Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper - November 2021 Edition

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Vol. 58 No. 11

November 2021


Inside President’s Message Page 2


As first phase of convector installation begins

General Manager’s Report Page 4 General Election Results Page 14 Fun Fall Activities Page 16 Projects Report Page 24 to 26 and more... ***New Convector installation update- Page 12 &13 ***


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718276-5700 extension 3360..


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Timothy Mercer Janine Cross Ed Douglass Sheila McKenzie Treasurer Derrick Shareef Assistant Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Jean Hall


Letisha Azizah Keysha Beasley Jean Randolph-Castro Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Khedda Hayden-Ryan Maryam Smith Hubbard Sheila McKenzie Timothy Mercer Derrick Shareef Lisa Stark Joyce Williams George Simon (State Representative)


Budget & Finance Derrick Shareef Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Ed Douglass Community Relations Jean Randolph-Castro Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Janine Cross Orientation Lisa Stark Public Safety Clifton Stanley Diaz Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Gary Hawkins Environmental Conservation Keysha Beasley Parking Sheila McKenzie Information Technology Maryam Smith Hubbard


Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Managers

Marion Scott & Herbert Freedman

Assistant Managers Jay Williams, RVI Wilfred Rodriguez


November 2021

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greeting Rochdale Village Cooperators

by and capture those wonderful family memories.

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving with family and friends. I am forever grateful that I was able to network and have a pop-up turkey giveaway for those in need. It was difficult this year to get turkeys and I am pleased that many families had the opportunity to have a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving. Over 150 turkeys were given out. Thank you to Key Food Supermarket, Ideal Supermarket, H&N Insurance and Dr. Maria Hubbard, for the generous donation, your love, and support to the Rochdale Village community is greatly appreciated. As we approach the end of the year, I would like to wish every cooperator a safe and happy holiday season. Please continue to take every precautionary measure to ensure you and your families are safe as we are now hearing about the new coronavirus variant Omicron. It has been another difficult year due to the Pandemic, but we kept our heads above water and have accomplished many great things. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Board of Directors for their dedication and hard work in ensuring the best for Rochdale Village.

Concerns/Convector Project

Events The Community Relations Committee will be hosting the Annual Children Christmas Party at the big mall on Saturday, December 11, 2021. Note this event is for Rochdale Village cooperators only. Parents must be present and ID card must be presented. This is an opportunity to bring the spirit of Christmas. There will be gifts, entertainment, and fun activities for the children. Please wear your mask, Grab and go lunch. Come on out and enjoy the day. The annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony will also be hosted by the Community Relations Committee on the 11th from 6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M., at the Gazebo. Please come out for the fun Christmas occasion and enjoy the soothing Christmas Carol with our special guests. The Rochdale Village Santa Land will once again be set up in the big mall. A Photography studio will be in the big mall from December 1st -24th taking family pictures. Stop

Sometimes Cooperators will ask me a question and when is say I am not sure but will get back with the answer, the response is “but you are the President”. This leads me to remind everyone that I am simply a Rochdale resident just like you. The only difference is that I was elected by you to serve you with honesty and integrity to the best of my knowledge. I certainly appreciate each and every one of you but I don’t have all the answers. I often have to seek answers to questions I may have of the issues that are of concern to me. The entire Board of Directors are simply cooperators who volunteer and put forth every effort to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities to you. We have our jobs, our lives, our interests just like you, but we volunteer, we do not run or control all aspects of Rochdale Village operations. Keep in mind the Board hires Management and holds them accountable for their responsibilities. We vote every year for a contract for Management to serve our community and keep the cooperators needs a priority. We can direct, we can change, or set policy but day to day operations is the responsibility of Management and our staff of over 300 people. Board members, even the President or Treasurer, do not have all the answers at our fingertips. We can get them but we have to hear from you or observe a problem ourselves since we are simply cooperators living in Rochdale Village and going about our daily lives. The Board sets policy only. Day-to-day operations is left to those whose job is to keep Rochdale Village safe and clean which is Management and staff. HCR who is the supervising agency gives orientation to the Board members to bring us up to date and train newly elected Board members on the dos and don’ts of how not to get involved in the day-to-day operations. Keep in mind we are here to serve you and are happy to do so. You deserve the quality of life, and the Board is here to make that happen. Our goal is to always put the cooperators first. On a related note, I would like to

President, Jean Randolph-Castro enlighten you on my understanding of the convector project. I was told about the new convectors installation in building 20. There are 8 different models, two kinds of convectors and there will be over 20,000 installed. When work began the contractor had 4000 convectors on hand but missing one kind (living room convectors). The installation contractor was told by the manufacturer that the missing convectors were manufactured and ready for delivery in a matter of days. Because of the worldwide supply chain, shipping problems the truck was at a standstill and could not leave the dock, and therefore that caused a delay. At least that is their story. Work proceeded and they had to go back to make the proper installation when the truck arrived. I understand that the missing convectors have arrived and convector installation will continue after the holidays properly and without issues or problems. Due to protocol and for transparency, I am sharing this information to keep you informed and up to date on the development. Management has also followed NYC directions concerning Covid protocol. Working with our unions, all employees must be vaccinated or tested weekly and I hope all of you have done the same. With this vaccine mandate, we can feel safe allowing Rochdale staff to work in our apartments. Continue to stay safe. Peace, Love & Blessings. Jean Randolph-Castro President

William Young

Director of Maintenance Kelvin Pantaleon

Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback

Power Plant Director Corey Jones

Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel Robert Bernstein

The next virtual meeting of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors scheduled for December is cancelled . WISHING ALL A SAFE & HAPPY HOLIDAY!

November 2021

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 3

The Senior Center Committee Meets After Pandemic Hiatus

By Olayemi Okeniyi


embers of the Rochdale Village Senior Center Committee were treated to a delicious breakfast buffet on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 from 10:00 pm to 12:00 p.m. in the Rochdale Village Community Center Ballroom. This was the first in-person meeting of the committee since government protocols regarding the COVID-19 pandemic prevented groups from congregating. Senior Committee Chair Joyce Williams welcomed the members

to what she hoped would be the first step in a return to normalcy. The primary function of the meeting was preparation for the annual Christmas party. Out of an abundance of caution, everyone in attendance was required to present a proof of vaccination before being admited into the ballroom. Clio Serino the Outreach Director of Oak Street Health a primary healthcare provider attended the event and held a raffle which added an element of fun to the meal.

Seniors enjoy breakfast.

Senior Center Committee Chair Joyce Williams (left), Board President Jean Randolph-Castro, (third from right) Outreach Director of Oak Street Health Clio Serino (second from right) with raffle winners.

Senior Center Coordinator Evelyn Wilson and Senior Center Director Sheree Shivers.

(Paid Advertisement)

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November 2021

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for October 2021 A SHAREHOLDER’S CONCERN AND As some of you may already know, we also do customer satisA MANAGER’S ANSWER faction call backs for feedback as A shareholder reached out to well. My last suggestion on this Management recently with con- topic is that Shareholders do less cerns about customer service, complaining online and more the contractor bidding process complaining to us. We want the and made some accusatory as- best service for our shareholdsertions that we were “sugar ers. Hopefully the Management coating” reports on Rochdale’s Facebook Group helps facilitate financial position. A reply was more open communications to promptly sent to clear up any that end. We are here to serve. previously help misconceptions and help open the aperture THE LOWEST “RESPONSIby which their opinions were BLE” BIDDER There has always been formed. It occurred to me af- terwards that more sharehold- the prevailing notion that a low ers may hold similar miscon- bid for supplies, materials, conceptions and would also benefit tracting, architectural or engineering services is synonymous from our written dialogue. with cheap inferior quality. That is simply not true. A rudimenCUSTOMER SERVICE Regarding customer ser- tary example would be to comvice, prior to COVID-19 we pare the cost of a $250 pair of held yearly trainings with our Jordan sneakers to a $50 pair of management and maintenance New Balance sneakers. Both team many of which are still sneakers are of comparable qualunder our employ. Our Human ity and perform the same funcResources Department is work- tion, but one pair is $200 more. ing on resuming this practice in Why? That is because one pair the coming year. It also goes says Michael Jordan on the botwithout saying that upon hiring tom and the other does not. The any employee, a certain level of bidding process for a contractor, care is expected. We do not hire architectural or engineering is anyone who exhibits traits that many times more complex than aren’t conducive to customer buying sneakers but above is one service. However, with a 450 of many viable reasons why one plus staff members there will contractor charges more than aninevitably be occasional issues. other. A lower price doesn’t alWe do our best to correct errant ways equal lower quality. You must also remembehavior wherever prevalent. The management and mainte- ber that Rochdale is a New York nance offices are always open State supervised Mitchell Lama to feedback from our Sharehold- development. Therefore, we ers. Every complaint is taken have regulations and rules that seriously and investigated by must be followed while bidding our supervisory staff and HR Di- for work and materials. See berector. All calls are recorded for low: that reason. Customer service New York Codes, Rules, and complaints along with work per- Regulations / TITLE 9 - EXformance are weighted heavily ECUTIVE DEPARTMENT (Sec. during performance evaluations. 1.1 to APPENDIX CC-1) / SUB-

TITLE S - Division of Housing and Community Renewal (Sec. 1500.1 to Sec. 2836.2) / CHAPTER IV - State-assisted Housing Constructed By Private Enterprise (Sec. 1700.1 to Sec. 1760.7) / SUBCHAPTER C Housing Company Management (Sec. 1725-1.1 to Sec. 1733.1) / PART 1728 - Budget And Fiscal (Sec. 1728-1.1 to Sec. 1728-6.1)/ SUBPART 1728-4 - Purchases And Contracts (Sec. 1728-4.1 to Sec. 1728-4.10)

Management and seek to scrutinize the operations finances and other processes of the corporation. Their goal is to report Rochdale’s financial standing and identify any weaknesses within the operation that need improvement. Joe Biden, like him or not, has a saying that makes a lot of sense when comparing Rochdale Village with the rest of affordable housing in NYC – “Don’t compare me with the Almighty, compare me with the alternative.” What does alternative afSec. 1728-4.1 - General (c) All purchases and contracts fordable housing in Queens look should be awarded to the low- like when compared to Rochdale est responsible bidder. Award Village: to other than lowest responRent Increases: sible bidder must be supported VS. and documented in files maintained by the housing company and shall be made available to the division on request. Where approval by the division is required for the purchase or contract, such documentation must be provided to the division at the time of submission for division approval of the purchase Just to clear, we are not against increases when they are necesor contract. sary. As prices for material goes Management performs a series up along with the rate of inflation of assessments of contractors increases in carrying charges, no and consultants. This does not matter how good a budget is, are mean that everything is perfect, an inevitable reality. but we do our best to choose the lowest responsible bidder and not just the lowest bidder. ROCHDALE’S FINANCIAL POSITION Per NYSHCR a Mitchell Lama Board hires 3 professionals; Property Management, Corporate Attorney and Accounting Firm. Every year Rochdale’s financial audit done by the independent accounting firm that the Board of Directors hires. They have no affiliation with

The above speaks for itself. Rochdale is a fantastic community with amazing residents. That Management is thankful for being permitted to serve.

November 2021

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report - by William Young Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative For the Six Months, ended September 30, 2021 (FISCAL 2022)

For the Six Months, ended September 30, 2021, Controllable Income before Interest, Depreciation, Amortization, and Income taxes increased $2,261,000 to $6,841,000 as compared to $4,580,000 in the Budget. Below you will find an explanation




changes in each category:

Controllable Income is defined as income less variable expenses that can be managed by the Company (“A measure of Operation efficiency of the Company). It is commonly known as EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes and Depreciation and Amortization). Operating Revenue and Expense variances are explained below: REVENUE Total revenue For the Six Months, ended September 30, 2021 decreased $(289,000) to $41,811,000 as compared to $41,100,000 in the Budget. This decrease is explained in the Revenue analysis below: Apartment revenue - For the Six Months, ended September 30, 2021 was relatively unchanged at $36,124,000 as compared to $36,366,000 in the Budget. Commercial rental revenue - For the Six Months, ended September 30, 2021, Commercial rental revenue decreased $(129,000) to $2,601,000 as compared to $2,730,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the continuing impact of COVID-19. Community Center revenue - For the Six Months, ended September 30, 2021, Community Center revenue decreased principally due to the Budget reflecting the partial return to operations in April 2021 and the Community Center is still being impacted by COVID. EXPENSES Total expenses - For the Six Months,

ended September 30, 2021, Expenses decreased $(2,550,000) to $33,969,000 as compared to $36,519,000 in the Budget. The decrease is explained in the following expense categories:

relatively in-line with the Budget.

settlement of this litigation that is as follows: We are still negotiating with NYC to increase the allocation of corporate expenses from 11.8% to 16.5% which would be retroactive to 2020. This settlement will result in a greater reduction in Shelter rent than if we switched to GAAP.

Real Estate Taxes (Shelter Rent) For the Six Months, ended September 30, 2021, Real estate tax (Shelter rent) expenses decreased $(55,000) to $2,195,000 as compared to Administrative $2,250,000 in the Budget. The deFor the Six Months, ended Sep- crease is related to the actual invoices tember 30, 2021, Management and being slightly less than anticipated in Overall, Rochdale Village Inc.’s administrative expenses increased the Budget. Controllable Income results For the $171,000 to $2,806,000 as compared Six Months, ended September 30, to $2,635,000 in the Budget. The in- Employee Benefits 2021 show that Rochdale Village crease is principally due to Consult- For the Six Months, ended September Inc.’s results were above the Budget. ing fees that were higher than antici- 30, 2021, Employee Benefits expense pated in the Budget. decreased $(788,000) to $3,952,000 BALANCE SHEET as compared to $4,740,000 in the Due to the COVID-19 impact, our Janitorial & Grounds costs Budget. The decrease is related to the Balance Sheet is impacted in SepFor the Six Months, ended Septem- payroll expenses accrued at year end tember 30, 2021 as follows: ber 30, 2021, Janitorial and Grounds for payroll paid in April 2021 that 1. Accounts Receivable – expenses decreased $(159,000) related to the last week of FY 2021. The Accounts Receivable balance to $3,407,000 as compared to When this was paid in April 2021, gross, decreased $(431,000) to $3,566,000 in the Budget. the accrual was adjusted and the in- $4,503,000 compared to July 2021 dividual payroll accounts reflect the of $4,934,000. Of which, $282,000 Maintenance and operating costs: payroll expense in April. The net im- relates to cooperators and $149,000 For the Six Months, ended Sep- pact between employee benefits and relates to commercial tenants. This tember 30, 2021, Maintenance and payroll $0. increase is related to the impact of Operating increased $660,000 to COVID-19 and residents and com$6,551,000 as compared $5,891,000 All Other Expenses were relatively mercial tenants not paying rent or the in the Budget. in-line with the Budget. rents are being paid late. It should Looking forward be noted that courts are now opening Public Safety: For the Six Months, 1. Paperless Solution – This and will allow us to move forward leended September 30, 2021, Public project is currently being evaluated. gally to collect past due rents. Safety costs decreased $(700,000) We are considering investing in certo $2,518,000 as compared to tain software products that will allow 2. PPP (Payroll Protection $3,218,000 in the Budget. This de- Rochdale Village Inc. to work with Program) – In April 2020, we recrease is principally due to the Bud- our vendors to have invoices elec- ceived a $6,029,300 PPP loan that get reflecting a full staff and Security tronically transmitted to Rochdale will be used to keep all employees salaries are not at full staff yet. and uploaded to our software. We an employed. This loan was recorded Power Plant in a separate cash account and set 1. Fuel and Utilities 2. Computer Software solu- up as a liability until the loan is forFor the Six Months, ended Sep- tion – This project is currently being given. We have completed our subtember 30, 2021, Fuel and util- evaluated. We are also investigating mission of documents to Citibank for ity expenses decreased $(1,315,000) certain software products to replace forgiveness and Citibank approved to $5,048,000 as compared to our current software. This will up- $6,005,000 for loan forgiveness and $6,363,000 in the Budget. grade our current DOS based system has submitted the Loan Forgiveness to a windows-based system. We an- application to the SBA for approval. 2. Other Power Plant Expens- ticipate selecting a new system by There was approximately $25,000 es - For the Six Months, ended Sep- end of 2021. that wasn’t approved by Citibank tember 30, 2021, Other Power Plant and we are in the process of contestexpenses increased slightly as com- 3. Article 78 – During the ing that amount. pared to the Budget. Shelter Rent litigation, NYC did not agree to change the method they are 3. Reserve Funds (Wells FarInsurance Expense using for Depreciation. As a result, go and HCR) - The reserve balance For the Six Months, ended September we have initiated litigation (called was $49,976,000 as of September 30, 2021, Insurance expenses were an Article 78). We have a tentative 30, 2021.

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November 2021

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT FY & YTD 2021 and 2022

Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AGING FY 2022

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2020, 2021 and 2022

November 2021

Page 7

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2022

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2020, 2021 and 2022 Actual vs. Budget

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November 2021

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Chief Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report October 2021

Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department during the month of October 2021. Public Safety maintains 24 hour /7 days a week coverage.


1. During the month of October 2021, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Department officers responded to a total of (159) loitering and (185) noise complaints from Cooperators which were resolved as follows:

a) Founded-Compliant- (61) Loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (69) of the noise complaint sources corrected the volume of the noise. b) Unfounded Calls-(98) unfounded loitering complaints and (116) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard). c) Founded/Non-Compliant Calls- Loitering individuals and noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives – (1) received violations for loitering and (10) received a violation for noise complaints.

For the month of OCTOBER 2021 there was a grand total of (16) arrest made on Rochdale Village Grounds. The Public Safety Department will continue to organize in order to better serve the Rochdale Village community.




• Conducted (26) Directed & Routine Verticals. • Made (2) arrests, issued (0) Trespass Notifications, issued (0) C-Summonses, issued (2) violations to include (1) for loitering and encountered (33) Loiterers during routine and directed patrols. • Responded to assigned calls from Central Dispatch (15). • Conducted (1) Tenant Verifications


The Public Safety Department towed (28) vehicles and issued (199) warning stickers for the violation of various parking rules throughout the complex.


Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers and Supervisors patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours in an effort to curtail unlawful activities. *Directed verticals are additional post inspections performed in order to proactively reduce Quality of Life conditions in designated “Hot Spots” as determined by community complaints and the analysis of various patrol reports. BUILDING VERTICALS, GROUND FLOOR INSPECTIONS AND PARKING LOT CHECKS: 4109 *DIRECTED VERTICALS: 356 TOTAL POST INSPECTIONS: 4465


1515 622 2137


191 75


133 738


16 1 11


68 0 00

VIOLATIONS Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued:

November 2021

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 9

Provided by 113th Precinct Sergeant Kevin Watz, Crime Analysis Division to Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback, Public Safety Chair Clifton Stanley Diaz Vice Chairs Talib Bey and Shiela McKenzie


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Looking for community resources? Here’s a few.

November 2021

Feel free to share with someone who may need assistance.

November 2021

Page 11

The Rochdale Village Bulletin


By Olayemi Okeniyi


n Wednesday, November 3, 2021, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Clifton Stanley Diaz welcomed the five newest recruits to the 113th precinct. As part of their training new NYPD officers are assigned to different precincts across the different boroughs to facilitate their training by allowing them to gain hands-on experience under veteran officers in varied environments which provide different

challenges. Diaz who is also the Chair of Rochdale’s Public Safety Committee treated the officers to a tour of the extensive Rochdale Village campus working to highlight noted problem areas and to give them a heads up for the work ahead. He told the newly graduated officers Public Safety had a long-standing relationship with the 113th precinct because of their shared goal of reducing crime and keeping the commu

nity safe. Diaz explained that in recent years Rochdale Village has gained a reputation for the great caliber of officers that come through the area. As part of the tour the officers visited the Public Safety building where Chief Adolph Osback briefed them on the area that was about to become their stomping ground for the foreseeable future. Starting in the surveillance room, Osback showed them the screens that are being

used to safeguard each building and both malls, explaining Public Safety officers were security partners with the 113th precinct. The officers also visited the management office where they meet Assistant General Manager Jay Williams and signed out key fobs so that officers could more efficiently carry out their duties.

Officer pose with Chief Adolph Osback (left back ) and Public Safety Committee Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz (second from left) in the Public Safety Department’s control room.

Assistant General Manager Jay Williams (extreme left) helps officers sign out key fobs .

New officers tour Management office.

Officers get a behind the scenes look at Public Safety operations.



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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

November 2021


Log in to to view full presentation. Mice: First Strike, ZP tracking powder Roaches: Advion roach gel Water Bugs: Invict gold or Niban granular Ants: Maxforce ant gel

November 2021 Cynthia Bernadine

Page 13

The Rochdale Village Bulletin



he first phase of the convector installation has finally begun with over 400 units installed; however, a few unavoidable hiccups related to the shipment of the convectors have caused unexpected delays and cooperator concerns. On paper, some construction/renovation projects appear simple. The convector replacement project is no exception. Our expectations were that, after the initial couple of apartment lines, as the Project Team smoothed out the wrinkles in the process, the convector replacement project would be a single job multiplied by 20,000. The 60+ year old convectors and the world-wide shipping crisis caused by Covid-19 resulted in logistics difficulties that nobody could have anticipated. The major issue that has not only plagued the Rochdale Village contractors but the entire world has been the disruption in the shipping and receiving of raw material and manufactured products from over-seas as a result of the pandemic. The transportation of domestically manu


factured products from factories to end-users is a similar problem. The pandemic has put everyone and everything on “pause”. With businesses shut down for months, many construction projects had to be postponed, placed on hold or cancelled, which caused construction unemployment to skyrocket and construction businesses to lose millions. Fast forward to 2021, and the construction industry is still trying to play catch up and get back on track. Companies are now scrambling to make back profits loss from the pandemic by any means necessary. Verano, the Canadian Manufacturer of the convectors, stated that all the right size units have in fact been manufactured and are stored in containers awaiting transfer to the trucks that are needed to send them from Canada to Rochdale Village. The problem that Verano is having is the same problem that is plaguing businesses throughout the United States and Canada - namely trucking. Currently it is a bidding war with trucking companies walking away from signed contracts for more lucra

tive transport agreements. This has caused a delay in receiving 1 size out of the 8 sizes of units needed for the installation at Rochdale (the size used in the living rooms). Genesys, the Contractor performing the install, attempted to maintain the posted schedules that cooperators received, by temporarily installing undersized units in certain locations, mostly in living rooms. The undersized units work better than the existing units because the coils of the existing units are corroded and can’t transfer the heat to the air blowing across them very well. That caused cooperator concern, however, so Genesys decided to install only the correctly sized units that Rochdale have in their stock in the bedrooms and to leave the existing living room units in place until the delivery of those units from Verano arrived. To accommodate the installation of the larger units when they arrive on site, Genesys was installing shut-off valves on the tubing to and from the existing units to prevent having to drain the risers a second time when the larger units arrive on site, which unfor


The above two photos show the interior and exterior of one of the original 1960’s vintage convectors that are currently being replaced. While these were cutting edge technology when they were installed, several advances in technology have made them obsolete.

tunately would cause Genesys to return to the apartment a second time. This is an inconvenience to cooperators that contractors were initially trying to avoid. As of November 15, 2021, the units are still in transport and Genesys along with Management believes it is best to suspend any further installations until all the correct size units are on site. Cooperators will be notified and appointments will be rescheduled for the installations. Rochdale’s Board, Management and Contractors regret any inconvenience this may have caused. There is no added cost to Rochdale since either the manufacturer or the installer, are covering added costs. The hope is that when all the units are on site the installations will continue and go more smoothly and in the end, Cooperators will enjoy a more energy efficient convector that will provide their homes with better comfort conditions. We will continue to keep Cooperators up to date with the installation process through the Bulletin, the weekly sheet, and by means of our social media group.


The above two photos show the interior and exterior of one of the new convectors. These new models have been designed for efficiency and style, they have userfriendly controls that will provide many years of exceptional performance for the residents of Rochdale Village.

Page 14

By Cynthia Bernadine

November 2021

The Rochdale Village Bulletin



he votes are in and the people has spoken. Eric Adams wins and is headed to Gracie Mansion to hang his hat as the next Mayor of the City of New York. Adams defeated republican candidate, founder of the Guardian Angels Curtis Sliwa, in the November 2, 2021 General Election with 67% of the votes. Eric Adams who retired from the police department in 2006 immediately went into politics winning a seat in the State

Senate representing Brooklyn before being elected as Borough President. Assemblymember Vivian E. cook, District Leader Patrick Jenkins, District Leader Yvonne Reddick and State Committeewoman Dr. Jean Phelps along with other local politicians showed their support for Adams during his campaign as they hosted a reception on his behalf in the Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom on Saturday, October 23, 2021. Rochdale Village

Board President Jean Randolph Castro and Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz was part of the host committee who welcomed Adams into the community. Adams, who has been the Brooklyn Borough President since 2014, will become the city’s second Black mayor. David Dinkins who passed away in November 2020 at the age of 93 served one term as Mayor of New York City from 1989 to 1993, becoming the first ever and

only African American to hold that office until now, some 28 years later. Adams proclaimed to his supporters after his victory “For a young man from south Jamaica Queens that grew up with all the challenges that New Yorkers face, it is not just a victory over adversity, it is a vindication of faith.” Adams will take office in January relieving current NYC Mayor De Blasio of his post.

Photo Credit: Larry Love Moore. (l. to r) Council Member Adrienne Adams, Assembly Member Vivian E. Cook, Mayor Eric Adams, Congressman Gregory Meeks, Senator James Sanders jr.

Prayer for Eric Adams during Mayoral fund raiser on October 23, 2021 in the Rochdale Village Ballroom ahead of the election.

Council Member Adams And Queens Borough President Richards Re-Elected By Cynthia Bernadine


Donovan Richdards distributing PPL in Rochdale during the pandemic.

wo long tie political allies of Rochdale Village were re-elected in the last general elections. Congratulations to Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr., and Council Member Adrienne Adams. Richards Jr., former Queens City Council member secured his win with close to 66% of the votes in the General election scoring another 4-year term. Richards who first won the special election back in 2020 after former Queens Borough President, Melinda Katz became Queens District Attor ney, made history as the

first Black man to serve in this elected position, Adams who was first elected to the New York City Council in 2017, also made history as the first ever woman to be elected to represent City Council District 28. Since then, Adams has secured approximately $26 million for her district as well as $9 million in funding for capital improvements and expense projects in the Rochdale Village community. Interestingly, Rochdale Village cooperator, Ivan Mossop exercised his civic duty and ran against Adams, who won with 88% of the votes.

Adrienne Adams at a Public Safety event and Cooperator Ivan Mossop (inset).

November 2021

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin


Safeguard your packages with a Ring Peephole Camera

By Cynthia Bernadine


’is the season to be safe and with the holidays approaching and everyone ordering more around this time of the year, it is important to safeguard your packages. One way to do so is by installing a Ring Peephole Camera. With the Ring Peephole Camera, you will get an alert whenever the camera senses activity, allowing you to see what is moving outside the door from your phone or tablet. The camera records about 30 seconds of video whenever its motion sensors are tripped. It’s very easy to install to your apartment-door peephole. Snap in the rechargeable batteries, download the app and you’re ready to “peep” what’s going on. The easiest way to stop thieves is to make them think that you’re at home, and with video doorbells such as the Ring, you can do so from anywhere by connecting it to a mobile app, which will allow

By Cynthia Bernadine


you to see and speak to anyone at your door as soon as they’re detected. The Rochdale Village Purchasing Department has Ring Peephole Cameras available to purchase. Rochdale purchased these cameras at a bulk rate, which allows cooperators to purchase at a lower discounted cost. The perfect gift that no one can steal, for yourself and your family. If you would like to purchase a Ring Peephole Camera or have questions, you should contact Central Maintenance at (718) 276-5610 Ext. 3490 or 3500.

BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATING What does it mean for Rochdale Village?

ew York City has sent an energy goal to cut total greenhouse emissions by 80% from 2012 to 2050. The 1st step in reaching this goal is to take a litmus test of where all the buildings in the City stand regarding energy usage, hence the grading system. From now on all buildings subject to Local Laws 84/133 are required to annually display their DOB-issued energy letter grades at all public entrances by October 31st. An official rating label/ grade sign based on this summary will be made available by the City in early October 2021. The energy rating -D that is posted throughout the campus is the current rating, which corresponds with our energy usage within a calendar year at Rochdale Village. If you, like me, grew up prior to 2014 a “D”grade

was pretty bad, and meant that something was very wrong. This is quite different. As mentioned above this grade sets a benchmark for where are energy usage is now so we can continue to take steps to reach the City’s goal before the deadline. Something to remember is that Rochdale was constructed with a co-generation power plant that provides all utilities for our daily needs. So we, similar to hospitals that also have specialized systems, inherently emit more emissions per square feet. How is this calculated? The grades are calculated based on an Energy Star metric that compares the energy consumption of buildings across the country with similar density and use. The different kinds of scores are as follows:

A – score is equal to or greater than 85; B – score is equal to or greater than 70 but less than 85; C – score is equal to or greater than 55 but less than 70; D – score is less than 55; F – for buildings that did not submit required benchmarking information; N – for buildings exempted from benchmarking or not covered by the Energy Star program. Where do we go from here? The Board and Management have always kept energy efficiency in mind when approaching projects throughout the years, and this trend continues with the replacement of pipe insulation, LED lighting,

newly tubed boilers, new efficient convector units and new roofs. We are also looking into passive forms of energy production such as solar and geothermal.

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November 2021

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Our Rochdale Vil

Free Fall Saturday Outdoor Youth Activities 2021

Funded by Queens District Attorney in partnership with Rochdale Village Board of Directors and AGAPE L.A.W (Love Always Wins).

Basketball players

Coach Ryan Reid hands out soccer trophies.

Tamika Culver lead these lovely ladies in dance.

Board Chairman, Clifton Stanley Diaz (far left) Board President Jean Randolph-Castro (fourth from left) Dr. Maria Hubbard, Agape Bethel CDC (sixth from right) Community Center Director Julia Shaw (third from right)

Instructor Lizzette Bennet leads zumba class.

Board Director Maryam Smith Hubbard (left) gives a hand

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llage Community

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100 turkeys donated by H &N Insurance and Key Foods supermarket exclusively for Rochdale Village Residents.

The cold did nothing to stop cooperators from coming to claim their turkeys.

Like a choreographed dance Public saftey checks IDs, Maintenance unboxes the turkeys and members of the Community Relations Committee gives out the turkeys.

Turkey giveaways is a time honored Rochdale Village tradition that the Community Relations Committee strives to uphold.

Community Relations Committee Chair Jean Randolph-Castro (second from right) and Board Secretary Joyce Williams (second from left)

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~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ Mother to Son

By LANGSTON HUGHES recommended by cooperator Florita King Well, son, I’ll tell you: Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair. It’s had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor— Bare. But all the time I’se been a-climbin’ on, And reachin’ landin’s, And turnin’ corners, And sometimes goin’ in the dark Where there ain’t been no light. So boy, don’t you turn back. Don’t you set down on the steps ’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard. Don’t you fall now— For I’se still goin’, honey, I’se still climbin’, And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

DREAMER By Anthony Blake Sleep Journey Far Away Anywhere and place Through the ridges of outer space Acceleration against time Theory or Fact? The mind full of wonder Subconscious Mysterious Step in and conquer out Illumination The Battle between one’s thoughts and emotions Follow the equations Surviving a drowning, but never actually reaching the surface Death wants to come but you can never die Defeat wants to attack, but you are surrounded by achieve and accomplish Dream On Dream On It’s Dawn Awake


By Alanda I. Wasserman Edwards God’s blessing during This Thanksgiving season brings a new meaning Joy, peace and a special appreciation for God’s provision During the season We have so much to be Grateful for and must never Forget to show our appreciation One for each other. Whether Through helping in dialogue Pray or dead of a sharing your Testimony that can lift someone’s Spirit being thankful does not take much just think about where you been and were you are now and the fact that you are still here in the land of the living and can enjoy Smell a flower or taste The little thing becomes great

NORC Celebrates birthday of homebound Senior Happy 94th Birthday Carmen!


he Rochale Village NORC program was so happy to celebrate one of our homebound seniors. On Wednesday November, 10 2021 Carmen Ince’s celebrated her 94th birthday. Her son Darryl Ince came from North Carolina to help celebrate this momentous occasion. Carmen has been a resident of Rochdale Village for about 34 years.

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - November 22, 2021

R51-21: JUST JETT, LLC. Moved by: Timothy Mercer Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro

d/b/a Key Food. FOR

WHEREAS, Just Jett, LLC (“Just Jett”) has proposed to open a shipping and packing store in Mall 1 with services that will include copy, fax, scan, e-mail, printing and other assorted package shipping services;

Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Edward Douglass Sheila McKenzie Jean Randolph-Castro Derrick Shareef Lisa Stark Joyce Williams

WHEREAS, Just Jett has agreed to six hundred eightyfive (685) square feet in Mall 1 for five years; and


WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are attached.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Just Jett is approved by Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors. FOR Jean Randolph-Castro Joyce Williams

Lisa Stark

AGAINST Letisha Azizah Keysha Beasley Edward Douglass Maryam Hubbard Timothy Mercer

Maryam Hubbard ABSTAIN Letisha Azizah Keysha Beasley Jean Hall Khedda Hayden-Ryan Timothy Mercer ABSENT Gary Hawkins Eight for, one against, five abstentions, one absent; motion passes.


R53-21: SATELLITE AREA RENOVATION CONTRACTOR Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Joyce Williams

Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Jean Hall Khedda Hayden-Ryan Sheila McKenzie Derrick Shareef

WHEREAS, the area presently being used to house old satellite dishes is not only outdated and useless but an eyesore;

ABSENT Gary Hawkins Three for, five against, six abstentions, one absent; motion fails. R52-21: ROCHDALE MEAT AND PRODUCE, LLC. d/b/a KEY FOOD Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro WHEREAS, Rochdale Meat and Produce, LLC. d/b/a Key Food (“Key Food”) currently rents twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet in Mall 1; WHEREAS, Key Food would like to make an investment of four million four hundred thirty-nine thousand, eighthundred and ninety dollars ($4,439,890) for a renovation that will take place over the next two (2) years; WHEREAS, the proposed upgrades are detailed in the attached; and

WHEREAS, renovating and beautifying the area would include, but not be limited to the installation of a gazebo, sitting area, lighting, tiling, new shrubbery, perimeter walls, wrought iron fencing, handicap ramp and a waterfall; WHEREAS, in July of 2021 the Board voted for the Satellite Area to be done in phases due to budgetary constraints with the first phase including labor and materials at a cost of $95,000; WHEREAS, phase 1 is complete and phase 2 will be the final phase of the renovation for the remaining amount of $201,700; WHEREAS, proposals were sought from nineteen (19) qualified contractors to provide the labor for renovating the area of which two (2) companies provided proposals as follows:

COMPANY BASE BID Genesys Construction Corp. $296,700 Pioneer General Construction $323,000

WHEREAS, because of this proposed investment Key Food would like to renegotiate the terms of the lease detailed in the attached schedule.

WHEREAS, Genesys Construction Corp. provided the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $296,700 for the total overall cost to renovate the satellite area of which the remaining $201,700 will be approved for the second phase; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves the renovation and lease renegotiation for Rochdale Meat and Produce LLC.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the proposal from Genesys Construction Corp. for the second phase in the

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - November 22, 2021

amount of $201,700 to be funded from HCR Reserves and subject to approval from the New York State Homes & Community Renewal. FOR Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Edward Douglass Sheila McKenzie Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph-Castro Derrick Shareef Lisa Stark Joyce Williams AGAINST Latisha Azizah Jean Hall Khedda Hayden-Ryan ABSTAIN Keysha Beasley Maryam Hubbard ABSENT Gary Hawkins Nine for, three against, two abstentions, one absent; motion passes.

Jean Randolph-Castro Lisa Stark

Derrick Shareef Joyce Williams

AGAINST Jean Hall Khedda Hayden-Ryan ABSTAIN Letisha Azizah Keysha Beasley Maryam Hubbard ABSENT Gary Hawkins Sheila McKenzie Eight for, three against, two abstentions, two absent; motion passes. R55-21: SATELLITE AREA RENOVATION FENCING Moved by: Janine Cross Seconded by: Joyce Williams WHEREAS, the area presently being used to house old satellite dishes is not only outdated and useless but an eyesore;

R54-21: SATELLITE AREA RENOVATION FLOORING Moved by: Timothy Mercer Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro

WHEREAS, renovating and beautifying the area would include, but not be limited to the installation of a gazebo, sitting area, lighting, tiling, new shrubbery, perimeter walls, wrought iron fencing, handicap ramp and a waterfall;

WHEREAS, the area presently being used to house old satellite dishes is not only outdated and useless but an eyesore;

WHEREAS, proposals were sought from vendors to supply the wrought iron fencing and gates with the following results:

WHEREAS, renovating and beautifying the area would include, but not be limited to the installation of a gazebo, sitting area, lighting, tiling, new shrubbery, perimeter walls, wrought iron fencing, handicap ramp and a waterfall; WHEREAS, proposals were sought from vendors to supply the travertine flooring and coping with the following results:

COMPANY B. Keith Controls, Inc. J. Alperin Co., Inc. Long Island Pool Care Jamaica Lumber Corporation

BID w/ taxes $42,399.28 $45,564.23 $47,714.47 $70,224.38

WHEREAS, B. Keith Controls, Inc. provided the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $42,399.28 to provide the travertine flooring and coping for the satellite area. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts proposal from B. Keith Controls, Inc. in the amount of $42,399.28 including all applicable taxes, to be funded from HCR Reserves and subject to approval from the New York State Homes & Community Renewal. FOR Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Edward Douglass Timothy Mercer

COMPANY All City Fence Midtown Fencing and Railing LLC Big Apple Fence North-Eastern Fencing and Rails

BID $39,500 $42,500 $45,500 $47,000

WHEREAS, All City Fence provided the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $39,500 to provide the wrought iron fencing and gates for the satellite area. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts proposal from All City Fence in the amount of $39,500 to be funded from HCR Reserves and subject to approval from the New York State Homes and Community Renewal. FOR Janine Cross Edward Douglass Timothy Mercer Derrick Shareef Joyce Williams

Clifton Stanley Diaz Sheila McKenzie Jean Randolph-Castro Lisa Stark

AGAINST Letisha Azizah Keysha Beasley Jean Hall Khedda Hayden-Ryan ABSTAIN

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - November 22, 2021

Maryam Hubbard ABSENT Gary Hawkins Nine for, four against, one abstention, one absent; motion passes. R56-21: LEASE PRODUCT AND DATA CENTER, LLC d/b/a T-MOBILE (“LPDC”) Moved by: Edward Douglass Seconded by: Janine Cross

December meeting has been cancelled for many years at Rochdale Village. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors cancels the December 2021 Board Meeting. FOR

Letisha Azizah Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Edward Douglass Jean Hall Maryam Hubbard Sheila McKenzie Timothy Mercer Derrick Shareef WHEREAS, Lease Product and Data Center, LLC d/b/a Jean Randolph-Castro Joyce Williams T-Mobile (“LPDC”) currently rents one thousand, one hundred Lisa Stark (1,100) square feet in Mall 1; WHEREAS, Lease Product and Data Center was se AGAINST verely impacted by COVID-19 and has current arrears in the amount of thirty-one thousand seven-hundred twenty-five dolKeysha Beasley Khedda Hayden-Ryan lars and eighty-eight cents ($31,725.88); WHEREAS, Lease Product and Data Center would like to assign ownership of T-Mobile’s remaining five-year term ending on June 30th, 2023 to Amtel New York Holdings, Inc. (“Amtel”) in lieu of eviction proceedings; and

ABSENT Gary Hawkins Twelve for, two against, one absent; motion passes.

WHEREAS, Amtel will pay all arrears upon execution of the lease assignment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves the assignment of the remaining five-year T-Mobile term ending on June 30th, 2023. FOR Letisha Azizah Keysha Beasley Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Edward Douglass Jean Hall Khedda Hayden-Ryan Maryam Hubbard Sheila McKenzie Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph-Castro Derrick Shareef Lisa Stark Joyce Williams ABSENT Gary Hawkins Fourteen for, one absent; motion passes. R57-21: DECEMBER BOARD MEETING CANCELLATION Moved by: Janine Cross Seconded by: Timothy Mercer WHEREAS, the December 2021 Board Meeting at Rochdale Village is scheduled for December 27, 2021, when many of the cooperators and their families are away for a winter vacation or busy getting ready before the holiday season; and WHEREAS, this is a difficult time of the year for cooperators and Board Members to attend the meeting and the

Board Members Present: Clifton Stanley Diaz, Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro, President Timothy Mercer, First Vice-President Janine Cross, Second Vice-President Edward Douglass, Third Vice-President Sheila McKenzie, Fourth Vice President Joyce Williams, Secretary Jean Hall, Assistant Secretary Derrick Shareef, Treasurer Lisa Stark, Assistant Treasurer Letisha Azizah Keysha Beasley Gary Hawkins (Not Present) Khedda Hayden-Ryan Maryam Hubbard Also Present: MSI Real Estate: Herbert Freedman - General Manager Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager Wilfred Rodriquez - Assistant General Manager Robert Bernstein, Esq. - Corporate Counsel Rafael Wilkins, Assistant Controller David George, Assistant Director of Maintenance Adolph Osback, Chief of Public Safety Corey Jones, Director of Power Plant Meeting Adjourned 10:05 p.m.

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Projects Report October 2021

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Rochdale Village Senior Center -December 2021

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Rochdale Village NORC Calendar - December 2021


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Rochdale NORC Program Sponsors Free COVID-19 Booster Shots

By Cynthia Bernadine


he Rochdale NORC Program sponsored COVID-19 booster shots and vaccines to anyone interested within the community free of charge. The weeklong event, from November 1st through November 5th, 2021, was funded in part by Council Member Adrienne Adams and the Department for the Aging (DFTA). The mobile van that parked near the flagpole in front of the community center provided free Moderna and Johnson & Johnson booster shots as well as vaccines. Cooperators lined up and patiently waited, some arriving before 8am, to ensure their

spot to take advantage of the free boosters, a welcome convenience for cooperators who would normally have to travel outside of the campus to find a local COVID-19 vaccine provider. In September, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorized extra doses of Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines making it readily available to all. This decision enabled fully vaccinated people to combine their booster shots with doses from different manufacturing companies after research from the National Institutes of Health showed it was safe and still effective to mix and

match the extra dose regardless of which type people received first. The mobile unit provided booster shots and vaccines on a first come, first serve basis. However, priority was given to Rochdale Village seniors. A designated waiting space within in the community center red brick area provided cooperators with seating and some much needed warmth on the chilly Fall days. NORC Director, Phara Carolei stated, “Rochdale NORC is pleased to provide Free COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot along with the 1st & 2nd doses of the Moderna and Johnson &

Johnson vaccine. We are so happy to have been able to provide this service to our Rochdale Village community, especially for our seniors. Getting vaccinated is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself, your family and your community from COVID-19.” A total of 388 COVID-19 booster shots and/or 1st or 2nd dose vaccines were administered. If you missed this event and would like to find the nearest COVID-19 vaccine site, you can go to, text your ZIP CODE to 438829 or call 1-800-232-0233.

NORC Director, Phara Carolei by the mobile van.

Photo Credit: Olayemi Okeniyi First day of the exercise saw a good turnout of people ready to get the booster shot.

Save a trip to the management office! • • • •

Set up monthly carrying charge payments online. Start by subscribing to Contact the Rochdale Village Bulletin office to register. Call 718-276-5700 extension 3600

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

November 2021

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Calendar December 2021

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone!

Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

November 2021

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