Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Mass Intentions beginning this Saturday: Sat 8:00 AM +Frances Saunders 5:30 PM Parish Family Sun 7:30 AM +John Donato 10:00 AM +Tony Lombardo 12:00 PM +Clifford Coffman 2:00 PM Ints. Arcelia Camacho family Mon 8:15 AM +Merrill & Don Lamsey Tues 8:15 AM +Marguerite Blanford Wed 8:15 AM Ints. of Helen Dolan Thurs 8:15 AM +Tom Ireland Fri 8:15 AM +Hudson Ireland 5:30 PM +Andrea Oleck Sat 8:00 AM +R.J. Barrett 5:30 PM +Helen Rogers Sun 7:30 AM +Annie Osteen 10:00 AM +Margaret Dranchak 12:00 PM +Robert Wayne Douglas 2:00 PM Parish Family (+Deceased) Parish Bookstore is open after weekend Masses. Sun. Jr. High Youth Group 6:30-8:00 1st & 3rd Sunday’s call Vicki at 855-2505 or 364-1480 Mon. The bulletin deadline is noon. Wed. Bridge Players/St. Brigid’s Craft Groups, 10-2 in the Parish Life Center. Sat. Cursillista’s after 8:00 AM Morning Mass in the Parish Office Rosary Group meets at 9:00 a.m. daily in the church. Flowers on the Altar this weekend are given by Betty Lombardo in loving memory of Tony Lombardo. This weekend is our collection for the parish Food Pantry. Your continued generosity during these difficult time is truly a blessing to those in need. Next weekends second collection is for our adopted parish in Haiti. Thank you for all you do to help our brothers and sisters in Christ. Friday is First Friday. Adoration begins after 8:15 am Mass and closes with Benediction at 5:00 PM. Come pray for our families, our community, our nation, our world. Ask for harmony in our world as we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Chili’s restaurants “Give Back Night” for Catholic Charities is August 4. Present the Chili’s give back night coupon at any Chili’s in East Tennessee on the first Tuesday of the month between 4-10 and Chili’s will donate 10 % of your purchase back to Catholic Charities!
August 2, 2009 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Coupons are available at www.ccetn.org and in the Church vestibule.
Scout Sign Up Night: The OLPH scouting program will have its annual sign up night on Thursday Aug 20 at 7:00 pm. in the Parish Life Center. Boys in grades 1st -5th can join the Cub Scouts and those in grades 6th 12 can join the Boy Scouts. Our scouts are sponsored by the church not the school and every boy in our parish is invited to join. Any questions please call Bill West 899-4061. Lector & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule: Sat, Aug 8 R. Smith, K. Somerville Lectors Deacon, T. Gribben, E. Warwick, A. Alisago, C. Blake EMHC Sun, Aug 9 at 7:30 Mass K. Heider, J. Goodhard Lectors J. Reinert, J. Lubinski, B. Reardon EMHC. 10:00 C. Delaney, S. Castle Lectors, D. Barta, C. Ingle, P. Blazek, N. Donohoo, A. Dougherty, B. Dougherty, J. Fava, C. Delaney, M. Grass EMHC 12:00 M. McKenzie, M. Pomerance Lectors M. Simpson, J. Gonzalez, M. DePrez, B. DePrez, a. Gonzalez EMHC. Thank you for your ministry. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement. Altar servers for Sat, Aug 8 at 5:30 A. Dorris, D. Dorris, S. Mohler, A. Smith, J. Smith Aug 9 at 7:30 Mass M. Zolkowski, N. Dang, M. Hutton, K. Klassen, S. Rhodes 10:00 Mass M. Raabe, L. DeCordova, M. Arnt, A. Smith, D. Hodges 12:00 Mass V. Britto, F. Jackson, B. Levings, J. Moore, M. Rebman 2:00 Mass P. Acosta, M. Espinoza, A. Ubas. OLPH School is accepting applications for the 2009/2010 school year for Kindergarten through eighth grades. If you would like an application package or to come and tour your campus please contact Teresa Hennen 622-1481 or Teresahennen@catholicweb.com OLPH School provides an education that fosters a relationship with God and enables students to become confident life long learners. The Knights of Columbus Council #610 is collecting items for their White Elephant Yard Sale at the Annual Labor Day Picnic scheduled for September 7 at Camp Columbus. For pick up or drop off information call Scott Louisell 667-6936 or John Chrnalogar 544-1562. Proceeds support our charitable activities throughout the year. Thanks for your contributions and support.
WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Special Events Committees are now forming. Contact your local Catholic Charities of East Tennessee office if you are interested in participating.
Health Ministry August is Cataract Awareness Month. More than half of all Americans develop cataracts by age 80 and 20.5 million Americans age 40and older have a cataract. Cataracts are the clouding of the eye’s naturally clear lens preventing the passage of light needed for vision. Cataracts start out small and have little effect on vision at first. But as the cataract grows it clouds more of the lens. Symptoms include painless blurring of vision double vision in one eye fading or yellowing of colors and sensitivity to light and glare. Currently there are no medications or exercises that will cause cataracts to disappear. If they don’t interfere with your life you may decide surgery is not needed. But when they do begin to interfere they can be treated surgically. Talk with your local eye doctor about your options. Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes to see clearly the wonders of your teachings. Visit the Parish Nurse link at myolph.com for current news and information.
A Magical Trip to Camelot! Join the OK’s (Older Kids 50+) on Sept 12 to visit Cumberland County State Park for Lunch shopping and the play Camelot. We will leave OLPH at 10:30 a.m. arrive at Cumberland County State Park for lunch then visit Symington’s Cheese House and the discount Mall. We will leave the playhouse by 5:30 and stop for a quick bite for dinner (cost on our own). Cost for play and transportation is $47 Lunch is $13 (including tax & tip). You may wish to bring a sack lunch and eat in the courtyard. Make checks payable to O.K. Club for $60 for play, transportation and meal or $47 for Play and transportation. Space is limited so register early. Mail to Eveline Buske 837 Belvoir Terrace Chatt. TN 37412. For more info call Eveline 6221418 or Phil Harper 875-5258.
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL NEWS Our Lady of perpetual Help Catholic School Alumni Friends: the development Office at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is looking for contact information for anyone that attended OLPH School. Would you like to help find your classmates? We want to have an Alumni gathering/celebration at the end of the summer and we need help finding contact information. If you can help contact Kathy 622-1481. OLPH Football Camp: the OLPH Football Camp enjoyed another successful run the week of June 22. Nearly 50 boys participated in the 5 day clinic at Billy Warren Field on the OLPH Campus. Instruction on proper blocking tackling QB/RC skills strength conditioning and nutrition were emphasized during the week. Instructors for the clinic included the OLPH Football coaching staff of Billy & Bucky Dearing, Michael Blake, Rob Kidwell, Patrick Flynn, Sheldon Green and B.J. Coleman. VIRTUS TRAINING: The Diocese of Knoxville requires Virtus TYraining for all volunteers who work directly with students. The next Virtus training will be Tuesday, Aug 4 at 6:00 p.m. in the OLPH Parish Life Center. You can register on line at www.virtus.org Registration Day at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School is Thursday Aug 6 from 7:30-12:00. Registration packets have been sent out. Please call the school office 622-1281 if you did not receive your packet. First Day of School is Monday, August 10. Welcome Back. Outstanding Teacher Award: Ann Meinert was selected by the students, faculty and staff of the Governor’s School for the Arts, Middle Tennessee University for special commendation as one of Tennessee’s outstanding educators. Ann received the Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts Outstanding Teacher Award for the 2008/2009 School year. Congratulations Ann! National Young Scholars Program. Daniel Hodges a rising 5th grade student at OLPH School was accepted to the National Young Scholars Program which was held on the campus of Wake Forest University this summer.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Parent Involvement and Participation (PIP) OLPH School parents logged in 5,725.25 volunteer hours for the 2008/2009 school year. Thank you parents you do make a difference at OLPH School. Vacation Bible School Many Thanks to all the volunteers that helped with VBS this summer and to the parishioners that donated items for crafts & snacks. Box tops for education: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School ranks 4 out of 204 schools in Box Tops for Education. Remember to save those box tops and send them to school with your child or put them in the box in back of the church. Many thanks to all those that have helped us save Box Tops.
The Home Place, Catholic Charities residential program for homeless individuals with HIV?AIDS needs volunteers to transport clients to medical appointments and other basic errands. Please call Catholic Charities 267-1297 to help.
Aug 3 Aug 4 Aug 5 Aug 6 Aug 7 Aug 8
Weekly Readings Numbers 11:4b-15; Matthew 14:13-21 Numbers 12:1-13; Matthew 14:22-36 Numbers 13:1-2, 25-14:1, 26a-29a, 34-35; Matthew 15:21-28 Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; Peter 1:16-19; Mark 9:2-10 Deuteronomy 4:32-40; Matthew 16:24-28 Deuteronomy 6:4-13; Matthew 17:14-20
Catholic Charities Pregnancy Help Center has a part time opening for Case Coordinator. Bachelor degree or equivalent work experience is preferred but not required. Computer skills fundraising public speaking and office management skills are necessary. For more information contact Sandi Davidson at 865-251-0488 or 865-776-4510 La La Palooza Fest 2009: Come gather as Junior High students in the Chattanooga Deanery for Mass, Lunch and a day of Fun! Where: St. Stephen's Church on Lee Hwy When: Sunday, August 16th 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Cost: $20 includes lunch of pizza, drinks, cotton candy and popcorn tie-dying t-shirts, and 3 water inflatable's for your enjoyment (Dual slip'n slide, gaintslide with slip'n slide and extreme bungee) Deadline: Monday, August 10th Forms: Your Youth Minister, or email Jim Cole at jcoleststephen@comcast.net or Donna Jones at djones6029@gmail.com
August 2, 2009 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic Charities Office of Immigrant Services provides low cost immigration legal assistance for those who cannot afford an attorney. Services include status adjustments petitioning for family members citizenship naturalization and translation services. The program is accredited by the U.S. Bureau of Immigration Appeals. For more info call Nathaly Perez 865-971-3550.
2009-10 Discernment for DYMAC (Diocesan Youth Ministry Advisory Council) Tuesday, August 18th from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at OLPH in the Parish Library. This is available to all High School Students. We pick 5 from each Deanery to come together as representatives for the Bishop, Deaneries, Churches and their peers to be the voices and planners for activities and changes that will happen within the Diocese of Knoxville this coming school year. Applications can be picked up from your Youth Minister or by contacting: Donna Jones (Chattanooga Deanery Youth Coordinator) at 267-9878, 718-4387 or email djones6029@gmail.com
Join Bishop Stika and the Diocesan Catholic community for Diocesan Day 2009 on Sat. Aug 22 from 9:00 am-3:30 pm at All Saints Church in Knoxville. Cardinal Justin Rigali will be the keynote speaker and Homilist for Mass. The Theme is “You Have But One Teacher�. Our program will feature Bishop Stika. Proceeds from ticket sales will assist the newly opened Catholic Charities Pregnancy Help Center in LaFollette as well as assist Catholic Relief Services with their vital mission in Sudan. An early registration before July 19 is $20. Late fees will be $25. Students are $10. Lunch is included if registration is received prior to Aug 17.
Cancer patients from your community need your help to get to their medical treatments and appointments. Road to Recovery, an American Cancer Society program needs kind people to volunteer their time and use their own cars to drive patients to and from their appointments. Schedules are flexible. For more information call 423-855-2778 the American Cancer Society Mid South Division.
WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? “Be renewed in the spirit of your minds” Renew your marriage/holy orders with a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is Aug 28-30 in Knoxville. Call John & Manuela Ptacek at 865-531-1719. Part time Case Manager Position Available Interfaith Homeless Network: the Interfaith Homeless Network is accepting resumes for a part time case manager (20 hours per week) to implement a new intake and assessment triage procedure for homeless and near homeless families. This is a one year pilot program. Employees must have a strong interviewing communication and interpersonal skills with a working knowledge of social service providers and community resources in the Chattanooga area. Good computer and data entry skills are required. This is a one year contract position with an hourly rate of $13.50. Please submit resumes by July 31 to Mary Ellen Galloway Executive Director Interfaith Homeless Network P.,O. box 1146 Chattanooga, TN 37401 or email to ihngctn@aol.com. No telephone calls please. Pray with us: as Notre Dame begins their 134th school year the Home & School Spiritual Committee asks that you join the parents students and faculty in praying a special Novena. The intention of the Novena is to invoke the Holy Spirit upon the Notre Dame High School community to guide us throughout the school year. The Novena which will begin on August 1st includes daily special intentions and biblical reflections. For a copy of the Novena please visit our school website www.myndhs.com or call the office at 423-624-4618 ext 1000 or 1001. In talking to your children have you neglected to raise the call to Church Ministry? Answering God’s call begins in childhood. Throughout adolescence and adulthood the attitudes assumed in childhood begin to influence the course of one’s life. A vocation or a talent will not grow to fruition unless it is nurtured in childhood and adolescence by a parent. Often children talk about what they want to be “When they grow up” doctors teachers carpenters. They may talk about these roles but do they ever talk about being a priest sister or brother? You are the hand of God encourage your children to consider Church ministry. Serra
Abortion is a defining issue not only personally but socially. Poverty can be addressed incrementally but the death of a child is quite final. Cardinal Francis George. El aborto es un asunto definitorio no solo en lo personal sino en lo social. Se puede enfrentar la pobreza de manera incremental pero la muerte de un niño es totalmente definitiva. MASS ATTENDANCE Envelopes Offertory Children’s Diocese Church in Africa
July 19
15,716.50 488.51 5.00 823.00 1,580.00
MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY Chattanooga’s Catholic Cemetery since 1886. For information call David Hale, 622-0728. Please remember OLPH in your will
Make plans to join us in the Parish Life Center Next weekend after All the Masses to Welcome Fr. Jim Vick & Fr. Augustine Idra To our parish. We look forward to having you Both with us for many years. May God bless and guide you in your New assignment.