Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper - December 2019 Edition

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Vol. 56 No. 01


December 2019


From the Board of Directors, Management, Power Plant, Maintenance Department, Public Safety and the Bulletin.

Heading into the next decade together!

President’s ReportMessage - Pg. 2 - |Pg. 2General Manager’s Report - Pg.-4Pg. 4| | Youth Planning’s Art Gallery-- Pg. Pgs.18-19 14 & 17| President’s | General Manager’s Report NEW YEARS EVE Happenings

|Board In RemembranceResolutions - Pgs.Pg. 2328 - 28

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.

OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark Ed Douglass Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Glynis Urquhart Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Janine Cross


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Glynis Urquhart Joyce Williams Name Pending (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Barbara Staples Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro/Ed Douglass Community Relations Lisa Stark Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Janine Cross Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Gary Hawkins Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Jean Randolph-Castro Information Technology Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Director of Maintenance Kelvin Pantaleon Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback Power Plant Director Corey Jones Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel Robert Bernstein

December 2019

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators,


appy New Year to each and every one of you. I would like to wish everyone the best for 2020. I am excited to see what the New Year has in store for Rochdale Village. As I reflect on this past year, I am very proud of the projects that we completed. The renovation of our courtyard gives us a beautiful outdoor space to enjoy in our community center. We were able to repave Lot 7 and add spaces to help alleviate some of our parking issues. Our ballroom got a much-needed touch up as it is being booked more than ever and we added security mirrors in our lobby corridors and service hallways for our safety. Finally, we completed the gas repairs in the last two buildings (15 and 17) so that is a $1,000,000 expense we budgeted for annually from our operating account that we do not have to worry about moving forward because all buildings are now completed. These are just a few of the many projects we completed last year and as you know we secured a loan that will assist us in completing new projects such as new convectors, upgraded electrical in all buildings and adding even more parking spaces. Sales Tax Refund Through the hard work and diligence of our management team, Rochdale has received $554,206.35 as part of a refund due to reexamining our sales tax payments for capital improvements for the years 2012 to 2017. We hired the law firm of Hutton & Solomon LLP, to file the claim which resulted in a refund. More importantly, all invoices will continue to be reviewed carefully to ensure we only pay sales taxes when applicable. This will be a huge saving for the company going forward. Parking This year we continued our tradition of holiday parking on Christmas and New Years in the Big Mall so that our friends and family have a safe place to park while visit-

ing. Parking has been a big problem for the past 10 years and it’s getting worse. We have more people coming in with more cars and more buildings going up as well. That is why the Board has an enhanced focus on expanding parking throughout Rochdale to include a plan for multi-level parking. We have also relaxed certain parking rules in consideration of this issue such as allowing family members to park in our spaces temporarily while visiting. However, this is only for our spaces in the lots where we keep our vehicles and not the mall parking lots. With that being said, we have expanded overnight parking in Mall #1 to help accommodate the long wait times for parking spaces and are also working on the same for Mall #2 as a pilot program. Past Events This Thanksgiving and holiday season was a highlight. The seniors were treated by the Senior Citizens Committee with a Thanksgiving turkey giveaway. We are always looking to ensure that during the time of giving, those in our community can have a hot meal on Thanksgiving. Thank you to Key food Supermarket, New Image, Dr. Maria Hubbard for their contribution of turkeys. Rochdale Village is forever grateful for your support. Saturday, December 14, 2019, Rochdale Village Inc. celebrated its annual Children’s Christmas Party. This Event is exclusively for children 10 years and under located in the Rochdale Village Mall #1. The event was a great success. We had over 300 children accompanied by their parents. Everyone had a great time, enjoying the festivities and taking pictures with Santa. We also had different winter characters such as snowman, elves, reindeers, etc. engaging with the children and their families during the event which was a tremendous success. Most importantly I am very proud of the creation and decorative effort made by me of the Santa Land that came to life through my eyes and vision. Moving forward, Rochdale Village

President, Jean Randolph-Castro will have their very own Santa Land. I would also like to add that we had live music this holiday season with a contemporary band performing holiday Christmas favorites for all cooperators and visitors to the Rochdale Village Mall #1. I am truly excited for what Rochdale Village has accomplished in the past year, with all the new additions of events for the quality of life for all. I want to especially thank the Board of Directors for their support that enabled me to make all of this happen. Wednesday, December 18, 2019, the seniors celebrated the holiday season with a wonderful Christmas Party. Thank you to the Senior Citizens Committee, H&N Insurance Company, Dr. Maria Hubbard (Agape and The Greater Bethel Community Development Corporation) for the gifts. It was a delight to see the seniors smile while receiving a gift. Monday, December 23, 2019, we were very excited to visit the Family Shelter on Farmers Blvd. Thank you to all who made this possible. To the Public Safety team Mr. Talib Bey, Mr. Clifton Stanley Diaz and Chief Adolph Osback, the Cooperators who donated toys and the King of Kings Foundation. Because of you, the children were very happy to receive a toy, knowing that there are people out there who care and think of them. I hope you have a fruitful and healthy year. Love, Peace, and Blessings to all Jean Castro

The year’s first Rochdale Village Board of Directors’ meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2020 in Community Center rooms 11/12/13 at 7:45 p.m.

December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 3

Public Safety and 113th Precinct team up to distribute gifts for Annual Toy Drive

Peter Taylor with residents of the Springfield Family Residences, Chair of the Senior Center Committee and Secretary of the Board Joyce Williams, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Co-Chairman of the Public Safety Committee Clifton Stanley Diaz, Board President Jean Castro, Special Patrolman Newsome, Chief Adolph Osback, Public Safety Chairman and Board Vice President Talib Bey, Sergeant Gilot of 113th Precinct, family of Board President Castro and Special Patrolman Scott.

By Susan Van Brackle


ommunity outreach is a large part of what members of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors do. Only a short time ago more than six sacks of toys, games and other items were collected by officers of the board and police officers from the Community Affairs division at the 113th Precinct for distribution to neighboring families residing at Springfield Family Residences at 146-80 Guy R. Brewer Boulevard. As a result of generous donations made by this community, Secretary of the Board and Senior Citizens’ Committee Chairman Joyce Williams, Senior Citizens’ Committee Co-Chair and President of the Board of Directors Jean Castro; Board Vice President and Public Safety Committee Chairman Talib Bey, Public Safety Committee Co-Chair and Chairman of the Board of Directors Clifton Stanley Diaz, Chief Adolph Osback of Rochdale’s Public Safety department and Sergeant Gilot of Jamaica, Queens’s 113th Precinct headed up toy drive efforts so that deserving families may receive them before Christmas eve. Mr. Bey dressed up as Santa Claus to the delight of adults and children alike. Police officers donned headbands fashioned

like reindeer antlers during set up while Senior Center Committee chairs Ms. Williams and Ms. Castro played elves greeting families and helping children to find toys from the vast selection. This visit to Springfield Family Residences was not the first for members of the Board of Directors. Rochdale Village has hosted three consecutive toy drives in concert with the 113th Precinct on behalf of the occupants there. Peter Taylor, supervisor for children’s services oversees all events that take place at Springfield Family Residences. Mr. Taylor conveyed his gratitude by stating, “I want to thank everybody for coming to Springfield and again blessing the families of Springfield. They really appreciate it. And, we thank the Rochdale community [and] Community Affairs. They always come through for the kids of Springfield. God bless you all, Thank you.”

Board President Jean Castro gave out toys and hugs.

Board Vice President Talib Bey as Santa Claus made lots of children happy throughout the community.

It was all hands on deck helping Secretary of the Board Joyce Williams set up all of the gifts delivered by RV.

Santa’s Elves: Board President Jean Castro, Officer Scott, Officer Newsome and Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz.

We needed muscle from Rochdale’s Maintainence team to offload toys from Santa’s sled.

( RV’s Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback, Special Patrolman Scott, 113th Precinct Sergeant Gilot, Special Patrolman Newsome.

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for November 2019 PUBLIC SAFETY

Personal safety is the most pervasive problem facing society today. People often view public safety as a vital necessity or a cataclysmic disaster. We want to make an introductory and expressionary statement about the forward momentum of our Public Safety Department, in order to elevate its importance. As a preamble, it is important that Shareholders Cooperators beautifully adorn their building lobbies with decorative view Public Safety as a vital Christmas ornaments at Rochdale Village. Shown here is building 16. necessity with five universal truths needed to build a goal we must communicate fense. Going forward, we trusting and long lasting re- the difference between pro- would like to put you on fessionalism and amateur guard with the following relationship: behavior. I have attentively sponsible tips: 1. All people want to be noticed that the new lead- 1. Be alert and aware of your treated with dignity and ership in Public Safety has surroundings at all times. shown the capacity to emrespect. Criminals often target brace this mission. It is dif2. All people want to be and confront people who ficult to tell the difference asked rather than told to are distracted. between shareholders and do something. 2. Travel on populated, well intruders when there is a lack 3. All people want to be inlit streets and walkways. of civility. We will emphasize formed as to why they are If possible, travel with a in our communications the being asked or ordered to friend. need for civility in behavior do something. 3. Plan our purchases in adand speech in order for the 4. All people want to be vance and only carry the community to help us with given options rather than amount of cash necessary this distinction. Sometimes, threats. to make the purchase. If just a polite good morning 5. All people want a second you must carry a large to a neighbor is a welcoming chance when they make a sum of money, divide the start to negate this dysfuncmistake. cash between your purse, tion. pockets and wallet. It is paramount that messages coming from Public Safety promote respect, understanding, and forgiveness. Our training efforts going forward will focus on this philosophy. Hopefully, what we teach will go a long way in uplifting the community and gaining respect for the Department. To achieve our


The best way to defer crime in the community is to stay constantly vigilant. Often, people will relax their guard when things are going well, thinking no crime will ever occur since all has been quiet for a good while. Mindfulness is the best de-

4. Keep a sheet with photocopies of the front and back of all your credit cards. This will facilitate things in the event you have to report the theft or a loss of a card. 5. When in a restaurant, never leave your handbag or packages unattended.

6. If you are carrying a wallet, carry it in the breast pocket of your jacket or in your side pants pocket. The rear pants pocket is one of the easiest to pick. 7. Carry your purse close to your body. Place one end of the purse in the palm of your hand and the other in the bend of the elbow. Never carry a purse by the handle or wrap the strap around your body. 8. If you must place packages in your car, put them into the trunk and make sure the trunk is locked. Never leave packages in the passenger compartment unattended. 9. Don’t buzz in someone who rings your doorbell until you have verified who they are. This will help protect yourself and your fellow cooperators. 10. Don’t wait until you have reached your front door to look for your keys. Have them ready in your hand. If a stranger is standing near your door, or gets off the elevator with you, it may be a good idea not to enter until the situation is safer and lock your door immediately upon entering your apartment. From the Marion Scott family to yours, we hope you have a happy, safe and prosperous New Year.

December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative For the six months ended October 2019

For the Seven Months Ended October 31, 2019, Operating Income before Interest, Depreciation, Amortization and Income taxes decreased slightly to $6,814,000 as compared to $6,826,000 in the Budget. Below you will find an explanation of the significant changes in each category:

$343,000 in the Budget. The increase is principally due to an increase in revenue from room rentals Total operating expenses for the Seven Months ended October 31, 2019 decreased $(61,000) to $39,662,000 as compared to $39,723,000 in the Budget. The decrease is explained in the following expense categories:

Operating income and Management and adexpense Operating revenue for ministrative the Seven Months ended October 31, 2019 was relatively in-line with the Budget at $48,280,000 as compared to $48,674,000 in the Budget. Cooperator revenue for the Seven Months ended October 31, 2019 was $40,420,000 as compared to $40,810,000 in the Budget. Vacancy losses, Tenant subsidies, Surcharge rent and Vacancy rent were about the same as the Budget. Commercial rental revenue for the Seven Months ended October 31, 2019 was relatively in-line with the Budget at $3,095,000 as compared to $3,073,000 in the Budget. Community Center revenue for the Seven Months ended October 31, 2019 increased $89,000 or 20% to $432,000 as compared to

For the Seven months ended October 31, 2019, Management and administrative expenses were relatively in-line with the Budget at $3,151,000 as compared to $3,194,000 in the Budget.

Janitorial & Grounds costs

For the Seven months ended October 31, 2019, Janitorial and Grounds cost decreased $(610,000) or 16.2% to $3,777,000 as compared to 4,387,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget reflecting a full staff and this category is not at full staff yet.

Maintenance and operating costs

For the Seven months ended October 31, 2019, Maintenance and Operating

cost decreased $(331,000) to $6,764,000 as compared to $7,095,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget reflecting a full staff and this category is not at full staff yet.

management negotiating favorable fixed pricing for several years. 2. Other Power Plant Expenses For the Seven months ended October 31, 2019, Other Power Plant expenses Security were relatively in-line with For the Seven months the Budget at $2,283,000 as ended October 31, 2019, Secu- compared to 2,314,000 in the rity cost decreased $(345,000) Budget. or 12.2% to $2,836,000 as compared to $3,182,000 in Real Estate Taxes the Budget. This decrease is (Shelter Rent) For the Seven months principally due to the Budget reflecting a full staff and this ended October 31, 2019, Real category is not at full staff estate taxes(Shelter rent) expenses increased $316,000 yet. or 12.8% to $2,472,000 as Power Plant compared to $2,156,000 in 1. Fuel and Utilities the Budget. This increase is For the Seven months principally due to NYC not ended October 31, 2019, Fuel reflecting the settlement of and utility expenses increased the dispute of including al$803,000 to $8,546,000 2019 locable corporate expenses in as compared to $7,742,000 the Shelter Rent calculation in the Budget. The increase in their bills yet. We anticiin these costs was related to pate that the adjustments will an increase in water expens- be reflected in our bills in the es due to seasonality of the 1st or 2nd quarter of 2020. Budget as compared to actual water expenses. It should Looking forward Overall, Rochdale Vilbe noted that National Grid (transportation of our gas lage Inc.’s financial results through their pipes) and actu- for the Seven months ended al gas costs were in-line with October 31, 2019 show that Rochdale Village Inc.’s rethe Budget. It should be noted that sults are on track to meet our our Gas prices have remained FY 2020 Budget. the same for both years due to

Save a trip to the management office! • • • •

Set up monthly carrying charge payments online. Start by subscribing to Contact the Rochdale Village Bulletin office to register. Call 718-276-5700 x359

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT FY & YTD 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AGING FY 2020

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2018, 2019 and 2020

December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2019 and 2020 Actual vs. Budget

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Chief Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report November 2019

Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department during the month of November 2019. Public Safety maintains 24 hour / 7 days a week coverage.


1. During the month of November 2019, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Department officers responded to a total of (72) loitering and (87) noise complaints from Cooperators which were resolved as follows: a) Founded-Compliant- (29) Loiterers complied with officers directives to leave and (33) of the noise complaint sources corrected the volume of the noise. b) Unfounded Calls- (36) unfounded loitering complaints and (53) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard). c) Founded/Non-Compliant Calls- Loitering individuals & noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives – (7) received violations for loitering and (1) received a violation for noise complaints. For the month of November 2019 there was a grand total of (8) arrest made on Rochdale Village Grounds. The Public Safety Department will continue to organize in order to better serve the Rochdale Village community. DVR UNIT ACTIVITY: RISK MANAGEMENT INCIDENTS 10 INVESTIGATIVE INCIDENTS 23 VIOLATIONS ISSUED 00 RELATED ARREST INCIDENTS 12 FIRE INCIDENTS 02 TOTAL INCIDENTS 47


















• • • •

Conducted (145) Directed & Routine Verticals. Made (3) arrests, issued (1) Trespass Notifications, issued (0) C-Summonses, issued (18) violations to include (3) for loitering and encountered (43) Loiterers during routine & directed patrols. Responded to assigned calls from Central Dispatch (26). Conducted (15) Tenant Verifications


The Public Safety Department towed (5) vehicles and issued (154) warning stickers for the violation of various parking rules throughout the complex. Routine & *Directed Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers and Supervisors patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours in an effort to curtail unlawful activities. *Directed verticals are additional post inspections performed in order to proactively reduce Quality of Life conditions in designated “Hot Spots” as determined by community complaints and the analysis of various patrol reports. BUILDING VERTICALS, GROUND FLOOR INSPECTIONS AND PARKING LOT CHECKS: 4068 *DIRECTED VERTICALS: 249 TOTAL POST INSPECTIONS: 4317


Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

CLASSIFICATION Illegal Move out Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Noise Complaint Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet/Occupant Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment Illegal installation of a camera Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Creating Fire Hazard Urinating/Defecation in Public Drinking Alcohol in Public (Open Containers) Improper Storage Trespass Foul Odor Verbal Harassment Walking Dog on Premises Throwing things out the window Illegal Parking Health Hazard Resisting Arrest Assault on Rochdale Village Personnel Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage Refusing to show ID Unauthorized Air Conditioner Theft of Property Curfew Smoking in unauthorized area Move In After Hours Assault Riding Bike On Property Reckless Driving Property Damage Delivery After Hours Illegally Parked Car Smoke Condition Total

AMOUNT 1 0 4 1 1 6 7 10 5 0 7 1 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52

December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 9

Disclaimer: The CompStats published below for the southeast Queens area reflects activity captured from the beginning of this month which includes cumulative stats from the month prior. Keep in mind that the stats below for the 113th Precinct reflect the total southeast Queens area including Jamaica along with St. Albans, Hollis, Springfield Gardens, South Ozone Park, South Jamaica, Addisleigh Park, and Locust Manor. The numbers shown do not specifically identify activity in the Rochdale Village community. - Rochdale Village Bulletin

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Claude LeBorde

Contract Summary/Status — November 2019 Projects (Open): New Projects: Project: Architect: Contract Amount: Contract Status: Funding Source:

General Consultant Robert J. Stahl Architect Not to Exceed $150,000 per year (2-year con tract) Sent to HCR for approval on 10/29/19 Escrow

Project: Contractor: Contract Amount: Contract Status: Funding Source:

Big Mall Atrium Roof Bay Restoration Corp. $265,000 Sent to HCR for approval on 10/31/19 Wells Fargo

Project: Contractor Contract Amount: Contract Status: Funding Source:

Auger Compactor Purchase & Installation Sani-Tech Systems, Inc. $150,128.51 Sent to HCR for approval on 10/31/19 Wells Fargo

Project: Status: Funding Source:

Consultant for Parking Lot Expansion & Resto ration Bids due and opened on 11/12/19. Bids are under review by Management. Escrow

Project: Status: Funding Source:

Consultant for one (1) Tier Parking in Lots 3A & 3B Bids due and opened on 11/25/19. Bids are under review by management. Wells Fargo

Project: Status: Funding Source:

Post-Fire Smoke Purge System Request for approval to solicit bids sent to HCR for approval on 11/5/19. Wells Fargo

Project: Status: Source:

Fire Alarm Upgrades – Club Rooms & Day Care Centers inRooms 1-3, 5 & 7-20 Consultant to provide bid tabulation and rec ommendation letter. Reserves

Project: Asbestos Abatement Contractor Status The Board passed a resolution on 11/25/19 to hire the incumbent, ESG Inc. at their unit prices. All proposals are being sent to Legal Counsel and the NYSHCR for review and approval. Funding Source: Operations Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Status: Funding Source:

Asphalt Paving M.S.S. Golden

Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status: in progress on the first. Funding Source:

Fire Alarm/Sprinkler System (Large Mall) Elmhurst Electric Corp. 12/6/17 $815,000 $435,600 ($87,600 for P & P Bonds) Sprinkler – Work is complete on the second floor &

Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status: Funding Source:

Building Pipe Insulation Anglin Insulation Services 6/5/18 $138,190.00 $138,122.55 Complete – Phase 2 HM-23 pending at HCR HCR Reserves

Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status: Funding Source:

Building Group Directional Signs Youn Design 12/12/17 $80,000 $25,710 The NYC Department of Buildings has ap proved work permits. Color samples have been approved by Manage ment. Shop drawing have been approved by our Architect, Robert J. Stahl and the Contrac tor. Youn Design has revised their schedule. Work is in progress in Group 1, 3, 4, 5. Operations

NTE $100,000 per year Work is ongoing Reserves

HCR Reserves

Project: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount Status: Paid to Date: Funding Source:

Mall Pylon Signs 2/26/18 $113,300 Consultant, Robert J Stahl is preparing RFP to rebid the project do to inability of contractor to provide accurate sign load and specification. $22,500 Wells Fargo Escrow

Project: Consultant: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status: Funding Source:

Air Monitoring-Various Locations A & B Inspection Services Corp. September 2019 NTE $200,000 per year (2-year contract) $0 Bids were received 9/4/19. HCR Reserves

Project: Brownfield Cleanup Consultant: Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna LLP Tenen Environmental Contractor: Sigma Maintenance & Restoration Contract Amount: $1,125,000 Paid to date: $905,081 Status: The NYCDEP mandated the installation of de pressurization wells in selected. commercial stores in both malls. Mall 1 - Complete. Awaiting for Certificate Of Completion. (COC) Mall 2 - Pressure monitoring, suction pits and piping complete. Awaiting for motors and fans installation. Funding Source: Operations

Projects – Completed: Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status: Funding Source:

Parking Lot & Walkway Restoration City & County Paving 9/2016 $2,520,420 $2,520,420 (final payment to contractor on 12/6/18) Complete (Lot #7 completed with the addition of 21 new spaces) Wells Fargo Escrow

Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status: Funding Source:

Community Center Roof Repairs AM&G Waterproofing 4/11/18 $1,795,000 reduced by $72,325 resulting price $1,722,675 $1,550,407 Complete (Awaiting sign off and warranties) Wells Fargo Escrow

Project: Contractor Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status: Funding Source:

Façade – Building #5 (Group 2) bulging bricks Proto Construction Corp. $132,943.45 $51,345.45 Complete HCR Reserves

Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount:

Laundry Room Services & Renovations Woodside Super Laundry Five (5) year extension granted on 3/26/18 Monthly payments to Rochdale of $72,572 in year 1 with increases up to $76,862 over the 5-year period N/A All Buildings have been renovated. The Keri - Key system with sensors was completed in all Groups on 5/10/19.

Paid to date: Status:

ROOF LEAK RENOVATION: 1. Building 7C, Apt. 13C 2. Building 20C, Apt. 13A 3. Mall 1 – OB’S Restaurant 4. Building 17C, Apt. 13B 5. Building 19B, Apt. 13B 6. Mall 2 – Dry Cleaning 7. Building 7A, Apt. 13E 8. Mall 1 – Post Office 9. Building 1A, Apt. 13A 10. Building 4A, bulkhead 11. Mall 1 – Bed & Bath 12. Mall 1 – UJ’s Pizza

(Completed January 2019) (Completed January 2019) (Completed January 2019) (Completed February 2019) (Completed March 2019) (Completed March 2019) (Completed June 2019) (Completed June 2019) (Completed August 2019) (Completed September 2019) (Completed October 2019) (Complete October 2019)

December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 11

Directional signs newly installed at group entrances By Susan Van Brackle


irectional signs are popping up oneby-one at the entrance of each circle in the complex. Installation was completed at Groups 1, 3 and 5 just in time to guide visitors and guests that arrived at the cooperative over the Christmas holidays. Group 4’s sign is getting finishing touches while Group 2’s sign will be installed by Spring 2020. The lighted signs use energy efficient LED bulbs, which is in keeping with Rochdale’s initiative to reduce its carbon footprint. There’s never been signs on Rochdale’s campus to help people navigate this vast 120 acre space. Plans are to expand the signage program by installing directional signage throughout the internal grounds of the co-op.


Parking Lot Waiting List Now ONLINE

ooperators who applied for parking can now check their status online at First click “Live here” on the main banner then scroll down and select “parking waiting list,” to pull up the full list. Using the list residents can search for

their building section and apartment number under the specific parking lot they applied for. This list will be updated quarterly. For further information contact Gwendolyn Springle from the cashier’s office at 718-2765700.

Register cooperator complaints during Cooperator’s Session at Board Meetings or with Rochdale’s Ombudsman at 718-276-5700 x315

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Next Steps for Spectrum’s latest bulk deal offer at Rochdale Village By Susan Van Brackle


hat if it were possible to know that your cable and internet service will have a fixed monthly payment for two years? What if you could have a platinum lineup of movie channels and not be ‘locked’ into a contract for switching service? What if there was a chance to enter to win $500.00 AND a year of free services as well as center court tickets to an upcoming Knicks/ Clippers game? That was a mouthful wasn’t it? Details for how this is all possible are posted right here. As noted in the November Bulletin, members of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors and Management are presenting a third bulk deal to residents for consideration on behalf of Charter Spectrum. On the page 14, cooperators will find the full list of ‘Platinum’ channels that are included in the discounted Bulk Package.

How can Cooperators Get the Bulk Deal?

There are multiple ways residents can register to subscribe for Charter Spectrum‘s bulk cable services and internet at Rochdale Village. First, Management will begin circulating a two-sided questionnaire door-to-door. One side of the form contains the survey the other side has the channel lineup. Once it is filled out, the survey may be returned to the reception desk at the

Management office and/or at Group Manager Offices located in each circle. The next way to register is by email. Charter Spectrum will provide an email address that will be posted in the Weekly Sheet for those that prefer online registration. Third, a dedicated customer service team from Charter Spectrum will visit the cooperative in the coming weeks so that resident may register in the lobby of their own homes.

ly from Rochdale Village, Inc., similar to the bill that residents receive for their parking spaces. Initial engagement is two years; Community TV Platinum (200+ no more than a 3% increase in channel lineup) including movie years 3 & 4. channels at no additional cost: • Showtime When does the survey • Starz end? • Encore Cooperators must turn • EPIX in all surveys by MONDAY • The Movie Channel MARCH 16, 2020.

What if I’m already an existing customer?

Rochdalers will also receive two (2) DVR Set Top Boxes w/DVR service and Spectrum High Speed Internet at 400 Mbps with WiFi router included. The total monthly rate is: $75.00 with taxes/fees included. According to Spectrum, this deal represents a significant monthly savings in comparison to the regular rates being paid whether you are currently a Spectrum subscriber or receive service elsewhere. Residents are no longer ‘locked into’ the bulk deal program and will have the chance to “OPT OUT” four (4) times during each calendar year with advanced notice to management.

To get the bulk deal at Rochdale Village, all people that are interested, including new and existing customers, must respond to a survey by the deadline specified, which is Monday, March 16, 2020.

How many people must sign-up before the bulk deal goes through?

In order for Rochdale Village to move forward with the bulk deal, 4,500 cooperators must subscribe. The 4,500 captures the combined head count for both new and existing customers.

What are incentives to joining?

Charter Spectrum has elected to ‘sweeten the pot’ for subscribers by offering the chance to win a monetary prize, free service and tickets to an NBA basketball game at Madi-

son Square Garden. (See page 15 for full details and quantity limits.) Also, Rochdale Village subscribers will receive Spectrum’s

What if I have more questions?

Ms. Brown in the Management Office is available to take your questions. She is reachable at 718-276-5700 extension 312. Members of the Board of D irectors , M anagement and the R ochdale V illage B ul letin Newspaper want to say thank you for taking time out from your hectic schedules to consider Spectrum’s latest proposal. Please know that neither the Board of Directors, Management or any other team member of the Rochdale Village corporation has taken a position with regard to Spectrum’s offer other than to present it to coopHow will the bill be erators. Residents can expect paid? to receive the bulk deal sign up Finally, fees for the sersurvey for cable tv and internet vices included in this TV/Intervery shortly. net package will be billed direct-

Want to switch cable and internet providers but worry about early termination fees? New CHARTER SPECTRUM customers who may have an early termination fee from a competing provider will be given a contract buyout form (CBO) to fill out (which contains instructions) for how they may receive up to $500 that covers transfer fee costs. *Eligibility determined upon receipt of the CBO form.

December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2019

Council Member Donovan Richards gives sta- Senator Chuck Schumer visits annual tus on flood ravaged neighbors in S.Ozone Park holiday party at Queens Democratic Club

Council Member Donovan Richards the day after City Council hearings with Department of Environmental Protection at New York’s City Hall.

By Susan Van Brackle


he Rochdale Bulletin caught up with Council Member Donovan Richards one day after his City Council hearing with the Department of Environmental Protection at City Hall. The hearing reviewed next steps for rectifying conditions that flooded basements and displaced homeowners during the Christmas holidays in South Ozone Park. According to Council Member Richards, “Well yesterday confirmed what we knew, that it was clearly a failure in DEP’s infrastructure and

although they are still investigating, we are hoping they conclude that investigation, which we pushed on yesterday, ...within two days or so. You know, homeowners… especially during the holidays, either homeowners who have working families or on their pension who are just everyday New Yorkers trying to get by. So this really hurts and I’m hoping that the DEP will conclude their investigation and we will continue to hold them accountable as we move forward.” Council Member is partnering with other local leaders to advance progress on this matter.

(left to right) Rochdale Village Chairman of the Board of Directors Clifton Stanley Diaz with New York State’s Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

By Susan Van Brackle “Anything for Rochdale!” so said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer when he stopped to take a photo with Board President Clifton Stanley Diaz at the annual Guy R. Brewer United Democratic Club on December 7. The annual affair is hosted by district leaders like the Honorable Archie and Leslie Spigner, club president Renee Bluford and executive secretary Manuel Caughman

and is a mainstay of the southeast Queens social season in. The affair brought with it guests from the borough and beyond including New York State Attorney General Letitia James, New York State Assemblymember David I. Weprin, City Councilman Rory Lancman, 1st Vice-Chair of the Queens Democratic Party the Honorable June Bunch, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Queensborough President hopeful, Council Member Alicia Hyndman.

NYPD’s Deputy Police Commissioner Benjamin B. Tucker and Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison on the job during #NewYearsEve balldrop By Susan Van Brackle

New York’s City’s top brass, were responsible for seeing that all balldrop rom Rochdale’s Grand Ballroom activities went off without a hitch. The to the crossroads of the world in Bulletin was honored to have chance Times Square, the Bulletin newspa- meet ups with not one but two of New per provided New Year’s Eve cover- York City’s Finest; Deputy Police Comage that connected cooperators with missioner Benjamin B. Tucker and nahappenings across town and in their tive son of Rochdale Village turned neighborhood. NYPD’s Chief of Detectives Rodney A sea of New York City police Harrison. Thanks to their efforts, fesmen and women, under the charge of tivities and revelers were kept safe.

F Deputy Police Commissioner Benjamin B. Tucker

Rochdale’s 113th Precinct Police Activity Blotter December 2019

NYPD’s Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison (left).

12/23/2019 FELONY ASSAULT 168-22 127 AVENUE 12/16/2019 FELONY ASSAULT 168-30 127 AVENUE 12/05/2019 FELONY ASSAULT 170-34 130 AVENUE 12/14/2019 GRAND LARCENY 170-12 130 AVENUE 12/11/2019 GRAND LARCENY 165-02 BAISLEY BLVD. 12/06/2019 GRAND LARCENY 170-42 130 AVENUE

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

New Year’s Rockin’ Eve at Rochdale’s Grand Ballroom Photo credit: Larry Love Moore

Community Center Committee member and all around cool guy Brotha’ Bob at the step and repeat.

The glasses on this party goer say it all!

Board members Janine Cross, Jean Castro and Clifton Stanley Diaz surrounded by ghoulishly adorable guests at the annual Halloween Party.

Director of the Board Janine Cross.

Community Center Director Julia Shaw looks ready for what the New Year brings.

New Year’s Eve at Rochdale’s grand ballroom is the perfect venue to get together with friends.

Assistant Treasurer of Rochdale’s Board of Directors Glynis Urquhart.

King of Kings Lance Feurtado and colleagues bring in 2020.

Confetti machine goes off at the stroke of midnight.

December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

New Year’s Rockin’ Eve at the Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom Photo credit: Larry Love Moore

Celebrity DJ Doctor Bob Lee and the Crew of WBLS doing what they do at Rochdale’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve ball.

The incomparable R&B performer of the evening, Mr. Jeff Redd.

Rochdale’s Captain Stanley (now retired) and his wife, came back to ring in the New Year with us.

Community Center Committee members hard at work.

Lucky guest selects name raffle prize.

This is the shot right here :-)

Board President Jean Castro (front right) turns the party out with family and friends.

King of Kings Todd Feurtado and guest.

Guest looks forward to a Happy New Year.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2019

Community Relations Committee brings Children’s Christmas Party back to Mall#1

(Standing): Members of the 113th Precinct’s Community Policing program and food sponsor Keyfood. (Seated): Community Relations Committee member Debbie Brown, Santa Claus and Board President Jean Castro.

(l. to r.) New York State Senator James Sanders Jr., Board President Jean Castro, Spirit Anderson and Vice President and Community Relations Chairperson Lisa Stark.

By Tara Michel


There was food, games and toys for children to enjoy as well as special cartoon character guests.

(Above): Special thanks to Public Safety’s Angels of Shield for their generous bicycle donations, to the 113th Precinct, the King of Kings Foundation and cooperators that donated toys to this annual event (See below)

ochdale’s Community Relations Committee held its annual children’s Christmas party on Saturday, December 14. The event was hosted by Chairperson and Treasurer for the Board of Directors Lisa Stark and Co-Chairperson Barbara Staples. For 14 years this party was established as a way of giving back to the community and as a way for families to enjoy the holiday season. From 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. the big mall was a buzz with children enjoying face painting by Walter, bouncy houses, arcade games and delicious food including pizza and cotton candy. This grand event had all the trappings; toy giveaways including bicycles from Public Safety’s Angels of the Shield, pictures with Santa taken by photographer Larry Love and, there was musical entertainment with DJ Kendo Infinity. This year cartoon mascots arrived for a surprise appearances. Children were thrilled and danced and took pictures with their favorite characters. Miss CARICOM and Miss Rochdale Village Schol-

arship award pageant winners Atiya Bey, Spirit Anderson and Cristel Flowe attended the party as did community police officers from the 113th Precinct and New York State Senator James Sanders Jr. . Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Secretary Joyce Williams, and Vice President Talib Bey were amongst the attendees at this well-supported event. Community Relations Committee members took decorating into their own hands this year by collaborating on design ideas that were previously done by outside resources. The team created the Santa Land concept that was used as a backdrop for photos with Santa. From lighting to drapery to furniture, each item was sourced by members of the Community Relations for the cooperator’s enjoyment. Moreover, the group hired a jazz band to provide holiday music to the cooperators; something that had never been done before. “This is an interesting event to see kids playing and having fun,” said Assembly Member Vivian Cook. Despite the rainy weather, parents were delighted to bring their children to have fun and enjoy the celebration of Christmas at Rochdale Village. It is truly a beautiful place to live.

December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Doctor Bob Lee

107.5 WBLS Radio Personality & Gala Host for Make the Grade

Entertainer Will Traxx, Rochdale Board President Jean Castro, Treasurer Barbara Staples, Doctor Bob Lee 107.5 WBLS , Vice President Lisa Stark, Community Center Director Julia Shaw, Susan Van Brackle, Managing Editor, Rochdale Village Bulletin,

Fred Bugsy Buggs 107.5 WBLS Radio Personality

Will Traxx Entertainer and Music Artist

Rochdale’s Board President Jean Castro, Vice President Ed Douglass, Vice President Tim Mercer and Director of the Board Gary Hawkins.

NYS Senator Leroy Comrie & RV Board President Jean Castro

Lisa Evers - Fox 5 News Reporter Hot 97 Radio Personality

Jeff Redd - R&B Singer Photo credit:

Award winning honorees of the Make The Grade Foundation.

Rochdale’s Board of Directors Make the Grade with Dr. Bob Lee By Susan Van Brackle


n December, members of Rochdale’s Board of Directors, the Bulletin and Community Center Director came out to support Doctor Bob Lee’s Make the Grade Red Carpet awards fundraiser and holiday gala. The goal of the 15 year old 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is

to give incentive, tutor, motivate and mentor school students to excel and be their very best. Doctor Bob Lee is the President and founder of this initiative, which is very close to his heart. Honorees for the night’s ceremony included 107.5 WBLS radio personalities Ann Tripp, Bugsy Buggs, Marley Marl; Principal of Community School 111 Dionne

Jaggon, State Political Director for the New York State Nurses Association Tara Martin, President of Local 32BJ Kyle Bragg, CEO of Carver Bank Michael T. Pugh and Fox 5 news reporter Lisa Evers with a Lifetime Achievement Award to Cora Tyson, 3rd Vice President of the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association. The evening’s hosts Anthony Marmon and Ann Tripp kept the

entertainment flowing, which included selections from Evangelist Valerie Boyd, emerging hip hop recording artist Valerie LaRosa, recording artist Sheena Lee, R&B singer Jeff Redd and entertainer Will Traxx. The Make the Grade initiative collaborates with community centers, local leaders, parents, students, educators and clergy to provide resources for youth.

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Annual ‘Our Village’ Kwanzaa event bigger and better at Rochdale Village

By Olayemi Okeniyi Susan Van Brackle


ochdale’s ‘Our Village’ Kwanzaa celebration has become an annual festival of sounds, colors and stories that celebrate cultural heritage and traditional values of the African diaspora. On Saturday, December 28, 2019, the festivities opened with remarks from Community Center Director, Julia Shaw and Rochdale Village Board of Directors President Jean Castro. A procession into the community center grand ballroom ensued led by two towering stilt walkers from Brooklyn Jumbies, Inc. followed by dancers moving to the beat of rhythmic drums. Stilt-walking masquerades are said to be symbolic sacred guardians of healing and protection rooted in African culture. What a great way to kick things off! Participants were invited to practice the seven principles of Kwanzaa as a way of life. The seven principles are Umoja (unity), Kujichagulia (self-determination), Ujima (collective work and responsibility), Ujamaa (cooperative economics), Nia (purpose), Kuumba (creativity) and Imani (faith). Andrew P. Jackson, also known as Sekou Molefi Baako, offici-

ated as MC for the Our Village Kwanzaa festival. He began the event with an opening prayer and libation. He then called upon Sister Elizabeth B. Anderson to present the Nguzo Saba (seven principles) of Kwanzaa and candle lighting. One by one, different performers took to the stage bringing dances, poetry and other moving performances. Local artists and troops included Face Painting by Walter, The Breath of Life Choir, Poet Pia Brower, tap dancer Omar Edwards, Edge School of the Arts, Not so Average Puppet Show, Epic Dance troop, Destined to Dance, Purelements, Reverend Dr. Ronnie Felder and the Voices of Inspiration entranced the audience with acts designed to stimulate the mind and feed the soul. The surrounding atrium of the community center served as a marketplace for local vendors selling crafted goods and food. People even made their own art in a workshop hosted by artisan Wanda Best, of Art Transforms, Inc. Event sponsors included Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Community Center Committee, Community Relations Committee, Youth Planning Committee and H&N Insurance Agency. Photos by Larry Love Moore


(l. to r.) Community Center Director Julia Shaw, drummers from Brooklyn Jumbies, Inc., Board of Directors’ President Jean Castro.


Pantomime performed by Edge School of the Arts.



Brooklyn Jumbies, Inc. perform stilt walking masquerades.

Vendor displays pieces of art and fashionable head wraps.


(l. to r.) Andrew P. Jackson (Sekou Molefi Baako) and Sister Elizabeth B. Anderson prepare to light the seven candles.


Ventriloquist from the Not so average puppet show.


Junior dancers from Edge School of the Arts.


Artisan Wanda Best of Art Transforms Inc. leads art workshop.

December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - November 25, 2019


$34,475.27 to be funded from the operating WHEREAS, the December 2019 Board


Meeting at Rochdale Village is scheduled for

Moved by: Talib Bey

December 23, 2019, two days before Christmas day;

Seconded by: Joyce Williams


FOR WHEREAS, this is a difficult time of

Talib Bey

Janine Cross

the year for Cooperators and Board Members to

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

attend the meeting and the December meeting has

Jean Hall

Tim Mercer

been cancelled for many years at Rochdale Village.

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors cancels the December 2019 Board Meeting. Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Talib Bey

Joyce Williams ABSENT Jean Randolph-Castro

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard

Kamal Saleem

Glynis Urquhart

Nine for, six absent; motion passes.


Talib Bey

Janine Cross

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Jean Hall

Tim Mercer

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams

R48-19: WHEREAS, proposals were sought from Project Management for asbestos abatement in various areas of all buildings throughout the Campus and

ABSENT Jean Randolph-Castro

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard

Kamal Saleem

Glynis Urquhart

Nine for, six absent; motion passes.

WHEREAS, the agreement would be for a two (2) year period with a maximum value of a not to exceed $200,000 per year; and WHEREAS, four (4) companies responded of which one (1) company, Fiber Control, Inc. is being disqualified due to the ambuguity of their

R47-19: WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. Purchasing Department has need to purchase a new forklift due to continuous repairs needed for the current forklift; WHEREAS, proposals were sought and bids were received from three companies; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bid was $34,475.27 including applicable taxes submitted by C&C Lift/Truck Inc. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Rochdale Village Board of Directors accepts the proposal from C&C Lift/Truck Inc. for a total of

bid and the fact that they did not provide a complete bid as the others; and WHEREAS, the incumbent, ESQ, Inc. Provided the lowest responsible bid as follows: Contractor - ESG, Inc. Abatement Per Lin. Ft. -


Abatement Per Sq. Ft. - $22.00 Dumpster Removal Per Cubic Yard - $70.00 Mobilization Cost - $1,500.00 DEP Filing Fees - $1,200.00 DOL Filing Fees - $2,000.00 Contractor - Fiber Control, Inc. Abatement Per Lin. Ft. -


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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - November 25, 2019

Abatement Per Sq. Ft. - $15,00


Dumpster Removal Per Cubic Yard - $83.00

Jean Randolph-Castro

Joe Evans

Mobilization Cost - $2,500.00

Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard

Kamal Saleem

Glynis Urquhart

DEP Filing Fees - at cost

Eight for, one abstention, six absent; motion

DOL Filing Fees - at cost


Contractor - Alpha Enviro Service


Abatement Per Lin. Ft. -


WHEREAS, Brothers Drug Corporation

Abatement Per Sq. Ft. - $45.00

d/b/a Variety Drugs is a commercial store in Mall

Dumpster Removal Per Cubic Yard - $55.00

#2, selling prescription drugs and medicines

Mobilization Cost - $2,000.00

WHEREAS, Variety Drugs is seeking to

DEP Filing Fees - $1,200

sell their business to Diana Groysman, who will

DOL Filing Fees - $2,000.00

assume the remainder of the lease term and provide the same service;

Contractor - Kalnitech Constr. Corp Abatement Per Lin. Ft. -


Abatement Per Sq. Ft. - $32.00

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. will be paid 5% of the final sale price; and WHEREAS, the terms of the lease is

Dumpster Removal Per Cubic Yard - $120.00 Mobilization Cost - $1,200

attached. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the sale

DEP Filing Fees - $2,000

of Brothers Drug Corporation d/b/a Variety Drugs

DOL Filing Fees - $2,500

to Diana Groysman is approved by the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts proposal

Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Talib Bey

from ESG, Inc. based upon their unit prices to be


funded from the operations account, subject to

Talib Bey

Janine Cross

approval from the New York State Homes &

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass


Tim Mercer

Barbara Staples


Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams


Moved by: Talib Bey Jean Hall

Seconded by: Janine Cross



Talib Bey

Janine Cross

Jean Randolph-Castro

Joe Evans

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard

Tim Mercer

Barbara Staples

Kamal Saleem

Glynis Urquhart

Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams

Eight for, one abstention, six absent; motion



December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - November 25, 2019


Adams would like to partner with the Rochdale Village Board of Directors to host a

R50-19: WHEREAS, a terrible tragedy in the

Thanksgiving Dinner on November 25, 2019 in the

community at large where an innocent fourteen

Grand Ballroom from 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. for

year old boy named Aamir Griffin became a victim

over 250 - 300 sheltered families; WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village Seniors

of gun violence; WHEREAS, the King of Kings Foundation (“KOK”) has reached out to Clifton Stanley Diaz

will also be invited to participate in this event; and

and Jean Castro regarding a partnership effort

WHEREAS, the Council Member will

between the King of Kings and the Board to help

supply the food and serving staff and Rochdale

accomoodate the Griffin family with repass

Village will provide the venue and public

accommodations; and


WHEREAS, the King of Kings will provide food and refreshments for the attendees

Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors

and the Board will provide use of the Ballroom

approves the resolution Council Member Adrienne

and Red Brick area on Monday 11/4/19 between the

Adams Thanksgiving Dinner for Sheltered Families


and Rochdale Village Seniors.

of 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors

Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

approves the resolution for the Aamir Griffin

Janine Cross

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Repass Accommodation.

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard

FOR Jean Randolph-Castro

Janine Cross

Tim Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Glynis Urquhart

Maryam Hubbard

Tim Mercer

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Glynis Urquhart

Joyce Williams


Jean Hall

Kamal Saleem

ABSTAIN Joyce Williams UNABLE TO BE REACHED Jean Hall Thirteen for, one abstention, one unable to be reached

Twelve for, three unable to be reached; telephone vote passes.

R52-19: WHEREAS, the 2019 Make the Grade Awards fundraising event will take place on

R51-19: WHEREAS, there are many homeless families living in shelters throughout the surrounding community; WHEREAS, Council Member Adrienne

Thursday, December 5, 2019, at Terrace on the Park; WHEREAS, proceeds from the Make the Grade Awards event will go towards children’s costs for college; and

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - November 25, 2019

WHEREAS, Board Members would like to

Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors

attend the Event at a discounted price from

approves the resolution for the 2019 Make

$5,000 to $2,000 for the Silver Sponsor package

the Grade Awards Gala.

that includes one special guest appearance by


Bob Lee at your community event (within three

Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

months from the dinner) organization’s name

Janine Cross

Clifton Stanley Diaz

announced as silver event sponsor, photo

Edward Douglass

Gary Hawkins

opportunity with celebrity guest, premium

Tim Mercer

Barbara Staples

reserved seating for table of ten, silver page

Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams

advertisement in event program, acknowledgement

Glynis Urquhart

in event marketing and press related material,


opportunity to provide a premium gift item for attendees and listing in Make the Grade web

Jean Hall

Joe Evans

page (1 year).

Maryam Hubbard

Kamal Saleem


Eleven for, four against; telephone vote passes.

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - November 25, 2019

Meeting began: 7:50 p.m. Board Members: Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Talib Bey - 1st Vice President Tim Mercer - 2nd Vice President Lisa Stark - 3rd Vice President Edward Douglass - 4th Vice President Joyce Williams - Secretary Janine Cross - Assistant Secretary Barbara Staples - Treasurer Jean Hall - Director Not Present Jean Randolph Castro - President Glynis Urquhart - Assistant Treasurer Joe Evans - Director Gary Hawkins - Director Maryam Hubbard - Director Kamal Saleem - Director

Also present MSI Real Estate Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager Lance Williams - Assistant General Manager Robert Bernstein, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Kelvin Pantaleon - Director of Maintenance Adolph Osback - Chief of Public Safety The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting. Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (7) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 8:35 p.m.

December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Community Center Committee Minutes for Thursday, December 19, 2019 Facilitator: Chairperson, Edward Douglass • Set-up – Norma, Rose, Marilyn Meeting was opened by Chairperson, Mr. • There will be door prizes Edward Douglass • Finger foods will be provided New Business: New Year’s Eve Party Ten (10) people were in attendance

2) Other Business • It was made mention that we cannot take pictures in the Board or in committee The Committee discussed the following items: meetings. 1) New Year’s Eve Party Ed Douglass Jean Castro • Committee Members turned in all monies 3) Old Business Meeting attendees: from ticket sale Next Meeting: Community Center Committee Attendance • Members will meet on New Year’s Eve at Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 7 p.m. Sheet forwarded 12 noon to complete set up of tables Date: Thursday, December 19, 2019 • Assignments given to members Jean Randolph-Castro, Chairperson Time: Called to order: 7:00 p.m. • Bands – Yvette and Margaret Edward Douglass, Chairperson Adjourned: 7:45 p.m. • Washing Buckets – Viola and Margaret Tina Young, Secretary

Public Safety Committee Minutes for Thursday, December 5, 2019

Talib Bey

Meeting attendees: Public Safety Committee Attendance Sheet forwarded Public Safety: Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019 Time: Called to order: 7:10 p.m. Adjourned: 8:30 p.m.

Facilitator: Chairman, Talib Bey Talib greeted everyone. UPS & Fedex Got in touch with UPS and Fedex but no one got back to Chairman Bey. Did not get a response from DHL & Amazon • Continuous problem is how the packages are dropped off unattended. Boxes are being dropped off in the lobby. • Notes are being left on the doors when cooperators are home • Deliverers come through the front door instead of using the ramp/m door – what is the procedure??? • Chief Osback to address this issue Suggestion The best way to rectify the situation is to boycott Legal Petition

• Building 15 had a fire 2X… • Investigators are looking into this matter • Is the Ring a privacy issue? If we can’t get it, what’s the next steps??? • Chairman is looking into it and will have answers in next month’s meeting

regarding the rules and regulations

No Parking • Red Signs… no parking at all • White Signs… only handicap parking • The person stealing packages is the same person that was stealing last year Chief Osback • Why were the fire department going from • There’s a breakdown for each post and terrace to terrace in building 19 their issues/violations – as long as kids • This was an inspection are respectable there won’t be a violation issued New mirrors were installed in the hallways. • Post 5 had 53 violators – unless they are breaking the law Public Safety cannot get Cameras them arrested Back of Building 7 - Film (unclear) – Is • 2nd floor has cameras and emergency call someone to test these cameras. box • 8 Cameras was installed in the community Why were the cameras not allocated for the center stairwell… soft target. • Parking lot 4 now has cameras • Long Island Railroad: You can call from Opening by lot 7 going toward the railroad… your phone to be escorted. This is a shared there’s a lot of foot traffic. duty between Public Safety and NYPD (after 7) … Crime Prevention on Saturday, December 7 • Osback will try to have a violation from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. breakdown by buildings going forward. • Will look into bench by 17. Build The Block with 113th Precinct on • Osback to find out about the elevator panic December 11 at 7 p.m. button in building 18. Next Meeting: Other Concerns: 1st Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. • Building 15 has no address • Contractors must go through the service Talib Bey, Chairperson area not the front door – People are not Tina Young, Secretary

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Maintenance Committee Minutes for Thursday, November 14, 2019

Janine Cross

Gary Hawkins

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with a total of 36 members signed in. Also present was

Chairperson Janine Cross, Maintenance representative Kelvin Pantaleon, and Ombudsmen Glen Keller.

• Various leaks in the lobby • Keri-keys not working in various buildings • The clocks keeps running fast • Bulk Garbage after 3:00 p.m. • Building 8 ramp door doesn’t close • Elevators not working, and damaged outlets near elevator banks • Sinks are still being used to wash out other things other than laundry issues. Janine Cross Chairperson of Maintenance took a survey of the shareholders in the room to confirm if their complaints were handled in a timely manner from the previous meeting. The majority stated yes except for an ongoing issue in building #8 inoperable door in the laundry room that has not working,

The meeting began addressing old issues that the previous Chairperson (Jean Hall) had concerns about from her meeting October 10, There was a conversation about abandoned 2019. vehicles in the parking lots. That will be referred to the Parking Committee. • Laundry issues

Moving forward these are suggestions to be addressed : • Complaint forms should be put in the laundry room. • There should be a man on site to service laundry room complaints. • Handling the puddles in the parking lot. • Posting notices to inform cooperators on late night for extermination. • Split shifts for handy men for emergencies (extended hours) • (No) garbage cans should be in lobbies. • Request for the Contractor that handles the Laundry Room to be at the maintenance meetings. * Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Janine Cross, Chairperson Gary Hawkins, Co-Chair

December 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

NYS Senator James Sanders Jr. gifts students and parents of RVSS tutoring program with tickets to see Rockettes Radio City Music Hall

By Susan Van Brackle


number of local youngsters and their families shared the joys of the holidays when they received free tickets to see the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, starring the Radio City Rockettes. Rochdale residents Linda Hayes and her son; Tanasha Green and her daughter, and Shenir (Monique) Greenidge and her children were among the individuals given complimentary passes for the Christmas Spectacular's 5 p.m. Tuesday, December 10, 2019 show. These individuals were selected to participate because of their association with Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc., a free, non-profit Saturday morning Academic Success Tutoring Pro-

gram funded by City Council Member Adrienne E. Adams, which operates out of the Rochdale Village Community Center. New York State Senator James Sanders Jr. obtained complimentary tickets for the Chase bank-sponsored Christmas Spectacular even in the midst of managing frantic abatement efforts caused by the flooding disaster that impacted neighboring homes in South Ozone Park. Senator Sanders’ Constituent Liaison Lisa George balanced her schedule between press conferences to secure the tickets in time for the show as promised to RVSS Board President Kevin Dilworth on Monday, December 9. The 90 minute-long live stage show - in the world's largest indoor theatre - allowed ticket holders to share the ultimate

New York experience: being transformed into an immersive, winter wonderland. From the sweeping 150 foot-wide stage, the students, their families and friends got to view the Rockettes’ dance formations including the Parade of the Wooden Soldiers and the rest of performance. Rochdale Village Social Services wants to extend its thanks to Senator Sanders and staff members of his district and satellite offices for thinking of constituents of this district for the complimentary tickets. They were offered at no cost yet, the regular price of tickets for that Tuesday nights show ranged anywhere from $49 to $199 each. Story contribution from Kevin Dilworth.

Linda Hayes and Presten Hayes made their way to their seats before the show started.

(left to right) Youngsters hobnobbing with Radio City Music Hall personalities. (Below) Radio City Ticket.

Madeline Augustine outside of New York City’s Radio City Music Hall in Rockefeller Center

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ 2019, a Year that was and the Year 2020, a New Horizon to look upon

Peace at Christmas By Gloria Williams

By Anthony Blake A year that had struggles Love having meaning in huggle Broadcast News that caught the world by surprise Crimes around the world that made all of realize Numerous deaths of various well known White House news totally full blown Inmates from Riker’s Island released Their new beginning being like a feast Homelessness that continued to linger on Hatred has no place, but 2019, it remained strong It was hard for all nationalities to get along Separation doesn’t belong World Peace being a question The answer really having no suggestion What can we expect in 2020? Hopefully resolutions if any There can’t be any excuses acting uncanny We must stand firm to reach a new frontier Moving forward is how we should preserver We need to count on each other We cannot depend leaving it to another We are all dwellers on this Earth It was enriched for centuries with nationalities giving the Earth its birth 2020 should be a year to get out and vote This is serious, and no joke 2020 is the year to prosper Slumber but wake up from yond So how will you live out 2020?

There is no Holy Day like Christmas My favorite time of the year The birth of the Baby Jesus Christ Bringing peace to all mankind Hope faith and good cheer There is nothing wrong with putting down Your weapons to study war no more There is nothing wrong with calling A truce to save our children elders and our youth What is war good for There is nothing wrong with Love For one another Love for family neighbors and friends There is nothing wrong with praying for peace no hunger no homelessness No crime no hatred just Love peace And harmony that never cease to end There is nothing wrong with praising our Lord as we kneel at the altar to Pray singing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace Born on Christmas day Peace

December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center - January 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2019

Rochdale NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - January 2020

December 2019

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December 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar January 2020

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle



169-65 137 Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 th


Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

December 2019

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December 2019

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