Periodico Virtual: Septiembre (INGLES)

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Year II - No.15 - 30 pages

Ibague, September 0f 2010

L inking D istances UNAD monthly publication of South Zone

By: Shirley Vargas Escandón Permanent Education Coordinator CEAD Florencia For many of us the term inclusion is presented as an encompassing attitude to listen, discuss, participate, cooperate, ask, trust, accept and accommodate the needs of diversity, specifically it is related people, in all their aspects. For this reason it is important to take into account that the education has complex, which involves radical changes in the conceptual, the methodological and organizational areas to establish guidelines for intervention in other educational institutions of different levels, which they are mainly directed to the creation of working conditions that look for better conditions and the people inclusion with special needs for education. cccccccccccccccccccccc Particularly in the CEAD of Florencia, we are working on including people with special educational needs and we developed the project "Continuing

¡UNAD College Florence, graduated its first students!

Education" thanks to the agreement UNAD-ACR (High Council for Reintegration), which started since last February 7 the 2010 with 109 people and ended on August 29, developing training processes Cycles I, II, III and IV.

ÍNDEX EDITORIAL ...............................................2 SCHOOL DAY ..........................................4 RESEARCH AND REGION ....................12 SOCIAL IMPACT COMMUNITY .............13 VIMEDIOS ..............................................17

Page. 14

TECNO-TIPS ..........................................21 WELFARE ..............................................23 ENTERTAINMENT .................................27

Holders Productive and educative television is possible By: Jhon Fredy Bustos Ruiz Tutor ECSAH CCAV Neiva It is not a new to mention all the power that media has as the model of imaginaries and social practices... Page. 10

Students involved with the Social Development of the Region By: Mireya Rocío Prado Coordinator CERES Líbano The National Open and Distance University in order to make real its Learning Academic Outreach Project, has promoted their students have the social and human relevance that characterizes ... Page 15

Scientific articles production workshop By: Jorge Hugo Hernández Tutor ECE CEAD Ibague As part of the "Thursday Research" developed during this year in the Ibague CEAD, tutors from the School of Education: Liliana Eugenia Alvarez and Page 5 Jorge Hugo...

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Linking Distances Direction Gloria Isabel Vargas H.

Editorial Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado Director South Zone UNAD Node Ibague

Editorial Board Pedro Uriel Rojas Gualteros Victoria E. Hernández Alejandro Méndez Óscar Luna Riojas Danilo Bonilla John Fredy Montes Juan Carlos Mojica Milena Alcócer Néstor Ramos

Coordination Doris Edith Rojas celis


Love and friendship!... in our lives, addition to this, is prerequisite for these words are spoken frequently Aristotle, equality, and the similarity of as part of our vocabulary so friends that finally meets the condition conscious or unconscious; if we of reciprocity in affection. seek the etymology of the term friendship, we find that it comes from For its part, the word "Love" is difficult the Latin amicus ( "friend"), which in to describe, even its etymology is t u r n w a s d e r i v e d f r o m t h e confusing; however, the Greek wordamore, ("love"); However, language has five words that define

Carlos Darío Granada Henry Carvajal Argote Liliana Eugenia Álvarez Jorge Hugo Hernández V. José Antonio López Insuasty Yelithza Cedeño Salcedo Yenilce Cedeño Salcedo Sandra Mercedes Parra Trujillo

Edition, Desing and Layout Media Room UNAD CEAD Ibagué Street 34 No. 9A-26 neighborhood San Simón Parte Baja Phone (8) 2654385 - 2658107 - 2658337 2658380 - 2658287 Fax 2647953. email:

others claim that it comes from a love from different perspectives but u l t i m a t e l y a r e v e r y or emotion, is what we find in the Greek word composed to ("without") w h i c h would mean approximate the various forms of love. Bible, love of Christ, that is why, "without me ", in any case, friendship The first of these is Epitimia this love transcends any other and ego ("I"), so it

is an affective relation between two (which means attraction among all form of love because it falls within or more persons that respect, trust, nature beings, “to put our heart and all the spiritual, is selfless, not are loyal and love each other. our being ins something”);Eros (it looking for anything in return, does According to Aristotle there are three involves what is romantic, passionate, not require response, not classes friendship: by interest, erotic and it invites not only to the expected to return, love selflessly, representing mutual benefits that will sensuality but also the desire to get but most importantly, is able to be subject to claims to not receive united with the beloved one); Philos love no matter the empathies or the amount of favors that are (it is derived from the word "filial", that good or bad feelings that may appropriate. By pleasure, in this is to say camaraderie camaradery, exist around, Agape is service to case the friendship is given by own communion, friendship); Storgē others, without any distinction. taste and level of pleasure that is (which is fraternal and fraternal) and perceived, and For utility, where the Agape (which means spiritual and Now, we can relate clearly, and pleasant and enjoyable is relevant if caring). find what keeps our calls on faith, it is useful. Perfect friendship

optimism and confidence... is according to Aristotle corresponds to Agape, this love is one of the most something that friendship and love “goodmen who are equal in virtue” in beautiful and sublime, is not a feeling (especially the Agape), we feel it in

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010

our educational project every time we

great strength that makes it possible a t u d z s u r @ g m a i l . c o m o r

feel the desire of giving unconditionally

to fly as far as we wish, then our hope with your

and selflessly to our communities, which

will be a day in the continuous quality reflections, considerations, and

moves us to work tirelessly to give the

of life for our families, our colleagues, opinions about our newspaper, they

best of ourselves to achieve the

friends, and our communities are very important to us. I also invite

proposed objectives, all for the


you to visit the newspaper in

unwavering desire and conviction which is found in each one of us who had the


Page 3

English. For the next edition we will In the country and in each one of

opportunity to identify ourselves

C E A D ,

with a project, live it and feel

have a special for the "III Olympic sports of the South


zone" in which, we

it all for our country, and

hope to have all

for our communities.

z o n e

a n d

headquarters Therefore,

n a t i o n a l



construction that we carry out every day on our


experience and knowledge, must generate greater synergy in each missionary units and management




characterized by cohesion, identified with a community social project, supported by the gathering of feelings,


thoughts and desires, with people who


are able to understand the other, the




Union of forces and wills for the

that reinforce

achievement of great ideals remain

and reaffirm the meaning of love


and friendshipare made for this

our values

special date, from the southern zone We do this reflection as a tribute to the

UNAD we send our message of love

real meaning of "love and friendship"

and friendship with a fraternal hug to

and a call to continue feeding these

all our UNADISTA community and

noble feelings in our daily life, surely we

around the world, as well as our best

will see every day with satisfaction and

wishes every single day of your live

we will increase our production capacity

be full of love and friendship.

and it will contribute to the achievement of the objectives, because when "we

Finally appreciated readers, we

agree in something" we can achieve a

invite you again to send us an email

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010


Page 4

First National Congress of Industrial Engineering - UNAD “Management and Productivity in World Class Organizations”

diverse communities of any region in our country or outside it. It features prominent speakers invited to the Obed Maimon's Hebrew Technical Institute of Israel, Alberto Hernández, Director of ITESM-BMG's Lean Six Sigma and Cardozo Elmer Guzman, Advisor to the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development of our country, guarantees an invaluable academic strength to update the attendees and participants at this important event Institutional UNAD. This Congress is done with the certainty of obtaining the best intellectual product for service and enterprise development in the region, especially its capital Ibague Tolima.

By: Augusto Castro Triana Industrial Engineering Coordinator UNAD CEAD Ibagué

which will be held during Friday 8 and Saturday 9 October 2010 in the Convention Center Hotel Paipa in the historic and tourism department of Boyaca.

On the occasion of the graduation of the first promotion of Industrial Engineering at the National Open University and Distance - UNAD, is scheduled by the School of Basic S c i e n c e s , Te c h n o l o g y a n d Engineering - ECBTI - the completion of the First National Congress of Industrial Engineering,

This event has the theme "Management and Productivity in World Class Organizations", a title that includes the most advanced theories of production systems and how to get them the greatest benefit in economic and social terms as required by Alta contemporary management according to the

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010


By: Jorge Hugo Hernรกndez Tutor ECE CEAD Ibague

Scientific articles production workshop

As part of the "Thursday Research" developed during this year in the Ibague CEAD, tutors from the School of Education: Liliana Eugenia Alvarez and J o r g e H u g o H e r n รก n d e z V. i n accordance with the Zonal Coordinator of SIUNAD, Doctor Milena Alcocer, conducted a scientific articles production workshop for 4 weeks, with the participation of tutors from the different Schools of CEAD; this activity became a space for reading, analysis, discussion and further development of scientific texts. The workshop is part of the strategies implemented by the CEAD to strengthen the research area, noting that scientific writing is very different because it has only one purpose: to inform the result of research with a premise: write for others. This is not to amuse, sadden and educate the reader; the goal is to communicate clearly the result of an investigation. To write a good scientific article should not be born with a gift or a special creative ability; on the contrary, all such research, at some point the training process, are able to write such a text. From the points raised, the production workshop is intended to offer general methodological rules that allow writing a good scientific article, also, formulate a set of recommendations to enhance communication, and within it, and information disclosure of scientific results. As a final product and building material recently worked in the days of


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Scientific articles production workshop with the participation of tutors from the different Schools of CEAD Ibague.

"Thursday Research" on networks, each participant wrote a text a work being done at each school concerning the networks, for the socializations of these texts used a blog, which published articles and are fed by the responsible tutors. Finally, the project is to generate a virtual publication in which to socialize for the entire South Zone articles written, showing the fruits of the efforts of tutors who actively participated in the workshop. On the other hand, is working on the virtualization of this workshop to offer to UNAD community of the South Zone and contribute to the integral education.

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010


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responsibilities on this field.

Education…¡a challenge for all!

They began to eradicate the high levels of illiteracy and consequently many people got learning achievements in relation to literacy and numbers.

When communities are more “cultured " or "educated"; a higher

level of development and quality of life is obtained... however, a question arises: ¿How can education and acculturation form real human beings receptive to the With the division of labor, parents should take a little more time in commercial work,

problems that surround us?

bricklayers and other, taking this important work, school.

Rigoberta Menchú answers it: "We

By: Gloria Esperanza Castellanos Tutor ECSAH CEAD Ibague

the process of education has gone over all the time. In the beginning, education was in charge of the families, communities and the

Education has definitely played a key role

church. They were the only ones who

in the development of all counties around

direct and instruct to live in

the world.

Education determines the

community, that is to say, parents or

amount of behaviors and patterns that

grandparents were in charge of

"societies must fulfilled" in certain

teaching in a thrifty and dedicated

contexts. This idea is very clear, when it is

way by using tools like feat and

certain that the educational process are

history to provide examples of life. It

not regarded from an only curriculum

was a useful technique to reach

view, but also as imitative learning

children and young people's hearts

processes in child rearing, such as

from that the time. However, times

modeling exercises undertaken by a

were changing, and the division of

social group or that instruction received

labor made parents spent a little

from generation to generation.

more time in commercial work or working as bricklayers. This made

In this way, we can make an analysis of

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010




need for our country, fully formed men and women, bringing education at all levels to the most remote corners, the most forgotten, those who expect only one chance to take off , and who do need to stop being. You need to educate sensitive men and women; deeply human and capable of fulfilling commitments,


Page 7

You need to bring education at all levels to the most remote corners.

which involves educating from

necessary means to understand

another direction, from ethics is so

themselves and the world they live

necessary in a society that moves

in, and to advance in the task of

contrary to the moral values and to

organizing society.

the dehumanization of man".

This is the challenge of Education

"Education is a condition of culture,

... of our work as mentors ... to train

freedom and human dignity

people not only from a conceptual,

because it is the key to political

theoretical or technical way. We

democracy, economic growth and

also need to educate young people

social equity; it is our individual and

to make them live up to its time, is to

collective passport for a tomorrow".

produce citizens sensitive to the problems facing social right people in a society of constant change to reflect the world from a perspective of changing consciousness of this century, is to train smart individuals able to navigate within their world critically. It also must provide all

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010


Page 8 By: Liliana Oviedo Tovar Tutor ECSAH CEAD Ibague

“The purpose of Human Righs is to give protection to the human agency, it means, to defend human agents from oppression and abuse committed against others. However, their respect in daily life in many countries is a serious challenge for the States and for the international organizations in charge of asserts human rights" (International Human Right). Globally, there are humanitarian organizations that care about Human Rights, particularly for the abuses and violations that the Colombian armed conflict has created for the last 40 years. The social organizations denounce that Colombia is a country where daily the defenders of human rights, Native Communities, Africandescendants and countrymen are threaten to kill them, who have to run off with their families leaving their land, their belongings and everything what they had fought of, these people are part of the long ranks of displaced. Colombia has the disgraceful to hold the second place in the whole world, after Sudan, with over four million refugees. One of those organizations is Amnesty International humanitarian, a nongovernmental organization that works to promote and defend human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights framework and other

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010

Human Rights... international treaties. AI (Amnesty International) "ensures that Colombia is a country where 60% of unionists are killed in the world, where human rights defenders are persecuted by the state, in some cases they are killed, and in some others forced to go into exile in European countries.�

civilian murders and specially killing young people from Soacha y TolĂş Viejo, who were taken from their villages with false jobs promises, as well they were dressed in military uniforms and then killed, afterwards those young people were presented as guerrilla killed in combat. These murders have existed for many years, but until now they are known with a name that shocking. Nowadays we are commemorating the bicentennial, an independence celebration that is marked by blood, subjugation and poverty, but I wonder if something changes in Colombia?...

Another serious report why Colombia was in the front page of the most prestigious newspapers in the world, are wrongly called "false positives" scandal that burst in October 2008 and which dozens of members of the public forces have been involved in

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Tips for learning English By: Yenilce Cede単o Tutor ECE CCAV Neiva 1. Don't be afraid to speak in English. Fear can be a major obstacle to learning a language. Trust in yourself and when you are near of a native or a person who has lived for a long time in English-speaking countries, talk to that person, it is an excellent opportunity to practice. You can start with cyber-chats in a written way and then you can try verbally. 2. Increase your vocabulary. A large vocabulary is basic to learn any language, and it is especially true in English. In order to do it, you can make crosswords, scrambled letters, Hangman, lotteries, games in pairs, etc. Below you will find the names of some useful and funpages. h t t p : / / w w w . d l t k

3. Record yourself. Listen to dialogues or short readings that have the corresponding audio. Then, record it and listen to it. Notice pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm, and repeat several times. 4. H a v e , a t h a n d , a g o o d dictionary. Dictionary is the best friend of an apprentice of a foreign language. A good dictionary must possess the phonetic transcription or pronunciation, the different uses and meanings of a Word, alternative, indicate whether the word is a noun, adjective, adventure spellings a list of verbs. There are some very useful and easily accessible such as online dictionaries:

Material adapted from:ccccccccccccc h t t p : / / w w w . s u m m i t y http://esls o f t w a r e

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010


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Productive and educative television is possible By: Jhon Fredy Bustos Ruiz Tutor ECSAH CCAV Neiva It is not a new to mention all the power that media has as the model of imaginaries and social practices. It's even less new to insist in metioning the devastating effect that the recent style of the Colombian television has had on the new generations and, why not in the world; in which the violence, the easy money, lack of ethics and positive values and the absence of morality are starring. There is nothing new at all that nowadays children force themselves to imitate behavior models such as Bart Simpson, from 20th Century Fox; models and characters such as: “El Tetris” and “El Raspu” from the well known series: “Pandillas,

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010

Guerra y Paz”, from the Colombian TV channel RCN or many others from the numerous productions of this type and that is evident in the ludic and daily behavior. It is not new that the girls and the adolescents develop complex and frustration when they face the impossibility of approaching to figures such as “Catalina's” from the recent movie: “Sin tetas no hay paraíso”. Or for not qualifying as one of “Las muñecas de la Mafia”.

violence, drug trafficking and the pansexualism are those that hold the profitability of the industry and reassure thousands of employees that depend on this industry. It is factual that you have also heard of those that purge sins by publishing the advert that we all have listened to many times: “This show may contain sex and violence scenes” and the rest that everybody learnt by heart. And, certainly, you have also heard reflective and very productive debates at midnight. Addressed to the defense of the spectators, in which prestigious guests agree on the evil slander of the well – publicized television products, that in spite of all that, continue in prime time in the national television. However, for our sorrow, that is not new either.

Those who at any moment have approached to the academic discussions about the complex managing of the television phenomenon and its effects on the youngest population, surely they will know how to recognize the arguments that are exposed the merchants of television to defend their products. Surely you must have heard of television as a business and But what is new, thanks God, is the that some concepts such as: evidence that it is posible to do


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Sesame Street is an educational television series aimed at preschool age, is recognized as one of the best productions for the child audience of all time.

Pola (Love made her free). Indeed, the second part of the name keeps that shade that is not easy for the TV creators and scriptwriters to eliminate, it is not less meaningful the achievement that has shown this production. This series, which has irrupted in the prime time and it is not a soup opera and does not look like one, produced due to the celebration of the bicentenary of the national independence is an unquestionable example that television can be educative and financially generous.

educative television, with quality and also very productive, for the rest of the producers and their calculators. The most interesting is that it has been from the bottom of a traditional tv channel that the evidence has been generated. The exact reference is for the new production of RCN channel, called: La

all the Colombian contexts, start having a better idea about the Colombian independence history; much more than what the heavy history books and the uncomfortable classes have been able to carry out. About the production it is not possible to present accurate numbers yet; but you will hear references of the rating and the publicity adverts. To finish, I do not want to forget to enhance the excellent programs of Se単al Colombia, the best Colombian television.

The producers and creators of La Pola can trust in the fact that this television product will generate an improvement in the results of the history subject in the state tests, beyond the expensive and agonic preicfes courses. Although this stamen can sound exaggerated, what is certainly sure is that today, only a couple of days after being in the air, kids, young people and parents from

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010


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Network Management Applied to Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering School (ECBTI) By: Diego Alberto MarĂ­n Idarraga Zonal Coordinator Laboratory ABSTRACT Network Management is to monitor and control network resources in order to prevent this malfunction reach degrading their performance. Network Management is the planning, organization, operation, maintenance and control of the elements that form a network to ensure service level agreement at a cost. Network Management is the capabilities joint that allow the exchange and processing of management information, to assist management of the network to perform its activities efficiently. INTRODUCTION This article attempts to establish working as Network Management, its technical joining to processes and procedures that are performed from the School of Basic Sciences, School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities and the Counseling of CEAD of Ibague, from prior knowledge of the subject and the review of secondary sources; in the same way, there has been a general analysis concerning the appropriation of key concepts and relevant by the schools that are part of our alma mater. The proper use of technologies of Network Management enable: improving efficiency, availability, performance, increase quality / cost ratio in its design and operation (lower costs of running a network and / or increase the quality of service), increase user satisfaction and reduce the need for human resources in the

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010

operation of the network. cccccccccccc Information systems are essential and are supported on networks; information tends to be handled every day more and be more dispersed, so, most networking systems have products and services from multiple manufacturers, which incorporate various technologies leading to a steady increase in the complexity of the managed resources both in quantity and heterogeneity, so it is necessary Network Management. DISCUSSION According to the results obtained of this consultation and feedback based on the concepts, terms and references in comparison with previous knowledge of the subject presented in the document "Network Management, Roads and Tools" by Arthur Zimmermann, is can conclude that:cccccccccccccccccccccc

owns it. ccccccccccccccccccccccccc Characteristics of the Networks make it necessary management; this allows greater control and coordination b e t w e e n t h e n o d e s . Increased number of nodes, coverage, more complex but efficient interconnections. H e t e r o g e n e o u s t e c h n o l o g y, increased complexity, changes in the states of connectivity and technological upgrade.

Support information from the agency or organization, in this case the Open The elements that form the Network and Distance National University. Management are: Manager (management station) and Agent More demanding users, due to (managed systems). This is software greater awareness about the that responds to requests for Manager's Network. information and providing information requested but vital importance. Management issues, according to OSI: LITERATURE CITED: ccccccccccc Planning, Configuration, Efficiency, F a i l u r e , S e c u r i t y , ions/84669/Gesti%C3%B3n-dePricing.cccccccccccccccccccccccccc Redes-de-Telecomunicaciones CONCLUSIONS 3%B3n_de_red

Management within an institution and a n o r g a n i z a t i o n fa c i l i ta t e s th e development and achievement of goals, ez/manual-estil2o-apa-6ta-edicin aims and objectives consistent with visional and missionaries policies who

Entrepreneurs unadistas

Enterpreneur of UNAD Florencia's Group.

By: Lorena Urquina Cuellar Student ECACEN CEAD Florencia It is not a secret that entrepreneurship has become in the most popular model in all the social development programs promoted in the country by the National Government, and the new goal for The Education (both School and University) is to apply in all its processes “The Entrepreneurial Model”. The UNAD is not an exception and that is why his students want to enter and interact in this new field of social projection. Thus, in the last month of August, Ye i m y X I O M A R A C A S T I L L O , JEMERSON VARGAS and LORENA URQUINA CUELLAR, Business Administration students from the School of Administrative Sciences, Accounting, Economics and Business (ECACEN) of CEAD Florencia, were participants of one of

the biggest events in Colombia, well known for his great work promoting and projection the youth entrepreneurship of the country; the “FORUM OF LEADERS ENTREPREUNERS IN THE U" was held this year in Bogotá, during the 26 , 27 and 28 of August.

last seven years, where they exchange important experiences and the entrepreneurship is the major figure. This year three young Unadistas, worried for the future of their training, decided to be part of this experience, conforming the group of YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Group- Prom) E 2010, as part of “The Caquetá Emprende Program”, sponsored by the Florencia Chamber of Commerce for the Caquetá, since 2008, but just until this year was released as an institutional and social development project for the Caquetá region.


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It is very important to highlight these kind of activities and even more the initiative of students to boost them; so far the idea is to institutionalize the UNAD, as an important piece of the processes that involve the professional training and the projection, because this kind of projects help the UNAD to have that mega university that we have always dreamed of.

Those three days had exceptional presentations, with panelists from national and international level as Dr. Antanas Mockus, the director of Visionaries for Colombia Corporation; Jean Claude Vessudo, president of AVIATUR; Cecilia López, ex minister and senator of the republic; Jaime Cuartas, Director of COLCIENCIAS; Ann C. Masson, Executive Director of FULLBRIGHT; Robert Ness director of BRITISH COUNCIL and Sven Werkmeister, director of the DAAD. The most recognized young entrepreneurs in the country have been meeting in this event for the

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010


Page 14 By: Shirley Vargas Escandón Permanent Education Coordinator CEAD Florencia

¡UNAD College Florence, graduated its first students!

For many of us the term inclusion is presented as an encompassing attitude to listen, discuss, participate, cooperate, ask, trust, accept and accommodate the needs of diversity, specifically it is related people, in all their aspects. For this reason it is important to take into account that the education has complex, which involves radical changes in the conceptual, the methodological and organizational areas to establish guidelines for intervention in other educational institutions of different levels, which they are mainly directed to the creation of working conditions that look for better conditions and the people inclusion with special needs for education. cccccccccccccccccccccc Particularly in the CEAD of Florencia, we are working on including people with special educational needs and we developed the project "Continuing Education" thanks to the agreement UNAD-ACR (High Council for Reintegration), which started since last February 7 the 2010 with 109 people and ended on August 29, developing training processes Cycles I, II, III and IV.

Permanent education student with degree diploma, UNAD Florencia School.

diversity, increasing the possibility of equal opportunities and thereby improve the quality of education. People who were in the process of education cycles, belongs to a particular population in need to learn and receive training opportunities for practical life, they are people in the p r o c e s s o f r e h a b i l i t a t i o n a n d Students at learning, UNAD Florencia forgiveness, who are not responsible, School that they did not have the opportunity grow up their personal opportunities but now they in search of being better men and women for this society.

This academic process was successfully completed with the graduation of 93 students, an event which took place last Saturday 04th September at the National Open and Distance University in Cead Florencia. Where it was felt the joy and satisfaction of that group of graduates, who now expect, for the new agreement between the University and the High Council for Do not forget that UNAD that opens its Reintegration and continue with their doors and a half by an "Education for education. All”. It is important to say that a inclusive education is for all students, as capable to learn and encourage all forms of

L inking D istances September of 2010

Closing event and graduation, UNAD Florencia School

Students involved with the Social Development of the Region

shared among them for the week consume. UNAD Students say: “it is a big a compromise with our community which has shown great interest and desire to improve their lives.cccccccccccccccccccccccccc It is important to say that this work is the search for sustainable economic and social benefit for women and a relevant commitment reason of the University in the region, taking into account that these women are vulnerable and despite their marginal condition they have a productive human potential.


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Game workshop.

By: Mireya Rocío Prado Coordinator CERES Líbano The National Open and Distance University in order to make real its Learning Academic Outreach Project, has promoted their students have the social and human relevance that characterizes UNAD. Where men and women are educated not only for academic purposes, but look for a better life and create impact in the region. This is how our UNAD students in the Libano CERES from the Administrative, Accounting, Economic and Business Sciences – ECACEN who are studying Business Administration program

and the professor Aisa Magaly Chacon with Luz Eslendy Toro student of Psychology from the Social, Arts and Humanities Sciences school. They are training 15 women -Headed Households in the suburbs Borough in Libano. They promoted Workshops Creation and Business legalization, Strategic Planning with an emphasis on advertising products, self-esteem and self-esteem. They are women who were with many weaknesses not only personal but also economic, and through the students accompanying they have learned how to make "homemade yogurt, peanuts and Panelitas" with good hygienic conditions, they sell these products to small stores in the neighborhoods, with the economic resources they buy a market and it is

Assistants to the Entrepreneurship workshop Digital Tolima Classroom.

Trainers: Aisa Magaly, María Victoria, Gleydis Adriana, Delfín Cortés and Paola Andrea.

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September of 2010


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Articulation processes in Florence

Artunduaga the ECAPMA Articulation Leader and Coordinator and Dr. Edilberto Silva Fierro the UNAD´s manager in Florencia. During that school day, the young entrepreneurs expressed their interest in to start their Technical education and were motivated to have the opportunity to participate in these articulation processes between educational institutions and our university. As we want competent students who learn what they have to learn as individuals and active members of this society with life projects and goals pointed to become a great professional ready to change the region.

11th grade students of Angel Ricardo Acosta School. (San Antonio de Getucha Inspection) Municipality of Milan.

By: Lucerina Artunduaga Pimentel Leader ECAPMA CEAD Florencia

Secondary education has provided another value to its students in order to be in a strategic situation in front of the local and regional economic and productive development. This is done through multiple joint exercises, which look for to strengthen both the middle school as higher education, promoting relations between the productive sector and education, to build ways that generate quality gains for all actors in less time. It is possible to say that teenagers can continue the education progress through the propaedeutic cycles that expand their ability to integrate their work or

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

September of 2010

generate a self-employment through the entrepreneurship. cccccccccccc For this reason, last September 13, 16 students Grade 11 of the Educational Institution Angel Ricardo Acosta (San Antonio Inspection GetuchĂĄ) Municipality of Milan, met in the CEAD UNAD in order to know the building and to get punctual information about the academic programs, mainly those related to Technical Training in Livestock Production. ccccccccccccccccccccc These young visitors were accompanied by the Veterinary Medical Zoo technician Deisy Montoya, Joint Coordinator of the Educational Institution, and during the journey they were accompanied by the Zoo technician Lucerin

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Visualizing information on Twitter


By: Engineer John Fredy Montes: Coordinator VIMMEP South Zone The irruption of Twitter in Internet has turned information in real time into one of the most relevant content to users. The major search engines like Google and Bing have closed agreements with microblogging network to display these results in a search, in order to provide better functionality. But beyond its indexing, Internet users have multiple tools to see for themselves, messages from Twitter. The information generated in Twitter grows exponentially. For this reason, to facilitate the task of managing and understand most immediately the graphics and texts published in 140 characters available in the network, different services performed by external enterprise developers allow to display part of the contents of Twitter more graphically. Initially, these services were only a visual sample information, but currently there are various solutions designed to facilitate the task of following trends, or hot topics more easily than from website. Some of the most interesting forms of visualization are proposals which geo-position in a map or globe representing messages generated in Twitter, although often only by sensationalist nature rather than to help understand the information generated. TwittervisiĂłn was one of the first

Tens of pages and services allow you to view different ways information generated in this social network. services mixed Twitter with a map. This page provides automatically on Google map a random sample of the recent "tweets" published. Users can see how the map moves a zone to another planet to display a message from the place where is the user.

geographic places. Take a look; you can understand any relevant topic or addressed messages from a specific zone in the planet, along with the most sent links to that place. Twitter StreamGraph is a tool to view tends based on the key words. This service is interesting because it allows viewing during a period of time all the information that has been generated about a word or “hashtag�. For that, it uses the last 1.000 generated for an asked word.

Something more effective has been Twitterearth. This website is visualization in 3D of planet Earth, showing random updates made on Twitter from his place of origin. The globe is renewed constantly to show the differences in day and night on the planet. You can also download a Trendistic is more accurate, because version that works as screensaver. in spite of using a small graphic, it shows with more accuracy and Trends preciseness the most recent interest topics in Twitter. This online tool Trendsmap: is thought as a service to allows to cut the search for the last 24 visualize in Google maps, tends hours, seven or thirty days, among through the searches of key words or other options.

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Xefer is simpler. This tool includes a statics graphic for days of the week and hours in which conversations between two Twitter users are registered and their followers in a relevant way. Monitter It is a service that allows following key words, or hashgtag, and even short phrases to view without reloading the tweets where they have been posted. Source: ccccccccccccccccccccccc cnologia/internet/2010/09/09/1954 67.php

A simpler alternative is Tweetvolumen, which shows an amount of sent messages with three key words, according to a predefined period of time by this website. When using tweeter as a news service, TwitterTim is thinking of collecting all the sent links by the users that follow themselves in Twitter. The goal is to make as a personalized website, with a newspaper format. The most relevant news will be published with a typographic bigger than the rest. Statics To m o n i t o r a n a c c o u n t , Twittercounter is one of the most complete tolos is you want to view

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statics in Twitter activity. This service allows knowing all kind of data and anticipate growth tends. For that, it uses the information gotten in previous days. Tweetstats It shows graphics of the activities done by a u s e r i n Twitter, such as hours or days of the week in which he/she sends messages the most.

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There are lot examples of services and platforms that feed the efforts of its own consumers to be more effective

By: Engineer John Fredy Montes: Coordinator VIMMEP South Zone ¿What is the secret of Google, Facebook or Twitter? ¿Why these three companies have been more successful than many of its competitors, some of them more sophisticated? Although it sounds paradoxical, almost certainly differential value lies in its lack of sophistication. Its apparent simplicity and its tendency to show its code in open, has allowed a large number of users to adopt them, amend them to their taste and better. The end result is that the company released the creators, but developing their users. This strategy, known as crowdsourcing, can also be seen as existing services such as Foursquare Spotify.

link Internet users' daily texts and other users and give them a relevance that can measure the form. The social network Facebook is at the top because it has always made the creation of applications in the hands of its “inhabitants”, who have felt this way more comfortable than in other more closed and complex netwoks. Twitter wins because you can use from multiple portable devices thanks to the developments of others, better than the officers, which allows its users to be always aware of what your contacts say.


Crowdsourcing takes advantage of the users' work

The amount of information in real time containing Twitter makes Google such as Yahoo both pay a large sum of money to their creators by allowing them to index the contents of its service. Thus, while users have "tweeted", both have provided value to the platform: "mass" has worked for the founders. This is known as crowdsourcing . Where is the benefit to “the mass"?

The benefit to the platform is the possibility of achieving profitability, but also all users benefit from this consolidation. Foursquare is a referral service of entertainment, museums, pharmacies, supermarkets, etc. Hopes that any product, article or service needs the user will find it in their platforms with appropriate recommendations and located on a map.

This is the way these services have become more effective, more complete and more useful to its users, without knowing it, have built gradually. Twitter is nothing if you see any internet user, but the more they use and communicate links to videos, photograpfs, texts, news, etc…, it becomes more valuable service. To this end, users post their own Google owes its effectiveness to opinions about the different visiting

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Page 20 places. Allowed to leave their impressions and give them the power to communicate with their contacts the opinion that they deserve the different businesses. As the users express their views and recommend or warn against local and certain products, enrich the service fill of useful content. If no user is recommended in Foursquare, so no one else could enter the platform and find the information that wants. Similarly, if no other link pages on your website, Google could not provide results as accurate and, therefore, seek information would be much more difficult. And the same goes for Facebook. In summary, the benefit to “the mass� is the efficiency of the service. The debate, in the case of Google, has always been to discern how far the platform can provide the best surfer mail services, maps, search, etc., without crossing the Crowdsourcing, privacy and legal line of knowing too much about it and run the risk of revealing these data.


Yet crowdsourcing has its limits and one is in the field of privacy. Companies like Google and Facebook are served both personal data, from name, to residence or work place and even momentary location, and the content and views that the user voluntarily provides in order to become more effective and propose better services.

their profit. But Âżwhere is the line European cities Google Street between effective advertising and View. Naturally, the company violation of privacy? argued that the data will help to create better services in the Both platforms, like many others, argue future. that without all this information, the service would not be possible and they Source:cccccccccccccccccccc have no intention to use the benefit of consumers. But some recent data do not always bear out those intentions. /tecnologia/internet/2010/08/02/ Facebook a few months ago was 193775.php embroiled in a bitter row over the alleged sale to other companies for marketing of user data.

The debate, in the case of Google, has always been to discern how far the platform can provide the best surfer mail services, maps, search, etc., without crossing the line of knowing too much about it and run the risk of revealing these The company claimed in its configuration data. System vulnerability or abilities of problems privacy menu and promised to an attacker could trigger a disaster. solve with more options for the user, but a new service, Open Graph, has reignited On the other hand, both Google and the debate on the limits of crowdsourcing Facebook use this private information to on Facebook. Google does not escape refine the advertising that expose the the controversy following the recent user and get more efficient responses revelations about the capture of data of towards their advertisers. In both cases, open wifi networks of users while the advertising business is the bulk of photographing the streets of several

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Share your files with SendSpace By: Jhon Jairo Aldana Montealegre GIDT CERES La Plata Following the line of the file-sharing services on the Internet from June month's article "Store and share your files online”, then, we show one that does not require registration or subscription and for its ease of use, it becomes an indispensable tool when sharing large files. This service is known as "SendSpace", which lets you host files up to 300MB and then explain how to use it: 1. Write the URL:

2. Click on the button and located the file you want to share. (Remember that the file size must not exceed 300MB).

3. We enter the description of the file, the recipient's email and finally the email sender. 4. Click on the button “Upload File”.

The page will automatically begin the process, uploading the file to serve up to 100%

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The process is complete, the service shows the address where the file is hosted, that is the direction we must share with our contacts, relatives or friends.

When people trying to enter the address of the file will appear the next page:

By clicking on the "Download" window will appear automatically download the file that is hosted in the send space service to download it send to our computer.

Keep in mind that if the file hosted on the service is not downloaded during a time of 14 days will be automatically removed. It should be noted that there are many similar services as SendOver, badongo, rapidshare, megaupload, which differ in their ability and shelf life, but essentially all have the same goal: make life easier for the sailors on the network. Source:,

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Weaving links at Unadista Community

Academics and Administration of Ibague CEAD

By: Heliana Magally Villarreal Morales Welfare Coordinator South Zone University Welfare actions of our school, every day becoming more important for the strengthening of human relationships; from there, it is essential the networking where the active participation of the area and other UNAD community members play a key role in shaping the social tissue in which knowledge is the cornerstone of an efficient labor practice.

August 30, 2010 to tutors and administrators of CEAD of Ibague in the premises of the "Granja PiscĂ­cola el Carmen"; a different stage of the University's build, where was possible to perceive in all 39 participants, besides an individual commitment to the institution and interest for qualify in their daily work, enjoy the atmosphere in which peace, joy, entertainment and above all, integration, contribute to the ability to relate, communicate and thus participate in recreational activities and sports such as riding horse, swimming and soccer, Mini-Tejo and Billiards.ccccccccccccccccccccccccc

Solidarity PAP, allowed evidence that teamwork was done for the actions of the subject. Similarly, and given that Welfare U n i v e r s i t y, a i m s f o r t h e development of activities leading to the formation of an optimal environment, culture and of course, the cohesion of a group, this was the opportunity to carry out the celebration of Birthday concerning the months of July and August where the celebrated were nine (9) members of the UNADISTA community. cccccccccccccccccccc

That is why it is worth noting the event Also, one of the development activities "Induction / Reinduction" held last such as running observation under the

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Reflections for users of the SAU

By: Sandra Mercedes Parra Trujillo Zonal Leader of SAU

During the year that the system users' attention at UNAD has been working, there are different request, questions, disagreements and congratulations that it had received. But many of them include a specific feeling or phrase: Did I make a wrong decision with this methodology? Then, as an answer to that feeling, you are invited to remember some of the opening distance benefits, taking advantage of the Tics tool, which it is represented by the Virtual Campus at UNAD that promotes the online education. Ask yourself: Is the online education for me? Let´s face it. There are many practical reasons why people look this methodology. The top two are: Time between a job, family and life, there is not enough time to attend a face to face university. Money, if you save money you will become to save time, transportation so, you will save money.



If you have not already done so, this is a good time to reflect and be sure of the reasons and factors that are important to consider online education. -

Flexibility: Not to have lesson schedules. Students have the freedom to attend class a time and place most convenient for them.



Accessibility: Course material is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use of technology: Can use all the internet tools to communicate with teachers, classmates in any part of the world, attend libraries, etc. Communication: Students always can write, ask for information, which will be answer, the professors on time. Money: You do not have to pay for transportation, books or copies. Time: The time it takes a student achieves his or her degree is only limited by him or herself.

Finally, you belong to a group of privileged students that have the world in their hands, just to click on w h a t y o u w a n t t o k n o w.

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Man looking for integral health and welfare

By: Janeth Constanza Gonzalez Pulido Academic Counsellor - UNAD CERES San Vicente Human health can be reduced by several changes, such as emotional, physical, mental, intellectual, social, moral and spiritual. The state of health is an important indicator of the level of satisfaction of basic needs, represented by the state / quality: food, medical coverage, housing, work, education and the environment. The lack of access to basic needs is synonymous with deteriorating health and prognosis of danger and damage. From this it follows that the organized community must be delegated as unavoidable, create mechanisms through which they provide opportunities to improve health care for all human beings. Below I discuss some steps to improve their health, according to the emotional changes:

discomfort. Physical health is neglected easily and often, most times not for lack of what is necessary, but for the abuse that is food, drink, work, sleep for some kinds of defects or maladjustments that bring problems to the full official body. The excesses of youth: don´t affected me and it does not hurt me in my middle age.

MENTAL HEALTH: those who do not feel any kind of fear or fears are psychologically healthy. Most mental problems are due to ignorance, low self esteem, unfounded fears, insecurity of character, lack of personality, attachment and fear of death. What we should worry less as human beings is death, because it's all we have for sure. We are born and die: absolute reality. The act of dying is so simple and easy as turning off because it was a small candle light. It is a step taken from one place to another. Other beings in nature have the simplicity of PHYSICAL HEALTH: full physical dying without entertainment, without health who has manifested no pain or folklore.

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HEALTH INTELLECTUAL man is intellectually healthy to date, the man who knows. Intellectual sick obsolete outdated. Large number of our countrymen suffer from intellectual disease and some are in a "state of how." Violence, jealousy, sexism, vice, dishonesty and corruption are pure signs of illness, illiteracy intellectual product of all kinds.

SOCIAL HEALTH: The social health is excellent tolerant, enter and live in peace and harmony. Fortunately there is much talk of educational institutions, homes and meetings on living. Perhaps peace will come to change our country for generations because it´s another way, the horizon has clouds and storms. MORAL HEALTH: Who have very good moral health? Moral health when you have this joy and zest for life. The healthy people normally never ever curse or deny. Every awakening is happy and thanks God for a new day.

SPIRITUAL HEALTH: all who are capable of being moved and marveling at the wonders and beauty of the universe are of sound mind. Includes landscapes, skies, nature, people and watch the beauty manifested in each of these beings. It has been shown that individuals are directly responsible for their actions and behavior. And why not change that reality? If these health states to help us realize the reality, because we know that we are the only key to change the world. No one else can do.


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CROSSWORD 4 2 1 5 6

3 8 7 10 9 12 11

Crossword solve the following: 1. It's a type of mediation. 2. This course starts with this letter. 3. It's an Internet service for free. 4. It's one of the most famous social networks. 5. Department in charge of warranting the connection in a centre. 6. Name of a mirror dean in the South zone. 7. Acronym of an academic school. 8. Phosphorus symbol. 9. Name of the Director of Pitalito CEAD. 10. Regional centre host of the III Olimpic games of the South zone. 11. It's the name of a CERES in the zone. 12. Name of the regional centre where the last folclorito was held.

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