olph, bulletin, 20090913

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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Mass Intentions beginning this Saturday: Sat 8:00 AM Ints. of Helen Dolan 5:30 PM +Helen Rogers Sun 7:30 AM Ints of Mark & Mary Gang 10:00 AM +Elsa Kaufmann 12:00 PM +Joe Rouche 2:00 PM Parish Family Mon 8:15 AM +Howard Sompayrac, Sr. Tues 8:15 AM +Ed Berube Wed 8:15 AM +Sonny Sahckleford Thurs 8:15 AM Ints. of Helen Dolan Fri 8:15 AM +James W. Gustus Sat 8:00 AM Special Intention. 5:30 PM +Pat McHugh & Hudson Ireland Sun 7:30 AM +Don Lamsey 10:00 AM +Jewell Doherty 12:00 PM +Frank & Marie Ruggiero 2:00 PM Parish Family (+Deceased) Parish Bookstore is open after weekend Masses. Sun. Jr. High Youth Group 6:30-8:00 1st & 3rd Sunday’s call Vicki at 855-2505 or 364-1480 Mon. The bulletin deadline is noon. Wed. Bridge Players/St. Brigid’s Craft Groups, 10-2 in the Parish Life Center. Sat. Cursillista’s after 8:00 AM Morning Mass in the Parish Office Rosary Group meets at 9:00 a.m. daily in the church.

September 13, 2009 Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lector & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule: Sat, Sept 19 S. Dorris, S. Harris Lectors Deacon, T. Melvin, F. Shackleford, R. Smith, T. Zucconi EMHC Sun, Sept 20 at 7:30 Mass J. Goodhard, K. Heider Lectors K. Holland, M. Huang, E. Hulse EMHC. 10:00 R. Castle, T. Crutch Lectors, L. Orth, P. Orth, G. Raabe, J. Raabe, C. Arnt, T. Arnt, K. Austin, D. Barta, L. Blazek EMHC 12:00 A. Hand, J. Hand Lectors M. Pomerance, M. Simpson, E. Warwick, M.A. Wells, P. Booker EMHC. 2:00 M. Camacho, D. Galvez Lectors Maria, E. Tomas, M. Garduno EMHC. Thank you for your ministry. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement.

Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe All are welcome: No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present situation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race etc.; no matter what your own self image or self esteem you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at… Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

Flowers on the Altar this weekend are given in celebration of Kathy & Greg Rittgers 31 wedding anniversary. Your love & devotion are an inspiration to us all. Flowers on the Altar this weekend are given by the children of Deacon Mark & Mary Catherine Gang in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. May God bless you with many happy years together. Fr. Jim’ Bible School an exegetical study of…the Bible will begin on Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. Classes will resume on Sept 15 in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Life Center. Study will be the Acts of the Apostles. This weekends second collection is for our adopted parish in Haiti. Your continued generosity in these difficult times is greatly appreciated.

Many Cultures-One Faith Muchas Culturas-una fe Todos son bienvenidos: No importa cual es su situación actual en la iglesia Católica; no importa cual es su situación actual en su familia o matrimonio; no importa cual es su situación pasada o presente; no importa cual es su historia personal, edad, antecedentes, raza, etc.; no importa cual es su imagen o autoestima; usted esta invitado, bienvenido, aceptado, amado y respetado en la… Nuestra Señora de el Perpetuo Socorro

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? There will be a “VIRTUS” training on Mon, Sept 14 from 6:30-8:30 in the OLPH Parish Life Center. VIRTUS is a program for the protection of children & youth. The training is mandated by the Diocese of Knoxville for all adults volunteering or working with children. This includes faculty, staff, substitute teachers, coaches, classroom volunteers and boy/girl scout leaders. The RCIA Process is all about conversion into Jesus Christ-His way, His truth and His life. Please join with us as we inquire into the teachings, practices and prayers of the Catholic Church that lead us to Jesus Christ. Our first session is Wed, Sept 23 in the Parish Life Center at 6:30 p.m. If you want to learn about the Catholic Church or have been away from the Sacrament please come to our sessions; God CallsWe Respond. The next “Picture of Love” engaged couples retreat is Saturday, October 17th at St. Jude Catholic Church. This marriage preparation one day retreat is a supplement to the couple’s marriage formation with their parish priest. The program is designed to help the couple gain a better understanding of the joys and challenges of living the sacrament of Matrimony in their day to day lives. Cost is $135/couple. (The retreat certificate is good for a $60 discount on your marriage license.) the retreat will start at 8:00 a.m. with a light breakfast and end with dinner at 6:00 p.m. Mass will be included in your day and you must attend the entire day to receive your certificate. For more information contact Marian Christiana Office of Family Life and Adult Christian Living marianchristiana@msn.com or 423892-2310. Catholic Charities Catholic Charities Adoption Services seeks a loving Catholic home for 4 and 5 year old sister and brother in an open adoption with slow transition to adoptive home. The Great Grandmother is medically unable to care for the children. For serious inquires only contact Sandi Davidson 865-251-0488 or sandi@ccetn.org. "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen."


OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL NEWS OLPH School has some openings for the 2009/2010 school year. Applications are being accepted. If you have questions or would like an application call Teresa 622-1481 or teresahennen@cathollicweb.com. OLPH fosters a relationship with God and enables students to become confident life long learners. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is having a School Carnival on Saturday, September 26. Carnival games and activities start at 10:00 a.m. and the Outback Football Bowl will be played at 11:45 a.m. OLPH will play Christian Heritage Lions. The 9/10 year old football team will play at 9:00 a.m. and the 11/12 at 10:30 a.m. Noah’s Ark Petting Zoo, pony rides, local craftsman, jamming jars, feed the elephant face painting , dunk tank, blow ups, field games, raffle, silent auction, Piñatas, Spanish mask making, 1st OLPH alumni gathering, BBQ cook out after the 5:30 Mass. Please plan to join us. OLPH Carnival Apple Tree: Please consider donating items for the Fall Carnival. The Home & School has an apple tree located in Holy family Hall. Please choose an apple which has items that are needed for the fall carnival. Donations may be dropped off in the “Carnival Box in Holy family Hall or at the school office. Please bring your items, help us make this our best carnival ever! Thank you! Calling all craftsmen: If you would like to rent a space under the Carnival Tent on Sat. Sept 26 contact Nicky Davis nickydavis@unum.com or 423-653-7406 and reserve your spot now. The carnival will be from 10:00 - 5:00. Cost for a space is $50. Thank you to Mark Oliver, Joseph Enos, Carley Olejniczak and Margaret Raabe for helping with the school sign. This year the 7th grade students will change the sign for their service project. Volleyball: on Tues the Lady Rams did such a wonderful job! The B team won while the A team lost in a close game. The girls played the best they have ever played and we are so proud of them. Keep up the great work Lady Rams. The season has just begun.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Chattanooga, Tennessee Race for the Cure is on Sun, Sept 27. Mrs. Gibson our 4th grade teacher is running in the race. If you would like to donate to Race for the Cure go to www.ChattanoogaRaceForTheCure.com/and look for Sabrina Gibson and make a donation. Kindergarten News: We are busy reading in a big way to prepare for school. Over the summer our students read 588 books. In our Religion class we are studying about all of God’s wonderful creation. We plan to have some “wild” visitors on Sept 16. Debbie from the Chattanooga Zoo will bring some of her special animal friends to our classroom. OLPH Band Performance: Wed, Sept 16 the combined advanced band class from OLPH and St. Jude will play at OLPH for the home & school meeting. We will begin playing at 5:30 while people are eating. The band booster president will give a brief description of the band program and how it works at the meeting. OLPH Football: The rams improved to 3-1 with wins over Shenandoah Baptist Academy and Normal Park last week. In the SBA game Robert Kidwell scored while Medardo Espinoza and Brandon Harris led the defense. The Rams were led by Chris Knox in the Normal Park contest. Chris scored twice and a third time on an interception. Will Mahoney, Zack Grannon, Tyler Enos and Dean Magat were also instrumental in this game. “Hats on Day” is a nationwide event to raise pediatric cancer awareness. The OLPH 8th grade will sponsor this event and every student that makes a $1 donation will be allowed to wear a hat on Wed, Sept 16 and will receive a sticker to show their support. The Home Place residential program for homeless individuals with HIV/AIDS needs volunteers to transport clients to medical appointments and other basic errands. Contact Catholic Charities at 267-1297 Catholic Charities Pregnancy Help Center has a part time opening for a Case Coordinator. Two years’ experience in this field required. Computer skills, fundraising, public speaking and office management are some of the positions duties. If you are interested or would like more info contact Sandi Davidson 865251-0488 or sandi@ccetn.org.

September 13, 2009 Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Attention All High School Juniors and Seniors! Here are all the upcoming dates for SEARCH this year…..Search 126 – September 25-27; Search 127 – November 13-15; Search 128 – February 19-21; Search 129 – March 19-21. These are all held at All Saint’s Academy downtown Chattanooga Cost: $55 for the weekend. Scholarships available! This is a Search for Christian Maturity weekend retreat lead by your Peers. There are six elements that we hope you take home with you; Trust, Sharing, Community, Prayer, Growth and Fun! Forms can be found through your Youth Minister, Notre Dame Office or Donna Jones at djones6029@gmail.com Phone: 423-718-4387. Couple’s Date Night: On Sun, Oct 4TH the Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment and the St. Jude Family Life Office will sponsor a “GREAT DATE NIGHT” of Dinner and Dancing. Start the evening with 5:30 Mass at St. Jude Church then come to Seiner Hall for dinner and a dance instruction at 6:30. Cost is $20/couple. The evening will end by 8:30. Dance classes are a great way for couples to reconnect with each other. Music and instruction will be provided by Ken and Yvonne Hughes of Calhoun, Ga. To register contactl Marian Christiana mchristiana@dioceseofknoxville.org. or 423-892-2310. Babysitting is available for an additional cost. Call Marilyn Derbyshire for child care 423-870-2386. COME ON …LET’S DANCE! Chattanoogan’s for Life will be holding its sixth Annual Prayer Chain for Life to encourage people of faith to join together to pray for the sanctity of ALL Life from the moment of natural conception to the point of natural death. We invite you and your family to join us in an hour of SILENT prayer on Sunday, October 4 in from the OLPH Church on Moore Rd. This ecumenical prayer hour will begin at 3:15 and end at 4:!5. We hope that our prayer chain will stretch for a mile along Moore Rd.. Please join us as we storm the gates of heaven with prayer and make a positive statement to the community regarding our belief that all life is a precious gift from God. This is a demonstration of Prayer for the culture of life! It is not a protest against any individual life issue. Prayer is the foundation of all that we do in defense of life. Our joint prayer efforts will change hearts and lead us all from the culture of death toward a culture of life. We will provide signs to hold no others are permitted. For info call 290-7314.

WHY CATHOLIC? PORQUE SER CATOLICO? Sept 14 Sept 15 Sept 16 Sept 17 Sept 18 Sept 19

Weekly Readings Numbers 21:4b-9; Phil 2:6-11; John 3:13-17 1 Timothy 3:1-13; John 19:25-27 1 Timothy 3:14-16; Luke 7:31-35 1 Timothy 4:12-16; Luke 7:36-50 1 Timothy 6:2c-12; Luke 8:1-3 1 Timothy 6:13-16; Luke 8:4-15

The Knights of Columbus council 610 will host their Annual Youth Soccer Challenge Competition on Sept 19. Registration is at noon competition starts at 12:30. This years Soccer Challenge will be held rain or shine at D1 Sports Training behind Lowes off Gunbarrel. All boys and girls 10 to 14 are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. Contestants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For more info call Ted Hacektt 423-290-9198. Health Ministry Health Minder Screening Schedule for Men: Screening tests can find diseases early when they are easier to treat. Health experts from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force have made recommendations based on scientific evidence about testing fro the conditions below. Talk to your doctor about which ones apply to you and when and how often you should be tested. Health Test Age Frequency Blood Lipids 35 & over every 5 years Blood Pressure 18 & older every 2 years Blood Sugar 45 & older every 3 years Body Mass Index 18 & older every year Colonoscopy 50 & older every 10 years PSA & DRE Prostate 50 & older every year Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 65-75 years once Professional organizations vary in the recommendations on a PSA screening test. While some have definitive guidelines others leave the decision up to men and their doctors. The American Cancer Society recommends the test to men ages 50 & over who expect to live another 10 years and test men at high risk if they’re age 45 or older. A digital rectal exam should always be done with a PSA test when screening for prostate cancer. This minimizes the risk of missing prostate cancer. Visit the Parish Nurse link at myolph.com for current news and information.


Notre Dame High School is hosting a College Fair on Wed, Sept 16 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. All high school students and their parents are invited to attend. Currently 96 colleges and universities form Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana and many more states are scheduled to attend the fair. This is an excellent opportunity for students and their parents to learn more about the admission requirements, academic programs and campus life of many different colleges and universities. Notre Dame is located at 2701 Vermont Ave. For more info visit www.mydhs.com. Happy 21st Anniversary to You the Diocese of Knoxville It is with joy and hopefulness that I wish you all a very Happy Anniversary on this the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and our anniversary as the Diocese of Knoxville. I am grateful for all your efforts to be the Face of Jesus to the faithful people of God who are the Church in East Tennessee. We continue moving forward, serving our Lord by serving each other. Be assured you are all in my daily prayers. Bishop Richard Stika

MASS ATTENDANCE Envelopes Offertory Children’s Funds Required Weekly Variance Year to Date Variance Diocese

September 6


17,419.00 323.88 13.00 19,000.00 -1,244.12 -14,063.97 1,639.00

MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY Chattanooga’s Catholic Cemetery since 1886. For information call David Hale, 622-0728. Please remember OLPH in your will






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Discovering hope and joy in the Cathollc falth.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church

I I » One Mmute _l rNled rtart r Pass onrthe gif!

In the encyclical,Caritasin Veritate PopeBenedictXVI said, , "bove is God's greatestgift to humanity; it is his promise

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and our hope" AsCatholics we conveyGod'sloveto ,


othersthroughcharity To find more waysto practicecharity

visit the U.S.Conferencof Catholic Bishops' e website: ° www.usccb.org/ iphd.



Why ¤ Catholic Bible?

Choosinga Catholic Bible ensure that you getthe whole story A Catholic edition s


include all the Churd1' sacre books.plus s s thereare introductions and notesto help d

6 . understwh isreaAnit carrieassurancthat it is free at d. d \ and of s erro e inCathodoctri Soyou getnothing but the

rs truth.


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Our ”C¤l|” "' ""' WhenCod calls,his children respond.TheFather called a chosenpeople. prophets,and kingsto service. They responded jesus.calledhis apostlesand disciples.'I`hey respondedGod calls eachof us. . Haveyou responded Are ?you where he




WhenIesuspromisedto be


with us always, he wasn't just


we nn tn Mace, wo mont


K§.i.“»J£¥. and substantially 4§Li?° containinHol / Communion ʻ ed" y ¤t1'ri;ʻf§;tt, (Cate /

Eucharist, we enter into an incredible, mystical relationship


talking symbolically He meant that he would stay with us - body blood, soul, and divinity. In fact,when

with Iesus himsel£ We are

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joined to Christ and to each other as members of his l.l\l\¤l!•-lrlI llTG\wav YGIIL Bodv. The best to I I rolnlsnto this U l'3nr··l~r¤r·l¤r· IS ia LlI¢ DLICIIHHSI. \• LCICIJIHIC to receiveHoly

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devoutly and frequently.


ofthe Catholic J



\ qvlevbéia lesuAftewn eve lunar tho wnrrla "'I"l·r¤ s.Christ/ʻ r and e Bodyof

/'\ HEEL U15 WUIU5, IHC Churc sec ʼ 1374). He is h, . time. thereevery "The Blood of Wemeetthe one Christ, " we say andonlyIesusThe "Amen" derived Jesuswe meet from the Hebrew . in Holy 1 lY _ word meaning Communioisthe "confirm." Saying 'Amen" means same personwho now sits at the right n



that webelievewhatwe areabout to receiveis truly the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ. That makesreceivingHoly

hand of the FatherHow this happensis a mysterybut . we know it through faith - a faith deepene by Holy d Communion. We are joined to Iesus.At Mass,we aren'tlust spectatorsBy celebratingthe . 6.'\ Q Q


I I,


First, ensurethat you are IF ur in u

doubt, receivethe Sacramentof Penance first. Then, fast from food or drink for at least one hour prior to receiving the Eucharist. When the priest, deacon.

Communion the most important thing we do.


what 2-rs .|.Lthe ..2..Ln. rrgrrt ---..-way n.to receive Holy Communion?


Catholics D0 ThatO Hon rruru Frnm gravc cram: our. ein ucc


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orextraordministof ”The Body of Christ" inary er l-lnlu rtuty



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and ”The Blood of

Christ" answe"Amen. , r, " receivthehostorextenyour '"` e}§AgL€}L`}é§`i§§ d

Thpuouyohanto en t t ur ds mouth, and graspthe cup

£ér§L with two hands. "`


in Fctilhm

Septembe rage r2009 z

Let go of the good life v Who doesn'twant to live the "good llfe?" Wouldn't it , be greatto haveall the moneyyou need,go on

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exotic vacations,and own your dream home?Yet,askpeoplewho haveall

the world canoffer and most will say , /\— they still don't haveeverythingthey ʻ 2 want. This is becaus the good life __, J - ---l. --.2-. L--.. -.. I'!-..aI. ' I; ill? doesn'exisher .,_,, J/ e on Barth t This world t eisn't perfect . and can't give yy -y I us true happinessdespitethe money or ° ·? . ,, l comfort we may havehere.As Catholics, <>·~ ;_



we know that the good life is only possible whenwe arewith God.Trying for anythingelsewill causeus it lose our WW

St. Paul said, 'Nn trial has cometo you

butwhatis human.Godis faithful andwill notlot yoube tried beyonyourstrengthbut ...14L 4L4..:-I L-..2I -I-4......21...-.. -..4 .Inffh fhl hfhltidd Il- IIIIIII MII WIIII NIU frilll IUUI hd IIE Inill WUI tlltn [IDU (I lll(fl d PTUVIHU ; Way UNI; thatyoumaybeableto bearit" (1 Corinthians . 10:13).Catholicsknow that the good life isn't where we are,it's wherewe aregoing.





Be ruthless

The disciples wereiealousof an unfamiliar man who healedin lesus' name.lt seemedthat theywere more concemedabout losing the snotliaht than in healing. Yet.

Z&"5$°{H when we refuseto ¤`§§.§§é`iAiL` participate in good works becaus the §"`°` peopleeare



lives.Giving up a relationship, job, or habit that keepsus from God may seemiust aspainful ascutting off a hand, but the consequences of ; our choices last


?.`§} Beinglukewarm &éE"“ towardlesu is

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unfamiliarg those in W chargedon't do




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things the wayweʼdlike, or we fear our effortswonʼt get recognized Competitivenessand.ego haveno placein the Christian community Jesuswasvery clear;we must be ruthless in removing sin from our

Feasts & ¥ Celebrations Sept.8 - The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. The birth of Mary marksthe approachof salvation.Shewasbom pure and holy with the privilege of becomingthe Motherof God. Sept. 9 - St. PeterClaver (1654). St. Peterwas a Iesult who left his native Spainto becomea missionary in the Westlndies. He focusedhis work on providing careand showing God's love to the thousandswho were brought there to be sold asslaves.lt is saidthat Claver instructedand baptized about




not possible. "For s

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Everyyear thousands of adults dtoose

to join the 1.13billion Catholicsin the world today Theyembarkon this ioumeyof conversionthroughRCIA,the

Riteof ChristianInitiation of Adults. Startedin 1972by PopePaulVI, the processhas four stages @7 beginningwith, a Period _


wrwever inrs nn! nut

\ againstus isfor -.- rr ur-. -11 -:1--..4 usf Not au or jesus followers resemble each other or belong to the samegroups.But all who are on lesus' side have the same goal to build up the kingdom of God. Our differences should never interfere with the work of the kingdom.

300,000slavesduring his 40 yearsof service. Sept. 29 - St. Ierome (420). St. I erome,known for his intellect, was called by God andgiven the task of going to Romeand revising the Latin Bible.Upon completion, lerome spent his life visiting eachspot significant to

Christ'slife. He eventuallysettledin Bethlehem,living in the cavebelieved to be the birthplace of Christ ""'

BJ; " `"` l . (Tim$2 li?





person reflectioof

The Catedtumenate

phase, tor those

neverbaptized,concentrateon the I spiritual formation s ofthe individual. It allows them to explorethe Catholic mn grow I Church \JlI¤l%Il land rl \ldecide \d\.l\¤|\lhow \lVV \lthev l\•, L l Ut i Ias nu part of the Catholiccommunity TheElectionphasepreparesindividuals

for thesacrament lt beginswith theRite of Election s. on the first Sundayof bent and leadsto Baptism,Confirmation and Holy Communion.

Additional edumtioncontinuesinto the Mystagog or final stage.It focuseson the liturgy sacramentand Catholic y teachings s It is alsothe time wherenew Catholics reviewtheir lifelong mlsslon to . lnuo IUVC


of Inquiry This stepls the

one's al ownnlife andtheir ioumeyinto a life of Catholic Christian faith.

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What A is RCIA?

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