Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper - August 2022 Edition

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Vol. 59 No. 8 August 2022THE COOPERATORS’ NEWSPAPER SERVING OVER 25,000 COOPERATORS IN THE WORLD’S SECOND LARGEST HOUSING COOPERATIVE President’s Message - Pg. 2 | General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4 | Senior Services Day - Pg. 15 | Rochdale Village’s By-laws- Pg. 21 to 23 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT AGAINST CRIMEStoryonpage3 (l. to r.) Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Mayor Eric Adams, Vice President Sheila McKenzie, Talib Bey, Board President Jean Randolph-Castro, Board Secretary Joyce Williams. (Photo Credit: Larry ‘Love’ Moore).

Let us all take a moment

Redistricting New York City Districting commissioner made public a draft of the redrawn City Council district. The map showed new council districts and this will affect Rochdale Village. We all need to sign the petition to stop this redistricting. A table is set up outside of the Management office where you can sign the petition. We all need to come out and sign the petition to avoid having our community split into 2 different districts. Please contact the Board Office at 718-276-5700 ext.3360 for more information on other locations where you can sign the petition. The deadline for petition is September 15, 2022.

President, Jean Randolph-Castro

Upcoming Events

The new pavilion project is coming along nicely and it looks like the project will be completed in a timely manner. Once completed, with the Board’s pleasure, we will be having a ribbon cutting ceremony. The pavilion will soon be opened up for rentals for small events and for the quality of life for all cooperators during regular hours.

Illegal Dogs Issue/Dog Policy

The Rochdale Village Board election is coming up on October 5th, 2022. Please pay close attention and read the information that are being posted in the papers, bulletin and digital boards in the buildings. Please go to the polls at the designated buildings on Election Day and cast your vote, it is very important that you vote the best candidate for the Board. Policies are made by the Board, it is very important that you choose the right candidate to ensure these policies are in the best interest of every cooperator. I encourage every eligible cooperator to vote. Your vote is very important as this will determine the future of Rochdale Village, your home. Your vote will count towards the quality of life here. Your Vote, Your Voice. Continue to stay safe. Peace, Love & Blessings. Jean Randolph-Castro

Past Events

Page 2 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin ROCHDALE VILLAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2021-2022 The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718276-5700 extension 3360.. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Timothy Mercer Janine Cross Ed SheilaDouglassMcKenzie Treasurer Derrick Shareef Assistant Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Jean GeorgeJoyceLisaDerrickTimothySheilaMaryamKheddaGaryJeanEdCliftonJanineJeanKeyshaLetishaHallAzizahBeasleyRandolph-CastroCrossStanleyDiazDouglassHallHawkinsHayden-RyanSmithHubbardMcKenzieMercerShareefStarkWilliamsSimon(StateRepresentative) MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Jay RobertGeneralDoloresHumanCoreyPowerAdolphPublicKelvinDirectorWilliamControllerWilfredHerbertAssistantWilliamsManagersFreedmanRodriguezYoungofMaintenancePantaleonSafetyChiefOsbackPlantDirectorJonesResourceDirectorBennerCounselBernstein

I must say that we had a fun filled summer this year. The Community Relations committee hosted the Family Fun Day which was a great success. It was indeed a pleasure to see the children enjoying the water ride, game truck and all the fun activities. At the Family Day, the Senior Citizens Committee sponsored the seniors with a nice, tasty luncheon. The Community Center Committee hosted the Annual Music Festival in August. Every Sunday was a different type of music for the enjoyment of every cooperator. The comfort, safety and quality of life here at Rochdale Village in always important to me and I will ensure this continues allowing every cooperator the comfort of their home.

There have been an increase in the complaints coming in regarding pet dogs at Rochdale Village. I personally have seen an increase in dogs on the compound. It is understandable that some cooperators need service dogs or emotional support dogs, and exception must be made to accommodate the cooperators. It is getting out of hand with the illegal dogs on the premises. This have resulted in unsanitary conditions in the buildings and on the grounds, and is also a safety issue. Due to such issues the Board and Safety will be discussing and looking into putting policies into place to combat illegal dogs on our Rochdale Village campus.

September 11th was one of the worst days in US history. The United States was attacked and thousands of individuals lost their lives that day and even in the aftermath. Let us all take a moment to pay our respects and remember those who lost their lives, keeping all the families in our prayers

Greetings Rochdale Village Cooperators, Summer is coming to an end and will soon be welcoming the fall and holiday seasons. We all have to be very mindful of our surroundings during these busy holidays. Be alert, vigilant, pay attention to your surrounding and look out for your neighbors. Projects

The Youth Planning Committee will be hosting the annual Back to School giveaway on Saturday, September 03, 2022, from 12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Book bags and school supplies will be given to Rochdale Village residents only. Note there is limited supplies and that you must be present and you cannot pick up supplies for someone else. I wish a safe and productive school year to all of our Thechildren.Community Center Committee will be hosting the annual Fall Festival on Sunday, September 11, 2022, from 7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. There are vendors selling food, jewelry, art, natural products, etc. Come on out for a day of shopping, socializing, entertainment and fun.


President’s Message

Budget & Finance Derrick Shareef Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Ed Douglass Community Relations Jean Randolph-Castro Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Janine Cross Orientation Lisa Stark Public Safety Clifton Stanley Diaz Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Gary Hawkins Environmental Conservation Keysha Beasley Parking Sheila McKenzie Information Technology Maryam Smith Hubbard - by

On Saturday, September 24, 2022, from 7:00 P.M. – 12:30 A.M., the Senior Citizens committee will be hosting an Oldies but Goodies event. Celebrity DJ Doctor Bob Lee will be coming out to perform and also soul singer Petawane will be gracing the stage with his performance. There is a small cost of $10 for this event. And we would like to thank Mr. Jay Patel former owner of Guru Hari for his donation which made this event possible. Mr. Patel specifically stated, the donation is to go towards the seniors. The event is opened to senior 62 and up. There will be cocktail hour, dinner, and a prize for the best oldies outfit.

2022 Board Election

By Cynthia Bernadine

By Mikell riChards Ideal Food Basket held its Annual Customer Appreciation Day for the Rochdale Village community. With the Rochdale Village location being one of Ideal Food Basket’s flagship stores, it only makes sense that they’ve continued the tra dition of giving back to their patrons in the com munity. Residents of Rochdale Village and the surrounding area packed in on Saturday, August 13, 2022 between 11:00am and 3pm to mingle, listen to music from DJ Lennox NYC, and enjoy free food, drinks and other snacks from the ven dors and Ideal Generalemployees.Manager of Rochdale Village’s Ideal, Jerry Diaz, was out and about, and made it a point to talk to the attendees to tell them how much the store appreciated them and thank them for comingVendorsout. from various brands were out, including Cibao Meat Production, Goya, Takis, Premio Sausages, Boars’ Head, Rica, Compal, and many others, handing out delicious foods for the crowd to snack on as they enjoyed the vibe. There were deals for some of the vendors options, and face painting and balloon animals were avail able for kids, both in age and at heart. There was a great time had by all. That balloon flower is so pretty.


A highlight of the night was an appearance by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who gave an impassioned speech on community and partnerships stating, “They go together. You do not have to choose one or the other. That is where we are right now. And I am not going to allow people to divide us from the men and women who swore to pro tect us. We need both, but that is not to say we are going to permit any one to desecrate the nobility of pub lic protection. If you are not capable of serving in that uniform with the level of dignity that it deserves, then you can’t be in the NYPD.” Queens District Attorney, Melinda Katz, Assembly Speaker, Adrienne Adams, Assemblywoman Vivian Cook, and Queens Borough President, Donovan Richards all re ceived awards before addressing the crowd. Richards stated, “Tonight is a great night to celebrate National Night Out on crime, but we got a lot of work to do right now. There are a lot of folks that are traumatized and hurting, and we have to make sure that those folks are centered in every conversation we have, whether it’s policy, budget, or policing. ... I am confident after seeing how the com munity has come out tonight that we’re going to rebuild and destroy what has held us back from reaching our full Hispotential.”sentiments were echoed in the speeches and private conver sations of those in attendance. Spe cifically, Public Safety Committee Vice President Talib Bey, and Ro chdale’s Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback, who were instrumental in preparing for the occasion, both expressed excitement at the recordbreaking turnout of people and poli ticians, which they saw as a good sign forAtchange.previous events a balloon release ceremony in memory of lost loved ones was established. But this year to remember, a special candle light vigil was held instead. Attend ees stood together in the shape of “RV” while holding lighted candles. The amazing evening ended with a delicious dinner served while music from the Renegade Band played in the background. (Pictures on page 16 & 17)

On Tuesday, August 2, 2022, Rochdale’s Public Safety, the NYPD, and city officials at more than 70 New York locations, along with countless officers nationwide, celebrated a National Night Out AgainstNationalCrime. Night Out is an an nual community-oriented event that promotes partnership between com munity leaders, police officers, and the communities they serve. Start ing in 1984, the first Tuesday of August has been set aside as a night to let criminals know that neighbor hoods are organizing and fighting back. Hosted, this year by the Ro chdale Village Public Safety and Community Relations Committees, the mood of the evening was festive and began with an opening prayer by Evangelist Betty Smith. Awards were presented to members of Rochdale’s Public Safety, the NYPD, elected officials, members of Homeland Security’s Task Force, and local community leaders. Notably our very own Board President, Jean RandolphCastro, and General Manager, Jay Williams, were recognized. Each person was commended for tireless work within the community and dedication in the pursuit of commu nity safety.According to Jean Ran dolph-Castro, the evening was a success, “One of the biggest events ever and very successful. Not only did the Mayor come out to support the event, multiple elected officials attended. We tried to do some things differently this year by making sure the children and families had fun with entertainment, food, and snacks before the evening’s long program and regular dinner at the end of the night.” She applauded Public Safe ty Committee Chair Clifton Stanley Diaz for partnerships he fostered in order to achieve “such an amazing event for the community.”

Commercial Services President Tim Mercer and Ideal General Manager Jerry Diaz (center). Samples of ice cream were even available. Free hot dogs lines were long but worth it.


Page A3 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin

For his part, Diaz, who also serves as the Rochdale Village Board Chairman, stated, “I was so happy to work with the Communi ty Relations Committee and Board President Jean Randolph-Castro this year. We worked together during the pandemic on various projects with people from Rochdale as well as the outside community, so it made sense to work together for National Night Out an event bringing community together. This year’s program was made longer so we can award the many people who go above and be yond and we still have many more to recognize and will do so at the next Public Safety Committee meeting.”

Monthly Marion ScottJay Williams

Monthly Report - by

Communication The property manager of any property type, coop, condo or straight rental, responsibility is to make sure the rent (in our case carrying charges) is collected and the buildings are cleaned and mechanically maintained. In the case of a Roch dale Village, we are also charged with the safety of our residents. Achieving these goals is para mount whether the client is an owner, investor or co-op/condo Board. However, in my personal experience the electoral nature of a co-op/condo Board adds an extra layer of complexity to the task at hand. The manager is the overseer of the property and captain of the ship and must know everything about the property such as fiscal, functional, social, operational and governance.

Improving cooperator/staff interaction

General Manager’s Monthly Report for August 2022

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With proper communication comes a mutual understanding between staff and the community being serviced. There are times that employ ees have not shown the level of professionalism Management requires while handling share holder issues. We have also seen some share holders be overly aggressive and use abusive language toward Rochdale staff. While we are fully aware that residents may be frustrated with a given situation, using four letter words and de rogatory language will not speed up the process toward a resolution. On our end, we have a few different scheduled another round of customer service trainings to help optimize our employee’s performance. Customer ser vice training is like fitness training in that with out constant upkeep the skills begin to weaken. These trainings are set to begin in September. 2. There are mechanisms in place for employees that fall short of the customer service that this community deserves. Our new phone system enables calls to be recorded so that we can spot-check our employees’ performance. Also, if we receive reports of an unpleasant in teraction we can go to the recording and listen for ourselves. This is an invaluable tool in our investigative efforts when we receive employee performance complaints. As for our Shareholders, we can only ask that you offer the same respect you would like to receive when encountering our staff to solve a problem.

Report - by

Back in 2014, I was selected to serve as an As sistant General Manager (“AGM”) because of my ability to function calmly and effectively in adverse circumstances. Wilfred Rodriguez who is now in the role of AGM was chosen because of the same skill set. In order to do the job well and serve a cooperative community one needs patience, ability to listen and execute, follow through and more importantly be responsive. I am clear that as Wilfred continues to grow into the position and with Lance’s return as the Di rector of Operations, we will have two profes sionals that know how to work with the Board and residents in a calm and professional manner. Tools at your disposal The management team and all the employees therein are here to serve. Rochdale is 60 years old, but the foundation is still very strong. After over $70 million invested into our infrastructure sometimes things will still go awry; a ceiling leak, a broken doorknob, a walkway light out. When that happens, systems are in place that are resources for shareholders to use to “right the ship”. For maintenance issues, the first line is your Group Secretary followed by your Group Manager, then the Assistant Maintenance Di rector, Maintenance Director and the Ombuds man. We also have two Assistant General Man agers, a Director of Operations (coming soon) and a General Manager. We want you to hold us accountable so we can hold our employees accountable. Working together with the Board and the community is the only way to run our community successfully.

Page A5 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin

Janitorial & Grounds costs For the Three (3) Months End ed June 30, 2022, Janitorial and Grounds expenses decreased $(171,000) to $1,719,000 as com pared to $1,890,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the following: Salaries & Overtime – The decrease of approximately $(261,000) is related to a decrease in salaries due to Budget reflecting a full staff and we were not at Full staff in May.

For the three (3) Months end ed June 30, 2022, ControllaBle inCoMe BeFore interest, depre Ciation, aMortization, and in CoMe taxes inCreased $589,000 to $2,662,000 as CoMpared to $2,072,000 in the Budget Be low you will Find an explana tion oF the aCCounts with signiF iCant Changes vs. the Budget: Controllable Income is defined as income less variable expenses that can be managed by the Com pany (“A measure of Operation efficiency of the Company). It is commonly known as EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes and Depreciation and Amortiza tion). Operating Revenue and Expense variances are explained below: TotalREVENUErevenue For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, To tal revenue was relatively in-line with the Budget $20,333,000 as compared to $20,591,000 in the Budget. This slight decrease is explained in the Revenue analysis below: Apartment revenue - For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Apartment revenue was relatively in-line with the Budget at $17,913,000 as compared to $18,078,000 in the Budget. Commercial rental revenue –For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Commercial rental revenue decreased $(59,000) or 4.3% to $1,329,000 as compared to $1,389,000 in the budget. The decrease is due to the seasonality of the Budget being spread out evenly over the Fiscal year.

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Controller’s Report - by William Young

Repair Material & Supplies For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, these accounts de creased approximately $(169,000) to $223,000 as compared to $393,000 in the Budget. This de crease is due to lower than antici pated volume of purchases com pared to the Budget. NOTE: In addition, the Budget is spread out evenly over the 12 month period and actual expenses vary based upon cooperators needs.

Public Safety

Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative

For the Three (3) Months End ed June 30, 2022, Public Safe ty costs decreased $(353,000) to $1,195,000 as compared to $1,548,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget reflecting a full staff and Public Safety staff is not operating at full staff.

Community Center revenueFor the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Community Center revenue decreased $(38,000) to $93,000 as compared to $132,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget re flecting the Community Center returning to normal operations; however, the return to normal op erations continues to be delayed due to impact of COVID. NOTE: The Community Center has begun opening up operations and we an ticipate that the revenue related to the Community Center will con tinue to increase over the remain der of FY 2023.

Compactor expense – For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Compactor and Compactor & Garbage expenses increased $15,000 to $120,000 as compared to $105,000 in the Budget. This increase is due to the efficiencies projected in the Budget not as sig nificant as was anticipated.

Contracted Services For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, these accounts in creased approximately $490,000 to $1,938,000 as compared to $1,447,000 in the Budget. This increase is principally due to (1) a shortage of supplies which in creased the price from $3.15 per sq. ft to $4.20 per sq.ft. (2) an in crease in requests for floor tile re placements which is related to the impact of covid delaying work in the prior year due to COVID.

Power Plant For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Total Power Plant expenses decreased $(138,000) to $4,283,000 as compared to $4,421,000 in the Budget. There were both positive and (negative) fluctuations in the expense catego ries below:

Landscape Seasonal – For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, landscape expense seasonal decreased $(36,000) to $0.0 as compared to $36,000 in the Bud get. There was no expense for this account because the Maintenance Department has been unable to hire any seasonal Groundsmen. It should be noted that most recent ly, we have been able to hire a few employees; therefore, we expect this trend to change in the near fu ture. Maintenance and operating costs For the Three (3) Months End ed June 30, 2022, Maintenance and Operating costs increased $244,000 to $3,147,000 as com pared to $2,902,000 in the Budget. This increase is due to the follow ing: Maintenance salaries – For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Maintenance salaries de creased approximately $(56,000) to $945,000 as compared to $1,002,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget reflecting a full staff and we were not at Full staff in May.

1. UTILITIES For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Fuel expenses de creased $(83,000) to $1,855,000 as compared to $1,939,000 in the Budget. This decrease is due to the following: Account 651.10 - Fuel – Oil For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Fuel increased approxi mately $172,000 to $184,000 as compared to $12,000 in the Bud get. This increase is due to the

For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022 (FISCAL 2023)

TotalEXPENSESexpenses - For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, to tal expenses decreased $(847,000) to $17,670,000 as compared to $18,518,000 in the Budget. This decrease is explained in the fol lowing expense accounts: Administrative For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Administrative ex penses were relatively in-line with the Budget at $1,379,000 as com pared to $1,335,000 in the Budget.

Other revenue & Interest For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Other income de creased approximately $(87,000) to $366,000 as compared to $454,000 in the Budget. The de crease is principally due to the seasonality of the Budget. The Budget was spread evenly over the Fiscal year.

Note: HCR has agreed to let Ro chdale Village prepare the Shel ter Rent calculation.

Real Estate Taxes (Shelter Rent)

Account 651.20 - Fuel Heating and gas For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Fuel Heating and Gas decreased approximately $(272,000) or 14% to $1,600,000 as compared to $1,873,000 in the Budget. This decrease is due to lower costs related to National Grid and Engie (our Natural Gas supplier) the following: (1) National Grid - The favor able impact of the Change in our Service Rat Classification from a SC4A - High Load Factor Service (($0.2640 per Therm) to a SC21 – Baseload Distributed Genera tion Sales Service classification ($0.3027 per Therm) from Na tional Grid that management was able to obtain through a 3rd party Energy broker. This rate classifi cation has reduced our National Grid bills from over $300,000 a Two Months to approximately $120,000 per Month. Annualized, this equates to over $2,000,000 a year!!

For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Real estate tax (Shelter rent) expenses decreased $(120,000) to $1,079,000 as com pared to $1,200,000 in the Budget.

For the years 2021 and 2022, I ex pect the calculation by Rochdale of the Final Shelter Rent Tax to result in substantial SRT credits because the HCR estimates were not including the 16.5% allocation of corporate expenses.

3. Salaries & Other Power Plant Expenses For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Other – Salaries & other expenses decreased $(198,000) to $1,077,000 as compared to $1,275,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally related to the seasonality of the Budget where the salaries are spread out based on a 4 week and 5-week month and about 13% less over time.

(2) Natural Gas Prices (Engie) –In September 2020, when the Nat ural Gas market was at a 25-year low, Management executed a 5.5 year forward contract at $0.392 per Therm (a measurement of natural gas purchases). This locked in the price of Gas prices for 5.5 years. This means that Rochdale Village Inc. is protected from Natural gas price fluctuations till March 2026. (3) Seasonality in the Budget was based on prior % and the actual is trending in a slightly different vol ume.

Bad Debt Expense

2. Computer Software solu tion – This project is currently be ing evaluated. We are also inves tigating certain software products to replace our current software. This will upgrade our current computer system to a windowsbased system. We anticipate that this project will be brought to the Board in FY 2023.

In addition, we have finalized the second article 78 legal proceed ing related to depreciation which will increase the allocation of corporate expenses from 11.8% to 16.5% and save the Compa ny an additional approximately $200,000 per year.

All Other Expenses were rela tively in-line with the Budget.

April 2022 update - During the last Two Months, Rochdale recal culated two years of Shelter Rent Taxes (SRT) (2017, 2018). Dur ing the recalculation, it was deter mined that there were inaccurate calculations. For the years 2017 and 2018, the inaccurate calcula tion will result in approximately $300,000 of SRT credits for these years. Once I get the HCR esti mates for 2019 and 2020, We will know what the additional SRT credits will be.

Insurance Expense For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Insurance expenses increased $158,000 to $1,882,000 as compared to $1,724,000 in the Budget. The increase is due to the Rochdale insurance policies re newal in November 2021. In the renewal, the most significant pol icy increase was the General Li ability including umbrella. Dur ing discussions with our insurance broker he explained that There have been significant industry wide increases in insurance costs related to COVID. In the Novem ber 2022, insurance renewal pro cess, we will be looking at alter native strategies to save on these costs.

Employee Benefits For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Employee Benefits expense decreased $(400,000) to $2,039,000 as compared to $2,440,000 in the Budget. The decrease is related to the payroll expenses accrued at year end for payroll paid in April 2022 that re lated to the last week of FY 2022. When this was paid in April 2021, the accrual was adjusted, and the individual payroll accounts re flect the payroll expense in April. The net impact between employee benefits and payroll is $0.

For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Bad debt expense (a non-cash expense) increased $99,000 to $225,000 as compared to $126,000 in the Budget. This increase is due to an increase in Tenant and Commercial receiv ables due to the impact COVID. The courts did not open for legal proceedings until recently.

3. Overall, Rochdale Village Inc.’s Controllable Income results For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, are positive and trending above the FY 2023 Bud get.

NOTE: The Company’s payments are current and on track to end in October 2022. There are 2 more payments to be made!

OTHER SIGNIFICANT INFO 1.MATIONPPP (Payroll Protection Program) – In April 2020, we received a $6,029,300 PPP loan that was be used to keep all em ployees employed. As required by the regulations, the funds were used to pay employees payroll, benefits and utility expenses. This loan was recorded in a separate cash account and set up as a li ability until the loan is forgiven. We have completed our submis sion of all required documents to Citibank for forgiveness and Ci tibank approved $6,005,000 for loan forgiveness and Citibank has submitted the Loan Forgiveness application to the SBA for approv al. The SBA has asked Citibank for additional financial informa tion which was provided. We are still waiting to hear back from the SBA. In addition, in August 2022, there was additional information sent to the SBA the we anticipate a favorable response from the SBA.

The total anticipated savings re sulting from the allocation of 16.5% of corporate expenses to the Power Plant will save Roch dale approximately $600,000 to $700,000 in Shelter Rent tax ev ery year!!!

2.Water & Sewer Water and Sewer For the Three (3) Months Ended June 30, 2022, Water and Sewer expense increased approximately $144,000 to $1,351,000 as com pared to $1,207,000 in the Budget. This increase is due to the Budget projecting a savings from the wa ter conservation project being de layed due to COVID. In addition, more residents continue working from home which results in an in crease in water usage.

2. Reserve Funds (Wells Fargo and HCR) - The reserve and escrow balance were $38,441 653 as of June 30, 2022.

Looking forward 1. Paperless Solution – This project is currently being evalu ated. We are considering invest ing in certain software products that will allow Rochdale Village Inc. to work with our vendors to have invoices electronically trans mitted to Rochdale and uploaded to our software. This project was delayed due to COVID-19. We anticipate that this project will be brought to the Board in FY 2023.

3. Loan Forbearance –Wells Fargo granted Rochdale a loan payment forbearance for 6 Months from May 2020 to Octo ber 2020. This payment forbear ance amounted to approximately $8,655,000 for the 6-Two Months period. However, Wells Fargo re quired us to pay the $8,655,000 amount back over a 24-Two Months period at $360,631 per Month beginning in November of 2020 and ending October 2022.

This decrease is related the impact of previous Article 78 settlement related to allocation of corporate expenses at 11.8% which saves Rochdale Village approximately $400,000 to $500,000 per year.

Page A7 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin additional fuel costs related to the installation of the new aerator.

Page 8 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin - by William Young Controller’s Report Rochdale Village Inc. PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT FY 2022 and FY 2023 vs. Budget Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AGING FY 2023 Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2020, 2021 FY 2022 and FY 2023

Page A9 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin Controller’s Report - by William Young Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2019, FY 2020, FY 2021 FY 2022 and FY 2023 Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2022 and FY 2023 Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2020, 2021 and 2022 Actual vs. Budget

Routine & *Directed

and Supervisors: Vertical

Public Safety Report Osback


curtail unlawful activities. *Directed verticals

Page 10 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin

For the month of July 2022 there was a grand total of (2) arrest made on Rochdale Village Grounds.

The Public Safety Department will continue to organize in order to better serve the Rochdale Village community. Conducted (169) Directed Made (0) arrests, issued (0) Trespass Notifications, issued (0) C-Summonses, issued (28) violations to include (6) for loitering and encountered (172) Loiterers during routine & directed patrols. Responded to assigned from (28). Public Safety Department towed (16) vehicles and issued (157) warning violation of parking throughout the complex. Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers patrols are conducted daily. Officers and Supervisors patrol the stairwells, and parking lots at different hours in an effort to are additional inspections performed in order reduce Quality of conditions


to proactively

hallways, rooftops,

1. During the month of July 2022, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Department officers responded to a total of (79) loitering and (93) noise complaints from Cooperators which were resolved as follows:



a) Founded-Compliant- (46) Loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (34) of the noise complaint sources corrected the volume of the noise.

Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department during the month of July 2022. Public Safety maintains 24 hour / 7 days a week coverage.

c) Founded/Non-Compliant Calls- Loitering individuals & noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives – (6) received violations for loitering and (5) received a violation for noise complaints.

stickers for the

Public Safety Monthly Report July 2022

b) Unfounded Calls- (27) unfounded loitering complaints and (54) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard).

Central Dispatch


• Conducted (1) Tenant Verification TOWING ACTIVITY The


& Routine Verticals. •

- by Chief Adolph



According to Public Safety Commit tee Chair Diaz, the event was in consideration of working officers. He explained that even as their colleagues were getting recognition during National Night Out, several officers remained on duty to ensure the safety of those in attendance. Those are the kind of people who were being rec ognized. “When people do a good job it is my philosophy that they get what they deserve,” said Diaz. 0%

Public Safety Information 28 DAY ROCHDALE VILLAGE INDEX CRIMES SUMMARY: (Photo credits:

Provided by 113th Precinct Sergeant Kevin Watz, Crime Analysis Division to Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback, Public Safety Chair Clifton Stanley Diaz Vice Chairs Talib Bey and Shiela McKenzie

By olayeMi okeniyi

(l. to r.) Special Patrolman Doc Nelom, Special Patrolman Roland Lee, Special Patrolwoman Rosetta Love, Public Safety Chair Clifton Stanley Diaz, Special Patrolwoman Carlene Duncan, Special Patrolman Barrington Morrison, Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback, Special Patrolman Collin Cole, Special Patrolman Sylvester Wallace, Special Patrolman John Finlator. Olayemi

On Wednesday, August 10, 2022, on the heels of the National Night Out Against Crime celebration, Rochale’s Public Safety Chief, Adolph Osback and Public Safety Committee Chairman ,Clifton Stanley Diaz, took the time to acknowledge and pay tribute to several uni formed Public Safety staff members. This event was specifically directed at those in Rochdale’s Public Saftey ranks with 20 plus years of service to the Rochdale Village. An award for outstand ing community service, exemplary service, and a special recognition for Patrolman Trevor Glad stone who recently retired after 40 Years in the Department was also handed out. Osback said, it’s a day of recognition for Rochdale’s finest, who have been on the job 20 or more years.”

Page A11 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin


Page 12 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin (Paid Advertisement)

According to Rochdale Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback. “This year’s 3rd an nual Tarel Coleman was a successful event.” It started with the 113 Precinct Execu tive Officer Captain Joe Muir throwing out the first pitch. In total there were four partic ipating teams: The Hit Squad (Based out of the Rockaways) came in first place, NYPD’s Finest (NYPD officers from various pre cincts), Ozzie O’s (Also representing South east Queens) and Los Bandoleros (made up of Immigration and Customs Enforcement). Off the field there was plenty of food for the spectators and participants. Osback took time out to express his gratitude to community leaders for their con tinued support of the event, “I also want to thank Ty Hankerson for making sure the Parks Department had the fields in tip top shape for the games, Clifton Stanley Diaz and General Manager Jay Williams for con tinuing to support and endorse this event and last but not least Assistant General Manager Wilfred Rodriguez for the delicious Pork shoulders!” (Paid

The On Saturday, August 27, 2022, the Rochdale Village Public Safety Com mittee in tandem with Rochdale’s Public Safety Department hosted the Annual Tarel ColemanTarelClassic.Coleman was a Rochdale Vil lage resident and firefighter who was as signed to Squad 252 in Bushwick, Brooklyn. He was in the north tower of the World Trade Center on September 11 when it collapsed. Notorious for his finesse on the soft ball diamond field, the Tarel Coleman Clas sic was created in memory of him, his love of the game, and for local fallen heroes. “The main objective of this tourna ment is to honor and never forget lifelong Rochdale Village resident and Firefighter Tarel Coleman for his supreme sacrifice while responding to the World Trade Center attacks. The secondary objective is to foster Community & Law Enforcement partner ships. If you missed it, hopefully you can make the next one,” said Osback.


Page A13 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin

Battle of the Badges

By olayeMi okeniyi

For more information call the Board office at (718) 276 5700 ext. 3360

Kids Camp Director Rashida Reed, Community Cen ter Director Julia Shaw, Director Irma Zapata-Wilkerson. by performers by the Band.


Elite Marching

Summer Camp


Page 14 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin


are shown the wonders of gardening. Farewell until next summer!Elite drum performace under Drum Master Larry Carthen. Campers cool down during tactical water fight at water park. The world of gardening welcomes. A job well done to the young camp counsellors. Creative paint and sip class with some juice boxes. (l. to r.) Assistant


A summer of practice lead to a performance of a lifetime. Watch out Serena Williams. A final doubles game. Some Highlights From The Rochdale Village 2022 (Photo Credit : Mikell Richards).

Page A15 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin

BOROUGH HALL ON YOUR BLOCK Board Treasurer Derrick Shareef leads tai chi demonstration. (l. to r) Secretary Joyce Williams, Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, General Manager Jay Wil liams, President Jean Randolph-Castro, Assembly District Leader 29 Part B Jamal Wilkerson, Senior Center Director Shree Shivers.

(Photo Credit : Larry ‘Love’ Moore).

By olayeMi okeniyi Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. host ed Senior Services Day at the Rochdale Village Community Center on Monday, August 22, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. This was part of the first leg of Richards’ weeklong Borough Hall on Your Block initiative which was aimed at the whole of SoutheastSeveralQueens.of Rochdale’s more seasoned residents were in attendance and heard first hand from the president. “This week we will be having a host of different events, and budget ary announcements, so for in stance, we’ve secured $500,000 for the façade for Rochdale so that’s something we talked about here,” he said. In his statement to the Ro chdale Village Bulletin, the Bor ough President explained that this initiative was an attempt to bring government directly to the people.He explained that “Bor ough Hall” located on Queens Boulevard is a nice place that serves its purpose as the office of the Queens Borough President, but that in a way could alien ate some constituents. He said that the fact that he had an office should not preclude his office from being out in the community hearing from the constituents di rectly. He went on to add that within the week, he would be at tending several public programs including the ground breaking for a new precinct in Southeast Queens (the 116th Precinct), the announcement of money for the expansion of the Rosedale li brary and other town halls, youth events, and community resource programs.The Queens Borough President explained that the ini tiative was focusing specifically on connecting people to govern ment services that they need to help keep Queens moving for ward. Richards and his office did this in partnership with the Queens Public Library, FDNY, NY Connects and NYC Depart ment of Finance.

The Rochdale Village Public Safety Committee and the Community Relations Committee jointly hosted the Rochdale’s National Night Out Against Crime on Tuesday, August 2, 2022.

Page 16 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin

Board Secretary Joyce Williams and Director Gary Hawkins. (l. to r.) General Manager Jay Williams, King of Kings Foundation Executive Directcor Lance Feurtado, President Jean Randolph-Castro, Secretary Joyce Williams, Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Assembly member Vivian Cook, Vice President Sheila Mckenzie, Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, Talib Bey, King of Kings Foundation President Todd Feurtado.


(l. to r) Rochdale Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Community Board 12 Chair Rev. Carlene Thorbs, Community Board 12 Vice Chair Bilal Karriem, Rochdale Board President Jean Randolph-Castro.

(Starting left) Vice Presient Sheila McKenzie, Derrick Shareef, Public Safety Honorees, (from center to right) Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Vice President Janine Cross, President Jean Randolph-Castro, General Manager Jay Williams. Rochdale Village

(l. to r.) Committee Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Public Safety Department Chief Adolph Osback, Committee Vice Chairs Talib Bey. Public Safety Officer Love and Cooperator Janet Moore. (Photo Credit: Larry ‘Love’ Moore).





Safety Officers always on duty.

Village Community (Photo Credit: Larry ‘Love’ Moore).

A live performance by the Renegade Band.Campaign Manager Lisa George accepts an award on behalf of Senator James Sanders, Jr.

Rabbi Garth and Queens Borough President Donovan Richards.

Cooperators heading out to the candle vigil. to r) Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz and honoree Kevin Morris.A nourishing meal to close out the evenining. Rochdale Village Public Safety Committee and the Community Relations Committee jointly hosted the Rochdale’s Night Out Against Crime on Tuesday, August 2, 2022.

Page A17 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin


A lucky kid receives a free Xbox from Mayor Eric Adams. Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz speaks.


Proposed District 28 Map

Why does it matter what District Rochdale is in?

Ways to help Cooperators 12 and older can sign the petition to stop the redistricting that splits Rochdale Village.. Hearings were also available online and those who wished to testify could do so in-person or remotely, by emailing their written testimony at Feel free to call the Commission with any questions at Cooperators212-676-3090.can stop by management to pick up or drop off petitions. Volunteers will be out and about with peti tions on the campus. The deadline to sign the petition is Thursday, September 15, 2022. Please do your part!

As you may have already learned, the preliminary draft maps are now public and Rochdale Village we have some more work to do. While the preliminary draft restores Resort World back into the district and maintains the original boards of York Col lege, unfortunately, the plan proposes to remove portions of Rochdale Village and the southern corridor (Rockaway and N. Conduit area) of the district and includes more of Ozone Park. As we know, we’ve been a part of 28th Coun cil District since its inception and this should not change. This change cannot happen without your voice at the table.

• Providing ample resources to improve our qual ity of life not furthering its decline.

• Preserving not fracturing or reducing our existing communities. • Preventing the elimination of our community’s historical footprint. • Protecting programming for vulnerable senior and youth populations.

(Photo Credit: Mikell Richards).

The position of Board and Management We want Rochdale to remain intact within its current dis trict. There is still time to keep Rochdale together and we need your help!

Recently, there was a zoom session with Speaker Adri enne Adams along with Council Members Selvena BrooksPowers and Nantasha Williams, to strategize with the com munity on the next steps. In understanding the history of our community and listening to voices on the ground, they are working together to design lines for the 27th, 28th, and 31st districts that they believe should be what Southeast Queen’s representation looks like.

Management helps collect cooperator signatures for the petition.

Greetings Neighbors & Friends:

Page 18 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin

A proposed new City Council Map that will cut District 28 (Rochdale’s current district) in half splitting our one com munity into 2 different districts if approved.

What is Proposed District 28 Map?

Page A19 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin ROCHDALE VILLAGE Family Fun Day 2022.

Page 20 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin The Rochdale Village Community Center hosted the Rochdale’s 2022 Music Festival by bringing in live bands to play different genres of music in front of the Community Center on every Sunday in August. ROCHDALE VILLAGE ANNUAL MUSICAL FESTIVAL God’s Creation Gospel Band. Community Center Chair Ed Douglass. R & B by Petawane Experience Band. Gena Roots Reggae Band. Professional Women of Jazz. (Photo Credit: Larry ‘Love’ Moore).

Section 5. Voting Supervision. All voting at Shareholder’s meetings shall be organized, supervised and conducted by the Board of Directors or by an election committee appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. Included in the duties of the election committee (or of the Board of Directors if no election committee has been appointed) shall be the supervision of election campaigns; the preparation, printing and distribution of the ballots and notices; the post of notice; the printing of an election edition of the Bulletin which shall include but not be limited to names and resumes of candidates in alphabetical order, By-Law Amendments, propositions and questions and a copy of the proposed ballot; and the supervision of orderly voting. No candidate for election or re-election shall serve on the election committee. The Board of Directors may by resolution adopt regulations governing election campaigns and voting in order to assure fairness with respect thereto.

Section 1. This Corporation is organized under and pursuant to the Limited-Profit Housing Companies Law of the State of New York, and with the approval of the Commissioner of Housing of the State of New York. The object of the corporation is to construct and operate adequate, safe and sanitary housing accommodations in accordance with cooperative principles. Cooperative principles include, as a fundamental object, the Board of Directors being responsible to the cooperator-shareholders.

Section 1. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the corporation for the election of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of other business of the corporation shall take place on the premises owned by the Corporation in the County of Queens on the first Tuesday in October of each year, at 8:00 P.M., if not a legal holiday, and if a legal or religious holiday, then on the next secular day following. The meeting will then recess to the next day for balloting for the Board of Directors elections, ByLaw Amendments and questions put to the stockholders on the election ballot. Written notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed to each shareholder entitled to vote, at such address as appears on the stock book, not less than ten nor more than fifty days prior to the date of the Nomeeting.later than December of each year, each shareholder shall receive one copy of the Financial Statement of Rochdale Village, Inc. In addition, each shareholder shall receive one unabridged copy of the outside auditor’s annual “Memorandum of Internal Control Matter’s report.

(d) Conflict of Interest. Members of the Board of Directors shall make every effort to avoid contracts or other transactions for materials or services which may involve a possible conflict of interest. Prior disclosure must be made to the Division of Housing and Community Renewal and to the Board of Directors by any Board Member who has a direct or indirect interest in a business, which proposes to participate at any stage of a transaction which may lead to the providing of materials or services to the Corporation.

(h) Loyalty & Care. Each Board Member must recognize and carry out his or her statutory duties of loyalty and care to the Corporation and to the cooperators it

Section 1(c). No person shall be eligible to run for the Board of Directors unless they are a stockholder and primary resident of the corporation and in addition, no person may serve as a Director, if they do not continue to be a stockholder and maintain Rochdale Village as their primary residence, excluding the designee of the Commissioner of Housing. “Primary residence” means the place of domicile, as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, and, additionally, that such person lives in his/her respective apartment unit for at least ten months of the calendar year.


Acceptable types of proof of primary residence shall be as follows: bank statements bearing address, driver’s license (if any), most recent federal tax return and an affidavit signed by such Director affirming that Rochdale is his/ her primary residence as defined above.


(e) Authority. Each Board Member must recognize that his or her authority is limited to the oversight of the well being of the cooperative as a whole.

Section 1(b). Board of Directors shall be elected for three year terms and until their successors are elected. Elections for the Board of Directors shall be conducted by machine, paper and/or proxy balloting as determined by the rules and regulations set by the Board of Directors. The balloting for Board of Director Members shall be conducted commencing the morning following the commencement of the annual stockholders meeting, between the hours of 6 A.M. and 9 P.M. and if not a legal holiday. If it is a legal holiday, then on the next secular day following.

Removal of Directors.

Any person removed from the Board of Directors whether by Court action or by an automatic disqualification or by action of stockholders or by Board action or for any other reason, shall be forever ineligible to hold office as a Director of Rochdale Village or be employed in any capacity by Rochdale Village, Inc.

Section 1(e). A sample ballot and/or fact sheet containing the names of all Board of Director candidates, by-law amendments, propositions and questions, shall be mailed to all cooperators, along with the official notice of the Annual Stockholders Meeting and it shall also be published in the September election edition of the Rochdale Village Bulletin.

Section 2. Special Meetings. Special Meetings of the stockholders for any purpose or purposes may be called at any time by the President and shall be called by the President or Secretary within sixty days at the request in writing of a majority of the Board of Directors, or at the request in writing of 25% of the stockholders who shall require the Secretary or other officer, of the Corporation to give notice of such Meeting. Written notice of such special meeting and the object thereof shall be mailed to each stockholder entitled to vote at such address as appears on the stock book not less than ten nor more than fifty days prior to the date of the meeting.

All Directors must be current in their carrying charges at the time of being nominated and after they are elected to the Board of Directors must remain current with no arrears greater than 60-days, or they must give up their seat as elected Board members. The Manager shall report to the Board any Board member that is delinquent in their carrying charges for more than 60-days at a Legal & Management meeting and unless cured within 10-days of notice, the Director automatically shall lose their seat on the Board. Court Stipulations entered into in non-payment landlord and tenant or other proceedings will not cure a director who is Sectiondelinquent.1(d).

(g) No Greater Rights. Each Board Member must recognize that except when the Board of Directors is acting in its formal capacity, no Board Member may exercise rights that are any greater than any other shareholder within the cooperative unless those rights have been specifically delegated to the individual Board Member by the Board of Directors as a whole.

Page A21 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin


ARTICLE I Section 1. This Corporation is organized under and pursuant to the Limited-Profit Housing Companies Law of the State of New York, and with the approval of the OF ROCHDALE VILLAGE, INC.

Section 3. Quorum. The usual quorum for Meetings shall be the presence in person, or by proxy, of one-third of the holders of the outstanding stock entitled to vote, but a lesser number may adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than an announcement at the meeting in which the requisite number of stockholders shall not be present.

(a) Responsibility to the Public. Members of the Board of Directors bear a high public responsibility since they have elected to operate under a stateaided program and to effectuate public policy by encouraging the building and operating of housing projects for families of moderate income.

(f) Good Faith. Each Board Member shall perform his or her duties, including his or her duties as a member of any committee of the Board of Directors upon which he or she may serve, in good faith and with that degree of care which an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances.

(c) Disclosure of Information. Members of the Board of Directors have access to a considerable amount of information. Such information should be held in the strictest confidence and should not be disclosed to any person except insofar as it has a direct bearing on the business of the Corporation and except to persons duly authorized to receive such information.

Section 4. Voting. At all Meetings of the stockholders, all questions, the manner of deciding which is not specifically regulated by statute, shall be determined by a vote of the majority of the stockholders present, either in person or by proxy, at the meeting, except that voting for Directors shall be by plurality of those voting. Each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for any and all purposes regardless of the number of shares held by such holder. All voting shall be viva voce except voting for election of Directors or for questions or By-Laws or as otherwise prescribed by statute.

Section 6. Proxies. Stockholders shall be permitted to vote by proxy at any annual or special meeting of the stockholders, and proxies shall be counted toward a quorum.

ARTICLE DIRECTORSIII Section 1(a). The number of directors shall not be less than three nor more than fifteen as the stockholders at the annual meeting in each year, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, or as the directors at any meeting called for that purpose, shall determine. One additional director may be designated by the Commissioner of Housing of the State of New York. In the absence of fraud or bad faith, said additional director appointed by the Commissioner shall not be personally liable for the debts, obligations or liabilities of the corporation.

(b) Responsibility to Cooperators. Members of the Board of Directors have an obligation to cooperators of their project. Cooperators will seek and demand the most economical operation of the development in order to obtain the lowest possible carrying charge. The Board must meet this demand without endangering the long-term interest of the project, minimizing its essential services or impairing proper maintenance.

Section 1(f). A candidate for a seat on the Board of Directors may withdraw his/ her nomination by signed notice received by management no later than 12 noon the day before the scheduled stockholder’s Sectionmeeting.2

(g) No Greater Rights. Each Board Member must recognize that except when the Board of Directors is acting in its formal capacity, no Board Member may exercise rights that are any greater than any other shareholder within the cooperative unless those rights have been specifically delegated to the individual Board Member by the Board of Directors as a whole.

Section 1. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the corporation for the election of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of other business of the corporation shall take place on the premises owned by the Corporation in the County of Queens on the first Tuesday in October of each year, at 8:00 P.M., if not a legal holiday, and if a legal or religious holiday, then on the next secular day following. The meeting will then recess to the next day for balloting for the Board of Directors elections, ByLaw Amendments and questions put to the stockholders on the election ballot. Written notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed to each shareholder entitled to vote, at such address as appears on the stock book, not less than ten nor more than fifty days prior to the date of the Nomeeting.later than December of each year, each shareholder shall receive one copy of the Financial Statement of Rochdale Village, Inc. In addition, each shareholder shall receive one unabridged copy of the outside auditor’s annual “Memorandum of Internal Control Matter’s report.

Section 2. Special Meetings. Special Meetings of the stockholders for any purpose or purposes may be called at any time by the President and shall be called by the President or Secretary within sixty days at the request in writing of a majority of the Board of Directors, or at the request in writing of 25% of the stockholders who shall require the Secretary or other officer, of the Corporation to give notice of such Meeting. Written notice of such special meeting and the object thereof shall be mailed to each stockholder entitled to vote at such address as appears on the stock book not less than ten nor more than fifty days prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 5. Voting Supervision. All voting at Shareholder’s meetings shall be organized, supervised and conducted by the Board of Directors or by an election committee appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. Included in the duties of the election committee (or of the Board of Directors if no election committee has been appointed) shall be the supervision of election campaigns; the preparation, printing and distribution of the ballots and notices; the post of notice; the printing of an election edition of the Bulletin which shall include but not be limited to names and resumes of candidates in alphabetical order, By-Law Amendments, propositions and questions and a copy of the proposed ballot; and the supervision of orderly voting. No candidate for election or re-election shall serve on the election committee. The Board of Directors may by resolution adopt regulations governing election campaigns and voting in order to assure fairness with respect thereto.

Section 3. Quorum. The usual quorum for Meetings shall be the presence in person, or by proxy, of one-third of the holders of the outstanding stock entitled to vote, but a lesser number may adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than an announcement at the meeting in which the requisite number of stockholders shall not be present.

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Section 6. Proxies. Stockholders shall be permitted to vote by proxy at any annual or special meeting of the stockholders, and proxies shall be counted toward a quorum.

Section 1(f). A candidate for a seat on the Board of Directors may withdraw his/ her nomination by signed notice received by management no later than 12 noon the day before the scheduled stockholder’s Sectionmeeting.2

Removal of Directors.

(a) Responsibility to the Public. Members of the Board of Directors bear a high public responsibility since they have elected to operate under a stateaided program and to effectuate public policy by encouraging the building and operating of housing projects for families of moderate income.

(f) Good Faith. Each Board Member shall perform his or her duties, including his or her duties as a member of any committee of the Board of Directors upon which he or she may serve, in good faith and with that degree of care which an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances.

Section 4. Voting. At all Meetings of the stockholders, all questions, the manner of deciding which is not specifically regulated by statute, shall be determined by a vote of the majority of the stockholders present, either in person or by proxy, at the meeting, except that voting for Directors shall be by plurality of those voting. Each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for any and all purposes regardless of the number of shares held by such holder. All voting shall be viva voce except voting for election of Directors or for questions or By-Laws or as otherwise prescribed by statute.

(c) Disclosure of Information. Members of the Board of Directors have access to a considerable amount of information. Such information should be held in the strictest confidence and should not be disclosed to any person except insofar as it has a direct bearing on the business of the Corporation and except to persons duly authorized to receive such information.

(h) Loyalty & Care. Each Board Member must recognize and carry out his or her statutory duties of loyalty and care to the Corporation and to the cooperators it serves and that such duties are utmost and provided that at least a majority of all Board Members vote in the affirmative for the motion. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for publishing an updated set of Rochdale Village, Inc.’s by-laws in the monthly Rochdale Village Bulletin, in August of each year. The results of all telephone votes taken by the Rochdale Board of Directors shall be read into the verbatim minutes at the first regular board meeting following that vote. SET OF BY-LAWS OF ROCHDALE VILLAGE, INC.

Commissioner of Housing of the State of New York. The object of the corporation is to construct and operate adequate, safe and sanitary housing accommodations in accordance with cooperative principles. Cooperative principles include, as a fundamental object, the Board of Directors being responsible to the cooperator-shareholders.

Section 1(b). Board of Directors shall be elected for three year terms and until their successors are elected. Elections for the Board of Directors shall be conducted by machine, paper and/or proxy balloting as determined by the rules and regulations set by the Board of Directors. The balloting for Board of Director Members shall be conducted commencing the morning following the commencement of the annual stockholders meeting, between the hours of 6 A.M. and 9 P.M. and if not a legal holiday. If it is a legal holiday, then on the next secular day following.

Any person removed from the Board of Directors whether by Court action or by an automatic disqualification or by action of stockholders or by Board action or for any other reason, shall be forever ineligible to hold office as a Director of Rochdale Village or be employed in any capacity by Rochdale Village, Inc.

(b) Responsibility to Cooperators. Members of the Board of Directors have an obligation to cooperators of their project. Cooperators will seek and demand the most economical operation of the development in order to obtain the lowest possible carrying charge. The Board must meet this demand without endangering the long-term interest of the project, minimizing its essential services or impairing proper maintenance.

Acceptable types of proof of primary residence shall be as follows: bank statements bearing address, driver’s license (if any), most recent federal tax return and an affidavit signed by such Director affirming that Rochdale is his/ her primary residence as defined above.

All Directors must be current in their carrying charges at the time of being nominated and after they are elected to the Board of Directors must remain current with no arrears greater than 60-days, or they must give up their seat as elected Board members. The Manager shall report to the Board any Board member that is delinquent in their carrying charges for more than 60-days at a Legal & Management meeting and unless cured within 10-days of notice, the Director automatically shall lose their seat on the Board. Court Stipulations entered into in non-payment landlord and tenant or other proceedings will not cure a director who is Sectiondelinquent.1(d).

(e) Authority. Each Board Member must recognize that his or her authority is limited to the oversight of the well being of the cooperative as a whole.

(d) Conflict of Interest. Members of the Board of Directors shall make every effort to avoid contracts or other transactions for materials or services which may involve a possible conflict of interest. Prior disclosure must be made to the Division of Housing and Community Renewal and to the Board of Directors by any Board Member who has a direct or indirect interest in a business, which proposes to participate at any stage of a transaction which may lead to the providing of materials or services to the Corporation.


ARTICLE DIRECTORSIII Section 1(a). The number of directors shall not be less than three nor more than fifteen as the stockholders at the annual meeting in each year, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, or as the directors at any meeting called for that purpose, shall determine. One additional director may be designated by the Commissioner of Housing of the State of New York. In the absence of fraud or bad faith, said additional director appointed by the Commissioner shall not be personally liable for the debts, obligations or liabilities of the corporation.

Section 1(c). No person shall be eligible to run for the Board of Directors unless they are a stockholder and primary resident of the corporation and in addition, no person may serve as a Director, if they do not continue to be a stockholder and maintain Rochdale Village as their primary residence, excluding the designee of the Commissioner of Housing. “Primary residence” means the place of domicile, as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, and, additionally, that such person lives in his/her respective apartment unit for at least ten months of the calendar year.

Section 1(e). A sample ballot and/or fact sheet containing the names of all Board of Director candidates, by-law amendments, propositions and questions, shall be mailed to all cooperators, along with the official notice of the Annual Stockholders Meeting and it shall also be published in the September election edition of the Rochdale Village Bulletin.

ARTICLE IX SEAL The seal of the corporation shall be circular in form and shall bear the name of the corporation, the words “Corporate Seal”, the year of incorporation, and the words “New York” as follows:

Section 6. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the corporation and shall have the care and custody of all the funds and securities of the corporation shall deposit the same in the name of the corporation in such bank or banks as the directors may designate. He may be required by the Board of Directors to give such bonds as it shall determine for the faithful performance of his duties.

Section 2. Term of Office. All officers of the corporation shall be elected to hold their respective offices during the pleasure of the Board of Directors, and any vacancy occurring in the office the President, Vice-President, Treasurer or Secretary or any other office shall be filled by majority vote of the Board of SectionDirectors.3. President. The President, in the absence of the Chairperson of the Board, shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall act as Chairperson and call to order all meetings of the Stockholders. Subject to the supervision and direction of the Board of Directors, the President shall have the general management of the affairs of the Corporation and perform all duties incidental to his office, but in no event shall he enter into any binding contracts or agreements without the express approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 1. Election. The Board of Directors at its first meeting after the election of directors in each year shall elect from its number a President, and shall also elect a Vice President, a Secretary and Treasurer. It may elect an Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer, and such other officers as, in its discretion the needs of the corporation may from time to time require.

Section 8. Chairperson of the Board. The Chairperson of the Board shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the President and shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Vice President. The Vice-President shall, in the absence, disability or incapacity of the President, have the powers and perform the duties of the President, and those which the Board of Directors may assign to him from time to time.

Section 9. Other Officers. Other officers and members of the Board of Directors shall perform such duties and have such powers as may be assigned to them from time to time by the Board of Directors.


(e) If in any case the retiring shareholder, after becoming bound to sell, convey or transfer his shares to this corporation or such other person or corporation as may be designated by this corporation, defaults in transferring said shares, this corporation or such other corporation as may be designated by this corporation shall, after notice to and approval by the Commissioner of Housing, hold the purchase money in trust for the retiring share-holder or his executors, administrators or assigns, and shall substitute the name of the purchaser upon the books of the company in place of the name of the retiring shareholder. After the name of the purchaser has been entered on the books of the corporation in the exercise of the aforesaid powers, the validity of the proceedings shall not be questioned by any person and the corporation or such other person or corporation as may be designated by this corporation shall be deemed and taken to be the owner of such shares.

Section 5. As used in this Article the words, “shares of stock” shall include any interest in the corporation, and the “shareholders” shall include the owner or holder of any such interest.

Subject to the provisions of the statute, the corporation will operate the project as a cooperative, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Housing and in accordance therewith shall pay, or allow as and when determined by the Board of Directors, after the payment of obligations, expenses, taxes, and assessments, or after making suitable provision therefore, a rebate or rebates of rent to each cooperator in proportion to the rental payments made by him during the period in respect of which such rent rebate or rebates are allowed or paid. The monthly rentals paid by the cooperators shall be deemed to be payment on account of their annual rental obligation, which shall be finally determined by the Board of Directors in the light of each year’s operating expenses, subject, however, in all respects to the Approval of the Commissioner of Housing.


Section 1. Certificates. Certificates of stock shall be numbered and issued in consecutive order, shall be signed by the President or the Vice-President and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer, and sealed with the seal of the corporation, and in appropriate books or record shall be registered the name of the person owning the shares represented by each certificate, the number of such shares and the date of issue.


Section 7. Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. The Assistant Secretary and the Assistant Treasurer shall respectively, in the absence, disability or incapacity of the officer to whom he is an assistant, have the powers and perform the duties of such officer, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned them from time to time by the Board of Directors. They may be required by the Board of Directors to give such bonds as it shall determine, for the faithful performance of their duties.

Checks, notes, drafts and orders for the payment of money and obligations of the corporation, and all contracts, mortgages, deeds and other instruments, except as otherwise in these by-laws provided, shall be signed by such officer, officers, individual or individuals as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate.

Section 10. Removal of Officers. A majority vote of all Directors will be sufficient to remove officers of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee members.

Section 2. Transfers. (a) No shares of this corporation shall at any time be sold, assigned, hypothecated, alienated or transferred in any respect whatsoever by any stockholder to any person or corporation so long as this corporation or such person or corporation as may be designated by the corporation is willing to purchase such shares of stock and to pay the par value of such shares of stock, unless this corporation or such person or corporation as may be designated by this corporation consents in writing in each case to said sale, hypothecation, alienation or transfer.

Section 4. The corporation shall have a lien upon the shares of stock of any shareholder and upon all moneys due and owing by the corporation to any shareholder for any and all debts owed to the corporation by such shareholder. The directors may refuse to approve a transfer of any shares upon which the corporation has such a lien.

Section 5. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Meetings of the directors and stockholders; shall attend to the serving of the notices of the Meetings of the directors and stockholders; shall affix the seal of the corporation to such certificates, documents and papers as may require it, except that from time to time the Board of Directors may direct such seal to be affixed by any other officer or officers; shall have charge of the stock certificate book and of such other books and papers as the Board of Directors may direct; shall attend to such correspondence as may be assigned to him, and shall perform all the other duties incidental to his office and those which the Board of Directors may from time to time designate.

(c) If this corporation, within a period of ninety (90) days after the receipt of such notice, indicates its willingness or the willingness of such other person or corporation as may be designated by this corporation, to purchase said shares and shall give notice thereof in writing to the retiring shareholder, the latter shall be bound within thirty (30) days thereafter to transfer such shares to this corporation or such other person or corporation as may be designated by this corporation upon payment and receipt of the price herein (d)provided.Upon the expiration of said ninety (90) days, if the retiring shareholder be not notified of the willingness of this corporation or such other person or corporation as may be designated by this corporation to purchase his shares, the said retiring shareholder shall have the right to sell or to offer for sale his said shares to any person or persons willing to buy them, except that if the said shareholder does not exercise the right granted herein to sell to any person willing to purchase within a period six months after his right to do so has accrued, then and in that event said retiring shareholder must again notify the corporation of his intent to transfer his shares and he shall again be bound by the provisions of Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this ARTICLE VII.


The By-Laws of the Corporation may be amended, repealed or altered, in whole or in part at any meeting of the Board of Directors by a vote of 2/3 of the entire existing Board or at a meeting of the Shareholders by a majority vote of all existing shareholders.

(b) In order to ascertain whether this corporation or such other person or corporation as may be designated by this corporation is willing to purchase any shares, the person proposing to transfer shares shall give notice in writing to this corporation that he desires to transfer the said shares. Such notice shall constitute this corporation an agent for the sale of such share to this corporation or to such person or corporation as may be designated by this corporation.

Section 3. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, no shares in this corporation shall at any time be sold, assigned, hypothecated, alienated or transferred in any respect whatsoever by the shareholder unless he at the same time transfers as a unit all shares owned or held by him at that time.


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LIFE AS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES By anthony Blake STRENGTH IN GOD, FAITH, AND BRING VICTORY By alanda i. edwards ~Poetry Corner & Musings...~

The Father can help guide The doubt away in the night season And bring peace in the midst of the storm God will bring its Victory to you if you faint not In doing well in life trials and tribulations Seen in the end there will be a great Victory and The lord tribulations like mentioned in 1 James chapter 2 Court it all joy when you fall in various trials And tribulations for the testing of your Faith worth patience worth patience God bless be encouraged.

If you could see July fly Across the sky Across the Sky If you could see a butterfly And make it sing oh my The choice I have are far away From summer sweet choice, they say they play so far away from the summer flies far away Far away If you could see July fly Across the sky, across the sky If you could see a Butterfly And make it sing oh my. The choice I have are far away From summer sweet choice, they Say they play so far away From the summer flies far away Far away Miller

Strength and faith mixed together is a strong tool That can’t break

You thought of the souls before Feeling the sore Code of silence for sure You can no longer ignore Code of Silence settling the score. Strength is there when we pray Hold on and pray Strength is there to pull through God hears you pray as you whisper in the night

No whisper nor echoes Only silence being a reflection Your session Perhaps a confession Your soul expelled But the spirit disappeared Thoughts went yonder The heart only wonders Living voice was full of words and discussions At times being emotions Wave after wave being like oceans You heard once, but no more now Honor with remember Voices wanted you to hear The voices vanished You didn’t want to listen because of your pride Silenced your heart Hardened like a rock Dependability moved on Now you are stuck in your code of silence Wasn’t obedient No Voicelessingredientanduseless

Page 28 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin

NORC offers Drivers Safety classes

Rochdale Village NORC Calendar - September 2022

Back by popular demand, NORC is offering Driver Safety classes to lo cal seniors in the Community Center. NORC was able to partner with AA Automobile Club of Long Island after the AARP partnership ended. The first class received an overwhelming amount of positive reviews. Lastly, PPE supplies were distributed at both classes and light refresh ments were provided. Contact the NORC office for details or to sign up for the next class.

Page A29 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin


Village Senior Center -September 2022

Page 30 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page A31 ugust 2022 the RochdAle VillAge Bulletin See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Rochdale Village Board of Directors Calendar September 2022

Page 32 august t2022 he Rochdale Village Bulletin (Paid Advertisement)

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