RMIT INTENSIVE ELECTIVE SEMESTER 2_2019 HIGH RESOLUTION ARCHITECTURE: DISRUPTED/DISTRIBUTED vol. 2 DATES: 22 JULY - 2 AUGUST 1-5PM Dr Alisa Andrasek This elective will build up on a prior research looking at the future of architectural design and construction, through critically engaging with new developments in technology such as artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, machine learning and adaptive algorithms. The synthesis of these elements is aimed to disrupt outdated notions of established rigid typologies of architecture and introduce logics of distributed and adaptive systems within complex host environments. Previously develop structural system consists of only one type of component but it can produce virtually infinite number of structural variations and spatial effects. Its character resonates complex systems, such as material intricacy found in nature, or man-made such as big city complexity. It has interesting organizational properties that could be applied to various orders of scale, from the scale of architectural details to the scale of urban distributed systems. The system can also act as an interactive playground for physical coding, or intuitive learning of how to code through something tangible and material. Augmented reality (AR) with hololens is used for assembly, following the data field that was pre-simulated and improvising along the way. Within the same system, human side of the equation is simple, playful and intuitive, relying on human creativity, while the non-human is leading towards development of big data and Ai based learning embedded into the system. It forecasts convergence of human and non-human cognition in design and construction of high resolution structures. It is also an opportunity to explore an upcoming co-evolution of human and non-human cognition. We see neuro science and computer science working with similar concepts. Students will be developing a design proposal for a pavilion/event space for Burning Man in Black Rock Desert of Nevada. Through the virtual component of this design the visitor could experience a larger architectural sequence with hololens while walking through this structure. Possible pavilion scale structure might be constructed as a result of this study _ TBC. This elective will run as an intensive 2 week class in the first part of the semester. Prior computational and code skills are highly advantageous for this class. TECHNOLOGIES: Ai/AR/generative algorithms/CNC fabrication
cataloguing What would a virtual exhibition of 3D scanned objects look like? How might we read these artefacts in ways we cannot in a physical exhibition? How can we fabricate physical copies of these artefacts? What can be in the copy that is not in the original?
Thursday 6.30 - 9.30 100.006.02 Emily Davies Emily Davies
This is a research and design elective. Our core task is developing the process from 3D scanning to fabrication. We will investigate novel approaches to manipulating scan data and it’s implications for design. You will develop skills in 3D scanning, processing and manipulating point clouds and meshes and fabrication, including 3D printing. Across the university, RMIT has a range of digital recording, fabrication and virtual experience technologies that we are interested in exploring. We will produce a collective catalogue of 3D scans of spaces and objects from around Melbourne. From this catalogue, you will design virtual and physical exhibitions. Our final project will involve a proposal for a digital counterpart to the end of semester exhibition on Level 2 of the Design Hub. Deliverables An individual folio A virtual exhibition design (catalogue, imagery) A fabricated object, developed from a scan Prerequisites You should be prepared to make models. You should be prepared to read and write. your own ownpc pc//laptop laptoptotorun useFARO FAROScene Scene Access to your would be advantageous, but not critical. Email me for further information.
You will have an opportunity to nominate your own sites and objects to record with the FARO scanner. Please note as some sites can only be accessed with an invitation, visits may be coordinated out of our nominated time slot. You will not be required to attend all scanning sessions. any queries:
“Any object is a complex and irreducible event; like the moon, one face of the tool is darkened in the silence of its orbit, while another face illuminates and compels us with dazzling surface-effects. No object, however banal, is just the empty representative of a standing reserve of calculable presence. However naive an object might seem, it still makes its incisions into being, exploding with power at a level always escaping our view.” Graham Harman, Towards Speculative Realism
Eco-Urban Practices introduces you to the key skills, methods and practices of the urban design professional from a multidisciplinary perspective, and with a focus on the relationship between urban design and global pressures. This semester our interest is on the reciprocity between urbanisation and an ageing demographic. By 2020, over 50% of people aged 60 and over will live in an urban environment , and by 2050 2.1 billion people (or 21.5% of the population) will be aged over 60, outnumbering those 15 and under. The economic footprint of the age care sector in Australia alone was $13.5 billion in 2014-15. (Deloitte). By 2050 India, China and the United States, will each have over 100 million people aged over 60. Despite the immense dimension of this forecast, there has been scarce critical reflection or policy response and even less consideration of its impact on the form of city or urban futures. With ageing as a keystone, can creative practices (architecture, urban design etc) collectively intervene to reimagine the city? The Age Adaptive City is a proposition for cities to embody an alternative system of values for demographic transition that could be traced from low density suburban developments through to dense urban conditions – between architectural and urban resolutions. The research will engage with concepts of multi-generational living, ageing-in-place, as well as a ecology of amenities, infrastructures and proximities leveraging the virtues and connected urbanity of the city, its architecture and palimpsest of interwoven service networks to frame a holistic proposition for its future.
Denise, 81 ans, Cité Spinoza, Ivry-sur-Seine, 2015. Image © Laurent Kronental
PROCESSING coding language
Caitlyn Parry
Day | Wednesday
Time | 9-12
Location | 100.05.006
Equipment | BYO Laptop
This elective will introduce you to Processing coding language, where no coding knowledge is assumed. Each week will build on understanding the general principles of programming using Processing, with the later parts of the elective focusing on more creative 2D & 3D applications that are relevant to architecture such as formal generation and deformation. Student must bring their own laptop to class An folio documentating all creative outcomes will also required as part of the final submission.
INVISIBLE ARC HITECTURE FRIDAY 9AM-12PM 100.05.27 DAVID RITTER Beyond visual aesthetics, our dynamic, poetic experience of space feeds off our human sensory perception of an invisible realm of energy flux; heat, light, sound and air movement. As interface between climate and occupant, the building envelope manipulates or moderates this flux to create delight, comfort or utility. Truly sustainable buildings are grounded in context in response to these local climatic forces and a broader consideration of our planetary eco-system; a regenerative cycle of ecology, energy, materials, resources and waste streams. In the first part of this unit you will explore the key concepts of building physics and human interpretation through mapping quanta of environmental flux with measuring instruments and data loggers while simultaneously recording your subjective response. A physical intervention into this realm will be proposed and tested through the use of leading edge environmental analysis and simulation tools (Grasshopper/Ladybug/ Honeybee/Radiance) with a series of in-class tutorials to support your learning and application. The second part of the unit will examine architecture as a macro eco-system and explore the concept of sustainability through study of international best practice benchmarking systems and tools. You will be challenged to make a design proposition for a high-performance building skin and develop the key concepts for a zerocarbon building. Grasshopper experience preferable but not essential $10 contribution to hardware cost Individual folios submitted at conclusion of elective
| Mamba
| Marc Gibson | 3:30pm - 6:30pm | 100.06.007 | | Outline One of the biggest challenges facing parametric modelling is the translation from the digital model to the fabrication line. Through a series of advanced algorithmic techniques students will tackle the production, rationalization and documentation of topologically complex geometry. Working in groups you will develop a system/workflow across three tasks covering topics of non-standard panelisation, automated scheduling/ documentation and data clustering through machine learning. | Prerequesits Students are expected to have completed Communications 3 (Grasshopper & Mesh modelling). No coding experience required. | Evaluation Students will be assessed on their design, visual communication and comprehension of data structure to control layered parametric procedures. Individual folios are to be submitted at the conclusion of this subject. | Core Techniques
| Topology Planarisation
| Automated Scheduling
| ML Panel Clustering & Optimization
| Milling File Preparation
| Automated Notching & Labelling
| Panel Prototyping
Harpley Ecosystem
‘From the century old River Red gums we’re set to protect during construction, to the storm water run-off that will be treated through a series of wetlands and harvested to refill the extensive waterways, Harpley is a community leading the way in sustainable family living.’ Excerpt from the Lendlease living and environment statement for their Harpley development in Werribee.
Outline: In this cross-disciplinary design research elective, architecture students will work alongside students from RMIT Art and Public Space. The elective will engage with construction industry stakeholders Lendlease and the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners.
Students will create a series You will work individually, Tutors: of artworks to activate and in groups, in response • Dr Jan van Schaik highly visible construction to an industry brief. The registered practising hoardings installed at the elective will include a architect, an experienced Harpley development site in competitive process to allow educator, researcher, Melbourne’s west. the design research team and industry professional and its partners to select specialising in the design You will speculate how the a limited number of works of public buildings and stories of the site’s past, to be physically realised community and cultural and the potential of it’s on the construction site engagement. future, can be expressed hoarding - where they will • Grace Leone through a design that is remain installed for an experienced educator, readable at the walking extended period of time. researcher, curator and pace of pedestrians, and industry professional also to occupants of Partners: specialising in creative vehicles passing by at • Lendlease practice and public art. speed. • Wadawurrung Traditional • Fiona Hilary - practicing Owners artist and program Students will research • RMIT Ngarara Willim manager of RMIT Art and and interpret Indigenous Centre Public Space and non-Indigenous perspectives of Day and time: Wednesdays sustainability, water 9.00am-12.00pm and its management to the development of your Location: 100.05.07 artwork, and speculate on how these interact with Open to: Masters and contemporary perceptions Bachelors students of urban living.
vert MINI Living In
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I Living s, MINI / MIN er h lis b u P in the / Green been engaged en Magazine re as G h ) h p it u w ro ct G je of of the BMW research pro e shortages ry partnered I (a subsidiary g, tackling th st IN in u M d liv f in o an an ar rb ill u is p re nd Invert 3.0 issues of futu I Living a bra iversity. MIN the pressing ss re d ad to and RMIT Un an aim of space with c. ere the creative use lic spaces et b Melbourne. H u f p o d s rb an u g b n su si u ring ided, affordable ho e inner-urban tion – subdiv th lu o in h ev it f o w e s n at o ti a perpetual st consider loca attributes are d therefore in of Invert will the granular t an c, t en ri b en m fa al im s st er it in p f o on tes are nit of ex The third ntinual irritati large, these si co ndamental u at e fu th e ty h ci th g e is u th ro r ck fo Th rb. typical blo d reordered. t opportunity n of the subu ansformatio pite the laten , multiplied an tr es ed D er at . id er ed w m in a lo h g ag wit ag and reim es to engage eing remade y as collectiv it ac people on less p continually b ca r ei modate more ked for th m o o co rl ac ve s back o to y tl c) frequen ousing block , tropes et h es al ic ic p ct ty ra (p at s th oking for way d easements ses, we are lo f laneways an o ea cr m in al ty re si an en urb As urban d e immediate aging with th g a en ile h w , d lan Projects seek urban block. b su e th d f o an . r iou use on to th density of and the behav d. fication of bo e discrete lot si th er f ments of lan iv o d ag re d fr u d an ct n se ru u io st n at u e d lic th ip an in lt rs sted ward the mu lised corrido We are intere and land and tactics to ese underuti th es g h in affordability ac g ss ro n p re si d u ap o ad h f to o m es ai su plurality of g is , with an ns to pressin n of program d provocatio an intensificatio s n o ti lu is to offer so communities. , civic, private The ambition talysing urban ca as l s of the public el ie w it n as u , rt n o io p p at o and es and new regener specific issu e challenges h th it w ce d ra n b te n em co also s, social we will hes. We will t communitie nge of scales ac n ra ro ra p a ig h ap m g , e u ic es h ro grap gh th c and social Working th s of domesti ageing demo shalled throu rn ar an te f m o at s p n rt e o ai p th m p f o in su tures. mies o and shared d environment r suburban fu to-per econo ilt fo ru s b ee n p o ile ti f o si ag t o p an ac p of pro possibilities unterfactual ility and the im te, as well co ainable mob ia st ed su , m ty im ili e ab on th er / early sustain will speculate late – Octob s in ct n je io ro it P ib . h n s and be ublic ex occupatio work in team odels for a p ill m w g n u o ci Y u . d es ro ic dp ectural pract designing an design archit ceptualizing, n ed h n. co lis e ig b b es ta ill d es w We d urban ing and chitecture an gside emerg n ar o f o al , es er b lin m p Nove ss the disci navigate acro expected to ign-Research spirit of a Des e th in e at er p nts and will o itecture Stude h rc kly at RMIT. Format: A ee f o w r n te ig as es d M d to an ed it ch ar is lim ning and ly on the rese This elective ting, 3D Scan collaborative n g ri in p rk D o 3 , w er – p p ho Laboratory dge of Grass semester. h it over the ntial. Knowle it se w f es el is rs o u in yo h e ling in R can familiaris ith 3D model however you t, se Experience w as an e b brication will advanced fa d Prototyping ork, Design an ew am fr al tu k 5 – Concep pment ition Design Week 1 – Wee esign Develo Model, Exhib D f – o 9 n k io ct ee u W d 2019. d Pro Week 6 – rly-November inal Design an ea F / – er 2 b 1 o k ct ee -O te Week 9 – W heduled for la opening is sc n io it ib h ex e Th
travelling to undertake d n te in u yo pecially if availability es
confirm your e carefully to in el m ti e th Consider 7 m 100.06.00 Major Project am – 12.30p 0 intensives or .3 9 s ay d es ting on Wedn , weekly mee h et ar az N n y Ia Project led b
Image: “The Samsara of Building No.42 on Dirty Street.� by Li Han
Drawing Architecture TUTORS: Li Han & Hu Yan, Founders of Drawing Architecture Studio (DAS), Beijing) and Vicky Lam, RMIT WEEK 2-3 MON 10am-1pm (Design Hub Pavilion 1) WEEK 4-6 Intensive Workshop with DAS WEEK 8-9 Meetings to Prepare Exhibition Material Li Han and his practice Drawing Architecture Studio (DAS) are known for compelling experimental drawings that capture the rapid urbanization of Beijing and other cities, revealing unexpected nuances of urban phenomena and daily life. Students will explore ideas and techniques for analysing urban processes and generating narrative through experimental architectural drawing and animation using Aftereffects. Students are expected to work in groups throughout the course to produce a suite of drawings, an animation and a folio. Prerequisite skills: Rhino/ CAD Modelling , Adobe Photoshop/ Illustrator (we will teach Aftereffects) This elective is open to Bachelor and Master students.
Bachelors and Masters Elective- Wednesday 9.30-12.30 PETER BREW
degrees of DIFFICULTY Who has not put down a book in annoyance or tossed one in disgust, to then read it
without putting it down. Reading is not nearly as straightforward as its made out to be, we skip words, repeat sentences, miss pages and search for words in a box full of them, We are compromised by reading, we are just as likely to be emboldened as insulted or diminished. we encounter difficulty; we experience doubt, and on occasion we give up. To look at books as repositories of knowledge says nothing of the experience of reading, after all it is not our knowledge of doubt but the feeling of doubt that causes books to shut and be returned to the shelf. And it is not what we know about anger but anger that causes a book to be thrown aside. Is it ironic then that the feeling of doubt is a prerequisite to understanding the modern text ? . “I am a thinking (conscious) thing, that is, a being who doubts, affirms, denies, knows a few objects, and is ignorant of many- (“cogito” dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum—res cogitans) Rene Descartes’ 1641 That the very sensation that causes the book to be returned to the shelf is all that we needed to realise its purpose. It followed from Descartes that modern philosophy is the phenomenology of reading, The” I “who doubts; the reader, who mouths the words, is the instrument of knowing that recognises truth. From Descartes truth is not known but experienced; the experience of the reader reading. This project will carefully read a number of primary texts from Philosophy, Aesthetics and Architecture. A reflection on each weeks reading will be the basis of a journal, This will be collated and submitted for assessment at the conclusion of the semester. Text to be exerts from; 1 M Tafuri; Humanism Technical Knowledge and Rhetoric; The debate in renascence Venice. 2 Rousseau; The Social Contract (Foucault commentary) 3Gombrich from Perfernce for the primitive 4 J von Goethe – On German Architecture (commentary by J Pevsner, E H Gombrich and VonMuke and Purdy et el) 5 Alois Riegl; The Modern Cult of Monuments . 6 Wilhelm Worringer; Abstraction and Empathy. 7 Walter Benjamin; On translation. The storyteller. 8 Hegel Notes on aesthetics 9 Roland Bathe; Mythologies . 10 Foucault; What is an Author- (Giorgio Agambon The Author as Geasture) 11 Kuhn; The structure of Scientific Revolutions .Agambon What is a paradigm 12 Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari – What is Philosophy 13 Elizebeth Groz The thing 14 Agambon from The signiture of all things
“What matter who’s speaking, someone said what matter who’s speaking” Samuel Beckett – texts for nothing
Empathy (Einfuhlung): ... How the body in responding to certain stimuli in dream objectifies itself in spatial forms - and with this also the soul - into the form of the object. Robert Vischer On the optical sense of Form a Contribution to Aesthetics Before we as individuals are even conscious of our existence we have been profoundly influenced for a considerable time (since before birth) by our relationship to other individuals who have complicated histories, and are members of a society which has an infinitely more complicated and longer history than they do (and are members of it at a particular time and place in that history); and by the time we are able to make conscious choices we are already making use of categories in a language which has reached a particular degree of development through the lives of countless generations of human beings before us. . . . We are social creatures to the inmost centre of our being. The notion that one can begin anything at all from scratch, free from the past, or unindebted to others, could not conceivably be more wrong -
karl Popper
The plant contemplates water, earth, nitrogen, carbon, chlorides and sulphates, and it contracts them in order to acquire its own concept and fill itself with it (enjoyment). The concept is a habit acquired by contemplating the elements from which we come……p 106 Gilles Delueze and Felix Guattari What is philosophy Paul Valéry wrote in a very remote context. “Artistic observation”, he says in reflections on a woman artist whose work consisted in the silk embroidery of figures, “can attain an almost mystical depth. The objects on which it falls lose their names. Light and shade form very particular systems, present very individual questions which depend upon no knowledge and are derived from no practice, but get their existence and value exclusively from a certain accord of the soul, the eye, and the hand of someone who was born to perceive them and evoke them in his own inner self.”
Aristotle briefly defended them in his fragmentary Poetics. In particular, Aristotle defended the arts from Plato’s charge that they are cognitively useless, trading in mere images of particulars rather than universal truths, by arguing that it is precisely the arts, or at least poetry, that deliver universal truths in a readily graspable form, unlike, for example, history, which deals merely with particular facts (Aristotle, Poetics, chapter 9, 1451a37–1451b10).
Natalie alima + Charles boman Outline REAL TIME ROBOTICS will focus on enabling material, computational and physical agency to mutually interact in the generation of form. Utilising UR robots, students will be exploring techniques in which the robot will respond and operate on the material over an extended period of time. Techniques students will be divided into groups, focusing on computer vision, data informed machine intelligence and real time robotics. Collectively, these groups will be experimenting with computational forms that are in constant dialogue with the physical environment.
Deliverables Catalogue of small scale prototypes which evolve in complexity and detail over time. A final prototype which supports these experiments and showcases a resolved feedback system. Skill requirements Fundamentals of Rhino + Grasshopper. no experience with robotics is required. Students will be provided with computational, robotic and technical support throughout the semester.
ROBOTICS image: Neri oxman: Water-Based Robotic Fabrication
Lecturer : John Cherrey Location Design Hub workshop - 100.01.006 Times : Thursday 2.00 - 5.00pm Weeks 1 -12 (The opportunity also exists for you to continue your work after the official class time. We often work on until 7.00pm)
The Elective is suited to both Bachelors and Masters level students Assessment: folio of works & a reflective journal There will be a material levy not exceeding $120.00
Architecture is all about MAKING in one form or another. In this elective you will explore MAKING through the productio of physical objects. You will consider ideas about craft & making including conception, design, scale, precision, tolerance, materials and process. MAKING is a complex task and at its best it requires a synthesis of many things. To be excel in MAKING, reflection both during and after creation is essential; reflection will form a key part of the work you produce.
The work produced will range in scale from very small objects, to models and larger scale furniture scale designs .
This is a workshop based elective. We will make use of much of the remarkable array of equipment to be found within the school. At the completion of the elective you will have broadened your skill base substantially both is making by hand and with analogue and digital equipment. You will also have sharpened your sense of materials by resolving a range of tasks given to you. And lastly you will have developed a far more sophisticated approach to questions about and process for MAKING.
The Architecture Program requires 8 enthusiastic assistants to help with the organisation of the Semester 2 2019 End of Semester and Major Project Exhibition. You will work closely with the Exhibition Coordinator in the design and curation of the show, graphic design of posters and PR materials, Major Project Catalogue as well as the organisation of sponsorship, live music and DJs, catering and all of the other things that go to make a succesful event. The majority of the work will be in the second half of semester, but you will be required to assist with organisation throughout the semester. There will be a crunch period in the week prior to the event, please confirm your availability over Week 13, Week 15, Week 16 and Week 17 prior to enrolling in the elective. The team is limited to 8 people only. You will receive credit towards an elective for your time. This is not availabe through electives balloting. If you are interested please contact the Exhibition Co-ordinator Ian Nazareth ( directly.
RMIT Architecture 2018 Snapshot
PRS Melbourne. Michael Lavery PhD completion ‘engaging objects’. Link:
CODER LE MONDE Exhibition at Centre Pompidou, Paris. The work of RMIT Architecture A/Prof Roland Snooks and Prof. Alisa Andrasek were exhibited Link:
NEW PUBLICATION by RMIT Emeritus Professor Leon van Schaik AO and Prof Nigel Bertram (Monash University) titled ‘Suburbia Reimagined: Ageing and Increasing Populations in the Low-Rise City’.
RMIT Architecture - Design n Studio Leaders WALK W SESSION. AROUND and PEER REVIEW N Link:
Semester 1 Award for Design Excellence in the Master of Architecture program equal recipients: MICHAEL STRACK & DANNI LUO. Link:
Semester 1 Award for Design gn Excellence in the gram equal recipients: Master of Architecture program ttps:// ALEXANDRA KEMP. Link:
NEW PUBLICATION by RMIT Emeritus Professor Leon van Schaik AO titled ‘Architecture in its Continuums’. Link:
PUBLIC LECTURE: Kevin Carmody (RMIT Architecture Alumnus and Director Carmody Groarke). Link:
MELBOURNE INNOVATION DISTRICT DESIGN SYMPOSIUM Convened by Emma Jackson and Mark Jacques. Links: (1) // (2) // (3) https://bit. ly/2HcTa8Y
MELBOURNE INNOVATION DISTRICT DESIGN SYMPOSIUM Convened by Emma Jackson and Mark Jacques. Links: (1)
MELBOURNE INNOVATION DISTRICT DESIGN SYMPOSIUM Convened by Emma Jackson and Mark Jacques. Links: (2)
MELBOURNE INNOVATION DISTRICT DESIGN SYMPOSIUM Convened by Emma Jackson and Mark Jacques. Links: (3)
2018 MPavilion. Work In Progress photos – design by Estudio Carme Pinos working with RMIT Architecture staff member Leanne Zilka as architect of record. Link:
Semester 1: Mid-Semester Crits - Studio ‘Supercity100YC’ by Professor Tom Kovac
Semester 1 Antonia Bruns Medal recipient: JULIUS EGAN for the major project titled ‘Collide-a-scope’. Link:
Semester 1 Major Project Catalogue coordinated by Ian Nazareth. Catalogue Link:
LECTURE: NMBW directors, Professor Nigel Bertram & Lucinda McLean, presented ‘GARDEN BUILDING’ as part of the TECHNOLOGY 4 OPEN LECTURE SERIES. Convened by Amy Muir. Link:
LECTURE: RMIT Landscape lecturer Jock Gilbert and LaTrobe University lecturer Sophia Pearce presented ‘TALKING COUNTRY’ as part of the AUSTRALIAN ARCHITECTURE LECTURE SERIES. Convened by Dr Christine Phillips. Link:
AUGMENTED TOPOLOGIES RESEARCH ELECTIVE led by RMIT Architecture Lecturer Ben Milbourne. Student introductory workshop in using the HoloLens with Gwyllim Jahn of Fologram. Link:
RMIT Architecture staff members Caitlyn Parry, Ben Milbourne and Patrick Macasaet in a Hololens Workshop led by Gwyllim Jahn and Cameron Newnham. Link:
PRS Asia. Link:
LECTURE: John Lin (Director, Rural Urban Framework) lecture as part of the ASIAN ARCHITECTURE + URBANISM OPEN LECTURE SERIES. Coordinated by Anna Johnson. Link:
RMIT ARCHITECTURE STAFF MEMBERS WIN the 2018 NGV Architecture Commission: MUIR (Amy Muir) ARCHITECTURE and OPENWORK (Mark Jacques), for their project titled “Doubleground”, Link:
PRS Europe. Link:
Semester 1: Mid-Semester Reviews Bachelor of Architectural Design Studio ‘City Peril’ led by Brett Wittingslow & Hannah Rowe. Link:
South Sudanese leaders review design work on a South Sudanese Community Centre in Melbourne’s west by Bachelor of Architecture students. Led by Paul Morgan. Link:
March Studio awarded the AIA 2018 Harold Desbowe-Annear Award for Residential Architecture Houses (New). Rodney Eggleston the founding director is an RMIT Architecture Alumnus. Link:
Workshop Architecture (the practice of RMIT Architecture staff member Simon Whibley) awarded the AIA 2018 Kevin Borland Award for Small Architecture for their Sorrento Visitor Centre. Link:
PUBLIC LECTURE: Carme Pinós (Director of Estudio Carme Pinós and architect of the MPavilion 2018). Link:
Semester 1: Mid-Semester Speed-Crit Reviews Master of Architecture Design Studio ‘Learning Frontiers: RMIT Urban High’ led by Patrick Macasaet. Link:
LECTURE: Felicity Scott ‘A Straighter aighter Kind of Hip’ Link:
RMIT Architecture Alumnus Kevin Carmody p published q OQUIS 195: in El Croquis, ‘EL CROQUIS CARMODY GROARKE E (2009-2018) (2 (2009 009-2018) MORTAL BODIES’. Link: https://bit. // ly/2SP6X6W W
LECTURE: Hamish Lyon y (Director, NH Architecture) lecture as as part p of the PROF ESSIONAL PRACTICE 2 PROFESSIONAL LECTURE SERIES. Coordinated nated by y Amy yM uir & Dr. Muir Peter Bre B w. w Link: https://b https 3Gsh Brew.
“Remote Kakadu town set for $446million transformation.” by y NAAU – directors of NAAU include RMIT Architecture Lecturers Ben Milbourne and John Doyle, y RMIT Architecture alumnus Edmund Carter, and Laura Mártires. Link: W
KIM BRIDGLAND (RMIT Architecture Alumnus). Dulux Study Tour 2018 receipient. Link:
BRADLEY MITCHELL, winner of the 2018 Australian Institute of Architects VICTORIAN GRADUATE PRIZE. Link:
‘Architecture in its Continuums’ by E Emeritus Professor Leon van Schaik AO, BOOK LAUNCH and PANEL DISCUSSION at the NGV as part of the Melbourne Art Book Fair 2018. Link:
Semester 1 Major Project - Work in Progress Reviews coordinated by Vicky Lam.
MID SEMESTER REVIEWS & SYMPOSIUM - featuring work from ‘The Ground Figure’ Master of Architecture Design Studio (led by Dean Boothroyd, Mark Jacques, Leona Dusanovic & Oskar Kazmanli-Liffen) and ‘Splayed’ Bachelor of Architectural Design Studio (led by Jessica Heald & Kerry Kounnapis). Link:
PUBLIC LECTURE: Winy Maas (Found (Founding Principal of MVRDV and founder of T The Why Factory at TU Delft). Link:
Semester 1: Mid-Semester Reviews Master of Architecture Design Studio ‘Alterity’ led by Ian Nazareth. Link:
Semester 1: Mid-Semester Reviews Bachelor of Architectural Design Studio ‘Synthetic Forms’ led by A/Prof Roland Snooks and Chris Boman. Link:
Semester 1: Mid-Semester Reviews Bachelor of Architectural Design Studio ‘Floppy Logic’ led by Dr Leanne Zilka. Link:
Architecture Venice Biennale. Flores & Prats’ ‘Morning Chapel’. Flores & Prats is the practice of RMIT Architecture Professor (Urbanism) Industry Fellow Eva Prats. Link: Newsletter:
Architecture Venice Biennale. RMIT Architecture Professor Alisa Andrasek’s exhibition ‘Cloud Pergola’ in the Croatia Pavilion. Link: Newsletter:
Foundation Design Studio Final Revi Reviews. Spooner. Design Coordinated by Dr. Michael Spooner through three & Communications is delivered throu curated studio streams: ATLAS led by b Dr Michael Spooner, CODEX led by Vicky Lam an and ALGORIST led by Caitlyn Parry. Link: https://bit.
PRS Melbourne. Corbett Lyon PhD completion ‘OUTSIDE, INSIDE AND THE IN-BETWEEN; A Journey Through the Design Terrains of the Design Practitioner’. Link:
PRS Melbourne. Kristof Crolla PhD completion ‘Building Simplexity: The ‘More or Less’ of PostDigital Architecture Practice’. Link:
PRS Melbourne. Michael Lavery PhD completion ‘engaging objects’. Link:
Design Studio BALLOT Presentations Semester 1. Link:
Iredale Pederson Hook awarded arded the Hillson Beasley hitecture and an award Award for Educational Architecture A Western Australia for Urban Design in the AIA ary School. Awards for Highgate Primary W Link:
THREE R e s e a r c h Assistants are required for the RMIT Architecture: C u l t u r e C a p t u r e P r o j e c t .
Australia’s 2018 Venice Biennale exhibition, ‘Repair’. Curatorial and exhibition team: RMIT Architecture Associate Professor Mauro Baracco, RMIT Architecture PhD Alumna Louise Wright, and Linda Tegg. Link: Newsletter:
Architecture Venice Biennale. Bienna Biennale Sessions Professor Tom curated bby RMIT Architecture Profe Kovac. Newsletter:
PRS Melbourne. RMIT Professor Carey Lyon PhD completion ‘Design by Discourse’. Link:
Master of Architecture Major Project Final Presentaions. Coordinated by A/Prof Paul Minifie and Vicky Lam. Link:
EXHIBITION AND MAGAZINE ISSUE LAUNCH: CALIPER #2 “IDENTITY”. Caliper Journal is an independent, student led architecture journal based in Melbourne, Australia. Link:
AUSTRALIAN ARCHITECTURE OPEN LECTURE SERIES. Coordinated by Dr Christine Phillips. Link:
PRS Melbourne. Link:
First Year Foundation Design Studio – ALGORIST Stream work in progress led by Caitlyn Parry. Link:
RMIT ARCHITECTURE ALUMNA and PETER CORRIGAN MEMORIAL MEDAL RECIPIENT (2017) LAUREN GARNER and LISA ANN GARNER (Universität Der Künste alumna) on being joint winners in the Urban SOS ideas competition, ‘hOUR City’. Link:
TECHNOLOGY 4 OPEN LECTURE SER SERIES. Coordinated by Amy Muir. Link:
Architecture Venice Biennale. Flores & Prats’ exhibition ‘Liquid Light’. Flores & Prat Prats is the practice of RMIT Architecture Profes Professor (Urbanism) Industry Fellow Eva Prats. Link: Newsletter:
faculty). Link: Newsletter:
NEW PUBLICATION by RMIT A+UD A/Prof Conrad Hamann with Prof Geoffrey London and Prof Philip Goad titled ‘An Unfinished Experiment in Living: Australian Houses 1950-65’. Link:
WELCOME to new RMIT Architecture students. We were delighted to meet you all at the “Welcome to New Students Event” at RMIT Storey Hall as well as at the drinks with staff and students in the Swanston Academic Building Level 7 Portal. Link:
LECTURE: Lucy Irvine lecture as part of the Bachelor of Architectural Design Communications 3 Lecture Series. Coordinated by Caitlyn Parry. Link:
Alumnus. Link: Newsletter:
RMIT Architecture Amy Muir elected as the AIA VICTORIAN CHAPTER PRESIDENT. Link for more:
WELCOME and information session tto our Architecture & Urban Design staff. Link:
EMERGING ARCHITECT PRIZE TOUR featured RMIT Architecture staff and Alumni. Link:
Professor Tom Kovac. Newsletter:
Master of Architecture Elective ‘SECOND HAN HAND’ AND’ led by y RMIT RMIT Architecture Professor Eva Prats and an Ricardo Flores (Flores y Prats). Link:
MID-SEMESTER SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM convened by Bachelor of Architectural Design g design design studios ‘Splayd 2.0’ (led by y Kerry y Kounnap pis & Jessica Heald) and Kounnapis Parliament (led by y Amy y Evans Evans & Conor Todd) Link: D
The Culture Capture project aims to capture, collect, curate, disseminate and make visible the culture, achievements and activities of RMIT Architecture to our students, staff and extended community via multiple avenues such as web, social media, digital and print.
RMIT Architecture students presented their work at the Venice Architecture Biennale through the ‘Biennale Sessions’ curated by RMIT Architecture Professor Tom Kovac. Newsletter:
Architecture Venice Biennale. e. Drawing g Archi Architecture hitectu ure hina. Studio (DAS) exhibited at the Pavilion of Ch China. MIT Architecture Architectu ure Li Han (Director DAS) is an RMIT 2BvIVGS Alumnus. Link: NPBO Newsletter:
Architecture A rch chite ecturre Ven Venice nice Biennal Biennale. ale e. The work of SPAN exhibited exh xhibiited at the e Palazzo Bembo. Be embo. SPAN is the practice off Mat Matias Campo pract pr p tice o atias del Cam mp po and Sandra Manniger g (RMIT (RMI (R IT School Sc chool of Architecture Architec cture PhD candidates and iinvited nviited design design gn tutors - and g and University y of Michigan fac culty y). Link k: https://b p y q faculty). Link: Newsletter: Ne ewsle letter:: https://bit
First Year Foundation Design Studio – ALGORIST Stream work in progress led by Caitlyn Parry. Link:
Master of Architecture Major Project j Fina Final al y A/Prof Paul Minifi fie Presentaions. Coordinated by Minifie WE and Vicky Lam. Link:
RM T Architecture RMIT Archiitecture student sttudent TROY BORG received th he p pre restigi gious AIA 20 2018 STUDENT PRIZE FOR THE the prestigious AD DVAN NCEM MENT OF ARCHITECTURE AR ADVANCEMENT Lin nk: ht https:// // phC0 Link:
CODER LE MONDE Exhibition at Centre Pompidou, Paris. The work of RMIT Architecture A/Prof Roland Snooks and Prof. Alisa Andrasek were exhibited Link:
NEW PUBLICATION by RMIT Emeritus O and Prof Nigel g Professor Leon van Schaik AO Bertram (Monash University) titled ‘Suburbia reasing Reimagined: Ageing and Increasing Populations in the Low-Rise City’.
EXHIBITION AND MAGAZINE ISSUE LAUNCH CALIPER 4 “SAMPLE”. Independent p student led architecture jjournal by y RMIT Architecture students and alumni. Link: W
ROBARCH 2018: RADICAL CROSS-DISCIPLINARY - ETH Zurich. RMIT Architecture staff members Gwyllim y Jahn and Cameron Newnham (Fologram) awarded the Best Workshop Award. Link:
The Australian Institute of Architects, Ar RM RMIT allery y of Vict ctoria Architecture and National Gal Gallery Victoria launched the book Repair, p prod p oduced to su suppor pp rt produced support the exhibition Repair p at the Aus stralian Pavi vilion,, for Australian Pavilion, Freespace, p Veneziia 2018 La Biennale di Venezia Link:
You will work closely with Patrick Macasaet and will be engaged in all capturing, curation, dissemination and organisational activities. RMIT Master of Architecture ‘HKIDHD’ studio final presentations led by p y John Doyle and Vicky Lam. Link:
You will receive credit towards an elective. Positions are not available through elective balloting. If you are interested please contact me directly.
RMIT IT Arch Architecture hiitectu ture - Des Design esign gn Studio Studi udio Leaders Lead aders WALK AROUN UND an nd PEE EER RE VIE IEW SESS SE SIO ION. AROUND and PEER REVIEW SESSION. Link: htt ttps://bit p /2R1wb wbB BN
PRS Melbourne. John Doy Doyle y e PhD completion ‘Field Types Tactics: Techniques, q Type yp and Effects from a Practice Operating p g within the Architectural Field’. Link:
End of Semester 1 Exhibition coordin coordinated by Ian Nazareth. Link:
Semester 1 Anne Butler Medal recipient: LAURA BAILERY for the major project titled ‘The Ambassadors’. Link:
Semester 1 Leon van Schaik 25th Anniversary Peer Assessed Award recipient: MATT PIRRIE for the major project titled ‘Addington’. Link:
Semester 1 Peter Corrigan Medal recipient: DALONG LI for the major project titled ‘The City and The City’. Link:
Semester 1 Antonia Bruns Medal recipient: JULIUS EGAN for the major project titled ‘Collide-a-scope’. Link:
Semester 1 Major Project Catalogue coordinated by Ian Nazareth. Catalogue Link:
Semester 1 Award for Design Excellence Excelle in the Master of Architecture program equa equal recipients: ALEX ROOME. Link:
Semester 1 Award for Design Excellence in the Master of Urban Design program recipient: JIMI CHAKMA. Link:
PLANET MAKER: CODING OUR FUTURE ON EARTH Master of Architecture traveling studio led by led by Prof. Winny Maas, Felix Madrazo (The Why Factory), RMIT Architecture Prof. Vivian Mitsogianni and RMIT Architecture Lecturer Ben Milbourne Link:
RMIT ARCHITECTURE STAFF MEMBERS WIN the 2018 NGV Architecture Commission: MUIR (Amy Muir) ARCHITECTURE and OPENWORK (Mark Jacques), for their project titled “Doubleground”, Link:
RMIT New Academic Street project a awarded the 2018 AIA VICTORIAN ARCHITECTUR ARCHITECTURE MEDAL! Congratulations to Lyons, NMBW, Ha Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects. Link:
RMIT New Academic Street project is awarded the 2018 AIA MELBOURNE PRIZE (joint winner). Link:
RMIT New Academic Street project is awarded the 2018 AIA HENRY BASTOW AWARD FOR EDUCATIONAL ARCHITECTURE. Link:
RMIT New Academic Street project is awarded the 2018 AIA JOSEPH REED AWARD FOR URBAN DESIGN. Link:
March Studio awarded the AIA 2018 Harold Desbowe-Annear Award for Residential Architecture Houses (New). Rodney Eggleston the founding director is an RMIT Architecture Alumnus. Link:
Workshop Architecture (the practice of RMIT Architecture staff member Simon Whibley) awarded the AIA 2018 Kevin Borland Award for Small Architecture for their Sorrento Visitor Centre. Link:
LECTURE: Kerstin Thompson (Principal, Kerstin Thompson Architects and RMIT Architecture Adjunct Professor) lecture as part of the PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 2 LECTURE SERIES. Coordinated by Amy Muir & Dr. Peter Brew. Link:
RMIT Architecture Alumnus Kevin Carmody published in El Croquis, ‘EL CROQUIS 195: CARMODY GROARKE (2009-2018) MORTAL BODIES’. Link:
LECTURE: Hamish Lyon (Director, NH Architecture) lecture as part of the PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 2 LECTURE SERIES. Coordinated by Amy Muir & Dr. Peter Brew. Link:
Design Studio BALLOT Presentations Semester 2. Link:
LECTURE: Carey Lyon (Director, Lyons and RMIT Architecture Professor) lecture as part of the PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 2 LECTURE SERIES. Coordinated by Amy Muir & Dr. Peter Brew. Link:
RMIT OPEN DAY coordinated by Dr. J Jan van Schaik. Link:
LEARNING FRONTIERS FORUM conv convened by Patrick Macasaet as part of the Master of Arc Architecture Design Studio ‘Learning Frontiers2: RMIT R Urban High’. Link:
ALESSI AIRSPACE II Final Presentations Master of Architecture Elective led by RMIT Architecture Professor Tom Kovac and Patrik Schumacher (Principal, Zaha Hadid Architects) Link:
PUBLIC LECTURE: Eva Prats & Ricardo Flores (Directors of Flores Y Prats. Eva Prats is an RMIT Professor of Architecture (Urbanism) Indusry Fellow and PRS candidate). Link: https://bit. ly/2PHXYCw
Alessi Dream Factory in Omegna, Italy as part of the Alessi Airspace II elective. Link:
RMIT Masters of Architecture studen students: ALISHA GALEA, GEORGE MOLLETT, NATHALI NATHALIE KARTIKA PUTRI AND HEEJOO SON wins the DRIA D (Designing Resilience in Asia) ARCHITECTURE D DESIGN EXCELLENCE AWARD. Link: https://b
Master of Architecture Hong Kong Studio ‘HKIDHD’ interim review in Hong Kong. Studio led by John Doyle and Vicky Lam featured an exhibition of work in progress from the studio. RMIT Architecture Alumni practising in HK were invited to work & mentor the students, & to share their insights into working & living in Hong Kong. Link:
NH Architecture wins 2018 LAND AR ART GENERATOR their project INITIATIVE design competition for th ‘Light Up’. The team included RMIT Architecture A alumni, sessional staff, and RMIT Architecture Arc students. Link:
PRS Melbourne. Link:
Semester 1 Award for Design n Excellence in the am equal q recipients: Master of Architecture program MICHAEL STRACK & DANNI LUO. Link:
Semester 1 Award for Design g Excellence in the equal recipients: Master of Architecture p program g q p ALEXANDRA KEMP. Link:
INTRICATE ATE FORMS FOR SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM OSIUM convened conve b by y A/ ookss and an Dr. Leanne Zilka. Prof. Roland Snook Snooks Link: C
INTRICATE FORMS MS SYMPOSIUM SYMP SYMPOSIUM (Afternoon noon Session) convened by y A/Prof.. Roland Snooks and Dr. Leanne Zilka. a. Link: htt
INTRICATE FORMS SYMPOSIUM (Emerging g g Processes) convened by y A/Prof. Roland Snooks and Dr. Leanne Zilka. Link:
INTRICATE FORMS SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM (Evening Session) convened by y A/Prof. Rolan d Snooks and Dr. Leanne Roland Zilka. Link:
Iredale Pederson Hook awarded the Hillson Beasley Award for Educational Architecture and an award for Urban Design in the AIA Western Australia Awards for Highgate Primary School. Link:
Master of Architecture Major Project Final Presentaions. Coordinated by A/Prof Paul Minifie and Vicky Lam. Link:
End of Semester 2 Exhibition coordinated by Ian Nazareth. Link:
Semester 2 Major Project Catalogue coordinated by Ian Nazareth. Catalogue Link:
Semester 2 Award for Design gn Excellence in the Master of Urban Design program ogram recipient: SHIQI CHEN. Link:
PUBLIC LECTURE: Carme Pinós (Director of Estudio Carme Pinós and architect of the MPavilion 2018). Link:
Semester 2 Award for Design Excellence in the Master of Architecture program equal recipients: MEAGAN BROOKS. Link:
Semester 2 Award for Design Excellence in the Master of Architecture program equal recipients: DYLAN FINDLAY, TOBY RAWLINGS and MARIA VASILIE. Link:
Semester 2 Award for Design Excellence in the Master of Architecture program equal recipients: GEORGE MOLLETT.
Semester 2 Kirrill Koslof Award ward for Design Excellence in the Bachelor of Architectural Design AIL LI SHIN LIEW. program recipients: ABIGAIL G Link:
“Remote Kakadu town set for $446million transformation.” by NAAU – directors of NAAU include RMIT Architecture Lecturers Ben Milbourne and John Doyle, RMIT Architecture alumnus Edmund Carter, and Laura Mártires. Link:
2018 NGV Architecture Commission, “Doubleground”. Link:
2018 NGV Architecture Commission, “Doubleground”. Link:
RMIT Architecture Senior Lecturer Christine Phillips with Jock Gilbert (RMIT Landscape Architecture) hosted the Blakitecture series on Memorialisation at the MPavilion. Link:
PRS Europe. Dermot Boyd PhD completion ‘Atlas of Sensations’. Link:
THE ARCHITECTURE MASTERPRIZE 2018 IREDALE PEDERSEN HOOK ARCHITECTS with LYONS Architects and PlanE wins the Landscape Architecture/Installations & Structures Prize for Manatj Park, part of the Perth City Link. Link:
THE ARCHITECTURE MASTERPRIZE 2018 MARCH STUDIO wins the Architectural Design/ Residential Architecture Prize for their Compound House project. RMIT Architecture alumnus Rodney Eggleston is director of March Studio. Link:
RMIT Architecture Alumns LI HAN of DRAWING DAS) - DIGITAL AND ARCHITECTURE STUDIO (DAS) E WAF ARCHITECTURE OVERALL WINNER OF THE DRAWING PRIZE 2018 for their project titled “The Samsara of Building No.42 on Dirty Street”. u Link:
RMIT Architecture projects by staff and alumni exhibited at Hong Kong Business of Design Week. Link: Newsletter:
RMIT Architecture projects by staff and alumni exhibited at Hong Kong Business of Design Week. Link: Newsletter:
RMIT Architecture Adjunct Professors and alumni present at the Hong Kong Business of Design Week. Link: Newsletter:
RMIT Architecture Adjunctt Professors and alumni present at the Hong Kong Business of Design Week. S Link: EEe7bb Newsletter:
CONGRATULATIONS RMIT Architecture 2018 Graduating students! Link:
CONGRATULATIONS RMIT Architecture 2018 Graduating students! Link:
PRS Melbourne. John Doyle PhD completion ‘Field Tactics: Techniques, Types and Effects from a Practice Operating within the Architectural Field’. Link:
March Studio awarded the AIA 2018 Harold Desbowe-Annear Award for Residential Architecture Houses (New). Rodney Eggleston the founding director is an RMIT Architecture Alumnus. Link:
Workshop Architecture (the practice of RMIT Architecture staff member Simon Whibley) awarded the AIA 2018 Kevin Borland Award for Small Architecture for their Sorrento Visitor Centre. Link:
PUBLIC LECTURE: Carme Pinós (Director of Estudio Carme Pinós and architect of the MPavilion 2018). Link:
INTRICATE FORMS SYMPOSIUM (Evening Session) convened by A/Prof. Roland Snooks and Dr. Leanne Zilka. Link:
RMIT Architecture Alumnus Kevin Carmody published in El Croquis, ‘EL CROQUIS 195: CARMODY GROARKE (2009-2018) MORTAL BODIES’. Link:
LECTURE: Hamish Lyon (Director, NH Architecture) lecture as part of the PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 2 LECTURE SERIES. Coordinated by Amy Muir & Dr. Peter Brew. Link:
“Remote Kakadu town set for $446million transformation.” by NAAU – directors of NAAU include RMIT Architecture Lecturers Ben Milbourne and John Doyle, RMIT Architecture alumnus Edmund Carter, and Laura Mártires. Link:
MID-SEMESTER SYMPOSIUM convened by Bachelor of Architectural Design design studios ‘Splayd 2.0’ (led by Kerry Kounnapis & Jessica Heald) and Parliament (led by Amy Evans & Conor Todd) Link:
Master of Architecture Elective ‘SECOND HAND’ led by RMIT RMIT Architecture Professor Eva Prats and Ricardo Flores (Flores y Prats). Link:
EXHIBITION AND MAGAZINE ISSUE LAUNCH CALIPER 4 “SAMPLE”. Independent student led architecture journal by RMIT Architecture students and alumni. Link:
ROBARCH 2018: RADICAL CROSS-DISCIPLINARY - ETH Zurich. RMIT Architecture staff members Gwyllim Jahn and Cameron Newnham (Fologram) awarded the Best Workshop Award. Link:
The Australian Institute of Architects, RMIT Architecture and National Gallery of Victoria launched the book Repair, produced to support the exhibition Repair at the Australian Pavilion, for Freespace, La Biennale di Venezia 2018 Link:
RMIT Master of Architecture ‘HKIDHD’ studio final presentations led by John Doyle and Vicky Lam. Link:
RMIT’s Practice-based PhD Program progress reviews presentations. Link:
Architec ture PUBLIC LECTURE: Martin Rein-Cano (Director of Topotek 1). Link:
‘CREATING TERRITORY’ workshop with TOPOTEK1 Founding Director, MARTIN REIN CANO and RMIT Professor MARK JACQUES. Link:
PUBLIC LECTURE: Marc Fornes (Director of The Very Many). Link:
INTRICATE FORMS SYMPOSIUM convened by A/ Prof. Roland Snooks and Dr. Leanne Zilka. Link:
INTRICATE FORMS SYMPOSIUM (Afternoon Session) convened by A/Prof. Roland Snooks and Dr. Leanne Zilka. Link:
INTRICATE FORMS SYMPOSIUM (Emerging Processes) convened by A/Prof. Roland Snooks and Dr. Leanne Zilka. Link:
Background Image: 2018 End of Year Poster - visit:
ADVANCED FABRICATION RESEARCH ELECTIVE ROLAND SNOOKS This elective requires three student research assistants to undertake research into advanced fabrication processes. These robotic processes will include topics such as robotic ceramic printing and 3d knitted advanced textiles. The research will be undertaken as part of Roland Snooks’s research lab and will require students to work in close collaboration with members of the lab and be seriously engaged with making. This research will primarily involve prototyping and will require students who are self-motivated and have good skills in rhino/grasshopper. All the research work will be undertaken within the lab at negotiated times and we will have a regular meeting on wednesday mornings from 9:30am - 10:30am Please apply directly to Roland Snooks at: