give a right click on the folder and drop-down menu select the option "properties".ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
As noted in the image (2), the folder has a size of 20.8 MB which makes it impossible to send as an attachment in one email.
Then open the folder that contains the photos and proceed to give a right click on one of the photos, a menu appears in which we position the pointer over the "Open With" and then we click on the "Microsoft Office Picture Manager ". cccccccccccccccccccccc
Automatically opens the selected image into the program. As the idea is to reduce the size of all images in the folder, change of view to be visible all the photographs. To do this we click the "View" menu followed by clicking on the "Thumbnails".
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June of 2010
Page 28 Now we will select all the images to make the reduction procedure once, and that applies to all photos. We click on the Edit menu located on the top left of the page, the drop-down menu choose "Select All", thus leaving a sharp edge images as a sign of selection. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
We give a click on the "Edit images .." located at the top, panel automatically displays the "Edit images" on the right side of the window that contains some very useful tools for editing images. Of these tools are only going to use that says "Compress Pictures" giving it a click; this is going to take to reduce the size large percentage our images.
Changing the panel for the title "Compress Pictures" and we must select by clicking the "Documents". In the bottom panel shows the information of the current size of the selected pictures "Original: 20.6 MB" and then, displays the size that would result if we decide to accept the reduction of the images "Compressed: 2.84 MB ( 10). As we can see a big difference in size between these two amounts. We click the OK button. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
All images acquired by an asterisk at the beginning of the name as a sign that the images have changed. Finally for the program to save the pictures reduced permanently, we click the Save icon that looks like a floppy disk.
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June of 2010
Now we only have to close the program and check our gallery really has the desired size. As we can see that initially weighed 20.8 MB our portfolio, we went to 3.31 MB showing that we have fulfilled our goal of having a gallery less than 10 MB with no concern that we can send these images via mail.
Page 29 AN INTERVIEW WITH JAVIER REINA CREATOR OF NERDO CAVERNAS. Author: Josué Ignacio Ochoa Torres Multimedial Editor - VIMMEP The Director of the Technician Team – Canal UNAD – RUV Josue Ochoa: How was the Nerdo Cavernas's concepcion? Javier Reina: Well, thank you very much Josué for this interview. Well, the character Nerdo Cavernas was developed to the program of Science and Technology. He is a character who accompanies to the topics that they handle in this program and it gives a comical touch to the program, the most generic touch for the people in general. Josue Ochoa: What program of animation was Nerdo Cavernas developed with and which was the technology used? Javier Reina: Well, the character is shaped in Polygonal. Technology (skill) of deformation by Poly was used. It is shaped organically and animated totally in 3D Studio Max. Josue Ochoa: What type of lighting and render did you use for the chapters? Javier Reina: Well, the animations are sendered in mental ray, which is an engine of render for hype-realistic lighting. It was texturized by leather textures that bring for fault the engine of Mental. It was also used the rendered one by bitmaps for the zones where it is needed to use hair, nails, the lips. The lighting also used spots of Mental Ray. Josue Ochoa: Why the idea of using a cave man character and not a visitor of the space or a visitor of the future? Javier Reina: The idea of a cave man arose to do a synergy between the persons of the common who want to learn technology and who are a little behind in technologies; "Nerdo" then interprets us in this sense. "Nerdo" is a character who is eager for knowing, he is in the age of the caverns, that it is to say, he is behind in the technological part, but he is a person who wants to learn and to know on the technologies. So more than reflecting us, the character wants us to go beyond our fears of technology and he wants us to go towards the learning of the new technologies and to be little more anxious about them. It is basically what the personage interprets here in this program. Josue Ochoa: Apart from the wardrobe that Nerdo has worn so far, have you thought about dressing him with another type of clothes or another type of accessories? Javier Reina: Depending on the context of the program, the character assumes certain wardrobes. Sometimes we will see him in the space with a spacesuit, but he always keeps his identity of the cave man, without turning him so modern but always with his bat or typical elements of the epoch. Josue Ochoa: Well, Thank you very much Javier for the time you shared with us and Good Luck!
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Find the following values in the cross-numbers: 2001,
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