Research Medical Center Mid-Week Update: March 15, 2023

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Wednesday,March 15,2023 Mid-WeekUpdate forthe Research Medical CenterFamily


We are proud to announce HCA Healthcare has been recognized for the 13th time by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing standards ofethical business practices, as one ofthe 2023 World’s Most Ethical Companies HCA Healthcare is one ofonly four honorees in the Healthcare Providers category this year.

In 2022, HCA Healthcare and the HCA Healthcare Foundation donated more than $44 million to community organizations across the country, and HCA Healthcare colleagues logged more than 143,800 hours spent volunteering. In 2022, the HCA Healthcare Foundation continued to support the Healthier Tomorrow Fund, a community impact fund focused on addressing high-priority community needs and advancing health equity. Since its launch in 2021, the Fund has committed more than $18.3 million in communities where HCA Healthcare has a presence, and granted awards to 51 nonprofit partners including the American Heart Association and Girl Scouts ofthe USA. In addition, HCA Healthcare provided uncompensated care in 2022 at an estimated cost ofapproximately $3.5 billion. Learn more here!

WeShowUpforour Patients

Patient Testimonial: Kellen, Burn Patient

Quick Links: Spotlight | Patients | Communities | Each Other| Events | Trivia

“I’ve told people, ifanything were to ever happen to them, or they simply needed to get something checked, go to Research Medical Center. Burns are more common then we realize, and you’ll be in good hands with Dr. Garcia and the burn unit team.”

When Kellen Brandt, a 35-year-old father and farmer, suffered deep burns after being electrocuted, he was life flighted to RMC where he was under the care ofDr. Megan Garcia, board-certified surgeon and burn specialist with the Grossman Burn Center.

“Electrical burns are serious. Often times the internal injuries are worse than the skin injuries and the fluid resuscitation they require is something a burn center should handle,” says Dr. Garcia.

Read his story here

WeShowUpforour Communities

Donate Life T-shirts: Deadline Friday, March 17 Midwest Transplant Network asked HCA nurses what one word came to mind when they thought oforgan donation. Those answers were then put into a green ribbon design on the front of the t-shirt with a call to action to join the donor registry on the back.

Purchase your shirt by midnight on March 17th to wear your shirt on April 14 for National Blue and Green Day!

T-shirts will be delivered to the hospital the week ofApril 3 and all proceeds made from teh sales will go to our donor council to use for future donor family recognition or memorial initiatives.

Explore RCoN Applications are Open!

Explore RCoN applications are open!Research College of Nursing's popular summer camp welcomes high school juniors and seniors to learn hands-on nursing skills and shadow a nurse in our facility. Two camp dates will be offered this year, June 2830, 2023 or July 26-28, 2023.

Scholarships are available through The Research Foundation thanks to a grant from the R.A. Long Foundation.

Applications close April 1, 2023. To learn more and apply, visit!

Nursing Scholarship Deadline: April 1

As part ofthe overall programming we for the Service Under Stress: Nursing in the Era ofCOVID-19 exhibit, The Legacy of Trinity Lutheran Hospital School ofNursing, 1906-1972, is pleased with to shine a light on the work ofthe TLHSN Alumnae’s Scholarship program. They are accepting scholarship applications for the 2023-2024 academic year, and we’d like to share this with students who may be looking for the opportunity to be able to focus more on learning. Through this scholarship, they are able to support 55 students in 2022-2023 and they hope to do the same or more in 2023-2024. The deadline for application is April 1 - learn more here!

WeShowUpfor Each Other

BEEAward Winner: Tina Rice, Medical Assistant, Lab "Her smile and positive attitude made my wife smile and reinforced my feeling ofthis hospital impressing me more every day."

Congratulations to Tina Rice for being named the February BEE Award Winner where she will receive a special bee pin, certificate, and $50 in Applause for Excellence points.

Gift Shop: 10%Discount

Did you know the Gift Shop is not owned by RMC? Service Partners Organization is the owner ofthe SPO Gift Shop. Being a non-profit entity, they charge no sales tax and profits are returned to the community in grants, including the ECHO Fund and the LA Hollinger Scholarship fund for nursing and respiratory scholarships.

All employees with a valid ID badge receive 10% offofgift items (excluding food and drink). We always look forward to seeing our employees for a quick visit and words ofencouragement.

It Begins With You!

We are people taking care ofpeople and it begins with YOU. You are the heart ofwho we are. This March, take a moment to remind your fellow colleagues ofyour appreciation for what they bring each day. Congratulations to our Week 1 Winners who all received 5,000 Applause Points!

Anais Meyer

Narcissis Tucker


Raymond Parsons

Jane Bettis

Anna Crum

Charles Olson

Nicole Higgins

Gwendolyn Pearson

Glenn Brown

Kristie Zager

Madelyn Salak

Dominique Lucas

Mark Callanan

Michele Keith

Melanie Rodriguez

Melanie Wages

Emily Lambeth

Jacquelyn Fox

Kimberly Rice

Chrishaunda Bean

Iris Mansfield

Gloria Rey

Jennifer Lorenzo

Kelsea Hare

Mushirah Rashid

Margaret Mckeon

Rickee Ficken

Lauren Bouchard

Antje Pannicke

Patricia Tapang

Lauren Bultmann

Yankuba Marenah

Sophia Solomon

Marti Karlin

Christine Tafoya

Brandy Tomasuolo

Carly Barker

Kelsay McGee

Heba Pennington

Richard Brown

SeniorLeaderCalendar: March 2023

View the March Senior Leadership Calendar. To schedule a senior leader for a Walk-a-Mile in your department or to attend a department meeting or event, please email Michaela Logan.

HR Tidbit:

Administratoron Call (AOC): CNO Julie Filbeck

ChiefNursing Office Julie Filbeck was the Administrator on Call this weekend. She rounded throughout the hospital and kept in contact with the House Supervisor. She received special shout outs for Jason and Russell from EVS for going above and beyond for patients. Thank you, Jason and Russell, for all that you do!


March 30: Doctor's Day

April 4: 12pm, Suite 216, SafeZone Presented by the LGBTQ+ Colleague Network

April 14: National Blue and Green Day

April 27: Take Your Child To Work Day

For an up-to-date list ofupcoming events, visit the RMC Intranet homepage.

RMC Trivia

This Week's Trivia:

Q: Fill in the blanks: The blood cancer expansion doubles the initial space from XXsq. ft. to XXsq. ft. ofclinical and patient care space.

Last Week's Trivia:

Q: Fill in the blanks: The blood cancer expansion doubles the initial space from XXsq. ft. to XXsq. ft. ofclinical and patient care space.

A: 6,000 sq. ft. to 12,000 sq. ft.

Winner: Gayla Smith, Administrative Assistant, The Transplant Institute

Submit your answer to by Monday. All correct answers will be entered into a drawing for a weekly prize. Winner will be featured in the following weekly email.

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