SCRIP Booklet 2009

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T uition R eduction I ncentive P rogram

OLPH Home and School Association



What is SCRIP? Scrip is an online fundraising program utilizing local and national merchants. You order SCRIP in the form of gift cards from OLPH Home and School SCRIP program. H&S is reimbursed a percentage of the sale by Great Lakes Scrip Company.

What is TRIP? It’s a win-win situation for all! H&S will apply 50% credit back to you in the form of tuition reduction. It’s Simple: You buy SCRIP cards from H&S at face value and you reduce your tuition or the tuition of a family of your choice.

How much credit will you receive? You will receive a total credit of 50% of the total rebate amount of your purchases from June 1, 2009 to May 18, 2010. H&S will track each individual SCRIP card purchase and the percentage value of its return (Rebate %) for you using SCRIP software. Percentage amount of rebates for vendors frequently change, but are tracked and adjusted within our online program.

How do you enroll? Simply fill out the attached OLPH SCRIP/TRIP Enrollment Form. Return it to OLPH School or Church with your first order. Your enrollment form must be on file before we can release your order. You must designate where your credit earned during this school year will be is applied. You may choose only 1 of these 4 options: 1. To your family or family of your choice who pays tuition to OLPH 2. To your family or a family of your choice who pays tuition to NDHS. 3. To the OLPH School Tuition Assistance Fund established for OLPH School families in need. 4. To the OLPH Home and School Association. H&S applies your credits to the needs of the students and teacher according to its by-laws. Remember, H&S always gives 10% of its yearly fundraising profits to the OLPH endowment fund.

You may have as many people as you wish put their credits toward your tuition. There is no limit to the amount of credit you can earn. 2

However, once your credits equal your total tuition costs, all remaining credits go to OLPH Home and School Fund. Additional Enrollment forms will be sent home with OLPH children during the first week of school. Please use these to distribute to anyone who wishes to enroll and purchase towards your tuition credits.

How do you place your orders and reduce your tuition?

WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO ORDER ONLINE. If you have an e-mail account and internet access we ask that you register to order SCRIP cards from our online SCRIP program at Our OLPH SCRIP program of tracking, ordering and recording is now linked online to and “Presto Pay”. Why is this the best way to order? 1. Eliminates many of the volunteer hours needed to run our SCRIP program. 2. Eliminates order errors. 3. Accurate tracking of your credits. 4. Orders can be placed 24/7. 5. We will never share any of your information with a third party. 6. Safe and secure.

Step 1: Complete online enrollment Go to Click on “Family Sign- Up”. Go to “Create Account”under “ Family Registration”. Then complete Steps 1-5. Accept your account information. Next you will be asked to enter our

School Enrollment Code: BBEA23BF17413. Your “non-profit”must be OLPH Catholic School.


Step 2: There are 2 ways to pay for your online order. 1) Pay by check: Print your order conformation page and send it along with your Scrip Payment in the form of a check or money order made payable to OLPH SCRIP. 2) “Presto Pay”- automatic online bank draft : To have your bank account automatically drafted, select “My Account”. There are specific directions online. Your account will take several days to verify before it will allow you to make an automatic bank draft payment. Therefore, you will be directed to check your email for further information and instructions to confirm of your account. There is a small surcharge of 39 cents per order to use Presto Pay. Always keep a copy of your order conformations. For your initial payment (after signing up for “Presto Pay”) you may choose “pay by check”and submit your payment to OLPH SCRIP, if not you will have to wait until your account is verified and log back on to submit online payment at a later time.

How do you place SCRIP orders if you do not currently have e-mail or internet access? You may use a paper SCRIP order form and send check or money order payable to OLPH SCRIP. Orders forms will be available at the school and church offices. Please indicate that you do not have e -mail or internet access on your enrollment form and send it with your first order only.

What do you include in your first SCRIP order? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Enrollment form Child waiver, if applicable Online conformation page Full payment to OLPH SCRIP ( check or money order only)

Where and how do you submit your SCRIP payment? Always submit your payment in a plain white envelope clearly labeled “OLPH SCRIP”


You may place payments in the offertory baskets during mass on specified SCRIP weekends only. We have been asked to avoid weekends with second collections. Thank you. The following are acceptable dates in which SCRIP payments will be accepted: August: 15, 16, 23, 24, 29, 30, September: 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27 October: 24, 25, 31 November: 1, 14, 15, 28, 29 December: 5, 6 (all dates subject to change)

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Dropping off at the school office during school hours, 8am- 3pm. Dropping off at Church office during business hours, 9am- 5pm. Sending to school with OLPH Student * Mailing to: OLPH Home and School Association Attn: SCRIP 505 South Moore Rd Chattanooga, TN 37412

Your order will not be processed without payment. It will be held until payment is received and processed with the next weekly order. There will be a $30 fee for any check returned for insufficient funds. After two occurrences you will no longer be allowed to pay by check.

When are the weekly order deadlines? During the School Year the weekly order deadline will be Tuesday mornings at 8:30 am. Payments may be sent in with your student at anytime. Each Homeroom Teacher will have a SCRIP Order envelope for all student orders. They will be brought to the office each morning. You may drop off your


payment/order anytime during normal office hours at the school or the church offices. However, after Tuesday at 8:30 am, your order will be held and added to the following weekly order.

What are the order deadline dates for this 2009-2010? August : 11, 18, 25 September: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 October: 6, 13, 27 November: 3, 10, 17 December: 1, 8, 14 *

January: 12, 19, 26 February: 2, 9, 16, 23 March: 2, 9, 16, 23 April: 13, 20, 27 May: 4, 11, 18

*Order deadline is MONDAY, Dec. 14 @ 8:30am available for pick up on Thursday, Dec. 17 @ 11:30AM. Dates are subject to change. No orders are placed during school breaks.

When and where can you pick up your SCRIP cards? Friday day is pickup day! All SCRIP orders should be picked up on Friday according to this time schedule, unless otherwise noted. 12:00-2:00 In Church office 2:45-3:30 At GYM ramp area. * 3:45-5:00 In Church office *For the safety of all children follow OLPH student pick-up rules* Any SCRIP not picked up on FRIDAY will be taken to the Church office. You may then pick up SCRIP during normal office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday thru Friday). Orders left over 1 month will become the property of OLPH Home and School. We ask that you pick up your SCRIP as soon as possible. Thank you.

Can you have your SCRIP sent home with your OLPH child? Yes. In order to do so you must have a Child Distribution Waiver on file. Only that child will be given your SCRIP order to take home. SCRIP is the same as cash and should be treated as such!


Waivers must be renewed each year. Attached, you will find the waiver form. Please return this waiver with your first order only. SCRIP will be distributed to the students and placed in the Friday Folders where applicable.

Who Runs the OLPH SCRIP Program? This program is run entirely by volunteers dedicated to the success of OLPH Catholic School and the OLPH Home and School Association. Anyone who wishes to join our “SCRIP team� may do so. There are several different areas in which you may volunteer. If interested please contact one of the Home and School Officers or the School Office at 423-622-1481. Thank you for your support!


OLPH SCRIP/TRIP Program Enrollment Form Please return this form with your 1st order ONLY. Please Print First Name

Last Name


City, State, Zip

Apply my credit to the following: Choose ONLY one.

If you have chosen either OLPH or NDHS Tuition, please indicate the first and last name of oldest child at the school you have selected and the name of their parent/guardian.

OLPH Tuition* NDHS Tuition**

Student Name:_______________________

Home & School

Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________________

OLPH Tuition Assistance Fund Email Address 1

Email Address 2

Cell phone

OLPH Grade and/or homeroom teacher.

Home Phone

I do not have internet access. I cannot order online Check if “YES�

*OLPH and NDHS Tuition credit is for the 2010-2011 school year. **OLPH 8th grade students going to NDHS should choose NDHS tuition.

I have read and understand the OLPH Scrip Program Rules and Guidelines outlined in this packet and I agree to abide by these policies.

__________________________________________________________________ _




Child Distribution Waiver Please return with your 1st order only OLPH students only If you choose to have your SCRIP order sent home with your student at any time during the year, please indicate student’s name, grade and homeroom.

______________________ Grade/Homeroom

_____________________ Student

Waiver of responsibility: I acknowledge that the OLPH Scrip Program and OLPH Home and School Association will not accept responsibility for the SCRIP order once it is released to my child.

_______________________________________ ________ Signature Date


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