Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Mass Intentions beginning this Saturday: Nov 7 8:00 AM +Wilfred Eckl Nov 7 5:30 PM +Helen Rogers Nov 8 7:30 AM Ints Helen Dolan Nov 8 10:00 AM +Lucille Lauder Nov 8 12:00 PM +Robert Wayne Douglas Nov 8 2:00 PM +Chris McCarthy Nov 9 8:15 AM +Dorothy Labbe & Russell Pierce Nov 10 8:15 AM +Donato Bustamante Nov 11 8:15 AM +Joe Bouquard Nov 12 8:15 AM +George Klemm Nov 13 8:15 AM +Robert Richard Jones & Kathy Martin Nov 14 8:00 AM +Gertrude Pettinger Nov 14 5:30 PM +Roy Morrison & Margaret Dranchak Nov 15 7:30 AM +Carolyn Kokoszka Nov 15 10:00 AM Ints. of Helen Dolan Nov 15 12:00 PM +Danny Rawn Nov 15 2:00 PM Parish Family (+Deceased) Parish Bookstore is open after weekend Masses. Sun. Jr. High Youth Group 6:30-8:00 1st & 3rd Sunday’s call Vicki at 855-2505 or 364-1480 Mon. The bulletin deadline is noon. Tues. Contemporary Choir 6:00-8:00 pm Fr. Jim Bible Study 7:00 pm. PLC Wed. Bridge Players/St. Brigid’s Craft Groups, 10-2 in the Parish Life Center. Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00 pm Thurs. Hispanic Choir rehearsal 7:00 pm Sat. Cursillista’s after 8:00 AM Morning Mass in the Parish Office Rosary Group meets at 9:00 a.m. daily in the church. Flowers on the Altar this weekend are given by Greg & Kathy Rittgers Please pray for the repose of the soul of Rick Bond, brother-in-law of Diane Potts, Carleen Evans and Mary Alice Mac Dougal. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen Fast Day: It’s worth giving up a meal…Each year the Chattanooga Community Kitchen asks our community to support the activities of the Kitchen by fasting for one meal between Sept and Dec and donating the cost of that meal to the Community Kitchen. Your gift helps the hungry and homeless men and women and children in our community.
November 8, 2009 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time This weekends second collection is for our adopted parish in Haiti. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by our brothers and sisters in Christ. Join us in the Parish Life Center next weekend for free blood pressure screenings. While you are there enjoy coffee, donuts and fellowship with your parish family. Altar Servers (all children grades 4 through 8) training will be held in the church on the first Wed of each month form 6:00 PM-6:45 PM. Questions call Joe Reinert 706-935-8609 or 423-838-0026.
Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe All are welcome: No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present situation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race etc.; no matter what your own self image or self esteem you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at… Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church
Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe Todos son bienvenidos: No importa cual es su situación actual en la iglesia Católica; no importa cual es su situación actual en su familia o matrimonio; no importa cual es su situación pasada o presente; no importa cual es su historia personal, edad, antecedentes, raza, etc.; no importa cual es su imagen o autoestima; usted esta invitado, bienvenido, aceptado, amado y respetado en la… Nuestra Señora de el Perpetuo Socorro
Catholic Charities will be providing Thanksgiving meals to needy families. Over 200 families received meals in 2008. A donation of $25 feeds a family of four. If you can help please send checks to Catholic Charities 859 McCallie Ave Chatt 37403 and designate Thanksgiving Meals.
Christmas singers are needed for youth/children’s choir. Rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 on Nov 11 and Nov18 and Dec 2 and Dec 9. We will sing for Christmas Eve 5:30 Children’s Mass. Please call the office 622-7232 or see Julie Roberts if you are interested in participating.
Lector & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule: Sat, Nov 14 R. Smith, R. Christiana Lectors Deacon, R. Dorris, T. Gribben, S. Makemson, F. Shackleford EMHC Sun, Nov 15 at 7:30 Mass M.J. Lee, B. Reardon Lectors K. Heider, M. Williams, E. Hulse EMHC. 10:00 C. Delaney, B. Dougherty Lectors, S. Castle, T. Arnt, D. Barta, G. Raabe, J. Raabe, M. Rivers, S. Castle, T. Crutch, M. Delaney EMHC 12:00 M. McKenzie, M. Pomerance Lectors M. DePrez, B. DePrez, U. Berge, A. Gonzalez, J. Gonzalez, J. Hand, M. Jackson, J. Jackson EMHC. 2:00 G. Guox, E. Argueta Lectors Maria, M. Garduno, J. Manuel EMHC. Thank you for your ministry. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement.
Instruments for Christmas music are needed. Consider adding the beautiful sound of your instrument to the sounds of Christmas music. See Josh Knight or Julie Roberts or call the office if you are interested in playing for Christmas. You are needed!!!
Family Honor 2010. All families in the Parish with 7th & 8th grade students are invited to participate in the Family Honor Program on Jan 29-30. Family Honor’s mission is to provide opportunities for parents and children to learn to communicate effectively on important life values with the special focus on the truth and goodness of human sexuality and the virtue of chastity. It is presented in a fun and interactive format. You will walk away with a new perspective on the big questions “Who am I?” and “What is life for?” If you need additional info or have questions about this quality program please contact Jan O’Boyle 706-226-9110 or Mary Pat Haywood 706-278-6391. space is limited to 40 families so watch for your registration forms to come home! Did you know approximately 11,000 people in Chattanooga are homeless during the year? We need to raise funds to benefit the homeless population of our community. Do your part by joining the 9th Annual Grateful Gobbler Walk for the Homeless on Thanksgiving morning at Coolidge Park. What a great way to show how thankful we really are for the blessings God has given to us. To register visit www.gratefulgobbler.org or pick up a form in the church vestibule.
Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings form 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We are currently preparing for Advent and Christmas. New singers are always welcome. All voice ranges are needed. Please consider joining. Sing through the Christmas season. Volunteers are needed for the Interfaith Hospitality Network the week of Dec 27 through Jan 3. We will host families this week. If you would like to help with this ministry we need overnight host, meals, greeters, and people for activities. If you can help call Lisa Kosky 877-5982 or Anne Wells 706-937-6953. There is a sign up poster located in Holy Family Hall if you sign up please be sure to include your phone number. "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen." Catholic Charities Annual Bake Sale will be after all masses on Nov 21 & 22. All proceeds help to provide emergency assistance for families in financial difficulty. For more info call 267-1297. Would you like to help Notre Dame High School renovate the science classrooms? Would you like fresh greenery to decorate for the holidays? You can do both by contacting a Notre Dame Student or call Notre Dame 624-4618 and order your holiday decorations. They are selling wreaths, garlands, swags and centerpieces at reasonable prices. Go to www.sherwoodforestfarms.com/products to view the items. The greenery will be delivered the week after Thanksgiving.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL NEWS OLPH School is accepting applications for the 20092010 school year. If you have questions or to apply contact Teresa Hennen, Director of Admissions teresahennen@catholicweb.com or 622-1481. OLPH KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE – Please join Our Lady of perpetual Help Catholic School for an informative Open House and Luncheon on Thursday, November 19, 2009 @ 11:00 AM in the OLPH School Library. We ask that you R.S.V.P. by Monday, November 16th to Teresa Hennen, Director of Admissions @ 6221481 or teresahennen@catholicweb.com.
OLPH SCRIP PROGRAM - If you have not yet placed an order, why not start today! You can go online to www.shopwithscrip.com and create an account by clicking on the green “Family Sign-up!” box on the left. Follow the prompts for your information. You will also need the school code, BBEA23BF17413 to designate where your orders will be sent. You may also pick up a Scrip order form from the Home & School office, but remember that it only lists a small number of the cards offered! Check out the website for more offerings and simply write in what you need if it is not listed. Now, through November 13 Lowe's will give Great Lakes Scrip Center client organizations a chance to win a $1,000, $500 or $250 donation! Every $25 Lowe's gift card you purchase during this period will give OLPH school one entry in the drawing pool. Buying a $100 card will earn four entries. Finally, don’t forget to ask your friends and relatives about buying Scrip. Their purchases can help your bottom line on next year’s tuition bill! If you need assistance getting started, contact Cissy West @ cisnbill@bellsouth.net or 899-4061 (H) or 488-4217 (C) and she will be glad to answer any questions. STARS (Students Taking A Right Stand) - On Friday, Nov 13th STARS is coming to OLPH School to present a drug education program for students in grades 4 – 8. STARS YOUTH CONFERENCE – OLPH students in grades 6 – 8 will attend the Conference on Tues Nov 24th at the Choo Choo. RED RIBBON WEEK – On Friday, November 6th in recognition of Red Ribbon Week the Drug Trailer from the National Guard visited the 8th graders and did an educational presentation on drug awareness.
November 8, 2009 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time IRISH MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING – With the completion of the new John Varallo Athletic Center, the Irish Wrestling Club is expanding to include a Middle School Wrestling Team. We are excited by this opportunity and invite all middle school age athletes to join our club. Practices will be held on Monday & Tuesday from 3:45-5:30 PM, Wednesday from 3:05-5:30 PM and Thursday & Friday from 3:455:30 PM practices are held in the new wrestling center. For more information contact Coach John Mullin @ 624-4618 ext. 1007 or mullnj@myndhs.com. THE VIRTUE FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER IS Faithfulness - there will be an All School Mass on Tuesday, November 24th to celebrate Thanksgiving and the 3rd grade class will have their theme mass on faithfulness. THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE – OLPH students are participating in the Catholic Charities Thanksgiving Food Drive. Students are bringing in cornbread mix, stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes, can green beans, can corn, cranberry sauce and yams. There are boxes in Holy Family Hall for these items. Please help OLPH by bringing in food items for the Thanksgiving Food Drive.
Nov 9 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 13 Nov 14
Weekly Readings Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Cor 3:9c-11, 1-17; John 2:13-22 Wisdom 2:23-3:9; Luke 17:7-10 Wisdom 6:1-11; Luke 17:11-19 Wisdom 7:22b-/:1; Luke 17:20-25 Wisdom 13:1-9; Luke 17:26-37 Wisdom 18:14-16, 19:6-9; Luke 18:1-8
Would you like to enhance your marriage and help give it a good foundation? You’re invited to attend a Free Introductory Session for the Creighton Model System which is a method of monitoring a couples fertility on Sun, Nov 15 at Holy Spirit Church following the 10:30 mass. The session lasts about two hours. Lunch will be served. The method aids couples in achieving or avoiding pregnancy assists couples that have previously experienced infertility and helps identity underlying health issues. Couples experience enhanced communcation and intimacy. RSVP Judi Phillips 423-892-4668 or jphillips-nfp@hotmail.com
WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Health Ministry November is National Alzheimer’s Disease month. Every day another family learns that a loved one has Alzheimer’s disease. Friends and family often don’t know what to do but here are some examples of things you can do to help the caregiver. Give the caregiver a gift of time: preparing a meal offering time for the caregiver to go out for shopping salon appointments a move lunch with friends. Gift certificates can accompany the gift of time certificates to restaurants salons bookstores can help eliminate reasons not to go out. Living with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s can be a very difficult and lonely journey. How would you feel if no one came to your door and extended a helping hand? “Blessed are the merciful for they will be show mercy. Mt 5:7 Visit the Parish Nurse link at myolph.com for current news and information. Do you and your spouse avoid talking about certain topics? Do finances your in-laws or your feelings create conflict between you and your partner? OR…Would you just like to improve communication with those closest to you? Here’s your chance!! On Saturday, Nov 7, 2009 the Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment will sponsor a “Building a Bridge - Heart to Heart” communication workshop for couples at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Life Center. We will start with 8:00 am Mass and finish by 12:00 noon. This workshop will teach the Imago dialog therapy technique. This technique is a simple, respectful and effective way to talk to your partner about things that really matter. The morning will be facilitated by Judy Magnussen, LPC of the Elbow Tree Christian Counseling Center. Judy is a trained therapist of Imago Dialog. The cost of this workshop is $20.00/couple. The fee covers program materials and breakfast. If you have attended a Marriage Preparation Program in 2009 YOU CAN ATTEND FREE!!! Participants need to register with Marian Christiana 423-892-2310; mchristiana@dioceseofknoxville.org before Mon, Nov 2, 2009. Babysitting provided at an additional cost. Please contact Pam at Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish office (423-622-7232) to RSVP for babysitting. Learn about Imago Dialog Therapy www.gettingtheloveyouwant.com/couples/interactive) Do you have a servant’s heart? Do you want to help women and children in need? Would you like to help
women make positive decisions about their pregnancy? The Pregnancy Help Center is seeking volunteers for ministry to pregnant women and new families. To help call Libby Schleifer 267-1297 for info. The Home Place, Catholic Charities’ residential program for homeless individuals with HIV/AIDS needs volunteers to bring home cooked meals once a week. Contact Catholic Charities 267-1297 to help. The Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment is excited to announce the start up of an East Tennessee Retrouvaille CORE (Continuing Our Retrouvaille Experience) community. If you have attended a Retrouvaille program in the past and would like to join a CORE group or for more info contact Kelly and Heather Neuner help4marriage@gmail.com or 423-839-1408. the first CORE meeting will be on Sat Nov 28. All future CORE meetings will be on the third Sat of the month. The program offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. For info visit www.helpourmarriage.com. Bishop Stika will host a special celebration in Chatt. to honor married couples and their commitment to the sacrament of marriage. The Bishop will offer Mass with the opportunity to renew you marriage vows. Mass begins at 11:00 am with lunch to follow at OLPH Church on Saturday Feb 6. RSVP to Marian mchristiana@dioceseofknoxville.org or 423-892-2310.
MASS ATTENDANCE Envelopes Offertory Children’s Funds Required Weekly Variance Year to Date Variance Diocese
November 1 1274 15,543.00 128.93 6.00 19,000.00 -3,322.07 -38,162.52 1,233.00
MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY Chattanooga’s Catholic Cemetery since 1886. For information call David Hale, 622-0728. Please remember OLPH in your will
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USCCB NATIONWIDE BULLETIN INSERT Tell Congress: Remove Abortion Funding & Mandates from Needed Health Care Reform Congress is preparing to debate health care reform legislation on the House and Senate floors. Genuine health care reform should protect the life and dignity of all people from the moment of conception until natural death. The U.S. bishops' conference has concluded that all committeeapproved bills are seriously deficient on the issues of abortion and conscience, and do not provide adequate access to health care for immigrants and the poor. The bills will have to change or the bishops have pledged to oppose them. Our nation is at a crossroads. Policies adopted in health care reform will have an impact for good or ill for years to come. None of the bills retains longstanding current policies against abortion funding or abortion coverage mandates, and none fully protects conscience rights in health care. As the U.S. bishops' letter of October 8 states: "No one should be required to pay for or participate in abortion. It is essential that the legislation clearly apply to this new program longstanding and widely supported federal restrictions on abortion funding and mandates, and protections for rights of conscience. No current bill meets this test.— If acceptable language in these areas cannot be found, we will have to oppose the health care bill vigorously." For the full text of this letter and more information on proposed legislation and the bishops' advocacy for authentic health care reform, visit: www.usccb.orgihealthcare. Congressional leaders are attempting to put together final bills for floor consideration. Please contact your Representative and Senators today and urge them to fix these bills with the pro-life amendments noted below. Otherwise much needed health care reform will have to be opposed. Health care reform should be about saving lives, not destroying them. ACTION: Contact Members through e-mail, phone calls or FAX letters. • To send a pre-written, instant e-mail to Congress go to www.usceb.orgiaction. • Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at: 202-224-3121, or call your Members' local offices. • Full contact info can be found on Members' web sites at www.house.gov & www.senate.gov. MESSAGE to SENATE: "During floor debate on the health care reform bill, please support an amendment to incorporate longstanding policies against abortion funding and in favor of conscience rights. If these serious concerns are not addressed, the final bill should be opposed." MESSAGE to HOUSE: "Please support the Stupak Amendment that addresses essential pro-life concerns on abortion funding and conscience rights in the health care reform bill. Help ensure that the Rule for the bill allows a vote on this amendment. If these serious concerns are not addressed, the final bill should be opposed." WHEN: Both House and Senate are preparing for floor votes now. Act today! Thank you!
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Volante de USCCB para boletines en toda la melon
Hablele al Congreso: Remuevan de la neeesarla reforma al sistema de salud la finanelaelon de abortos y mandatos pare cubrirlo El Congreso se esti preparando para poner a votacion la reforina al sistema de salud en la Camara y en el Senado. La verdadem refomm protegeria la vide y la dignidad de cada persona desde el momenta de su concepan hasta su muerte natural. La Conferencia de Obispos Catalicos de EE. 1.111. ha resuelto que todas las propuestas de leyes son deficientes en lo relativo al abort° y a la libertad de conciencia, y no ofrecen acceso adecuado al cuidado de la salud para los inmigrantes y los pobres. Estas propuestas han de cambiarse o los obispos se han comprometido a oponerse a elle& Nuestra flack% esti en una encrucijada. Las politicas que se adopten en la reforma del sistema de salud tendrin efectos buenos o pemiciosos por muchos Mos. Ninguna de las propuestas incluye clausulas establecidas desde hace mucho tiempo quo se oponen a la financiacion del abort° ° que obligan a cubrir los abortos; y ninguna protege plenamente los derechos de conciencia en el cuidado de la salud. Asf lo expresa la carte del 8 de octubre de los Obispos de EE. DU: "No se ha de mdgir a nadie que pague o quo participe en un abort°. Es imprescindible que la legislacion le aplique claramente a este nuevo programa las limitaciones federales —establecidas hace mucho tiempo y que gozan de amplio respaldo— relatives al fmanciamiento y la cobertura del abort°, y que protegen el derecho a la ohjecion de conciencia. Ningtmo de los proyectos de ley actuales refine estas condiciones... Si no se logra dar una redaccion aceptable a estos pintos, nos veremos obligados a oponemos con vigor al pmyecto de ley de reforma del sistema de sEtlud". Para ver el texto completo de esta carta y obtener mas informaciOn sobre la legislacion propuesta y la defensa de los obispos de ima verdadera reforma al sistema de salud visite: www.usccb.orgihealthcare. Los Ilderes del Congreso estan preparando proyectos de ley pam llevarlos a votacidon. Le rogamos clue contacte a sus legisladores boy y firjales que mejoren esas propuestas con las emniendas pro vida clue incluimos. De no ser as! los obispos se opondran a la reforma al sistema de salud, refamm que debe salvEtr vides, no destruirlas. ACCIoN: Contacte a los miembros par canto electronic°, telefono o cartas por fax. • Envie al Congreso un correo electronic° instantaneo con un mensale ya preparado, visitando www.usccb.orgiaction. • Llame a la central telefonica del Capitolio de los BE. DU, al 202-224-3121 o name a las oficinas locales de los legisladores que nos representan. • Infommcion completa sabre sus representantes aparece en www.house.gov & www.senate.gov. MENSAJE al SENADO: "Durante el debate en plena del proyecto de ley de reforma del sistema de salud, le pido que apoye una enmienda que incorpore las antiguas pad= en contra de la financiaciOn de los abortos y a favor del derecho a la allied& de conciencia. Si no se abordan estos graves astmtos, le pido que rechace el proyecto final". MENSAJE a la CAMARA: "Por favor apoye la Ermilenda Stupak clue aborda asuntos pro vida ftmdamentales del proyecto de ley de reforma del sistema de stdud concemientes a la financiacion de abortos y al derecho a la °Weal& de conciencia. Ayude a garantizar quo el procedimiento legislativo acordado para este proyecto permita tma votacion sabre esta emnienda. Si no se abordan estos graves astmtos, le pido que rechace el proyecto final". CUANDO: La Camara y el Senado se estan preparando ahora para voter. thigalo hoy mismo. !Michas grades!
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It's worth giving up a meal... Community Kitchen
FAST day
727 E. Eleventh Street P.O. Box 11203 Chattanooga, TN 37401
Thank You
They are hungry and have no place to go. Your gift to the Community Kitchen is critical. ...I.oye and human contact ...Eating good nutritious food 4 times per day ...Shelter each day from the heat and cold ...Shower and laundry facilities ...Clothing, shoes and other personal belongings ...Literacv and educational services ...Job training and placement services ...Access to medical and counseling services