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THE RITE OF ELECTION OF CATECHUMENS AND THE CALL TO CONTINUING CONVERSION OF CANDIDATES Diocese of Knoxville 2010 The Most Reverend Richard Stika y D.D. Bishop of Knoxville presiding Chattanooga Deanety: St. Stephen Church, Chattanooga Sunday, Februaty 21, at 1:30 PM Cumberland Mountain Deanety: St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Lenoir City Sunday„ February 21, at 6:30 PM Five Rivers Deanery: Notre Dame Church, Greeneville Saturday, February 27, at 1:30 PM Rev. David Boettner, Moderator of the Curia, presiding Smoky Mountain Deanery: St. Albert the Great Church, Knoxville Saturday, February 27, at 6:30 PM Rev. Msgr. Francis Xavier Mankel, VG, STL presiding



1. Re - joice, the Lord is 2. The Lord, our Say - ior, 3. His king-dom can - not 4. Re - joice in glo-rious

1irJ King! Your •reigns, J The fail, He hope! Our Li.

aGod of truth and rules o'er eaith and Lord the judge shall

Lord and King

• I 1 fi Ii • Re - joice, j Jgive thanks, and sing, And tri-umph ev - er - more: When he had purged our sins, He took his seat a - bove:

dore! love; heav'n; come


The keys of death and hell Are to our le - sus giv'n: And take his ser - vants up To their e - ter - nal home:


J Lift




rr r r r r Re - joice, a - gain I

lift up your voice!


say, re - joice!

Tax Charles %stay. 1707•1788 Tam DARWAWS 148ni. 6666 U: John Damll. 17314789 harm. from The Hputel IMO

0 1982, C.I.A. Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission under License 2676.


Deuteronomy 26:4-10 Psalm 91

Responsorial Psalm Refrain



me, Lord,



Ij1 Be with me, Lord, I pray

Romans 10:8-13 Second Reading Brothers and sisters: What does Scripture say? The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart --that is, the word of faith that we preach— for, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. For one believes with the heart so is justified, and confesses with the mouth and so is saved. For the Scripture says, No one who believes in him will be put to shame. For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; The same Lord is Lord of all, enriching all who call upon him. For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Gospel Acclamation

Marty Haagen

Praise to you, Lord Je-sus Christ, king of end less go Ty!

GILA. Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission under License 2676


CELEBRATION OF THE RITE OF ELECTION DIOCESAN Bishop Stilca, (Father David, Monsignor Mankel) Easter is drawing near. DIRECTOR: These catechumens, whom we now present to you, are completing their period of preparation. They have found strength in God's grace and support in their parish community's prayer and example. Now they ask that after the celebration of the scrutinies, they be allowed to participate in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. CELEBRANT My dear catechumens, you are to be chosen in Christ. As your name is called, I ask you to stand, together with your godparents. [Parish catechumenate leader stands and says: "Bishop Stika (Monsignor Mankel, Father David), we at Parish present our catechumens and their godparents." Parish leader calls the name of each catechumen, who stands with his/her godparent(s). All remain standing while the acclamation is sung, then sit.]


"irr Deep with - in I will plant my law,

rr not on stone,

Fol - low me,

but in your heart.

I will bring you back, you will

be my own, and I will be your G.I.A. Publications, Inc, All rites reserved. Used with permission under License 2676 Gather Comprehensive, God.

CELEBRANT: My dear friends, these catechumens have asked to be initiated into the sacramental life of the Church this Easter. Those who know them have judged them to be sincere in their desire. Now God's holy Church wishes to know whether they are sufficiently prepared to be enrolled among the elect. And so I speak first to you their godparents. Have they faithfully listened to God's word proclaimed by the Church? GODPARENTS: THEY HAVE CELEBRANT: Have they responded to that word and begun to walk in God's presence? GODPARENTS: THEY HAVE CELEBRANT: Have they shared the company of their Christian sisters and brothers and joined with them in prayer? GODPARENTS: THEY HAVE CELEBRANT: And now I speak to you, my sisters and brothers in this assembly: Are you ready to support the testimony expressed about these catechumens and include them in your prayer and affection as we move toward Easter? ALL: WE ARE. CELEBRANT; Now, my dear catechumens, I address you. (Catechumens, please stand.) Your own godparents and teachers and this entire community have spoken in your favor. The Church in the name of Christ accepts their judgment and calls you to the Easter sacraments. Since you have already heard the call of Christ, you must now expresses your response to that call clearly and in the presence of the whole Church. Therefore, do you wish to enter fully into the life of the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist? CATECHUMENS: WE DO.

CELEBRANT: Then offer your names that I may ratify your call to Election. [As each parish is called, parish leader brings the Book of the Elect forward for the Celebrant's signature. Pastors come forward with the catechumens and present them to the Celebrant, together with their godparents.]

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Here I am,

Is it I, Lard,— rts. •OI M PO

call- ing In the night

ar I will go, lord,_ ift

lead me —

have heard you

If you COMO

I will hold your pea -pie In my heart--

Daniel L Schulte and New Dawn Music, POB 13248, Portland, OR 97213-0248. All rights reserved. Used with permission under License 19564.

[Alter all have been presented, the Celebrant turns to the catechumens and asks them to stand with their godparents.] CELEBRANT: My dear catechumens, I declare you to be members of the elect, to be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the next Easter Vigil. ALL: THANKS BE TO GOD! CELEBRANT: God is always faithful to those he calls: it is your duty now, As it is ours, both to be faithful to him in return And to strive courageously to reach the fullness of truth, which your election opens up before you. God parents, you have spoken in favor of these catechumens, and you have promised them faithfulness and support: Accept them now as chosen in the Lord and continue to sustain them through your loving care and example, until they come to share in the sacraments of God's life. GODPARENTS: WE WILL!

Walk always as children of the Light.

THE CALL TO CONTINUING CONVERSION DIOCESAN Bishop Stika, (Monsignor Mankel, Father David) DIRECTOR: we now present to you the candidates who seek to complete their Christian initiation. They have been preparing diligently to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. They too have found strength in God's grace and support in their parish community's prayer and example. Now they ask that after the Lenten season, they be admitted to Confirmation and the Eucharist. CELEBRANT: My dear candidates, you desire to participate fully in the sacramental fife of the Church. As your name is called, I ask you to stand, together with your sponsors. [Parish leader stands and says: "Bishop Silica (Monsignor Mankel, Father David), we at Parish present our candidates and their sponsors." Parish leader calls the name of each candidate, who stands with his/her sponsor(s). All remain standing while the acclamation is sing, then sit] ACCLAMATION as before CELEBRANT: My dear friends, these candidates, our sisters and brothers, have asked to be admitted to full participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Those who know them have judged them to be sincere in their desire. The Christian life and the demands that flow from the sacraments cannot be taken lightly

CELEBRANT: (continued) Therefore, before granting these candidates their request, it is important that the Church hear the testimony of their sponsors about their readiness. Sponsors, have these candidates faithfully listened to the apostles' Instruction proclaimed by the Church? SPONSORS:



Have they come to a deeper appreciation of their baptism, in which they were joined to Christ and his Church?




Have they reflected sufficiently on the tradition of the Church, which is their heritage, and joined their sisters and brothers in prayer?




Have they advanced in a life of love and service of others?




And now I speak to you, my sisters and brothers in this assembly: Are you ready to support the testimony expressed about these candidates and include them in your prayer and affection as we move toward Easter?




And now, my dear candidates, I address you. (Candidates please stand.) Your own sponsors, teachers, and this entire community have spoken in your favor. The Church in the name of Christ accepts their judgment and calls you into full sacramental sharing. Therefore, do you wish to enter fully into the life of the Church Through the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist?




Then offer your names that I may ratify you call to full communion.

[As each parish is called, the parish leader brings the Book forward for the Celebrant's signature. Pastors come forward with their candidates and present them to Bishop Stika (Monsignor Mankel, Father David), together with their sponsors. PRESENTATION REFRAIN as before [After all have been presented, the Celebrant turns to the candidates and asks them to stand with their sponsors.] CELEBRANT: My dear candidates, in the name of the Church, I recognize your desire to be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and to have a place at Christ's Eucharistic table. Join with us this Lent in a spirit of repentance. Hear the Lord's call to conversion and be faithful to your baptismal covenant. ALL: THANKS BE TO GOD! CELEBRANT: Sponsors, continue to support these candidates with your guidance and concern. May they see in you a love for the Church and a sincere desire to do good. Lead them to the joy of the Easter mysteries. SPONSORS/ALL: WE WILL! SIGN OF PEACE INTERCESSIONS FOR THE ELECT AND THE CANDIDATES [Please kneel for the intercessions. Cantor will sing the prayer, all respond RESPONSE English/Latin/Spanish

Lord, hear our


De-us, ex- au - di

prayer; •


• Se- nor, ex - cti - eha - nos. 0 1994. World Library Publications. All rights reserved.





JI 1. How 2. "Fear 3. "When 4. "The

firm a foun - da - tion, you not, I am with you, 0 through the deep wa - ters I •soul that on Je - sus still

saints be call leans

61 Lord, Is laid for your faith in this J For I am your God, and will mayed, go, The riv - ens of woe shall not pose, I will not, I will not de

Word! What aid; I'll flow; For foes; That

of the not dis you to for re -

ex - cel- lent still give you you o - ver seri to its

more can God say than to you has been strength - en you, help you, and cause you to will be with you, your trou - bles to soul, though all hell should en - deav - or to

61 said, To you stand, Up - held bless, And sane Shake, nev -

• who for • ref uge to .Ie - sus have fled? by my right- eous, om - nip - o - tent hand. ti - fy to you, your deep - est dis tress. er, no nev - en, no nev - er for sake!"

Teat: 2 Peter Ink "K" in Rippen's Tune: FOUNDATION. II II 31 I I; Rmes Chmpitorion of Genuine Church Ataxic. 1832: harm. by Richard honk. b.1937. GM Publications. A Selection o Rpm. 1787

Gather Comprehensive, GI& Publications, Inc. All rites reserved. Used with permission under License 2676



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We offer special thanks to all who helped to make this event a significant milestone for our Elect and our Candidates. In particular, we thank our Celebrants, our priests and deacons, our coordinators, catechists and their helpers, our godparents and sponsors, our musicians, our hostesses and reception-makers, our planners, and those who helped behind the scenes. May God bless you all!

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