Mass Set-up allective: October, 20091
5:30 Mass 1. Place and place them toward the back of the credence table. 3 cups Set out a Paten with large host & Corporal on top of the chalice. & the chalice For VISITING PRIEST — please ask if he prefers not to use the chalice with 4 for communion. purificat orsPlace on small cruet of water on the credence table in front of the water 2. top of and a small cruet of water near the sink for the pitcher these purification/cleaning of the vessels after Mass. cups 3. Place wine in flagon & a sealed bag of small hosts in the large paten & take to the — GIFT TABLE at the entrance. 4. Place key in Tabernacle and return the key after Mass to the center door above the vestment case with the Eucharistic cups. 5. Please check the water pitcher for cleanliness. Place clean white towel with pitcher. 6. AFTER Mass, EMHC #B1 & #C4 RETURN TO THE SACRISTY: next set-up/ extinguish all candles, Clean all vessels, Place water cruet in refrigerator, Return Tabernacle key to center door. NOTE: When the 7:30 set-up is done on Saturday evening place the Wine in the flagon in the refrigerator.
720 Mass 1. Place and place them on the credence table. 1 cup Set out a paten with the Large host & Corporal on the chalice. & the chalice — please ask if he prefers not to use the with 2 For VISITING PRIEST chalice for communion. purificat orsPlace on small cruet of water on the credence table in front of the water 2. top of and a small cruet of water near the sink for the pitcher these purification/cleaning of the vessels after Mass. cups 3. Place wine in flagon (check refrigerator) fill to % of vessel & place a sealed bag of hosts in the large paten & take them to the — GIFT TABLE at the entrance. 4. Place key in Tabernacle and return key after Mass to the center Door above the vestment case with the Eucharistic cups. 5. Please check the water pitcher for cleanliness. Place clean white towel with pitcher. 6. AFTER Mass, EMHC #B1 & #C4 RETURN TO THE SACRISTY: next set-up/extinguish all candles, Clean all vessels, Place water cruet in refrigerator, Return Tabernacle key to center door.
10:00 Mass 1. Place and place them toward the back of the credence table. 5 cups and the For VISITING PRIEST — please ask if he prefers not to use the chalice chalice for communion with 6 purificat 2. This Mass uses 4 patens (2 downstairs & 2 upstairs): ors on a. Set out 1 paten with a Large host & Corporal & 1/3 bag of top of Small hosts also placed in the paten beneath the large host on these top of the chalice. cups b. Place a 2 EXTRA emDtv natenskiboria near the Eucharistic Cups. 3. Place small cruet of water on the credence table in front of the water pitcher and a small cruet of water near the sink for the purification/cleaning of the vessels after Mass. 4. Place wine in the large glass "pitcher" flagon to the handle & place a sealed bag of small hosts in the large paten & take to the — GIFT TABLE at the entrance. 5. Place key in the Tabernacle (it will remain for 12 noon Mass). 6. Please check the water pitcher for cleanliness & quantity. Place a clean white towel (if needed) with the pitcher. 7. AFTER Mass, EMHC #B1 & #C4 RETURN TO THE SACRISTY: next set-up/extinguish all candles, Clean all vessels, Place water cruet in refrigerator, Tabernacle key remains there.
12:00 Noon Man (This Mass has new set-up as of October 2009) 1. NEW: Place 5 these cups cups & place them toward the back of the credence Set out one paten with a Large host & corporal on top & table. the chalice of the chalice AND with 6 NEW: Place an extra r purificators on cups. the Eucharistic d paten is for upstairs top of communion near
For VISITING PRIEST — please ask if he prefers not to use the chalice for communion
2. Place small cruet of water on the credence table in front of the water pitcher and a small cruet of water near the sink for the purification/cleaning of the vessels after Mass. 3. Place wine in flagon to the neck & place a sealed bag of hosts in the large paten & put them in collection basket & take them to the -GIFT TABLE at the entrance. 4. Place (or check to see if it is already there) Tabernacle key. 5. Please check water pitcher for cleanliness. Place a clean white towel with the pitcher. 6. AFTER Mass, EMHC #B1 & #C4 RETURN TO THE SACRISTY: extinguish all candles, Clean all vessels, Place water cruet in refrigerator, Return Tabernacle key to center door.