Vol. 50. No. 2
February 2014
RV aaaHome Improvement Expo slated for spring-p. 18-19
SNOW VS. SALT Rochdale’s manpower and steady ice melt reserves have prepared the cooperative for winter’s icy “one-two” punch! - Page 3
aaa Celebrating African-Americans making World History-p. 20-21
RVI makes timely equipment purchases-p. 5
President’s Message - Page 2 • Manager’s Report - Page 4 • Air Vent Cleanup at RV - Page 10 • Happenings around RV - Page 14
Rochdale Village Bulletin
President’s Message
The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.
Chairman of the Board David Jeffries President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Janine Cross Eddie Douglass Joe Evans Talib Bey Treasurer Lisa Stark Assistant Treasurer Joseph Mathieu Secretary Ron Hollie
Talib Bey Janine Cross Edward Douglass Joe Evans David Jeffries Gary Hawkins Ronald Hollie Tracy Irvin Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph-Castro Kamal Saleem Lisa Stark Mario Turner Ahmed White Arlisa Blackwell (State Representative) COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Gary Hawkins Community Center Edward Douglass Community Relations Jean Randolph-Castro Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Ahmed White Orientation Talib Bey Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Gary Hawkins Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc.
General Manager Marion Scott
Assistant Managers
Alex Freedman, MSI and Lynn Walker, RVI
February 2014
- by Jean Randolph-Castro
n this season of ice and
snow, heed the safety tips provided by Rochdale Safety in last month’s Rochdale Village Bulletin (pg 13). The importance of walking slowly, wearing footwear with treads, using sunglasses to minimize dazzling snow reflections, and avoiding icy areas to name a few of the recommendations goes a long way in keeping safe. Also, not overburdening yourself with heavy packages so that you can steady yourself in case of a slip is important. Our maintenance crew is working diligently to keep paths clear, but nature has a way of mocking man’s work, so always err on the side of caution when moving about in wintry weather. In this age of sophisticated technology, especially in a metropolis like New York, too often common courtesy is overlooked. Also given the fact that we live in a litigious society, sadly when there is a mishap such as a slip and fall, sometimes the first thought is to file a lawsuit. Remember that cooperative home ownership is different from renting. As shareholders, all costs associated with legal fees are borne on the backs of ourselves. These costs must be paid out of monies funded by our carrying charges and commercial leases, so the more legal
expenses we have, the less we have to spend on the capital improvements needed to keep our cooperative healthy and operational. HPD violations bear the same financial burden to the corporation so report any repairs to your group maintenance office. All this to say, don’t sue yourself. As cooperators and not renters, we are shareholders. We endeavor to assure that residents of our cooperative are solid, law abiding citizens who have the resources available to pay their carrying charges. Our Allocations (apartment sales) Department works meticulously to maintain the integrity of our cooperators. If the original head of household vacates their apartment through relocation or death, succession to the unit by remaining family members in the household must be handled following the HCR Mitchell-Lama criteria. If a lone shareholder passes away, the administrator of the estate must provide notarized documentation to close out the estate (the apartment). Succession is only granted to a remaining family member as defined by the Mitchell-Lama program. These family members must show that Rochdale is their primary residence and that they have resided with the absent shareholder for at least three (3) years and/or
Jean Randolph-Castro
been added as an Addition to Household submitting to the required state mandated criminal background check, and listed on three (3) consecutive annual income surveys. All documentation showing credible evidence that the original shareholder has vacated the apartment and supporting the succession of a family member must be notarized and provided in writing to the Allocations Department to be considered. Rochdale Village is tough on illegal occupants. To avoid legal action, if succession is desired, contact the Allocations Department and follow the state regulated protocol. Following these steps, we can assure that our neighbors reflect our community-minded conscientiousness that makes Rochdale special.
Darius George
Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones
Security Chief Thomas Mason
Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco
Human Resource Director Elizabeth Goldsmith
General Counsel
William R. Greenspan
The Next Rochdale Village Board Of Directors’ Meeting is Scheduled For Monday, March 24, 2014
Rochdale Village Bulletin
February 2014
Page 3
RV creatively sources ice melt to keep reserves up Entire cities run out of ice melt to combat the snow yet RV maintenance gets the job done By Lelio Dalencour
Village went through great lengths to obtain a product that recently spiked in both value and scarcity: “ice melt”. The corporation ultimately sourced 45,000 pounds of magnesium chloride ice melt (to the tune of 22 tons) from a Canadian supplier in order to be prepared for the megastorm that hit on February 12. The company’s purchase order also ensures that stock is available for future snow events. It is no secret that small businesses, home improvement centers, and wholesale vendors have run out of ice melt due to winter’s constant blasts. Manufacturers have ochdale
A maintenance worker hauls a pallet of multiple sacks of ice melt each weighing 50-pound each. been unable to keep up with the high demands of the snowy northeast. “People were trying to purchase salt straight off the truck,” said John
Blount, a Maintenance worker, who spoke to the deliveryman. “Some were ready to offer money for the [entire delivery].”
The ice melt was distributed to all five circles, where maintenance workers remained on call to tackle any incoming flurries if needed. Ice melt is the key to battling snowy sidewalks and curbs for businesses and homeowners. The formula helps to prevent slip and fall injuries and clears walkway obstructions. While the snowfall wasn’t a catastrophic 30-inch noreaster as was predicted by forecasters, Rochdale’s maintenance team effectively cleared several walkways that span this massive property. As we lose count of how many snowstorms we’ve endured, Rochdale Village continues to make the landscape bearable for residents.
NORC, succession planning and carrying charge increases all hot topics at senior committee meeting by
Susan Van Brackle
n Wednesday February 12, 2014, the monthly Senior Citizen’s Committee meeting chaired by Board President Jean Castro convened to discuss important issues, policies and programs that could affect the quality of life for many at Rochdale Village. The meeting was originally scheduled for February 7 but was postponed due to inclement weather. Highlighted at the meeting were clarifications about how carrying charge increases were calculated, a review of the succession rights policy and new developments concerning the future of the NORC
program here at Rochdale Village. General Manager Marion Scott led the discussion opening with a detailed explanation of the calculation for the carrying charge increase. A breakdown of how proceeds from the recent loan refinance will be spent on infrastructure repairs was also provided. Attendees were advised that community group meetings will be scheduled in March and April to further address any concerns that cooperators may have about the increase. Board members and management will both be in attendance to field questions. Mr. Scott also discussed the specificities of succession rights, rules and regulations. Board member and Orientation
committee chairperson Talib Bey was also on hand to address cooperators’ questions. During the meeting, residents were advised that the Rochdale Village NORC was not renewed for $274,000 in program funding that is provided by the New York City Department for the Aging. Social Services President John Scott informed the audience “NORC’s RFP (request for proposal) has not been accepted.” Scott went on to explain that “every three to four years offices must (re)apply. A hybrid program was applied for but was rejected.” Access to a hybrid program would have linked both the Rochdale Village NORC and Rochdale Village Social Services
offerings together to form an expansion of resources, space and programming. New York City generally funds a limited number of hybrid NORCs, which is why the recent application was denied. Unless alternative solutions can be found, NORC services at Rochdale Village will end effective Monday, June 30, 2014. Community leaders together with board members, management and social services staffs are exploring comparable options to replace these valuable services. Residents will be provided with ongoing updates during upcoming group meetings and monthly senior meetings as events unfold.
Group Meetings The Board of Directors and Management will be presenting a series of group meetings. Listed below are the dates, places and time: Group 5, Building 17, Thursday, March 6, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Group 1, Building 1, Wednesday, March 12, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Group 2, Building 8, Thursday, March 27, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Group 3, Building 10, Wednesday, April 2, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Group 4, Building 14, Tuesday, April 15, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m.
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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February 2014
Monthly Report - by Marion Scott
General Manager’s Monthly Report for January 2014 APARTMENT SALES A primary activity of apartment management is the acquisition of new residents. For Rochdale Village to be successful, high occupancy levels must be maintained to help generate income and pay expenses. The Allocations Department under the direction of Elizabeth Herold, and assisted by Caryell Morrow and Denise Bellamy, have done an outstanding job in selling apartments and reducing the economic impact on corporate finances. Selling apartments in a regulatory environment is not easy when you have to balance the requirements of the Supervisory Agency and the Tenant Selection Policy against the pressure to fill vacant units. The staff has persevered and currently there are 19 vacant apartments with only 1 unassigned unit awaiting a buyer. We are virtually at 100% occupancy and cannot say enough about the staff’s hard work and dedication to this task. We wish to commend them for this superlative achievement and a job well done!!!! MAINTENANCE VEHICLES On another staff related note, we want to recognize the work of the maintenance staff and Corey Jones during this difficult winter. It has been a monumental task to clean up the snow throughout our 117 acres. Luckily for us, Mr. Jones recommended that we buy some new vehicles in the fall in order to facilitate
be on presenting our long term plans for capital improvements, cooperator amenities and more effective public safety. By outlining the housing company’s plans for financial viability for the next ten years we want to create a feeling of openness, honesty and a sense of belonging. We will devote as much time as necessary to answer questions that have surfaced since our last round of group meetings.
the cleanup. You may have seen the three (3) new John Deere buggies removing snow on our pathways. These vehicles have been crucial to the snow removal process and I’m sure you have seen the maintenance staff using them to remove snow into the late hours of the night. This has been another job well done. BALCONY ENCLOSURES When Rochdale Village installed new windows and balcony doors in the apartments, all of the existing balcony enclosures had to be removed to accommodate the new improvements. After the window installation was completed, some shareholders chose to reinstall the enclosures without management’s express written permission. A recent event has caused NYC to pass enforce laws prohibiting enclosing
balconies and similar structures and directing that existing balcony enclosures be removed. This will not be a popular edict; however the sovereign City has spoken and we don’t get to vote. Accordingly, we will move to carry out this mandate to remove all of the balcony enclosures post-haste with sensitivity and understanding, while recognizing the hardship this directive will imposes upon the shareholders. The Group Managers will contact each individually affected shareholder in order to facilitate a smooth removal process. GROUP MEETINGS We have been asked to schedule the first round of group meetings for March and April. As we develop the materials for the meetings, our primary focus will
CLEANING APARTMENT VENTS The Maintenance department has a contract to clean each and every cooperator’s apartment vents. This operation is long overdue and the contractor is scheduled to start work in April. The major challenge will be to get into every apartment to service the vents sequentially. We will appeal to the shareholders to cooperate in this massive undertaking. Unless the contractor can do the work expeditiously the effort will not be not cost effective; and only the residents can make it work. We will ask the Maintenance committee for their assistance in spreading the word. We are beginning this year in the spirit of the cooperative; meeting to discuss our vision, strengths and challenges, and addressing our challenges by working together towards a common goal for the good of the community.
Job Posting Floating Dispatcher (Public Safety) Job Summary
Position covers any shift within any twenty-four (24) hour period, seven (7) days a week as determined by coverage needed in Public Safety department. Responsible for maintaining the Public Safety dispatch desk, which is the communications hub between cooperators, security personnel and others, by telephone, radio, and in person. Must document all shift occurrences and perform other duties as required.
Skills and Attributes
Minimum high school diploma or GED required, some college or business
school preferred. Excellent customer service required along with good computer skills, typing 45 wpm and ability to multi-task in a fast paced work environment. Candidate must be fluent in English with good writing and verbal communication skills. Flexible schedule is a must.
At least one year in a position requiring typing, computer skills, and working in a team environment. Previous dispatcher experience strongly desired. Please email your resume to: rvhr@rochdalevillage.com.
February 2014
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Page 5
Monthly Report - by Robert Woods
Contract Summary/Status — January 2014 I. Following is the Status of Department will set up a kick-off Schedule ‘B’ Projects: meeting with Lizardos Engineering and Power Plant personnel. SHOPPING CENTER ELEVATOR: I. Non Schedule B Projects: Project Completed. TURBINE GENERATOR #2 OVERHAUL (Power Plant): Project completed. BOILER/BURNERS (Power Plant): Invitation to Bid letters for the Replacement of Power Plant Boilers #3 & 4 were sent to prospective contractors on 12/31/13. A site visit was scheduled for January14, 2014. After the site walk-thru, contractors submitted Requests for Information (RFI), questions relative to the construction and materials for the work. Lizardos Engineering and Projects Department answered all RFI’s as requested. Contractors submitted requests to extend the bid due date. Projects issued an extension to February 25, 2014 as requested. EXCITER REPLACEMENT: Project completed.
LOCAL LAW 11, CYCLE-7 BUILDING FAÇADE REPAIRS: The Façade Project has been shut down for the duration of the winter months. Xinos Construction Corp. has been informed that they must submit a schedule showing how they will complete Building #16 and close in building facades exposed to the weather. Xinos Construction Corp. did not make deadline for completion of building#16 as promised. Xinos Construction Corp. informed Rochdale Village that they wish to discontinue their contract. Robert J. Stahl Architects and Projects will develop a new Request for Proposal to bid out remaining work. Robert Stahl continues to perform inspections at Building 16 to provide report to Department of Buildings.
Projects Department is awaiting Maintenance continues to repair leaks as they appear. However, a decision by the Engineering firm one of the problems experienced is supplying the units for cost savings. due to the type of roof. It is very hard to determine where the leak is POWER PLANT SWEET WATER TANK: Sweetwater tank installation is emanating from. complete. CORRIDOR ROOF REPAIRS: All work has been completed as POWER PLANT CONDENSATE TANK ASBESTOS ABATEMENT: per contract requirements. Now that the Sweetwater tank LOBBY CEILING REPLACEMENTS is installed, Noble Mechanical will & ASBESTOS ABATEMENT: submit a schedule for the work. Asbestos work and demolition Projects will schedule asbestos of hung ceilings are complete in abatement prior to tank installation. Buildings 10 & 16. Building 16 pipe insulation is installed. A pipe COMPACTOR MAINTENANCE is leaking in Building 16, which CONTRACT: All correspondence pertaining to Maintenance is in the process of fixing. While pipe is being repaired entering into contract with Premier the Contractor will start insulation of Compactor Systems, LLC in the amount of $4,950 per month has been pipe in Building 10. sent to the NYS Homes & Community BUILDING EMERGENCY Renewal for review and approval. GENERATOR UPGRADES: CRAWL SPACE PIPING AND NEC continues with installation of Exit Signs in Ground floors of all INTERIOR SPACE PIPING: Project pending NYSHCR buildings. Project Management has issued a complete set of drawings approval of credentials submitted by showing NEC where all Exit signs Power Plant Director and Projects Director to oversee work. must be installed in the buildings.
Project Management is awaiting final report from Consultant to close EMERGENCY ROOF REPAIRS: out project. Maintenance is performing ELECTRICAL WORK (Electrician): roof repairs to Buildings 1 & 11. DIESELENGINE GENERATOR Both areas concern the roof drains NEC continues to complete work OVERHAUL (Power Plant): leaking. Groups 3 & 4 have existing as per Maintenance tickets. Lizardos Engineering is the lowest rubber roofing installed on their main most responsible bidder for Generator roofs. These roofs were installed in POWER PLANT NEW WATER Overhaul Consultant. The Projects 1995 and due age, they are leaking. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM:
SITE UTILITIES/ UNDERGROUND PIPING: Project pending NYSHCR approval of credentials submitted by Power Plant Director and Projects Director to oversee work.
RV Maintenance makes smart snow plow purchases By Susan Van Brackle
inter’s fury was no match for the Rochdale Village maintenance team. Under the supervision of Deputy Maintenance Director, Corey Jones, the workers tirelessly managed these sprawling grounds while combatting multiple weather events. Helpful in this effort was the foresight of the maintenance department to source and secure
new grounds equipment in the fall in order to have it ready in time for the challenges of winter. The three newly purchased green and yellow John Deere snow plows were operated around the clock during multiple snowstorms, so that Rochdale’s vast grounds and walkways would be clear of ice and snow. This particular purchase of equipment also contains a maximum value component. The machinery’s dual parts and engineering allow it to be used for
cutting and grooming the grounds over the course of the spring into the fall. According to Deputy Maintenance Director Jones, “the grounds vehicles will serve a dual purpose in accordance with the seasons grass cutting in the summer and snow removal in the winter.”
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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February 2014
Controller’s Report -- by Darius George, Controller
Financial Overview—January 2014 The corporation refinanced its existing two mortgages to take advantage of lower interest rates and to secure additional funds to complete major capital improvements. The new mortgage is $130,000,000.00. Below is breakdown of the how the funds were disbursed:
As part of the loan closing the lender used the debt service and repair escrow with a combined balance in the amount of $2,897,949.48 to reduce loan balance off the $80,000,000.00 to $63,668,517.13. The second loan in the mount $20,000,000 was reduced to a net
Insurance Escrow Repair Escrow Origination Fee Third Party Costs Legal Fees- Borrower and Lender Loan Pay off #282000692 Loan Pay off #820100189 Interest and Fees payable Prorated interest Policy Premium on Loan Replacement and Contingency reserve
316,862.91 37,039,058.00 550,000.00 56,685.60 177,500.00 66,668,517.13 8,906,757.63 288,464.79 210,527,79.00 236,331.00 18,486,955.08
due of $8,906,757.63 by applying the combined balances of the debt service, pension litigation, repair, vapor intrusion and soil and ground remediation escrows in the amount of $9,964,914.02. The net result of the loan is that the corporation raised $55,526,013 to do capital work at 5.3% over 30 years. The residents will incur a modest rent increase over the next two budget years. In contrast raising the same amount of money through cooperator assessment would necessitate a rent increase of 86.75%. That amount is derived from the corporation’s current rent roll of $64,000,000.00. As of January 31, 2014 the corporation’s current assets were $10,004,180 and current liabilities
were $3,109,958 a ratio of 3.2 to meaning every dollar in liabilities has three dollars in assets. Cash balance at the end of the month was $5,552,867. The accounts receivable balance net of allowance for doubtful accounts was $1,760,013. Current payables including fund held as retainage on on-going contracts was $2,752,366. As previously reported all the old escrow was terminated with the exception of the real estate tax and insurance escrows to satisfy the old debt. A new repair escrow was created and funded from proceeds of the new loan in the amount of $37,039,058. The amount is held at Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. the servicer of the loan.
Ever wanted to know the procedure for making a parking lot transfer here at Rochdale Village? The simple schematic below is provided for your convenience by the Rochdale Village Controller’s office. It will assist cooperators by familiarizing them with the steps towards making a parking lot transfer.
February 2014
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Page 7
Controller’s Report Cash Receipts & Disbursements - January 31, 2014
- by Darius George Summary of Corporate Funds at January 31, 2014
The corporation cash, investments and escrow balances as of January 31, 2014 was $74,301,405.00. The amount available to pay operating expenses are $5,548,202.00. The following accounts are encumbered.
The Housing Company must obtain approval from NYS Homes & Community Renewal to disbursed funds from the contingency and replacement reserve accounts. The self insurance escrow fund is restricted by Board resolution. Funds can only be used to pay damages and other claims against the corporation during the period it was self insured. It also covers claim below the company liability insurance retention program. The debt service, insurance, completion repair and real estate tax escrow accounts were created under the terms of the mortgage refinancing agreement with Wells Fargo Multifamily Capital, Inc.
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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February 2014
Controller’s Report - by Darius George
Accounts Receivable Activity - January 2014
Tenant Arrears Report Ending January 31, 2014
Community Center Report For January 31, 2014
Rochdale Village Bulletin
February 2014
Page 9
Public Safety Report - by Chief Thomas Mason
Public Safety Monthly Report January 2014 Following is statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of January 2014. Public Safety maintains twenty-four hour coverage.
TOWED VEHICLES The Public Safety Department towed fourteen (14) vehicles during the month of January for violation of parking rules on the complex.
LOITERING: During the month of January 2014, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering conditions. As a result, Public Safety officers responded to a total of one hundred ninety-one (191) complaints of loitering which were resolved as follows: 1. Conditions corrected – one hundred-seven (107) loiterers complied with officer’s directive to leave. 2. Unfounded – eighty-four (84) loitering complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present) 3. Violations issued – six (6) loitering violations was issued
SPECIAL VERTICAL PATROL BY ROCHDALE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours to curtail unlawful activities and have been positively reinforced.
The Rochdale Village Public Safety Department will continue to organize to better serve the community. During the month of January the following arrests were affected: There was a total of 1 arrest(s) and 5 in-house detained for the month of January 2014; the incidents are as follows: Arrests for January 2014 January 1, 2014 – Bldg. #15 Stairwell, a RV Officer observed an intoxicated male in the stairwell; the male was escorted to the lobby; he refused to leave the area; the male proceeded to the upper lobby area; assistance was called; the male was detained, arrested, and transported to the 113th Pct.; he received a C-Summons and violations for resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and loitering. Not a Rochdale resident. January 4, 2014 – Bldg. #7, 11th Floor, a Paid Detail Officer observed two males smoking; both males were detained for identification; violations were issued for smoking, and loitering in the stairwell. They are Rochdale residents. January 14, 2014 – Bldg. #11 Stairwell, RV Officers responded to a call for loitering in the stairwell; upon arrival three males took flight; one male was detained by a Paid Detail Officer; the other two males were stopped by a RV Officer; the males were released in good physical condition and issued violations for loitering. One male a Rochdale resident. DVR UNIT ACTIVITY TOTAL INCIDENTS = 67 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT = 39 VIOLATIONS = 0
VERTICALS:.....................................................................................1138 SPECIAL VERTICALS: ..................................................................1590 TOTAL:............................................................................................. 2728 TOWING:..............................................................................................13 TOW WARNINGS:...............................................................................52 ESCORTS:.............................................................................................76 SECURITY RESPONDED TO THE FOLLOWING CALLS:.........2939 MAINTENANCE CALLS: ................................................................552 TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICES: ...................................................3491 INCIDENT REPORTS:.......................................................................149 MAIL VOLUME DELIVERED BY PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER:......2470 ARREST(S):............................................................................................1 IN HOUSE DETAINED:.........................................................................5 TOTAL: 6.................................................................................................. VIOLATIONS ISSUED:........................................................................50 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF/AUTO:.............................................................6 EVICTION(S): ......................................................................................1 VIOLATIONS Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued: CLASSIFICATION........................................................... AMOUNT 1 Illegal Move in/Out...........................................................................2 2 Negligence.........................................................................................5 3 Harboring a Pet..................................................................................1 4 Disorderly Conduct...........................................................................5 5 Loitering............................................................................................6 6 Harassment........................................................................................1 7 Damage to RV Property....................................................................3 8 Resisting Arrest.................................................................................1 9 Reckless Endangerment....................................................................3 10 Failure to Comply............................................................................10 11 Littering.............................................................................................5 12 Smoking in Unauthorized Area.........................................................1 13 Unlawful Dumping............................................................................7 Total................................................................................................50
All holiday decorations should be removed from apartment windows and terraces effective immediately. Failure to do so will result in violations within five days.
Page 10
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Have Funding, Will Travel City funding provides grants and opportunities for Thurgood Marshall elementary students By Lelio Dalencour
lthough school closings
occurred at August Martin High School and PS30, more positive changes are taking place at PS80 on 137th Avenue. Recently renamed to the “Thurgood Marshall Magnet School of Media & Communications
(hereby written as TM3C), the elementary school offers a new focus—and new funding. The school’s faculty chose to make parents aware of the changes through an open house/talent show held on Wednesday, January 29. TM3C’s students executed art and performances centered around Martin Luther King, Jr., from
choreographed dance to poems and musical ensembles. Afterwards, parents were invited to sit with representatives from the Department of Education (D.O.E.) and learn about the exciting new developments coming to the classrooms in the near future. Dana Wallace, coach for the Magnet Grant, introduced herself and a colleague before enthusiastically listing the new learning tools for students and teachers. These include iPads for students to use in classrooms, a state-of-theart computer lab with Macintosh computers, and a science lab for hands-on investigations. Classrooms will also receive Interactive Smart Boards and document cameras, which project a teacher’s handwritten notes onto the board for all students to view. TM3C has received the grant money and is in the process of obtaining the equipment. In addition, the school faculty will retain its successful programs while introducing new teaching styles with hopes of cultivating the most value. The elementary school was already acclaimed for its recorder ensemble (which
February 2014 performed at Carnegie Hall) and its winning debate team. These will remain at the school. Meanwhile, freelance instructors teaching anything from physical fitness to multimedia will be contracted to teach at the school in their own unique way. Such activities have been successful in the past, and additional grant funding will boost the school’s ability to provide them in greater quantity. Parents were elated to hear of the new implementations and integration of current resources, but had several questions. Each parent was encouraged to get involved the roundtables, make an agenda, and follow through in order to influence the direction of future funding. TM3C is located in one of only two districts that are receiving magnet funding in all of New York City. The challenge is set to see how the past and present resources, coupled with new teaching strategies, will aid the children’s growth and reasoning ability. To learn more about the Thurgood Marshall Magnet School of Media & Communications, contact the school faculty at (718) 528-7070.
Chuteplus LLC to service fresh air vents at RV By Susan Van Brackle
spring-cleaning project will be initiated in the coming months at every group circle. Vendor Chuteplus LLC, based in Woodmere, New York, has been awarded the contract to service the fresh air vents at Rochdale Village. What this means is each building will have their roof fans, main air ducts and fresh air vents cleaned to remove age-old grime, particles and dust mites from shaft ways. Proceeds from the recent major
loan refinance have made it possible to service these exhaust systems. The end result will be improved air quality and an energy efficient cost savings for the community. The cleaning process will take no more than one day per designated building and will progress section by section. A project of this magnitude will require that cooperators be available to let servicemen into their apartments on the appointed days. Cooperators with bathroom and kitchen vents in their apartment will be asked to remove any items that
may be in front of the area. The vent grills will be removed, dusted and cleaned. Apartment vent openings will be covered with heavy gauge plastic to prevent dust and grime from blowing back into rooms through open shaft ways. Then, each building’s roof fans, which are responsible for circulating fresh air throughout apartments via the main airshaft, will be cleaned as well. A 3,000 cfm (cubic feet per minute) vacuum hose that is a foot wide in diameter will be attached to each section’s main airshaft. With the click of a switch, the vacuum will
draw all impurities down from the soiled roof fan and remove pollutants that have built up in apartment shaft ways over time. The overhaul of each building’s main airshaft will allow for once congested roof fans to operate more efficiently and create less drain on the power plant’s energy reserves which will result in cost savings all around. Attend upcoming group meetings and watch for notices in lobbies and in the Weekly Sheet to learn more about when this project will be scheduled.
February 2014
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
February 2014
February 2014
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by Marjorie Robinson Before and After is a unique feature column where residents submit a photo and brief bio of their youthful days, followed with the details of their current lives. This side-by-side comparison provides a pleasant opportunity for the community to observe a glimpse of the past and the present, celebrating both the former years and the continuing episodes of an individual’s life.
Theresa Lee Hudnell Before
Theresa Lee Hudnell was born on February 21, 1933 in New York City to parents Mildred and James Lee. Mrs. Hudnell attended St. Joseph’s Elementary and St. Michael’s schools. She married Lewis Hudnell (now deceased) and was blessed with two daughters, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Theresa was employed with the Metropolitan Transit Authority until her retirement in 1995.
Theresa Lee Hudnell is a resident of Rochdale Village since 1975. She is lovingly known as the “Cake Lady” to her neighbors and friends in the community. Ms. Hudnell is also known for being a neighbor that you can count on to help out in times of distress or when others are in need of assistance. She is indeed a caring person to everyone.
Would you like to appear in the next Before and After column? Whether you’re 95 or 45, collect your favorite old photos, gather the facts, and contact the Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper at (718) 276-5700 ext. 359/360 to work out the details.
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Page 14
February 2014
Happenings around Rochdale Village
SEQKWA is Back
Southeast Queens Kid Wrestling Association is back in full effect for the 2013 - 2014 season. Three state finalists from last season have returned: Q. Howard (Placed 4th), K. Pollock (Placed 3rd), J. Shields (Placed 1st) along with many new comers that are wrestling for the first time. Most of the wrestlers have been training since MidNovember when the season officially kicked off. Having prepared themselves for their first tournament on January 12, 2014 at Lindenhurst High School in Lindenhurst, New York, SEQKWA came home with seven medals after a great day of wrestling. The Lindenhurst Youth Tournament is the perfect icebreaker for anyone wrestling for the first time. The Lindenhurst Wrestling he
Club keeps the tournament very fun and competitive at the same time. On January 19, 2014, SEQKWA made a trip to Islip High School in Islip, NY to compete in the Matthew. P. Sapolin Memorial Youth Tournament. The new wrestlers felt much more prepared for their matches and won nine medals including three gold, three silver and three bronze. All of the kids performed well throughout the tournament, but of course the work is never done. The youth wrestlers will be back in the wrestling room training for New York City State Qualifiers and the New York State Youth Wrestling Finals coming up this March. We wish them much luck as they are all training very hard. Submitted by Tamara Grubb
Don’t Miss the Rochdale Village Spring Home Improvement Expo coming up on Saturday, April 26 from 10am to 6pm in the Community Center Grand Ballroom
Annual “soup bowl” comes to Circle 2
(left to right) Gerry Callabass, Ms. Edwards, Jean Castro, and Ruby Davis collaborated to provide soup for Circle 2 residents and workers. By Lelio Dalencour
February 13th was soup time for Circle 2 maintenance workers, thanks to Ruby Davis and friends Gerry Callabass, Ms. Edwards, and Board President Jean Castro. And not a moment too soon; the soup arrived in the midst of a snowstorm that left
them with limited staff and plenty of snow to clear. Children from the daycare were also able to spend time with Ruby Davis and friends. Since school was canceled, they gladly enjoyed the free meal. According to the group, this year’s soup lunch celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Rochdale Village.
Senior Center Celebrates Peace Week 2014 Watch video online: rochdalebulletinonline.com/event-highlights.html
The Senior Center and friends gather together to celebrate Peace Week with the theme “Peace is a Lifestyle.” By Lelio Dalencour
code for the Peace Week celebration in the Rochdale Village Senior Center, where guests pledged to make peace a lifestyle. Included in the list of guest speakers were Life Camp and Peace Week founder Erica Ford, Public Safety Chairperson Talib Bey, and Public Safety Lieutenant Bentley Alleyne. Erica Ford gave testimony of the fruits of the peace movement
in the local community and abroad. Talib Bey reflected on growing up amid the Martin Luther King, Malcom X, and Nelson Mandela movements, concluding that peace is the best route to take. Lieutenant Alleyne encouraged residents that Public Safety continues to improve to preserve the quality of life at Rochdale Village, and offered valuable safety tips for our seniors. All in all, it was a memorable event that promoted peace and demoted hatred and violence.
Jewelry Making Class at the RVCC
Kids display their hand-made creations after working with an instructor to produce them (photo credit: Mario Turner)
Youth Planning Committee held a Jewelry Making Class at the Community Center on January 13, 2014 in Room 17. The purpose of the class was to focus awareness and skill development of our young ladies in the group. The girls designed a collection of Valentine’s Day he
themed bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Special thanks goes out to our committee’s helpers which were Monica Mathelier, Debb Webb, Garland Ward, Moses Turner and a host of parents and guardians. Submitted by Mario Turner
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February 2014
Cooperators and vendors met at the first annual Winter Fest on February 22, 2014. The vendors, who were mostly Rochdale Village residents, sold jewelry, designer clothing, cosmetics, health solutions and vintage music.
Vendors display their asssortment of wares during the 2014 Winter Fest
Building 8 residents celebrate “world history� on February 15 during their 12th Annual Black History Month celebration (story on pg. 30).
Youth from Building 8 and Ms. Edwards performed a special Trayvon Martin Tribute during the celebration of Black History Month.
The Building 8 celebration featured musical selections (left), poetry readings (center), and oratory (right) among other arts commemorating Black History Month.
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Remember this “Throwback” photo of Rochdale youth on B-MAD (Black Men Against Drugs) field trip to Shea Stadium? Major Baseball League and manager, Willie Randolph (left rear in Mets cap), greets the group.
The ceiling in Building 16. Lobby roof repairs are ongoing and will be accomplished circle by circle.
RVSS President John Scott, Life Camp and Peace Week Founder Erica Ford, Senior Center Director Sheree Shivers, RV Board President Jean Castro and Board Member Talib Bey during the Peace Week celebration in the RVCC.
RV Cooperator Ray Davis captured a beautiful photo of freshly fallen snow resting on a Rochdale Village playground. (Photo credit: Ray Davis)
Photo credit: Larry “Love” Moore From left to right: Board Members Timothy Mercer and Edward Douglass with District 28 Leader Tony Andrews at the Black & Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus in Albany.
(From left to right) Community Relations Co-Chair Tina Young, Board President Jean Castro, Deputy Queensborough President Leroy Comrie, Larry Moore, J-CAP CEO Diane Gonzalez and HCR Commissioner/CEO Darryl Towns at the Black & Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus in Albany.
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February 2014
Home Improvement Expo slated for Rochdale Village By Susan Van Brackle
only days away, now is the perfect time to turn our thoughts towards sprucing up our homes for spring. To help with this initiative Rochdale Village, Inc. is hosting its very first Home Improvement Expo here at the Community Center Grand Ballroom from 10am to 6pm on Saturday, April 26th. This one-stop-shopping event will provide cooperators with exclusive access to home renovation services and popular brands. Attendees will be able to shop in their own backyard for competitively priced appliances, electronics, kitchen cabinets, flooring, furniture, interior furnishings and more. For your convenience, vendors like Allstate and Citibank will also be in attendance to answer questions
about apartment insurance and home improvement needs. One of the perks of being a shareholder at Rochdale Village is having the ability to modify and enhance your living space according to your desired specifications. Cooperators are generally encouraged to redecorate and/or repaint their apartments at least once every three years. Doing so maintains the property value of the apartment in particular and the cooperative overall. Since cooperators are fully responsible for upgrading, repairing, maintaining and replacing any desired feature of their apartments, it makes sense to review the range of goods and services that will be available at the Home Improvement Expo. In addition to receiving special cooperator pricing at the home show, attendees will have numerous opportunities to win door prizes valued at $100 or more every
Safe driving in winter snow
Rochdale’s Safety Director provides helpful safety tips for driving in snow.
safe winter driving tips are courtesy of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and OSHA. RV’s Safety Director, Herman Lessey, wants to share them with you. There are only a few days left until spring. Let’s stay safe out there! Maintain Your Car: Check the battery, tire tread, and windshield wipers, keep your windows clear, put no-freeze fluid in the washer reservoir, and check your antifreeze. Have On Hand: flashlight, jumper cables, abrasive material (sand, kitty litter, even floor mats), shovel, snow brush and ice scraper, and emergency road kit. Stopped or Stalled? Stay in your car, don’t overexert, put bright markers on antenna or windows and shine dome light, and, if you run your car, clear exhaust pipe and run it just enough to stay warm. Plan Your Route: Allow plenty of time (check the weather and leave early if necessary), be familiar with he
the maps/ directions, and let others know your route and arrival time. Practice Cold Weather Driving! Research, review and think of the best ways to maneuver your car if you ever hit ice patches or compacted snow on the roadway. i.e. steering, braking and knowledge on how to identify questionable road conditions. Protect yourself. • Buckle up and use child safety seats properly. • Never place a rear-facing infant seat in front of an air bag. • Children 12 and under are much safer in the back seat. Prevent crashes • Drugs and alcohol never mix with driving. • Slow down and increase distances between cars. • Keep your eyes open for pedestrians walking in the road. • Avoid fatigue – Get plenty of rest before any road trips.
hour on the hour. However, you’ve got to be in it to win it. Be sure to register your apartment and section with the participating vendors. Who knows, when a winner is called chances are it could be you.
Updates will be published in the Weekly Sheet and Bulletin newspaper as we get closer to the date of the Home Improvement Expo at the Rochdale Village Community Center on Saturday, April 26th from 10am to 6pm.
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February 2014
RV Celebrates Black History
There are many “firsts” in African-American history. While most times people are inclined to celebrate African-American superstars of days gone by, this presentation provides just a few of the phenoms and their accomplishments from the 20th and 21st century who have excelled magnificently in their crafts. The list is long but the space is not. We celebrate those who have gone before us today and every day because African-American history is world history.
Condoleezza Rice
Ben Carson
Mae C. Jemison
First African-American female to serve as America’s Secretary of State. Holds a Ph.D. from the University of Denver. Served the country in times of crisis, including during the World Trade Center attack and the subsequent war in Afghanistan.
First surgeon in history to separate conjoined twins. Wrote a book entitled “Gifted Hands”, which was adapted into a movie starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. Carson received the Presidential Medal of Honor from George Bush in 2008.
First African-American in space. Entered training in 1986 and went on her first voyage on September 12, 1992. She later went on to found a company that produces advanced technologies.
Robert L. Johnson
Jennifer Hudson
Wynton Marsalis
America’s first Black Billionaire, Robert Johnson and his wife Sheila founded the first television network for African-Americans. Johnson has since invested in other franchises and started “Our Stories Films”, which produces African-American centered films.
The first American Idol contestant to go on to become an Academy Award Winner. Awarded a Grammy and an Oscar for her skilled performances. Hudson went from singing in her church choir and on a Disney Cruise Ship to singing the National Anthem for the 2011 Superbowl.
Art Director of Jazz at Lincoln Center, Pulitzer Prize winner. Became the first musician to win Grammy Awards for jazz and classical records. Received the National Medal of Arts. Marsalis was at the forefront of restoration efforts after Hurricane Katrina
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Recognizing pinnacle African-American “firsts” of the 20th & 21st century today and everyday
Shirley Chisholm
First African-American female Congresswoman. Chisholm served seven terms, and was elected to the Education and Labor Committee. She was recently bestowed the honor of having her image featured on the Forever Stamp by the United States Postal service.
John Johnson
First African-American to appear on the Forbes 400 for managing one of the longest running communications empires, Johnson Publications. Starting small, he eventually established Negro World, followed by Ebony Magazine, a positive news source for and about African-Americans.
Althea Gibson
Before there was Venus and Serena Williams, Althea Gibson was the First African-American Tennis Player to win a Wimbledon Championship. She continued to play until she broke the tennis color barrier, going on to win both the French and U.S. Open.
Diahann Carroll
She is the first female African-American to have her own television show, Julia, on which she portrayed an ambitious, industrious, and educated black woman. She was the first of many Black female role models to come.
Oscar Micheaux
The first African-American Film Director. Began by directing a film that he adapted from a novel, The Homesteader, starring black cast. Micheaux produced 44 films in his illustrious career, and his last film was the first to open in White theatres.
Thurgood Marshall
The Supreme Court’s First African-American justice and chief counsel on the pinnacle court case Brown vs. Board of Education. Involved in a number of successful of social justice cases for African-Americans, reforming law for freedom.
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February 2014
Upcoming Events at NORC
NORC Outreach Program - March 2014 No Outreach every 1st Wednesday of the month WEDNESDAY, March 12, BLDG #2 WEDNESDAY, March 19, BLDG #14 WEDNESDAY, March 26, BLDG #17 Program/Social Services Information Benefit & Entitlement Information, Blood Pressure Screening from: 10:00am - 12:30pm, Room 19
NORC Nurse’s Schedule Mondays and Thursdays: 11am - 4pm Other healthcare services, call VNS Nurse for appointment at 718-949-3499. Volunteers Needed
Seeking retired professionals with experience in social work, nursing, computer literacy for clerical support. Seeking volunteers to assist planning events and fundraising efforts. Contact Carolyn Jackson or Ms. Austin, NORC Director @ 718-949-3499 Volunteers Meet every Tuesday at 1:15 pm in Room 17 Friendly Visitor Program
Volunteer a few hours weekly to visit with our sick, homebound, isolated and frail seniors in their home. Your visit can make a difference! Join the NORC Group; call (718) 949-3499 VAN SERVICES (Doctor appointments, shopping, trips, etc.)
9:30am-3:00pm. Call NORC Office for appointments (718) 949-3499 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP can put more food on your table! Council of Senior Centers and Services’ (CSCS) highly trained SNAP Outreach specialists will assist you with the application process. Tuesday, March 11 & 25, 2014 • 10am - 4pm Room 19 To Register Contact NORC @ (718) 949-3499 or (718) 949-3474 NOTE: Income Eligibility: $1,862.00 (Single- Elderly Seniors), $2,522.00 (Couple- Elderly Seniors) COMPUTER LAB WEDNESDAYS (Seniors Only) 10:30am - 12:30pm in Room 1 (new!) COMPUTER LAB WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS (Seniors Only) 10:30am - 12:30pm in Room 1 (new!)
Senior Companion Program Must be 60 years old with low income (Guidelines for income required)
• Must volunteer 20 hours weekly • Earn a small tax-free stipend • Initial 2 week program & training • Paid Sick Days & Paid Vacation Days Please register at the NORC office: Room 19 or call 718-949-3499 Health care proxy forms available in the NORC Office Room 19. The New York Health Proxy law allows you to appoint someone you trust to make health care decisions for you. Please contact your case manager for additional information. (718-949-3499)
GAME DAY!!! Tuesday, March 18, 2:00-5:00 p.m. Rooms 17 & 18. Cost: $3.00 Come out & have some fun! Refreshments served!
Seminars (Thursdays @ 1:15pm in the Club Lounge) Thursday, March 6, 2014 Joanne Wright (NYC Dept. of Disaster) “Emergency Preparedness” Thursday, March 20, 2014 Nadia Polack (Morgan Stanley Wealth Management “Financial Retirement/Social Security” Thursday, March 27, 2014 Russell Scmid (NYC Para-Transit) “Access-A-Ride”
Weekly Trips/Activities Tangers Outlet in Riverhead Tuesday, March 18, 2014 9:00am, Room 19. Cost: $10.00. Contact # 718-949-3499. Yonkers Empire Wednesday, March 19, 2014 9:00am, Room 19. Cost: $15.00. Contact # 718-949-3499. Aqueduct Racino Wednesday, March 26, 2014 9:00am, Room 19. Cost: $7.00. Contact # 718-949-3499.
Meetings Volunteer Workshops Tuesdays, 1:15 pm Room 17 Mind-Over-Matter Group Thursdays - 10:30am Room 17 Living Independently Support Group Mondays – 1:15pm Room 17 Intergenerational Group Mondays - 4:30pm - 5:30pm Room 17 (NEW) Line Dance for seniors - Wednesdays, 1:15pm Room 18 (Except first Wed. of each Month). Come out & join us!
169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica NY 11434 • Tel: 718-949-3499 • Fax: 718-949-2935 Naturally Occurring Retirement Community • Funded in Part By NYC Department For The Aging
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Rochdale Village Community Center Events Programs, Trips & Events
Youth Programs • Spirit of Excellence • RVCC Women’s Development Center SEQKWA
The Southeast Queens Kids Wrestling Association is hosting ongoing registration for its wrestling program in the RVCC on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm - 8:00pm in Room #10.
RVCC Sports & Fitness Karate Classes
Martial arts classes for children and adults, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday in the Community Center, Room 11. This program is more than a karate program. One major focus of this program is increasing self-esteem and awareness. Classes for children are held Saturdays (11am - 1pm) and Mondays (6:00-7:00pm) while adult classes are Wednesdays (7pm-8pm). Call Sensei Derrick Shareef at 718-723-7440.
GED - Free Basic Education Classes
Improve your reading and writing skills. Monday-Friday from 8:30 -11:30am. 12:00pm - 3:00pm. Pre-testing available. Contact the RVCC for additional information.
Salsa Class for adults is offered on Sundays @ 4:00pm. For additional information contact moore2salsa@gmail.com.
The Clay Sisters Arts, Crafts & Needlework Program
The Drum Extraordinaire & Elite Marching Band Class
The RVCC Drum Extraordinaire and Elite Drum Corp. classes are held Saturdays from 9:00am to 3:00pm in Room #8 for ages 10-14 and 15-19.
Thursdays & Saturdays @ 1pm - 6pm Community Center Room 5
“The Spirit of Excellence” - 169-65 137th Avenue • Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 337/339 • Fax: 718-276-7504
Rochdale Village Senior Center You are invited! For all activities, call 718-525-2800 Calendar of Events Posted at Senior Center Weekly Activities • Daily Activities
1:00 pm 1:00 pm
Drama Class Pool & Card Games
1:00 pm 1:00 pm
Arts & Crafts Pool & Card Games
Monday-Friday Wednesdays 10:00 am 12:00 pm 11:00 am 1:00 pm
Social Hour Coffee / Tea Lunch is served Bingo Pool and Card / Board Games
10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm
Stay Well Exercise Alert & Alive Discussion Bingo Movie
8:00 am Walking Club 8:00 am Walking Club 10:00 am Aerobics 9:00 am Aerobics 11:00 am Bingo 10:00 am Yoga 1:30 pm Spanish Class Tuesdays Fridays 10:45 am Chair & Floor Exercise 10:30 am Tai Chi 11:00 am Dance Class 11:00 am Bingo
TAI CHI - Offered every Friday 10:30-11:30am Game Day with NORC - Every third Tuesday from 2-5pm in Rooms 17 & 18. Come and have some fun! Wii Sport/ Fitness and Exercise Equipment - Come out and learn the basics of the Wii program every Wednesday afternoon. Seniors can also use our new treadmill and exercise bike. Call the Senior Center at 718-525-2800 for more details. Bingo - Try your luck and come join us for exciting Bingo games at the Rochdale Village Senior Center. Movie Videos - Come and enjoy lunch and a movie with us. Movies are shown on Wednesdays at 1PM. Light snacks will be served.
“Serving Vibrant Seniors” 169-65 137th Avenue • Tel: 718-525-2800 • Fax: 718-525-0691 • Funded in Part By NYC DFTA
Orientation Committee Meeting Minutes for January 2014 Orientation is being conducted twice a month, in the beginning of each month, and at the end of each month. During the month of January, ten (10) cooperators were oriented on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 by Management/Allocations and twelve (12) cooperators on Saturday, January 25, 2014 by the Board of Directors for a total of twenty two (22) overall.
All attendees were fully briefed on the cooperative before completely moving in. They received their keys and booklets and were also informed on all of the do’s and don’ts required by the cooperative. Respectfully submitted by, Talib Bey, Chairperson Orientation Committee
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February 2014
~Poetry Corner~ I Did Now I Do By Gloria Williams
You were the one I gave a second glance some of my friends warned man you don’t stand a chance Take a chance. I did now I do. You were the one that answered my call with such a warm inviting smile getting your attention just might take a while. I did now I do.
Black Poets
I wish this love for every friend The love of my life that will never end. I did now I do. I give my heart my life to you with this ring I will be true Because of my precious love for you.
By Ed Miller
Great Black-American Poets Knew which words to choose A brother Countee Cullen Another Langston Hughes.
I did I did I did now I do. Peace
Valentine Heart
Wrote about the people In rhythm and rhymes Describing hardships Some good, happy times.
By Anthony Blake
Slowly taking it easy wanting to be a friend longing to walk beside you ‘til the very end. I did now I do. You really did not resist when I took your hand. Overcoming all my fears I stood tall like a proud black man. I did now I do. It’s never too late to find love the kind of sweet sweet love I’m speaking of I did now I do.
One heart that became two The cupid’s arrow actually came through Our love that grew from the start It was kisses upon with more kisses that made the mark It was those romantic eyes Then came the theory of harmony in twining wise Bliss came from this Our lips continued in our everlasting kisses My true heart is still fond of you But you already have gotten the clue Our love continues to cherish on stride No guideline, but an open heart to abide.
Our wonderful sister, Professor, poet too Actress, playwrite Dear Maya Angelou. The current Black poets Rapping what they say Singing what they write In a syncopated way. Brothers and Sisters Black, Brown or white It’s our culture, heritage it’s beautiful and right.
Youth Planning Committee
Meeting Dates: 1/17/14, 1/24/14,1/31/14, 2/7/14, 2/14/14, and 2/21/14 Meeting Time: 6:30pm Agenda: Discussion on events planned for the Rochdale Village Community and developing a list of activities that promotes education, and Youth Development. OLD BUSINESS Female Faction Female Mentoring Program- Jewelry Making is scheduled for January 31, 2014. Activities for the Community Center- A list of activities will be developed based on community requests, Youth Planning Committee members and the Chairperson. Theater in Motion-Sharnae Jenkins is proposing a theater project on Anti-Bullying. In honor of Women’s History Month the Youth Planning Committee would like to offer the program during the month of March. The date will be determined based on approval, availability and scheduling.
Meeting Minutes for January-February 2014 NEW BUSINESS Program for the youth. The initiative They Call me Hela- Charnell will be discussed with the Youth Covert provided the Youth Planning Council Chairperson, Jasmine Coward. Youth Knitting ProgramCommittee with a proposal to provide a presentation in honor of Henrietta Tina Young submitted a proposal Lacks for Women’s History Month. to develop a youth knitting class. The Black Wall Street- The All information provided by Ms. Black Wall Street was scheduled for Young and the initiative will be February 9th, 2014 was cancelled. discussed with Youth Council The performance is rescheduled for Chairperson, Jasmine Coward. The New Youth Task MovementMarch 16, 2014. The children participating in the Youth Council-During the Youth Planning Committee Meeting Youth Planning Committee meeting, Chairperson Jasmine Coward would like to establish a youth presented a plan in re-establishing group. All of the above mentioned Youth Council (Date TBA). Youth children signed up to participate in a Planning Committee member will youth program. The Youth Council support the effort of the designated Chairperson, Jasmine Coward will Chairperson and provide support provide information about the up and as needed. The Youth Planning coming events for Youth Council and the Youth Planning Committee youth Committee has established will be informed of the events to community relationships with the attend and participate. Rochdale Village Queens Public Schedule of Upcoming EventsLibrary and community organizations The Youth Planning Committee to support Ms. Coward’s mission. Chairperson Mario Turner and the Earth Day Clean-up 2014-The Committee members have outlined Youth Planning Committee would and forecast several events based like to participate in an initiative for on the ideas, request and events in Earth Day in April 2014. The Youth the previous year. A list of tentative Planning Committee Chairperson events is listed below. The Youth Mario Turner will develop a proposal Planning Committee fully intends for the Board of Directors seeking to work with the Youth Council and approval for the event. the designated Chairperson, Jasmine Arts Collective- the Youth Coward in engaging Rochdale Planning Committee discussed a Village Youth to access, participate mission to develop an Arts Collective and develop programs.
UPCOMING EVENTS: • Female Faction Jewelry Making Class January 31, 2014 • The Black Wall Street February 9, 2014 (canceled and rescheduled for March 16, 2014) • Theater in Motion Anti-Bullying program (date to be determined) • They Call Me Hela (date to be determined) • Easter Egg Hunt (April 2014) • Mommy and Me Jewelry Making for Mother’s Day (May 2014) • Learn how to Tie a Tie Father’s Day initiative (June 2014) • End of School Year Jamboree (June 2014) PRESENTATIONS: Cedric Young proposed and presented the initiative in establishing a Little League Baseball Program for Rochdale Village. The proposal will be submitted for review by the Youth Planning Committee Chairperson Mario Turner. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS, COMMENTS AND OPEN DISCUSSION: There was no Q&A addressed at this time. All Comments, Questions and Answers were addressed during the course of the meeting specifically pertaining to the topics addressed. Meeting Adjourned- 8:30pm
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Community Center Committee Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2014 Time: Called to order: 7:00pm Action Items: Food will be served at this event and it is included in the price. Adjourned: 8:10pm For those who would like to bring their own drinks, they can. This is a Facilitator: Chairman, Eddie Douglass BYOBB event; Set-ups will be sold. Meeting was opened by Chairman, Ed Douglass. • Food will be macaroni & cheese, collard greens, peas &rice, salad and Secretary arrived late. a choice of either chicken or fish • Norma Dean will be in charge of selling set-ups/sodas and ice Old Business: New Year’s Eve Event Chairman Eddie Douglas would like to thank the Band: T.B.A. Committee for all of their hard work and dedication. Collected: $8,823.00 Decoration: Expenses: $2,142.00 Action Items: Net Income: $6,680.12 • The color scheme will be pink and lavender. • We will have color coordinated table clothes and decorations for table New Business: Women’s History Month center piece Action Items: In honor of women’s history month the Community • We will order 300 tickets to sell. Committee will have a jazz dinner dance featuring an “All Women’s” Jazz band on March 29th, 2014, from 7:00pm to 11:00pm. The price will be Please Note: Although this is in recognition of Women’s History Month $15.00. The event will be held in the ballroom. ALL ARE WELCOME! We will have 3 vendors in the red brick area • We are looking for an “all-women’s” band for this event • Ed Douglas knows a Jazz singer in Washington, D.C. that he will speak to; if she can’t make the event, she may be able to reference someone. • Vendor table will cost $25 Food & Set-ups:
Next Meeting: 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:00pm Respectfully submitted by, Eddie Douglass, Chairman Ann Green, Co-Chair Tina Young, Secretary
Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes for January 2014 Executive Summary As a result of the continuous inclement weather that has recently plagued our area, the snow, ice, and frigid temperatures that we have been experiencing make for very slippery traveling conditions.So with that in mind, I suggest that all of our Rochdale Village cooperators should use extreme caution during their travels. This month we had a special guest speaker from the Unified Court Systems Supreme Court (civil term), Officer Lomax. Officer Lomax educated us to the importance of her job at the court , which enables the rest of the employees that serve our community at the court, to work in a safe and secure enviornment. The first line of defense is the screening process upon entry into the building. During this process the most common items that are confiscated are pepper spray and pocket knives. For the most part Officer Lomax stated that there are not a lot of people that try to come into the court with hand guns. However, there are threats made to employees of the court, specifically judges from time to time. The Supreme Court, Civil term is located at 88-11 Sutphin Blvd Jamaica, NY 11435. Phone: 718-298-1000. Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. There are several services offered to the public at the court house. A few services that would be of interest to the residents of our community here at Rochdale is the Guardianship service. This service provides legal documents and help for seniors. Also there is a court help center for all others, which is located in room 100. For those that might be entrepreneurs there is a forclosure auction there every Friday at 10:00 am. Next we had open discussion. A major concern was the vandalism that took place during the Christmas Holiday in building 11 and the burning of a Christmas reef that was hanging on the door of a cooperator. Unfortunately, we all have to pay for the mis deeds of a few. As a result of this senseless act the rules regarding Christmas decorations in our building will have to be modified to ensure our safety during such a special time of year. The
Chief of public safety Mr. Mason informed the committee members that the perpatrator was identified and will be getting arrested by the City Fire Marshal forthcoming. Another cooperator came in support of our Public Safety department and stated that she thought the public safety officers on a whole perform well, and that they all should be catorgarized as not valuable tto our community because of the lack of professionalim that is exibited by a small number of the officers in the depatment. Another concern was the entrance of unwanted non cooperators that enter the buildings on a daily basis. Discussion was held surrounding the solution to stop those that “piggy back” their way in the building. Also it was mentioned that the cooperators that just open the door for strangers and let them in the buiding should stop, because it is a very unsafe practice that endagers or entire community. There were a few other concerns such as ice on the walkways, people charging their phones in the lobbies of some of the buildings, and some side doors that were inoperable and remained that way for an unacceptable amount of time. We are still looking for a secretary to take minutes at our Public Safety meetings and invite all cooperators of Rochdale Village to come and let us know of anty security issues they identify while traveling to and fro.Most of all we are open for any suggested solutions that will make Rochdale Village a better, safer, and pleasant enviornment to live in. Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be Thursday March 6, 2014. The meeting was adjourned at @ 8:15pm. As always, it is my pleasure to serve the cooperators of Rochdale in the capacity of Board member and Public Safety Committee Chairperson. Best Regards, Talib Bey Public Safety Committee Chairperson
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February 2014
Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 27, 2014
Resolution 01-14: WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village Power Plant is a ‘Stand Alone’ entity consisting of four (4) emergency standby diesel generators responsible for the electrical supply throughout the Development, WHEREAS, to ensure that the generators continue to perform at optimum levels, it is necessary to retain the services of an Engineer to evaluate each diesel generator and determine the most cost effective solution for overhauling the generators, WHEREAS, after evaluation the Engineer will develop bid documents to overhaul/replace existing diesel generators, evaluate and recommend successful bidder, perform contract administration during construction and provide all completion documents to Rochdale Village Management, the New York State Homes & Community Renewal and the New York City Department of Buildings,
Moved by: Ron Hollie Seconded by: Kamal Saleem FOR Talib Bey Janine Cross Edward Douglass Joe Evans Ron Hollie Tracey Irvin David Jeffries Tim Mercer Jean Randolph-Castro Kamal Saleem Lisa Stark Mario Turner ABSENT Gary Hawkins
Joe Mathieu
Ahmed White
Twelve for, three absent; motion passes. TELEPHONE VOTES Resolution 81-13:
WHEREAS, proposals solicited and received ranged in cost from $46,000 to $84,400 of which Lizardos Mechanical & Electrical Engineering provided the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $46,000.
On behalf of the Youth Planning Committee, I, Mario Turner, Chairman of said committee am requesting five hundred dollars ($500) for a Valentine’s Day jewelry making class to be held on Friday, January 31, 2014.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the proposal from Lizardos Mechanical & Electric Engineering in the amount of $46,000 subject to approval from the New York State Homes & Community Renewal.
Moved by: Mario Turner
Moved by: Ron Hollie Seconded by: Janine Cross Talib Bey Joe Evans Tim Mercer Lisa Stark
FOR Janine Cross Edward Douglass Ron Hollie David Jeffries Jean Randolph-Castro Kamal Saleem Mario Turner
FOR Talib Bey Joe Evans Joe Mathieu Mario Turner
Janine Cross Edward Douglass Gary Hawkins Tracey Irvin Jean Randolph-Castro Lisa Stark Ahmed White
UNABLE TO BE REACHED Ron Hollie David Jeffries Kamal Saleem
Timothy Mercer
Eleven for, four unable to be reached; motion passes. ABSTAIN Tracey Irvin Gary Hawkins
Resolution 82-13: ABSENT Joe Mathieu
Ahmed White
Eleven for, one abstention, three absent; motion passes. Resolution 02-14: WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village Board of Directors and Management determined that the ducts and shafts inside the apartments at Rochdale Village need to be cleaned; WHEREAS, Rochdale Village has a total of 320 roof shafts that must be cleaned to reduce the risk of airborne contaminants; WHEREAS, request for proposals were sought from vendors producing bids ranging in cost from $140,000 to $179,000 to clean each shaft and register located in each apartment; and WHEREAS, Maintenance has reviewed all bids and recommends acceptance of the lowest responsible bid from Chute Plus in the amount of $140,000. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves the bid from Chute Plus in the amount of $140,000 to clean the 320 roof shafts including gaining access to the necessary apartments.
On behalf of the Youth Planning Committee, I, Mario Turner, Chairman of said committee am requesting seed monies in the amount of four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500) for the production of the play “Black Wall Street” to be held on Sunday, February 9, 2014 in honor of Black History Month, thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500) of which will be paid to Shades of Truth Production Co. and the remaining one thousand dollars ($1,000) to be used for refreshments that will be sold at the venue. Tickets will be sold for twenty dollars ($20) in advance, twenty-five dollars ($25) at the door. All proceeds from the event will go to Rochdale Village, Inc. Moved by: Mario Turner FOR Talib Bey Joe Evans Joe Mathieu Mario Turner
Janine Cross Edward Douglass Gary Hawkins Tracey Irvin Jean Randolph-Castro Lisa Stark Ahmed White
UNABLE TO BE REACHED Ron Hollie David Jeffries Kamal Saleem
Timothy Mercer
Eleven for, four unable to be reached; motion passes.
February 2014
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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See What’s Going On in, and Around Our Community... a Little Something for Everyone!
Rochdale Village Community Calendar
Share What’s Happening in Our Community If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@aol.com with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion.
The Cooperators’ Newspaper
Serving over 25,000 cooperators in the world’s second
Key CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center Note: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.
Largest housing cooperative 718-276-5700 • rochdalebulletin@gmail.com
169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434
Susan Van Brackle
Managing Editor
Lelio Andre Dalencour Assistant Editor
Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
February 2014
Obituary Obituary Pete Seeger Sunrise: May 3, 1919 Sunset: January 27, 2014 The world has lost one of the most prolific American folk singers of the 20th century, Pete Seeger. In 1968, Pete Seeger performed at the Rochdale Village Auditorium along with the Community Singers at the height of the civil rights movement. His numerous contributions to music with songs like “We Shall Overcome” and “Turn, Turn, Turn” have forever changed the landscape of American folk music. He will be sorely missed.
PLEASE KEEP THE NOISE DOWN Rochdale Village prohibits loud noise past 9:00pm. Keep loud music and television volume down, be considerate of your neighbors.
February 2014
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
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Black history is world history for Building 8 residents
B-MAD: a throwback on RV’s Black History
(Left to right) an RV youth, Board Member Talib Bey, Elaine Jackson, and Gwen Whitted contribute to the Black History Month Celebration in Bldg. 8
By Lelio D alencour or the past 12 years, Building 8 has not let a February go by without celebrating Black History Month in Rochdale Village. Even with the absence of Ms. Phyllis Jackson, the resident who founded the annual program, attendees continued to maintain the annual tradition. Gwen Whitted hosted the event with care and in similar form as her senior would. What is there to celebrate? As the speakers would demonstrate, more than most Americans can guess. In a creative play about what the world would do without
African-Americans, a family’s day is constantly disrupted by the lack of inventions created by people of African-American descent—everything from the traffic light and refrigerator to elevator and dustpan. Afterwards, Ms. Elaine Jackson demonstrated to attendees through historical records how African-Americans have affected not only Black history, but also world history. In his keynote speech, Board Member Talib Bey challenged the community to advance in business and in learning. Biographies, tributes, raffle prizes, and songs also made the event a success.
February 2014
By Susan Van Brackle ochdale’s own Brother Uwizeyimana, is one of the organizers of the community group, B-MAD. He shared the following retrospective in remembrance of Rochdale’s history of community activism and neighborhood involvement. In the late 1980’s until around the mid 1990’s, residents united around the group of men known as Black Men Against Drugs (B-MAD). These men and women organized to remove drugs and crime from the community. Initially the community group was comprised of men only until women joined the effort and became known as “Ladies of Color”. B-MAD’s express purpose was to become a community watch group that brought awareness to the pervasive epidemic of drugs and crime that plagued the area at that time. Group participants wore shirts showing the B-MAD brand and carried symbolic banners whenever they marched around the community. Group members went into every building and hallway doing
occasional sweeps with the goal of keeping the area free of narcotics and misconduct. Importantly, the group’s members attended community meetings such as the community counsel meetings at the 113th precinct and community board meetings. B-MAD was also instrumental in organizing vital symposiums and workshops for the community with high profile leaders and activists. Memorable events include visits from Dr. Gerald Deas, the late Gil Noble, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Robert Little (the youngest brother of Malcolm X), and City Council Attorney Sylvia Kinard. Children that are old enough to remember B-MAD will never forget their trip to Shea Stadium where Willie Randolph, former Major League Baseball second baseman and manager, spoke to them providing words of inspiration to succeed. The dedicated men and women of B-MAD maintained a spirit of volunteerism and community activism throughout their relationships with residents, law enforcement and youth.
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February 2014
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
February 2014