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Pope Benedict XVI names FatherAl liumbrecht Prelate of Honor r -

Monsignor AI Humbrecht

On November 3 Richard F. Stika announced that Pope Benedict XVI had / 2009 conferred the title Prelate of Honor to His Holiness upon / Bishop Father Al Humbrecht. Monsignor Humbrecht Sacred Heart t the pastor of Cathedral years and has twicefor served the diocese as administrator in / has been a priest the absence more than 37of a bishop. Fr. Al is a much beloved former pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish. Our heartiest congratulations go out to him.



April 22-24, 2010 at St. Thomas the Apostle, Lenoir City Leadership—we are all Christian leaders! We lead by example...just like Jesus! Training—we are all Christian learners! The Apostles were life long learners; can we be any less? bevelopment—we are always growing personally and organizationallyl It's time to add a few new skills no matter.your age. The PROGRAM will be bEVIELOPEb by YOU for YOUI bONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY

Raise the money to support your women and offer scholarships to your young women! • Have a bake sale„...everyone loves home baked goodies! • Auction the expertise of your Council Members—gourmet meals, computer skills, mending, driving, closet organization, party planning--think creatively! • Explain the LTD program to your Parish Council/Pastor and request financial support.

• Hold a parish wide Ice Cream Social and charge $10/family. • Sponsor a NO LUNCH luncheon...sell non-tickets for $5 per person.

• Keep costs down by sharing rooms at the Holiday Inn Express, Lenoir City-865-635-0070—offer to share your room

with 1s t time attend ees (mayb e for Revised by Sally Jackson free!)

The Catholic Curs jib

What Does It Offer? A method to seek and develop: Christian Spirituality Christian Mentality

Dear Friends, Cursillo is alive and well in the Diocese of Knoxville! As a Cursillista, I wholeheartedly endorse the Cursillo Movement in our diocese. On March 20, 19801 had the privilege to take part in a Cursillo and found it a spiritually moving weekend, a time to deepen my awareness of Jesus' love for me and my commitment as a priest Since then, I have served as a Spiritual Director on three other Cursillos. Please know that this encounter with Jesus has my full endorsement. Those who enter into the weekend experience in an open way will be renewed in all aspects of life. While carving out a Tee" weekend is a challenge in our fast-paced world, be assured it will be well worth the sacrifice. As our Catholic Church seeks ever to renew ourselves in our faith, I have found no better way for an adult to be renewed in the Lord than the Cursillo. Those who take part will be more deeply a vibrant member of our Church and all will benefit If yam have not made a Cursillo, please take the step and discuss your readiness with a team member. You will not regret it and our Church will be ever grateful. Yours in Our Lord,

Christian Community


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Visit us on the Web at: www.knoxvillecursillo.org

Most Reverend Joseph E, Kurtz, D.D. Bishop of Knoxville

Finding Cursillo Members

Cursillos In Christianity The Fourth Day In today's world can Christianity penetrate the many areas of secular life? Can it live there? Can it grow there? Can it transform the world in a way that is more fruitful than the past and in keeping with the times? The Cursillo Movement thinks so. It proposes no new type of spirituality, but simply a method through which one's spirituality may be developed, lived, and shared in any area of human life, where there are Christians willing to dedicate their lives to Christ in an ongoing manner. The method is introduced on a Curs!lio weekend.

The "after activity of the Cursillo is known as the "Fourth Day? During this time perseverance is important, just as it is in any method of renewal. Three means of perseverance are encouraged in your Fourth Day. Reunions of small groups of friends are formed in order to encourage one another in spiritual improvement and Christian apostolate. The "Ultreya," a Spanish word meaning "Onward," is a reunion of the larger Cursillo community. Lastly, the School of Leaders is a reunion of Cursillistas that reinforces, enhances and enlarges the learning of the Cursillo weekend. Through all these ways, one is exposed to the spiritual growth, example and leadership of other Cursillistas in the community.

The Three Days Cursillo (pronounced kur-see-yo) is a Spanish word meaning little" or "short course? It begins on a Thursday evening and ends the following Sunday evening. During the three days, those attending live, pray, work together and listen to talks by priest, religious and laity. Each talk is followed by a small group style discussion period. The basis atmosphere of Cursillo differs greatly from the solitude of an individual retreat Community, and personal sharing is built-in throughout the weekend in a spirit of joy.

Pope Paul VI In 1963, the Holy Father, Pope Paul the VI appointed St Paul as the official Patron of the Cursillo Movement. On that occasion he said: "This method of Christian teaching, commonly called Cursillos in Christianity, extends already over a great number of faithful and has produced abundant &it Christian renewal of the family life, visualization of parishes, faithful observance of duties, in private, as well as public. Al! this has filled the Bishops and other Shepherds of souls with the greatest satisfaction?

Cumin째 members, also known as Cursillistas, can be found throughout most of the parishes in the Knoxville diocese. Asking your parish priest is a good place to start. Checking the parish bulletins or watching the bulletin board for scheduled Cursillo Group Reunions and Illtreyas are excellent ways to discover the Cursillo Community. The Chancery office will have the Cursillo Lay Directors contact information as well. The Catholic Cursillo Diocese of Knoxville can be found on the web at WWW.knoxvillecursillmorg.

An Invitation You are cordially invited to attend any of the Cursillo gatherings. Ultreyas are held in each of the geographic regions of the diocese on various nights of the month. We welcome all inquiries. We pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to a Cursillo member, possibly a three-day weekend and, finally, a lifelong commitment to Christ's service in whatever environment you happen to live. Christ is counting on youl For more information please contact

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