November 2018 Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper

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Vol. 54 No. 12

November 2018



Postal Mailbox theft reduction program

Page 3

Equity increases for apartment wait list

Page 9

Count down to RV’s Amnesty deadline Page 19 Tickets for New Year’s Eve Ball Page 25 President’s Report - Pg. 2


General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4


Committee Reports - Pgs. 22-24


Board Calendar - Pg. 26

Page 2 ROCHDALE VILLAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Timothy Mercer Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Maryam Hubbard


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Glynis Urquhart Joyce Williams Mark Busgang (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Hubbard Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Jean Hall Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Clifton Stanley Diaz Information Technology Kamal Saleem/Maryam Hubbard MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel William R. Greenspan

November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

President’s Message

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators, The holiday season is already here and I want to take the opportunity to send warm greetings to each and everyone in the Rochdale Village Community. Christmas decorations and lights are currently being put up in the Big Mall, Small Mall and around the Campus welcoming the warm Christmas Spirit. As we approach the Christmas Holiday Season, I would like to take the opportunity to encourage everyone to be vigilant and always mindful of your surroundings. When leaving your homes, ensure that all stove and ovens are turned off. Do not carry large sum of money when going shopping and do not leave any of your belongings unattended.

Successful Events The highlight during the thanksgiving were a number of free giveaways to the Rochdale Village Senior. On Friday, November 16, 2018 the office of the Council Member Adrienne Adams along with Dr. Maria Hubbard, Agape Bethel CDC, the Senior Citizens Committee, Rochdale Village senior center and the showing Hearts Foundation. On Saturday, November 17, 2018, First Vice President and Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, Mr. Talib Bey along with The Most Worshipful New York Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. and New York Grand Chapter, OES State of New York hosted a Thanksgiving food drive and Community Luncheon. Finally on Tuesday, November 20, 2018, the Rochdale Village Senior Committee Chairperson Ms. Joyce Williams and I hosted a free turkey giveaway. Governor Andrew Cuomo, Key food Supermarket and New Image

donated the turkeys. These kind gestures were well received by those in the community. RuthAnne Visnauskas the Commissioner of New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal was present, handing out over 120 turkeys to the residence. Thanks you to all who volunteered their time and services, ensuring that these events were a success.

Upcoming Events On Saturday, December 08, 2018, from 8: 00 am – 7:00 pm., the Community Center Committee will be hosting the first ever Winter Festival. Come out to a day of entertainment, food and fun. You also have the opportunity to do your Christmas shopping. A range of items from clothing, jewelry, makeup, hats, scarves, etc., will be available to purchase. The Annual Children Christmas Party, will be held on Saturday, December 15, 2018, at 10:00 am – 4:00 pm in the Big Mall. So much fun events for the kids. Come out and take pictures with Santa. On Monday, December 31, 2018, the Community Center Committee will also be hosting the Annual New Year’s Eve Ball. Come out with your family and friends.

Amnesty Illegal residents are an issue for many Cooperatives in New York, Rochdale Village is no different. Some of you reading this may be asking yourself what an illegal resident is. Simply put, an illegal resident is anyone staying in an apartment that is not reflected on the Occupancy Agreement or listed on an income survey. Either of these

Jean Randolph-Castro

instances can manifest in many different ways but for the purposes of discussing amnesty we will focus on sublets. For those that do not know, a sublet is when a resident illegally rents their apartment or a room in their apartment to someone else without the knowledge of Management. This “other” person does not go through the same vetting process that all legal residents do and as a result the Corporation may suffer in different ways. For instance, some sublets may have criminal records or engage in behavior not befitting of a resident e.g. smoking or hanging out in the stairwells, leaving bags of garbage out in the hallway instead of putting it down the chute. Why would they care if they didn’t put down an equity payment or have their name on an occupancy agreement with the company? While this does not describe all sublets we have seen these problems in a fair share of them. The others often live quietly going to and fro in their day to day lives. This also hinders the corporation as there is a need in coops for the community to engage with one another to improve things. That is why we have committees ded(Continued on page 24)

Rochdale’s Board of Directors meeting is canceled due to the Christmas Eve holiday. The next meeting is Monday, January 28, 2019 at 7:45 p.m. in rooms 11/12/13.

Have a Happy Holiday

November 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Mailbox redesign helps reduce ‘fishing’ schemes in S/E Queens By Susan Van Brackle


ith mailbox ‘fishing’ thefts on the rise, it is the charge of the United States Postal Service (USPS) to mitigate occurrences. Fishing is a method, by which thieves ‘fish’ items out of the postal box after unsuspecting consumers have already deposited them. This premature removal of items stops random mail, checks and other packages from arriving safely at their proper destination. In his role as a board member of the U.S. Postal Consumer Advisory Board, Rochdale’s own Chairman of the Board of Directors Clifton Stanley Diaz has been active in helping to investigate mail theft prevention issues that affect residents in the southeast Queens area. Mr. Diaz recently informed the Bulletin Newspaper about two postal modifications in the neighborhood that will likely help to reduce incidences of mail theft. First, Rochdale Village was selected as one of two communi-

ties in southeast Queens to participate in a pilot program that revamps the functionality of postal mailbox deposit slots. Slots are now being changed from wide mouth to just a narrow slit. By making this simple adjustment, thieves that go fishing for envelopes are unable to retrieve them after they’ve been deposited. This slot modification however prevents consumers from depositing oversized packages or boxes into the newly formatted mailbox. Now oversized packages will likely require that drop-offs be made directly at the Post Office. Another addition to the community is the expansion of the USPS delivery box program. A series of boxes have been installed inside the lobby of the Rochdale Village Post Office near Mall #1. They work just like the postal boxes that are installed in each of Rochdale’s building lobbies in section B. Efforts continue through the U.S. Postal Consumer Advisory Board and Chairman Diaz to improve mail pickups and deliveries at the complex.

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12 PM - 6 PM

Saturday, December 15

10 AM - 6 PM

Saturday, December 22

10 AM - 6 PM

Sunday, December 23

10 AM - 6 PM

Rochdale Village Children Christmas Party

Approved By the Board for Posting until December 24, 2018

Page 4

November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for October 2018


For the past two years it has been reported that the Big Mall had two new tenants ready to occupy a space that was vacant for over 30 years. While this is true there is a long process between lease agreement and the business opening its doors. In the case of the Hibachi Grill and Crunch Fitness, there is preliminary paperwork that must go through the approval process with the Department of Buildings (DOB). For starters, both entities had to submit architectural plans which includes means of egress in case of emergency, electrical and plumbing diagrams, and the layout of the spaces that must be reviewed by the DOB and FDNY. In addition, because these businesses will be utilizing the space (restaurant and gym) in a different capacity than what is on the mall’s current certificate of occupancy (C-of-O), a new C-of-O must be obtained detailing the new intended uses. Finally, construction can commence on both spaces upon receipt of the new C-of-O. While it may appear that there is no movement in terms of these two new tenants having their respective grand openings, it is important for the community to understand that they are indeed moving forward however there are steps albeit lengthy that must be taken prior to the physical build out. For the last six (6) months, management has been in negotiations with Municipal Credit Union (MCU) leasing out the space previously occupied by J&S Cleaners. Both management and the Board believe that having an MCU on campus would be a great addition to our commercial space as there are a good amount

Rochdale Village celebrates 55 years of affordable living on December 10, 2018. Photo courtesy United Housing Foundation files circa 1964-65.

of city workers that already use this financial institution. Also we have started the conversation with the MCU team regarding a loan program from incoming shareholders or those looking to transfer as an option for equity payments. We hope to close a deal with MCU soon and look forward to having their services to better serve our community.

PUBLIC SAFETY ACADEMY As we continue to improve the performance, perception and professionalism of our Public Safety officers, a new in-house training program has been instituted led by Captain Osback, Lieutenant Gather and Lieutenant Triblet. All new Public Safety officers will go through a month long training that encompasses community/public relations, code of ethics, report writing and uniform requirements to name a few. They are given both written and physical tests throughout the training culminating with a final exam and a graduation ceremony (the first of which took place on November 13, 2018). This program has been put in place to boost the confidence and morale of new officers and

give them in-depth guidance on interacting with the community at large. Congratulations to the first graduating class and we look forward to them setting a new standard for Rochdale Public Safety.

COMMUNITY CENTER PROGRAMMING The one of the many goals of Rochdale Village Board of Directors and Management is to provide programs and services that will enrich the quality of life for our shareholders, their families and the surrounding community. The newly renovated Community Center continues to grow as the hub of activities and resources under the leadership of Community Center Director, Ms. Shaw. We are now in the year two of our afterschool program and completed a second successful summer camp in that same time frame. With input and support from shareholders, community member and partnerships, we continue to find various programs to enhance Rochdale. For example, Elite Marching Band is gearing up to provide music lessons for instruments such as the guitar, piano and the saxophone

at a cost effective family rate to Rochdale which would be a welcome addition the Center. Over the last six months the Center embarked on a Weight Loss Challenge which puts the spotlight on improving our diets and overall health and wellness. With a holistic approach, the Community Center partnered with ThriveNYC which is a citywide plan of action to support mental health and wellbeing for all New Yorkers. A free 8–hour certification course was provided by ThriveNYC in partnership with Rochdale Village Community Center and Southside Thrives to educate attendees on identifying signs and symptoms of anxiety or depression, how to respond and connect people to appropriate care. The goal is to have these courses bi-monthly. In addition, programs on financial health with the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) and the Mayor’s Office to provide free one-on-one professional financial counseling and coaching. The Workshop in Business Opportunities (WIBO) is a 16-week business course for residents with the entrepreneurial spirit and want to start and grow their business. And with a targeted focus on attracting the youth to engage more in the community, Complete Girlz, Inc. offers free classes and workshops for girls ages 9-24 consisting of financial management, art, dance, selfesteem building, etc. to empower and strengthen young women in our community. Ms. Shaw has vowed to continue to bring the programming outlined above and more for the edification of Rochdale residents.

November 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village, Inc. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Fiscal Year 2019 (for the 5 months ended September 30, 2018

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2017, 2018 and 2019

Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AGING FY 2019

Page 6

November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2017 AND FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2017 AND FY 2018 vs. Budget

November 2018

Page 7

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Victoria Pearson

Public Safety Monthly Report October 2018 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of October 2018. Public Safety maintains twenty-four-hour coverage. COMPLAINTS: 1. During the month of October 2018, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Officers responded to (66) loitering and (66) noise complaints from Cooperators. The Task Force encountered (63) counts of loiterers while conducting interior & exterior patrols. 2.

All Complaint Conditions corrected – (94) loiterers complied with both Officers and Task Force directives to leave and (37) noise complaints corrected by Officers on patrol.

3. All Unfounded Complaints – (20) unfounded loitering complaints by Officers on patrol and (29) unfounded noise complaints by Officers on patrol. 4.

Loitering individuals & noise complaints - non-compliant of directives – A total of (16) violations were issued for loitering (15) issued by Task Force and (1) issued by Officers on patrol. A total of (6) violations issued for noise complaints (0) issued by Task Force and (6) issued by Officers on patrol.


Complaint Responses – (66) for loiterers, (66) for noise complaints. A total of (80) quality of life of violations were issued. Public Safety Staff both Task Force and Officers on patrol responded to complaints.


Violations issued – A total of (80) violations were issued for loitering, noise and other quality of life violations.



8 0 8


1 2 3 For the month of October 2018 there were (8) arrests. The Rochdale Village Public 4 5 Safety Department will continue to organize to better serve the community. 6 7 DVR Unit Activity 8 12 Risk Management Incidents 9 10 Investigations Incidents 29 11 Violations issued 0 12 Arrest Incidents 8 13 14 Fire Incidents 1 Total Incidents 50 15 16 17 TASK FORCE ACTIVITIES 18 19 Task Force Responses – Task Forces responded to (8) loitering and (1) • 20 noise complaints calls from Dispatch. 21 • Conducted (203) Verticals. 22 Issued (37) violations including (15) for loitering & (0) for noise. (63) • 23 24 Loiters were encountered and complied. 25 • (0) C-Summons 26 • NYPD (8) Arrest 27 28 29 TOWED VEHICLES 30 The Public Safety Department towed (5) vehicles during the month of October for 31 violation of parking rules on the complex. 32 33 34 *Special Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: 35 (154) Special Verticals were conducted of the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and 36

parking lots by Officers and Supervisors on patrol, to curtail unlawful activities.

807 431 1238


CLASSIFICATION Illegal Move out Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Noise Complaint Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet/Occupant Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment TV or Radio Dish (on roof, façade, window or balcony) Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Creating Fire Hazard Urinating/Defecation in Public Drinking Alcohol in Public (Open Containers) Gas Leak Trespass Offensive Apt. Odor Harassment Walking Dog on Premises/Failure to Curb Pet Throwing things out the window Illegal Parking Health Hazzard Resisting Arrest Assault Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage/Improper Storage Refusing to show ID Failure to have Pet on leash Theft of Property Vandalism Smoking in unauthorized area Riding Bike or Skateboard on Property Feeding stray animals or wildlife (including cats) Total

80 1 0

AMOUNT 4 8 4 6 1 16 1 1 6

1 4 1 2

1 6 1 2 15 80

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November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Claude LeBorde

Contract Summary/Status — October 2018 LOCAL LAW 11: Group 4 façade violations repairs (phase 2). Building Numbers 13 - 15 are complete and #16 is in progress. SHOPPING CENTER: 1. Complete: Construction began, Jan uary 2017. Completed – December, 2017. 2.

Contract Amount: $1,760,000


Benches, trash cans, Security desk and cameras: Complete

COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION: 1. Complete: Construction began in April of 2016. Completed, December 2017. 2.

Contract Amount: $1,765,000


Awnings completed

COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF: Phase 2, Start date: May 2nd, 2018. – In progress (95% of completion)

Playground 3 - Completed end of June 2017 ROOF LEAK RENOVATION: 1. Building 7A, Apt. 13E (Completed, February, 2017)


Building 1B, Apt. 13A (Completed, May 2018)


Building 1B, Apt. 13H (Completed, May 2018)


Community Center – Room 18 (Completed, February, 2017)


Building 7A, Apt. 13F (Completed, June 2018)


Community center – Club Lounge & Ladies Restroom (Completed, March 2017)


Building 4C, Apt. 13B (Completed, September 2018)


Building 2C, Apt 13C (Complet ed, April 2017)


Building 12A, Apt. 13E (Completed September 2018)


Big Mall Entry Canopy Roof (Completed, April 2017)


Building 2A, Apt. 13G (Completed October 2018)


Building 4B, Hallway (Completed, April 2017)


Advantage Care (Completed, April 2017)


Rochdale Outlet Mall (Completed, April 2017)

LAUNDRY ROOM: HVAC unit installation in building 16 completed, November 2017. (Bradley Mechanical) HVAC unit installation in buildings 4 & 8 completed, January 2018. (SIGMA) Renovation including HVAC unit will start on 11/19/18 in Buildings #1 &5

Phase 1, Work on parapet wall and roof retrofit 9. (Public Safety) completed end of October, 2016 10. PARKING LOTS AND WALKWAY REPAIRS: Complete: Lots #2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Lot #7 completed with the addition of 21 new 11. spaces.

Subway(Completed, August 2017)

Mall 2 – HIP Cleaner (Completed, March 2018)

BROWNFIELD CLEANUP: Started 8/27/18 Under this NYC/DEP mandate, soil testing has commenced with the installation of depressurization wells in selected commercial stores in both Malls. Mall 1: Pipes installation complete Mall 2: Pipes installation in progress

SPRAY PARK: Playground 1 - Completed end of June 2017.

Building 8B, Apt 13H (Completed, March 2018)

ASBESTOS RECORDS (Reorganizing Files): Project completed end of May 2017.


Bed, Bath and Beyond (Completed, September 2017)

Top 7 Holiday Safety Tips from RV Maintenance to Cooperators During the holidays it is very easy to create situations that could prove dangerous. Rochdale’s Maintenance department is sending these friendly reminders to help make the holidays safe for everyone. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Never pour used cooking grease down the drain. Freeze grease then discard it in a Zip Loc bag. Cooking on balconies is prohibited (even fried turkeys!) Keep a watchful eye on flame heights while cooking. Keep holiday lighting away from draperies. Make sure that the oven is off and cool before cleaning. Never leave your apartment while food is cooking on the stove top or in oven. (It is so easy to forget) Discard Christmas trees in plastic bags and only bring them down during designated times.

Season’s Greetings to All!

November 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Happenings around Rochdale Village Rochdale Village wait list applicants face increased equity rates By Susan Van Brackle


eightened demand for affordable cooperative living has not only extended Rochdale’s apartment waiting list up to four years, it has also increased the cost of each apartment’s equity investment. According to a November 27 notice that was recently circulated to cooperators from Rochdale’s Allocations Department, “… Beginning, January 1, 2019 there will be an INCREASE IN THE EQUITY PAYMENT for all potential incoming applicants on our external waiting list and all transferring cooperators on our internal waiting list.” This means that candidates currently in the process of gaining access to an apartment will do so at the upgraded equity price and month-

ly carrying charge rates. Understanding that the newly increased costs may present a hardship for some applicants, the corporation is actively sourcing institutions that may be helpful in providing equitable home loan financing options. Applicants can always monitor their waiting list status and update contact information any time of the day or night by using the MitchellLama Automated Waiting List (AWL) Public Access functions at, which is a link found on the Homes & Community Renewal Applications website. Consumers may also log onto rochdalevillage. com, select the pull down called ‘Live Here’ then scrolling down to the Wait List Option, to access the waiting list site.

Guest Parking in Rochdale’s Large Mall Parking Lot Christmas Day and New Year’s Day 6:00 a.m. to 12 Midnight.


Family composition for apartments must meet the New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) occupancy standards as follows: Apartment size

Allowable Household Composition

1 Bedroom

1 or 2 Persons

2 Bedrooms

2 to 4 Persons

3 Bedrooms

4 to 6 Persons

Tuesday, December 25, 2018 - 6 a.m. to 12 midnight and Tuesday, January 1, 2019 - 6 a.m. to 12 midnight

VETERANS 'PREFERENCE: Preference is given to all veterans, or their surviving spouses, who served on active duty in time of war as defined in Section 85 of the Civil Service Law, and reside in New York State. Carrying charges, purchase price and maximum income limits (after allowable deductions) are as follows for each apartment size: Eligibility Requirements , Approximate Carrying Charges and Equity

Apt Size

1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 3 BR 3 BR

Household Composition

Approximate Monthly Carrying Charges


3 Rooms (No dining area)

$630.06 – $750.01

3 ½ Rooms (Dining area)

Number Rooms

See NOTE Below** 1 or 2 Persons 1 or 2 Persons 1 or 2 Persons 2 to 4 Persons 2 to 4 Persons 4 to 6 Persons 4 to 6 Persons

Maximum Household Income 1-3 Persons

4 or More Persons




$707.69 – $844.01




4 Rooms (With terrace)

$880.43 – $954.16




4 ½ Rooms (No terrace)

$1,031.00 – $1,075.80




5 Rooms (With Terrace)

$1,112.02 – $1,179.41




6 Rooms (No Terrace)

$1,334.25 – $1,386.85




6 ½ Rooms (With terrace)

$1,422.51 – $1,511.25




Minimum Household Income

Adults: 40x the Monthly Carrying Chg Seniors: 36x the Monthly Carrying Chg

FREE PARKING is available in metered and non-metered spaces in the Large Mall Lot during Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. However, parking is NOT permitted in parking spaces marked “reserved” or in commercial tenant spaces located near the Key Food back gate or anywhere in group circles. Overnight guests are permitted to Park and Pay for the metered spaces located along the back gate of the Key Food Grocery Store ONLY. Caution: Any vehicles remaining in the general parking lot after midnight on both holidays will be towed. Towing Company Information: A&B Towing • (516) 239-8949 • 400 Rockaway Turnpike • Lawrence, New York 11559.

Happy Holidays to all!

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November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ It was the night before Thanksgiving By Anthony Blake

Desserts and food assortments being prepared Welcome all are invited The oven being warm Yet, Turkeys everywhere purified They will be baked and not fried It’s the taste that they will provide So Turkeys have no way out It’s the tender and meat goodness I am talking about Guest will arrive The joy of togetherness having a strive Eat, Drive and be thankful A warm heart leads to a satisfied evening Thanksgiving is about caring and sharing Embrace At least the Turkey didn’t run away But why is the Turkey stuck on the ceiling? However, I will say, “Happy Thanksgiving on this day”.


Thanksgiving’s Blessing

My November Calendar Stars By Ed Miller

By Alanda I. Wasserman Edwards

Up from the Mexican/Negro Leagues Roy Campanella, B’klyn Dodger Star Until his terrible, crippling auto crash Ended catcher career, greatest by far.

Thanksgiving Blessing to you And your family this season With much love

The smoothest voice on radio or TV Nat King Cole, Top of the chart Longest lasting crooner there was Looks, voice stole everyone’s heart.

Don’t forget to thank the Master From above We are grateful for another gathering This year Be safe in your travel whether It be far or near

School desegregation of the 20th Cent. Educator of note, Mamie Phipps Clark Civil Rights activist, Doctor, leader When the movement needed a spark.

Enjoy your love one and the Great food and please Add that person touch

In Brooklyn Dodgers Ebbets Field National League Baseball was just fine Until the heroic black star of all time Jackie Robinson broke the color line.

But for good sake don’t eat too much

Of all the greats in popular song Her singing, acting, comedy,all Recognizable,voice wherever, Beautiful Pearl Bailey’s throaty drawl.

As you fellowship with Family and dine

Whitney Young Jr. Born in July, Civil Rights leader, middle name Moore Led the important National Urban League Bridged gap between rich black and poor. Ask your youngster, “What is JAZZ?” If you want to know the facts Charlie Yardbird Parker, the “Great Pizzazz!” Greatest black player on the SAX!

Remember to reflect some time To think about others who may Not have As you say your grace remember to invite or take a place to a Neighbor or Friend

Thankful By Gloria Williams Lord you woke me up this morning and Started me on my way I am thankful. For giving me life for one more minute one more second one more birthday one more day Lord I am thankful. Lord I am thankful for love respect And honor for blessings seen and unseen For family neighbors and friends For peace and harmony surrounding me and mine Without and within Lord I am thankful For the bountiful harvest and food to eat Shelter clothes and shoes on my feet Lord I am thankful. For the rain the moon the stars The sun flowers and trees no dis-ease Beautiful butterflies birds and sweet Honeybees Lord I am thankful. Be with me Lord as I journey alone my way. Thank you Lord for every prayer answered today and everyday Lord I praise and worship you at the altar as I kneel to pray Thank you Lord I am eternally thankful Peace

November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 11

Happenings around Rochdale Village

First graduating class of Rochdale’s public safety program By Susan Van Brackle


oard Vice President and Public Safety Committee Chairman Talib Bey was absolutely ecstatic to be a part of Rochdale’s first graduation ceremony of safety officers. Eight cadets marched into the Community Center’s grand ballroom to the sound of ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ poised to receive certification to become patrolmen on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. In attendance to witness the event was Chairman of the Board of Directors and Public Safety Committee co-chair Clifton Stanley Diaz, President of the Board Jean Castro, community partners from the area’s 113th precinct, executives from Rochdale’s human resources and management team; the department’s public

safety chief, lieutenants and captain. Certificates of completion were presented to the cadets by none other than Donovan J. Richards Council member for the 31st District of the New York City Council. The morning ceremony included a prayer by Reverend Michael Jackson and a moment to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Board Vice President Bey reflected, “As the Chairman of the Committee, I feel proud and elated that the Public Safety Department has transcended to a level of this magnitude. Prior history revealed that there were a lot of changes that needed to be made and whenever you put a strategic plan in place, implementation of that plan is the hardest part. So now that we’ve put the action into the planning of where we wanted the department to go and to see it manifest itself into reality is – stunning.”

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Page 12

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

November 2018

‘Blessed to be a Blessing’ event feeds hundreds before Thanksgiving holiday

By Susan Van Brackle


irst Vice President and Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, Mr. Talib Bey joined forces with Community Center Director Julia Shaw and The Most Worshipful New York Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. and New York Grand Chapter, OES State of New York to host the ‘Blessed to be a Blessing’ luncheon on the weekend before the Thanksgiving holiday. The event, which took place in the Center’s red brick

atrium, was both food drive and community luncheon. Children and adults offered helping hands to making gift baskets out of food donations designed to create the ultimate Thanksgiving feast. At the luncheon guests chose from a wide variety of food options including corn bread stuffing, peas and rice, mac and cheese and of course roasted turkeys. New York State Congressman Gregory Meeks was on hand greeting his constituents and extending best wishes for the season’s holidays.

Par$cipants received Valen$ne’s Day gi5s at the Senior Ci$zen’s Commi<ee mee$ng.

Congressman Gregory W. Meeks (NY-05) would like to offer season’s greetings to Rochdale Village.


Paid for and authorized by Friends for Gregory Meeks Paid Advertisementt

November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 13

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

November 2018

Turkey giveaway with NYS Homes & Community Renewal Commissioner Visnauskas

By Susan Van Brackle Thanksgiving 2018 was exceptionally bountiful for many residents here in the Rochdale Village community. Our Board of Directors prepared a free turkey giveaway on the eve of the holiday, thanks largely to participation from New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Office, New Image Construction and this area’s Key Foods supermarket. Commissioner RuthAnn Visnauskas from New York State Homes and Community Renewal performed the turkey distribution on Governor Cuomo’s behalf stating, “Rochdale Village is an incredible part of the fabric of this neighborhood in Queens and houses so many people in affordable, safe, quality, and in the summertime beautifully green and flowered housing right here in New York City so, I couldn’t be happier than to be here today and be able to provide some turkeys from the Governor to people so that everyone can have a delicious, and bountiful and safe and healthy Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season.” The real blessing is Rochdale Village received the gift of so many turkeys that there were enough for all participants that arrived at the event

(l. to r.) Board Secretary Joyce Williams, Board President Jean Castro, Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz and New York State Commission of Housing and Community Renewal RuthAnn Visnauskas, Herb Freedman, General Manager MSI.

November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 15

Council person Adrienne Adams and Dr. Maria Hubbard gift RV Community

(l. to r.) Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Board President Jean Castro, Council Member Adrienne Adams (D.28), Chief of Staff Jamal Wilkerson, Dr. Maria Hubbard and David P. Tannis, NPO Executive for The Showing Hearts Foundation.


hristmas came early for many of Rochdale’s elders this November. That’s because The Office of Council Member Adrienne Adams, Agape Bethel CDC, Rochdale’s Senior Committee and The Showing Hearts Foundation collaborated to host Senior Giveaway Day just before Thanksgiving at the Community Center on Friday, November 16 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. An abundance of gifts were distributed from the combined organizations that included electronics, clothing, accessories and much more. Council Member Adams offered, “This has been a wonderful event today; partnering especially with Dr. Maria Hubbard and her organization. Our hearts are in the same place and I am so happy....We chose our Rochdale seniors to bring some Thanksgiving joy to.” Senior Center member Yvonne Oliver added,”It was so thoughtful of her [Adrienne Adams] to give this to the community and I personally wanted to say thank you.” What’s next? The Senior Citizen’s Holiday luncheon hosted by Board Secretary and Committee Chairman Joyce Williams and Board President and Co- Chair Jean Castro of course.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

November 2018

November 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 17

Happenings around Rochdale Village

Queensborough President Melinda Katz visits Rochdale Village award winners

(l. to r.) Queensborough President Melinda Katz, Vice President of the Board of Directors Talib Bey, Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz, Board President Jean Castro and Board Secretary, Joyce Williams.

By Susan Van Brackle


ovember’s monthly Senior Citizens’ Committee meeting was filled with top brass from the 113th precinct and an address from Queensborough President Melinda Katz. It turns out that many of the awards Rochdale’s Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz requested to be presented at the ‘Our Time’ Black Tie Affair in October had not fully arrived for the event. A slew of additional certificates, commendations and other awards later appeared from Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office, Comptroller Scott Stringer’s office and even Queensborough President Melinda Katz’s office. That’s when Board President and Senior Citizen Committee Co-Chair Jean Castro and Board

Secretary and Senior Citizens’ Committee Chairman Joyce Williams decided what better way to recognize award recipients than to share the extended presentations with residents and colleagues at the committee meeting. Queensborough President Katz took a break from her hectic schedule to personally make the award presentations stating, “I’ve been a lot of places in my life and I have to tell you I’ve been blessed along the way...Rochdale Village has accepted me with open arms for many years now and I want to thank you for that. She went on to say that, “I know that the relationship between the board here and the community here and the safety officers has really been a special relationship…. Relationships matter."

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

November 2018

Happenings around Rochdale Village

RV Grounds Supervisor Kenneth Noel retires RV Senior Center/JASA each get $1,000 donations

Thursday, November 15, Rochdale Grounds crew members gathered around retired supervisor Kenneth Noel (seated center) before he headed for the sunshine.

By Susan Van Brackle


fter more than 10 years of dedicated service, Kenneth Noel officially retired from his role as Grounds Supervisor for Rochdale Village, Inc. Known for his signature fedoras and sharp green thumb, Mr. Noel has been the momentum behind this community’s beautifully manicured lawns, efficient crew and careful stewardship of Rochdale’s historic grounds. He has pruned, weeded and enhanced this 120 acre space as if it were his own. Mr. Noel often gave

new hires ‘the tour’ of the land, which is what makes Rochdale Rochdale. During the luncheon the first snow of the season began to fall outside - first a little, then alot. Not a problem for Mr. Noel since at that point he was prepared to journey south to Florida, to begin a life of retirement in his favorite place. For his years of service. Mr. Noel was presented with a service award by Maintenance Director Corey Jones and Human Resources Director Delores Benner. We wish Mr. Noel a joyful retirement and all the best that life has to offer.

Sheree Shivers and Marie-Cendy Theophile with Board President and Senior Citizen Committee co-chair Jean Castro and Board Secretary and committee chairman Joyce Williams.

By Susan Van Brackle


ochdale’s season of giving was off to a great start at November’s Senior Citizen Committee meeting. Directors Sheree Shivers and Marie-Cendy Theophile were each awarded with $1,000 checks by Board President and Senior Citizen Committee co-chair Jean Castro and Board Secretary and committee chairman Joyce Williams. The funds received are dedicated to enriching activities and programs promoted by the Rochdale Village

Senior Center and NORC/JASA initiatives. The generous gift presentation came as a result of proceeds earned by Rochdale Village groups like the Community Center Committee during the course of successful fundraising. Excess reserves were subsequently donated to active senior programs like those managed by Ms. Shivers and Mrs. Theophile. According to President Jean Castro, “This money is earmarked to go directly to the seniors at Rochdale Village.”

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December 31, 2018 deadline approaches to accept New York State, Rochdale Village Board of Directors, and Management’s Amnesty Offer to Illegal Subletters As of May 16, 2018, HCR officially granted the request of Rochdale Village, Inc. to offer amnesty to illegal subletters. The goal of this notice is to publicly post the amnesty offering and make every resident uniformly aware and informed.

the corporation will follow up. Eligible occupants will be given a special “Amnesty for Illegal Sublets Questionnaire”, which serves as the application. Those residents claiming amnesty will have until the end of the year to submit their form(s) back to the management office.

How Amnesty Protects You January 1, 2019 to March 31, 2019 Amnesty programs at Rochdale Village are few and far between. Con- • Rochdale Village will collect all amnesty applications that are submitsider this: The last time illegal subletters were welcome to submit an apted by year-end December 31, 2018 and turn them over to HCR for plication that may have lead to acquiring shareholder status under HCR review and consideration. In addition to submitting the applications guidelines was January 1997, some 21 years ago. Those that currently that are eligible for amnesty to HCR, Rochdale will compile a final accept this time-sensitive opportunity will begin the process for gaining report stating the total number of applicants that have applied to lawful residency at one of the most affordable cooperatives in the world. the program along with their names, addresses and other pertinent information. Further, residents that are paying exorbitant apartment rents through illegal subletting will have their payments adjusted to be in keeping with April 1, 2019 to July 1, 2019 the lawful and appropriate carrying charges set by the cooperative. • HCR will finalize the review process and advise their approval of individual applications. Applicants will subsequently be contacted by The Role of HCR Rochdale Village, Inc. According to correspondence received on May 16, 2018 by William Greenspan, Rochdale’s legal counsel, HCR provided over arching approval of the corporation’s request to grant amnesty to “non-conforming tenancies who obtained possession of their current apartment without obtaining permission of Rochdale Village or HCR as required by the Mitchell-Lama regulations.” The good news is, neither the principals of Rochdale Village nor HCR are seeking to evict individuals housed in illegal tenancies at the complex. The goal however is to have these dwellers become transparent about their residency here so that they can contribute to the fabric of the community, actively participate and be in compliance with Mitchell-Lama criteria.

In order to provide complete transparency and clear communications to all residents, a variety of amnesty notifications will be published by Rochdale Village Inc. including posted notices in common areas, mailings, digital bulletin board publications and newspaper advertisements. Applicant Requirements There will be a one-year ‘look back’ for all amnesty applicants. According to HCR, that means “Any resident granted amnesty must be able to prove through documentation that they resided at Rochdale Village for at least one year before being granted consent to amnesty.” Moreover, HCR encourages all occupants that seek amnesty at Rochdale Village to schedule an appointment with the management office at their earliest convenience to review income details.

Timing and Action As per the correspondence received from HCR, there is an expiration date on this amnesty offering. Interested parties should note the follow- Next Steps ing important processes and deadlines involved: Time is of the essence. In HCR’S letter to Rochdale’s corporate counsel, the closing statements specified that they “will not approve any amnesJune 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 ty requests going forward. All applicants to Rochdale Village must follow • This is the period set aside for individuals seeking amnesty to express our regulations and the Private Housing Finance Law..." The next steps their interest ANONYMOUSLY to Rochdale Village, Inc. Once Roch- are up to you. Start by making a confidential call to 718-276-5700 extendale Village reviews the renter’s information, a representative from sion 347.

Slow Down!

Please observe pedestrians walking through crosswalks. Come to a full STOP in campus parking lots and at drive way stop signs. Thank you. Chief Pearson.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

November 2018

NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - December 2018

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Rochdale Village Senior Center - December 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Maintenance Committee Minutes for Thursday, November 8, 2018

The meeting opened at 7:00 P.M.; a total of thirty-one (31) members signed in. Also, present was Chairperson Jean Hall (JH), Maintenance Director Corey Jones (CJ), and Ombudsmen Glen Keller (GK).

Group 5 Meeting:

The long awaiting group meeting for the cooperators in buildings 17, 18, 19 and 20 took place this month. One of the issues raised was the replacement of the convectors. It was clear based on management’s presentation that they firmly believe the replacement of convectors can be accomplished without replacing the risers. Chair, JH indicated she is skeptical at best with this idea and hopes that the Proposed Budget for Nov full board does its due diligence in making sure Jean Hall 2018 – Oct 2019: whatever decisions are made are in the best interest of all cooperators. Spring Shred Fest (2-days Fri & Sat): 1300.00 Fall Shred Fest: (2-days Fri & Sat): 1300.00 Laundry Room Report: 50.00 Water: Unfortunately, the Chair did not receive the laundry Maintenance Appreciation Day: 3500.00 room report. It is noted the following issues remain 4015.00 Food for Committee Meetings: outstanding: T-Shirts: 1000.00 Total: $11,165.00 Action Item: Need an update on what procedure is for lost money on the laundry room machines and/ The members agreed on the proposed budget. or laundry room card machine. Therefore, Chair JH will prepare resolution for the upcoming board meeting. Acton Item: Need to have something that cooperators and/ or staff have something that can be placed Suggestion: There was a suggestion that the Board on machines if they are out of order. consider Rochdale Village obtaining its’ own zip code. The thought is that this would be more ben- Action Item: Please advise cooperators who they eficial to the residents of Rochdale Village because should contact on the weekends if the machines go there would be a decrease in the rates of auto in- out and money is lost. The number that is currently surance. Further, there would be shorter lines at the posted only goes to a voicemail. Post Office, better control of packages, improved service and reduce traffic. Chair, JH indicated that Laundry Room Upgrades: more specific information must be presented – how- Woodside Super Laundry, Inc. was granted an exever she would mention the idea to the board mem- tension of the laundry room contract via Board vote. bers. To state auto rates would be decreased without Part of the considerations on the extension involved stats to validate the statement, would be a hard sell. upgrades for each laundry room. Some of the upgrades will include:

Role of Group Manager:

The group manager is a liaison between the cooper- • New ceiling tiles, installation stand-alone of ators and management, maintenance, and the board. high efficiency air conditioning and heating sysThere primary function is to ensure the safety of tem, new duct work, upgrade the dryer exhaust residents and employees. They are required to persystem, new doors with safety glass, Keri Key form daily inspections of the buildings and grounds. access and washers and dryers will be recaliThey are also involved in court appearances related brated and tuned up. to lawsuits and they also make suggestions for improvements and provide written reports to the main- • There may be additional upgrades that would tenance director. One suggestion that has since beprovide electronic notification when equipment come a reality in Rochdale, was the upgrading and needs repair, improved daily maintenance, and enhancing our lights via use of LED lighting. antimicrobial quartz counter tops. CJ indicated that recently the group managers were not always available as they are involved in doing inspections. This assignment will continue until January 2019. It was noted that due to the humidity particularly in late August to early September the apartment walls were sweating, and issues arose. This often involves three to four inspections daily. Rochdale is aware of the issues and is working to address the humidity problems.

The proposed repair schedule was provided to the committee. CJ indicated the schedule will be posted in the buildings and in the weekly information sheet and on the digital bulletin board. Committee members raised concerns that the proposed dates involved work during the holidays and requested that management adjust the schedules accordingly.

Chair JH provided the members with a handout entitled, keeping your packages safe. The handCJ gave a “shout out” to cooperators Judy Jones and out outlined ways in which cooperators can ensure Margaret Cummings for the assistance in helping that their packages are not stolen by using the speaddress cooperators complaints. cial services that the United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service (UPS) and FedEx CJ indicated when repairs are needed, he wants the provide. goal to be, “DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.” This would go a long way in improving customer Our Achievements: satisfaction. All members present fully supported Although time did not permit discussion on our this goal! achievements as Chair, I would like to thank the

committee for the following achievements: • • • • • •

Successful hosting of four (4) shredding events; including one collaboration with AARP and New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer. Expanded laundry room hours based on pe tition submitted by Shawn Chandler. Successful hosting of Maintenance Appreciation Day in each group. Establishment of Laundry Room Reports Transparency on Budget Improved communication on addressing co operators issues and concerns

Group Issues & Concerns: Group 1: • Elevator in 1B – paint is coming off. • Lobby side – corridor roof – dirty and needs to be cleaned. • Building 4 service entrance – still has a rug covering a hole on the floor needs to be re paired. • Building 4 work is not finished off properly – B section – where they are placing the new elevator tiles. • Lack of hot water – still an issue. Constant leaks in building 4 lobby. • • Vandalism in building 2, where the ADA buttons were removed. Group 2: Laundry room – issues with machines, no • contact information when money is lost. • Parking lot 2, why is space 112 blocked? • Back of building 6, there is a flooding prob lem when it rains. Group 3: • Cooperator complained of ring around the toilet which is “reddish brown.” • Building 9 garbage cans are still missing from the lobby why? CJ indicated he will replace the cans by the elevator banks as op posed to the lobby. • Cooperators still want the cans in the lobby – chair JH will bring this to management’s attention. • Request that the keys for bldg. 9 community room be changed. Group 4: • Cooperators from building 15 complained that when the contractors are finished with their work for the day they are stretched out on the floor and often take up all the seats in the laundry room. • Building 16, B section – the automatic door is broken. CJ indicated this is due to vandal ism. JH again, requested that the monies co operators have to spend due to vandalism should be made public on a regular basis. • Questions raised about the schedules for the maintenance workers. CJ explained the specific hour to hour schedule would not be provided. JH indicated she would pro vide for review and discussion next month the general overview.

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Maintenance Committee (cont’d...) • • • •

Building 14, C section the elevators are not cleaned. Building 14, “M” door stays open all the time. Building 15, C section – 3rd floor – roach problem – particularly near the garbage chute. Building 15, 1st floor big water bugs in laundry room.

Group 5: • When the group secretary is on vacation; who checks the messages? Building 18, problem with automatic door in B section. • • Building 20 – it was noted that task force activity has reduced urine in the stairwells. • Building 20 storage room needs to be swept – windows still open.

Building 20 – section A, tiles broke, need cover for light at odd eleva • tor. • Building 20 – “F” door on the 7th floor does not close by itself. • Building 20 - B Section – leak is constant by ceiling in the main cor ridor. • Building 20 – maintenance working during the weekends at 8 A.M. on Saturdays is unfair to cooperators trying to get rest. Can the hours be revisited? Building 20 – two cooperators have ongoing issues that CJ and GK will • address and let the Chair know the status. No further business requiring discussion the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Community Relations Committee Minutes for Friday, November 9, 2018 Meeting opened at 5:30 pm A 2019 Calendar regarding the upcoming year’s and chaired by Maryam event were distributed to all community relations Hubbard. committee members that were present. (Some event dates are subject to change) Date: Friday November 9, 2018 Future events discussed and agreed upon by the committee members, some of these events will Time: 5:30 p.m. be serve as Fundraising events to offset some of the cost that we usually use an annual budget to cover: Maryam Hubbard

Agenda • Christmas party 12/15/18 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • 2019 Calendar for events • Open 2018 Annual Christmas party will be held in Rochdale Village Mall 1 (Big Mall) Entertainment, food and gifts will be accessible for all registered children. Date: December 15th, 2018 Time: 10am-4pm Pre-registration for this event was a success. About 130 children were registered. All parents and guardians understand that the children must be present in order to receive their gift. There will be bracelets given out for toy distribution for all children that are registered. If there are any toys left over we will gladly bless those kids that were not registered at the time registration took place. All committee members who are volunteering were asked to meet @8:30a.m in Mall 1 (Big Mall)

that if possible that we can look into bringing Rochdale Village very own postal office to our community. This would be a postal office that would only service the twenty buildings of Rochdale Village. He also stated that there is definitely a process that we would have to go through. One of the benefits that he mentioned was that we would be entitled to our own postal zip code in which this would benefit the cooperators of Rochdale with a chance to receive better car insurance rates. Again this is Annual Autism Walk will be held Saturday a suggestion and Mr. Chandler was advised to April 6th, 2019. More will be discussed at later gather up his information draw up a proposal and Mrs. Hubbard the committee chair would meetings. take it back to the Rochdale Village board of Annual Spring Fling will be held Saturday Directors for discussion. May 4th, 2019. More will be discussed at later Next, Mr. Chandler explained how beneficial meetings. Annual Health Fair will be held Saturday June it would be to implement within each building 22nd, 2019. More will be discussed at later a Package storage room. This program would help combat the theft we are experiencing when meetings. packages are left at our door by carriers. There So you think you can cook? A cooking competition are several ideas regarding the space and who we amongst Rochdale residents. Proposed for a date would get to run such a program. Mr. Chandler in July 2019. More will be discussed at later spoke of a pilot program we could implement meetings. in just two of the buildings in each group to see just how effective this program would be. Mr. Family fun day will be held August 17th, 2018. Chandler and the committee chair will work together in creating a proposal to bring to both More will be discussed at later meetings. the committee and Rochdale Village board of OPEN Directors for further discussion. This program Cooperator Shawn Chandler joined us tonight to was something the entire committee that was discuss to programs that would possible help with present think could possibly work. Rochdale Village postal problems that we’ve been experiencing over the years. Mr. Chandler stated Meeting adjourned

POST THIS HANDY SPECIAL CUTOUT ON YOUR FRIDGE. For all maintenance requests and repairs, please note the following group numbers and contacts for your convenience. Call (718) 276-5610 and dial the following extension for your circle:

Group 1: ext. 402 and 403, ring bell #304 in Bldg. 2 Group 2: ext. 405 and 406, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 5 Group 3: ext. 410 and 411, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 10 Group 4: ext. 413 and 414, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 13 Group 5: ext. 417 and 418, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 17

Let’s welcome Yummy Garden Restaurant to Mall #2. Stop by. Give them a try.

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Senior Citizens’ Committee Minutes for Thursday, November 7, 2018 The meeting was called to order by the Senior Citizens Committee Chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams at 10:00 a.m. Prayers led by Ms. Joyce Williams.

Joyce Williams

Jean Castro

Agenda: 1. Management: Presentation of Proclamations/Citations to Black Tie Affair Honorees

2. Senior Center/Social Services, Inc. 3. NORC 4. Upcoming Events/Christmas Party 5. Questions/Concern/Comments 6. Open-Breakfast

was taking place. The explanation was well received and the honorees received their citations which some where given out by our Borough President Melinda Katz. Other Elected Officials sent representative. • Honoree and recipients were Rochdale finest. Citations were also presented to 113th Precinct Officers for their outstanding community service. • In our discussion, we decides to have our Christmas Party and to give a donation of $10.00 this year, which was agreed by all. We also acquired a decorating Committee to start on the day before that party. • Breakfast was served as members continued discussing their party and other grievances. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.

• The Chairperson Ms. Joyce Williams started out the meeting by explaining the presents of visiting guests at the breakfast this morning and in keeping with our regular scheduled meeting. The Board President and Co-Chair of the Committer Ms. Jean Castro further explained why the presentation of proclamation/citations were taking place at the meeting as some of the members were not aware off this

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 02, 2019 at 10:00am. Respectfully submitted, THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE Joyce William, Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro- Co-Chair

President’s Message (cont’d from pg. 2...) icated to the many aspects of Rochdale Village. Please ensure that you make a priority to hand in all documents on time to avoid any delays in the process. Another major affect sublets have on the corporation is during election time. In order for an election to be valid one-third of stockholders (legal residents) must vote. Sublets limit the number of eligible votes because they are not stockholders. They may live here but have no legal right to engage in any of the Corporation processes. So how does one begin to fix this problem? There are two (2) ways. Holdover evictions to throw out illegals and amnesty. Amnesty is a great way to help what would be great cooperators become legal residents. The process is the same as if that person was applying from the outside. Background and credit checks are done, an interview process must be completed and an equity payment must be made. This enables an illegal to come out from the shadows of living in secret and possibly maybe even from under the thumb of

a legal cooperator renting to them for a profit and pay less for what you already have. It also helps to bind the community because we have more legal residents able to participate in the cooperative process including the act of voting. All amnesty applications are due by December 31st 2018. Anyone that feels they are eligible can contact Management anonymously to get more details.

Board Meeting Order

I would like all cooperators to be mindful of their conduct during the cooperator’s session at the monthly Board Meeting. The cooperator’s session gives the cooperators an opportunity to ask questions, voice their concerns and get answers from the Board. The Board is unable to answer any questions or concerns if the meeting is disorderly. We understand your frustration and concern but there must be a mutual respect for your fellow cooperators and to the Board. Outburst and shouting from the audience is disruptive

and prolongs the meetings unnecessarily. We have many avenues in place for you to have your concerns addressed not limited to just the cooperator’s session and the Board wants to be a part of solving whatever problems are brought to our attention. This issue is becoming a very serious one and we would love to keep open Board meetings but due to difficulties of Board meetings functioning in an efficient manner the Board may be compelled to consider other options. Moving forward Board Members will stay professional and not respond to comments coming from the audience. This will allow us to maintain order during the meeting. I pray and hope this message may be of some understanding and consideration to avoid any changes. I truly thank you in advance. Have a joyous, healthy and safe holiday season. Blessing, Love and peace to all. Jean Randolph-Castro


No smoking within 50 FEET OF THE PROPERTY. That includes on benches, in stairwells, on the grounds or vaping.

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Approved for posting by the Board Office until January 01, 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar December 2018

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • ROCHDALEBULLETIN@GMAIL.COM The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

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November 2018

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