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This project was an overall success, with my UX/UI skillsets tested over the past 10 weeks. I found that I learned more about adaptability and working with new, unfamiliar programs than I did about specific UI/UX skills (though I did feel that the practice was valuable). Learning to roll with the setbacks, delays, and unfamiliarity of new software such as After Effects was a great lesson in learning on the job.
The largest struggle in this project was dealing with scope and feature creep over time, as I constantly found myself frustrated at how many features needed to be added or changed to better fit the vision of the project. This led to a struggle in time management as I kept adding more things and using more programs to finish the project. The medium fidelity wireframes took two weeks longer than initially estimated as a result of this feature creep.
One of the biggest lessons I learned from all of this was in the developer’s mantra of “underpromise, overdeliver”. I overpromised, and I underdelivered by suggesting that I could complete the prototypes in a program I didn’t know the viability of. I know in the future not to do that, though I am happy to report that I was able to overcome that issue.