ANTOUN was a Bachelor of Architectural Design studio at RMIT, Melbourne. Across 14 weeks students located in China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Myanmar gathered online to reflect on the terrifying reality of loss. The foundation for the studio's architectural exploration of loss was the U-House designed by Toyo Ito in 1976 for his recently widowed sister and her daughters. The house stood for twenty-one years and was then demolished, the momentary existence serving a purposeful and deliberate withdrawal that reflected the family’s loss. The studio examined terror, loss, and mourning by holding architectural strategies against the remains of the U-House. Tutor: Dr Michael Spooner Students: Jiayi Gu, Wen Qian Verona, Yu Li Sim, Steffi Li, Su Myat (Sumy) Shin, Yisen Jia, Eu-Lynn Yeo, Da (Iris) Wang, Weisi (Jane) Li, Jikang (Eva) Liu, Wenxuan (Eric) Li, Yushan Wang, Ziyu Zhou, Shiyi (Winnie) Zheng, Chuyi Shuai