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PROXY. Gretchen Wilkins

Studio description: This studio is interested in the procedural and material opportunities that exist within the gaps between digital and physical production. From the scale of objects to cities, the making and production of things has shifted from the assembly line to the network cloud, from the localized to the distributed, from physical models to virtual interactions. Any number of examples track this shift, from automobile production to energy collection, social services to citizenship, news media to professional sports, all have generally relinquished a model of singularity for one of multiplicity. The translation of physical to virtual, material to information, objects to systems reveals a series of gaps within which innovation of architectural production can take place. In architecture these hybrid physical and digital networks enable a form of production that takes place through both directly and through remote control. Authorship is shared, processes are distributed. Neither digital nor physical are exclusive, rather both are necessary as compliments to each other as design oscillates between modes and locations. A project can be conceived in Pittsburgh, for example, developed in Melbourne, designed simultaneously in both locations, sited locally and virtually, and fabricated locally and digitally. The ‘pinging’ of information back and forth adds a complexity and uncertainty to the process, as does the agency of proxy contributions in design processes.


Concept The idea of a ‘draping process’ is implemented in both proposed digital fabrication studios (studio in abandoned building and studio in rooftop) as reverse version of each other to signify the different functions (digitally generative process being translated into physical from-making process and vice-versa) proposed within the studios but at the same time needing each other to function as a whole. Spaces within studios are arranged and aligned to invisible connections (ship route, direct route drawn across the map, direct route through centre of the earth, flight route, and web-suggested route) as these two proposed studios are linked digitally to a digital fabrication studio in Pittsburgh at the same time. Experiments & Sketches

Victoria Street

Franklin Street

Russell Street

Lygon Street

McKenzie Street


Bowen Lane

San Francisco Las Vegas Los Angeles


Pittsburgh Washington DC



Studio on Rooftop Site Plan Sydney Melbourne

Bowen Lane


Legend Nearest Flight Route (Qantas Airlines & United Airlines)

Therry Street

Alternative Flight Route (United Airlines) Direct Route

Studio in Abandoned Building Site Plan

Roads & Ship Route (Google Map Suggestion)

Studio on Rooftop

Bird Eye View of Rooftop Studio

View to Render Farm, Discussion Space, Gallery and Information Walls

Blow-up Axonometric

Section A-A

View to Render Farm 1 and Discussion

View to Render Farm 2

Section B-B

Project Brief The proposed studio spaces for post-graduate majoring in digital fabrication research, study, and experiment. It will be mainly funded by RMIT with supporting funds raised through exhibition (sponsors and authority). Structural Installation (Curtain to Existing Shell of Building)

Building Materials: Curtain Walls

Colour Scheme

Magnets-embedded Curtain by Floria Kr채tli

High Density Sheer White (Higher Opacity)

Low Density Sheer White (Low Opacity)

Grip Clip

Grip Clip Installation Steps

Studio in Abandoned Building


Ground Floor Plan

Studio on Rooftop/ Studio at Pittsburgh

Third Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Curtain Walls

Discussion Space of Studio in Abandoned Building

Holographic Images

View to Lounge, Study Area, & Discussion Space

Projected Images

Section B-B

View to Lounge, Study Area, and Digital Fabrication Lab (Making)

Section A-A

View to Discussion Space from Additional Exhibition Space

View to Digital Fabrication Lab (Making)






5. 1- plans 2- axo 3- exterior on site 4 - linking the internal 5- interiors 6- changing exteriors 7- developmental models. form hrough section

Tim Eastaugh S3164958


The project was two buildings linked over any distance. Externally to a context, internally to each other. Generated in the transition from digital relm to physical form through sectioning. The buildings exterior took reference to 5


digital interaction. Interfaces like facebook producing a current reflection of the user within, in this instance RMIT. The projective skin given a sense of itself to the context while the harboured internal spaces relate only to each other.

The Studio as a Reciprocal Apparatus The temporary architecture studio explores the act of communication as an architectural construct -- as physical communication through a responsive wall system as well as through a means of transferring meaning over a digital divide. The apparatus is a folly that is used to experience displaced environments through visual immersion, and uses the digital interface as a means to expand space through illusion. It is a device for reciprocal interaction and spatial translation, and can be relocated and reprogrammed to act as a mirror over displaced environments, communicating itself, its context and its function simultaneously. Muizz Adam Nazmi 2

Reciprocity / Networking The studio is a containter for the reciprocal interface. The act of visual communication over displacement is explored to seek the significance of spatial perception and its translation within architecture.

Displaced Environments The apparatus projects immersive images of displaced environments on its interface, allowing the user to experience spatially diverse locales as part of the architecture studio.


Mechanical Wall / Limb The apparatus is dependent on the digital limb; a physically movable device that acts as a collective mechanical wall which projects, mirrors and communicates its spatial context over displaced environments.

Site 1

_Project 1

Site 2

_Project 2


*5 "









Floor Plan_Project 1







Floor Plan_Project 2


previous models review

unctions of curves Office

lounge CAD Lab


Studio Design

-office space--- interactive screen & illumination

urves Interactive lounge Office Screen

Illumination lounge



Exhibition screen & illumination

te one 1-2 function of the curves

-office space--- interactive screen & illumination

Interactive Screen Office


function of the curves

Illumination lounge

Studio Design


Pixels Exploring the use of ‘pixels’ to inform dynamic spaces which can change to suit the needs of the occupants. The tactile nature of the ‘pixels’ allow for interaction with other sites around the world making this a global environment to learn in. Capable of teaching large numbers of students simultaneously in the same environment at the same time. David Christiansz


Construction The ‘pixels’ system is made up of various parts which can connect in different ways for better flexibility in the design for the user.

Function The spaces can change when needed for various occasions. The ‘pixels’ will move accordingly to rearrange the internal space to suit the user.


Physical exploration Various physical model studies were made to reach the final outcome for this studio.

design & exhibit

ignacio ramos gali david zito proxy : gretchen wilkins


Screened Inhabitations Over the course of the semester our designs focused on creating architectural gestures of much lightness, whilst struggling with the real world issues of how this lightness could be achieved in transistion from the digital to the physical environment. Through mate-

rial studies, done at many scales, we explored the qualities of many potential solutions for construction before settling on perforated metal as our key material. Aware of the structural strength and malleability of this material it provided a material capable of applications. We were also aware 5

of the ability to curate the perforations of the metal to create further individuality and site specific modifications to our all encompassing skin system. This project served to introduce us to individual material qualities that will be further explored in future exploits. Dave Zito / Nacho Ramos Gali

New software new views We have become virtual tourists viewing cities that we have not been too or may never go too, verifying in the first person what is there need not be necessary. I have like others had a new style of contact with architecture, not experienced in the first hand and not by way of a choreographed post card. So then considering that we can experience architecture in a new way can we design architecture to respond to these new forms of influential communication?


Arhitecture from space Google views can make a whole city a gallery and its vacant rooftops canvasses. A structure can read part of a poem or a be a picture. The world could soon be linked via projects that emphasis this new digital proximity.

Architecure and the Font Type in architecture need not be limited to signs. Including text into the architectural fabric makes it legible for a greater amount of users those in a car or on the net. Luca Lana

Architecture And The Image

Exhibition from the inside, out.

Process shown: Work completed within the building is projected on the facade so process can be followed and technique observed. In these images a time lapse model construction is shown over a twenty four hour period. -Emily Lyons

Not the inside, in.



Studio Details Title: PROXY Tutor: Gretchen Wilkins Pole: Urban Environments Date: Semester 2, 2009 This and other documented examples of design studios run as part of the RMIT University Architecture program can be found on

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