0 1 !P Our Lady of erpetu tilal etp Catholic Church P H Chattanooga TN 01/06/2010
Opening Prayer Let us begin: + In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Almighty, eternal God, when the Spirit descended upon Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan, you revealed him as your own beloved Son. Keep us, your children born of water and the Spirit, faithful to our calling. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. + In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Word of God January 10, 2010 The Baptism of the Lord Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 The Lord be with you. And also with you. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke. Glory to you Lord. + May the gospel always be on my mind, + on my 10s, + and in my heart. Now the people were filled with expectation, and all were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Messiah. John answered them all, saying, am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than 115 coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. He will baptize you with the holy Spirit and fire. After all the people had been baptized and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened and the holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Discussion Exercise Choose someone from your group and have them read aloud CCC paragraphs 696, 608, 2600 and 536 that cite the Gospel reading. Answer the following questions: 1. Why was Jesus baptized? 2. What does Jesus' baptism tell us about our own?
0 I. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Cbutch P H Chattanooga TN
Liturgical Calendar 01/07 Thursday 01/08 Friday 01/09 Saturday 01/10 Sunday 01/11 Monday 01/12 Tuesday
W Christmas Weekday W Saint Raymond of Penafort, priest W Christmas Weekday W Christmas Weekday W The Baptism of the Lord G First Week in Ordinary Time G First Week in Ordinary Time
G 01/13 Wed ndesday W First Week in Ordinary Time Saint Hilary, bishop and doctor of the Church
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Lesson 7: New Testaent Part A: Humanity and Emotions of jam View this page in Word ACIREIMIAULEIG In the previous two lessons we studied the Walley Narratives on the Incarnation. In Part A of this lesson we will laudy passages showing the implications of this, namely Jesus' humanity and emotions. In Park B we will look in the Gospels for insights into Jesus' spirituality and prayer. We will read many extracts from throughout the Gospels. Read as many as possible to become famffiar with the humanity, emotions and spirituality of Jesus. &Min I wonder do we take the humardty of Jesus seriously? If we do not take his humanity seriously are we allowing a barrier to exist between Jails and us? From our reading of Luke in Lesson 3 we see that Jesus wanted to break down barriers. It not taking the humanity of Jesus seriously has become a barrier, can we allow the following thoughts on Jest's' lmmanity to break down that barrier, and allow us draw closer to him? Many people tell me they find it easier to pray after studying this lesson. Jesus Loved and was Loliable • When discussing love we need to be clear on what we mean by love since we hear so much about love in pop songs, movies etc. In Greek the following are the words for love:-
• Eras • loving somebody to get something from them, selfish love • • 48aPe (pronounced a-gah peh) unselfish love, loving the other for their sake. The word the evangelists use when they say Jesus loved -someone is agape. We are told that Jesus loved the following people: the rich young man (Mark 10:21); Martha, Mary and Lazarus (John 11:5); Lazaruagohn 11:3,36X one of the disciples (John 13:23; 19-26; 20:2; 21:7,20). Paul, in the Letter to the Ephesians, talks of Jesus' love for us: Christ loved us and gave himself up for us (gph 5:2); the love of Odd surpasses knowledge (Eph 3:1849); Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Eph 5:25). We see Jesus' great love for his mother as he was dying on the cross when he asked his dose friend and disciple John to look after her (John 1925-27). • I think it would be fair to say that we can see Jesus' love for people when he was healing than by touching them. Some examples are Mark 131; 1:41; 5:41; 8:22-26. Furthermore Jesus allowed himself to be touched (Mark 6:56) and kissed (Luke 7:38,45). The disciple leaned close to his chest during http://www.frtommyhme.com/bible/enjoying_the bide 1/07 nt.htm 8/21/01 the Last
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Jesus Cried • We see Jesus' love for the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish people which it symbolizes when he cried before entering the city for the last time because he knew they would not accept him as the Messiah and that the city would be destroyed (Luke 19:41-44). Jesus also wept at the death of his friend Lazarus (John 11:35-36). There were times when Jesus was joyful and could pray aloud but there were times when life was tough and he prayed alone and shed tears alone (Heb 5:7). Jesus Was &IOW And Happy And Enjoyed Celebrations Jesus was joyful (John 15:11) and certainly knew how to enjoy himself Look at all the. cihmers he attended: the one given him by Matthew/Levi after he called him (Matt 99-10; see Mark 2:13-15; Luke 5:27-29); at Zacchaeus' house (implied in Luke 19:7); and Phatisees invited Jesus to dinner. (Luke 736; 11:37; 14:1); and there was dinner at Lazarus' house (Jolm 122). Apart from enjoying himself on social occasions, we see that Jesus was joyful on other occasions, e.g when the 70/72 came back after a successfid mission (Luke 1021). At Cana (John 2) Jesus changed between 120 and 180 gallons of water into wine so that the wedding guests could cominue to enjoy themselves, and it was wine of the best vintage. (At that time the wedding celebration lasted a week which explains why so much wine was needed). Jesus did not expect his disciples to that while he was still with them, but after he had departed would be the time for them to that (Matt 9:15). So that people would be joyful Jesus provided food for them; for the disciples after a night fishing (John 21), and he multiplied bread and fish (Mark 6:30-44; 811-10 and parallels in Matt and Luke). Jesus wanted people to enjoy community celebrations because they were a foretaste of the banquet of heaven. Obviously Jesus enjoyed such occasions himself because of the description of him,• a ghrtton and a dnurkerd, a friend oftax collectors and sinners (Luke 7:34). • believe this rhymes in Aramaic, the language of that time. The cross has become a symbol of Christianity, but that does not mean that we have to be sad. Why can't we allow Jesus to laugh? Somebody has said that Christianity is not Crossdanity. • Jesus Was Angry • Anger is one emotion with which we feel uncomfortable But *anger, as an emotion, is not wrong or sinful. CCC 1767 says, "In themselves passions are neither good nor evil. They are morally q . ualified only to the extent that they effectively engage reason and wilt" It is what we do with auger that could be sinful; CCC 1768. says 'Passions are morally good when goy contribute to a good action, evil in the opposite case." In fact there would be occasions when it would be sinthl not to be angry. For example, it could be sinful not to be angry when there is injustice. Perhaps we also feel uncomfortable with Jesus becoming angry. Jesus did not become angry over small matters and did not express his anger launbalanced or dispmportionateways. Matthew portrays Jesus as being angry in a number of passages. When Jesus got angry he cfid not bottle it up but released it in sharp rebukes. He called Peter "Satan" (Mark 8:33) for attempting to deflect him from his mission. Sometimes we can take our frustration with one person out on a different person who is not at fault, but when Jesus vented his anger, he never directed it at the wrong person, always at the appropriate person. Jesus never did anything violent against any person. Anger is good when it arises fiver a suitable cause, when it is properly directed and correctly expressed. Anger has to be expressed in some Way and let • •• •
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Humanity, emotions and spirituality of Jesus Page 3 of 8 go, otherwise it eats into the person. Jesus did not hold onto anger; he expressed it =diet it go. That was a healthy way to live. See Matt 11:20-24; 21:12-13; 23:13-36; Mark 3:5. Summarising, we can say about Jesus' anger 1 Jesus got any when he met a situation of injustice. 2 He directed his angerat the appropriate person, not others. 3 He never treated any person violently. Jesus Got Exasperated When Misunderstood In these passages you will see that Jesus got exasperated: Luke 7:31-35; Mark 8:11-13, 14-21; in.Mark 10:14 Jesus was indignant with the disciples when they prevented the children coming to him. Jesus' response to exasperation was "How many times must I explain it to you" and then he continued to teach and explain. He responded to exasperation by teaching those willing to learn. • Jesuiadt Pity And Helped Jesus saw, he took pity, and then he helped. We too see and we too take pity. Are we able to help? See Matt 14:13-14; 15,32-39; 20:29-34; Mark 634; TAW 7:11-17. Jesus gave encouragement when people needed Make comfort" Matt 9:2; "Courage, my daughter"; Matt 922). He was concerned that the disciples would take a rest (Mark 6:31). Jesus Felt Fear Fear is a natural reaction to something frightening. Looking at Jesus' agony in Gethsemane, we can say that Jesus overcame the fear in dismay 1 He admited the fear 2 He put the matter in God's hands 3 He replaced the fear with courage Heroes are not people without fear but people who learn to manage their fear by identifying the cause of it and confronting it Shakespeare said a coward dies a thousand times whiles brave person dies but once. By this he meant that people who allow fear to run their lives rhea death every day. See Matthew 2616-46. There is no agony in Gethsemane in John, but John 12:27-28 is very similar, Jesus feared, prayed and overcame his fear. Notice that when Jesus prayed he was uplifted. If we meet God in prayer we too should be uplifted. Read Matthew 6:25-34 for Jesus' teaching on worry. Some overcoming a fear is doing something practical. Jesus was afraid of being crushed (Mark 1:9) so he decided to preach from a boat. Jesus Needed Companionship • Only Mark tells us that the Twelve were to be Jesus' companions as well as to preach and heal (Mark 3:14). On special occasions Jesus asked three of the disciples to be with him. When he went up the mountain for his Transfigtuation, he took Peter, James and John (Matt 17:1; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:28). For the raising of the girl from the dead, Jesus allowed no one except Peter, James and John with him (Mark 5:37; Luke 8:51), and he kept Peter, James and John near him in Gethsemane (Matt http://www.frtommyhme.comibibleienjoying_the bible 1107 8/21/01
Humanity, emotions and spirituality of Jesus Page 4 of 8 26:37; Mark 14:33). We remember Jesus' close friendship with one of the Twelve, John (John 13 -19:26; 20:2; 21:7,20). Jesus longed to eat the Passover with his disciples (Luke 22,15). 23; Jesus' Knowledge Is Limited In Mark 5:30 and Luke 8:45 Jesus does not know who it is that touched him. In Mark 9:33 it seems that Jesus did not know what the disciples were discussing but this may be a foil used by Jesus for tending. Jesus admits that he does not know when the end of the world will be in Mark 13:32. Jesus Was Thud Jesus too Was tired like we are at the end of the day. Journeying from Judaea to Galilee tired Jesus (John 4:6): During the storm which was at the end of the day, Jesus was asleep in the boat (Mark 4:38, from 4:35 we know it is evening see Matt 824). Jesus Was Close to Nature Just think of all the times that Jesus used nature in his teaching. Firstly let us look at tit:limb; and birds in Jesus' teaching. See Matt 6:26; 23:37; Luke 13:34; Matt 8:10; Luke 9:58; Matt 19:24; Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25; Matt 23:33; Luke 11:1142; Matt 10:1623:24; 25:33). It must have happened sometime that a hired shepherd ran away and left the sheep scatter when he saw a wolf coming (John 10:12), but Jesus is not that ldnd of shepherd since he lays down his litb for his sheep (John 10:11). Jesus did not use a motorcar to get 'around but used a donkey entering Jerusalem for the last time. He said if your donkey fell into the well on the Sabbath would you not pull it out (Luke 13:15; 14:5). AcCording to Job 38:36 it was believed that the cock was endowed With special wisdom. This referred to foreknowledge of the coming of day and rain. Jesus predicted that the crowing of the cock would indicate Peter's denials (Matt 26:75; Mark 14:72; Luke 22:62). Needless to say, since some of the disciples were fishermen, fish are mentioned many times and are the subject of multiplication miracles and miraculous catches (Luke 5:5; John 21:6). As well as referring to many animals, Jesus also mentioned many different kinds of plants when he was tailing. (Matt 6:28-30; Luke 6:44; Matt 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-19). The growth of seeds provided Jesus with much material for teaching especially in Mark 4 and Matt 13. Weeds appearing in a wheat field are beat left grow because when trying to uproot them one might also pull up some wheat (Matt 134-30). Herbs grown in gardens were mint, dill and cumin (Matt 23:23). In Matt 21:18-22 and Mark 11:12-1420 Jesus cursed the barren fig tree but in Luke 13:6-9 he gave it another chance. Jesus probably saw many boys phmting vineyards before they get married and such Orman gave rise to a parable (Matt 21:33-43; Mark 12:1-12). The vineyard was seen as a symbol &Israel in ha 4:7 but Jesus is the true vine in John 15:1. When pruning vines, one prunes not only the dead branches but also the green branches (John 152).
Jesus' Education Luke 3:23 tells us that Jesus was about 30 years of age when he began to teach. We know nothing about the years alter the finding in the temple before the start of his public ministry. The education of the Jews consisted in learning the Torah (Jewish law in the OT). They were taught this by their fathers and by the attendant in the synagogue: At the age of five, boys began their education in the Scriptures in the synagogue. The synagogue attendant was employed to look after the scrolls of Scripture, to announce the beghming and ending of the Sabbath by blowing the trumpet, and to teach http://www.frtommyhme.com/bible/e4oying the bille 1/07 nt.htm 8/21/01
Humanity, emotions and spirituality of Jesus Page 5 of 8 children to write and know the Torah. It was the attendant in the synagogue in Nazareth who handed Jesus the scroll when he read there (Luke 4:17,20). So far as we know, Jesus did not have a formal education beyond this. Apart from home and synagogue, seemingly Jesus was self-educated but obviously he was impressive because he was allowed to teach in the synagogues of Galilee (Mark 1:21.39; Luke 4:16). The Languages Jesus Spoke What language did Jesus speak? Jesus' native tongue was Aramaic. We see it sometimes in Mark, e.g. Botmerges in 3:17; Ephphatba in 7:34; Abba in 14:36; Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani in 1534. Jesus would have had a Gaffiean accent Peter certainly had (Matt 26:73). The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and read in Hebrew. In the synagogue in Nazareth when Jesus read the Scriptures he would have read from the Hebrew Manuscript All boys learned Hebrew in order to read the Scriptures. Aramaic was the language of Palestine, but what about communication with those outside of Palestine or visitors from abroad? Greek was the language used throughout the Mediterranean at the time of Jesus, so probably Jesus spoke in Greek with Pilate during his tad and With the centurion whose servant he healed (Luke 7:1-7). Where Did Jesus Live During His Public Birmistry? Many believe Jesus lived in Peter's house in Capernaum while conducting his Galilean public ministry. See map at the end. of Lesson 1. It is obvious from Mark 1:21,29; Matt 8:5,14 and Luke 4:31,38 that Peter .was living in Capernaum at 'that time. (Peter and Andrew had grown up in • Bedulaida as Weis= in John 1:44). The referenae in Matt 9:1 to Jesus' own town is to Capernaum where Jesus had settled oiler leaving Nazareth (Matt 4:13). The collectors of the haff-shekel in Capernaum Greek of Mark 2:1 postellY suggests that his home was there. Likewise the reference to his house in . wanting Mark 320 is considered to refer to Peter's house. Jesus performed a number of miracles in to collect it(Matt 814-17; Mark 129-43; Luke 4:38-41). In the synagogue Jesus cured the man with Capernatun from Jesushand (Mark 1:23-28; Luke 433-37). Levi's tolls' office was there. Capernaum was on a the withered major trade mute, a good place for a tolls office. Matt 820 indicates Capertumm was not Jesus' suggests permanent residence. Capemaum was his Jesus Like Us In Every Way Except' Sin base (Matt 17:24-25). The forty days in the desert was not the only time Jesus was teMpted. Luke 4:13 suggests this by referring to devil returning at. the appointed time (which refers to the Passion of Jesus). Jesus was The famMar with trials during his ministry (Luke 22:28). Satan was particularly active during the time of Jesus' Passion (Luke 22:3,31,39-46,53). • Through Pet er Mark 8:31-33). HebJesus 4:15 gays that1621-23 Jesus was tempted in every way that we are. See Heb 2:16-I8. i Satan tempted (Matt and There was no freedom from temptation for Jam just as therti is. not for us. Let us not fool ourselves into thinking that because Jesus was God's Son he did not really suffer. We must take the humanity of Jesus seriously. He overcame temptation. In this he is an example to us. According to Peter if we are to share Christ's glory, we Must also share his suffering (1 Peter 5:8-10). Final Words on the Humanity and Emotions of Jesus A document of Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes 22; says Jesus http://www.frtommylane.coM/bibleienjoying_the bide 1/07 nth=
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laboured with human hands, thought with a human mind, acted with a human will, and loved with a • human heart. Born of Mary the Virgin he truly became one of us and, sin apart, was like us in every way. • The lesson an the humanity of Jesus reminds us that God looked at everything he had made and he found it good (Gen 1:3 1). We separate the sacred and the secular too much. We have a tendency to send God back to heaven. God became human so that we might become more Ince God. Part B: Jesus' Prayer and Spirituality There is a great deal that could be said about the prayer of Jesus so what I am giving you here is only very brief As you read the Gospels you will learn much more about the prayer and spirituality of Jesus. We believe that Jesus reached the highest perfect of prayer because he was both divine and human. Naturally Jesus is our model in prayer. Jesus Contrasted Praying Verbally and Praying Silently with the Heart
Jesus contrasted praying verbally (Matt 6:5,7) and praying silently with the heart (Matt 6:6). What is important is the interior quality of one's prayer, to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). We see this contrast in the way the evangelists depict Jesus at prayer. Although Jesus frequented the Temple in Jerusalem and the synagogues, the evangelists never specifically mentioned that Jests prayed there (however see John 4:20) whereas several times they tell us that Jesus went away los handy pia* to pray by himself e.g. Mark 1:35; 6:46. This latter example of Jesus praying took place after the multiplication of the loaves. No doubt it had been a thing day and Jesus needed to replenish himself spiritually so he spent most of the night in prayer and did hot appear. down again until the fourth watch, ie. 3am-6am (Mark 6:48). Other examples ofJesus praying in lonely places are Luke 4:42 (implicit), 5:15;, 6:12; 9:18; 11:1. Reading the abolle examples you will have noticed that Jesus hied to pray on mointabs. In fact he seems to Italie hired mountains. His sermon in Matt 5-7 was delivered from a motmtain (5:1). His transfigunditm took place on a mountain and he ascended from amotmtain. • Jesus and the Father Are One Jesus and the Father are one (John 10:30,38; 12:49; 14:9-10; 16132; 17:22). There was an intimate communion between Jesus and his Father. Wiliam of Saint Thierty said that where Jesus was staying in John 138 was with his Father. As a result of this communion between Jesus and his Father the Kingdom of God was realized in his own person. See Mark 9:1; Matt 12:28; Like 10:19; 17:2021. It was Jesus' burning desire to spread this Kingdom (Luke 12:49). It is out of prayers of petition arose (see Matt 6:33). this desire that his Jesus Included Prayers of Pitition Jesup' prayers included prayers of petition as well as prayers of praise and thanksgiving e.g. Luke 22:31; John 14:15-16. John 17 is the so-called priestly prayer of Jesus. Much of it is pedtionary: vv1-5 Jesus prays for his glorification; vv6-9 Jesus prays for his disciples; vv20-26 Jesus prays for all who believe. atort h ti http://www.frtommylahe.cont/bible/enjoying_the bade 1/07 nt.htm.. 8/21/01 • Do
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Before the time Jesus there are texts urging ldndness to those who harm us, but Jesus asking his Father to forgive his crueifiers is something completely new in history (Luke 23:34). Jesus' Life Revolves Around Doing His Father's Will Doing his Father's will is what Jesus' life revolves around. See John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 8:29; 8:55; 9:4 (1928 Milling Scripture). That is why at the end ofhis life Jesus *add say 'It is fulfilled/fmished' (John 19:30)z In the desert Jesus rejected Satan's temptations in order to continue to fulfill his Father's will. Another dramatic example of this is overcoming temptation in Gethsemane, Luke 22:42 and parallels. Jesus' prayer in Luke 23:46 is a most beautifill prayer of abandonment in trust to his Father. Because Jesus never disobeyed his Father's will he never prayed sucking for forgiveness (see John 8:446). Lukellighlights Jesus Praying at all the SignificantiVionsentrafilis Life Obviously prayer was important in Luke's life. The following instances of Jesus at prayer are found only in Luke. Jesus was praying after his baptism when the heavens opened (3:21). After the cure of the leper Jesus withdrew to the wilderness, and prayed (5: 16). The parallel in Mark has Jesus praying only Mice but in Luke 5:16 it was Jesus' custom. Jesus spent aft night on the hills in prayer before he chose the Twelve (6:1Z-16). Jesus was praying alone when he asked the disciples "Who do the people say I am?" (9:18-22). Eight days later he took Peter, James and John and went up on the mountain to pray (9:28) and while praying he was transfigured (9:29). Jesus prayed for Simon that his • faith might not fail (21:31), Only Luke tells us that Jesus prayed for his aucifiers (2334) and committed his spirit irito the hands of Father (23:46). Furthermore; only in Luke.do we find Jesus teaching the Parables of the Importunate Friend at Midnight (11:54) and the Unjust Judge (18:1-8) on the importance of petitionary prayer and praying always (18:1), and the Parable of the Pharisee and Tax collector on humble prayer (189-14). Luke does not regard prayer as magic, that whatever we pray for will be granted, thus the story of the Father will give good things to those who ask, in Luke reads as the Father giving the Holy Spirit to those who•isk 'In arkfitiOn to prayer material only in his Gospel, Luke also included Material conmmn to the other Synoptic& Die Matthew (6:9-13), Luke tells of Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray the Our Father (112-4), but only Luke tells us that it was one of the disciples who asked Jesus to teach (1 1:1), a sign that Jesus' communion with God impressed the disciples. All three synopticsmeation Jesus praying in Gethstimime to overcome temptation (Matt 26:36-46; Mark 1431,42; Luke12:3946), an example to Christians that prayer overcomes temptation. All•three-synoptics mention Jesus praying as he died on the cross; Matt 27:46; Mark 15i34 both quoting Ps 22:2(1); Luke 23A6 quoting Ps 31:6(5). When Jesus Prayed Verbally What Prayers Did He Say? The Shema was prayed morning and evening by Jews at the time of Jesus. It was a scriptural prayer, beginning with Dent 6:4-9; then 11:13-21, then IsTum 15:37-41 and ending with a lengthy http://wwwfrtommylane.com/bible/enjoying_the bible 1/07 nthtm • 8/21/01
Humanity, emotions and spirituality of Jesus Page 8 of 8 blessing. It is called the 'Shema' because the first word of the prayer in Hebrew in Deut 6:4 is show. The Psalms were Jesus' prayer book for other times.
EIRMEMUNADOLfi James Breig The Emotional Jesus Lucien Deiss.loseph, Itetcry, aims Peter Himilan Nine Portraits
MAYER We will use some thoughts Ikonithis lesson for prayer.
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What we believe about Jesus Life of Jesus I I Name Origin I I Name Meaning I I In the Eucharist I &Final True
Who is Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is God the Son, who became man for us.
Ts Jesus Christ truly God? Jesus Christ is truly God, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Son, the Eternal Word, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit always was, is, and always will be. In the beginning was the Word' (John 1:1)
Is Jesus Christ truly Man? Jesus Christ Is truly man because he has the nature of man, having a body and soul. Was Jesus Christ always man? Jesus Christ was not always man but he became man in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
What do we call the mystery of God becoming Man? We call this mystery 'the Incarnation' which means that God the Son, became man, like us in allbeing things except sin. 'the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us' (John 1:14). a human
How many natures are there in Jesus? There are two natures in Jesus, the Divine nature of God and he Human nature of man.
How many persons are there in Jesus? There is only one person in Jesus, the person of God the Son.
Why did God the Son become Man? God the Son became man to free us fromsin and open to us the way to Heaven and everlasting life with God. What does the name 'Jesus' mean? The name 'Jesus' means 'Saviour'. What dues the name 'Christ' mean? The name 'Christ' means 'Anointed'.
What do these names tell us ? That Jesus was anointed by God the Fatherto be ourSaviour.
Jesus: Human and Divine Matthew 16:13-17
Jesus: Human and Divine
The promises of God were never completely fulfilled in the Old Testament. God did lead the chosen people; God did feed the flocks, but the chosen— the Jews—knew there would be a final fulfillment. They were longing for a prophet, a bringer of good news, who would change their lives. The prophet Isaiah, John the Baptist, and Mary all played roles in preparing the world to receive the good news which was Jesus. Jesus • Born of woman • The gift of God to the world • The proof of the love of God for each of us • • • •
Isaiah 40:1-11—The prophet foretells the coming... Luke 1:26-35—Mary, his mother Luke 3:4-6—John the Baptist The entire Gospel or Luke
Who is Jesus for me? Questions • to What difference does Jesus make in my life? Ponder What does Jesus tell me about God? What is Jesus asking of me today? Do I believe Jesus is divine? Do I believe Jesus is fully human, as I am?
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