Jun 28 2009 Bulletin

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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Mass Intentions beginning this Saturday: Sat 8:00 AM Ints. of Helen Dolan 5:30 PM +Andrea Oleck Sun 7:30 AM Special Intention & +Ed Berube 10:00 AM +Emily Ransom 12:00 PM +Clifford B. Coffman 2:00 PM Parish Family Mon 8:15 AM +Joseph Bartolucci Tues 8:15 AM +Hue Ngoc Nguyen Wed 8:15 AM +Frank Marques Thurs 8:15 AM +June Armstrong Fri 8:15 AM +Katherine Lynskey 5:30 PM +Andrea Oleck Sat 8:00 AM +Joseph C. Gomes 5:30 PM +Larry & Nancy Van Wassenhove Sun 7:30 AM Parish Family 10:00 AM +Joseph Bartolucci 12:00 PM +Clifford Coffman 2:00 PM Ints. of Matias Miguel Silvestre Andres (+Deceased) Parish Bookstore is open after weekend Masses. Sun. Jr. High Youth Group 6:30-8:00 1st & 3rd Sunday’s call Vicki at 855-2505 or 364-1480 Mon. The bulletin deadline is noon. Wed. Bridge Players/St. Brigid’s Craft Groups, 10-2 in the Parish Life Center. Sat. Cursillista’s after 8:00 AM Morning Mass in the Parish Office Rosary Group meets at 9:00 a.m. daily in the church. Flowers on the Altar this weekend are given by Helen Mahn in loving memory of Will Mahn. This weekend our parish will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection. This collection allows the Holy Father to cast the light of Christ upon the world by providing emergency assistance to those who need it most around the globe. Please be generous in next week’s Peter Pence Collection. Join us in the Parish Life Center this Sunday for free blood pressure screenings. Friday is First Friday. Adoration begins after 8:15 am Mass and closes with Benediction at 5:00 PM. Come pray for our families, our community, our nation, our world. Ask for harmony in our world as we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

June 28, 2009 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Join us for the First Friday Fish Fry in the PLC after the 5:30 Mass. This fundraiser by the Knights of Columbus buys wheelchairs for disabled Tennessee Veterans. Please come and bring your family and friends. Next weekend is our monthly collection for the parish Food Pantry. We appreciate your generosity to this ministry. As it gets colder we have more calls for temporary assistance. Lector & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule: Sat, July 4 K. Sommerville, R. Smith Lectors Deacon, N. Dies, E. Buske, S. Makemson, M. Dies EMHC Sun, July 5 at 7:30 Mass B. Reardon, J. Lubinski Lectors B. France, M.J. Chen, D. Anderson EMHC. 10:00 S. Lindner, S. Fava Lectors, P. Blazek, S. Castle, M. Rivers, M. Delaney, C. Arnt, T. Arnt, C. Delaney, D. Barta, L. Blazek EMHC 12:00 A. Wells, E. Warwick Lectors M.E. Pack, J. Hand, B. DePrez, A. Gonzalez, J. Gonzalez EMHC. Thank you for your ministry. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement. Altar servers for Sat, July 4 at 5:30 A. Dorris, D. Dorris, L. Rast, M. Black, M. Stovall July 5 at 7:30 Mass M. Zolkowski, S. Rhodes, M. Hutton, G. Zolkowski 10:00 Mass L. Schemel, J. West, S. Price, M. Raabe, M. Wall 12:00 Mass A. Maynez, W. Mahoney, J. Nguyen, J. Moore, M. Kosky 2:00 Mass M. Espinoza, A. Ubas, P. Acosta. Make plans now to attend a Good Luck send off Celebration to honor Fr. Mike and Fr. Alex. Join us for the 5:30 Mass on July 25 afterwards we will have hamburgers, hot dogs and all the makings for a great celebration. I you would like to help call the parish office at 622-7232.

OLPH School is accepting applications for the 2009/2010 school year for Kindergarten through eighth grades. If you would like an application package or to come and tour your campus please contact Teresa Hennen 622-1481 or Teresahennen@catholicweb.com

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Chili’s restaurants “Give Back Night”for Catholic Charities is July 7th. Present the Chili’s Give Back Night coupon at any Chili’s in East Tennessee on the first Tuesday of the month between 4 pm and 10 pm and chili’s will donate 10 percent of your purchase back to Catholic Charities. Coupons are available in the vestibule and at www.ccetn.org Are you traveling this summer? Wherever you go there is a Catholic Church nearby. If you are not here attending Mass at your home parish then check the website www.masstimes.org to find a church near you and the mass times or call 1-800-627-7846. Parking Lot Situation: The East Ridge Fire Department has noticed many parking violations in the parking lot in recent months. The fire department has also reminded us that if there was a medical or fire emergency during church they would have trouble getting to the person needing help or to the church if there was a fire. The fire lane MUST remain open at all times. Please only park in designated parking spaces. If you are not in a designated parking space during an emergency your car could be damaged as emergency equipment is coming into the parking lot and you could also be ticketed by the police department. The fire department IS NOT responsible for damage done to your car in an emergency. These rules are in place for your safety. There is additional parking behind the Church. Help us keep OLPH a safe place for everyone. Thank You! Are you trying to stay in shape? Are you looking for something convenient and fun without having to join a gym? Would you go if it is FREE? Kay Everett has started a free aerobics class. The class is on Monday’s from 5:00-6:00 PM in the Parish Life Center. Call Kay Everett at 867-5236 if you would like to join the class. Weekly Readings June 29 Acts 12:1-11; 2 timothy 4:6-8, 17-18; Matthew 16:13-19 June 30 Genesis 9:15-29; Matthew 8:23-27 July 1 Genesis 21:5, 8-20a; Matthew 8:28-34 July 2 Genesis 22:1b-19; Matthew 9:1-8 July 3 Ephesians 2:19-22; John 20:24-29 July 4 Genesis 27:1-5, 15-29; Matthew 9:14-17


OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL NEWS Cooking with Books is July 13-17 for rising 1st-3rd graders. Have you ever curled up to read a book and suddenly it made you hungry? What about Cloudy with a chance or Meatball? Does it make you want to look outside an open your mouth and what about Quiet Enough Hot Dog? If you do then come read and enjoy some favorite stories as we learn the fundamentals of cooking that makes our tummies rumble using a cup of reading a sprinkle of science and a pinch of math. Our Lady of perpetual Help Catholic School Alumni Friends: the development Office at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is looking for contact information for anyone that attended OLPH School. Would you like to help find your classmates? We want to have an Alumni gathering/celebration at the end of the summer and we need help finding contact information. If you can help contact Kathy 622-1481 or ksumrell@catholicweb.com Join the Knights of Columbus in the Parish Life Center this weekend for a Pancake Breakfast from 7:3012:30. Enjoy all you can eat pancake, sausage and juice for $3. Proceeds benefit the Food for the Poor. Health Ministry Summer Food Safety: Summer outings or weekends at the beach are great opportunities for a picnic but before you pack up make sure you know the basics of food safety. Food safety starts with proper food handling. That begins at the time of purchase and continues all the way to storing leftovers. When you get ready for outdoor events remember the following: Wash hands before during and after handling food. Bring sanitizing gel or towelettes. Keep cold foods below 40 degrees and hot foods above 140 degrees. Store cooked foods separate from raw foods. Don’t let perishables such as meat fish poultry and dairy foods sit out for more than one hour. Transport foods to the grill on one plate and off the grill on another plate. Store leftovers in tightly sealed containers. And finally if you’re not sure if food has spoiled throw it away. For more info visit www.homefoodsafety.org. Visit the Parish Nurse link at myolph.com for current news and information. EXTREME HEAT: Temperatures that hover 10 degrees or more above the average high temperature

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee for the region and last for several weeks are defined as extreme heat. To protect your health when temperatures are extremely high, remember to keep cool and use common sense. The following tips are important: *Drink plenty of fluids *Replace salts and minerals *Wear appropriate clothing and use sunscreen *Schedule outdoor activities carefully *Pace yourself *Stay cool indoors *Check on the vulnerable: children and the elderly in particular *Adjust to the environment *Do not leave children or pets in the car even for a few minutes. HEAT KILLS. For more info visit the Center for Disease Control: http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/heat_ guide.asp or the Parish Nurses Link on the OLPH website: http://olph.us/church/index.php/PN/Main The 26th Annual Mid South Regional Catholic Charismatic Conference will be held July 17 and 18 at St. Ignatuis of Antioch Catholic Church in Antioch TN. This year’s speakers are Fr. Larry Hess form Allentown, PA and Mother Lucy Lukasiewicz from Channing, TX. Advanced registration is encouraged in order to assure we have adequate arrangements made. Cost is $35/person or $55/couples and $65/families. Prices will increase by $10 after July 10. For more info call Teresa Seibert 615-430-9343 or tseibert@bellsouth.net VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT LOCC: Ladies of Charity of Chattanooga produces scores of layettes each year and distributes them to new mothers in need. Each layette contains all of the clothing and accessories a baby requires for its first three months. The layette is also packed in a basket that can double as a bassinet for the first few weeks of the baby's life. The Layette Team is in need of the following volunteers who can work at home to help with this wonderful effort. Training and all materials will be provided. Volunteers who will make crib sheets from regular size sheets and baby blankets from quilting material. Volunteers to do mending of lightly used baby clothing. LOCC is also looking for a volunteer to work at home or at the Rossville Blvd. store to schedule volunteers by phone. The only qualifications needed for this position are time to devote and a fondness for talking with people! For more information or to volunteer, contact Jan Clark, LOCC Ministry Director, at (423) 624-2846.


A REALLY BIG The Knights of Columbus, Holy Family Council #6099,

June 28, 2009 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time would like to thank the parishioners of OLPH and St. Stephens, as well as the students at OLPH school, for their very generous support of our Food For The Poor campaign this year. Through our Sunday pancake breakfasts and our Keep Christ in Christmas activities we raised $16,850! This money is enough to build homes for 13 or 14 poor families in Central America. We hope to continue to raise money for Food For The Poor. Our future monthly Pancake Breakfasts at OLPH will be used to fund drinking water systems and supplies. Please continue to support our efforts and help our brothers and sisters in need. It is not enough for us to defend innocent human life. Of course if we fail to do this we fail in our most urgent task. But b good deeds of love and charity we must build this active culture of life that is ready and capable of turning back hell itself. If we won’t put the abortionist out of business we are pitiable souls. If we don’t enact laws and work tirelessly to change human hearts so that life is forever reverenced and protected we have not fought the good fight which is our charge as the Church Militant. As warriors we must first beat back the enemy. But then let us not forget that we are warriors for the victory of life! Most Rev. Robert W. Finn, Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph The Home Place residential p;rogram for homeless individuals with HIV/AIDS needs volunteers to transport clients to medical appointments and other basic errands. Call Catholic Charities 267-1297 to help MASS ATTENDANCE

June 14 June 21

June 14 Envelopes 14,623.00 Offertory 360.86 Children’ s 3.00 Funds Required Weekly Variance -3,735.14 Year to Date Variance +26,074.72 Diocese 1,048.00

1198 1212 June 21 12,845.00 392.80 5.00 18,722.00 +5,479.20 +20,595.52 679.00

MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY Chattanooga’ s Catholic Cemetery since 1886. For information call David Hale, 622-0728. Please remember OLPH in your will

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Our Lady of Perpetual Help Pancake Breakfast Next Sunday June 28 From 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

All the pancakes you can eat!

This month’s special is 7 up pancakes!!! In the Parish Life Center. $3.00 buys sausage, juice, coffee and all the pancakes you can eat. Contributions will go to help Food for the Poor. www.foodforthe poor.org


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