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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Mass Intentions beginning this Saturday: Feb 20 8:00 AM +Anne Groves Feb 20 5:30 PM +Emily Ransom & Florence Nolan Feb 21 7:30 AM +Pat McHugh Feb 21 10:00 AM +Cy Kivett Feb 21 12:00 PM +Frank Ruggiero Feb 21 2:00 PM Parish Family Feb 22 8:15 AM +John Almeida Feb 23 8:15 AM +John Martin, Jr. Feb 24 8:15 AM Sp Intention & all sick Feb 25 8:15 AM +Michael Harte Feb 26 8:15 AM +Marguerite Blanford. Feb 26 5:30 PM +Helen Dolan Feb 27 8:00 AM +Louis Steele Feb 27 5:30 PM +Frank & Marie Ruggiero and +Elizabeth & George Messner Feb 28 7:30 AM +Ed Berube & Special Intention Feb 28 10:00 AM +Don Mroz Feb 28 12:00 PM +Marie Ruggiero Feb 28 2:00 PM Parish Family (+Deceased) Parish Bookstore is open after weekend Masses. Sun. Jr. High Youth Group 6:30-8:00 1st & 3rd Sunday’s call Vicki at 855-2505 or 364-1480 Mon. The bulletin deadline is noon. Tues. Contemporary Choir 6:00-8:00 pm Fr. Jim’s Bible Study … 7:00 pm. PLC A journey through Paul’s Paul’s Letters I & II Corinthians: Troubles in Corinth! Upcoming events: Galatians & Romans: Faith & Works…a way to follow Christ. Wed. Bridge Players/St. Brigid’s Craft Groups, 10-2 in the Parish Life Center. Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00 pm Thurs. Hispanic Choir rehearsal 7:00 pm Sat. Cursillista’s after 8:00 AM Morning Mass in the Parish Office Rosary Group meets at 9:00 a.m. daily in the church. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Virginia Park and Betty Neligan of our parish. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. Altar Server Schedule: Sat, Feb 27 at 5:30 M. Stovall, K. Dedmon, M. Signiski, J. Bird, S. Tucker Sun, Feb 28 at 7:30 Mass M. Zolkowski, K. Klassen, S. Rhodes, E. Mangan 10:00 N. Wall, S. Price, TJ McGhee, G. Speer, E. Roach 12:00 D. Hodges, D. Hodges, S. Mohler, M. Mohler, E. Burt 2:00 M. Espinoza, P. Acosta, A. Ubas.

February 21, 2010 First Sunday of Lent Lector & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule: Sat, Feb 27 at 5:30 R. Dorris, E. Buske Lectors Deacon, A. Alisago, C. Blake, S. Makemson, F. Shckleford EMHC Sun, Feb 28 at 7:30 Mass J. Goodhard, K. Heider Lectors B. France, C. Goodhard, E. Hulse EMHC. 10:00 T. Crutch, S. Castle Lectors, J. Raabe, M. Rivers, C. Arnt, T. Arnt, D. Barta, M. Delaney, C. Delaney, B. Dickenson, N. Donohoo EMHC 12:00 M. Pomerance, M. McKenzie Lectors J.Jackson, M. Joackson, M. Simpson, A. Wells, M. Williams, U. Berge, B. DePrez, M. DePrez EMHC 2:00 PM S. Goux, C. Calderon Lectors. Thank you for your ministry. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement. Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe All are welcome: No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present situation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race etc.; no matter what your own self image or self esteem you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at… Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe Todos son bienvenidos: No importa cual es su situación actual en la iglesia Católica; no importa cual es su situación actual en su familia o matrimonio; no importa cual es su situación pasada o presente; no importa cual es su historia personal, edad, antecedentes, raza, etc.; no importa cual es su imagen o autoestima; usted esta invitado, bienvenido, aceptado, amado y respetado en la… Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Join us in the Parish Life Center this weekend for free blood pressure screenings. While you are there enjoy coffee, donuts and fellowship with your parish family.

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Deanery Reconciliation Services Feb. 23 St. Augustine 7:00 PM March 4 St. Peter & Paul 5:30 PM March 9 St. Therese 7:00 PM March 16 St. Mary 7:00 PM March 18 OLPH 7:00 PM March 21 St. Stephen 7:00 PM March 24 St. Bridget 7:00 PM March 25 St. Jude 7:00 PM Join us Friday evenings during Lent for a Lenten Meal after 5:30 Mass. This weekend enjoy a fish fry for $6/person. After dinner join us back in the Church for Stations of the Cross. "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen." Join us next weekend in the Parish Life Center for a pancake breakfast. The K of C council 6099 will host the breakfast and all proceeds go to Food for the Poor. Altar Servers (all children grades 4 through 8) training will be held in the church on the first Wednesday of each month form 6:00 PM-6:45 PM. Questions call Joe Reinert 935-8609. SAVE THE DATE FOR A BLACK & WHITE BALL. The Knights of Columbus council 610 is hosting a ball to benefit the Firth Family. This family has had two children recently lose their battle with cancer and one child still battling cancer. You are invited to an evening of fine dining fellowship and high times at the Loose Cannon Gallery on March 27 from 7-11pm. This is a dress to impress affair. Cost is $40/couple $20/singles. Please make plans to attend and help this family. Because of the Baptismal nature of Easter it is recommended that Baptisms not be scheduled during the Lenten Season. Lent is a time for preparation. Durante el tiempo de cuaresma no habrá Bautismos y las platicas Serán haste el mes de Marzo


Bringing Holy Communion to our hospitalized parishioner is a special service ministry and one that our parishioners value. If you or a family member have been visited by an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion you know how meaningful this connection with the Church family is. Currently Memorial Hospital is in need of additional EMHC’s particularly on Saturday and Sunday. In order to serve at the hospital you must have completed training in your local parish. If you have the time and the desire to visit our hospitalized parishioners through his special ministry please contact Connie Blake 495-6163. “Whatever you do for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you do also for Me.” Take time during Lent to focus on your marriage! Lent is a time of contemplation and reflection. Here’s an opportunity to share special time with your spouse and reflect on your faith journey together. The SIX DATES for Catholic Couples program will meet every Sunday night beginning on Sunday Feb 21 at St. Jude Church following the 5:30 Mass. The last Date will be on Sun March 28 and will include a special dinner for two. Please join us in the Parish Life Center view a 10 minute video about marriage; then go out with your spouse and enjoy your date. Cost for program is $15/couple. To register contact Chris Sapala 870-2386 or csapala@stjudechattanooga.org. Babysitting is available for an additional charge. Contact Chris by Feb 15 for babysitting. The program is sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment at St. Jude Family Life Ministry. Are you a senior who needs transportation to medical appointments? Catholic Charities’ Interfaith Senior Services Program works through volunteers to provide transportation to medical appointments for those 60 & older free of charge. For info or to volunteer call 423-265-2397. Would you like to help women make positive decisions about their pregnancies? The Pregnancy Help Center is seeking new volunteers for our ministry to pregnant women and new families. For info contact Christina Call 265-2122 or ccall@ccetn.org. Come to the Knoxville DCCW Convention April 2224 at St. Thomas in Lenoir City. Registration forms are available at www.kdccw.org .

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL NEWS Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is now taking applications for the 2010/2011 school year. Contact Teresa Hennen to receive a registration packet or schedule a tour 423-622-1481 or Teresahennen@catholicweb.com. OLPH Catholic School Annual Fund Campaign brochures have been sent for the 2009/2010 school year. Thank you for your response. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. For more info contact Kathy Sumrell, Development Director 622-1481 or ksumrell@catholicweb.com Yearbook Information: Are you a local business owner or do you know a local business owner who would benefit from an ad in the OLPH Yearbook? We would love your support. This helps defray the cost of the yearbook for families. Ads range in price form $15 to $100. Please contact the school office or 423-6221481 or Chris Polahar at polaharc@catholicweb.com for more info or to purchase an ad. Deadline to purchase is Feb. 26. Tuition assistance packets for the 2010-2011 school year are available in the parish office. OLPH Catholic School will have a Kindergarten Open House on Tuesday, Feb 23 from 11-12 noon and on Wed march 10 from 6-7 PM. There will be an open house for students enetering grades 1-8 for the 20102011 school year on thur, March 18 from 4-6 PM. RSVP 622-1481 or Teresahennen@catholicweb.com. Congratulations to the winners of the “Famous American Catholics” contest: Sabrina Mohler, 7th grader and James West, 5th grader were each awarded a $50 Visa Gift Card. Good job!!. Congratulation also to Lauren Dray, who was chosen to be the Junior Weather Forecaster with Paul Barys on Channel 3. The newscast aired Wed, Feb 10 at 5:30. Good work Lauren Creative Discovery Museum will conduct a “Bio Fuels Workshop” at OLPH School on Wed, March 3 from 6-8 pm. there will be nine stations set up in different buildings on campus, relating to science and math

February 21, 2010 First Sunday of Lent topics. This will be an instructional fun filled evening so please try to attends. St. Patrick Irish Ball: the Notre Dame Parent Association invites you rot the second annual St. Patrick’s Irish Ball. The fundraiser is a great way to help your child’s future school while having fun at the same time. The event will be held on March 13 at the National Guard Armory on Holtzclaw Ave from 711:30. Tickets are $40 in advance. Additional info can be found at www.myndhs.com OLPH School Committee is accepting applications for the 2010-2011 school year. They meet on a monthly basis and serve as an advisory board to the Pastor and Principal of OLPH. Membership is open to parents of school students, alumni parents of alumni and members of OLPH parish. Applications are available in the school office and due no later than Thurs Apr 1st OLPH School received a $1,000 grant form the Richard & Hilda Schults Charitable Gift Account at Schwab Charitable Fund. This grant will help support many ongoing programs that benefit the students. Attention all High School Students! It’s time for “Let It Growl” again! This is an awareness and service weekend for the Homeless. We will do service small group and large group sessions guest speakers awesome prayer services fast and sleep outside in boxes. You will go away with a whole new understanding of the homeless. Join us March 5-7 at OLPH. Cost is $15 plus a school supply kit or a bath towel set. Forms are in the church vestibule of email Donna at djones6029@gmail.com.

Ladies of Charity of Chattanooga will host “Giving Back & Making Do”, a Lenten Morning of Reflection on Sat March 6 at Holy Spirit Church in Soddy. The day begins at 9:00 am with a continental breakfast and ends at 12:30 pm. after Mass. Fr. Bob Hofstetter will facilitate. LOC members & volunteers are invited as is anyone who is interested. To aid in planning please RSVP to Anne Anderson 322-4365 or ann101754@yahoo.com. Save the Date: United We Stand 7th Annual Banquet in Celebration of Life sponsored by: Chattanoogan’s

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? for Life & Knights of Columbus Friday, April 23 at the Chattanooga. Dinner is at 7:00 Speaker is Jaime Thietten. Cost is $50 person or a table of 8 for $400.

Health Ministry Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a disease of the arteries beyond the heart. It most commonly affects the blood supply to the legs and results from clogged arteries. When your muscles don[‘t get the oxygen and nutrients they need during exercise such as walking you may experience a cramping discomfort squeezing or tightness in the calf. Sometimes it is intermittent because the pains stop with rest and then you could resume walking. This leg muscle fatigue discomfort or pain is the primary symptom of peripheral arterial disease. Many people don’t experience any leg muscle discomfort until the artery is blocked or occluded by 60 percent or more. Thus during the years or even decades PAD is developing you may be unaware of what’s happening inside the arteries of your body. Even when you start to experience some symptoms many people just assume these aches and pains in the leg muscles are a natural part of getting old. When arteries are damaged by atherosclerosis in one site such as the leg arteries they’re likely also damaged in other vital locations. If a blood clot forms in a damaged artery to the heart or brain it can lead to a heart attack or stroke. If you think you might have PAD talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Visit the Parish Nurse link at myolph.com for current news and information. The Shack. A presentation and discussion on the book The Shack will be facilitated by Msgr. Al Humbrecht and Deacon Dave Lucheon on Sat March 13 from 9am-12 noon at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. You are invited to bring a brown bag lunch to continue the fellowship at lunch. To register call Holy Spirit Church 423-322-5300 or forhscc@yahoo.com Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 26 Feb 27

Weekly Readings 1 Peter 5:1-4; Matthew 16:13-19 Isaiah 55:10-11; Matthew 6:7-15 Jonah 3:1-10; Luke 11:29-32 Esther C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt. 7:7-12 Ezekiel 18:21-28; Matthew 5:20-26 1 Deuteronomy 26:16-19; Matthew 5:43-48

Catholic Charities Annual Dinner will be held Thurs March 11 at 6:30 at the Chattanoogan Hotel. The


keynote speaker will be Lino Rulli the Catholic Guy Emmy award winning Sirius radio talk show host. For info contact Libby Schleifer 267-1297 or libby@ccetn.org K of C Holy Family Council 6099 will host the First Annual St. Patrick Day Dinner and Dance. Join us Saturday, March 13 from 7:00-12:00 at the Knights Hall. Cost is $20/couple or $10/individual. Full Irish Fare will be served proceeds benefit our many charities. Music by the Plum Krazy Band. Mark your calendars for “Total Lockdown at the YMCA” for Junior High students! A stay up all night overnighter Mass, pizza snacks swimming basketball volleyball soccer racketball four squares cards board games and a few surprise games in store. Join us Saturday Feb 27 at the YMCA in Hixson at 10:00 PM pick up at 6:00 AM. Cost is $20. Reg forms are in the church vestibule or contact Vicki Runge at runge_v@bellsouth.net. Deadline to register is Friday, February 19. Update on our Twin Parish in Haiti, Fr Daniel Lucien and Fr. Ingrid Antoine of St. Pierre Claver our twin parish in Haiti report that things are well in their part of the island. Buildings re structurally sound and the parish has been helping with families and individuals who have made their way out of Port au Prince and to Dory where St. Pierre is locate. They send their sincere tanks to the parishioners of OLPH for the generosity e have shown to them. Our donation now not only help our twin parish but those victims of the earthquake who seek help in dory. Fr. Daniel ended his most recent email to Jeff Raabe our parish contact with these words: “May God bless you and all the parishioners at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Peace be with you.” MASS ATTENDANCE Envelopes Offertory Children’s Funds Required Weekly Variance Year to Date Variance Diocese Haiti

February 14


15,454.50 294.30 1.00 19,000.00 -3,250.20 -20,607.57 1,771.00 3,540.64

MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY Chattanooga’s Catholic Cemetery since 1886.

III MP! P11 PP mu) OLPH YOUTH ARE ASKING FOR YOUR HELP FOR THE HOMELESS OLPH is sponsoring "Let it Growl" an awareness and service weekend for the homeless March 5-7

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The youth are asking for donations for the Community Kitchen, Room in the Inn, Home Place and the Interfaith Hospitality. We are collecting New or new used bath towel sets New or used badc padra Coffee, small instant or regular Socks Bug repellent Matches Sleeping bags Chapstick Sewing kits Bandages Duffle Bags Bottled water Laundry Detergent Dishwashing detergent Plastic tumblers for children Alarm clocks Silverware, Can openers Hot hands and feet

Donations can be turned into OLPH Parish office or by calling Donna Jones an 4211184387

We would like to invite you to our Open House For students entering grades 1 stFor the 2010/2011 school year. -8 Date: Thursday, March 18, 2010 th 4 PM to 6 PM Time: Place: OLPH School Library Please make plans to attend, meet our faculty and staff, and tour our classrooms. Dates for our Kindergarten Open House are: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 From 11 AM to 12 Noon & Wednesday, March 10, 2010 Fmm 6 PM to 7 PM. Please RSVP by the designated dates. If you have any question or you would like to Receive an Application packet please contact our Director of Admissions, Teresa Hennen, at (423) 622-1481 or email: Teresahennen@catholicweb.com

.r Kindergarten Open House Tuesday, February 23, 2010 11 AM-12 Noon RSVP by February 22 " Open House for students entering grades l Thursday, st thru 8 March 18, 2010 4 PM- 6 PM RSVP by March 176 th for the 2010/2011 school year

Kindergarten Open House Wednesday, March 10, 2010 6 PM-7 PM RSVP by March 9 th

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