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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Mass Intentions beginning this Saturday: Feb 6 8:00 AM +Marguerite Blanford Feb 6 5:30 PM +Andrea Oleck & Helen Rogers Feb 7 7:30 AM +Milton Colosia Feb 7 10:00 AM +Jesse Conner Feb 7 12:00 PM +John Bogdany Feb 7 2:00 PM +Juan Rodriguez & Julian Varela Feb 8 8:15 AM +Jeannette Richard Feb 9 8:15 AM +Norm Ronan Feb 10 8:15 AM +Merrill Lamsey Feb 11 8:15 AM +Helen Dolan Feb 12 8:15 AM +William E. Cooper, Sr. Feb 13 8:00 AM +Florence Reininga Feb 13 5:30 PM +Vivian Burns Feb 14 7:30 AM +Ed Berube Feb 14 10:00 AM +Helen Ann Hutchinson Feb 14 12:00 PM +Cy Kivett Feb 14 2:00 PM Parish Family (+Deceased) Parish Bookstore is open after weekend Masses. Sun. Jr. High Youth Group 6:30-8:00 1st & 3rd Sunday’s call Vicki at 855-2505 or 364-1480 Mon. The bulletin deadline is noon. Tues. Contemporary Choir 6:00-8:00 pm Fr. Jim’s Bible Study … 7:00 pm. PLC A journey through Paul’s Paul’s Letters I & II Corinthians: Troubles in Corinth! Upcoming events: Galatians & Romans: Faith & Works…a way to follow Christ. Wed. Bridge Players/St. Brigid’s Craft Groups, 10-2 in the Parish Life Center. Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00 pm Thurs. Hispanic Choir rehearsal 7:00 pm Sat. Cursillista’s after 8:00 AM Morning Mass in the Parish Office Rosary Group meets at 9:00 a.m. daily in the church. This weekend is our monthly collection for the FOOD PANTRY. Our pantry is bare but we are able to provide. We have been able to help many families who have found themselves in temporary need of assistance during these difficult economic times thanks to your generosity. Altar Server Schedule: Sat, Feb 13 at 5:30 J. Smith, E. Laabe, R. Robertson, T. Robertson, A. Dorris Sun, Feb 14 at 7:30 Mass M. Zolkowski, K. Klassen, S. Rhodes, E. Mangan 10:00 TJ. McGhess, G. Speer, N. Wall, H. Walker, J. West 12:00 S. Zegarra,m M. Tapley, J. Moore, S. Sell, M. Kosky 2:00 M. Espinoza, P. Acosta, A. Ubas.

February 7, 2010 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time This weekends second collection is for the Black & Indian Missions. Your support helps communities on reservations in rural areas and inner cities. Lector & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule: Sat, Feb 13 at 5:30 R. Smith, R. Christiana Lectors Deacon, R. Dorris, T. Gribben, S. Makemson, F. Shackleford EMHC Sun, Feb 14 at 7:30 Mass B. France, R. Berube Lectors MJ Lee, J. Lubinski, B. Reardon EMHC. 10:00 C. Rimlinger, J. Raabe Lectors, R. Castle, C. Delaney, M. Rivers, C. Arnt, T. Arnt, D. Barta, T. Crutch, M. Delaney, B. Dickinson EMHC 12:00 J. Gonzalez, P. Godsey Lectors M. Jackson, J. Jackson, M. McKenzie, M. Pomerance, A. Wells, U. Berge, M. Simpson, M. Williams EMHC 2:00 PM Luis, Velazques, Geremias Guox Lectors. Thank you for your ministry. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement. Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe All are welcome: No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present situation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race etc.; no matter what your own self image or self esteem you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at… Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe Todos son bienvenidos: No importa cual es su situación actual en la iglesia Católica; no importa cual es su situación actual en su familia o matrimonio; no importa cual es su situación pasada o presente; no importa cual es su historia personal, edad, antecedentes, raza, etc.; no importa cual es su imagen o autoestima; usted esta invitado, bienvenido, aceptado, amado y respetado en la… Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Next weekends second collection is for our Adopted Parish in Haiti. Now more than ever our parish needs your help. In their efforts to assist earthquake victims they are counting on us to assist in any way possible. Thank you for your continued generosity to our brothers and sisters in Haiti. SAVE THE DATE FOR A BLACK & WHITE BALL. The Knights of Columbus council 610 is hosting a ball to benefit the Firth Family. This family has had two children recently lose their battle with cancer and one child still battling cancer. You are invited to an evening of fine dining fellowship and high times at the Loose Cannon Gallery on March 27 from 7-11pm. This is a dress to impress affair. Cost is $40/couple $20/singles. Please make plans to attend and help this family. Bringing Holy Communion to our hospitalized parishioners is a special service ministry and one that our parishioners value. If you or a family member have been visited by an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion you know how meaningful this connection with the Church family is. Currently Memorial Hospital is in need of additional EMHC’s particularly on Saturday and Sunday. In order to serve at the hospital you must have completed training in your local parish. If you have the time and the desire to visit our hospitalized parishioners through his special ministry please contact Connie Blake 495-6163. “Whatever you do for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you do also for Me.” Because of the Baptismal nature of Easter it is recommended that Baptisms not be scheduled during the Lenten Season. Lent is a time for preparation. Durante el tiempo de cuaresma no habrá Bautismos y las platicas Serán haste el mes de Marzo Our next Admission testing for Notre Dame High School for the 2010-2011 school year will be Saturday Feb 27. to receive more information an application packet or to schedule a tour/shadow day please contact the Admissions Office at 423-624-4618 ext 1004 or admissions@myndhs.com The Knoxville DCCW Convention April 22-24 at St. Thomas parish promises stimulation workshops built around our answers to a short survey. Early registration ends March 1. Forms are available at www.kdccw.org or email sallyajackson@bellsouth.net


OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL NEWS Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is now taking applications for the 2010/2011 school year. Contact Teresa Hennen to receive a registration packet or schedule a tour 423-622-1481 or Teresahennen@catholicweb.com. OLPH Catholic School Annual Fund Campaign brouchures have been sent for the 2009/2010 school year. Thank you for your response. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. For more info contact Kathy Sumrell, Development Director 622-1481 or ksumrell@catholicweb.com Congratulations to OLPH Science Fair Winners: All 6th through 8th grade students participated in the Science Fair and may now enter their projects in the UTC Science Fair on March 8. The grand prize winners were Addison Hutton Madeline Robbins and Danika Dorris; Second place were Andie Dorris, Maggie Stovall, and Naomi Neri; Third place Cole Wright, Madeline Wurm and Mason Ramos. There were many special prizes given so be sure to check the website www.myolph.com for a complete list of winners. Jump Rope For Heart a fundraiser benefiting the American Heart Association will bake place the week of Feb. 16-19 in Physical Education Classes. Yearbook Information: Are you a local business owner or do you know a local business owner who would benefit from an ad in the OLPH Yearbook? We would love your support. This helps defray the cost of the yearbook for families. Ads range in price form $15 to $100. Please contact the school office or 423-6221481 or Chris Polahar at polaharc@catholicweb.com for more info or to purchase an ad. Deadline to purchase is Fe. 26.

"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen."

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Health Ministry February is Heart Month. Over the next few weeks we will learn more about reducing risks factors that can lead to heart disease and strokes. Heart Disease is the number one cause of death. About every 25 seconds an American will have a coronary event. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US and is a major cause of disability. The most common heart disease in the US is coronary heart disease which often appears as a heart attack. In 2009 an estimated 785,000 Americans had a coronary attach and 470,000 will have a recurrent attack. About every 25 seconds someone will have a coronary event and about every minute one will die. The chance of developing coronary heart disease can be reduced by taking steps to prevent and control factors that put people at greater risk. Knowing the signs and symptoms of heart attach are crucial to positive outcomes. People who survive a heart attack can also work to reduce their risk of another heart attack or a stroke in the future. For info visit the CDC’s Division for heart disease and stroke prevention at http://www/cdc/gov/DHDSP Visit the Parish Nurse link at myolph.com for current news and information. Catholic Priesthood: A weekend for men exploring a “vocation.” A diocesan men’s discernment retreat will be led by Bishop Richard Stika form Friday, Feb 12 through Sunday, Feb 14. The retreat begins at 7 pm Friday night and concludes with Sun morning Mass. The retreat twill be held at the Oaks Retreat Center near Greensville, TN. College students young adults and older juniors and seniors in high school are welcome to attend the retreat. To get more info or to register contact Fr. Michael Cummins at 423-926-7061 or etsucatholiccenter@yahoo.com. Take a weekend to pray and reflect on God’s call for you in your life!

Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13

Weekly Readings 1 Kings 8:1-7, 9-13; Mark 6:53-56 1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30; Mark 7:1-13 1 Kings 10:1-10; Mark 7:14-23 1 Kings 11:4-13; Mark 7:24-30 1 Kings 11:29-32, 12-19; Mark 7:31-37 1 Kings 12:26-32 13:33-34; Mark 8:1-10

February 7, 2010 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time CRS Relief Aid to Haiti: Haiti relief aid will be needed for a very long time, not only because of the devastating earthquake of Jan 12, but also because of the dire poverty of the land. Please continue to be generous in your response to these twin crises. Catholic Relief Services has been in Haiti for many decades responding to the tragedy of its poverty and as such was one among the very first responders to the earthquake. Please continue to support them in this very important work. Pray and Give Visit www.crs.org for information on how you can make a difference in Haiti or call 877-435-7277 to give. Donations may also be mailed to Catholic Relief Services Attn. Haiti Earthquake P.O. Box 17090 Baltimore MD 21203 Notre Dame High School is teaching their students “Theology of the Body for Teens” by Jason Evert based on the teachings of Pope John Paul II and supported by the Catholic Church. Notre Dame will share this DVD Series with interested parents. The 6 week Parent Classes for the 12 chapters cover 2 chapters each session. This is a great way to start. Anyone who wants to learn about the book is welcome. Join us at Notre Dame’s Multi purpose room on Mondays. The lunch session is 11:45-1:15. Lunch can be purchased for $6 and requires an RSVP by the Thursday before the meeting. Evening sessions are 6:30-8:00 and snacks will be provided. Sessions are Feb 8, Feb 22, Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 22, and Mar 29. For more info or to register contact Notre Dame 624-4618 Mary Pat Haywood 706-278-6391, Karen Schulz 8778319 or Bucky Dearing 847-9697. Take time during Lent to focus on your marriage! Lent is a time of contemplation and reflection. Here’s an opportunity to share special time with your spouse and reflect on your faith journey together. The SIX DATES for Catholic Couples program will meet every Sunday night beginning on Sunday Feb 21 at St. Jude Church following the 5:30 Mass. The last Date will be on Sun March 28 and will include a special dinner for two. Please join us in the Parish Life Center view a 10 minute video about marriage; then go out with your spouse and enjoy your date. Cost for program is $15/couple. To register contact Cris Sapala 870-2386 or csapala@stjudechattanooga.org. Babysitting is available for an additional charge. Contact Chris by Feb 15 for babysitting. The program is sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment at St. Jude Family Lofe Ministry.

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Catholic Charities Annual Dinner will be held Thurs March 18 at 6:00 at the Chattanoogan Hotel. The keynote speaker will be Lino Rulli the Catholic Guy Emmy award winning Sirius radio talk show host. For info contact Libby Schleifer 267-1297 or libby@ccetn.org “Hearts of Gratitude” a special Mass to honor the donors, volunteers and staff of Catholic Charities of East Tennessee will be held on Thursday, Feb 11 at 5:30 at All Saints Catholic Church. There will be a reception immediately following the mass. Concelebrants are Fr. Ragan Schriver, Fr. William Gahagan and Fr. Chris Michaelson. For information call 865-524-9896. K of C Holy Family Council 6099 will host the First Annual St. Patrick Day Dinner and Dance. Join us Saturday, March 20 from 7:00-12:00 at the Knights Hall. Cost is $30/copuple or $15/individual. Full Irish Fare will be served proceeds benefit our many charities. Music by the Plum Krazy Band. Attention Students: Take a Stand for Life 2010 High School Oratory Contest sponsored by Chattanoogans for life, Diocese of Knoxville, Office of Justice & Peace and Marriage Prep & Enrichment Office. Research & give a 5-7 minute speech on Abortion. What is Roe v. Wade? Doe v. Bolton? How can the establishment of personhood reverse these Supreme Court decisions? What is meant by the term “personhood?” First place is $100, Second $60, Third, $40 and Fourth & Fifth $20. Contest is open to all Tennessee High School Students. Contest is Friday, February 19 at 12:30 at Notre Dame High School entry deadline is Feb 15th. MASS ATTENDANCE Envelopes Offertory Children’s Funds Required Weekly Variance Year to Date Variance Diocese

Jan 31

1084 13,069.00 509.20 21.00 19,000.00 -5,420.80 -31,838.69 435.00


How to Stay Safe in the World Today. Avoid riding in automobiles because they are responsible for 20% of all fatal accidents.

Do not stay home because 17% of all accidents occur in the home.

Avoid walking on streets or sidewalks because 14% of all accidents occur to pedestrians. Avoid traveling by air, rail or water because 16% of all accidents involve these forms of transportation.

Of the remaining 33%, 32% of all deaths occur in Hospitals. So, above all else, avoid hospitals.

But, you will be pleased to learn that only .001% of all deaths occur in worship services in Church, And these are usually related to previous physical disorders. Therefore, logic tells us that the safest place for you to be at any given point in time is at Church!

And…Bible study is safe too. MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY Chattanooga’s Catholic Cemetery since 1886. For information call David Hale, 622-0728. Please remember OLPH in your will.

The percentage of deaths during Bible study is even less.

Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith.

February 2010

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church

Catholics leave their mark on the world A warm "hello" Mass is a community celebration. Try to arrive five to ten k Ęť . m i n u t e s b e f o r e M a s s i s t o b e g i n

and greet the people around you. Stay for the entire Mass and visit after it is over. Making others who may be new to your parish feel welcome strengthens the entire Body of Christ.

Amen The word 'amen' shares the same root as the Hebrew word for "believe' When we say it at the end of our prayer, we affirm our belief in what we just said. "To believe is to say 'Amen' to God's words, promises, and commandments' (Catechism othe Catholic Church, #1064).

Your harvest When you plant tomato seeds in a garden, you will harvest tomatoes. In the same way, whatever is planted in your heart and mind will be your harvest. Avoid seeds like violence, negativity, and selfindulgence When you plant positive thoughts and attitudes, you will reap a beautiful harvest.

@ Copright 2010 Success Publishing & Media, 1.1.0

As Catholics, we believe that it is possible to build a just society despite the challenges of modem life. In fact, the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching can help us to understand how we can work to create a better world. As Lent begins this month, why not use these principles to figure out where you can make a greater difference: Life and dignity of the human person. People are the dearest reflection of God among us. That makes human life sacred and Catholics act to uphold the dignity and rights of all people. Call to Family, Community, and the Common Good. Catholics work for the good of everyone, especially working to support marriage and family.

Rights and Responsibilities. All people have a right to life and basics required for human decency such as food, shelter, health care education, and employment. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable. Jesus brought hope and compassion to the less fortunate, and he asked that we continue his work Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers. The economy exists to • serve people, not the other way around. Workers have the right to productive work and to fair wages Solidarity. Loving our neighbor recognizes no boundaries. Care for God's Creation. Out of love for God, we care for the earth and all that he created.

Why do Catholics observe Lent? Lent is the primary penitential season in the Church year. It begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with the celebration of the Easter Triduum, reflecting the forty days Jesus spent in the desert fasting and praying before his

This helps us -111011 " 11w 1 remembhistory. Tor we do not have a high priest who is unable 1 er the to sympathi 1 great ze with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in 1 every way, yet without sin" (Hebrews 1 4:15). 1 4104 1

February 2010 Page 2

Growing in Faith"'

Stand in the Light during Lent Imagine looking up to the sky and seeing the sun, so powerful and bright that great beams break through any gray to touch the earth. Everything that was dark is now light and all that was cold feels warmth. Jesus is like that sun. His glory shines rays of hope on each of us, warming us with the strength of his love. During Lent this year, why not remove anything in your life that keeps you from standing in his light? Refresh your sight. Eliminate whatever bad habits

keep you from seeing Christ's light Let Lent be a new beginning to your lifelong journey down the right path. Refresh your faith. Find your way to made at Baptism and Confirmation. (You can find them at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' website: www.usccb.org,) Sunday Mass can help you stay on track. Refresh your soul. Clear your way to the light by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus is ready to forgive us if we ask.

Luke 9:23-36, Lingering on the mountaintop. While the Transfiguration was a inspiring experience and want to stay fantastic encounter, it was not there avoiding the realities of daily life. Yet, like Jesus, we cannot linger particularly joyful. Moses and on the mountaintop but must Elijah spoke with Jesus about "his exodus that he was come down to take our place in going to accomplish in the Kingdom. Jerusalem. Finally, God used the Transfiguration to nreferred They to Jesus' death, as the ...tztper.•44:4 • speak shadow of the the same one a message Cross loomed. he spoke at Like Moses' exodus from slavery in Egypt Jesus' baptism. He confirmed however, Jesus' exodus would deliver his Jesus as his son, the Messiah, and added, "Listen to him." The son of God people from the slavery of sin. When he offered to build shelters for has God's power and authority. If we believe that Jesus is the son of God, the three men, Peter dearly wanted to remain on the mountaintop in this holy then surely we will want to do what moment Sometimes we have an hesays.

Feasts & * Celebrations February II— Our Lady of Lourdes (1858) A heavenly lady who called herself, "The Immaculate Conception," appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous, a poor girl from a village in France. After the first vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a spring with miraculous healing waters emerged from a nearby cavi. February 17 — Ash Wednesday. Marking the first day of Lent, ashes from the palms of the previous Passion Sunday are blessed and placed on the forehead as a sign of penance. One form of Lenten observance is to pray before the Stations of the Cross, meditating on

Jesus' walk to Calvary. February 22 — St. Peter's Chair (1st century). We celebrate St. Peter's establishment of the Holy See and pray for the preservation of God's Church. February 23 — St. Polycarp (156). As Bishop of Smyrna, Polycarp faithfully cared for his flock despite being surrounded by pagans and a government opposed to his religion. Before being martyred, he thanked God for making him worthy of a martyr's death.

Q Is it permissible & to leave Mass early Imagine if some of your dinner guests gobbled their food and bolted when they finished. Not only would you think it rude, your other guests would find it distracting. Plus, they would miss out on the rest of the evening. The same is true for Mass. Jesus is present for the entire Mass, so slipping out before it is over is almost like walking out on him. Can you imagine meeting with an earthly king and leaving before he concluded your time together? Lastly, participating in Mass is intimately linked to our call to go forth and live the Gospel. The final blessing and dismissal prepares us to share what we have received with our brothers and sisters. If we leave directly after Communion, we miss this mportant component. To provide practical ideas that promote faithful Catholic living. Success Publishing St Media, LLC Publishers of Crowing in Faith" and Partners in Faith" (540)662.7844 (540)662-7847 fax hap://tvww.growinginfaith•com (Unlessnoted Bible quotesand referencesare from the Revised Standard Version and the NewAmerican Bible)

@ Copyright 2010 Success Publishing & Media, ILC

TUITION ASSISTANCE INFORMATION FOR PARISH FAMILIES We are called to develop a community of persons who are formed in the image and likeness of Christ. To achieve this end we will encourage and support Catholic education in our elementary school_ With these words contained in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Mission Statement, our parish expresses its commitment to the importance of Catholic education. To encourage all parish families to consider a Catholic education, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish provides tuition assistance for eligible parish families who have a child or children in our elementary school and are in need of financial help. While this monetary assistance is paid for by the parish, it is administered through the Catholic Charities office here in Chattanooga. An eligible parish family is one that has been registered and active in the parish for at least one year, however if new to Our Lady of Perpetual Help the family must have a letter from their former parish stating that they were active and contributing members of that parish. The family should regularly contribute to the Parish offertory using the envelope system with a minimum annual year contribution of $350.00. Tuition assistance packets for the upcoming 2010-2011 school year, containing all pertinent information on how the program works, are available in the parish office. The packet should be picked up from the OLPH parish office no later than March 1, 2010, completed and returned to Therese Hughes, our parish tuition assistance analyst, no later than March 22, 2010, and a personal meeting should take place with Mrs. Hughes by April 16, 2010. Mrs. Hughes address and phone number is contained in the tuition assistance packet.


The Finance Board of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish

Dear Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parishioners and School Parents and Staff, The Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Committee in consultation with Fr. Jim, the Parish Finance Board and the school administrative staff has finalized the 2010-2011 OLPH School budget. Before presenting the budget, I would like to briefly explain the budgeting process itself and the funding of our parish school in general. According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: Catholic Education is an expression of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the Church He founded. Through education the Church seeks to prepare its members to proclaim the Good News and to translate this proclamation into action. Excellence In Catholic education is a proud tradition at OLPH. Nearly half of OLPH parish offertory collections go to subsidize Catholic school expenses here and at Notre Dame High School because our parishioners believe in making an education in faith a reality for Catholic children. In recent years, changing demographics, decreasing enrollments, rising expenses and an uncertain economy have required that both the parish and parents make sacrifices to ensure that an education in faith remains obtainable for all our children. In determining the school budget, the School Committee makes revenue and expense projections based on guidelines provided by the Parish Finance Board, input from the school Principal and the past fiscal years' actual numbers. Recommendations are discussed with the Pastor for his approval and with the Principal before School Committee approval. The 2010-2011 budget reflects a decrease from last year's budget due to a decrease in enrollment and a nearly 30% increase in tuition assistance requests. Parents are being asked for a 3% increase to provide for some increase in teacher compensation and to maintain current staffing and programs. The parish is increasing its commitment by nearly 13%. OLPH School 2010-1011 School Oudeet


Tuition and Fees (278 students, 3% increase) OLPH Parish Subsidy

$1,733,200 $1,218,200 415,000

Other Parish subsidies (Catholic students from other parishes)


Other income


Total Exnenses: Employee Costs (2% staff raises)

$1,733,200 $1•481,700



Contract Help


Fixed Expenses


I would like to thank all parishioners, parents, and staff for your continued support of our children. Respectfully submitted, Marina Delaney, OLPH School Committee Chairperson

"Our children are not the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today". Bishop Richard F. Stika


Everyone Has a Story Lectionary themesfor February 2010 PATRICIA DATCRUCK SANCHEZ and RAFAEL SANCHEZALONSO

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Sixty-five years ago, a photographer using the artistic name Weegee (real name Arthur Fent) produced a book of photo-portraits he called Naked agy. With each picture, Weegee attempted to reveal something of the character and the life story of the person being photographed. Three years later, in 1948, Jules Dassin produced a black-and-white film noir of the same name. Inspired by Weegee, Dassin's production had a semi-documentary quality that carefidly revealed the stories of its featured characters against a New York Citybackdrop. Also produced as a television series in 1958 and again In 1960, "The Naked City" concluded all of its presentations with the signature line, "There are 8 million stories in the Naked City this has been one of them." Perhaps the popularity of these media presentations can be traced to the concept that every one of us human beings has a story to tell. That story grows and develops within the context of our own personality our circumstances of our world and the , manner in which we interact with ex others in that world. As believers, per we are privileged to live out our lives and ien tell our stories in the midst of a cecommunity united by our shared faith in God. That faith shapes and s, informs our story; that faith sustains the believers through the happy and the difficultchapters of their life stories. ev In er-the sacred texts for this month, we are invited to listen, to learn and to ch be edified by the stories of those who an gone before us. have ginOn Feb. 7 and 14, Isaiah and Jeremiah will invite us into their lives g by sharing the stories of their call to prophesy and the personal costliness of their response to that call. Through the sufferings that both men enerienced on account of their

and each life is lived out in the presence of the same God. Paul's words to the earliest Christians continue to speak to us today reminding us of the importance of our lived faith (Feb. 21); reminding us that we are to conduct ourselves in the world as people whose stories begin with God (Feb. 28) and who one day will find our eternal, happy-ever-after ending At every liturgical gather(Feb. 7, 14). ing, we tell our own story in God Through the Gospels of Februwithin the greater context of ary, and as Ordinary Time evolves Lent, the Lucan Jesus will conthe story of our salvation. into tinue our trainingas disciples. In the shared stories of Peter and company, calling, each had learned to entrust we will learn that whatever goo, we for God is powered by grace. Simihimself completely to God. From do larly, whatever weaknesses we have their stories, we learn that it is God are opportunities through which we who empowers our best efforts and can allow God to rewrite our crooked enables us to survive our failures and storylines with the straight lines of those of others without losing hope. justice and truth. Through Abraham's story shared As we review our personal and on Flab.28, we areremindedthat God's collective stories this month, we are love is unconditional, as is the rela- also to be mindftil that the telling tionship towhichGodcallseachof us. of our stories is an integral aspect Like Isaiah and Jeremiah, Abraham of our worship. At every liturgical was sure of the constancy of God's gathering, we tell our own story presence. As each page of his story within the greater context of the was told, and as good mingled with story of our salvation. On Feb. 21, the bad, God was the rock to which he Deuteronomist's narrative affirms clung and the sure shelter where he our belief that the telling of our always found a welcome. Abraham's stories within the context of liturgy story is particularly significant for a prayer that praises God all who look to him as their father in becomes and unites us with one another. When the faith. Through him and through spoken freshly and frankly in God's Sarah, the worldwide community presence, the stories of our sadness of Jews, Christians and Muslims is and suffering can be helped and united as one faith family Perhaps healed, just as the stories of our joys our shared roots in Abraham will and accomplishments can be shared one day prompt us to mutual respect and celebrated. There are billions of and willingness to work together to stories in this world of ours—yours ease this worM's suffering. is one of them, mine is another; and Paul, in each of the second read- the God who listens to all stories wM ings from February shares himself be with us on every page, through and his story with the Christians every chapter, to the end. of Corinth, Rome and Philippi. His writings affirm the fact that our own stories are woven into one great, Patricia Datchuck Sanchez and Rafael ongoing story While our stories are Sanchez Alonso have been collaborating in some sense unique, they are also to provide Lectionary commentaries and similar because each story is told homilies for Celebration since 1979. FEBRUARY 2010 1 7


Todo el mundo tiene su historia El culto y la vida para el mes de febrero 2010 PATRICIA DATCHUCK SANCHEZ yRAFAEL SANCHEZ ALONSO Hace sesenta y cinco aftos, un fotografo apelado Weegee (aunque su verdadero nombre era Arthur A311ing)compuso un libm de retratos al quellame La duciad desnuckt. En

cadafoto, Weegee trate de reveler algo del catheter de la persona retratada y contar ago de su historia personal. Tres aftos mils butte, en 1948, Jules Dassindirigio una pelicula en blanco ynegroconelmismo Mulct. Inspired° por Weegee, la produccion ingentose de Dassin parecla un documental que revelaba cuidadosamente las histories de los personsjes, teniendo como telt% defondo la eluded de Nueva York. Esta produccien aparecio temblen una aerie de television en *958 y 19130; todos sus episodios conclulan siemPre ad: "HaY8 millones de histories en La eluded desnuda esta ha sido tma de elks." • La popularidad permute de estas varies presentaciones puede explicarse por el concept° Calico en el que cada una de ellas se basaba: que cada persona tiene tma historia que contar Cada historia es (mica porque crece y se desarrolla dentro del context° denuestrapropla personalidad yexperiencias, de las circtmstancias cambiantes de nuestra sociedad y de la manera en la que nos relacionamos con los demas en nuestro mtmdo. Como creyentes, somos seres privilegladosporquepodemosvivirnuestra vide y center nuestra historia en el context° de una comunidad que comparte la misma le en Dios. Esa fe forma einfiuye nuestras histories, scostiene a los creyentes tent° en los momentos de Edegria como en los eapitulos dificiles de nuestra historia. Los textos sagrados de este mes nos invitan a aprender de las histories de quienes nos ban precedido en la le. El 7 y el 14 de febrero, Isaias y Jeremies nos invitan a entrar en sus vides; comparten con nosotros las histories de su llamado a profetizEtr 6 I FEBRUARY 2010

asi como lo que les cost() responder a su llamado. El sufrimiento que ambos experimentaron, les demostre la necesidad que tenian de confiar siempre y totahnente en Dios. Sus histories nos enseftan que Dios no solo apoya nuestros mejores estnerzos sino que nos da el poder de sobrevivir sin perder esperanza,. tEmto en nuestros fracasos como en los de los demi& E128 de febrero, Abrahan comparte su historia • nos recuerde que el IIII1Or, de Dios y le relacion a la que nos llama a rada Imo eon incondicionEdes. Como Isaias y Jeremlas, Abraban estaba seguro de la presencia constante de Dios en su vida; cuando en cadapagina de su historia se entremezclaban el bien y el mal, Dloseraslemprelarocadesalvaclófl a la que el se aferraba y el refugio seguro en donde encontraba la blenvenida. La historia de Abrahan es especialmante significative para todos los que le consideramos ser nuestro padre en la fe. En Abrahan y Sara, la comtmidad mundial de judios, stistianos y musulmanes estamos unidos en tma gran familia de fe. Quiza seen esas mismas raices que compartimos las quo un die sirvan pare pmmoverelrespeto mutuo, tratar de comprendernos, y trabajar tmidospara &vier el sufrimiento de nuestro mtmdo. En las sermdas lectures de febrero, San Pablo comparte su historia con las comunidades cristianas Corinto, Roma y Fifipos. Reafirma que nuestras histories estan entrelazadas dentro de la gran historia en curso; aunque nuestras histories son unleas, en elate menera son

tembien semejantes porque cada historia se cuenta y se vive en presencia del mismo Dios. San Pablo nos recuerda hoy que lo hnportante es vivir nuestra fe (el 21 de febrero); y que debemos comportarnos en el mundo como personas cuyas histories comienzan en Dios (el 28 de febrem) y un dia encontraran an fin eterno y gozoso en ese mismo Dios (el 7 y 14 de febrero). En los evangelios de. febrem y a medida que el Tiempo Ordinario se encamina hacia la Cuaresma, el Jesus de San Lucas conthraa ensefiend° y educando a sus discipulos. En las histories de Pedro y sus compatieros aprendemosquetodoloque hacemos por Dios es posible por su gracia. Iguahnente, cualesquieraque seen nuettras debilidades, estas son oportunidades pare dejer que Dios re-escriba los 'renglones torcidos de nuestra historia con loi renglones derechos de lajusticiay de laverdad. Este mes, al considerar nuestras histories tanto personal como colectiva, tengamos en cuenta que contar nuestras histories es parte integral del cult°. En cada celebracion, contamos nuestra proplahistoria dent° del context° de la gran historia de la salvacion. El 21 de febrero, el Denterottomio afirma que contarnuestras histories durante la liturgia as una °radon de Edabanza a Dios, quien nos une los tmos a los otroi. Cuando contamos con franqueza delEmte de Dios nuestra historla actual, nuestras tristezas y stifrimientosreciben Etyuda y ciaracion; pbr eso tambien compartimos tories de nuestras Edegries y exitos. y celebramos Hay billones de histories en nuestro las his-la tuya es una de ellas; la mie mundo; es otra. El Dios que viva y escuche a todos ester& eon nesotros en cada pagina Y en cede caPitulo haste el final de nuestra historia. • Patricia Datchuck Sanchez y Rafael Sanchez Mons° han provlsto de comentadosy homilies a Celebracion desde 1979.


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