Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper October 2016 Edition

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Vol. 52 No. 10

October 2016


Rochdale Village Board of Directors

2016 Election Winners Rochdale Village Election details page 3 Joyce Williams 1,087 Votes

Lisa Stark 1,151 Votes

Jean Randolph-Castro 1,134 Votes

Mario Turner 1,074 Votes

Tim Mercer 1,077 Votes

Clifton Stanley Diaz 1,039 Votes

Maryam Smith 1,018 Votes

Barbara Staples 1,003 Votes

Talib Bey 1,033 Votes

Derrick Shareef 993 Votes

President’s Report - Pg. 2

General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4

Election Information - Pgs. 4 & 9

Community Center Opening - Pg. 15

Page 2


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Tim Mercer Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams


Talib Bey Clifton Stanley Diaz Stacey Francis Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Tracey Irvin Jean Randolph-Castro Earl Roberts Kamal Saleem Derrick Shareef Maryam Smith Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Joyce Williams Gary Casimir (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Tim Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Smith Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Stacey Francis Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent

Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc.

October 2016

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Dear Cooperators,

It is both an honor and a pleasure to return as President of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors. I wish to extend congratulations to each of my colleagues that were recently appointed to serve as officers of this great community during October’s board elections. No doubt, the stakes were high especially since a voting quorum was not reached in 2015. Ten seats on the board of directors were open for placement. Seventeen formidable candidates threw their hats into the ring and you, the community, overwhelmingly cast your ballots to continue with the leadership that has guided the course thus far. Thank you cooperators for taking the time to cast your ballots. It is my hope that your vote was encouraged as a result of the successful changes and completed projects that are all around us at Rochdale Village. Projects such as the façade work, which is currently wrapping up on our grounds or, perhaps it was the expanded parking areas being built to accommodate our growing needs. Maybe the future plans to make

our Power Plant an energy efficient force to be reckoned with compelled your vote. If so, I am grateful because 1) your vote truly counts and 2) your cooperation and input is necessary to advance the current initiatives through to completion. Rochdale Village continues to be one of the best-kept residential secrets in the five boroughs. Currently, apartment occupancy is stable and interested applicants inquire at a steady pace. After living here over 30 years, I have seen increased amenities such as playground expansions, an interactive website, payments online, services for residents that are aging in place and now a new kitchen cabinet offering. Please know that your board of directors has more ribbon cuttings, exciting enhancements and infrastructure improvements in store for Rochdale families. This community is so fortunate to have dedicated maintenance, public safety and power plant teams on the grounds to keep our community safe, active and attractive. However, in a village of over 25,000 residents, our collective goal to live within the cooperative

Jean Randolph-Castro

spirit is never done. It takes a village to keep our property free from litter, to exchange pleasantries to each other, respect our neighbor’s boundaries, to lend support through participation on committees, at community events, board meetings, and encourage safe activities. As I enter this term as president, I am elated to serve on the Rochdale Village Board of Directors again. I look forward to us working together, growing together and learning from each other. The sum of the whole is greater than its individual parts. Collectively, we can accomplish many things while striving to maintain the excellence achieved thus far. That is after all the basis of the cooperative spirit.

General Manager Marion Scott

Assistant Managers

Alex Freedman, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI


William Young

Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones

Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson

Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco

Human Resource Director Dolores Benner

General Counsel

William R. Greenspan

The next Board of Directors’ meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 28, 2016 in Community Center rooms 11/12/13

October 2016

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Meet the new Rochdale Village Board of Directors for 2016-17 By Susan Van Brackle


his year’s voter turnout allowed for the successful appointment of 10 officers to the Rochdale Village Board of Directors. Low voter turnout in 2015’s election did not permit a suitable quorum to be reached therefore no new members were chosen for the team. A voting quorum is reached when representatives from an estimated 33% of the occupied Rochdale Village apartments comes out to vote. According to certified scores provided by Honest Ballot Association, there were: 151 Attendance Proxies 378 Voting proxies and 1,614 in person votes 2,143 Total voters

Clifton Stanley Diaz Chairman of the Board

Jean Randolph-Castro President

Mario Turner 2nd Vice President

Jean Hall 3rd Vice President

Talib Bey 1st Vice President

Tim Mercer 4th Vice President

Certified true and accurate results, as per Honest Ballot Association, for each of the candidates are: Five Highest Votes Winning 3-Year Terms 1,151 Lisa Stark 1,134 Jean Randolph-Castro 1,087 Joyce Williams 1,077 Timothy Mercer 1,074 Mario Turner 2nd Five Highest Votes Win 2-Year Terms 1,039 Clifton Stanley Diaz 1,033 Talib Bey 1,018 Maryam Smith 1,003 Barbara Staples 993 Derrek Shareef Election Results for the Remaining Candidates 982 Eddie Douglass 979 Joe Evans 923 David Cherry 866 Cody Hamblin 861 Vanita Hackworth 837 Jacqueline Kalloo 832 Brenda L. Borden-Oglesby In-person voting began at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 and finished in the community rooms of each of Rochdale’s five groups until the polls closed at 9:00 p.m. that same day. By the time the ballots were cast, the community overwhelmingly re-elected candidates with previous years of experience as board members along with one first-time officer. Monday night’s first official board meeting on October 24 opened with title assignments for executive officers and designations of committee responsibilities for the newly elected group, which are as follows: Clifton Stanley Diaz, Chairman of the Board and Orientation Committee Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro, President Community Center Committee Legal & Management Committee Chairperson Talib Bey, 1st Vice President Public Safety Committee Chairperson Mario Turner, 2nd Vice President Youth Planning Committee Chairperson

Joyce Williams Secretary

Lisa Stark Treasurer

Maryam Smith Assistant Treasurer

Stacey Francis Director

Tracey Irvin Director

Earl Roberts Director

Kamal Saleem Director

Derrick Shareef Director

Barbara Staples Director

Jean Hall, 3rd Vice President Timothy Mercer, 4th Vice President and Commercial Services Committee Chairperson Lisa Stark, Treasurer and Budget & Finance Committee Chairperson Maryam Smith, Assistant Treasurer and Community Relations Committee Chairperson Kamal Saleem, Director and Environmental Conservation Committee Chairperson Tracey Irvin, Director and Maintenance Committee Chairperson Joyce Williams, Secretary and Senior Citizens Committee Chairperson In October 2017, five seats that are currently held by Directors Stacey Francis, Tracey Irvin, Earl Roberts, Kamal Saleem and 3rd Vice President Jean Hall, will be up for election. Here’s wishing congratulations and a successful partnership to this current group of officers in the weeks and months ahead.

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October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for September 2016 Work has Begun on New Boilers

The first of four new boilers at Rochdale will be delivered in January 2017. This is also the first new boiler in over 50 years and will save the cooperative millions of dollars a year in energy costs. During the week of October 31, the Power Plant began preparations for the new boiler by removing asbestos, installing additional pipes and changing valves. In order to complete this work, the Power Plant needed to turn off all four boilers and two turbines in the Power Plant. Turbines provide electricity and the Power Plant has 6 emergency generators behind the Power Plant and 4 Diesel generators in the Power Plant to make sure Rochdale is able to meet its electrical needs. The 4 boilers in the Power Plant provide heat and hot water to Rochdale. The contractor has installed a temporary boiler in the Power Plant Parking Lot in order to provide heat and hot water for the week. The temporary boiler is large enough to provide heat and hot water to all of Rochdale for the week. We understand it was an inconve nience for all 121 elevators in Rochdale to be turned off for 2 hours on October 31st, but this was a necessary precautionary measure. We don’t anticipate any other elevator shutdowns while the boilers are being completed. We are excited to finally have the work under way!

7th to work on curbing, fencing and drywells. We would also do the trenching of the conduits for future cameras that week. The following week (November 14th) a full crew will come out to start the major work.

Lot 6 Update:

We have completed lots 2, 4 and 8 so far. The work in these lots include new pavement, motorcycle parking (lot 2 & 6), camera conduits and extra spaces. Aside from a few minor adjustments that will be made by the contractor in the coming weeks, the lots look great and Shareholders have expressed their satisfaction. While the Parking Lot & Walkway repaving project was approved by the Board in ---


of this year, we got off to a late due to an unusually lengthy approval process by our supervisory agency, HCR. We are currently in the midst of working with our contractor on securing the necessary permits for lot 6 to begin the work this November. With the change in weather upon us it is imperative that we start soon or we will have to wait until April of next year to begin. We anticipate that the permits will be procured in time for November in which case residents in lot 6 will be notified and a small crew out the week of November NEW

On November 8th this year’s presidential election is upon us and with it comes the choosing of the Country’s direction for the next four years and beyond. As an individual, regardless of what ones political affiliation, the act of voting is an exercise of a freedom that some countries do not have. As a community, voting bolsters Rochdale Village and its 25,000+ residents as a solid voting block that demands the attention of our elected officials. Who you vote for doesn’t matter as much as getting the attention of new and existing candidates to champion our community’s concerns. While the presidency is important to our country, our local officials (i.e. Senators, Congress representatives, assembly persons and district leaders), impact us at the local level. Items such as the upkeep of our neighborhood, street cleaning, additional stop signs, speed bumps, public transportation and the like are in their purview. Communities that do not vote typically see a lack or decline of the aforementioned services. On Election Day aside from the presidential nominees is a U.S. Senate seat and the U.S. Representative from New York’s 5th congressional district. Your assistance is needed to make your vote count for the Rochdale Village Community and the country.

October 2016

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report - by William Young Rochdale Village, Inc. Balance Sheet August 2016 To Advertise in the Rochdale Village Bulletin, Call (718) 276-5700 ext. 359

Consolidated Income Statement FY 2017 vs. Budget vs. FY 2016

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October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report - by William Young Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging 2016

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity 2016

Rochdale Village, Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement 2016

Rochdale Village, Inc. Profit and Loss Statement Explanation of Significant Fluctuations - August 2016 1.

EBITDA (Earnings Before Income Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) – EBITDA decreased approximately $(660,000) in August to $39,394 as compared to $699,603 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to an increase of $550,000 in Turbine Generator and Fuel Oil to run the generators in the Power Plant. These type expenses non-recurring expenses to rebuild the Power Plant Generator and should end by the end of November. Excluding the $550,000 non-recurring expenses, EBITDA would have been $590,000.


Administrative expenses – Administrative expenses were in-line with the Budget.


Janitorial & Grounds Expense – Janitorial & Grounds expenses were in-line with the Budget.


Maintenance expenses – Maintenance expenses increased approximately $131,000 to $1,026,000 in August 2016 as compared to $895,087 in the FY2017 Budget. The increase of $131,000is principally due to the timing of Apartment Repairs and Restoration..


Public Safety Expenses – Public Safety Expenses were in-line with the Budget.


Power Plant Expenses – Power Plant expenses increased approximately $472,000 to $1,982,000 in August 2016 as compared to $1,511,265 in the FY2017 Budget. The increase as compared to the Budget is principally due to the following : •

Fuel Oil – Increased approximately $400,000 related to diesel fuel necessary to run the emergency generators.

7. 8.

Turbine Generator Rental – Increased approximately $150,000 as compared to the Budget. This increase is due to the rental of Turbine Generators.

Insurance and Real Estate Expenses – were in-line with the Budget. All Other Expenses – All other expenses were relatively in-line with the FY 2016 Budget.

October 2016

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Chief Victoria Pearson

Public Safety Monthly Report September 2016 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of September 2016. Public Safety maintains twenty-four hour coverage. LOITERING: During the month of September 2016, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering conditions. As a result, Public Safety officers responded to total of (24) complaints of loitering which were resolved as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Conditions corrected – Eleven (11) loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave. Unfounded – Seven (7) unfounded loitering complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present) Responded – Six (6) loiterers found and/or loiterers were advised of RV’s rules and regulations Violations issued – Zero (0) violation for loitering were issued

There were (0) arrests for the month of September 2016. The Rochdale Village Public Safety Department will continue to organize to better serve the community.







* Special Verticals are performed by the Supervisors

DVR UNIT ACTIVITY TOTAL INCIDENTS 46 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 26 VIOLATIONS 0 TOWED VEHICLES The Public Safety Department towed twenty-one (21) vehicles during the month of September for violation of parking rules on the complex. SPECIAL VERTICAL PATROL BY ROCHDALE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours to curtail unlawful activities and have been positively reinforced. VERTICALS: 1469 SPECIAL VERTICALS: 0 TOTAL: 1469 TOWING: WARNING ISSUED: TOTAL: ESCORTS:

8 0 8 105


Violations Listed here are the classifications for the Notices of Violations issued.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20

CLASSIFICATION Illegal Move out Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Loud Noise Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment Illegal Occupant Dispute Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Fire Hazard Urinating in Public Disturbing the Peace




If You See Something, Say Something. Call Public Safety at (718) 276-2400

or by Text at (347) 455-9373.

1 2 1 1 1

1 3 1

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October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Claude Laborde

Contract Summary/Status — September 2016 2. Work on parapet wall is in progress and expected to be completed end of October, 2016

LOCAL LAW 11, CYCLE-6, 7 & 8 BUILDING FAÇADE REPAIRS: 1. Buildings #17-20 completed.


2. Façade repairs will be completed in December, 2016 on Bldgs. #2, 4, 7, 9 & 19.

1. Project is in progress and will be completed the end of October, 2016.

COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION AND ROOF: 1. Community Center interior work - Phases 1 and 2 are in progress and will be completed by

SHOPPING CENTER: 1. Mobilization – in progress as of 10/11/16

the end of October, 2016. Phase 3, Rooms #16-18 and demolition for new ADA bathrooms started on

2. Phase 1- Bathroom renovation will start on 10/12/16.


Parapet wall repairs completed at Rochdale Village community center Before

Years of exposure took their toll on the dated rooftop structure.

By Susan Van Brackle


he parapet wall bordering the rooftop of the community center’s east wing recently underwent a major overhaul as part of the previously reported renovation project. Years of weather, wear and tear caused extreme deterioration of the protective stockade . Rochdale’s Public Safety Department, the Purchasing division, and a portion of the grand ballroom each share roofing that was directly impacted. While resurfacing work occurred on roof tiles encased by

the parapet wall over 20 years ago, the brick face of the protective wall surrounding the rooftop had not been repointed. During the course of the renovation Rochdale’s Project Management team opted to substitute masonry with sturdy iron wrought fencing around the periphery. Phase II of the community center’s renovations is currently in progress. Please consult posted signage for room reassignments of existing programs. Residents may also stop into room 14A to receive updates and directions from community center staff.


Sturdy wrought iron fencing replaces masonry around the parapet wall.

The rooftop is fully repointed, HVAC and drainage also overhauled.

October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 9

Voting in the digital age allows for advance peek at election ballot

Fall Back!

Daylight Savings Time Ends

2:00 a.m. Sunday morning, November 2, 2016

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

October 2016

On behalf of the Community Center Committee, Community Relations Committee and the Senior Center Committee, thanks to Cancer Awareness Walk Committee members for their work on behalf of the 1st Annual Cancer Awareness Walk.

And, thanks to the Rochdale Village community for its support in October during Breast Cancer Awareness month. This is just the beginning... Cancer Awareness Walk Committee Members: Margarette Stroud-Cox

Jean Hall

Evangelist Donna-Marie War-

Ms. Baker


Yvette Landers

Karen Kirkland

Tina Young

Juanita Kelly

Chris Sanders

Teresa Williams

Erika Beard

Rachel Iroku

Betty Smith

Grace Grannum

Margaret Cummings

Veronica Conrad

Mary Ingram

Sylvia McCarroll

Maria Corbin

Joan Hamilton

Julia Shaw

Mary Mitchell

Betty Seale

Ernestine Gibbs

Leydin Frederick

Romena Almond

Joyce Hamilton Snoddy

Jackie Christopher

Annette Kellerman

Catherine Wyatt

Norma Dean

Ali Riddick


Carolyn Jackson Eulah Parks-Brunston Barbara Tucker

Key Food: Managers Rudy & Alex OB’s Bakery: Cybil, Sissy & Mike Ideal: Manager Gerry

Virginia Grant

Kelly’s: Manager Singh

Gloria Williams

Magic: Owners Barry & Karen

October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 11

Youth Planning’s Annual Halloween Party is a hit with RV community

The clown’s magic show and story time jokes are a fan favorite at the Annual Halloween Party hosted by Rochdale’s Youth Planning Committee (photo center below).

By Susan Van Brackle


he Annual Halloween Party hosted by Rochdale’s Youth Planning Committee provides a safe venue where children and families can enjoy the holiday together. This year marks the third Annual Halloween Party hosted by the Youth Planning Committee. Since 2012, Mario Turner, 2nd Vice President of Rochdale’s Board

of Directors picked up the mantle of spearheading youth activities on the committee when he was first elected as an officer. It is safe to say that the Halloween party gets bigger and bigger every year and the ghouls and goblins get cuter and cuter. Close to 200 youth, friends and area families filled multiple rooms of the Community Center from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. enjoying colorful bouncy houses, face painting, magic tricks and

yes, lots of treats. Mr. Turner, along with his band of committed team members, spent the evening beforehand assuring that details were in place and refreshments available for the throngs that were expected to arrive on Saturday, October 29. In past Halloween events, prizes were given for the best and most creative costumes. This year’s event featured an interactive hashtag where guests could post fun photos from the

party on Instagram and have the ability to participate in a raffle given out at the end of the evening. With the success of this year’s event, planning for next year will get underway in the future. To learn more about the Youth Planning Committee and get involved, please call the Board of Directors’ office at 718-276-5700 x336. (More photos in centerfold and on facebook.chdalevillagebulletin. com).

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

October 2016

Our Rochdale Vil Nothing but ribbon cuttings at Rochdale Village!

Center Director, Julia Shaw, prepares last minute details for the grand opening of the Community Center’s west wing. Photo credit: Al Ephraim.

Community Center guests take a tour of the game room at the ribbon cutting. Photo credit: Al Ephraim.

(l to r): Gary Hawkins; Paul Waltzer; Albee Mascall, Chief of Staff to Senator James Sanders; Brett Lowery; Stuart Cohen; Scott Campbell; Jericho Reyes; Jean Castro (pink shirt), President, Rochdale Village Board of Directors; Assemblywoman Vivian Cook; Joe Giacolone;Board Treasurer Joyce Williams, Joe Evans. Photo credit: Will Jelani.

Patrons like Ms. Bellamy had a great time with Cuppy at the Dunkin Donuts grand opening.

Youth Planning volunteers serve up hot pizza while committee chairman Mario Turner checks to see if demand outweighs supply.

October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 13

ellage Village Community Community Autumn beautification continues in the Rochdale Village Community

Beautiful trees have deep roots that sometimes disturb the asphalt at RV.

Repairman level area walkways with a fresh coat of paving material.

Last month these mums had not bloomed. Now they are a harvest of colors in Mall #2.

Did you know Rochdale has waiting area for Access-A-Ride patrons near the small mall?

Even five indoor bouncy houses wasn’t enough for the crowd of kiddies that showed up in costume for the Annual Halloween Party.

Balloon animals and face painting from a friendly clown was a real crowd pleaser at the party.

Page 14

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

October 2016

PS80 hosts ribbon cutting for grand opening of school’s new science lab By Susan Van Brackle


tudents of P.S. 80 - Thurgood Marshall Magnet School of Multimedia and Communication received their first look at the school’s new science lab during a formal ribbon cutting ceremony held on Thursday, October 17. Rochdale Village Board Member Earl Roberts, Council Member Ruben Wills (D-Rochdale), Congressman Gregory Meeks, Lorraine Grillo President & CEO of the NYC School Construction Authority and PS 80 Principal Kersandra Cox were in attendance at this celebratory occasion. “The Science Lab will enable the students of PS80 to become scientists and enhance their knowledge of the science field said Earl Roberts. I applaud the principal who made an effort to ensure the PS80 received funding from Councilman Wills for the science lab and smart boards for every classroom.” The smiles on the young students faces showed their joy

and eagerness to learn about science. The laboratory, which is converted from a former classroom, includes newly renovated fixtures and other additions like computer stations, student tables and a teacher’s demonstration table. The science lab’s accommodations also feature new cabinetry, experiment workstations with sinks, an electrical panel and data network connections for computer stations. The estimated $350,000 project was funded through what is classified as the ‘Resolution A’ (or ‘Reso A’) program that provides for school-specific educational enhancements. City Charter enabled projects are overseen from beginning to completion by the New York City School Construction Authority. “As we prepare our scholars for the 21st century we are excited to be able to offer our scholars the opportunity to dive deep into the study of science,” said P.S. 80 Principal Kersandra Cox. “Our new lab will provide

Students look on as public officials and PS80 educators cut ribbon to school’s new science lab. Photo credit: Brandon Clarke our scholars with opportunity to engage in the inquiry process and develop their critical thinking skills.” Lorraine Grillo, President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York City School Construction Authority added, “This state-

of-the-art, upgraded science lab provides P.S. 80’s students with a beautiful and modern learning space for their studies.” The facility’s construction was paid for by capital improvement grant funds allocated by Council Member Ruben Wills.

Rochdale Village Social Services ‘Teen Lift’ college tour deadline coming up By Susan Van Brackle


he Board of Directors for Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. has once again teamed up with the Queens Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. to recruit highschool students for participation in the annual Teen Lift college preparatory workshop program. The workshop’s objective is to ready qualified students for entry into the university of their choice. The cost of the five workshops and the college tour - through Virginia, Washington, D.C., Maryland and Delaware is $500. The price includes hotel lodging and all meals from Sunday, April 9 through Friday, April 14, 2017 which coincides with Easter break for NYC public schools. Qualified student participants may be subsidized up to $375 of the $500 total cost of the trip once the board enters its final vote. An orientation for the 2016-2017 program is scheduled for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, November 10, 2016, at St. Benedict the Moor Church, 171-17 110 Avenue, off Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, New York, according to Darcel Chapman, chairman of the

Teen Lift organizers for the Delta Sorority in Queens. Rochdale high school students are afforded a five-payment plan. A $50 deposit payable by check or money order only, is due at Thursday’s orientation meeting at St. Benedict the Moor Church. The balance of the four payments are to be paid as follows: $75, due on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016 for the introductory college preparatory workshop; and $125 each, on the January 7, February 4 and March 4, 2017 workshops. The workshops are as follows: On Saturday, November 12, 2016 from 10 a.m to noon, a workshop will be held at the Community Bridge House, 120-50 Springfield Boulevard, Cambria Heights that will review the College Admission Process/ College Preparedness. All other workshops beginning Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016, will take place at Public School/Intermediate School 270 at 233-15 Merrick Boulevard, Rosedale, N.Y. Last year, seven Rochdale Village high school students participated in the Teen Lift program workshops and went on the April 2016 tour of HBCU’s in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.

College tour chaperones Sheree Shivers, Lisa Stark and Alphonza Parks III. Photo credit: RVSS

Last year, area youth visited historically black colleges and universities in three southern states. Photo credit: RVSS

October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 15

(1st row l. to r) Board members Jean Hall, 3rd Vice President; Earl Roberts, Director; Clifton Stanley Diaz, Chairman of the Board; Jean Castro, Board President, Assembly Photo Credit: Al Ephraim Member, Vivian E. Cook; Talib Bey, 1st Vice President. (2nd row l. to r.) Former Board members Joe Evans, Ed Douglass and Hettie Powell, Esq. Photo credits: Al Ephraim

Community Center west wing now open for cooperator’s enjoyment By Susan Van Brackle


he grand re-opening of the Community Center’s west wing was met with fanfare and anticipation. Phase 1 of the reconstruction project saw marked capital improvements to the look and feel of flooring, ceilings, lighting, entryways as well as the addition of a new ADA compliant

restroom. Preparation is also underway to launch Rochdale Village Academy After School Program at the Center by the 4th quarter. Residents and guests came out to support board members Clifton Stanley Diaz, Jean Castro, Talib Bey, Mario Turner, Jean Hall, Earl Roberts and Assembly Member Vivian E. Cook at the grand opening event, which took

Adults at the ribbon cutting gave the game room a work out. Photo credit: Al Ephraim.

place late last month. Community Center Director, Julia Shaw welcomed participants at the ribbon cutting with a towering balloon arch and refreshments. Community rooms 16, 17, 18, 19 20, the Rochdale Village Board of Directors’ office and the hallway leading to those areas are involved in this next round of renovations. For the next two months, program activities

normally held in these spaces have been reassigned to newly refurbished locations in the west wing until such time the rooms are upgraded. Residents should consult posted notices for room reassignments. Patrons may reach the Board of Directors’ office by visiting room 14A in the Center or calling 718-276.5700 x336.

Kids from Saturday’s Elite Marching Band music class took a break for the festivities. Photo credit: Al Ephraim.

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October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin






Merry Christmas– Item 800

Christmas Greetings- Item 801



Across the Miles- Item 802 $5.00


Include Your Photo or Family Photo to Make it Extra Special!

Christmas Blessings– Item 804


Greatest Gift- Item 805

Feliz Navidad– Item 806



(Please make sure photo quality is good) Contact Information: Deborah Susan Harry Cell Phone: (516) 312-4450 (9-5 EST) Business Phone: (516) 737-2965 (9-5 EST) ALL CHRISTMAS ORDERS MUST BE IN BY DECEMBER 3, 2016 Blessings to You– Item 807 $5.00

Happy & Healthy 2017– Item 808 $5.00

Happy Holidays– Item 809 $5.00

From Our Family– Item 810

All cards are $5.00 each. Larger quantities are discounted.

RV’s Community Center afterschool program opening soon


long with the renovation of our Community Center, we will be introducing the Rochdale Village Academy Afterschool Program. The program is licensed by the State of New York with the capacity to accommodate 148 children between the ages of 6 -12 years old. While Rochdale Village Management is in the process of hiring quality staff for the program we will be accepting

application from parents in the community who are interested in using this service. The program is scheduled to start in January 2017 and our hours of operation will be 2:30pm to 7:00pm. For additional information and/or to get an application for your family please contact the Community Center at 718-276-5700 Ext. 337. Contributed by Julia Shaw, Community Center Director.

Expecting Thanksgiving Guests?

Let Molly Maid Cleaning Service help you have a Happier Holiday! Arrange an appointment today by calling Restorations at 718.276.5700 x312

Rochdale Village Academy After School Program Fall 2016 For more information & application contact:

Rochdale Village Community Center Phone: (718) 276-5700 Ext. 337 Email:


October 2016

Page 17

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Answers to cooperator questions about RV’s new kitchen upgrade • Invoice must be brought to the Cashier’s Office Answer: in Management for payment. Matching cabinets are not included as part of the purchase however; cooperators may discuss any ast month’s article about the new line • Payments may be made by check, money order additions with the installer. or credit card. Additional payment methods are of kitchen cabinets being offered to the also being considered. Question: community sparked excitement as well as a few questions. Following are some answers to the • Installation will not begin until payment has Are drawer pulls included and if so what do they look like? questions that have come about. cleared the account in the Cashier’s office. By Susan Van Brackle


Question: How soon will orders be accepted? Answer: Beginning late January to early February 2017.

Question: There is no broom closet shown on the cabinet sample. Is a broom closet included? What is the upcharge to include the broom closet if I want it installed?

Answer: To keep the offering affordable, the traditional broom closet was replaced with 18” of additional counter space and two wall cabinets above and below the Answer: counter. The materials cost of the broom closet will • Cooperators must first visit the Group office and add substantial coststo the cabinet order. place the order with their Manager. Question: • Residents will receive their order paperwork and Can the vendor install matching cabinets over my an invoice from the Group Manager. stove and refrigerator? Question: What is the kitchen cabinet order process?

Answer: Brushed nickel door pulls are offered as part of the cabinet purchase. A sample will be on display in the future. Question: Who pays for the cabinets? Answer: The cabinets are available for cooperators to purchase. Cooperators that install the updated cabinet will not have their equity affected upon moving out as long as they are kept in good condition.

~Poetry Corner~ Heaven’s Wake-up Train with earth being it’s own remain By Anthony Blake It’s not Amtrak, Long Island Railroad nor Metro North. It’s Heaven’s Wake-Up train that picked me up at where I am station. It was All Aboard being the indication. Baggage is not necessary to ride, just praise and tell the Earth Goodbye. Our journey is going to be far. Not a place where one could at a distance as it is passed the stars. Just have your praising voice on. We are talking about everlasting that will last long. The Conductor said, “Tickets are not collected” Your reservation is already confirmed. When I stepped aboard the Wake Up Train. I left struggles, hatred, pain, despair and Uncertainty all on Earth. It’s a tomorrow of a new day and new enriched birth. Next being the final stop, Heaven being nonstop. Heaven’s gates opened up wide. This is where I will stride. It will be honor and glory that will abide. I am home.

Home from home, but praise within the roam. Where souls are never alone. I will never forget that WAKE UP TRAIN. It was On-time with no delays. The continued Lord’s words being the relay Spiritually I am ok. Yet praising and rejoicing will be every day. That valued moment became Heaven’s stay.

Tomorrow’s World By Anthony Blake A world having a future Good not against foe Everlasting having no focus on woe A chance to truly live Affection in appreciation where everyone gives Emotions that won’t be screams A life of comfort like cherries and whip cream An easygoing life A world where one can actually get true advice All that would be nice A time where there is no provoke Taking life serious and not a mockery and a joke There would finally be Peace On Earth An actual new birth I would definitely want spiritual to be present After all, one would have to represent

A world with a new beginning It would be inning after inning But with a winning approach like a baseball home run Yet living in peace feeling among However, a tomorrow being everlasting that never gets out done.

Healing Prayer By Gloria Williams I hide my grief filled soulful smile Lost another friend today Healing always takes awhile The Lord will make a way Wearing wounds with Band-Aids Covering bleeding scars and pain When you lose a friend or loved one Things will never be the same I start another sorrowful day I cry myself to sleep at night Memories walk around in my head hidden from the blazing hot sun into broad daylight I never will forget you. So happy in this life we met There is a time a season and a reason I have no regret God is always in the mix Every time we kneel to pray His hands of comfort reaches out Heal me Lord have mercy on my soul Heal my broken heart today. Peace

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

October 2016

Rochdale Village Social Services Board elects to expand NORC offerings in the community


ochdale’s senior citizen population is on the rise as baby boomers begin to retire. As a result, the range of supportive social work services currently being offered in this community is set for expansion. JASA, (the Jewish Association for Services for the Aged) under the supervision of Queens District Director, Edith Auguste, has been secured by Rochdale Village Social Services for a 1-year contract to run the day-to-day operations of the NORC (Naturally Occurring Retirement Community) program. The program currently operates out of room #15, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. while the Community Center is undergoing construction. Please welcome the on-site NORC team, which consists of: • Marie Cendy (pronounced Cindy) Theophile, NORC’s full-time director. • Shireen Whiteman, full-time social worker.

• Carolyn Jackson returns as NORC’s full-time clerical worker/in-office support. • Kim Tillman will be the parttime, per-diem driver for the dedicated NORC van. • Thomas Hart is the part-time, social/outreach worker two days a week. NORC services will include access to homebound outreach, on-site nurses, Visiting Nurse assistance, mental health and geriatric practitioners. The office provides needed assistance with applications for state and citywide benefits and also has multiple language skills including Haitian Creole, French and Spanish. The professionals at Rochdale’s NORC look forward to meeting residents and plan to conduct an outreach survey in the next six months to assess what services best to support this community. Stop by room 15 in the Community Center or call 718-286-1541 if you need services or would like to participate in the outreach study.

October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center - October 2016

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October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - September 29, 2016


ABSENT WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village Power

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

Plant contains two Foster Wheeler Cooling Towers,

Gary Hawkins

David Jeffries

which are fifty years plus in age;

Jean Randolph-Castro

Kamal Saleem

WHEREAS, Cooling Tower #1 is in need

Lisa Stark

of repairs and modifications, which includes

Seven for, one abstention, seven absent; motion

replacement of structural steel members,


installation of bypass piping, new isolation valves and replacement of louver panels;


WHEREAS, Rochdale Village is seeking

WHEREAS, the lease with Treehouse

a contractor to perform stated work, as specified

Development located in Building #6 is to be

in Lizardos Engineering Project #6080;

renewed with a five (5) year lease; and

WHEREAS, Requests for Proposals were solicited from several contractors producing the

WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are attached.

following results;





with Treehouse Development is approved by the


Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors.

Interstate Mechanical


Moved by: Mario Turner



Seconded by: Talib Bey

Noble Mechanical


WHEREAS, Management has reviewd the

FOR Talib Bey

Yvonne Breiner

proposals and recommends an award of a purchase

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Stacey Francis

order to VAMCO, in the amount of $442,913.00; and

Tracey Irvin

Earl Roberts

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams

WHEREAS, this project is being funded

as part of the 2014 Wells Fargo loan WHEREAS, this project will also

ABSENT Joe Evans

Jean Hall

include a performance bond by VAMCO in the amount

Gary Hawkins

David Jeffries

of $442,913.00,

Jean Randolph-Castro

Kamal Saleem

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village Board of Directors approves award

Lisa Stark Eight for, seven absent; motion passes.

of the purchase order to VAMCO, in the amount of $442,913.00.

R60-16: WHEREAS, the lease with Rochdale

Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Yvonne Breiner FOR

is to be renewed with a five (5) year lease; and

Talib Bey

Yvonne Breiner

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Tracey Irvin

Earl Roberts

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams ABSTENTIONS Stacey Francis

Village Nursery located in Buildings 9, 11 and 12 WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are attached. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the lease with Rochdale Village Nursery is approved by the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors. Moved by: Talib Bey

October 2016

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - September 29, 2016


Seconded by: Clifton Stanley Diaz FOR

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Talib Bey

Yvonne Breiner

David Jeffries

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Stacey Francis

Kamal Saleem

Lisa Stark

Tracey Irvin

Earl Roberts

Eight for, one abstention, six absent; motion

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams



Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - September 29, 2016

Meeting began: 7:45 p.m.

Corey Jones - Director of Maintenance

Board Members: Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Lisa Stark - President Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President Talib Bey - 3rd Vice President Joyce Williams - Secretary Yvonne Breiner - Director Stacey Francis - Director Jean Hall - Director Tracey Irvin - Director Earl Roberts - Director Kamal Saleem - Director

Not Present Jean Randolph-Castro - 1st Vice President Joe Evans - 4th Vice President Alfred E. Smith - President, House Congress Gil Francisco - Facility Manager Gary Hawkins - Treasurer David Jeffries - Director

Also present MSI Real Estate Herbert Freedman - General Manager Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager William Greenspan, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Victoria Pearson - Director of Public Safety

The agenda for the evening: 1. Roll call 2. Motions 3. Minutes by Secretary 4. Report Old Busines 5. Report New Business 6. Adjournment 7. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting. Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (3) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 9:45 pm.

Let’s make it a “Smoke-Free” Rochdale In New York City, there is No Smoking allowed in common indoor areas of residential buildings such as: • Stairwells, • Laundry rooms, and • Lobbies Smoking is permitted in private residences and on sidewalks. Please be courteous to your fellow neighbors.

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October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar November 2016

See what’s going on in, and around our community... A little something for everyone!


Share What’s Happening in Our Community If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. Key

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center Note: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.


The Cooperators’ Newspaper

Serving over 25,000 SHAREHOLDERS in the world’s second Largest housing cooperative

Susan Palmer -Van Brackle

Managing Editor

169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 x359 • The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

October 2016

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

October 2016

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