Luminocity Jason Ho
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The City lives its life in a neverending passive cycle of naïve transformation, ignorant to the changing elements engulfing it. It responds to the price tags of developers and leave consideration of daylight and its associated elements as an afterthought. An analysis into block data indicate lack of consideration into the city’s programmatic disposition; with new structures restricted to the location of an occasional demolished inhabitant. It’s response to daylight is then secondary, an amalgamation of a designer’s attempt to balance profit with ethical principles. But what if the city valued light above all else, its optimisation of daylight to become its only goal of the future? It would be a city that embraces temporality and reacts to the seasonal variations of daylight and its encompassing elements. But to do so it would have to identify the components & interactions of light.
The Temporal City
The source of light whether it’s natural or artificial. Natural light is determined by the location & time of that which is relevant to the source – it is difficult to control and it enforces the environment to react to it. Artificial light is a construct of technological advancement; there is ease in its creation & control, and it is manufactured in response to the environment; but it does¬ substitute in whole the qualities of natural light.
Contrast in light serves to reveal or conceal, determining the qualities of quantity, direction & focus to eliminate or cast shadows. It intertwines with an environment’s ability to inform its mood & statement. The Temporal City
Light serves to function as a visual aid, controlling the level of detail within an environment through its dispersal of illumination.
Light itself has no form, but a surface is reliant on light to create the legibility of a form. It is light’s direction and intensity which alter the properties of a surface to either enhance or negate the form’s comprehension. A circle only becomes a sphere when we add shade. (ΔT)2
The absence or presence of material is controlled by light, it is governed by its interaction with light’s angle, direction and intensity. It can create an atmosphere or modify an emotion through reflectivity, transparenc & so on.
Movement of light coincides with the perception of time; and further refined on its correlation with weather.
The Temporal City
A light’s boundary serves to mark the threshold of connection between a dark space, and an illuminated space. It may be static or dynamic; permeable or solid.
Last but not least the character of light. It is light’s capability to create a narrative through it’s manipulation; it coerces the implicated positive associatiations of life , health & goodness, but therein lies also the ability to disfigure and destroy by way of glare or distortion. (ΔT)2
The residential program is the precursor to the office program. It’s form is derived from into its bed location during requisite hours; whereas glazing maximises kitchen & livin to maximising winter coverage. The Temporal City
m its inhabitants daily morning rituals; a performative façade gently disperses light ng areas. From Summer to winter, its framework alters from controlling summer light (ΔT)2
The office program maintains focus on its usability; screens expanding to keep the su The Temporal City
ummer sun at bay; whilst contracting to allow the winter sun’s penetration. (ΔT)2
The hospitality program’s outdoor floor space is maximised for sunlight coverage in t er sun angle & weather. The Temporal City
the summer; it’s glazed partition walls reconfiguring itself for the winter season’s low(ΔT)2
The retail program features a system of glazed focal points, constantly on the look-o The Temporal City
out for optimal positions of daylight each season to highlight its items. (ΔT)2
The public use program conforms to the typical utilisation of shading devices; of whic The Temporal City
ch are re-arranged and and re-materialised in its transparency to filter daylight. (ΔT)2
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
As these rules of light play out, the city adapts its programs to fully optimise its utilisati ern edges of their blocks; the office program attempting to do the same in its unrelen selves in positions of northern light; although accommodating other programs due to aries and seep into the streets below, or connect with other blocks. The ground gives The Temporal City
ion of daylight; Residential & hospitality programs congregate towards to the eastnting mission to achieve maximal daylight. Public use & retail programs situate themtheir lower hierarcies within the rules. The programs eventually break block bounds way as construction dives below to limit heights and consequent overshadowing. (ΔT)2
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
What is the City? Wha
The Temporal City
at is Time?
The city is a complex equation with an abundance of parameters - infrastructure, culture, population & so on. All of which is connected to the external parameter of time. But unlike the fixed stability of time, the city’s other parameters are in a constant state of flux: Populations grow & diminish Demands appear & disappear Governments rise & fall & the city always tries to adapt. Why don’t we disconnect time from this equation, even for just a small duration - what if rather than repetitively attempting to contain the current capacity and anticipate an obvious reality, we devised for some thing that doesn’t exist? What if we created a highway of 20 lanes for a population of a small village? Divided empty hectares into different zones, each intended to be utilised for a singular purpose? The city could put the timer on pause & react accordingly. It would remove the necessity in conThe Temporal City
stantly playing catch-up - rather than focusing on sustaining immediate issues , focus could be made realising the city’s infrastructure to its highest potential. Planning laws & regulations would no longer need to accomodate the complicated dynamics of integrating different industries - a resident would not be faced with the issue of noise pollution due to a nearby shopping centre, or a shopping centre losing its value because of a nearby industrial factory. This may not even be close a solution, but the equation that is the ‘city’ is bound to run into a fatal error; whether its from an external factor or just simply being unable to respond to the vast amount of input demand. _the nominated city is Nyapidaw in Myanmar _culture & identity among other things is sometimes lost in the architectures of city in trying to create large functional structures to contain immensely growing population ie. glass boxes _city caters to responding to the current influx of international demand; covid displayed the downfalls of this when business’ etc failed to operate properly due to diminished population in the CBD _same could be said for infrastructure; ie. railways , sewerage systems
The Temporal City
Mining the City
The Temporal City
2019 Pedestrian Counter + Walkability 1 This iteration is a combination of the City of Melbourne’s following datasets: - Pedestrian Counting System (Monthly) - Building Footprint 2018 - Building Information 2019 It aims at exploring a correlation between pedestrian counts & a walking radius, through the number of pedestrians at the location speculating the radial distance of which nearby buildings would be occupied. The day nominated is Friday September 20th in 2019 at Flinders Street Station & the pedestrian density follows the typical operation of a weekday.
The Temporal City
2019 Pedestrian Counter + Walkability 2 This iteration is a combination of the City of Melbourne’s following datasets: - Pedestrian Counting System (Monthly) - Building Footprint 2018 - Building Information 2019 It aims at exploring a correlation between pedestrian counts & a walking radius, through the number of pedestrians at the location speculating occupied buildings through walkable buildings revealed. The day nominated is Friday September 20th in 2019 at Flinders Street Station & the pedestrian density follows the typical operation of a weekday.
The Temporal City
2020 Pedestrian Counter + Walkability This iteration is a combination of the City of Melbourne’s following datasets: - Pedestrian Counting System (Monthly) - Building Footprint 2018 - Building Information 2019 It aims at exploring a correlation between pedestrian counts & a walking radius, through the number of pedestrian at the location speculating the radial distance of which nearby buildings would be occupied; depicting through a differing illustrative style than the previous. The day nominated is Friday August 20th (during Lockdown) in 2020 at Melbourne Central. There is a clear reduction of pedestrian flow than the previous year.
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Office Walk This iteration is a combination of the City of Melbourne’s following datasets: - Building Footprint 2018 (Specifically building height) - Building Information 2019 This explores the accumulative number of offices (& the structure in which they reside) against other programs when walking a distance of 800m from stop 8 of tram route 67. While there is a considerable number of offices in the area, it is far outmatched by buildings housing other programs.
The Temporal City
General Walk This iteration is a combination of the City of Melbourne’s following datasets: - Building Footprint 2018 (Specifically building height) - Building Information 2019 This iteration explores the general distribution of buildings & programs from a 800m walk originating from stop 8 of tram route 67. An elevation of buildings reached is depicted to illustrate building heights.
The Temporal City
Change over Time
The Temporal City
PRECEDENT 1 DELIRIOUS NEW YORK - Explores the very same issues we’re now facing with in centralised development - ‘North American Barbarism was to give place to European Refinement’ - Continually refining a city block? - Explored the history & definition of the block - creating an alternative reality inside the block where its governed by its own laws & idealogies. Madison Square vers.2 - held a replica of Venice gondola ride. - Self contained reality. City within a city. Why do we need to venture out of the block? - Blasphemous nature of combining opposite programs. - Miracles of elevators
The Temporal City
PRECEDENT 2 RAYMOND HOOD CITY OF TOWERS - Solving congestion with congestion? - Repetition of self-sustaining supertowers - Creation of bridges with supertowers; supertower forms the pillar structure. Called tentacles; Located at point of entries - Absorbing the chaos of the world with architecture? - Streets are transformed into the structures themselves; their interiors forming the pathways for vehicular and pedestrian travel
The Temporal City
PRECEDENT 3 EXISTING CITIES - Symbiotic relationship of MTR & other programs in HK - Repetitive nature of congestion - Successful integration of numeroes programs into densely situated blocks - Capacity & distribution of a program’s blocks - Criteria of a city’s transportation
The Temporal City
EXPLORATION BLOCKS 35, 36, 37, 38 (EXISTING) - Exploring distribution of existing programs in blocks - Mostly a few dominating programs, followed by extremly minor use in other programs. There is no extreme deviation of programs nor equal dispersion - What if a large number of programs were equally distributed? <-- ‘Island block’ idealogy comes into play. - What if we skewered a program distribution, whilst lowering others? Introducing more congestion.
The Temporal City
Variations Regenerating the CBD
Diurnal or the 24-Hou
The Temporal City
ur Peak
EXPLORATION VARIATION 1 - ABSORPTION - Floor space represented 3-dimensionally, height determined by percentage of program floor space - The dominant programs absorbs the adjoining at each incremental time frame - Common area & retail are eventually the only 2 programs present in this block - This looks to explore the homogeneous transformation of a city block to accomodate only to its most prominent programs; the being that programs of lesser floor space create redundancy in the block’s effectiveness and should therefore be removed. This transformation would occur over a timeframe and eventually, each block will cater to only 1 or 2 programs.
Common Area
Education Entertainment Health Residential
The Temporal City
EXPLORATION VARIATION 2 - TEMPORARY CONGESTION - Exaggerated form size - Increased most abundant program (office) by factor of .5 every hour, subtract all other programs by factor of .5 every hour - Repetition each day - Repeat throughout the city, with each different program becoming the main source of congestion
The Temporal City
Urban Rules
The Temporal City
RULE 1 Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Rights of Light • View Management • Relative • Density & Distribution Regulator • Programmatic Regulation • Height
Daylight ($) is a highly sought after commodity. We maximise its potential by distributing it to programs which thrive with it during the day. - Directional growth depending on time of day - Height & size depending on distribution of sunlight Limits: - At what point does does one program completely overshadow another? - Extension past the boundary
The Temporal City
RULE 1.5 (ADD-ON) Daylight ($) is a highly sought after commodity. What is its cost? - Attempt at allocating a price to daylight - Explored through a technical view of how electricity generated by daylight is prced - In the event that a solar panel is able to convert 100% of daylight into electricity (hours of which are split into peak/non-peak; refer below calculations) then it would subsequently be priced at a rate in which VIctorian companies compensate for this electricity. REFER TO FOLLOWING CALCULATIONS
300 Watt solar panel - Commonly used 1.5 sqm each Produces = 0.3kwh per hour @ 20% (Current technology transfer) Daylight @1.5 sqm Produces = 1.5kwh per hour @ 100% Vic feed-in tariffs: 12.5 cents per kwh @ peak. 9.5 cents per kwh @ non-peak. Peak = Sunny 47.4% Non-peak = Remaining 52.6%. Of the above, Sunny 47.4% of daylight hours. Remaining 52.6% likely cloudy, shade, haze or low sun intensity. Average Daylight Hours= Jan: 14:27. Peak = 6.76. Non-peak=7.51 Feb: 13:35. Peak = 6.33. Non-peak=7.02 Mar: 12:25. Peak = 5.80. Non-peak=6.45 Apr: 11:10. Peak = 5.26. Non-peak=5.84 May: 10:07. Peak = 4.78. Non-peak=5.29 Jun: 9:35 (winter solstice). Peak = 4.43. Non-peak=4.92 Jul: 9:49. Peak = 4.50. Non-peak=4.99 Aug: 10:43. Peak = 4.94. Non-peak=5.49 Sep: 11:55. Peak = 5.47. Non-peak=6.08 Oct: 13:10. Peak = 6.21 . Non-peak=6.89 Nov: 14:13. Peak = 6.70. Non-peak=7.43 Dec: 14:43 (summer solstice). Peak = 6.84. Non-peak=7.59 1.5sqm Daylight, amount of kwh produced per day of month= Jan: 21.4. Peak = 10.1. Non-peak=11.3 Feb: 20. Peak = 9.5. Non-peak=10.5 Mar: 18.4. Peak = 8.7. Non-peak=9.7 Apr: 16.6. Peak = 7.9. Non-peak=8.7 May: 15.1. Peak = 6.6. Non-peak=8.5 Jun: 14 (winter solstice). Peak = 4.4. Non-peak=9.6 Jul: 14.2. Peak = 6.7. Non-peak=7.5 Aug: 15.6. Peak = 7.4. Non-peak=8.2 Sep: 17.3. Peak = 8.2. Non-peak=9.1 Oct: 19.6 Peak = 9.3 . Non-peak=10.3 Nov: 21.2. Peak = 10. Non-peak=11.2 Dec: 21.6 (summer solstice). Peak = 10.3. Non-peak=11.3
The Temporal City
1.5sqm Daylight, $ (cents) conversion of kwh produced per day of month= Jan: 233.6. Peak = 126.25. Non-peak=107.35 Feb: 218.5. Peak = 118.75. Non-peak=99.75 Mar: 200.9. Peak = 108.75. Non-peak=92.15 Apr: 181.4 Peak = 98.75. Non-peak=82.65 May: 163.25 Peak = 82.5. Non-peak=80.75 Jun: 146.2 (winter solstice). Peak = 55. Non-peak=91.2 Jul: 155. Peak = 83.75. Non-peak=71.25 Aug: 170.4. Peak = 92.5. Non-peak=77.9 Sep: 188.95. Peak =102.5. Non-peak=86.45 Oct: 214.1 Peak = 116.25 . Non-peak=97.85 Nov: 231.4. Peak = 125. Non-peak=106.4 Dec: 236.1 (summer solstice). Peak = 128.75. Non-peak=107.35 COST OF DAYLIGHT PER DAY FOR THE FOLLOWING MONTHS IN CENTS: Jan: 155.73/sqm Feb: 144.21/sqm Mar: 132.59/sqm Apr: 119.72/sqm May: 107.75/sqm Jun: 96.49/sqm Jul: 102.3/sqm Aug: 112.46/sqm Sep: 124.71/sqm Oct: 141.31/sqm Nov: 152.72 /sqm Dec: 155.83/sqm
Costs to utilise 12,000sqm of office space in direct daylight for a day in December:
$18,687.6 Other factors to consider: - price modification based on location - weather changes - overshadowing from adjoining structures
RULE 2 Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Managing Bulk • Relative • Max • Programmatic Regulation
Floor space growth & decline is mimciked at half the rate below ground. Limits: - Does not conform appropriately to rapid change.
The Temporal City
RULE 3 Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Rights of Light • View Management • Absolute • Programmatic Regulation • Height • Form Regulator • Density & Distribution Regulator
All blocks are to allocate common/shared floor space centrally. Programs are not allowed to traverse over this space. - 15% space is automatically allocated to blocks below this minimum.
RULE 4 Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Aethetic • View Management • Absolute • Max • Programmatic Regulation • Form Regulator • Density & Distribution Regulator
Program use is limited to 3 building floors at the vertical axis. There is to be a disconnection from the program for the same amount of floors.
The Temporal City
RULE 5 Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Rights of Light • View Management • Absolute • Height • Form Regulator • Density & Distribution Regulator
Blocks are to be concentrated to the lower levels of the vertical axis. - Buildings within a block must contain 65% of their floor space within the first half of its height
35 %
65 % (ΔT)2
Elasticity - 10, 20, 20 y Dotted Lines
The Temporal City
year plan
RULE 1 ITERATION This rule aims at establishing a distributive network of daylight to different programs during the hours of a day. Higher levels/hours of exposure will be provided to programs which thrive off daylight (of which daylight can be used to increase efficiency & effectiveness of the program), & less will be provided to programs which do not require daylight to operate optimally, or which would not utilise it to an effective degree. - Exploration of daylight as if it were a transferable substance, or a commodity - Animation shows a timelapse during the spring equinox to show the average growth trend of the block (Block 35) rather than skewered data. - Yellow blocks representing apartment floor spaces extend in height & grow in size (to capture morning light) - As time continues from early morning to early afternoon, the office & common space floor spaces gradually overshadows apartment spaces as their reliance on daylight increases, and the latter diminishing. - Other programs; which consists of parking, unused spaces & health clinics, possess lesser or no priority in this distribution and are allowed to be overshadowed for the enhancement of more important spaces in this daylight heirarchy.
8am The Temporal City
11am (ΔT)2
2pm The Temporal City
5pm (ΔT)2
YEAR 30 The Temporal City
RULE 2 ITERATION This rule aims at limiting the height of building construction (and therefore reducing potential overshadowing created from structures & its projection onto nearby buildings). To do so; it re-allocates a portion of new developments below ground.
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
VITACITY My city is reminiscent of plant life. Above ground the city and its blocks are in a constant churn of grinding gears, its programmatic disposition responding to the stimuli of daylight on a daily basis. Statistical & experiential evidence communicated that certain aspects of the city relied on daylight whereas some do not. In response to this, the city above ground manufactures a narrative upon which daylight is the focus, its everchanging form seeking to never again overlook the value of daylight. Below ground the city grows, its expanding yet congested roots supporting the objectives of the city above. Daylight does not penetrate the city here, and so its here where programs which do not rely on this primarily resides. The notion of above ground politics is disparaged at these depths - visibility impacts, street frontage, height limitations all play a lesser to no role here. It is because of this that the city below ground becomes an amalgation of blurred spaces; capable of being constantly being re-utilised into different programs.
The Temporal City
I initially viewed the city through a fixed lens in which its future parameters should be predetermined in the present to remove the need for adaptability and to minimise change. I found it hard to stick to this vision after consideration of both melbourne city’s data and the constant impacts being created by covid-19. Melbourne city’s data communicated that the apparatuses on which it operates on is constantly changing; and that trying to insert fixed parameters is detrimental. An example of this is the waste of prime floor space on offices which aren’t being utilised. The city I’ve created is to run parallel with these constantly changing parameters. The aim is to create a realm in which the skewered importance of daylight has made it the overarching factor of how the city operates on a daily basis, and speculating how it redefines other aspects of the city. What if it creates a dystopian future, and if it does, could it somehow still be a better option than what the city is now?
RULE 1 (REVISED) Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Rights of Light • View Management • Relative • Density & Distribution Regulator • Programmatic Regulation • Height
Daylight is a highly sought after commodity. We maximise daylight’s value through determining a program’s level of engagement with it. In a certain time cycle, programmatic distribution within a block is temporarily relocated in both the vertical & horizontal axis to a location more absorptive of daylight.
The Temporal City
RULE 2 (REVISED) Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Managing Bulk • View Management • Rights of Light • Relative • Max • Programmatic Regulation • Density and Distribution Regulator
Z axis building growth is adverse to distribution of daylight. Floor space growth is directed underground where appropriate. 60% of proposed future development is to be introduced below ground. Determination of above ground growth is considered through a heirarchy of above groundf daylight needs.
RULE 3 (REVISED) Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Hygiene • Relative • Zone Related • Min • Density & Distribution Regulator • Height
Boundaries introduce a limit to the interconnection of blocks within a city. Block boundaries dissipate as height increases, allowing for construction within spaces seperating city blocks without creating impasses to the street level.
The Temporal City
RULE 4 (REVISED) Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Aesthetic • View Management • Hygiene • Absolute • Max • Programmatic Regulation • Height • Style
Programmatic distribution within a building is broken at intervals to diversify program integration. A program type is limited to max 3 floors at the z axis before it must be disconnected & replaced by another.
RULE 5 Motivation: The Kind of Rule: Domain:
• Rights of Light • View Management • Absolute • Height • Form Regulator • Density & Distribution Regulator
Blocks are to be concentrated to the lower levels of the vertical axis. Buildings within a block must contain 65% of their floor space within the first half of its height
35 %
65 % The Temporal City
Commercial Accomodation
Public Use
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Return Brief
The Temporal City
- Natural & artificial - Natural: unpredictable, difficult to control, environment structured around it - Artificial: controlled easily, for darkness
- Light & darkness - Absence of light is as critical as its existence - Sequence of reveal for space and surface - Maintenance of darkness; elimination of light or creating shadows - Darkness has quality, quantity, direction & focus - Darkness from natural light is in harmony with sun; in artifical light can be controlled & predicted depending on sources
- Nature of material governed by angle, direction and intensity of light - Light depicts absence or presence of texture - Reflectivity, refractive, translucent, transparent; coarse, grain, consistent, smooth - Light can create or dissolve a pattern - Light can provide or reveal colour; hue
MOVEMENT - Daily - Seasonal - Angle - Perception of time
- Ability to see - Controlled illumination to meet the function of a space - Visual acuity relies on quanity, quality of light - Controls level of detail
The Temporal City
- Light makes form legible; light itself has no form but it can depicted by how its defined by form - Direction & intensity of light can create form; redefine the shape? - Form reliant on presence & quality of light
- Limits of lights, and how it could unify or seperate a space - The threshhold between a dark space and a light space - Permeability of the boundary of light, transparency & solidity behind the boundary
- Ability of light to alter the scale of form and space - Darkness negates comprehension of scale in built environment
- Identity & character of a form defined by the projection of natural light - Artifical light can manipulate this identity & character through how its controlled; different interpretation - Distinct seperation between day & night character? - Light is typically linked with positive associations of life, health, goodness; but it can also disfigure & destroy by way of glare, distortion & visual discomfort
RESISTANCES DARKNESS - How will it influence the light? • purpose of concealment - to create privacy & silence • perception of light - 2d to 3d - How does it affect the design? • internal configuration • external joins; one central light corridor to connect dark spaces? unrealistic • programmatic joins - What happens in darkness? • artificial light • form changes; to attain light through sun tunnel? STRUCTURE - Can’t fly - Performative solution?
• change to internal reconfiguration/relocation of program? structural relocation unrealistic • form itself (unrealistic?), screens, light tubes, material (translu cency, reflective), windows
TIME - Too much temporarity in 24 hours? • relocating/reconfiguration of programs not ideal on a daily basis • explore 24 hours instead as an addition --> reflected through performance solution above? - Seasonal change • relocation/reconfiguration based on temporarity of seasonal data
RULE INFLUENCES RESCODE - Overshadowing ( 5 hours 9-3pm) ---> exchange into required optimised hours of sunlight for program? - Permeability ---> exchange into dissipation of material/facade?
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
RULE DEVELOPMENT MAJOR RULE A minimum percentage of a program’s floor space must be subject to illumination from natural light, over hours relevant to the program’s use. Residential: Office: Retail: Hospitality: Public Use: Others:
80%, 5am - 10am 80%, 9am - 3pm 40%, 11am - 3pm 40%, 7am - 9am 50%, 11am - 3pm No requirement; subject to the performances of the above
MINOR RULE Boundaries introduce a limit to the illumination of the city: there is no longer block boundaries enforced.
The prioritisation of natural illumination enforces a natural reduction in building heights to limit overshadowing. Subsequently, the required illumination of program floor space below ground is reduced by half.
MINOR RULE A coverage of 500sqm2 must be allowed for solar panels each ‘city block’
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Spatial Exploration
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Summer Sols. rev.1 - Isometric view - Day to night - 10 seconds
- Zoom in to internal reconfig dential & Hospitality program - 5 seconds each program
Autumn Eqx. r - Isometric view - Day to night? - 10 seconds
- Zoom in to internal reconfig of Residential & Public Use programs - 5 seconds each program
- Zoom in to internal reconfig tality & Office programs - 5 seconds each program
Spring Eqx. rev.1
Summer Sols.
- Isometric view - Day to night - 10 seconds
- Isometric view - Day to night? - 10 seconds
- Zoom in...
Winter Sols. rev.2 - Isometric view - Day to night? - 10 seconds
The Temporal City
- Zoom in...
Spring Eqx. rev - Isometric view - Day to night? - 10 seconds
g of Resims
- Zoom in to internal reconfig Public Use & Office programs - 5 seconds each program
Winter Sols. rev.1 - Isometric view - Day to night? - 10 seconds
g of Hospi-
- Zoom in...
Autumn Eqx. rev.2 - Isometric view - Day to night? - 10 seconds
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
BIBLIOGRAPHY Melbourne city timelapse photos/videos Johnson, Daniel. 2014. Melbourne - Worlds Most Liveable City. Video. watch?v=E6RtMMOSXmo&ab_channel=DanielJohnson. Delirious New York Koolhaas, Rem. 2014. Delirious New York. 1st ed. New York: Monacelli Press. Raymond Hood City of Towers Morris, Phillip. 2021. “Raymond Hood City Of Towers”. Ia803200.Us.Archive.Org. Accessed June 16.
The Temporal City Ian Nazareth | David Schwarzman RMIT Architecture Semester 1 2021