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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Mass Intentions beginning this Saturday: Feb 13 8:00 AM +Florence Reininga Feb 13 5:30 PM +Vivian Burns Feb 14 7:30 AM +Ed Berube Feb 14 10:00 AM +Helen Ann Hutchinson Feb 14 12:00 PM +Cy Kivett Feb 14 2:00 PM Parish Family Feb 15 8:15 AM +Sonny Shackleford Feb 16 8:15 AM +Helen Ann Hutchinson Feb 17 8:15 AM +Leona Rose Feb 17 12:00 PM +Lou Steele Feb 17 5:30 PM +Milton Colosia Feb 17 7:30 PM +Julian Varela Feb 18 8:15 AM +Helen Dolan Feb 19 8:15 AM +Marguerite Blanford. Feb 19 5:30 PM +Helen Dolan Feb 20 8:00 AM +Anne Groves Feb 20 5:30 PM +Emily Ransom & Florence Nolan Feb 21 7:30 AM +Pat McHugh Feb 21 10:00 AM +Cy Kivett Feb 21 12:00 PM +Frank Ruggiero Feb 21 2:00 PM Parish Family (+Deceased) Parish Bookstore is open after weekend Masses. Sun. Jr. High Youth Group 6:30-8:00 1st & 3rd Sunday’s call Vicki at 855-2505 or 364-1480 Mon. The bulletin deadline is noon. Tues. Contemporary Choir 6:00-8:00 pm Fr. Jim’s Bible Study … 7:00 pm. PLC A journey through Paul’s Paul’s Letters I & II Corinthians: Troubles in Corinth! Upcoming events: Galatians & Romans: Faith & Works…a way to follow Christ. Wed. Bridge Players/St. Brigid’s Craft Groups, 10-2 in the Parish Life Center. Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00 pm Thurs. Hispanic Choir rehearsal 7:00 pm Sat. Cursillista’s after 8:00 AM Morning Mass in the Parish Office Rosary Group meets at 9:00 a.m. daily in the church. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Louis Steele of our parish. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. This weekends second collection is for our Adopted Parish in Haiti. Now more than ever our parish needs your help. In their efforts to assist earthquake victims they are counting on us to assist in any way possible. Thank you for your continued generosity to our brothers and sisters in Haiti.

February 14, 2010 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lector & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule: Sat, Feb 20 at 5:30 C. Blake, A. Alisago Lectors Deacon, R. Smith, E. Buske, R. Dorris, T. Gribben EMHC Sun, Feb 21 at 7:30 Mass C. Goodhard, L. Colosia Lectors J. Trimble, J. Reinert, M. Williams EMHC. 10:00 D. Barta, C. Arnt Lectors, S. Castle, C. Delaney, N. Donohoo, A. Dougherty, B. Dougherty, J. Fava, C. Ingle, S. Lindner, G. Raabe EMHC 12:00 C. Rimlinger, A. Hand Lectors J. Gonzalez, B. DePrez, U. Berge, M. DePrez, A. Gonzalez, J. Gonzalez, J. Hand M. McKenzie EMHC 2:00 PM Eusebio Argueta, Cruz Esparza Lectors. Thank you for your ministry. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement. Flowers on the Altar this weekend are given by Helen Mahn in memory of Will Mahn on the occasion of his 94th birthday. Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe All are welcome: No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present situation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race etc.; no matter what your own self image or self esteem you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at… Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe Todos son bienvenidos: No importa cual es su situación actual en la iglesia Católica; no importa cual es su situación actual en su familia o matrimonio; no importa cual es su situación pasada o presente; no importa cual es su historia personal, edad, antecedentes, raza, etc.; no importa cual es su imagen o autoestima; usted esta invitado, bienvenido, aceptado, amado y respetado en la… Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Altar Server Schedule: Sat, Feb 20 at 5:30 K. Dedmon, N. Dang, L. Schemel, A. Robins, S. Stovall Sun, Feb 21 at 7:30 Mass G. Zolkowski, M. Hutton, AJ. Carreon 10:00 M. Coles, M. Arnt, L. Arnt, L. DeCordova, K. Barta 12:00 F. Jackson, V. Britto, W. Mahoney, C. Simpson, M. Rebman 2:00 M. Espinoza, P. Acosta, A. Ubas. Join us in the Parish Life Center next weekend for free blood pressure screenings. While you are there enjoy coffee, donuts and fellowship with your parish family. "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen." SAVE THE DATE FOR A BLACK & WHITE BALL. The Knights of Columbus council 610 is hosting a ball to benefit the Firth Family. This family has had two children recently lose their battle with cancer and one child still battling cancer. You are invited to an evening of fine dining fellowship and high times at the Loose Cannon Gallery on March 27 from 7-11pm. This is a dress to impress affair. Cost is $40/couple $20/singles. Please make plans to attend and help this family. Bringing Holy Communion to our hospitalized parishioner is a special service ministry and one that our parishioners value. If you or a family member have been visited by an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion you know how meaningful this connection with the Church family is. Currently Memorial Hospital is in need of additional EMHC’s particularly on Saturday and Sunday. In order to serve at the hospital you must have completed training in your local parish. If you have the time and the desire to visit our hospitalized parishioners through his special ministry please contact Connie Blake 495-6163. “Whatever you do for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you do also for Me.” Because of the Baptismal nature of Easter it is recommended that Baptisms not be scheduled during the Lenten Season. Lent is a time for preparation. Durante el tiempo de cuaresma no habrá Bautismos y las platicas Serán haste el mes de Marzo


Our next Admission testing for Notre Dame High School for the 2010-2011 school year will be Saturday Feb 27. to receive more information an application packet or to schedule a tour/shadow day please contact the Admissions Office at 423-624-4618 ext 1004 or admissions@myndhs.com. Please keep the High School student who are making their Search For Christian Maturity this weekend in you prayers. Team members from our parish who will be helping are Katie West, Paige Gregerson, Conor Delaney, Lynna Nguyen, Brandon Rittgers, and Natalie Duenas. And the two college students who will be helping are Jessica Runge and Marie Christiana. My dear brother & sister of OLPH for whom I’ve had the privilege and blessing to serve and receive your love. I am grateful for the many years my beloved wife, Andrea and I had to be a part of such a beautiful faith filled and loving community with much gratitude to all for the lovely farewell party that you prepared for me. I will always remember you fondly in my heart and in my prayers. In Christ Jesus & Mary always, Deacon Bill Oleck. “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose hope is the Lord” Have you put your marriage Holy orders in God’s hands? Let a Worldwide Marriage encounter Weekend help you strengthen your commitment to your sacrament. The next weekend is Mar 5-6 in Alcoa. Contact John & Manuela Ptacek 865-531-1719 or celebrat-love@earthlink.net for more info. Take time during Lent to focus on your marriage! Lent is a time of contemplation and reflection. Here’s an opportunity to share special time with your spouse and reflect on your faith journey together. The SIX DATES for Catholic Couples program will meet every Sunday night beginning on Sunday Feb 21 at St. Jude Church following the 5:30 Mass. The last Date will be on Sun March 28 and will include a special dinner for two. Please join us in the Parish Life Center view a 10 minute video about marriage; then go out with your spouse and enjoy your date. Cost for program is $15/couple. To register contact Cris Sapala 870-2386 or csapala@stjudechattanooga.org. Babysitting is available for an additional charge. Contact Chris by Feb 15 for babysitting. The program is sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment at St. Jude Family Lofe Ministry.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL NEWS Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is now taking applications for the 2010/2011 school year. Contact Teresa Hennen to receive a registration packet or schedule a tour 423-622-1481 or Teresahennen@catholicweb.com. OLPH Catholic School Annual Fund Campaign brochures have been sent for the 2009/2010 school year. Thank you for your response. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. For more info contact Kathy Sumrell, Development Director 622-1481 or ksumrell@catholicweb.com. Yearbook Information: Are you a local business owner or do you know a local business owner who would benefit from an ad in the OLPH Yearbook? We would love your support. This helps defray the cost of the yearbook for families. Ads range in price form $15 to $100. Please contact the school office or 423-6221481 or Chris Polahar at polaharc@catholicweb.com for more info or to purchase an ad. Deadline to purchase is Feb. 26. Congratulations John Tiller 6th grade blue ribbon winner in the Science Fair. Thank you 3rd graders for the “Class banners” you made which are hanging in the cafeteria. Tuition assistance packets for the 2010-2011 school year are available in the parish office. Hispanic Cultural Festival: the volunteer Spanish Teachers have planned an exciting education festival for Feb 12. All students will watch a power point presentation of Spanish speaking countries observe dances and sample delicious foods. Thank you to all the volunteers for organizing this event. St. Patrick Irish Ball: the Notre Dame Parent Association invites you rot the second annual St. Patrick’s Irish Ball. The fundraiser is a great way to help your child’s future school while having fun at the same time. The event will be held on March 13 at the National Guard Armory on Holtzclaw Ave from 711:30. Tickets are $40 in advance. Additional info can be found at www.myndhs.com.

February 14, 2010 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time OLPH Middle School Student s will enter the Tennessee Science Olympiad at Chattanooga State on Feb 27. The tournament goals are to bring science to life to show how science works to emphasize problem solving aspects of science and the understanding of science concepts and to develop teamwork and cooperative learning strategies among students. Coaches are needed to work with the students after school if interested contact Kathy Sumrell 622-1481 or ksumrell@catholicweb.com. Attention all High School Students! It’s time for “Let It Growl” again! This is an awareness and service weekend for the Homeless. We will do service small group and large group sessions guest speakers awesome prayer services fast and sleep outside in boxes. You will go away with a whole new understanding of the homeless. Join us March 5-7 at OLPH. Cost is $15 plus a school supply kit or a bath towel set. Forms are in the church vestibule of email Donna at djones6029@gmail.com. Deadline to register is Wed, Feb 24th. Health Ministry Signs & Symptoms of heart attack: Some heart attacks are sudden and intense; however most start slowly with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren’t sure what’s wrong and wait too long before getting help. Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening: Chest discomfort: most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure squeezing fullness or pain. Discomfort in other areas of the upper body: symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back neck jaw or stomach. Shortness of breath: may occur with or without chest discomfort. Other signs: these may include breaking out in a cold sweat nausea or lightheadedness. The American Heart Association the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute the American Red Cross and the National Council on Aging have launched a new “Act in Time: campaign to increase people’s awareness of heart attack and the importance of calling 9-1-1 immediately at the onset of heart attack symptoms. To find more info on “Act in Time” go to www.nhlbi.nih.gov/actintime/index.htm. Visit the Parish Nurse link at myolph.com for current news and information.

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Need some excitement and spiritual growth? Register today for the Knoxville DCCW Convention April 2224 at St. Thomas, Lenoir City. Registration forms are available at www.kdccw.org form our CCW President or by email sallyajackson@bellsouth.net. Early registration is $85.

Feb 15 Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 20

Weekly Readings James 1:1-11; Mark 8:11-13 James 1:12-18; Mark 8:14-21 Joel 2:12-18;2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Luke 9:22-25 Isaiah 58:1-9a; Matthew 9:14-15 1 Kings 12:26-32 13:33-34; Mark 8:1-10

Catholic Charities Annual Dinner will be held Thurs March 18 at 6:00 at the Chattanoogan Hotel. The keynote speaker will be Lino Rulli the Catholic Guy Emmy award winning Sirius radio talk show host. For info contact Libby Schleifer 267-1297 or libby@ccetn.org. K of C Holy Family Council 6099 will host the First Annual St. Patrick Day Dinner and Dance. Join us Saturday, March 20 from 7:00-12:00 at the Knights Hall. Cost is $30/copuple or $15/individual. Full Irish Fare will be served proceeds benefit our many charities. Music by the Plum Krazy Band. Would you like to help women make positive decisions about their pregnancies? The Pregnancy Help Center is seeking new volunteers for our ministry to pregnant women and new families. For info contact Christina Call 265-2122 or ccall@ccetn.org Mark your calendars for “Total Lockdown at the YMCA” for Junior High students! A stay up all night overnighter Mass, pizza snacks swimming basketball volleyball soccer racketball four squares cards board games and a few surprise games in store. Join us Saturday Feb 27 at the YMCA in Hixson at 10:00 PM pick up at 6:00 AM. Cost is $20. Reg forms are in the church vestibule or contact Vicki Runge at runge_v@bellsouth.net. Deadline to register is Friday, February 19.


The Home Place Catholic Charities residential program for homeless individuals with HIV/AIDS needs volunteers to transport clients to medical appointments and other basic errands. Contact Catholic Charities 267-1297 to help.

MASS ATTENDANCE Envelopes Offertory Children’s Funds Required Weekly Variance Year to Date Variance Diocese Black & Indian

February 7


22,063.00 404.12 14.00 19,000.00 +3,481.12 -17,357.57 1,453.00 2,132.00

MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY Chattanooga’s Catholic Cemetery since 1886. For information call David Hale, 622-0728. Please remember OLPH in your will Hometown Heroes 2010 American Red Cross Heroes Luncheon Monday, March 8, 2010 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Chattanooga Convention Center Heroes can be hard to define but each displays something-courage dedication concern conviction-that moves and inspires us to do more and to be more. We invite you to be an important part of the third annual Hometown Heroes luncheon. Last year we sold out the event and hosted astronaut Dr. Buzz Aldrin during the 40th anniversary of his moon walk. This year we will be presenting legendary NFL Tennessee Titans Coach Jeff Fisher! The Greater Chattanooga Area Chapter of the American Red Cross will be recognizing 5 people from our 9-county area who have inspired us with their courage kindness and unselfish character. These five local heroes will be selected from nominations submitted by the community. You can help the America Red Cross by supporting this exciting event. Proceeds will help the Chapter continue its vital role in the community providing local disaster assistance health and safety training and emergency assistance to military families. Visit www.chattanoogaredcross.org/heoroes. For more info or contact Claudia Moore 423-265-3455 X 134.

LENT A special collection will be taken up on Ash Wednesday for the Church in Central an Eastern Europe. This special collection channels aid through the Bishops' conferences of Central and Eastern Europe to meet the needs of rebuilding the Church.

Mass Schedule for Lent Ash Wednesday Masses 8:15 AM, 12:00 PM, 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM Spanish Mass Weekday Masses: Monday 12:00 PM (new time) & Tuesday-Thursday 8:15 AM Friday 8:15 AM and 5:30 PM Stations of the Cross: Friday 7:00 PM Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of Fast and Abstinence. All persons age 18 through 59 are bound by the laws of fast (lfull meal is allowed on days of fast; 2 other meals not equal to another full meal sufficient to maintain strength may be taken according to one's needs. Eating between meals is not permitted; liquids are allowed). This obligation does not apply to those whose health or ability to work would be affected seriously. We should try to observe the Laws of Fast and Abstinence unless medical reasons determine otherwise. All Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence. Stations of the Cross A Pilgrimage of Faith Each week will be a different style of Station-this is a deeply moving spiritual moment for many. As a devotion it can be enhanced by the "natural genius of the people" (Vatican II, Pope Paul VI) which allows for a variety of spiritual expressions. Join us the Friday of Len, 7:00 PM to walk.. .The Way. Feb 19 Scriptural Fr. Jim Feb 26 Traditional March 5 Social Justice Sr. High Youth Group March 12 Children's Stations March 19 Bi Lingual Stations March 26 Living Stations School Children February 23 March 4 March 9 March 16

Deanery Reconciliation Services March 18 7:00 pm St. Augustine St. Peter & Paul March 21 5:30 pm March 23 St. Therese 7:00 pin March 24 St. Mary 7:00 pm March 25

OLPH Holy Spirit St. Stephen St. Bridget St. Jude

Because of the baptismal nature of Easter Baptisms will not be scheduled during the Lenten Season. Lent is a time of preparation.

7:00pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

9512t Dates for Catholic Cowles <, Make Your MAntage This YeAr's Lenten Protect • Beginning Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:30 pm St. Jude Parish Life Center SIX DATES presents an inspiring view of Christian marriage by interweaving the wisdom of the Catholic tradition, datafrom the social sciences, and the life experiences of married couples

This program is for couples of all ages and stages of marriage. Each date covers material from one or more chapters of the book "Happy Together: The Catholic Blueprint for minute video presentation at the Parish Life Center then go out on their date to a Loving discuss the by evening's topic. There are no small group breakout sessions. Instead, Marriage" you will have the opportunity to relax, to take time to grow and laugh together, and John Bosio. to affirm each other. The couples will SIXwatch DATES a topics include: "Your Love Story," "Your Beliefs About Marriage," "Dealing with Differences," Unselfish Love," "The Blueprint of Love is Christ's 15Relation to the Church," and "Where do I Find the Courage." Six Dates for Catholic Couples will be held even' Sunday evenino from February 21 throuRh March 28. 2010. The last Sunday will include a special dinner for two.

For questions calk Marian Christiana, Deanery Family Life Coordinator 892-2310 Chris Sapala, Family Life Director, St. Jude Parish 870-2386 Paul and Karen Schulz, ale Dates for Catholic Couples Facilitators 877-8319 Registration for Six Dates for Catholics NAMES PARISH PHONE HOME ADDRESS EMAIL Childcare is available by request. Must RSVP for childcare by February 15, 2010. Please call Chris Sapala in the St. Jude Parish Office at 870-2386 to reserve childcare. Children must be picked up by 8:30 pm. To register, mail registration form & $15.00 (books & supplies) by February 17, 2010 to: St. Jude Church, 930 Ashland Terrace, Chattanooga, TN 37415 Attention: Chris Sapala Please make checks payable to Diocese of Knoxville

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- ••••• , ••'',F 1:1 OLPH- Ladies Bible Study .6, 7 New Study will begin on Wednesday 2/17 .•• ; '. .. 1 .! • . ',, .. 7 1 . A 1 ,

10:00-11:30 am in the Church Library

"My Lord and My God" Join us as we begin Lent and journey through scripture with people who encountered Jesus in a life-changing way.

Need the nursery or have questions? Call Cathy Oliver at 706-264-6966


FOR PARISH FAMILIES We are called to develop a community of persons who are formed in the image and likeness of Christ. To achieve this end we will encourage and support Catholic education in our elementary school... With these words contained in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Mission Statement, our parish expresses its commitment to the importance of Catholic education. To encourage all parish families to consider a Catholic education, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish provides tuition assistance for eligible parish families who have a child or children in our elementary school and are in need of financial help. This monetary assistance is paid for by the parish. An eligible parish family is one that has been registered and active in the parish for at least one year, however if new to Our Lady of Perpetual Help the family must have a letter from their former parish stating that they were active and contributing members of that parish. The family should regularly contribute to the Parish offertory using the envelope system with a minimum annual year contribution of $350.00. Tuition assistance packets for the upcoming 2010-2011 school year, containing all pertinent information on how the program works, are available in the parish office. The packet should be picked up from the OLPH parish office no later than March 1, 2010, completed and returned to Therese Hughes, our parish tuition assistance analyst, no later than March 22, 2010, and a personal meeting should take place with Mrs. Hughes by April 16, 2010. Mrs. Hughes address and phone number is contained in the tuition assistance packet.


The Finance Board of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish

2010 Special Lent Edition

Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith,

Not the old life When Jesus rose from the dead, be didn't just resume his old life he was given a new and glorious life That is what awaits all those who follow him.

Ashes to ashes ••• To ancient Jews, wearing sackcloth and sitting in ashes showed repentance and humility, and acted as a penance Today, wearing the ashes of Ash Wednesday is meant to show our repentance but also acts as a witness of our faith. Take the opportunity to explain the practice when others ask why you wear the ashes.

A prayer for Lent "God of all mercy and steadfast love we do not always live the way you want us to. Forgive us. Help us during this season of Lent to examine how we can be more faithful followers of Jesus Christ, your son. Guide us in our pilgrimage of discipleship. May our words and actions truly reflect your will for us. Amen." The Essential Catholic Prayer Book, Liguori Publications. Copyright 2010 Smog) Pula** IL Munk LW

Make the journey back to God during Lent Why do we begin the holy season of Lent with ashes on our foreheads – a sign of repentance? Throughout the year we may have turned from God in many small ways and perhaps significant ones, too. While God respects the freedom he has given us as his children, he urges us to come back to him to reconcile. Our wise Father knows that it's the only way we can be truly happy. The Church has identified three tools we can use to make our Lenten journey back to God more effective: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These tools will help us to dear the static in our connection to God and help us take our places as his true children.

Prayer "... When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Pother in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you' (Matthew 6: 5 - Conversational prayer. All 6) relationships need nurturing — even our relationship with God. It is in prayer that we can confide our deepest desires, hurts, needs. It is in prayer that we discern God's voice. Especially during Lent, make time every day to

talk to God and grow in love with him. Remember, he finds everything about you interesting. Community prayer. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there urn I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). Praying in a group not only brings God into your circle, it also makes members aware of the needs and concerns of others who may be outside the circle. The Rosary prayer. The Rosary is a time-honored way to pray to Jesus and his mother. This year why not make the Rosary your Lenten prayer? If time is limited, do a decade at a time and watch them add up by the end of the day. Consider offering a special Rosary in honor of the Year for Priests. Go to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops website for more details: hup://www. usccb.orgiyearforpriestsfprayers.shtml. The Stations of the Cross prayers. Walking the Stations of the Cross is a powerful way to pray during Lent. If your parish doesn't offer a Stations of the Cross prayer service as a community, take a few moments each week to stop and meditate at each of the Stations displayed in your church. Reflect on Jesus' journey from judgment to burial. Private Eucharistic prayer. Praying before the Eucharist is one of the most sacred places to pray. Consider arriving for Mass early to spend extra time in prayer before the tabernacle.

Growing in Faith Tm Fasting When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to be fasting, except to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees ;4 what is hidden will repay Z'•? 4; you" (Matthew 6:16-18). Fasting from food. Voluntary fasting from food strengthens our skill of self denial. It is difficult and can be uncomfortable but it reminds us of Jesus' suffering. Plus, fasting leaves an open space we can fill with God's spirit. Prayerful fasting can increase our hunger and thirst for God. Fasting from bad habits. We all have areas in our life we need to change Maybe we watch too much television, shop too much, eat too much or drink too much. Too much of anything is an unhealthy distraction from our relationship with God and throws our lives out of balance By fasting, we deny our own wants and open up space for what God wants. Plus, we become less wrapped up in ourselves and instead have the opportunity to focus on the needs of others. • Fasting from luxury. For many of us, putting food on the table or buying new clothing when we need it is not a huge concern. That's not true for many people in our own communities who need our help to get even the basics. To understand what that is like, research an impoverished nation to see what people there eat in a typical day. Then spend a day eating the same foods in the same quantities. Fasting from excess. Many of us have dothing, books, toys, or even household items in perfectly good shape that we don't need or use. Instead of letting the

Special Lent Edition 2010 Page 2 excess build up, donate what you don't use to a local charity. Then try to go the entire season of Lent without buying anything new that isn't a necessity.

I want to pray more, especially during Lent, but it's hard to concentrate. What can I do?

Almsgiving alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret wil repay you" (Matthew 6:2-4). " Catholic Relief Services or Catholic 1 Charities can do a great deal of good G with just $5. During Lent, whenever i you have a $5 bill, consider putting it m a jar. This includes $5 bills you into m receive in change at the grocery store, the e bank, the gas station, or even if you 5 find one in your pocket, add it to the . jar At Easter, donate what you've collected to a relief organization and " know that it will be put to great use. M aDonate your labor. Money isn't always the answer. Many of the poor n services they can't afford. If need y can paint, cook, or do carpentry you o donate some time to assist an agency orr person in need. Your parish or diocese may already have just such a g ministry that you can join. a nOffer mercy. Do one or more of the Corporal Works of Mercy: feed the i hungry z naked, shelter the homeless, visit ,the give a sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the drink t dead. Or, consider the Spiritual the to the Works i of Mercy: admonish the sinner, thirsty instruct the ignorant, counsel the o clothe doubtful, bear wrongs patiently, forgive n injuries, and pray for the living and the s dead. li kOpen their eyes. During Lent, you can help a child to read, an e to succeed in his job, a senior adult maintain her independence — just by donating your old eyeglasses. Lions Clubs International has a nationwide program to recycle eyeglasses and provide sight to low-income people who need it. To find a recycling center in your area, call the Lions Clubs at 630 www.lionsdubs.org. 571 -

Ever wonder how you can be riveted by a cheap novel or mindless TV show for hours, but spend no more than a few minutes in prayer before your mind wanders'? Believe it or not, distractions can be useful in enriching our prayer life Our minds wander to those things that are really important to us. We might as well admit to them and rnake them a part of our prayer. For example, if your prayer wanders, bring it back to the point 'Lord, thank you for the beautiful gift of my home and its comfort. Of course, I better dean out the gutters or the roof will leak all over the furniture That would be bad, even if the furniture isn't as nice as my neighbor's. They have so much money. But forgive me Lord for feeling envy, and help me to be grateful for what! have Also help me to show my neighbors the love of Christ, the only possession worth having.' And soon. The idea is to acknowledge the distraction and ask Cod's help in overcoming its source Then use it as a tool to get back on track. l'hink of prayer as a conversation between two people who love each other. So there is no one right way to pray. As in any loving relationship, it is most rewarding when you talk to your loved one as often as possible Pope John Paul II said, 'Pray any way you like, so long as you do pray.' God is always ready to listen. Remember, prayer is not a rigid routine we have to get right. It's a conversation with someone we love who loves us back.

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Compliments of

Compliments of

John Jackson Attorney at Law

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Stolpmann Plumbing




Susan Castle



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Attorneys, parishioners



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May Bros.

Ed & Cindy Schemel

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Sushi Bar and Chinese Cuisine


Single Catholics

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Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel

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Compliments of


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Compliments of


INVESTMENT SERVICES Edward Warwick Senior Vice President Financial Advisor 832 Georgia Avenue, Suite 1200 Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-752-4715

Investments and services offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, member SIPC. © 2009 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney


Scott & Angela Johnson Parishioners Parents of children at O.L.P.H.



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6215 Lee Hwy., Ste. B •

Please patronize our bulletin sponsors.


1722 S. Market St.

Hannah Hackett–Doctor of Chiropractic

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