Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Mass Intentions beginning this Saturday: Nov 28 8:00 AM +Rita Goodwin & Hal Fagan Nov 28 5:30 PM +Ed Berube and Sp intention And all the sick Nov 29 7:30 AM Ints. of Helen Dolan & all sick Nov 29 10:00 AM +Manuel Ramirez, Sr. & Cora Fordham Nov 29 12:00 PM +Clifford Coffman Nov 29 2:00 PM Parish Family Nov 30 8:15 AM +Mildred Gresham Dec 1 8:15 AM +Richard Buck Dec 2 8:15 AM +Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins Dec 3 9:00 AM +Kwame Gustus, Karen H. Green & Mark Henricks Dec 4 8:15 AM +Danny Rawn Dec 4 5:00 PM +Andrea Oleck Dec 5 8:00 AM +Catherine Pierce Dec 5 5:30 PM +Frank & Marie Ruggiero and Mark Henricks & Karen Green Dec 6 7:30 AM Ints of Helen Dolan & all sick Dec 6 10:00 AM +Russell & Catherine Pierce Dec 6 12:00 PM +Robert Wayne Douglas Dec 6 2:00 PM Parish Family (+Deceased) Parish Bookstore is open after weekend Masses. Sun. Jr. High Youth Group 6:30-8:00 1st & 3rd Sunday’s call Vicki at 855-2505 or 364-1480 Mon. The bulletin deadline is noon. Tues. Contemporary Choir 6:00-8:00 pm Fr. Jim Bible Study 7:00 pm. PLC Wed. Bridge Players/St. Brigid’s Craft Groups, 10-2 in the Parish Life Center. Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00 pm Thurs. Hispanic Choir rehearsal 7:00 pm Sat. Cursillista’s after 8:00 AM Morning Mass in the Parish Office Rosary Group meets at 9:00 a.m. daily in the church. Flowers on the Altar this weekend are given by John Goodwin and children in loving memory of Rita Goodwin. Next weekend is our monthly collection for the parish Food Pantry. With the holidays and as it gets colder we have more calls for temporary assistance. We need canned meat products, jelly spaghetti and sauce mix. We appreciate your generosity to this ministry.
Friday is First Friday. Adoration begins after 8:15 Mass and closes with Benediction at 5:00 PM. Come pray for our families, community, nation, and world. Ask for harmony as we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. After Mass join us in the Parish Life Center for the K of C Fish Fry.
November 29, 2009 First Sunday of Advent Altar Servers (all children grades 4 through 8) training will be held in the church on the first Wednesday of each month form 6:00-6:45 PM. Call Joe Reinert 706-935-8609.
Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe All are welcome: No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present situation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race etc.; no matter what your own self image or self esteem you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at… Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church
Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe Todos son bienvenidos: No importa cual es su situación actual en la iglesia Católica; no importa cual es su situación actual en su familia o matrimonio; no importa cual es su situación pasada o presente; no importa cual es su historia personal, edad, antecedentes, raza, etc.; no importa cual es su imagen o autoestima; usted esta invitado, bienvenido, aceptado, amado y respetado en la… Nuestra Señora de el Perpetuo Socorro Lector & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule: Sat, Dec 5 at 5:30 R. Dorris, E. Buske Lectors Deacon R. Smith, A. Alisago, C. Blake, F. Shackleford EMHC Sun, Nov 29 at 7:30 Mass L. Colosia, J. Goodhard Lectors E. Hulse, C. Goodhard, K. Heider EMHC. 10:00 T. Crutch, R. Castle Lectors, c. Delaney, T. Arnt, S. Lindner, D. Barta, C. Ingle, G. Raabe, J. Raabe, N. Donohoo, M. Delaney EMHC 12:00 P. Godsey, M. Pomerance Lectors A. Gonzalez, J. Gonzalez, U. Berge, M. Simposn, a. Wells, M. Williams, B. DePrez, M. DePrez EMHC. 2:00 G. Guox, E. Argueta Lectors Maria, M. Garduno, J. Manuel EMHC. Thank you for your ministry. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement.
WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Altar Server Schedule: Sat, Dec 5 at 5:30 K. Dedmon, R. Robertson, t. Robertson, A. Dorris, L. Rast. Sun, Nov 29 at 7:30 Mass M. Hutton, G. Zolkowski, AJ Carreon, S. Rhodes 10:00 M. Coles, M. Arnt, L. Arnt, L. DeCordova, N. Wall 12:00 M. Tapley, E. Roach, W. Mahoney, C. Simpson, 2:00 M. Espinoza, P. Acosta, A. Ubas. When sending your Christmas Cards don’t forget to include our Parish Seminarian Doug Owens. His address is St. Charles Borromeo Seminary 100 East Wynnewood Rd. Wynnewood, Pa 19096.
Nov 30 Dec 1 Dec 3 Dec 6 Dec 9 Dec 9 Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 14 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 17
Advent Reconciliation Services 7:00 PM Holy Spirit 7:00 PM St. Augustine 7:00 PM OLPH 6:00 PM St. Catherine 6:30 PM CT Our Lady of Lourdes 6:30 PM St. Bridget 5:30 PM St. Peter & Paul 7:00 PM St. Jude 6:30 PM CT Shepherd of the Valley 7:00 PM St. Mary 7:00 PM St. Therese 7:00 PM St. Stephen Would you like to stay in shape over the holidays? Join us on Mondays from 5:006:00 p.m. in the Parish Life Center for free Aerobics Classes. Everyone is welcome to attend this year round class.
Volunteers are needed for the Interfaith Hospitality Network the week of Dec 27 through Jan 3. We will host families this week. If you would like to help with this ministry we need overnight host, meals, greeters, and people for activities. If you can help call Lisa Kosky 877-5982 or Anne Wells 706937-6953. There is a sign up poster located in Holy Family Hall if you sign up please be sure to include your phone number. "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen."
FAMILY HONOR 2010 – All 8th grade families in the Chattanooga Deanery are invited to participate in the Family Honor Program on Jan 29-30th, 2010. This year Family Honor will be held @ St. Stephen’s Parish. Registration forms can be downloaded from www.myolph.com. Family Honor’s mission is to provide opportunities for parents and children to learn to communicate effectively on important life values, with the special focus on the truth and goodness of human sexuality and the virtue of chastity. It is presented in a fun and interactive format. You will walk away with a new perspective on questions of “Who am I?” and “What is life for?” For additional information or questions about this program contact Jan O’Boyle @ 706-226-9110 or Mary Pat Haywood @ 706-278-6391. Space is limited to 40 families so get your registration forms and $25.00 in early to reserve your spot for the Family Honor Program. Fast Day: It’s worth giving up a meal…Each year the Chattanooga Community Kitchen asks our community to support the activities of the Kitchen by fasting for one meal between Sept and Dec and donating the cost of that meal to the Community Kitchen. Your gift helps the hungry and homeless men and women and children in our community. Christmas singers are needed for youth/children’s choir. Children 3rd grade and up are welcome to join us. Rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays from 5:306:30 Dec 2 and Dec 9. We will sing for Christmas Eve 5:30 Children’s Mass. Please call the office 622-7232 or see Julie Roberts if you are interested. Instruments for Christmas music are needed. Consider adding the beautiful sound of your instrument to the sounds of Christmas music. See Josh Knight or Julie Roberts or call the office if you are interested in playing for Christmas. You are needed!!! Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings form 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We are currently preparing for Advent and Christmas. New singers are always welcome. All voice ranges are needed. Please consider joining. Sing through the Christmas season. The Parish Church Cleaning Crews are looking for members to join their ministry. If you would like to participate in this special ministry call Thelma Crutch 624-5780.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL NEWS Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is now taking applications for Kindergarten through eighth grade for the 2010/2011 school year. To receive an application package or set up a tour contact Teresa 423-622-1481; Teresahennen@catholicweb.com. OLPH SCRIP PROGRAM - If you have not yet placed an order, why not start today! You can go online to www.shopwithscrip.com and create an account by clicking on the green “Family Sign-up!” box on the left. Follow the prompts for your information. You will also need the school code, BBEA23BF17413 to designate where your orders will be sent. You may also pick up a Scrip order form from the Home & School office, but remember that it only lists a small number of the cards offered! Check out the website for more offerings and simply write in what you need if it is not listed. Now, through November 13 Lowe's will give Great Lakes Scrip Center client organizations a chance to win a $1,000, $500 or $250 donation! Every $25 Lowe's gift card you purchase during this period will give OLPH school one entry in the drawing pool. Buying a $100 card will earn four entries. Finally, don’t forget to ask your friends and relatives about buying Scrip. Their purchases can help your bottom line on next year’s tuition bill! If you need assistance getting started, contact Cissy West @ cisnbill@bellsouth.net or 899-4061 (H) or 488-4217 (C) and she will be glad to answer any questions. SCRIP CARDS FOR THE HOLIDAYS - A limited selection of cards will be available for purchase after the weekend masses on Dec. 12-13 for your Christmas shopping. OLPH GIVING TREE – OLPH School has adopted 8 families through Catholic Charities. Christmas trees will be set up in the main hall the school library the 7th and 8th grade building and Holy Family Hall. Students and parishioners will have the opportunity to take an ornament from a tree. On the ornament the gender of the child, age, size and item requested will be listed. After you have purchased the item please return the unwrapped gift with the paper ornament to your child’s homeroom class no later than Mon, Dec 14th. The gifts will be wrapped by the OLPH 8th grade students.
November 29, 2009 First Sunday of Advent Geography Bee: The preliminary rounds of the Geography Bee for the 7th & 8th graders is complete. The final round determines the school winner. Finalist are Christopher Coles, Shakayla Dews, Medardo Espinoza, Ethan Linehan, Brandon Harris, Gabby Mullin, and Lowell Shimel. OLPH BOOK FAIR - The OLPH Fall Book Fair will be Tues, Dec 1– Fri, Dec 4th. The Fall Book Fair will also be open during Evening with Santa from 6:30-8:00 PM on Friday, December 4th! Books make great Christmas presents!
OLPH CHRISTMAS PROGRAM – Mark your calendars now to attend the OLPH Christmas Program Wed, Dec 16 in the OLPH School Gym @ 7:00 PM. The OLPH 8th grade class has made Bishop Stika an Honorary member of the class. The Bishop communicates with the students via video presentation an is very supportive of Catholic Schools. He will receive a F.O.C.U.S. tee shirt class prayer and class picture along with a letter from the class. Thank you Fr. Jim for the great class on “The Trinty”. The 8th grade enjoyed your class last week. Thanks for your time and the “running circle” of the Trinity. IRISH MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING – With the completion of the new John Varallo Athletic Center, the Irish Wrestling Club is expanding to include a Middle School Wrestling Team. We invite all middle school age athletes to join. Practices will be held on Mon & Tues from 3:45-5:30 PM, Wed from 3:05-5:30 PM and Thurs & Fri from 3:45-5:30 PM in the new wrestling center. For more info contact Coach John Mullin 624-4618 ext 1007 mullnj@myndhs.com. Oktoberfest: Thank you to all those who made Oktoberfest successful. We sold out of Brats by 2:00 A special thanks to Chris Thomas and Paul Smith for allowing us to be a part of The Chattanooga Market Oktoberfest. Thanks to their generosity OLPH Annual Fund raised $4,100. Don’t miss the Holiday Market & Winter Roast Dec. 5th & 6th. Knights of Columbus 6099 presents Light Up for Christ Tues Dec 1 at 7:30 at the Knights Hall on Lee Highway. Join us for the special tree lighting ceremony chili bar and holiday snacks caroling and Christmas fun. This free event allows us to focus on the reason for the season. Please join us.
WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Evening with Santa will follow the 5:30 Mass and KC Fish Fry on Friday, December 4. Join us in the School Gym to visit Santa. The Fall Book Fair will be set up for you to browse. There is no charge but we non perishable food items will be collected for the Food Pantry. There will be games, prizes raffles crafts and Santa. Please join us for an exciting evening Health Ministry Over the past few weeks we have looked at the sings and symptoms and possible causes of COPD. So what can we do to prevent COPD? First and foremost is to quit smiling (or never start) and avoid second hand smoke! There are numerous smoking cessation programs available through area hospitals and churches. Avoid exposure to pollutants minimize outside activities during high pollution times. Take precautions against the flu (get a flu shot-Nov is not too late to get the vaccine) respiratory consequences form the flu can be life changing for some people. Report any changes in your breathing patterns or status to your physician and follow his/her recommendations. Visit the Parish Nurse link at myolph.com for current news and information. The state of Tennessee has a property tax relief program for elderly and disabled homeowners as well as disabled veterans. For 2009 tax year the program will contribute up to $121 towards city taxes and up to $173 to county taxes for those who qualify. Disabled veterans who qualify can receive up to $848 toward city taxes and $1210 toward county taxes. Application can be picked up at the City of Chattanooga treasurer’s office or the Hamilton County trustee’s office. For info call the State Tax Relief Office 615-747-8871. Divorce and Beyond is a structured 9 week program for Catholic men and women who have experienced or are experiencing divorce. This group will begin meeting on Sun, Jan 10 through March 14 at Sacred Heart in Knox. Sessions will be from 2:00-4:00. Cost is $15. To register or for info call 865-691-2256.
Bishop Stika will host a special celebration in Chatt. to honor married couples and their commitment to the sacrament. The Bishop will offer Mass with the opportunity to renew you marriage vows. Mass begins at 11:00 am with lunch to follow at OLPH Church on Sat Feb 6. RSVP to Marian 892-2310 or mchristiana@dioceseofknoxville.org. ¡Vamos a celebrar el Sacramento y el compromiso de Matrimonio! El Obispo Stika hará tres celebraciones especiales en bilingües, serán en Knoxville, Chattanooga y Kingsport, para honrar a las parejas casadas y el compromiso con el sacramento del matrimonio. En cada celebración el Obispo Stika ofrecerá la misa como una oportunidad para renovar sus votos matrimoniales. Las misas comenzarán a las 11:00 A.M. con un almuerzo después de cada evento. La primera celebración se llevará a cabo el Sábado, 9 de Enero, 2010 en La Iglesia de San Juan Neumann, 645 St. John Court, Knoxville. La segunda celebraciones serán el Sábado, 6 de Febrero 2010, en Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Iglesia, 501 South Moore RD., Chattanooga. La tercera celebración y la última celebrará será en la Iglesia de Santo Domingo, 2517 John B. Dennis Hwy, el Sábado, 24 de Julio 2010. Para asistir a una de estas celebraciones de boda por favor, reservaciones a Marian Cristiana (Oficina Diocesana de Preparación Matrimonial y de Enriquecimiento) al 423-892-2310 o un correo electrónico a Marian a mchristiana@dioceseofknoxville.org. Thanksgiving Blessings: We are very Thankful for the continued support & prayers for the Parishioners & families. Your commitment to Catholic Education through gifts of time talent and treasure which you share with the students and faculty are appreciated and a blessing to us all. Weekly Readings Nov 30 Romans 10:9-18; Matthew 4:18-22 Dec 1 Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 10:21-24 Dec 2 Isaiah 25:6-10a; Matthew 15:29-37 Dec 3 Isaiah 26:1-6; Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Dec 4 Isaiah 29:17-24; Matthew 9:27-31 Dec 5 Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Mt 9:35-10:1, 5a, 6-8
Today we honor a truly authentic Christian, Deacon William "Bill" (Heck. He has served our community faithfully for the last 24 years. Deacons are called in Christ to serve. His faith and presence has provided us all with great inspiration. We will miss your smile & your ministry "Deacon Bill"! Keep your parish family in your prayers as we will for you. Take care and know that you have a very special place in our heart. Vaya con Dios mi amigo, Fr. Jim Deacon Bill is moving and we would like to give take this opportunity to show him how much he means to us and our parish family. Please join us in the Parish Life Center on December 5 after the 5:30 Mass to visit with him and wish him good luck in his new home. Hoy honoramos tin sincero y autentico Cristiano, el Diacono William "Bill" 째leek. Desde hace 24 Mos el ha servido fielmente a nuestra comunidad. Los Diaconos son llamados en Cristo para servir. Su fe y su presencia nos han dado a todos una gran inspiracion. 1Vamos a extraffar tu sonrisa y tu ministerio... "Diacono Bill"! Manten a tu familia de la parroquia en tus oraciones como lo haremos para ti. Ten cuidado y recuerda clue siempre tendras tin lugar muy especial en nuestros corazones. Vaya con Dios mi amigo, Fr. Jim El diacono Bill se va a mover y querriamos tomar esta oportunidad de mostrarlo cuanto el significa para nosotros y a nuestra familia de la parroquia. Por favor acompatios en el PLC de la Parroquia el 5 de Diciembre despues de clue la Misa de la 5:30 pam visitar con 61 y desearlo buena suerte en su nueva casa.
In 1531 Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to a humble Indian named Juan Diego at Tepeyac, a hill northwest of what , is now Mexico City. She identified her self as the Virgin Mary, Mother of the true God for whom we live. Her message was of love and compassion, and her universal promise of help and protection to all man kind. She made a request for a church to be built on the site, and submitted her wish to the local Bishop, when the Bishop hesitated, and requested a sign, the Mother of God sent Juan Diego in the dead of winter to the top of the hill to gather an assortment of roses for the bishop, Juan Diego carried the flowers and his tilma ( poncho) where Our Lady left her image imprinted miraculously. The Bishop rose to his feet when he saw it and marked the spot where the church was going to be built. When: Saturday December 12 Please join us(bilingual after Mass at the PLC to continue the celebration. th at 9:00am mass) VEN Y CELEBRA CON NOSOTROS
•' . • •_ Z,'4.4, 1 1.-w-',1A1 41 )2 , r1
(Yeshau; Note: read right to left)
Jesus, the Universal Savior Year C-2, the Year of Luke In the Gospel according to Luke, Jesus is the "Universal Savior". Year C will begin the first Sunday of Advent in the Liturgical calendar. The gospels give us four portraits of Jesus. This gospel written in Greek is dated ca. 85 AD/CE. "Jesus" is a transliteration based on the Latin lesus, of the Greek Irpoi5c (Iesoas), itself a Hellenisation of the Hebrew Aramaic Ivy (Yeshua, Joshua), meaning "YHWH rescues" or "YHWH 1 delivers". is a titleorderived from the Greek Xptcrroc (Christos), 711V131"Christ" (Yehoshua) Hebrewmeaning the "Anointed One", a translation of the Hebrew tr In (Messiah). A "Messiah" is a king anointed at God's direction or with God's approval, and Christians identify Jesus as the one foretold by Hebrew prophets. (Adapted: Google.com..09 & J.Vick)
THEFOUREirmemasrs THEIR traditional symbols, the four living creatures, are taken from the prophesy of Ezekiel 1:5-21; 10:20 & the Book of Revelation 4:7. Over the centuries Sts. Irenaeus of Lyons, Augustine of Hippo, Jerome and PseudoAthanasius assigned variations of the creature symbols to the gtospels. The tradition has assigned these symbols to represent the Gospel writers: THE HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING TO.. MATTHEW( (Greek: EUayyeAlov latra MatOctiov) written ca. 85; the Human
Being, because this gospel begins with the Abrahamic genealogy of Jesus
(Gn 22:18, ".... in your descendents all the nations of the earth will find blessing."). MARK, (Greek: EOaratov Kama Wow/A), written ca. 70; the Winged Lion, because it begins with John the Baptist, "the voice of one crying in the wilderness" suggests a roaring lion. LUKE, (Greek: Ekryfltov -Katt] AouKav), written ca. 85; the Winged Ox, because this gospel begins with the Temple scene and the sacrificial rites. A bull was a supreme sacrifice. JOHN, (Greek: ECIaleyWov Icata liodarvriv), written ca. 90; the Eagle, because it begins with the 'Pre-existent Word become flesh' and an eagle was thought to "gazes into the mysteries of heaven". (Adapted: Catholic Source Book, Catholic Resotutes.com; wOcipedia.com, J.Vicko8)
PLEASE SIGN UP BY DECEMBER 16 ... If you would like to help provide flowers to beautify our church for Christmas. Please provide the following information so we can prepare the bulletin. REQUESTED BY
Enclosed is my donation for the flowers.
Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith.
Advent 2009
Find the peace of Advent Many of us look forward to Christmas all year but let Advent pass unnoticed. This quiet season can't compete with the lights, the joy, the excitement, and the preparations for Christmas that can go on for months before the day. This year, why not use the whole season of Advent to prepare for Christmas? Look beyond what your eyes can see to focus on your inner preparations.
Keep watch. Jesus is coming. We know this because we celebrate his coming every Christmas. He will also come again in glory but we don't know when that will be. Advent reminds us to always be prepared for the coming of Christ. 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths (Matthew 3:3)."
4,, et e ,oi t Give the gift of yourself. This year prepare to the one gift for Jesus that he truly wants: YOU. _ ... .. ,.. ... 0 •. • • • • • • • • • •
Jesus thought each of us was worth love and his life. To him, we are a gift from the Father (John 17:24). Prepare yourself during Advent so that when he unwraps your gift on Christmas morning, it is the very best you have to offer — your love. Break down barriers. Let go of anything that stands between you and your faith. Perhaps you have a bad habit or a companion who is a poor influence. Take this opportunity during Advent to make things right. Ridding yourself of opportunities for sin will help you be ready to greet the Savior when he comes. Give gifts from the heart. Instead of buying gifts, give from your heart. If you're a good baker, make treats to share with others. If you sing or play an instrument, create CDs of your favorite songs for friends and family. Jesus showed us that the greatest of gifts come in the simplest form. Remember a gift given q)Copyright 2009 Success Pultsting & Marta, LLC(800)388-3114 VliwtgrowInginialth.com
with love is the best gift of all, Clean house. Just as you would clean your home to prepare for an honored guest, dean your soul of sin through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Remember to forgive those who have hurt you, too. 'Create in me heart, 0 God, and put a clean (Psalm 51:10, RSV). a new and right spirit within me"
Decorate with special meaning.
Make every decoration count this year. 0 Fill your home with religious items that will strengthen your faith and remind you of the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas seasons. Make your own. Look for sacred images of the season that touch your heart and .-----•10%..... turn them into decorations. One likely source is religious Christmas cards you 0011%1 I t receive. Even mounting one on colored % paper and taping it on your desk or a wall can be a cheerful way to call Christ to mind. Shine the Light. When you string lights or light Advent candles, let them be a reminder to you throughout the Advent and Christmas season to share the light of your faith with others through your words and actions. Keep Life Evergreen. In his Angelus (Dec. 19, 2004), Pope John Paul II said that the evergreen fir is a symbol of undying life. "The message of the Christmas tree is consequently that life stays 'evergreen' if we make a gift of it not so much of material things but of life itself: in friendship and sincere affection, in fraternal help and forgiveness, in time shared and reciprocal listening.' Give the gift of friendship this season. Bring your Nativity to life. Place the pieces in your scene at different times. Anticipate the coming of Jesus by keeping his bed empty until Christmas morning. Let the Magi arrive at the Epiphany and follow the Star by looking for signs of the Savior every day throughout the year.
Growing in Faith'i Let Jesus find you. Jesus came into the world for us. His birth, his death and his rising were meant to save us. He never left us and is looking for each of us. Make sure he can find you.
Advent 2009 Page 2
Make room in your mind. God is always with us but it is easier to find him during quiet times. Cut back on social engagements and entertaining. Limit activities other than work or volunteering. Schedule extra prayer time during the season and protect it on your calendar. Don't let anything come between you and God.
Make room in your heart. When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph had to rely on the kindness of strangers to provide them "Rejoice with me because Ihave found mylostsheep (Luke even the barest place to stay. 19:6). Imagine what it would be like 0 AntlphOnS 11Invite him in. This is the to have no home at all this time to let God occupy a On the last daysof Advent, you can add these '0 Antiphons'to your year. In honor of the Holy everting orbedtime prayers. Each one highlightsa de forthe Messiah bigger place in your life but he Family, seek out a homeless and refersto the prophecyot Isaiah of the coming of the Messiah. is a gentleman and waits for an shelter in your area. Find invitation. The problem is that out what the residents may December17 we are often too preoccupied need to help celebrate the 0 Saptede —0 Wisdomof ourGod Most High, guiding creation by everyday worries to invite withpowerandlove:cometoteachusthepathofknowledge% coming of the Savior. him in. Start by ridding yourself December18 Or, call your parish of negative thoughts or worries 0 Adonal — 0 Leader of the House of Israel , gi v er of the Law to rectory and find out if there that may take up too much Moseson Sind come to rescue uswith yourmightypawed is anyone in your parish mental energy and keep you December 10 who is struggling and in from feeling God's love. need of special attention Seek him out. Jesus came during the holiday season. hispeople: come to save uswithout delay! to us humbly. Look at those Do what you can to December20 in your community who have make someone else feel 0 Owls David been humbled due to hardship welcome at the "Inn." 10rtgdom: 0 Keycome of andfreetheplisonetsoldarkness% and reach out with a smile or Make room in David, December21 comforting word. God is in all your day. Instead of opening the of us and by showing our love to spending time watching gates others, we show our love for Cod. come andolshiGods ne on those who dwellin darknessand In the shadowof television or on the death. eternal Visit him. Try to attend a computer, use the time December22 weekday Mass. Don't miss Mass to enrich your soul. on the weekend. Spend time at a Read scripture. Pray the come and save man,vihomyou formed fromthe dustl Perpetual Adoration Chapel or in Rosary. Pick up a good December23 the presence of our Lord outside of book. Mass. Take a pilgrimage to different 0EMMS111101—0EM118111101,ourKingandGiverofLEIVt.cometo Make room in your churches to admire their nativity saveus,LordourGod% home. The holidays scenes. can be a lonely time without
Listeti for him. Mother Teresa said, "In the silence of the heart God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Souls of prayer are souls of great silences Look for ways to practice silence during Advent.
Make room in your "Inn." When Mary and Joseph reached the inn, there was no room, not even for the King. During Advent, look for ways to make more room for our Savior in your life. Make room in your prayers. Consider giving fewer gifts and offering spiritual bouquets instead. Use the time you save shopping and wrapping in prayer for the people on your list.
family or dose friends. Look for someone at work or in your neighborhood who may not be connected and invite her to Mass, or to join in your Christmas celebration. According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, 'Catholicism does not call us to abandon the world, but to help shape it. This does not mean leaving worldly tasks and responsibilities but transforming them.' During Advent this year, try transforming your tasks to acts of prayer, penance, and peace to honor the coming Savior. Copydeht 2009 Success Publishing & Meta, IIC(800)38er3114 wivw.grovilnetnialth.com
lit December Birthdays It
lt December Birthdays it