STUDIO PRESENTATIONS TUESDAY 16th JULY 5PM IN 8.12.68 Balloting will be electronic this semester unless you are otherwise notified during the balloting presentation. The online balloting form can be accessed through the RMIT architecture webpage. Projects/upperpool_balloting.php
STUDIO + TUTORS Critical Mass x Urban Engine Vertical Campus Schools Future Ubud (Travelling Studio) Extra (T)own Brand Paradise Found Club Aspodel Finger and Thumb 2112 AI: Cyberjaya Bangkok Zoo (Travelling Studio) District 1 (Travelling Studio) Future Factory MFT Hide (Travelling Studio) Greyfields Hamilton Arts Precinct (Travelling Studio) The Highway Turbulence
Ivan Rijavec Lyons Martyn Hook + Natalie Robinson Martyn Hook + Charles Dewanto Simone Koch + Peter Brew Dean Boothroyd + Mark Jacques Tim Pyke + Mark Raggatt Michael Spooner + Peter Knight Peter Corrigan Tom Kovac Francoise Roche + Gwyllim Jahn Edmund Carter + John Doyle Gretchen Wilkins Simon Whibley Campbell Drake + Jock Gilbert Sophie Dyring Jan van Schaik + Charles Anderson
Tuesday 6-10 Thursday 6-10 Wednesday 6-10 Tuesday 6-10 Tuesday 6-10 Tuesday 6-10 Tuesday 6-10 Tuesday 6-10 Tuesday 6-10 Wednesday 5:30-9:30 Tuesday 9:30-1:30 Wednesday 6-10 Tuesday 9:30-1:30 Tuesday 4:30-8:30 TBC Thursday 3-7 Wednesday 9:30-1:30
Roland Snooks Paul Morgan
Tuesday 6-10 Wednesday 6-10
All times are subject to change. Refer to balloting presentation for final times/locations. Please note some studios involve local and international travel.
alludes to the threshold of population density and urban diversity required for a progressive ‘urbanity’ to be achieved. This studio will develop an “Urban Engine” incorporating elements of the public realm, fine grain and a diverse range of urban typologies driven by y a critical mass of density. The block to the west of Melbourne Central will serve as a template for this experiment. Its relative under p development and its translation of the city grid will provide a contextual sub text to the brief. The site will be split into segments each of which will be allocated to teams of two or three students. The programme will incorporate ideas set in the future which will anticipate the increasing impact of the digital age incorporating a range of commercial, recreational and residential typologies.
The scenario confronting an urban university like RMIT is rather like the question for the city in general: an increasing population, with diminishing supply of available real estate. The challenge posed by this studio is to future proof the needs of the institution by designing a ‘vertical campus’, on a CBD site, that provides for the current and projected needs of the University. The studio methodology will use the Surrealist process of the ‘exquisite corpse’ to engage with ideas about the city folding in to the campus. We are looking for a studio of committed students who are keen to engage with how such a project might contribute to an urban campus that promotes the implicit value of architecture.
PRACTICE S T U D I O Lyons Office Tuesdays, 6pm
Schools_Changing the Architecture of Educating. Upper Pool Design Studio_Semester 2 2013_ Natalie Robinson and Martyn Hook Over five years the Federal Government Stimulus Package BER (Building Education Revolution) injected of $16.2 billion of funds into Victorian Schools. Many good things were done, some good pieces of architecture were produced, architects got projects, builders got work, suppliers kept supplying, tradies kept their jobs and as a consequence all sectors of schooling catholic, independent, private and government were able to benefit from new spaces and upgraded facilities. Generally it was a initiative that was regarded as a success. But now what? Government funding for school architecture has dwindled in recent years, with the focus shifting to modest maintenance type budgets. State Government sources will fund the focus now thrown on new Schools in ‘Growth Corridors’ in marginal Federal seats. Schools that didn’t benefit from the BER face the challenge of how to deliver a 21st Century education in superseded education environments. Education like Law and Order and Infrastructure is a key election issue that straddles the State and Federal funding structures and is one of the few points where architecture impacts directly with public engagement en masse. How we teach our children and the nature of the spaces we do it in is a charged and perplexing issue that tracks Australian architectural history since Federation. This raises questions as to how schools can adapt existing buildings to support new education pedagogies and what role new technologies will play in learning. These ideas will be explored through work with Sandringham College. This is a Prep-12 school across 4 campuses, and they missed out on government funding in the BER. The studio will investigate extensions, alterations and additions to existing school buildings on the Senior Year 11-12 Campus, to create education environments for future education directions. The site has a real collection of buildings that reflect changes in education architecture in the 20th Century; Admin Building, 1950’s template classrooms, 1970’s library and 1990’s additions. A perfect specimen to explore an architecture for educating in the next millennium. Studio will emerge in 3 phases; a detailed analysis of existing buildings and identification of opportunities for intervention including a significant workshop with staff and students at the College, a masterplan (group or individual) followed by a deep resolution of a key building. Committed interaction with stakeholders will be very important. Large scale model making will be encouraged.
Henry’s Dream This is Henry Ford, the inventor of the mass production, branding genius and dabbler on the potential on the ‘Town’ as a place to live and participate in public life. His idea was the ‘Town’ as a complete world, a place for work, a place to live, a social condenser and a civic realm. His singular idea of ‘Town’ has been usurped with a dis-aggregated model of expansive growth. Ford Australia’s imminent abandonment of it’s Broadmeadows site presents an opportunity to re-examine the idea of ‘Town’ in the context of contemporary Melbourne. You will design a Neighbourhood Activity Centre (NAC) and rail station for the Growth Areas Authority (GAA) within the former Ford site. The studio will examine and analyse the city at large. We will visit and learn from buildings and town centres. We will use models and iterative design processes. Associated studios (Brew/Koch/Pyke/ Raggatt) will be designing schools, industrial uses and civic uses for the same site. Dean Boothroyd is an architect. Mark Jacques is an Urban Designer. Studio time: Tuesday evening, RMIT
Stud dio Ou utline U Upper Pool TTutorss PETER R BREW W SIM MONE K KOCH
WIDGET*FAACTORYY BROAADMEAADOWS* Widgget (ecoonomics), a plaaceholdder namme for a
m manufaactured devicee TThe ann nouncement tthat FORD willl cease operattions att its Bro oadmeaadows ssite in 2 2015 w was seen n as furrther sign of th he longg tterm treend in tthe dem mise off local m manufaacturingg in thee global marke et. –Argguably A Australia’s higgh inputt cost m makes u us “non n ccompettitive” aagainst the neew worlld “emeerging”” econo omies . We are intereested in n the flip side of this, which h is to id dentify aand acccommodate on n the so oon to be vacaant Bro oadmeaadows ssite the new and em mergingg industtries that are ccurrenttly d driving those input co osts . TThis can n be assumed to be W WIDGETS or th he basis for so ome speculation, URBAN DESIGN N 1 U R Review and maake pro oposal ffor the renewal of exxisting u urban ccontextt infrasttructurre and eenviron nment 1 1: 100,0 000 (i.e. Metro opolitan n conteext) 1 1: 10,00 00 (i.e. D Districtt/ Neigh hborho ood con ntext) 2 SITE MA ASTERPLAN R Review and maake pro oposal ffor the Subdivvision and reneewal off existin ng infraastructu ure and d enviro onmentt 1 1: 1,000 0 (i.e. Siite conttext) TThe studio assumes tthat a range of new industries will come tto occu upy thee vacantt factorry follow wing SIITE MA ASTERPLLAN and w we will be designing a new n neighborhood d precin nct to ssupportt those industries DESIGN FACTO ORY OFFFICE SSHOWR ROOM FFOR WIDGET 3 D 1 1:200 4 D DETAIL D DESIGN N Build ding in nc Scheematic layoutss for Strructuree services at 1: 1 00 W Wall secctions 1 1:20
98 Art D District, B BEIJING 79
Paradise Found... This studio is for the Architecture of Ideas, of Faith, Belief and Learning.
We will study the past, to solve the present. This studio isnt about God, or what’s in the details, but belief. Tim Pyke + Mark Raggatt RMIT Building 45 Tuesday from 6.30pm
district 1 edmund carter + john doyle travelling studio to ho chi minh city, vietnam
Vietnam is undergoing a period of rapid urbanisation and development. Ho Chi Minh City, the country’s largest city, is epicentre of this growth. Like China and other parts of Asia, much of this development has been driven through speculation by international investors and real estate companies. The outcome of this has been a series of green field and urban renewal projects that have begun to consolidate areas of the city into ‘superblock’ developments. The studio will focus on the central District One area of Ho Chi Minh City. The area is an extremely dense area at the centre of the city, with a population density in excess of 25,000 people per square kilometre. While the area plays host to the corporate and financial institutions, much of the district one is made up of the traditional urban morphology of laneways and ‘tube house’ typologies.
The studio will begin to map and unpack the underlying organisational systems of District One’s existing urban structures, and begin to speculate on new models of design that can mediate the demands of rapid development in a complex urban environment. The studio will explore how generative or ‘bottom-up’ techniques of design can be used in response to a contingent and fluid context, and the potential for emergent urbanisms to be co-opted in the creation of new urban growth models. The final design project will be for a commercial mixed-use tower complex in the centre of District One. Wednesdays 6pm Building 8 Level 12. This is a travelling studio with an intensive design workshop in Ho Chin Minh City during November 2013. Advanced Architecture.
FACTORY "It is only here, my friend, that buildings and machinery can be found commensurate with the miracles of modern times. They are called factories." [Peter Beuth to Karl Frederick Schinkel from Manchester, 1823]
image: Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory
GRETCHEN WILKINS UPPER POOL ARCHITECTURE TUESDAYS: 930a-130p, B45C Factory buildings anticipate and celebrate change. They have accommodated changes in technology from the earliest manner of making things - from medieval forges to industrial mills to vertical mass-assembly lines to mobile robotics. As the materials and techniques of making things change, so do architecture and the city around them. Meanwhile, the image of the factory building itself, as well as how it is depicted in popular media, reflects and reinvents our attitudes toward industry, production and consumption. Although not always at the same pace. This studio will design a space for contemporary manufacturing in Melbourne. Various models of historical and contemporary production will be surveyed, including vertical manufacturing, heavy industry, fabrication, robotics and distributed maker-spaces. Projects will propose new production/consumption combinations, advancing a series of individual positions about the status and role of manufacturing for architecture, for the public, for the city, and for the future.
Fishermen’s Bend will be an entirely new city adjacent to the Melbourne’s current CBD. It will inevitably address contemporary urban issues found both here and elsewhere, it will be a city that: • • • • • •
Grapples with a changing coast line and climate Interfaces with redundant, existing and future infrastructures Adapts its built fabric Transforms and complicates existing economic activities Brings new residents, civic and community institutions Augments a metropolitan and regional urban network
We can envisage this new city through design at city scale, developing strategies for the entire area. Or we can imagine this city at the scale of the architectural project. This studio undertakes this second approach, using a speculative project within Fishermans Bend to anticipate what this future city could be. The site is at the edge of the recently rezoned Lorimer precinct at the foot of the Bolte Bridge. It is also the site for the extension of Docklands to Fishermans Bend via a tram and vehicular bridge, making it the connection point between Fishermans bend, the CBD, Docklands, the River and the Bay beyond. The studio will develop a large scale project on this site for a Ferry Terminal and associated programs. It will draw upon the research conducted in the previous studio, using these projective cities as ready-made urban contexts, forcing the speculations towards the mid-century and beyond. This studio will involve group work in the form of small teams.
urban architecture laboratory upds building 45 UAL space
Simon Whibley 4.30-8.30 Tuesdays
HIDE Uganda Travel Studio ‘Omumashaka Wetlands’ Landscape Architecture Upper Pool Design Studio Semester 2-2013 Tutors : Campbell Drake & Jock Gilbert
HIDE - Uganda Travel Studio _ ‘Omumashaka Wetlands’ is an interdisciplinary landscape architecture studio run in conjunction with Ugandan architecture students from Uganda Martyrs University (UMU). Situated in South Western Uganda, the designated 40-acre wetlands site was formally an illegal brick works since regenerated by the Volcanoes Safari Partnership Trust (VSPT). Whilst the foundations of the brief are determined by the need for eco tourism infrastructure within the wetlands, participating students are encouraged to develop integrated design strategies beyond that of aesthetic and programmatic requirements that provide tangible benefit to the local community. The studio will explore techniques and methodologies from outside conventional design practise, drawing on social anthropology and development studies with the intention of identifying key issues and needs of local communities. Places are strictly limited, to register your interest please contact Studio Leaders ASAP :
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The Highway will explore the negotiation of excess and necessity. The studio will engage algorithmic design and digital fabrication techniques to re-imagine the structures that define the highway, in particular bridges and sound attenuation walls and their possible inhabitation. Contemporary algorithmic processes are capable of generating highly intricate and excessive geometries, patterns and organisation. The focus of the studio will be on the negotiation of these excesses with the structural and performative requirements of highway structures. Students will fabricate small prototypes of parts of their projects using RMIT’s digital and robotic fabrication tools, with the intention that material and fabrication experiments will feedback and influence the design. The studio will explore advanced composite materials and examine their performative and expressive capacities. VicRoads will consult to the studio regarding the site and brief, while Bollinger+Grohmann will consult on computational structural analysis and optimisation. The studio will engage with digital design and fabrication techniques, however there is no experience with particular software or tools required.
Hamilton shearing sheds.
While it will fulfil important display functions, it will also be a net generator of cultural production and associated business. It will have an architectural footprint but will
“The Felix Museum is planned as a major cultural tourism destination, utilising the region’s unique cultural and environmental legacy to drive the revitalization of the local economy.
The Felix Museum will redefine what is meant by ‘museum’, reconnecting remembering to imagination and invention.
also provide the blueprint and program of the proposed Hamilton Cultural Precinct. It will be an innovative response to the challenge of integrating cultural heritage services, cultural production opportunities and sustainable public planning.
Hamilton Art Gallery
Having accepted, and been energised by, the brief from which this excerpt is taken, the Felix Museum’s steering committee has
Its commitment to the principle that ‘places are made after their stories’ means that its example will also redefine the ‘precinct’ as a concentration of story lines radiating through the region. “ Excerpt from Hamilton Felix Museum Brief by Paul Carter.
Urban Hamilton
This studio offers intimate access to a vibrant client group engaged in a real project.
invited the RMIT School of Architecture and Design’s masters students to speculate on how this brief may be manifest, the results of which will be documented in a publication and a public exhibition in Hamilton at which final presentations will be conducted.