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A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Introduction | Contents
Contents RateMyPlacement.co.uk
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
02 Foreword 03 How to Use This Guide 05 Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers Table
58 Awards
60 Ash Gaming 62 Champions Life Academy 64 Golfbreaks.com 66 ProspectSoft
07 Advice 07 Why Bother with a Work Placement or Internship? 09 What Types of Work Experience Placements are There? 11 So Where Should You Start Looking to Find the Perfect Placement? 13 What About Placements and Internships Abroad? 13 How do You Succeed with CVs, Covering Letters and Online Applications? 15 How to Succeed at Interviews and Assessment Centres 17 How Do You Make a Success of Your Placement or Internship?
SME Profiles
Editorials 69 QR codes and shortened URLs
© RateMyPlacement.co.uk 2010
20 Why Complete an Internship / Work Placement in Accountancy? 21 The Options Available to a Placement / Intern Student in Accountancy 22 Different Routes Available into Accountancy 22 How to Make the Most of Your Placement / Internship
Top 20 Profile Pages 24 BAE Systems Submarine Solutions 26 Barclays 28 BDO 30 Cummins 32 Deloitte 34 Ernst & Young 36 George 38 Grant Thornton 40 IBM 42 Intel 44 KPMG 46 Microsoft 48 Morgan Stanley 50 National Grid 52 Pinsent Masons 54 PwC 56 RBC Capital Markets
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RateMyPlacement.co.uk 52 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1W 0AU T: 0207 824 5246 E: enquiries@ratemyplacement.co.uk www.ratemyplacement.co.uk ©RateMyPlacement.co.uk 2010 Design by Joanna Munson, RateMyPlacement Digital Executive
Foreword After months of hard work, we are delighted to bring you the official RateMyPlacement.co.uk A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010. For today’s students, there has never been a more important time to undertake some form of work experience before graduating. Given the well-publicised challenges in the graduate job market, the need to acquire relevant employability skills alongside your studies has become the key to securing a graduate role.
Introduction | Foreword 2
Graduate employers regularly cite work experience as the number one thing they look for in potential recruits. A placement year or internship is not only the ideal way to achieve this but can also directly lead to a graduate job offer. This Guide showcases those organisations that have provided students with outstanding placement and internship opportunities. Based on the unique student-written reviews submitted on RateMyPlacement.co.uk, the Top 20 ranked companies are featured as well as profiles for the top Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) who were shortlisted at the 2010 National Placement & Internship Awards. For more information on how the Top 20 Table was compiled and how to use this Guide, please see page 3. This Guide is also packed full of advice and information on how to navigate your way through the application process and make the most of the placement and internship opportunities available to you. As an undergraduate, you are now in a great position to secure yourself a placement year, summer internship or insight experience and give your graduate career prospects a huge boost. This Guide can help you along the way.
Introduction | How to Use This Guide
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010 We would like to thank all of the students who submitted a review on RateMyPlacement.co.uk which allowed us to compile the Top 20 Table. We would also like to thank our sponsors, PwC (see pages 54-55) and all of the companies who have taken part in the Guide. Finally, we would like to wish you all the best in your search for a placement or internship! Be sure to regularly check out RateMyPlacement.co.uk as we will have a huge range of placement and internship vacancies, advice and information throughout the 2010-11 academic year. Ali Lindsay, Oliver Sidwell & Chris Wickson Co-founders, RateMyPlacement.co.uk
How the Top 20 Table was Compiled During 2009, we received almost 2,500 unique reviews on RateMyPlacement.co.uk from students rating their placement and internship experiences. Within each review, students are required to rate and review their day-to-day role, what it is like working for that particular employer and the other aspects that complete an experience, such as the opportunities outside of work and the local area. Each review for a particular employer combines to formulate an average rating, and it is these overall average ratings that generated our Top 20 Table, provided that the organisation met the following criteria: • •
250 employees or more A minimum of 10 reviews from placement years that took place between 2008-2009 or internships that took place in 2009
How to Use This Guide On pages 24 – 67 you will find company profiles for those organisations within our Top 20 Table plus the Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), who were shortlisted at the National Placement & Internship Awards 2010. Each profile contains background information on the organisation, and an overview of the placement and internship roles available for undergraduates. The majority contain a case study with a student who has worked there previously. 1
Placement & & Internship Internship Employers Employers Guide Guide 2010 2010 Top 20 Placement
Placement Years Internships
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Summary of Reviews on RateMyPlacement Overall
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An indication of the type of opportunities available.
Company vital statistics – an overview of the company’s average rating and position.
Information on the company and undergraduate opportunities available.
A summary of the average ratings from different components of reviews.
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Position within Top 20 Table.
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Key Stats
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Key stats table showing the number of opportunities, the roles they are recruiting into and the location(s) of these roles. Plus information on the entry requirements, salary and application process. QR Code (see inside back cover to find out more about this!)
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Introduction | Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers Table
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers Table 2010 Below is the table of the RateMyPlacement.co.uk Top 20 Employers, based solely on the average ratings of the student reviews submitted during 2009. To see the profile pages of the Top 20 Employers in the Guide, visit the page numbers listed below.
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Editorial | Advice
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010 This Guide isn’t just about profiling some of the best opportunities for undergraduate work experience, we also aim to provide you with relevant advice and information to help you find and secure your perfect placement or internship. Over the next few pages, with the help of recruiters and students who’ve been through the process, we will cover why the need to acquire work experience has never been more important, the options available to you, how to find a placement or internship, how to secure the experience and how to make a success of it whilst you are there. The advice can be read in more detail on the RateMyPlacement.co.uk Advice pages via the shortened URL: http://top20.gd/advice
Why Bother with a Work Placement or Internship? Once upon a time, going to university meant three years of getting drunk, waving placards and joining daft societies. Not any more… With university costing students in excess of £30,000 and with increasing graduate unemployment, students are becoming increasingly aware of the necessity to acquire relevant work experience and employability skills before graduating. With all this in mind, many students are still not seizing the opportunity to take part in a placement or internship. We asked a variety of employers to say why they think placements and internships are now an essential part of the university experience.
It Improves Your Employability The bottom line is that for many employers work experience is more important than a degree. In recent years, a higher number of graduates has decreased the value of a degree, so employers are looking for something extra. Rachel Lawrence from PwC explains: “At PwC we value all types of work experience. The employability skills gained from work experience provide students with practical examples they can reference on their application form and during interview. We have a number of work experience programmes that enable this, such as our week-long talent academy, designed exclusively for first-year undergraduates to get to know us and our business. We also run more traditional work experience programmes such as our UK and international internships which run during the Summer, business placements and partner shadowing. All provide an excellent way to develop your skills further whilst gaining an introduction into business.” IBM’s UK Recruitment Manager, Kerry Lebbern, reflects on the situation for young people entering the world of work: “With the graduate market becoming increasingly competitive, students who have completed a placement will be at an advantage as they will have a wealth of experience and transferable skills to bring to a graduate employer.”
It Gives You a Great Chance to Network and Develop Your Skills Approach your placement or internship correctly and you’re more likely to be co-ordinating a high-level project than photocopying or making the tea. You will have the opportunity to utilise the skills learnt in your degree whilst developing a whole range of new ones. There is also that old cliché that states, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Placements and internships are a way of getting your foot in the door and beginning to meet the people who can shape your future career.
Fast forward your career Before too long you’ll be making key decisions about your future career — make the right ones. By joining one of our elite FastTracks undergrad programmes you can achieve your potential faster. Discover from the inside what work and life is like at one of the world’s leading professional services firms. Develop your strengths, and get on track to securing your graduate job before your final year at university. Whatever year you’re in, we have a programme for you, find out more about Ernst & Young FastTracks at www.ey.com/uk/studentstories
Editorial | Advice 8
© Ernst & Young 2010. Ernst & Young is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. The UK firm Ernst & Young LLP is a limited liability partnership and a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited.
Editorial | Advice
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010 It is Essential Research for What a Career is Really Like Until you’ve actually spent time working in a company and doing a job, it’s impossible to know whether you’ll like a particular career or not. Maria Floud from Grant Thornton says: “At Grant Thornton we look for applicants who have clearly researched the industry and the company they are applying for. Once on a placement or internship it provides a great opportunity to fine-tune your knowledge of that industry and decide whether that career is for you in the long run. It can also lead to your graduate programme being sorted early - with the contract signed and in the bag before you start your final year.” One great way of finding out what it is really like to work for a particular company or in a certain role is to check out the thousands of reviews held on RateMyPlacement.co.uk. We have student-written reviews covering a huge range of employers and sectors, providing you with a unique insight into the life of a placement or internship student.
Improve Your Chances of Getting a Higher Degree Result Studies have continuously shown that if you do a placement or internship you are more likely to obtain a higher degree result. In one study, students with a placement experience had a 39% better degree performance in their final year than those without. And with many employers only accepting applications from students with a 2:1 or above, obtaining a good result in your final year is crucial.
What Types of Work Experience Placements are There? T here are so many different variations of work experience and often no definitive agreement on what some of the terms actually refer to, so it’s understandable that students can get confused. Here, we’ve looked at three different options to give you an idea of what benefits they’ll bring you:
Placement Year Also known as: Industrial Placement, Work Placement, Sandwich Year, Year in Industry These are structured programmes where you spend an entire academic year working for a company as a full-time employee before returning to university for your final year. For a “thick” placement this is in one 12-month block, or for a “thin” placement, it’s in two 6-month placements. What are the Benefits? Firstly, as a full-time employee you get a full-time salary. These are often in the region of £15,000, although some recruiters have been known to pay up to £40,000 (think investment banking!) Additionally, you have a chance to put into practice all of the theoretical knowledge you’ve learnt at university. A placement is a great chance for you to try out a career and see whether you really like it before committing to it. Ultimately, as recruiters use placements as a way of assessing future candidates, you may find that if you do well you could be offered a full-time job and even sponsorship through the remainder of your degree.
Summer Internships Also known as: Work Experience Schemes, Vacation Schemes, Internships These are formal and structured programmes which typically last for 8-12 weeks over the summer period but can sometimes can be as short as 1 or 2 weeks. Internships are often used as a way of identifying future graduate recruits and introducing them to the company.
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We are offering a number of summer and one year internships in 2011. So if you’re the kind of person that wants to make a difference; if you want to see all you have learned put to the test; if you have the passion to find new ways to create the energy we all need, then we’d like to meet you.
What are the Benefits? Internships provide you with the opportunity to experience a real job and real responsibility within an organisation. For those of you on 3-year degree courses, internships are the perfect way of acquiring allimportant work experience and employability skills during the summer months. Nearly three-quarters of internships are paid, many at rates which are far better than the standard summer holiday casual work rates. As with placement years, you also get the perfect opportunity to impress the recruiter which could lead to a full-time graduate role.
Other Types of Work Experience Also known as: First-year Insights, Volunteering, Work Shadowing.
Editorial | Advice
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
An increasing number of organisations are running ‘insight’ days or weeks specifically for first-year students. As with internships, these are designed to give you a taster of a particular company or industry and at the same time allow the organisation to identify potential future recruits. As well as placements, internships and insights, don’t forget that there are plenty of other opportunities for you to acquire skills and experiences that can be added to your CV, such as voluntary work and getting involved in a university sports club or society. Placements and internships are a great way for employers to find new recruits and increase the level of skills within their industry, so it’s no surprise that the number of opportunities offered to students is on the rise. Despite the wealth of opportunities however, many students can still struggle to find the right role for them… Read on to find out where to start looking for work experience opportunities.
So Where Should You Start Looking to Find the Perfect Placement? Your University The first port of call is likely to be your university careers or placement office. They will be able to advise you on the type of companies and roles that might be suitable and help you find any relevant and interesting opportunities that you can apply for. University careers and placement advisers have a wealth of experience and will be able to help you with your CV and application. It is highly likely that your university will also arrange Careers Fairs for you to attend and meet with a wide range of employers and if you’re lucky, you can meet the RateMyPlacement team!
Vacancy Websites Shameless plug coming up – make sure you check out and sign up to RateMyPlacement.co.uk. We are the leading website when it comes to undergraduate placements and internships. As well as a huge database of student-written reviews on their experiences, we also have an extensive range of placement and internship vacancies, advice and information.
What About Placements and Internships Abroad? Demand amongst students to acquire work experience abroad has been on the rise in recent years. Internships, placement years, volunteering, teaching and international study are just a few of the options available to students who wish to travel abroad in search of that all-important work experience!
What are the Benefits? The beauty of taking a placement or internship abroad is that it allows you to gain work experience and vital employability skills. It also allows you to incorporate the option of travelling and exploring the country (or continent!) you are working in.
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A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
A placement abroad is also excellent for those who wish to develop their language skills. Mat Lucas, an intern at a top investment bank in Paris tells us more: “I moved to Paris as I wanted to become fully bi-lingual. I have always wanted to work in the banking and finance industry and an international placement has allowed me to combine the two. I now have the opportunity to work all over the world, something that I am unsure I would have experienced if I had remained in England.” For anyone considering international work experience, there are a number of options available to you. The first port of call is your careers service or placement office; they may have experience and advice to offer and be able to direct you accordingly. Online, there are a couple of websites that we would recommend, particularly if you are interested in working in Australia, New Zealand, Asia or the US. Intern Options (www.internoptons.com) is a specialist UK-based internship company that focuses solely on work placements and internship opportunities in Australia and New Zealand. If you are looking for international work, teaching and volunteer programmes in the US, Asia and Australia, have a look at IST Plus (www.istplus.com). Visit both websites for more information. There are huge benefits to working abroad and in today’s increasingly global business world, international experience could prove invaluable. However, it is certainly not the easy option; be prepared to put in plenty of hard work in finding, arranging and securing your placement or internship abroad and bear in mind that you may not enjoy the financial benefits associated with working in the UK.
How do You Succeed with CVs, Covering Letters and Online Applications? In theory, the application process should be very simple; an employer tells you what they’re looking for, you tell them how you meet those criteria and the employer asks the best candidates back to find out more. What gets in the way however, is the confusion over covering letters, CVs and online application forms and, often, some very silly mistakes. See page 15 for Five Mistakes That Get Your Application Binned.
Covering Letters and CVs The first step is often the covering letter. This is your introduction to the company and the first thing a recruiter will read. In it, you should introduce yourself and give three or four reasons why you’re really excited about this opportunity and why you’re perfect for the role. Be polite, but above all, be engaging. Your covering letter should be enough to get a recruiter to read your two-page Curriculum Vitae (CV). This sets out a more formal overview of your experiences, qualifications and achievements. Each CV must be different and tailored to the particular job you’re applying for. Read the Advice sections on RateMyPlacement.co.uk by using the shortened URL http://top20.gd/ applications. You can also speak to your careers/placement advisers who will be able to help and inform you.
Editorial | Advice 14
Hospitality Internships in Australia & New Zealand www.InternOptions.com/hospitality Work on an Australian tropical island resort, or a four or five star hotel. Internships for 6 or 12 months
Online Application Forms Most companies now use online application forms. If you are required to complete one of these, you should make sure you read the guidelines. These often include maximum word counts – something you should pay careful attention to. Alongside standard questions about personal details and education background, you will usually be asked to complete a series of questions designed to explain how your skills and achievements make you an ideal candidate for the role. We recommend that you prepare your answers in a separate document and save them for future use. Make sure however, you don’t just copy and paste your answers into future applications – always ensure you tailor your answers to the specific role and company.
Editorial | Advice
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Five Mistakes That Get Your Application Binned Completing an application can be a time-consuming business, but make one of the following mistakes and all the time you have spent could be wasted in the few seconds it takes to press delete:
Poor spelling and grammar. This is always top of an employer’s list of pet hates. After all, if you cared about the job, wouldn’t you check your application and get another person to check it too?
Lack of professional appearance. By presenting your application properly you show you know how to convey yourself in a professional manner.
Send it to the wrong person. It shouldn’t take a second to check who the application should go to. If you can’t be bothered to read the guidance, why should a recruiter bother to read your application?
Copy and paste. Don’t just write one application and then paste it into all application forms. People in HR develop a sixth sense about when something has been copied and pasted and all that happens is you’ll increase the number of rejections you get. Make sure you target your applications to the particular role and company!
Missing the deadlines! For many of the placement schemes and internships the first application deadline is December. It’s essential that you make sure you know what the deadlines are for each application and stick to them.
How to Succeed at Interviews and Assessment Centres The interviews and assessment centres that around three-quarters of recruiters use to make their final decisions are one aspect of the application process that is guaranteed to bring students out in a cold sweat. Don’t forget though — if you’ve made it to this stage then you’ve clearly got the skills and experiences the employer is looking for.
Types of Interviews Regardless of how many people are on the interview panel, most interviews follow two different formats: • Chronological interviews, which go through your CV and your application form • Skills-based interviews, which work through the various competencies needed to do the job
Irrespective of what sort of interview you are facing, you need to be able to convince the employer that you’re capable of doing the job and that you’d be a good addition to the team. So how do you do that?
Prepare Before the Interview One of the first mistakes students sometimes make is not going back over the information that got them through the door in the first place. So read and re-read your CV and application form. It doesn’t look good if an employer has to remind you of what you said on your CV – at worst it can make you look like you were being generous with the truth. There’s a fine line between rehearsing and learning answers off-by-heart so that you can only deliver them with the emotion of an android. Check out the advice section on RateMyPlacement.co.uk by following the shortened URL http://top20.gd/interviews and also try speaking to your careers/placement office. This will give you a head-start on some of the most common interview questions and allow you to practise what you would say in response. When you are answering a question you should take a moment to make sure you’ve understood it, ask for clarification if necessary and plan your response. If you need to delay for time take a sip of water and then deliver your answer clearly and calmly. Try to include as many real-life examples with your answers as possible – relate them to your work experience, group coursework and involvement in societies, sports clubs etc.
How to Succeed at Assessment Centres Assessment centres sound painful but often they’re nothing more arduous than going to a company’s headquarters and joining in a schedule of exercises and tests. Get familiar with what to expect from the different exercises and you’ll already have a head-start on the other candidates. There is no secret to doing well at assessment centres. You’ve already proven that you have the necessary skills to do the job, now the company just wants to see what your personality is like and how it would fit in with the firm. Ultimately, the best advice is just to be yourself but when you’re participating in the exercises always remember: • • • • •
Be positive Listen to everyone and consider all points of view Give constructive feedback, never criticise Enjoy the exercises Relax and be yourself
You Have Seven Seconds to Impress - First Impressions and Body Language
Editorial | Advice 16
There is a scary rule of thumb that suggests we make an impression on someone within the first seven seconds of meeting them, so here are some ways to make that window of opportunity count. • • •
• •
Wear business dress for interviews. If you’re not sure, send a polite email in advance. When you meet people, smile, look enthusiastic and remember their name. The psychology of hand shakes is over-stated but a limp (or sweaty) handshake is guaranteed to put you on the back foot. Take a clean handkerchief in your pocket so you can dry your hands before greeting an interviewer. Aim for a firm, brief handshake and not to squeeze the person you’re meeting into submission. Sit up straight and don’t fidget with your hands or any papers. Make eye-contact with the interviewer when they’re talking to you and address your response to the whole interview panel.
So you’ve made it – you’ve landed yourself a placement or internship. It would be easy to think that the hard work is now done but the question now is, how do you make the most of this opportunity?
How Do You Make a Success of Your Placement or Internship? The Employer View A common complaint from students is that sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly what it is that employers want. With the value of placements and internships increasing it makes it more important than ever to know how to make them a success. So how do you do that exactly? We asked some leading recruiters what makes them happy. Here are some suggestions they made:
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A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Remember: You’ve Got a Foot in the Door – You’re Not Through Yet It’s no secret that employers view placement schemes and internships as a way of recruiting candidates for graduate positions and many students have found themselves being offered a job at the end of their placement or internship, but it’s essential that you don’t assume the job is in the bag. “You do find that in some areas students feel that because they’re on the internship programme they’ll automatically get a job and that’s not always the case,” says Maria Floud, Grant Thornton’s Graduate Recruitment Manager. “When we do see someone with focus, who knows where they want to be and who’s done their homework then they really stand out.” Don’t Think You’re Too Good to Get Stuck In One of the reasons that employers pay a premium for people with degrees is because they have valuable skills that can help their organisations. Consequently, you should be confident that you’ve got something to offer, but it’s vital you don’t let that confidence become arrogance. “Many students make the error of assuming that the less interesting work is also less important. In law small errors can have huge ramifications, so being asked to proof-read documents for example, shows that you are a trusted member of the team, whose opinion is valued. View mundane tasks as an opportunity to prove yourself; carry them out well and frequently more interesting work will follow,” says Edward Walker, Graduate Recruitment Manager at Pinsent Masons. Be Professional Throughout Your Placement The switch between a university lifestyle and a work lifestyle can be brutal, but if you want to be successful you need to act and look professional. “We don’t expect our students to know everything when they start with us so we do expect them to ask lots of questions,” says Jo Chester, a Graduate Recruitment Manager at Cummins. “As we look for innovation and enthusiasm in all of our employees, we also welcome their input and suggestions. Treat your placement like a 12-month interview, it could be the first step to a very bright future if you make a good impression.” Work Hard But Don’t Forget to Enjoy Yourself No one wants employees who are 100% about work, so socialising with your new colleagues is fun and shows that you’re not a robot. “We work hard to make the placements enjoyable and useful,” says Patrick Johnson, Marketing Manager for ProspectSoft Ltd. “There is always a social aspect to the schemes. The reason for that is that we’re looking for people who get stuck in but at the end of the day one of the most important parts of working for any business is team-working.”
The Student View Write a Plan for Your Placement Your placement or internship shouldn’t just be about what your employer wants from you – it should also be about what you want to experience too. Put together a list of reasonable experiences you’d like to get during your placement or internship. It could be to sit in on a sales call, or to attend a marketing meeting, or learn more about HR. Share this with your employer and they’ll probably be glad to help you. “In my placement I think I got more out of it because I knew some of the things that I wanted to be working on,” says Aadil Sadiq who did an internship at Merrill Lynch. “You do hear about some placement students who end up doing really mundane things but it makes you wonder if they told their employer what they were interested in, or suggested where they could use their skills. If you’ve got a plan, it definitely helps.” Learn How to Communicate and How to Listen Placements and internships are an ideal time to work on your communication skills. Even if you feel that things are going badly, discuss it with your manager and never feel like you can’t ask questions. “When it comes to placements, communication should definitely go both ways,” says Riccardo Bacigalupo, a film studies student who did a placement project with the charity Special Effect. “During the project we were liaising regularly about what they wanted and I asked lots of questions. I think because of that they treated me as someone who is capable of providing a service.” Make and Take Your Own Opportunities It’s an obvious statement, but those students who push themselves and get involved as much as possible often get the most out of their placement or internship. Do your upmost to exceed expectations and you’ll not only enhance your own skills and development, but will improve your chances of being asked back into a graduate role. “Proactive is the one key word I was given when we had our training,” says Tom Mercer, an intern from KPMG. “Do the work you’re given and do it to the best of your ability, ask questions to make sure you’re getting it right and then go and find more work as well.” Meet People, Remember Their Names and Develop Your Network
Editorial | Advice 18
Ultimately, when it comes to a recruiter deciding whether they want to employ you, they will be influenced by the people you’ve been working with during your placement or internship. This doesn’t mean you have to suck up, but you should be polite and approachable and get to know as many people as possible while you’re on the inside. Finally… don’t forget to have fun and enjoy your placement or internship!
Summer Placement Programme We source it
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Our 10-week award-winning Summer Placement Scheme gives you a practice run at taking the first step from university to the world of work. With accommodation provided, you will work on real projects and undertake varied work that will make a contribution to the business. If you perform well in your placement, you may be offered the opportunity to join the graduate programme after you graduate. Centrica is the UK’s leading energy supplier and one of the greenest – sourcing, generating, processing, storing, trading, supplying, servicing and saving energy for some 25 million customer relationships. We offer exciting opportunities to work in one of the following areas: General Management (Analyst, Customer Operations, HR, Marketing); Finance; IS; Engineering (Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical); Subsurface (Geoscientist, Geophysicist, Petroleum Engineer). Find out more by visiting our website or using the QR code below. Don’t know what this is? Search for QR codes online, install the reader on your mobile and scan to visit our website.
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Why Complete an Internship / Work Placement in Accountancy? We invited the ACCA to offer their insight into the benefits and opportunities associated with a placement or internship in Accountancy. With increasing numbers of young people entering university, a degree is no longer enough to guarantee entry into your chosen career, especially into a demanding profession such as accountancy. If you need an edge when it comes to career development, one way is to complete an internship or work placement. Not only can it boost your CV, but it’s also an opportunity to gain structured, focused work experience within a busy accountancy department. If you are unsure as to whether a career in accountancy is for you, completing a work placement or internship will give you a flavour of the profession, as Durham University student Phillip Hamill found out. Name: Phillip Hamill Position: Finance Intern Company: Centrica University: Durham University Course: BA Hons Modern European Languages & Cultures (French & Spanish) “During my placement I was working within Centrica’s Group Financial Accounting and Reporting team assisting them in preparing Centrica’s Interim Results document. One of the things that I enjoyed the most about my placement was the responsibility given to me from day one. I was responsible for ensuring the team had the information they needed for managing one of the smaller notes for the Interim Results document. The team that I worked with were great at helping me understand and learn more about their roles and my line manager was really supportive.
Editorial | ACCA 20
I chose to do a finance-related placement because I wanted to see if this was a career that I would be interested in pursuing. I would recommend to anyone that they should undertake a placement so they can find out for sure whether their chosen career path is something that they want to do and enjoy. I’ve come out of my placement with some valuable skills including organisation skills and relationship management, all of which are transferable to any future role!”
The Options Available to a Placement / Intern Student in Accountancy Placements and internships in accountancy can be found across five sectors: corporate, financial services, public practice, public sector and SMEs. So the work that you would do on a placement can be quite varied, as Cardiff University student Ross Middleton found out. Name: Ross Middleton Position: Finance Intern Company: Centrica University: Cardiff University Course: BA Hons Economics
Editorial | ACCA
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
“As a finance intern, I was part of a team based in Centrica’s upstream department whose job was to source and manage the electricity and gas supplies needed by ‘British Gas’ to meet customer demands. We were responsible for the finance function of eight power stations owned by the company. My job was as a business analyst and I was responsible for developing a financial model which collated the cashflows of all eight power stations. There were so many things that I enjoyed about my placement. First and foremost the work that I was doing was relevant and important to the business. You were also encouraged to mingle more with colleagues outside of your own team so that you could learn more about the different roles available within the firm. The scheme is also really well structured so that you’re challenged every step of the way and when you come out of it you have an invaluable skill set. A work placement was also a great way to get to know more about the company. Employees at Centrica do work hard but they get rewarded for their efforts. This could be anything from team raft-building days to free lunches. Things like this demonstrate how valued the employees are at Centrica for the work that they put in. The main skills that I learnt included communication, organisation, planning, teamwork and problem solving. As I was in a finance-related role I also developed more technical skills such as how to create a financial model and the various accounting standards that had to be adhered to. Having these skills has really boosted my confidence and I know that I can transfer them to any finance role in the future.”
Different Routes Available into Accountancy Accountants are in demand. In today’s turbulent economic times, skilled accountants are essential to business, which is why the accountancy sector remains the highest recruiter of graduates. There are many different routes into accountancy from training with a Big 4 accountancy firm, multi-national company or international bank through to training with a family-owned business or local authority. You can qualify as an accountant from any degree discipline, with the role of an accountant often involving having to know about many different sectors, as ACCA Member Jude Roberts explains: Name: Jude Roberts Position: Assistant Manager Company: BDO Stoy Hayward “Qualifying with ACCA means that you get to put those four letters after your name and it gives other people so much confidence in you and how you do your job. Once you become a member, it’s more than the technical knowledge you pick up. It is also about the experience and that gives you so much more faith in yourself and your abilities. Most CEOs and FDs have had some accountancy experience. Having that understanding is fundamental to any business. As an accountant you can help a business plan properly and move forward. You wouldn’t be able to grow a business beyond a small size without having an accountant. ACCA helps with your general commercial awareness and it doesn’t focus too heavily on audit. It also transfers well across the sectors. Although I work for a practice, the companies that I work with span retail, IT and manufacturing. It is vital to be able to work in different types of businesses.”
How to Make the Most of Your Placement / Internship As well as being able to use your newly-developed organisation, communication, relationshipmanagement and planning skills, there is one very practical thing you can do to make the most of your placement. To become an ACCA-qualified accountant you need to complete 36 months of practical experience as well as passing your exams and the professional ethics module.
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Editorial | ACCA
ACCA allows relevant experience gained on a work placement or internship to count towards this practical experience requirement, so keeping track of any relevant work experience you gain now means that you will be making progress towards gaining your ACCA membership Scan this QR code* with your Smartphone even before you register as an ACCA student. And, you could become a member in less than three years after graduating. To record work experience whilst on a placement or internship, all you need to do is join the free ACCA accelerate lite scheme in order to get access to a Trainee Development Matrix. To find out more about ACCA visit http://top20.gd/accaglobal
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reviews, placement, internship & insight VACANCIES, advice, blog, forum... all online at www.ratemyplacement.co.uk
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Placement Years Internships Insights Vital Statistics:
BAE Systems Submarine Solutions
Average Review Rating: 7.91/ 10 Top 20 Position: 7 Scan this QR code* with your Smartphone
About The Company
Top 20 Profiles | BAE Systems Submarine Solutions
We develop, deliver and support some of the most advanced defence and security aerospace systems in the world, leading to over 100 new inventions each year. So whether it’s military aircraft, surface ships, submarines or radar systems, our people make it happen. Which means it doesn’t matter if you have a business, engineering or finance background. If you’re striving to become a top performer, you’ll find all the inspiration you need to achieve your goals here.
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12-Month Industrial Placements In just one year you could help develop a submarine that weighs 7,400 tonnes, can dive down to 200 metres and won’t ever need re-fuelling. Or a 60ft bridge that takes three minutes to build and can carry a tank over ten different rivers in just one day. A plane that can fly at supersonic speeds, land vertically and not show up on radar. In fact, who knows what you’ll achieve. This is where true performance begins. We have a range of undergraduate placements at various sites around the UK. All of them offer the chance to work with some amazing products on land, in the air, at sea or in our security and support functions. Any of them will see you develop new skills and gain valuable industry experience. Visit www.baesystems.com/graduates so find out more.
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When you’re looking for high performance, nothing beats the systems found in nature. Three billion years of evolution. That’s the inspiration behind so much of what we do. Join us at BAE Systems and you’ll become part of Europe’s largest defence, security and aerospace company with over 107,000 employees worldwide and reported sales of £22.4 billion.
Average Rating
Key Stats
s: Number of Opportunitie placements) 30 (including 7 finance Roles Recruiting Into: nce Business, Engineering, Fina Locations: Around the UK Entry Requirements: reeinanydiscipline,at -minimum2:1honoursdeg Business&FinanceRoles g general studies udin excl nt) ivale equ least 280 UCAS points (or neering,numerateor 2:1honoursdegreeinanengi EngineeringRoles-minimum dinggeneralstudies exclu nt) Spoints(orequivale scientificdiscipline,220UCA Salary & Benefits: £15,600 to £18,000 Application Process: ms.com/graduates Apply online www.baesyste
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
The panther. The ultimate land patrol. Inspired by the prowess of its namesake, our Panther Command and Liaison Vehicle has the strength and mobility to offer superior protection to its crew. But then, out-performing the competition is what we’re all about. That’s why we look for graduates who can join us in developing the most effective defence, aerospace and security systems on earth. BUSINESS | ENGINEERING | FINANCE
Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.57/ 10 Top 20 Position: 15
Vital Statistics:
Barclays What we’re about
Barclays is best known as one of the UK’s top high street banks. The full picture, however, is much bigger. We’re an enormously broad and far-reaching global financial services organisation, operating in over 50 countries and serving more than 48 million customers and clients worldwide. Our Global Retail Banking (GRB) division alone provides retail banking and credit card services to 37 million of those customers from 3,500 distribution points in 21 countries. Welcome to big-time banking. About the Summer Internship Programme 10 weeks with Barclays is much more than a great way to spend your summer. It could also be the start of a journey that takes you all the way to the top of a global financial services powerhouse. This year you can choose from our new Global Retail Leadership Programme or Functional Leadership Programmes in Credit Risk & Analytics, Finance, HR, Marketing & Products, Operations, Tax or Technology. Our Summer Internship Programme is designed to help you see more and be more. It’s perfect for students who want real-world commercial experience and a broader, deeper look at a world-leading banking operation. Our next round of summer internships start in June 2011. That might seem like a long way off, but the application deadline (February 11th 2011) isn’t. And with demand for places always high and places offered on a first-come, first-served basis, it’s definitely wise to get your application in early.
Top 20 Profiles | Barclays
We’ll ask you to apply to a particular business area, so it’s worth finding out a bit more about how everything fits together at seemore-bemore.com/RMP.
Number of Opportunitie
50+ Roles Recruiting Into:
nce, HR,
dit Risk & Analytics, Fina Global Retail Banking, Cre Tax & Technology ns, ratio Ope ng, keti Mar Locations:
UK Nationwide Entry Requirements:
2.1 and above
Salary & Benefits:
Key Stats
Average Rating
Application Process:
Online then assessment
Top 20 Profiles | Barclays
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Name: Kalpesh Mistry University: University of Manchester Course: Mathematics Position: Retail Banking Intern at Barclays
What was the application process like? Very simple and straightforward. There was an online application involving three competency questions, with a numerical and verbal reasoning test for the next stage. Make it through that and you’re invited to an assessment centre where you take part in interviews, group work and some more tests. What did you do on a daily basis? I mostly worked in branch, speaking to customers on a daily basis and helping them solve any queries they had. A lot of my time was spent shadowing and learning from colleagues. I was routinely involved in all kinds of meetings. I was also given a personal project to complete over the course of the internship. Highlights of the job? It’s a really sociable environment where no two days are the same. Having so much face-to-face interaction with customers was great, as was socialising with my team and the other interns. What was your greatest challenge? Probably getting to grips with all the processes and controls that ensure branches are run correctly. And learning all the acronyms – there are hundreds! What did you learn? I learnt how a retail bank operates from the cashiers all the way up to management. I’ve improved my communication and teamwork skills, while talking to customers has made me a more confident person. Plus I’ve definitely learnt to think on my feet. How has your internship affected your career prospects?
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I would say it’s enhanced my career prospects considerably. I’ve got a great insight into retail banking and many transferable skills, and the internship has certainly reinforced my decision to work in the financial industry. Any top tips for a student interested in an internship at Barclays? Be pro-active. The opportunities are there, but no one’s going to spoon-feed them to you. It’s down to you to go out and get them.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 8.19 / 10 Top 20 Position: 3
Vital Statistics:
BDO About The Company
Not all big accountancy firms are the same. BDO is building a strikingly different business, focused on exceptional client service. It employs exceptional people – and helps them get on with the job, without needless bureaucracy. Its systems work to support its people, not the other way around. The firm is looking for graduates who don’t fit the conventional accountancy mould. Talented people with the imagination and initiative to make a real difference – to be the difference that matters so much to its clients. It doesn’t want clones. Its people are as diverse as its clients: individuals who can think for themselves, appreciate and respect people whoever they are, build relationships and take personal responsibility. BDO’s training is as exceptional – and individual – as the people it recruits. Most study for the ACA, but there are also routes to other professional qualifications. Training is tailored to their needs and centred on first-hand experience. That’s why they get such excellent results. The firm offers you opportunities in a range of exciting areas from tax to forensic services, with the chance to take real responsibility on projects alongside partners and colleagues. Refreshingly, its partners are known for their hands-on involvement, and mutual support is an essential part of the culture. You could also spend time abroad: BDO is a global accountancy network with more than 1,000 offices in over 100 countries. What else? BDO has figured repeatedly in The Sunday Times and FT best places to work lists, and won a number of service and sector related awards including Accountancy Age ‘Tax Team of the Year’, ‘Audit Team of the Year’ and ‘Corporate Finance Deal of the Year’ to name but a few. Visit http://top20.gd/bdo to find out more.
Top 20 Profiles | BDO
Average Rating
Key Stats
s: Number of Opportunitie 200 Roles Recruiting Into: nsic services, Tax ness Restructuring, Fore Business Assurance, Busi Locations: m, Gatwick, Hatfield, bridge, Chelmsford, Epso Birmingham, Bristol, Cam thampton Sou & gow Glas ing, ter, Read Leeds, London, Manches Entry Requirements: imum 2.1 Any degree discipline, min Salary & Benefits: ortforyourprofessional variesregionally.Fullsupp lebenefits Competitivesalarywhich gymmembership&aflexib d unte disco s, loan uate qualifications,grad thcare & ounted bikes, private heal disc for ons opti ding package inclu additional holiday Application Process: Online application
Name: Annie Aveyard
Top 20 Profiles | BDO
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Leeds thFinance Course:Mathematicswi Position: Tax Intern
University: University of
What was the application process like? After applying online in the usual way I was asked to a first round interview. It was formal to start with and was structured around five or six competency questions but each question led into an informal conversation and I felt much more at ease. After this, I was invited to attend the assessment day in the Leeds office, where I would be an intern. There were four other candidates as well as me; firstly we had an ice breaker which prompted us to tell the others about ourselves. We were then presented with an unseen case study which we discussed as a group. We were given a guide with topics to discuss but we were free to come to our own conclusion about whether the company should merge with another or not. We also had verbal and non-verbal reasoning psychometric tests. Finally we presented our conclusions about the case study individually to a manager with only an hour to prepare. The day was intense but a good experience and everyone was really friendly. What did you do on a daily basis? As a tax intern I completed basic tax computations and various tax specific administrative work, such as calling HM Revenue and customs, retrieving information from files/databases for queries and researching tax laws. I also went on some client visits, one with tax and one with the business recovery department. I also took notes in a meeting between a client and one of the senior managers. Highlights of the job? Client visits gave me an insight into what the job was really like. It was great to get experience in different departments and speak to people from different academic backgrounds. I went out of my way to set up meetings with various members of staff to ask for their advice, and they were extremely helpful. What did you learn on your placement / internship? I learnt good telephone skills and workplace etiquette, and how to speak to clients. I also learnt what accountancy actually entails! Any top tips for a student interested in a placement / internship here?
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When I filled in the online application form I decided not to use “textbook” competency question answers, which can sometimes sound a little dull and predictable. Don’t just write what you think they want to hear. By showing you are a smart, interesting person who likes to get involved with things, you are more likely to be given the time of day to prove yourself in a face-to-face interview. In the group discussion keep a level head and put your opinion forward whilst also listening to others.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.46/ 10 Top 20 Position: 17
Vital Statistics:
Cummins About the Company & the Student Scheme
Cummins is at the forefront of modern engine design and faces increasing pressure from competitors, environmental legislation and an ever-demanding customer base. This makes for a high energy, dynamic environment in which to work where you will constantly be facing new challenges, given new opportunities, be involved in Six Sigma projects and learn new skills. Cummins provides great opportunities for really talented people who are prepared to face them head on. You will be provided with a structured training plan consisting of corporate training programmes, product awareness and any technical requirements. Bursaries are offered to the most outstanding Placement Students. Innovation doesn’t come from machines, it comes from imaginative, creative and knowledgeable people who take resources and turn them into leading-edge products. Innovation comes from the types of students we’re looking to recruit. Just as our engines rely on a variety of components to work as one to create power and energy, Cummins relies on its employees. Providing opportunities for Graduate and Placement Students is an essential part of our strategy to develop the skills base within our organisation.
Top 20 Profiles | Cummins
Remember, our vision is clear: “Making people’s lives better by unleashing the Power of Cummins” and that includes you! Visit http://top20.gd/cummins to find out more.
Average Rating
Key Stats
s: Number of Opportunitie 75 Roles Recruiting Into: Systems,Marketing, cal/ElectricalEngineering, IncludingDesign/Mechani Supply, Finance, HR
Locations: rborough,Ramsgate, Daventry,Huddersfield,Pete Cumbernauld,Darlington, gh orou ingb Stamford, Stockton, Well Entry Requirements: beneficial or better. Second language On track for 2.1 degree Salary & Benefits: idised meals holiday, free parking, subs Competitive, 25 days paid Application Process: cummins Online at http://top20.gd/
Top 20 Profiles | Cummins
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Name: Zara Heys m University: Sheffield Halla
ess & ICT
Course: BSc (Hons) Busin cementStudent Position:ProjectManagementPla
What do you do on a daily basis? I run small projects of my own or support Project Managers on their projects. This involves organising and chairing meetings, liaising with customers and the project team, and ensuring projects stay on track time-wise, and to budget. I also organise, run and secure donations for Charity events, such as auctions for Children In Need and completing the Yorkshire Three Peaks which raised hundreds of pounds for various charities.
Quotes from reviews on RateMyPlacement
“Working at Cummins was the best experience I could have wished for. Everybody was so nice and friendly.” - student from Nottingham Trent University
“I found the placement beneficial and invaluable for myself, my studies and the future.” - student from University of Teesside
Highlights of the job One of the main highlights of the job for me has been the opportunity to run my own projects and the fact that I was given real responsibilities. I have also had the opportunity to work with several Project Managers which gave me a unique insight into the differing ways and approaches each of them took towards running a project. I feel I was able to take something from each of their approaches to project management and use this in the way that I would then choose to manage my own projects.
What did you learn on your placement?
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I have learnt a lot from my placement with Cummins which will be of great advantage to me when applying for jobs after university. I have improved my communication skills through liaising with project teams at all levels within the organisation. I have also greatly improved my organisational and time management skills through ensuring that projects were delivered on time and to budget.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.76/ 10 Top 20 Position: 11
Vital Statistics:
Deloitte About The Company What can we offer you that no-one else can?
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Discover more about us and you’ll find out. With around 170,000 people across the globe and 11,000 in the UK alone, it’s no wonder that Deloitte are recognised as a leading force in the professional services industry. Given our breadth and depth in providing Audit, Tax, Consulting and Corporate Finance services across all major industries, we can offer the kind of clients, complexity and challenges you need to continue your personal growth.
The way we work is uniquely collaborative and we believe in giving people real responsibility early on, so there is plenty of scope for rapid career progression. Why not come and see for yourself? From the Summer Vacation Scheme and Scholar Programme to our Insight Days and Industrial Placements, there are many ways to find out what working with us is really like. To find out more about the range of undergraduate opportunities available for 2011 visit our website at:
Top 20 Profiles | Deloitte
www.deloitte.co.uk/graduatesuk and apply today. It’s your future. How far will you take it?
SummaryofReviewsonRateMyPlacement Overall
Roles Recruiting Into:
Audit, Tax and Consulting Locations:
Opportunities in offices
throughout the UK
Entry Requirements:
A-C in English GCSE’s: A-B in Maths and in the UK) n take not if (or equivalent olar 320 UCAS Points UCAS: Consulting and Sch and Industrial Placement: Summer Vacation Scheme sulting) Con for (320 ts poin S 300 UCA Salary & Benefits:
Key Stats
Average Rating
Application Process:
duatesuk ughwww.deloitte.co.uk/gra Allonlineapplicationthro
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.67/ 10 Top 20 Position: 13
Vital Statistics:
Ernst & Young EY FastTracks Opportunities for undergraduates
Before long you’ll be making key decisions about your future career – and you need to make the right ones. By joining one of our elite FastTracks undergraduate programmes you can achieve your potential faster. Discover from the inside what life is like at one of the world’s leading professional services firms. Develop your strengths and get on track to secure a graduate job before your final year at university. Ernst & Young is 144,000 people, in 700 locations across 140 countries around the world. We work with some of the biggest and best-known names in business and industry on Assurance, Corporate Finance, Tax and Advisory, helping them realise the potential in their business. Whatever year you are in, we have the right undergrad programme for you. Our EY INSIGHT DAY (for all year groups) shows you how global professional services firms operate and helps develop your business skills. The six week EY SUMMER INTERNSHIP is open to penultimate or final year students committed to further study or a gap year, while the EY INTERNATIONAL SUMMER INTERNSHIP offers six weeks in the UK and an experience working in one of our international offices.
Top 20 Profiles | Ernst & Young
The EY LEADERSHIP ACADEMY helps a limited number of the strongest students to develop personal strengths and learn about leadership over three valuable days. Finally, if your four-year course calls for a 12-month placement our EY PLACEMENT is an opportunity to become part of our business, shadow a Partner and work with our clients over the longer term. Find out more about EY FastTracks at www.ey.com/uk/studentstories.
Number of Opportunitie
ancies 400 Undergraduate vac Roles Recruiting Into:
Advisory, Assurance, Cor Locations:
Key Stats
Average Rating
24 offices across the UK
porate Finance and Tax
and Ireland
Entry Requirements:
imum 300 UCAS and B for Predicted 2:1 degree. Min E GCS hs Mat and Language Salary & Benefits:
nt flexible
rest free loan and excelle
Competitive, £7,000 inte benefits package Application Process:
entcentre andstrengths-basedassessm Applyonline,1stinterview
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Top 20 Profiles | Ernst & Young
Name: Jonathan Chan uthampton University:UniversityofSo
nce Course: Computer Scie ement Position: Industrial Plac
What do you do on a daily basis? Each day is different: I have an enormous amount of responsibility and flexibility. I start the day by checking any outstanding actions and prioritising future tasks. During the day, I might receive a phone call from a client requesting some work. That can completely change my plans. I’m surrounded by the latest technology and software. It’s always interesting. Highlights of the job Quotes from reviews on RateMyPlacement “TheEYofficeisaveryfriendly,openenvironment. It’s always buzzing and very dynamic.” - student from University of Strathclyde
“The people here are the best and that is what made my placement so enjoyable.” - student from King’s College London
“Agreatexperienceandinsightintoaprofessional services firm, with lots of fun along the way” - student from University of Warwick
The main highlight of the job is variety. One day, I could be with a client training lawyers and discussing a review strategy. Then, when I get back to the office, I’ll be asked to troubleshoot a technical issue with senior engineers. The team is very sociable too, so we often retreat to a pub at the end of a very busy day! How has this placement / internship affected your career prospects? Working for a firm like Ernst & Young gives you fantastic exposure to different service lines and a wide range of clients. My industry experience across various sectors has grown enormously, and so has my knowledge of what my colleagues in the firm do. This is experience that will serve me very well in my future career!
Any top tips for a student interested in a placement / internship here?
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You will be thrown into the deep end and get real client work and interaction. There are plenty of opportunities at Ernst & Young. Look for them, and seek them out when you arrive!
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.53/ 10 Top 20 Position: 16
Vital Statistics:
George About The Company
George is a clothing brand built on quality, style and value. As part of the Asda Walmart family we’re a global brand too, selling in over 3,000 stores around the world. Every day we deliver stylish fashions and essential wear at value for money prices without compromising on quality. We work in a fast-paced, fun environment where everybody is encouraged to develop their talent and make a real difference. About the Student Programme
At George, we’re committed to encouraging and nurturing young talent, so we offer a number of 12-month industry placements for students starting in July each year, all based at our Home Office in Leicestershire. These include areas such as Buying, Design, Merchandising, Garment Technology and Branch Merchandising within Supply Chain. You’ll gain invaluable knowledge and experience, make a real contribution as part of the team, and get an insight into how the industry works. You’ll enjoy tailored training programmes and job specific modules at the George Academy that are delivered by in-house experts. You’ll have great support from the team, and the chance to decide if George and the Asda culture is right for you.
Top 20 Profiles | George
Visit http://top20.gd/george to find out more.
Average Rating
Key Stats
s: Number of Opportunitie Placements - 8 Roles Recruiting Into: Technology&Branch dising,Marketing,Garment Buying,Design,Merchan in Cha ply Merchandising within Sup Locations: estershire House, Lutterworth, Leic East Midlands - George Entry Requirements: ree ying a fashion-related deg Fashion Placements - stud ness-relateddegree chandising-studyingbusi Merchandising&BrandMer Salary & Benefits: Competitive Application Process: tre wed by Assessment Cen Online application follo
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Top 20 Profiles | George
Name: Laura Morgan Trent University: Nottingham nagement Course:Fashion&TextileMa Technologist Position:AssistantGarment
What was the application process like? There was an online application with a psychometric test, which led to an excellent assessment day. It helped to talk to current placement students who gave a genuine insight into the experience. What did you do on a daily basis? Quotes from reviews on RateMyPlacement “Georgeisabrilliantplacetoworkandyouwillget so much out of it!” - student from Nottingham Trent University
“I have had the best time at George and learnt so muchthroughouttheyear.Everyoneissofriendly andreallymademefeelwelcome.Myworkloadhas beenexcitingandchangesallthetimesoIhaven’t been bored at all.” - student from Manchester Metropolitan University
Something different from the previous day! It was amazingly varied, but my main responsibility was to deal with suppliers, check on quality issues and decide if ideas were commercially viable. A big part was checking ‘gold seals’ – the final samples submitted by suppliers for approval – before stock can go to the warehouse. At other times I’d be comparing competitor garments on models for the fit quality – a crucial factor in George’s eyes. Every aspect of quality is monitored in minute detail. Highlights of the job? A trip to Turkey to visit a supplier – the factory, the print house and the office – and presenting my findings back to the Quality Manager. In the UK I also spent a lot of time going to factories, suppliers and warehouses, seeing how the whole industry fits together rather than just the inside of an office.
What did you learn on your placement?
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It helped me see the big industry picture. It boosted my confidence and communication skills. And it taught me that the pace is fast and time is precious. My line manager really helped me make the most of the experience too, and the team was great to work with, very friendly. I’ve learned far more than any text book or theory could teach.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 8.20 / 10 Top 20 Position: 2
Vital Statistics:
Grant Thornton About The Company
We focus on being a bold and positive leader in our chosen markets and within the accounting profession - as noted by being awarded the Auditor of the year in the FD’s Excellence Awards 2010. We’re the UK’s fifth largest accountancy firm, with 28 locations and 4,000 staff, providing advice to clients of every description. We’ve got a presence in over 100 different countries, so there’s the potential for international exposure. We believe in giving people responsibility — early on We are looking for interns and graduates to join our Audit, Tax, Business Risk Services, Actuarial, Recovery & Reorganisation departments. We encourage all our trainees to take ownership and drive their development by putting their new skills into practice straight away. We believe in providing specialised training Our national induction programme and training courses at our dedicated training centre, Bradenham Manor, will see you gaining essential business, technical and professional skills through a selection of courses. Beyond qualification, your career development will feature specialist and managerial training, and for some people, progression to partnership.
Top 20 Profiles | Grant Thornton
We believe in offering variety Our trainees work across a variety of sectors and within different teams to develop a breadth of skills. Secondments and transfers into alternative specialisms and countries across the firm are commonplace. Show us the drive and talent to succeed and we’ll give you a varied career with early responsibility and supportive training. All within a down-to-earth friendly culture. Visit http://top20.gd/grantthornton to find out more.
Average Rating
Key Stats
unities: Number of Opport 92 : rganisation Roles Recruiting Into ial, Recovery & Reo Risk Services, Actuar Audit, Tax, Business Locations: d, Northern Ireland Nationwide, Scotlan : 2.1 degree nts me uire Req Entry 300 UCAS points and English Language, B at GCSE Maths and (or equivalents). support for Salary & Benefits: ation. Substantial dependent on loc benefitsscheme Competitive. Varies ible flex s plu y ida hol ations,22days’core . professionalqualific are & season tickets ce, private healthc including insuran s: andnumerical Application Proces ornton.Onlineverbal ://top20.gd/grantth rs. Applyonlineathttp nagers and partne ma HR, h wit nts based assessme tests. Competency
Top 20 Profiles | Grant Thornton
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Name: Jack
 Bath University: University of Course: BSc Economics ement in Position: 12 month plac
n Recovery & Reorganisatio
How have you found the training? I have been with Grant Thornton since July 2009 when I joined alongside nearly 250 trainees. Initially our induction included an overnight stay in the London Hilton hotel, meeting a wide range of partners, senior managers, directors and graduates from the firm. From my first day I have attended a number of internal and external training courses including overnight stays at the national training centre in Bradenham which was good fun. What sort of work does your team do? Since day one I have been placed on a number of cases, ranging from investment to mortgage fraud. We use the Insolvency Act 1986 (along with other Acts) to see if we can bring claims against Company directors and third parties. This makes the job exciting and fulfilling, no one day is the same. What sort of work do you get involved with? I will regularly meet with Grant Thornton managers and directors to discuss case progression/ strategy and I have been given the responsibility to attend meetings with external clients. A recent task I undertook was to research the asset position of a company. This meant I had to look through years of financial statements to ascertain if assets had been disclosed, but to also use the internal financial information to see if any other assets had been purchased using company funds. What do you enjoy most about your role? I think the most enjoyable element of my job is the wide range of tasks I get to complete. The work we undertake is interesting, dynamic and fulfilling - all of my cases are different and interesting in their own way.
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What does the future hold for you? In the future I would like to complete my ACA and become a qualified accountant. As a graduate trainee at Grant Thornton you are given time off to study and attend college, which means that you are not stressed trying to juggle work and study commitments.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.29/ 10 Top 20 Position: 20
Vital Statistics:
Think IBM is just a technology company? Then think again. IBM is an ideas company – one of the best in the world. Operating across diverse business streams, we embrace innovation at every turn, from Consulting, Sales and Development to IT and Technology. Making the planet smarter, not only for our clients, but for society as a whole, our teams quite literally change the way the world works with smart cities, smart banking, smart food, smart energy, smart retail and smart education. Smart options available to you Industrial Placement If you’re looking to take a year out as part of your degree, our 12-month Industrial Placement Scheme offers it all. Real responsibility from the start, exposure to live and exciting projects including the kudos of working in the nerve centre of one of the world’s leading technology companies. You’ll be challenged at every stage. Joining IBM firmly places your CV head and shoulders above the rest. If you’re highly ambitious with a passion for business, we’ll ensure that your talents are too. Summer Internship Extreme Blue is all about pushing boundaries. It’s challenging, rewarding and a chance to test yourself on live projects as you help to bring a new product to life. You’ll develop the technology and business plan behind it. Design and test it. And 12 weeks later, showcase it to our business partners and clients. If you’re ambitious, Extreme Blue is nothing short of a dream come true. Visit our website to find out more and apply: http://top20.gd/ibm
Top 20 Profiles | IBM
Average Rating
Key Stats s: Number of Opportunitie rnships students, 16 summer inte Approx 250 placement : Into g uitin Recr Roles ness and IT Opportunities across Busi Locations: for full details Nationwide, see website Entry Requirements: entsmusthaveavalid eeandinternationalstud Predicted2:1honoursdegr ement period plac the r cove to visa student Salary & Benefits: eme Blue Scheme) £15,000 (pro-rata for Extr Application Process: re wed by assessment cent Online application follo
Top 20 Profiles | IBM
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Extreme Blue Name: Gyan ford University University: Ox s Course: Physic ical Student osition: Techn P
I chose Extreme Blue because it wasn’t a standard internship: it’s a real world project, working for a big name company and highly competitive. When you arrive you’ll be working with people at the top of their field. You deal with high profile clients, work on actual business problems, and learn from hugely talented individuals. You’re thrown into a situation and given the chance to excel. Not being from a technical background, the learning curve was steep but that made our achievements all the more rewarding. You can’t put a value on the experience you gain from Extreme Blue.
Industrial Placement Name: Samantha University University:Bournemouth Finance Course: Accounting & t on: Finance Placemen Positi
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I applied to IBM because of the fantastic reputation they have for their placement scheme. My job as a Statutory Accountant involved the preparation of company accounts and supporting files for them to be externally audited. This level of responsibility was exactly what I needed to build my confidence and challenge my skills and I felt really proud of the work I produced. What made my year so enjoyable were the people and the culture; being a large company there is an excellent network of people to help and support you throughout the year.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.96/ 10 Top 20 Position: 5
Vital Statistics:
Intel About the Company
For over 40 years Intel has been leading and bringing new technology to the marketplace. Now we are building on our historical strength in silicon innovation and global manufacturing capacity to create new products and technologies that help people live happier, more productive lives. Whether it’s a mobile lifestyle or a new way to enjoy entertainment at home, Intel is helping people all over the world accomplish things they never before dreamed possible. We are driven to constantly push the boundaries of innovation in order to make people’s lives more exciting, more fulfilling and easier to manage. We’re a company that’s always in motion, fuelling an industry that never rests. Intel in the United Kingdom offers undergraduates many chances for growth and learning while working with industry-leading innovation via our year-long Internship programme. Here are some of the ways in which students find opportunity, experience and inspiration with Intel United Kingdom. We offer: • • • •
An opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on industrial experience. A chance to develop personal skills such as communication, teamwork and problem solving. The ability to relate and apply knowledge gained from University. The ability to make informed choices about personal career development.
To find out more visit http://top20.gd/intel
Top 20 Profiles | Intel
SummaryofReviewsonRateMyPlacement Overall
Roles Recruiting Into:
Logistics, nce, IT, Engineering, HR, Sales and Marketing, Fina ns Business Operatio Locations:
Role Social 0
Key Stats Number of Opportunitie
Average Rating
Salary & Benefits:
Entry Requirements:
s with relevant degree disc
2nd year bachelors student
ation Plan insurance + Stock Particip £14500 + bonuses+ health centre Application Process: + cover letter, assessment Application Process: CV
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Top 20 Profiles | Intel
Name: Stephen Briscoe Bath University: University of ring
Course: Electronic Enginee
Communications) (Computers,Electronics&
Position: Technical Marke
What was the application process like? I applied via a fairly unofficial channel, my CV was sent to the intern team at Intel by my tutor. I was then contacted and invited to attend the Intel Intern assessment day. I was impressed by the assessment day, there were many varied activities which didn’t only test what you know but also who you are as a person. I believe that the intern assessment centre is one of the best ones around, in particular I thought that the presentation and the group exercise were very good activities. Following this the job offers came a week later. I had to choose between two departments within Intel, one located in Swindon the other in Lincoln. What did you do on a daily basis? This is hard to pinpoint as it varies dramatically. One week you could be building machines, the next designing scripts, travelling, designing benchmarks and presenting at events. I worked on a project called the Retail Road show for approximately 75% of my time, however I was involved in other projects such as working as a zone manager on this year’s REC in Monaco. This involved presenting to account managers, major customers and Intel VPs . To prepare this I had to design and source the demos and write the marketing and graphics content for the area. What was your greatest challenge? I was given 5 hours to create a demo on behalf of a senior Intel figure for a very large client with no background knowledge of the underlying technology. I received some basic guidelines and directions from colleagues at Intel, but had to do the majority of the discovery and learning by myself. What was the social life like in Swindon?
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At Intel it’s not so much about the social life in Swindon but rather about the social life with the other interns on site. There are approximately 50 interns at Intel and there is an intern committee, within which there is a social team who organize events, meals, activities, trips and get-togethers. Any top tips for a student interested in a placement / internship here? Be yourself on the assessment day – you can’t learn to pass an assessment day beforehand. Investigate what you are getting into – don’t go in blind – talk to people at the assessment centre, find out exactly what you will be doing and try to understand the department you will be entering.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 8.09/ 10 Top 20 Position: 4
Vital Statistics:
At KPMG, the people make the place. And what’s that place like exactly? In short, it’s one where everyone feels valued, and hard work is recognised and rewarded.
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It’s also a place that’s growing. Since a number of European firms merged to form KPMG Europe LLP, they have become the largest fully-integrated accountancy firm in Europe, offering Audit, Tax and Advisory services to everyone from oil companies to music gurus. But it’s not just what KPMG does that’s important. It’s the way that they do it. The values don’t just live on a wall. They’re a way of life, underpinning the way KPMG works with clients and with each other. So what can you look forward to at KPMG? Exposure to clients from day one and the chance to work on challenging projects. Consider it the perfect opportunity to find out more about working in professional services and discovering whether it is the right path for you. Despite the focus on developing your skills, it’s not all work and no play. Whether it’s joining societies and sports teams or enjoying volunteering days, free lunches and social activities, KPMG is a fantastic place to start developing your technical and personal skills. KPMG would like to hear from students with a great academic record, studying for a degree in any discipline. And, once you’ve applied, you can expect a response on the next working day.
Top 20 Profile | KPMG
So stand out from the crowd by applying quickly. Head straight to www.kpmg.co.uk/careers
Number of Opportunitie
Roles Recruiting Into:
e& ich includes Performanc Audit, Tax, Advisory (wh ions), sact Tran and , nce plia Technology, Risk & Com and Facilities Locations:
UK wide
Entry Requirements:
Please refer to our website
for specific entry require
Salary & Benefits:
Key Stats
Average Rating
Application Process:
gtests, nenumerical&verbalreasonin Onlineapplicationform,onli w rvie inte nd e-tray exercise, first rou
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
No spin.
Straight talking from KPMG. 1st Year Internships and Vacation Programmes All degree disciplines We close for applications once we are full. To secure a place at KPMG, be sure to apply early. To find out more head straight to:
Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 8.35/ 10 Top 20 Position: 1
Vital Statistics:
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We Offer Based in Reading and London, our award-winning student placements, begin with a week-long induction and followed by on-the-job training. The programme balances work and training to provide the perfect link between academic and professional life – it’s your doorway into the world of Microsoft.
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We Look For Not everyone will allow you to play at work. But we will. We want you to think, have fun and create ideas that’ll make a real difference. It’s an environment where you can think up the next big thing, realise your potential and contribute to new innovations. We value your individuality – we’re not looking for clones. We want inventors, innovators who like to be challenged and to challenge. At Microsoft, we never just think about the here and now. We think about what people will need tomorrow. And the day after. We apply this thinking to everything we do – including the benefits we offer.
Top 20 Profiles | Microsoft
Visit www.microsoft.com/uk/graduates to find out more.
Number of Opportunitie
nts Approximately 90 placeme Roles Recruiting Into:
All disciplines Locations:
Key Stats
Average Rating
Reading and London Entry Requirements:
2.1 in any subject Salary & Benefits:
Competitive salaries offe Application Process:
Apply via website www.m
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
CREATE LAUGH It’s time to play. Explore, discover, make a difference. Work with experts, share your thinking. Get passionate about your ideas. Innovate. Laugh. Be challenged. Because we want you for who you are. We want you for your enthusiasm, energy and your potential. We want you to help us make an impact, no matter what your discipline is. Maybe it’s time for you to play? Visit www.microsoft.com/uk/graduates
www.ratemyplacement.co.uk www.ratemyplacement.co.uk
Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.88/10 Top 20 Position: 8
Morgan Stanley
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About The Company Morgan Stanley is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management services. The Firm has over 60,000 employees in more than 1,300 offices in 42 countries, serving clients worldwide including corporations, governments, institutions and individuals.
Summer Internships Morgan Stanley’s 10 week summer internship programme is designed to attract, develop and assess the kind of people the Firm feel are likely to succeed long-term. The programme is well-structured and includes training, workshops, senior management presentations and social events designed to give interns a unique experience of what it is like to work in the financial services industry and provide a summer that is enjoyable and intellectually rewarding.
Top 20 Profiles | Morgan Stanley
Spring Insight Programme This programme is designed for those who have just embarked on their University course and wish to explore all the different areas of Morgan Stanley prior to qualifying for a summer internship the following year. The programme usually takes place between March and April every year and is one week long. Industrial Placement Programme This 6-12 month programme provides both classroom and on-the-job training as well as valuable, in-depth work experience. Recruits will be working alongside experienced colleagues on real projects and will gain exposure to all levels of professionals within the respective division. Just like in the summer programme, you will receive regular mentoring and coaching, as well as regular evaluation reviews to ensure that your career is on track throughout your time with us and that you continue to be developed along the way.
SummaryofReviewsonRateMyPlacement Overall
Key Stats s:
Number of Opportunitie
300-350 Locations:
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Vital Statistics:
Average Rating
er major , NewYork,Tokyo and all oth Dubai, Hong Kong, London European cities Entry Requirements:
ts will vary by for details as requiremen Please check our website sion divi and me program Salary & Benefits:
Application Process:
Please apply online (CV
and cover letter) at
lication dea - please note there are app
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Day1: Introductions Day 2: The W orld
The fasteryourcareer grow s,the sma ll erthe globe w ill seem. AtMo rgan Stanley,solvin g complex chall engesand fuelin g economic growth acrosscontin entsiswhatwe do.On anygiven day,you might be facilit atin g and underw ritin g tr ansacti ons,orprovidin g liquidity and to succ ess,whic h m eansyou’ll quickly gainunprecedented exposur e
provid e you w it h the tr ainin g,m obilit y,and responsibility to do it . Ifyou have the persp ectiv e to face today’sglobalchall enges,we’d li ke to talkto you.
hearfrom recenthir esvisit: ww w.morganstanley.com /career s
Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.63/ 10 Top 20 Position: 14
Vital Statistics:
National Grid
The largest utility business in the UK (and the second largest in the USA), National Grid owns and maintains the ‘grid’ of towers (pylons) and gas pipelines which carry energy across Britain. Imagine having the opportunity to explore our business, and to experience the huge range of work we undertake. Imagine having access to structured training and development opportunities. Imagine being able to explore your talents and interests, and to take the first important steps to a rewarding long-term career. That’s what we’re offering with our Placements and Sponsorship opportunities. The Year in Industry - Open to engineering students who decide to take a year out before or during university, this scheme leads towards a Management qualification. Industrial Placement - We can offer a range of year-long placements in both the engineering and commercial sides of our business. Internship - Open to mechanical or chemical engineering students, this long summer placement will set you on the path to a career in engineering leadership.
Top 20 Profile | National Grid
Power Academy - This excellent sponsorship package is open to anyone studying Mechatronics, Electrical, Electronic or Power Systems Engineering with one of our 7 partner universities. Sponsored Student Programme - For those who successfully complete one of the programmes above, we have a number of sponsorship opportunities available. Visit http://top20.gd/nationalgrid to find out more.
Number of Opportunitie
Internship = 6 Power Academy = 20 15 Year in industry = 15 Industrial Placement = : Into g Roles Recruitin cess Engineering and Electrical, Mechanical, Pro nes ipli Business-related disc Locations:
Entry Requirements:
Average Rating
ing on the programme
Requirements vary depend Salary & Benefits:
Key Stats
Application Process:
Apply online
Top 20 Profile | National Grid
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Name: Thomas Robb ersity University:LiverpoolJohnMooresUniv ring Course:BEng(Hons)MechanicalEnginee Position: Industrial Placement
What was the application process like? It was very fast, from initially finding the placement on the internet, and sending off the online application form, I was contacted the next day and invited to attend an assessment centre 6 days later, after which I was told I was successful the following day. What did you do on a daily basis? My placement mainly involved working with a process-orientated team. On a daily basis databases would be updated, and data validated. More specific work included the creation of new processes, as well as the research, development and implementation of new software driven processes. Highlights of the job? One highlight was uncovering an error which saved the company millions of pounds. What was your greatest challenge? My greatest challenge was to learn new and advanced software, as well as statistical techniques, and then teach these to the team before my placement was over. What did you learn on your placement / internship? One of the main lessons learnt during this placement was how to pass on knowledge effectively through good organisation and productivity. The teaching of the processes which were created also gave me the opportunity to present more, which is a key skill learned mainly though experience. How has this placement / internship affected your career prospects? I feel that doing an Industrial Placement has greatly improved my chances of gaining employment upon graduation. This was made easier by gaining sponsorship from National Grid to complete my studies.
Within National Grid there are a large number of Year in Industry and placement students, which creates a great social atmosphere. There is a new starters’ network called ‘NewNet’ which organises trips and promotes social networking. Any top tips for a student interested in a placement / internship here?
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What was the social life like?
Apply early, and look on the internet for information on the company, as the website holds a lot of information useful for interviews.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.80/ 10 Top 20 Position: 10
Vital Statistics:
Pinsent Masons About the Company
No barriers – no barriers in the way we think, no barriers in the way we interact with each other and our clients, and no barriers to what you can achieve in your career, whatever your background. This is the essence of our culture in which you’ll be involved in cutting-edge work, gain a raft of skills and find doors will continually open as you become a more rounded lawyer. We are a top 15 law firm with a growing international presence. With a team of 1,800 people, including 300 partners and 1,000 lawyers, Pinsent Masons is a new firm in the making, not shackled by our history like so many large commercial legal practices. We’re a firm that’s focused on growth and receptive to new thinking.
Top 20 Profiles | Pinsent Masons
We have a ‘one firm’ philosophy that makes us more integrated, more connected and more open. Our approach has seen us continually win some of the most complex and high-profile legal work in the commercial sector, reflecting our reputation as one of the highest quality law firms. Our culture is supportive and friendly, creating an environment where everyone pulls together, and where everyone – right up to our Senior Partner – is approachable and strives to be better at what they do. Are you as open minded as we are? Visit http://top20.gd/pinsentmasons to find out more.
Average Rating
Key Stats
Number of Opportunities 100 Internships
Roles Recruiting Into: Legal
h & Glasgow
s, Manchester, Edinburg
London, Birmingham, Leed
Entry Requirements:
dingGeneralStudies vels(orequivalent),exclu 300UCASPointsacross3A-le
Salary & Benefits: £200 per week
Application Process:
website and an interview Online Application via our n 1st September) January (applications ope 31st : dline Dea ion Applicat
Top 20 Profiles | Pinsent Masons
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Name: Rachel Cussen mingham Bir University: Universityof litical Science Course: Modern History & Po t Student Position: Vacation Placemen (now Trainee Solicitor)
What were the highlights of the placement? There are many highlights from my two weeks. What stands out in my mind was the people I met. I made some great friends whilst on the placement, many of whom are now my colleagues. What was your greatest challenge? The placement was my first experience of working in a corporate law firm. I found the level of intellect and professionalism incredibly impressive. For me the greatest challenge was ensuring I performed to the best of my ability to enhance my chance of securing a training contract. How has this placement affected your career prospects? Did it influence your choice of firm? I believe that having vacation placement experience at a top 15 firm made me more appealing to potential employers. It demonstrated that I was able to successfully complete the application process, which can be very competitive. It also confirmed to me that it was the firm I wanted to complete my training contact with above any other. What was the social life like? The social life was great and the events were really varied, involving dinners, lunches with partners, and a couple of late nights out with the trainees! More recently I have been looking after a placement student and we have been busy with a bowling evening and a stroll to Brick Lane for a curry. Any top tips for a student interested in a placement here?
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The placement scheme at Pinsent Masons gives a great insight into the type of work we do and the clients we work with. Once you’re here, my main piece of advice would be to enjoy yourself and make the most of all the opportunities that will be on offer to you.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.91/ 10 Top 20 Position: 6
Vital Statistics:
PwC Work Experience and Internship Opportunities 2011 About PwC
We help our clients and our people create the value they want. We work alongside our clients to measure, protect and enhance the things that matter most to them. And we’re positive we can give you the best possible start to your working life. What we offer Get a unique insight into the world of professional services on one of our Insight programmes. Develop valuable business skills, discover where your strengths and interests lie and gain the kind of industry experience that could open all sorts of doors for you. What you need At least a UCAS tariff of 300 and those with an ability to build relationships, put themselves in others’ shoes, collaborate, make an impact – on our clients and us – and shape their own future. How to apply Find out more about our business, the recruitment process and how to apply: http://top20.gd/pwc Call us for a brochure. For other ways to apply, call on 0808 100 1500 or +44 (0)121 265 5852.
Top 20 Profiles | PwC
sulting, Actuarial,Assurance,Con Tax
al, FinancialAdvisory,PwCLeg
Key Stats
Number of Opportunitie c. 350 Roles Recruiting Into:
Average Rating
Offices nationwide Entry Requirements:
ivalent and be on From 300 UCAS tariff or equ any degree discipline
course for a 2.1 in
Salary & Benefits:
Application Process:
Visit our website to find
out more and apply
Top 20 Profiles | PwC
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Name: Duncan McGill ttingham University:UniversityofNo Course: BSc Economics
st Midlands
Position: Intern at PwC Ea
What initially drew you to the Insight Programmes at PwC? As a first year undergraduate, I was well aware of the high levels of competition to acquire a graduate job. With this in mind, I was eager to get some finance experience on my CV over the holidays. PwC has an amazing reputation on campus and as one of the only firms to offer opportunities to first year undergraduates, I jumped at the chance to attend the Insight Talent Academy. What was your favourite aspect of the Insight Talent Academy? Managing our very own airline – Academy Airways. Every day we faced new dilemmas and situations that we had to solve and adjust to, including dealing with unions and contractors, adjusting to new tax regulations and devising a marketing strategy.
- Student from University of Bristol
“The internship was a very positive experience, and PwC is an exciting company to work for. The generalatmosphereisfriendlyandencouraging, everyone is approachable. The constant variety meant this was anything but a desk job.” - Student from University of St Andrews
After completing the 1NSIGHT Academy, I was offered a place to return to PwC the following summer to complete a full Insight Internship in Assurance at the East Midlands office. Has the internship met your expectations so far? I was hoping for the chance to really get to grips with how PwC operates in the marketplace, and gain experience of dealing with clients, which I have been able to do. The internship has been challenging, just as a real job would be, but there has been plenty of support from colleagues to guide me through the learning process.
The internship has provided me with a rare opportunity to see if PwC is the right firm for me before making that all-important career choice when I graduate. It is good that PwC has offices nationwide, so that joiners have the freedom of choice as to where to locate without facing too many restrictions in terms of the types of job available. I have really enjoyed my experiences with PwC to date and I am hoping to be offered the opportunity to join the firm as a full time graduate trainee next Autumn.
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“The internship was hard work but also very enjoyable. PwC made you feel welcome from the start and the eight weeks flew by.”
The week gave me a great first experience of PwC. The staff were inspiring and extremely well-prepared, the venue was immaculate, and meeting plenty of likeminded participants confirmed that PwC would be a great firm to get involved with.
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Quotes from reviews on RateMyPlacement
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Placement Years Internships Insights Average Review Rating: 7.87/ 10 Top 20 Position: 9
Vital Statistics:
RBC Capital Markets About the Company RBC Capital Markets is the corporate and investment banking arm of Royal Bank of Canada, one of the world’s elite international financial institutions with an enviable performance record, credit rating and reputation. RBC Capital Markets is a leader in our focused areas and our growth plans in the U.K. and Europe mean there are real opportunities to advance your career. Our trainees benefit from a combination of exposure to a broad range of opportunities, high quality training and a collegiate culture that enables talent to flourish. It’s the perfect mix to help your career grow.
“I enjoyed my placement because the work was challengingbuttherewerealwayspeoplethatwere happy to help me so I ended up learning a lot.” - student from the University of Cambridge
“Havingexperiencedandobservedwhathappensona tradingfloor,Ihaveamuchbetterunderstanding of financial markets which I have incorporated into my dissertation.” - student from University of St Andrews
Top 20 Profiles | RBC Capital Markets
You will have ‘on the job’ training in each business area as well as e-learning and extensive classroom-based training. This integrated programme will build not just your technical knowledge but also your soft skills and, crucially, your awareness of what other people do to make the business function as a whole. Please visit http://top20.gd/rbc for further information about the programmes we offer.
Quotes from reviews on RateMyPlacement
Average Rating
Key Stats s: Number of Opportunitie 40 Roles Recruiting Into: rmation Technology, ing, Global Markets, Info Global Investment Bank ns Middle Office, Operatio
Locations: York, Toronto mes for 2011: London, New Offices running program Entry Requirements: ree. Any additional on the subject of your deg We are not prescriptive ntage adva ng stro a are , pean languages, especially Euro Salary & Benefits: Competitive Application Process: ,AssessmentCentre Testing,FirstRoundInterview OnlineApplication,Online
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Top 20 Profiles | RBC Capital Markets
ian Name: Christopher Kolol St Andrews University: University of
Course: Management ing Analyst, Position: Investment Bank Global Mining & Metals
What was the application process like? The application process was fairly similar to other banks and included an online application, online testing followed by face-to-face interviews with individuals from HR and then a final-round assessment centre with investment banking. What did you do on a daily basis? My time was predominantly focused on preparing pitchbooks and undertaking an industry review of a specific mining sub-sector. Interestingly, the industry review I completed during my summer placement has featured heavily in presentations I have worked on since joining the firm on a full-time basis. Highlights of the job? I was fortunate to receive valuable client exposure, which is something quite rare for a summer placement in investment banking. What was your greatest challenge? I was the first summer analyst my group had ever had. At first, it was a challenge proving my worth as I was relatively inexperienced. I did everything to learn as much as possible without overly inconveniencing my colleagues. By the end of the summer it was clear that my colleagues valued my input and that I had started to become an asset to the team. What did you learn on your placement / internship? Do not be afraid to ask questions. Mining is a particularly technical field with which I had limited prior experience. I bought a couple of mining finance books and plugged the gaps in my knowledge-base by asking my colleagues questions. One tip I would have for future summer analysts is to have a pad of paper to write down questions throughout the day. That way, rather than unnecessarily disturbing colleagues, you can wait for a quiet point in the day and go and ask a senior colleague a handful of questions at once. Luckily my colleagues were always happy to oblige. What was the social life like?
Any top tips for a student interested in a placement / internship at RBC Capital Markets? As a summer analyst, it is important to be as “sponge-like” as possible. People are very happy to help out so it is important that you approach a summer placement with an open mind ready to take onboard any insight and advice. At the end of the day, you get out what you put into it.
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Things have changed quite a bit over the past couple of years. RBC has grown significantly in London and this year we have hired about ten summer analysts within investment banking (quite a change from my intake). Various events are organised throughout the summer and other areas of the bank also get involved.
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The National Placement & Internship Awards 2010 The 2010 Awards In January 2010, RateMyPlacement.co.uk launched the first ever National Placement & Internship Awards, which took place at Oxford Brookes University. The Awards, sponsored by PwC, were attended by over 100 recruiters, university representatives and students. The Awards are designed to recognise, reward and celebrate the outstanding achievements of employers, universities and students involved in the placement and internship market. In 2010, there were 9 Awards in total; 4 for recruiters, 3 for students and 2 for universities, plus we also unveiled the Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers table for 2010 on which this Guide is based. All of the categories were hotly contested with over 250 entries and nominations in total. The headline Award was the ‘Top Placement & Internship Employer’ for the company ranked highest in our Top 20 table, which was based solely on the reviews written by students on RateMyPlacement.co.uk The National Placement & Internship Awards are a timely occasion to reward not only the leading providers of work experience, but also those universities that offer the best support to their students and to the students themselves.
The 2011 Awards Plans are already underway for the 2011 Awards, sponsored by PwC and will be officially launched in September 2010. At the 2011 Awards we will unveil the Top Employers Table for 2011 which will be based on the reviews submitted by students who completed a placement or internship this year.
Editorial | Awards 58
There will also be further opportunities for employers, universities and students to win at the Awards. So whether you think you deserve to win an Award, think your society deserves to win, or would like to nominate an employer or university, there will be plenty of opportunities to get involved. For more information on the Awards and to see the categories available to win, visit http://top20.gd/awards We would like to say a huge thank you to all our Award entries, winners, sponsors and everyone else who made the 2010 Awards a success. The complete list of winners is shown on the next page and on pages 60-67 we have included the profiles of our shortlisted Small or Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to highlight those smaller organisations who offer top undergraduate opportunities.
Editorial | Awards
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Placement Years Internships Insights Vital Statistics:
Ash Gaming About the company
Ash Gaming is a leading games agency producing premium betting games for the top casino and platform providers around the world. Our games are delivered to players through the leading multi-national casino websites and millions of pounds are wagered through them every year. Employees are our most important asset; we nurture our staff and provide a workplace that encourages ideas and innovation. Our work environment encourages creative flow with access to a pool table, a roof terrace overlooking central London, Wii, chess, darts, XBox and poker nights. As a result we enjoy an incredibly low staff turnover and a high percentage of placement students returning full time. We hold the Investors in People award and our team pride themselves on delivering world-class games. About The Student Programme We have been constantly reviewing and perfecting our placement programme using feedback from previous students in order to provide the best possible work experience while allowing you to utilise and develop your skills.
SME Profiles | Ash Gaming
At Ash Gaming placement students will not be asked to make the tea or answer the phone, they will be set to work on real live projects with the aim of developing a strong understanding of the industry, their role in the company’s success and a portfolio of project work at the end of the placement year. Students will benefit from in-house workshops, a mentor/buddy, an action plan with yearly objectives, and an in-depth induction programme which includes a trip to the pub to experience gaming in a more traditional atmosphere.
Number of Opportunitie
2 per year
Roles Recruiting Into:
Flash Developers, Flash Locations:
Key Stats
Average Rating
London Entry Requirements:
2.1 Salary & Benefits:
ÂŁ15,000 Application Process:
CV and cover letter
SME Profiles | Ash Gaming
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
Name: Zlatin Yonkov Warwick University: University of
Course: BSc Computing per Position: Junior Develo
What was the application process like? The application process consisted of 3 parts: sending of CV and cover letter, first interview and second interview. During the first interview we talked about general non-technical topics, while in the second one the bias was on my technical skills. During the second interview I was also given an object-oriented programming test. What did you do on daily basis? My main task was developing brand new games for 2 of our biggest clients. Apart from this I was also working on auto-play applications, which check the long-run payouts of our games and producing demo versions of our products. Highlights of the job? The biggest highlight of the job was the release of my first game. This was great experience and a massive delight for me. I enjoyed the launch lunch too - the food tasted great because it was earned with lots of hard work. What was your greatest challenge? The greatest challenge I had was to work on several projects for different departments of the company at the same time. That was great for my time-management skills, as I strove to meet various deadlines. What did you learn on your placement/internship?
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In terms of personal development I learned how to communicate with other members of the team in all types of situations. What was the social life like? The social life at Ash Gaming was truly amazing. Every month there was a poker night, sponsored by the company, every Friday we went to lunch and the pub – events that greatly strengthened the relationships between me and my colleagues, and now I feel like they are my best friends, on whom I can always rely.
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In terms of technical development I learnt how to use the programming languages Flash and Action Script, of which I did not have any experience before. I also practiced my Java programming skills to a higher level than I have done at university. Scan this QR code* with your Smartphone
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Placement Years Internships Insights Vital Statistics:
Champions Life Academy
About the Company Champions Life Academy is a dynamic, entrepreneurial organisation developing talent in young people, helping to prepare students for their careers ahead. Recognising that practical sales and leadership experience is often the most desirable attribute on a CV, Champions Life Academy has devised a summer programme specifically for students and graduates.
SME Profiles | Champions Life Academy
You will gain both practical and theoretical experience of business in its rawest form; using door-to-door sales as a foundation upon which to build. On the job you will be responsible for managing your own business. You will learn the importance of professionalism, communication techniques, work ethic, effective time management and resilience, all whilst gaining experience of working within a team and developing yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Having been a sales programme applied to many different products, Champions has achieved industry leading sales results for many years. Whilst the company has grown 300% over the last 3 years, the founders of the programme also have over 18 years combined experience running summer programmes, training and developing hundreds of students over the years. Having direct sales experience has been recognised by many employers as perhaps the most desirable work experience to feature on a graduate’s CV. Champions alumni have found that learning the ability to communicate with a huge spectrum of different people over the course of a summer holds considerable weight when applying for many graduate roles, regardless of industry or field. Visit http://top20.gd/champions to find out more.
SummaryofReviewsonRateMyPlacement Overall Organisation
8.30 8.61
Average Rating
Key Stats Locations: in teams candidates living together South East based, with Entry Requirements: pionslifeacademy.com ‘Recruitment’toinfo@cham CVsentfortheattentionof Salary & Benefits: us scheme 0 over the summer + bon Basic allowance of £200 rife Company holiday to Tene ne,supercardriving utsummerincluding:iPho ugho thro ions Prizes&competit day experience,paintballing tre thea End t Wes nts, experience,spatreatme and more Application Process: ncybasedassessments andnumericaltests.Compete Applyonline.Onlineverbal partners. with HR, managers and
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
SME Profiles | Champions Life Academy
Name: Preet Kaur rsity University: Cardiff Unive countancy Course:BScEconomics&Ac Position: Sales Person
I decided to join Champions as I was going in to my third year at university and had started to look at applications for graduate schemes. While I had a lot of work experience, it was mainly in retail and I wanted to make my CV stand out from all the undergraduates that might have already had internships under their belts. I was a pretty good communicator at the beginning of the programme and I worked hard every evening to learn my sales manual which got me off to a flying start. After the first two weeks I had received vouchers to go to a luxury spa for winning the first period record (demonstrating the steepest learning curve). The toughest time for me came after a few weeks when everyone else started catching up, but I learned I just had to run my own race and not worry what others were doing. Luckily I had my goals for the summer which kept me going and I had a poster on my wall to tick off the number of sales I needed to get me on the company holiday which I went on in December. I was incredibly proud to pick up the award for top fundraiser at the awards ceremony. I have been applying for jobs in the recession to the graduate schemes at KPMG, Deloitte and PwC. Despite it being so competitive at the moment, I haven’t yet been turned down for a role and start at Deloitte in September!
When I first started I was not a natural communicator and the first few weeks were difficult. Whenever I needed help I made sure I asked my team leader. I used to go out every morning for a couple of hours before everyone else had started work to give myself an advantage as I figured, practice makes perfect. In the last couple of weeks of the programme my perseverance paid off and I came back with one of the best sales weeks in the company. I achieved my goal which was a place on the company holiday and because my sales had improved by more than 500% I was very proud to receive a trophy at the awards ceremony for the most improved salesperson.
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I feel a lot more confident at university and at work and I am looking forward to my second summer, hopefully as part of the management team.
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& Electrical Engineering Position: Sales Person
I am an international student from Latvia and English is my third language so I really wanted the opportunity to improve my communication skills and to be able to talk to anyone. I was also starting to think ahead to the graduate world and realised how valuable some relevant work experience in the UK would look to future employers, particularly since all the jobs I’d had previously were back home.
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Name: Mihails Bogom Edinburgh University: University of l Course: MEng Mechanica
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Placement Years Internships Insights Vital Statistics:
Golfbreaks.com About The Company
Golfbreaks.com is Europe’s largest golf travel company. Established in 1998, we are specialists in organising golfing breaks throughout the UK, Europe and Worldwide. We offer over 950 venues, so whether golfers are looking for 5-star resorts, self-catering apartments or tailor-made tours, you can be sure that we have the perfect golf break for you. Currently we have 90 staff based at our office in Windsor, Berkshire and will book over 150,000 golfers on golf breaks in 2010. Our other brands include teeofftimes.co.uk, our online tee booking service, golfshake.com, our score tracking and community website and we have recently launched bookaspa.com, which specialises in spa days and breaks. We pride ourselves in our commitment to developing our employees and have been accredited with Investors in People since March 2006. As an SME, Golfbreaks.com can offer its placement students direct exposure to all aspects of the business, allowing strong working relationships to form across all departments. With this in mind, our most important criteria when recruiting is to find students who are committed, enthusiastic team players with a real desire to ‘make a difference’ as your results will directly impact on the continued success of the company.
SME Profiles | Golfbreaks.com
We have worked with many placement students over the past twelve years and are delighted with the number returning to the company full time. Their return helps maintain the lively and fun culture that the company thrives on.
Visit http://top20.gd/golfbreaks to find out more.
Number of Opportunitie
Key Stats
Average Rating
Roles Recruiting Into:
, Marketing, Finance & IT Sales, Customer Service Locations:
Windsor, Berkshire Salary & Benefits:
Application Process:
entives, familiarisation trip £13,000 - £16,000, team inc essment Day
CV and Cover Letter, Ass
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
SME Profiles | Golfbreaks.com
Name: Jonny Adams University University:Bournemouth ment & Course: Sports Develop Coaching Sciences
Position: Sales Consulta
What did you do on a daily basis? I provided a consultancy service to 40-50 customers each day, identifying their requirements and using my venue knowledge to find the perfect break for them. What were the highlights of the job? If you work hard you get what you deserve, for example, good commission, familiarisation trips to the top golf venues, nights out. I feel a great sense of achievement when not only the company recognises good work but when a customer sends in positive feedback regarding a break I had organised for them. What was your greatest challenge? Learning about the industry and venues. However with great training I picked up the information I required to become a successful sales consultant quickly. What did you learn on your placement? I have vastly improved my communication, organisational and sales skills, which will be imperative to ensure success in my final year and career. How has this placement affected your career prospects? My placement has had a very positive affect on my career within sales and I am looking forward to returning to Golfbreaks full time when I graduate. What was the social life like?
Any top tips for a student interested in a placement here? Embrace every moment. If you can prove that you are hard-working, driven and eager to gain every experience possible then you have the chance to use your placement as a stepping stone to building the foundations of a very successful career.
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Scan this QR code* with your Smartphone
* What’s a QR code?
Brilliant! When we hit our targets we celebrated as a team or company and enjoyed nights out together. There are also Friday drinks, football, golf, summer party, annual awards and a company trip.
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Placement Years Internships Insights Vital Statistics:
ProspectSoft About The Company
ProspectSoft is a rapidly growing, UK based, software company that develop Web and CRM systems aimed at the SME and small corporate user. Our business partners include major IT players such as Intel, Hewlett Packard and software suppliers like Access Accounting, Pegasus and Iris Exchequer, providing market leading flexibility, integration and mobility. About the Student Programme Winners of the RateMyPlacement Award for Best SME Placement Provider and Winner of the National Council for Work Experience Award! ProspectSoft have been running their placement programme for over 8 years and are recognised as offering a huge amount of value and experience to undergraduates. The ProspectSoft Placement programme has personnel development at its core with a structured placement academy and regular appraisals to make sure you are getting the most out of your experience. ProspectSoft is an SME business and because of this all the placement students are involved in the core business and quickly become an essential part of the team dealing directly with customers and gaining experience in a huge variety of projects.
SME Profiles | ProspectSoft
If you’re looking for an exciting and challenging year where you can make a real difference then ProspectSoft might be the right career choice for you. Visit http://top20.gd/prospectsoft to find out more.
SummaryofReviewsonRateMyPlacement Overall Organisation
Number of Opportunitie
Average Rating
8-12 placements availab Roles Recruiting Into:
and Software Sales and Marketing, IT Development Locations: mshire,SouthEast Stokenchurch,Buckingha Entry Requirements:
Prediction of 2.1 Salary & Benefits:
ÂŁ15,275 (13 months) Application Process:
Key Stats
CV and Cover Letter
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
SME Profiles | ProspectSoft
Name: Vicki Watmough kes University: Oxford Broo ment
Manage Course:Business&Marketing
g Assistant
Position: Sales & Marketin
What did you do on a daily basis? My key responsibilities this year have been acting as the main point of contact for all our partners and monitoring/supporting their activities. I have also enjoyed being involved in many strategic elements of the business and by working alongside directors and management, I have had experience of seeing how business decisions are made. Highlights of the job One of the best jobs given to me was the recruitment of the new Sales and Marketing placement students. ProspectSoft gives placement students so much responsibility including finding your own replacements! This is a fantastic opportunity and involves everything from vetting hundreds of CVs to conducting telephone interviews and running the assessment day. What more could you want but to know what employers think during your interview? What did you learn on your placement? I have learnt more this year than in all my years of studying and find myself involved in every area of the business. My views are taken on board and acted upon which not only makes me feel like part of the team but also like I am making a difference. Throughout a placement year you learn a lot about yourself; the biggest improvement has been in my confidence, analytical skills and altogether putting my knowledge into practice. Any top tips for a student interested in a placement here?
• • • •
See inside back cover
Before you start your placement, try and identify specific skills which you want to develop and create your own targets to ensure that you achieve them. Scan this QR code* with your Smartphone Absorb as much information as you can during the training. It’s all really handy knowledge that you will need throughout the year. Take every opportunity available, no matter how small. Complete every job to the very best of your ability. Meet people, remember their names and develop your network. Be sociable!
* What’s a QR code?
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QR codes & shortened URLs QR code A QR Code is one of the latest technological crazes to come out of Japan. To put it simply, a QR Code is like a new age barcode allowing you to access a webpage with your phone without having to type the URL into your phone’s browser. In this Guide, each QR Code will take you to the respective company’s website. If you have a smart phone (think a Blackberry, an iPhone, an Android or any other modern phone) you’ll probably have access to a QR reader which you can use in our Guide. To begin with, you will need to download a reader. We recommend NeoReader for the iPhone (search for it in the App store) or Beetagg for other phones. Having said this, there are many other specialised software applications that are also suitable, so search online.
The QR Code process is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
simple. The steps are: DownloadasuitableApp(werecommend NeoReader or Beetagg) Use the App installed to take a picture or scan the QR Code Allow time for the QR Cod e software to interpret the code and find the website Your phone will automat ically open your browser You will now be taken to the internet address “hidden” within the code
Editorial | QR codes & shortened URLs
A Students’ Guide To The Top 20 Placement & Internship Employers 2010
You are now able to brow se and access more inform ation, exploring the opportuni ties with that company. Enjoy!
Our shortened URL You will hopefully have noticed that a slightly strange URL - http://top20.gd - keeps appearing throughout this Guide and you may have wondered what it means? http://top20.gd is a “shortened URL” which means you don’t have to type the whole URL in and you can get to a website more quickly and easily than you would normally be able to. Shortened URLs have been around a while and you may have seen such things as tinyurl.com or bit.ly which are commonly used. Well http://top20.gd is our own personal version of these that is unique to this Guide. As you may have figured http://top20.gd stands for Top 20 Guide. So with the http://top20.gd or http:// top20.gd/companyname URLs you can quickly type them into your browser and access our information, meaning you don’t even have to type in a www. or http:// Go on, try typing in http://top20.gd now! If you have any questions about either our QR Codes or our shortened URL, visit us on: http://top20.gd/ contact
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Are you ready for IBM? Join us. Real responsibility from the start. Exposure to live and exciting projects. Challenged at every stage. If you’re looking to take a year out as part of your degree, our 12 month Industrial Placement Scheme offers it all. It’s not just technical roles we offer, we have positions across all areas of our business including human resources, marketing, business and finance. So, if you are ambitious, have a passion for business and want a year out that will make your CV stand out from the crowd; the IBM Industrial Placement Scheme is the placement for you.
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