Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper December 2014

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Vol. 50 No. 12

December 2014


May Your Days Be Merry & Bright!

Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah Happy Kwaanza & Happy New Year

From the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Management Team & Bulletin Office Photo by Al Ephraim

RV’s new concierge-style website to launch January 2015 By Susan Van Brackle


uring the course of the year, the Rochdale Village Board of Directors made presentations to shareholders at Group meetings along with management and web developer “” to notify residents about a fresh RV website that is being created. This new digital space is being designed to provide state-of-the-art convenience and connectivity to the cooperative that was not in place before. Beginning January 5, 2015, the cooperative’s new site will “go-live” with many of the updated features, information and interactivity that was presented at Group meetings. Continued Photo credit: Eleanor Speeron Page 3

Community Relations Committee brings Musical production of “Sweet Harlem Suite” to RV community Page 14

The talented cast members of “Sweet Harlem Suite” featured.

President’s Message - Page 2 • General Manager’s Report - Page 4 • Year in Review - Page 15 • Photos with Santa - Page 19


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.

- by Lisa Stark


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Lisa Stark Vice Presidents Jean Randolph-Castro Mario Turner Talib Bey Joe Evans Treasurer Gary Hawkins Secretary Janine Cross MEMBERS OF THE BOARD

Talib Bey Yvonne Breiner Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Joe Evans Stacey Francis Jean Hall David Jeffries Gary Hawkins Tracey Irvin Jean Randolph-Castro Earl Roberts Kamal Saleem Lisa Stark Mario Turner Arlisa Blackwell (State Representative) COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Talib Bey Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Janine Cross Legal & Management Lisa Stark Maintenance Joe Evans Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Gary Hawkins Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc.

General Manager Marion Scott

December 2014

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Greetings Cooperators,


appy New Year! I trust that you all had a wonderful and joyous holiday. I enjoyed all of the holiday decorations around our community and thanks to all that volunteered their time to decorate. To the volunteers of Building 12 lobby, your decorations were spectacular. With the holiday season behind us and a prosperous New Year in front of us filled with new projects to improve Rochdale Village. Our mall renovations have begun with our new green signage boxes in Mall 2. Mall 1 renovations will be under way soon. I’m most excited about the launch of our new Rochdale Village website. The new website, created by MyHomePayge, will make it easier to commune with our management team, provide instantaneous community updates, make follow ups on maintenance issues easier and even enable maintenance appointments to be made online. This will also give the Board of Directors the opportunity to communicate directly with you on the status of our projects, emergencies and general updates. In addition to our monthly newspaper, week-

ly information sheets and Facebook page our new website will enable us to give you more timely information and responses; along with digital bulletin board, containing community meetings and local interest information. Kudos to Susan Van Brackle for a job well done. There is a considerable difference between Cooperative living and renting an apartment where the landlord assumes the responsibility for property. When owning a home you also own 100% of the responsibility that comes with that ownership. Cooperative living is unique in that we own shares in the cooperative and have the right to occupy our apartments. We share in the in the cost and responsibility of maintaining the property. As Cooperators we share in everything together and volunteerism is an important part of our community. The smallest gesture can have the greatest impact. Giving back by volunteering your time and coming out to joining our committees will help us plan for a better tomorrow for our community. Also stay in touch and involved by being vigilant. If you see something like vandalism, trash being tossed out of the windows, graffiti, etc. Please let public safety know. The cameras are our tools and are constantly recording but with over 700 of

Lisa Stark

them it helps if we know when and where to look. I’m sure everyone remembers our recent blackout and a neighboring development Spring Creek that suffered two blackouts. While we hope to never have another blackout, please understand that the best thought out plans and preparedness for a community this size can be difficult and technical work to get it done takes effort and time. We closed the year with 95% of all of the facade work done and positive income over expenses. Our newly renovated auditorium is being reserved and we are constantly working to have bookings for the entire year. It takes a Village to keep our community clean and looking its best, let’s all do our part to help and say thanks to our building maintenance and grounds men on the fabulous job they’re doing.

Assistant Managers

Alex Freedman, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI


Darius George

Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones

Security Chief Thomas Mason

Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco

Human Resource Director Elizabeth Goldsmith

General Counsel

William R. Greenspan

HOLIDAY OFFICE CLOSURES Thursday, January 1st in observance of New Year’s Day. Offices will reopen on Friday January 2, 2015 All Essential services in Maintenance, Public Safety and Power Plant will remain open .

December 2014

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

RV’s new concierge-style website to launch January 2015 (Continued from page 1)

Many cooperators had the opportunity to meet with members from the team at at the Home Show in April or during the quarterly Group meetings. Cooperators that registered their email address and contact information with Myhomepayge or with Rochdale’s Allocations’ Department can expect to receive a welcome email that details steps on how they can get a secure user name and password to access the internal section of the website. Cooperators can also expect to see messaging posted in the lobby of their buildings and to receive an informational flyer about the new website delivered to their door.

Once residents create a user name and password for the internal site, they will be able to conveniently receive maintenance notices or emergency alerts via text, email or phone. Cooperators will also be able to register maintenance repair requests through the website and receive a digital ticket number letting them know where they stand on the waiting list. The website is also informational and provides listings for each of the cooperative buildings, houses of worship throughout the community, links to transportation schedules, phone numbers for area stores and more. Stay tuned for additional updates about our new website launch.

Guest Parking In the Large Mall Parking Lot New Year’s Day 6:00 a.m. to 12 Midnight. Thursday, January 1, 2015 - 6am to 12 midnight: FREE PARKING is available in metered and non-metered spaces in the Large Mall Lot during New Year’s Day. Parking is NOT permitted in parking spaces marked “reserved” or in commercial tenant spaces located near the Key Food back gate. Overnight Guests are permitted to Park and Pay for the metered spaces located along the back gate of the Key Food Grocery Store ONLY. Caution: Any vehicles remaining in the general parking lot after midnight on both holidays will be towed. Towing Company Information: A&B Towing (516) 239-8949 • 400 Rockaway Turnpike Lawrence, New York 11559.

Happy New Year to All!

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December 2014

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report -- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for November 2014 NEW WEBSITE Finally, the new Rochdale Village website will launch in the beginning of January. We’re looking to bring Rochdale updates into your home via your PC with an unprecedented level of access. The website will include an updated look and feel, an internal social media style message board and an emergency alert system to notify shareholders of any outages and issues that may occur. In addition, you will be able to send maintenance requests and get updates without having to call the office. The spirit of cooperative living has evolved with the age of technology. The new website will give our shareholders a new way to converse and to stay in touch with one another on a forum that combines a virtual Rochdale with the physical one.

of foot traffic as it is the main egress used to enter and exit the buildings. Over the next few weeks you will see new mats in the vestibule of your building as well as the lobby when there is bad weather. The new mats look better and are composed of a thicker composite of fabric. The sturdier composite is meant to last longer and absorb more dirt and water during inclement MATS IN FRONT OF ALL weather than our current mats. BUILDINGS The more that is absorbed by Building lobbies reflect how a the mats the cleaner and safer building is perceived. It is the our lobby floors will be. first interior part of the property that is seen by Shareholders COOPERATOR’S and in some cases the only RESPONSIBILITY part seen by their visitors. It Being a Cooperator/ is also has the highest amount Shareholder can be a difficult

concept to grasp. I know that this core concept escapes some of Rochdale’s residents because I have heard them refer to themselves as tenants on occasion. In recent months all new move-ins have met with either the General Manager or one of the two Assistant General Managers to discuss some fundamental ideas that come with living in Rochdale. One of the key points in these meetings is to make it very clear that there are no landlords at Rochdale and so there can be no tenants. The management company is here to serve the needs of Rochdale the corporation and its thousands of owners. Ownership and living within a

financially sound organization is exciting. However, ownership does not come without its set responsibilities. A cooperative can more distinctly be described as a quasi-ownership that falls somewhere between the definitions of home ownership and a rental property. The maintenance of an apartment is split between the corporation of Rochdale Inc. and the Shareholder. The basic concept is that everything behind the walls (i.e. gas lines, riser lines electrical lines, etc…) is Rochdale Village Inc.’s responsibility and everything inside the walls of the apartment is the Shareholders responsibility (i.e. painting, kitchen floor tiles, cabinet upgrades, etc…). Within that basic definition lies an innumerable amount of variables. The question of who is responsible if and when a blending of infrastructure and apartment issues occur at once must be examined case -by-case. It is part of the lease agreed upon accepting the responsibility of ownership and is a solid framework for policy that all successful cooperatives abide.

December 2014

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report - by Robert Woods

Contract Summary/Status — November 2014 LOCAL LAW 11, CYCLE-7 BUILDING FAÇADE REPAIRS: The Contractor, Proto Construction Corp., continues to make progress on building façade repairs. Buildings Number 12, 13, 14 & 15 are 100% complete and awaiting NYCDOB inspection so that the bridging and fencing can be removed. Façade repairs are proceeding on the following buildings: Building % Complete 10……………..70% 11……………..75% We hope to have Buildings 10 & 11 complete before the end of the year, should weather permit. RESTORATION OF PARKING LOTS AND WALKWAYS - ARCHITECT: This project awaits official NYS Homes & Community Renewal (NYSHCR) approval. Projects met with Pinner Associates to review scope of work. The Projects Department, in conjunction with Maintenance Personnel, has developed

a report of walkway and parking lot drawings for Architectural work. deficiencies. SHOPPING MALL RENOVATION: LOBBY CEILING REPLACEMENTS Pinner Associates is developing schematic - ARCHITECT drawings for Architectural work. Legal Counsel signed documents and Projects forwarded Bid Package to the GENERAL CONSULTANT: NYSHCR for approval. NYSHCR approval of this project was received on 12/1/14 and an Order to ROOF REPLACEMENT Proceed was issued to the Firm of Robert ARCHITECT: J. Stahl Architects, PC. Architect, William Davis, Jr. has finalized contract drawings and specifications to SIDEWALK DEFECTS: bid out this project. On 11/26/14, Projects forwarded bid documents to NYSHCR for The NYC Department of Transportation, (NYCDOT) issued a Preliminary their review and approval. Inspection Report specifically detailing defective concrete flags (sidewalk BUILDING GENERATOR squares) throughout the Campus requiring UPGRADES: immediate repair. At the November meeting, the Board voted in favor of accepting proposal from It is estimated by Robert Woods and Carelli Northeast Electrical Contractors, Inc. at a Construction Corp. that approximately cost of $227,679.40 to undertake the above 382 flags of cement are in violation of City Code and must be corrected to avoid project. violations. Carelli Construction is 98% complete COMMUNITY CENTER with sidewalk replacements. Projects will RENOVATION: notify the NYCDOT of completion within Pinner Associates is developing schematic 45-day allowance.

HOURS FOR ROCHDALE VILLAGE LEGAL DEPARTMENT The Legal Department sees cooperators by appointment only. There are no walk-ins. Available times for appointments with the legal department are set forth below:

Mondays: 12:00pm-3:00pm and 4:00pm-6:30pm Wednesdays: 9:00am-12:30pm To schedule an appointment at one of the noted times, please stop by the management office and speak to receptionist, Gwendolyn Springle. You can also call Ms. Springle at (718) 276-5700 x300 during normal business hours to schedule an appointment. Please note that Debrena Reid is the Legal Coordinator. This schedule for appointments is being implemented in order for Ms. Reid to efficiently carry out her duties, including scheduling court cases. Please note the Legal Department typically handles matters that include (but is not limited to) arrears and cooperator complaints. We thank you in advance for you cooperation with this policy.

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December 2014

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report - by Darius George

Financial Overview - November 2014 Following is an updated schedule of work from the $130,000,000 mortgage refinancing. The schedule shows the budget for each capital project, the amount of the contract, amount billed, amount paid to date and balance required to complete the project.









Repave Parking lots 2, 3, 6 and 8







Walkays- Repair and replace

620,000 -






Replace Residential buildings EPDM Flat roofs Consultant







Façade repairs- Buildings 1, 10, 15 and 16 Consultant- Robert J. Stahl Architect, PC


2,997,500 560,000


2,956,837 290,851

2,157,392 270,343

40,663 269,149







Rehabilitate Community Center Building Consultant

1,179,732 -






Rehab Shopping Center buildings Consultant

1,662,916 -





Power Plant Upgrades - Boiler and component replacements, cooling tower rehabilitation, diesel generator replacements, heat exchanger re-tubing, pump replacements, building pump rooms replacement building switchgear replacements and residential emergency generator upgrades. Conutants- Lizardos Engineering -Boiler project Conutants- Lizardos Engineering -Cooling Tower project TOTAL





13,050 -


147,500 52,500 4,067,300


118,070 3,432,208

118,070 2,597,530

29,430 52,500 635,093

Replace and repair lobby ceilings

NOTES: The loan document established a Priority Repair Reserve Deposit with an inititial deposit in the amount of $35,914,058. The Environmental Remediation Reserve with a balance of $1,125,000 was transferred from the previous loan. The combined deposit of the priority repair and environmental remediation reserve was $37,040.076.71 The repair projects must be completed within three and five years from the closing of the loan. Consulting costs are included in the budget numbers.


December 2014

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report - by Darius George Summary of Corporate Funds at November 2014

Cash Receipts & Disbursements - November 2014 RECEIPTS: Carrying Charges Commercial Rent & Utilities Nursery Schools and Democratic Club Community Center Programs/Rentals Rooftop leasing- Wireless Communication Section 8 Rent Apartment sales and transfers Parking Rent Laundry Application processing fee Bulletin Advertising Parking remote fees Ground lease Other rental income Miscellaneous ($1,000.00 or less) Total Collection NG Checks Funds Available for Operations

5,268,396 365,596 3,883 12,950 10,092 29,533 192,000 126,448 6,675 1,550 1,160 2,000 6,038 1,630 6,027,951 31,533 7,177,466

OPERATING EXPENSES: Administrative Expenses: Management fee Marketing fee Other office expense Office supplies Equipment leasing Data processing fees Postage & Delivery Telephone Information Technology Legal Collection expense Eviction Other professional services Miscellaneous expenses($1,000.00 or less) Total Administrative Expenses

53,006 1,000 3,828 4,140 3,415 1,709 3,321 5,494 4,762 40,885 43,257 8,801 11,600 220 185,439

MAINTENANCE EXPENSES : Unifrom & cleaning Cleaning supplies Rubbish removal Compactor expense Compactor and garbage bags Landscaping Playgrounds maintenance Office expense Inspection and violations Office equipment leasing Vehicle Maintenance, gas/oil Equipment & small tools Licenses and permits Carpentry supplies Electrical supplies Door repairs and controls Keys and locks Bathroom supplies Floor tiles HVAC Maintenance & supplies Plumbing supplies Windows and blinds Welding Equipment & supplies Paint and glass supplies Other Maintenance & Operating Expenses Contracted Services - Electrical - Plumbing - Storm drain repairs - Elevator - Floor Repairs - Bathtub glazing - Apartment repairs - Apartment restoration - Carpet Installation & cleaning - Asbestos Abatement Traffic Control system- Shopping Center 1 Misc. Expenses ($ 1,000.00 or Less) Total Maintenance Expenses

4,304 3,525 6,479 2,086 9,960 84,607 49,100 1,167 1,500 4,433 1,225 3,364 1,083 14,637 6,744 18,549 2,913 5,238 1,800 6,043 27,771 5,992 4,236 1,157 3,947 1,252 2,000 29,436 2,942 86,407 117,880 20,019 6,870 34,703 2,267 575,635

PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENSES: NYPD Paid detail officers Vehicle maintenance,gas,oil Office Equipment Leasing Other security expenses Misc. Expense ($ 1,000.00 or less) Total Public Safety Expenses POWER PLANT EXPENSES: Fuel - Heating & Electric Gas Fuel - Cooking gas Water & Sewer- Buildings Water & Sewer Material, tools and supplies Chemicals and lubricants Absorber expense Diesel generator Boiler expense Compressor Dual temperature CS- Consultants CS- Rubbish Removal CS- Building Maintenance Meter reading services Misc. Expense ($1,000.00 or less) Total Power Plant Expenses COMMUNITY CENTER EXPENSES: Equipment Ouside labor expense Security refund Misc Expenses ($1,000.00 or less) Total Community Center Expenses BOARD EXPENSES Office expenses Contribution- Rochdale Village Social Services Inc Bulletin expense

PAYROLL/ESCROWS/EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: Salaries and Wages Fica expense Prepaid insurance Refund of past cooperators equity Replacement reserve Contingency reserve Security equipment Mortgage Principal and interest Real Estate Tax Escrow Insurance escrow Health & Pension- 32BJ Health & Pension- 94 Health & Pension- SSOBA Health & Dental and Group life insurance Workers' compensation 401k employee contributions Transfer to Flexible Spending Account Misc Expenses ($1000.00 or less) Total Payroll/Escrow/Employee Benefits Total Expenses Ending cash balance

7,406 109 1,213 1,294 10,022 902,832 24,769 1,432,970 814 1,721 6,940 12,490 2,095 2,222 6,722 24,743 11,214 1,189 1,050 2,431,771 1,440 1,200 (128) 2,512

4,468 13,334 4,028 21,830

1,456,551 108,379 66,686 52,379 125,000 70,133 2,564 721,896 223,400 160,841 236,146 251,956 95,210 55,930 11,362 14,620 3,000 3,656,053 6,883,261 $294,205

1) OPERATING FUNDS: Citibank - Checking - Payroll Water and Sewer Escrow Total Operating Funds

294,205 10,822 19,782 324,809

2) IN-HOUSE SHELTER FUNDS: Self insurance - Insured Money Market Self insurance - Checking Commercial Tenant Security- IMMA Total In-House Shelter Funds

1,514,025 2,680 540,886 2,057,591

3) ESCROW FUNDS: FFI Government Fund - Replacement reserve Replacement Reserve - Checking Capital Improvement Equity Repair Escrow Total Escrow Funds

27,961,394 14,710 110,896 33,555,751 61,642,751

4) MORTGAGE ESCROW: Real Estate Tax Insurance Total Mortgage Escrow TOTAL FUNDS

1,045,992 2,455,461 3,501,453 67,526,604


The corporation’s cash, investments and escrow balances as of November 30, 2014 was $67,526,604.00. The amount available to pay operating expenses are $324,809.00. The following accounts are encumbered:

(a) Self Insurance (b) Contingency and Replacement Reserve (c) Commercial Tenant Security Deposit (d) Capital Improvement Equity (e) Completion Repair Escrow (f) Real Estate Tax Escrow (g) Insurance Escrow

1,516,705 27,976,104 540,886 110,896 33,555,751 1,045,995 2,455,461 67,201,798

The Housing Company must obtain approval from NYS Homes & Community Renewal to disburse funds. from the contingency and replacement reserve accounts. The self insurance escrow fund is restricted by Board resolution. Funds can only be used to pay damages and other claims against the corporation during the period it was self insured. It also covers claims below the company liability insurance retention program. The insurance, completion repair and real estate tax escrow accounts were established pursunant to the terms of the mortgage refinancing agreement with Wells Fargo Multifamily Capital, Inc.

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December 2014

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report - by Darius George Accounts Receivable Activity - November 2014 Description


Base Rent Vacancy Rent Medical Office Commercial Electric Water Laundry Parking Fuel surcharge Surcharges Late Charges Dispossess Legal fees NG Check Fee Others Totals

3,078,281.71 419,730.75 115,325.86 215,323.11 6,437.52 7,150.00 22,024.09 46,245.56 913,584.52 97,929.22 95,475.29 8,397.14 4,037.16 1,640,151.56 6,670,093.49

Charges 5,509,400.24 27,020.87 294,002.71 71,500.00 129,388.50 99,607.05 13,714.87 6,144,634.24

Adjustments (135,705.78) 41,898.01 (15,524.09) 54,163.68 3,624.81 (118.50) (12,895.42) 24,750.66 (680.07) 735.00 450.00 200,567.59 161,265.89



5,178,970.76 20,665.38 27,020.87 250,053.50 61,477.90 5,963.84 126,447.72 52,537.52 14,201.85 5,349.25 4,737.38 411.88 193,498.11 5,941,335.96

3,273,005.41 440,963.38 143,750.98 208,008.89 4,098.49 78,650.00 24,846.37 46,245.56 947,758.63 108,478.03 89,445.97 4,394.76 4,075.28 1,660,935.91 7,034,657.66

1. Base rent was adjusted by the following amounts: a)Vacancy loss 35,076.42 b)Section 8 subsidy 31,223.78 c)SCRIE subsidy 60,978.70 d)DRIE subsidy 8,283.01 e)Bad debt & other adjustments 143.87 135,705.78 2. Commercial arrears are $355,8589.36 including electricity balance of $208,008.09 and water & sewer in the amount of $4,098,49 3. Included in Other receivables are: Restoration charges Equity Deposits Move in & Move out adjustments Evictions Violations Three Day Notices Total

Tenant Arrears Report Ending November 30, 2014

CURRENT TENANTS In arrears for One month

Residential Number 1,678

Two months





Three months





Four months





5-12 months





12+ months








Tenants Amount Due 47,999.21

Commercial Number

Tenants Amount Due -

Sub-Total PAST TENANTS In arrears for -


Tenants Amount Due 332,544.00

Commercial Tenants Number Amount Due 48 147,746.78

One month

Residential Number 37

Two months




Three months




Four months




5-12 months




12+ months














1,571,657.97 8,506.51 (112,818.20) 75,849.82 101,540.23 16,199.58 1,660,935.91

Community Center Report For November 30, 2014

Programs Room Rental Vending Machine Total Revenue



12,950.00 172.23 13,122.23

EXPENSES: Salaries - Administrative - Program Assistant - Porters Equipment leasing Program Outside Labor expense Recreation and office supplies Cooking Gas audtorium Misc. (less than 100.00) Total Expenses Net Income/(Loss)



5,629.18 3,269.23 21,014.40 1,440.00 (128.03) 31,224.78 (18,102.55)

Note: The Community Center collected security deposits in the amount of $2,750.00 and made refunds of $1,200.00 These transactions have no effect on the community center profitability.

December 2014

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report - by Chief Thomas Mason

Public Safety Monthly Report November 2014 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of November 2014. Public Safety maintains twenty-four hour coverage. LOITERING: During the month of November 2014, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering conditions. As a result, Public Safety officers responded to a total of thirty-two (32) complaints of loitering which were resolved as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Conditions corrected – Nine (9) loiterers complied with officer’s directive to leave. Unfounded – Sixteen (16) unfounded loitering complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present) Responded - Five (5) no loiterers found and/or loiterers were advised of RV’s rules and regulations Violations issued – Two (2) no loitering violations was issued

The Rochdale Village Public Safety Department will continue to organize to better serve the community.


3111 491 3602






During the month of November the following arrests were affected:


There were a total of 2 arrest(s) for the month of November 2014; the incidents are as follows:




Arrests for November 2014 November 4, 2014 – NYPD Arrest (In Apartment) – Unidentified male and female were taken out of Building 17 in handcuffs by the 113th Precinct due to a domestic dispute Three violations were issued. November 2, 2014 – NYPD Arrest (Assault in Building 4) – Unidentified female stated that she was robbed in Building 4. She notified 911. The male that beat her, took her phone and fled the scene turned himself into the 113th Precinct on November 3, 2014. Three violations were issued. DVR UNIT ACTIVITY TOTAL INCIDENTS = 19 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT = 0 VIOLATIONS = 37 TOWED VEHICLES The Public Safety Department towed six (6) vehicle during the month of November for violation of parking rules on the complex. SPECIAL VERTICAL PATROL BY ROCHDALE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours to curtail unlawful activities and have been positively reinforced. VERTICALS: 1630 SPECIAL VERTICALS: 1725 TOTAL: 3355 TOWING: 6


Listed are the classifications ofVIOLATIONS Notice of Violations issued:

Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued: CLASSIFICATION AMOUNT Illegal Move-In 2 Illegal Move-Out 3 Negligence 4 Harboring a Pet 2 Loud Noise 1 Disorderly Conduct 1 Fire Hazard 2 Loitering 4 Harassment 2 Damage to Rochdale Property 4 Illegal Occupant 4 Assault 2 Reckless Endangerment 3 Failure to Comply 12 Criminal Activity 5 Open Container 1 Smoking in unauthorized area 4 Caine Barking 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total

Happy Holidays to the Board of Directors, Cooperators, Management and Staff! From the Director and Deputy Director of Public Safety Chief Thomas Mason and Deputy Chief John Skinner and the Rochdale Village Department of Public Safety


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2014

Happenings around Rochdale Village

Sign up for SEQKWA this January

The South East Queens Kids Wrestling Associatiion (SEQKWA) is getting the New Year started off right with a call for registration to the program by January 5, 2015. Practice sessions take place in Rochdale’s Community Center at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica New York, 11434 on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6- 8. Parents that are interested in getting their child registered should contact Ms. Tamara Evans at 516.729.4882.

Holiday Hours at Queens Libraries The following information was provided by our friends at the Queens Central Library for the Rochdale Village Community. ''All Queens libraries will close at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 31 (New Year›s Eve). All Queens libraries are closed on Thursday, January 1 (New Year›s Day). And remember — starting January 5, Queens Library will have earlier morning hours and later evening hours at every neighborhood library.''

Remembering the Spirit of Kwanzaa

As we transition from the Christmas holiday towards the coming New Year, let’s all remember to employ the principles of Kwanzaa now and always. This year, Kwanzaa begins on Friday December 26 and ends on Thursday, January 1. The theme for 2014, which is published on, is “Practicing the Culture of Kwanzaa: Living the Seven Principles”. Celebrate one principle each day of Kwanzaa with family, friends and loved ones. The seven principles are Unity, Self-determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith. Peace and blessings RV!

RV commemorative watches on sale There are still limited-edition, commemorative anniversary watches available for sale at the Board of Directors’ office. The watches have a sleek, clean design with a watch face that bears the cooperative’s twin pines logo inside of a Roman Numeral bezel. Styles come in large and small. Makes a great gift for the holidays while supplies last. Inquire about availability and pricing by contacting the Board office at 718.276.5700 x336.

2014 Holiday Playlist for Rochdale Village For your listening pleasure, presenting the top ten holiday songs for the RV Holiday Playlist:

1. “Marshmallow World” (Target Version by Karen O) 2. “Merry Christmas All” (Salsoul Orchestra) 3. “Joy to the World” (Whitney Houston-Holiday) 4. “Jingle Bell Rock” (Bobby Helms) 5. “Christmas in Hollis” (Run DMC) 6. “Oh Christmas Tree” (Vince Guaraldi: A Charlie Brown Christmas) 7. “The Christmas Song” (Nat King Cole) 8. “It’s Beginning to Look A lot Like Christmas” (Johnny Mathis) 9. “This Christmas” (The Whispers-Holiday) 10. “I Can Hardly Wait for Christmas” (The O’Jay’s-Holiday)

December 2014

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety doubles as Santa’s elves On Wednesday, December 10, Rochdale Village will transition from the age of 50 to 51. As we look back on the history of the cooperative and the accomplishments that have been achieved, we should also look forward to new capital improvements, technological advancements and concierge-style services that are soon to come. The next 50 years includes goals to advance the cooperative towards even more cost saving eco-friendly initiatives, better connectivity through advanced alert communication systems and business development that is tailored to consumer demand of this community. Happy Birthday and many happy returns RV!

New Website Available beginning Monday, January 5, 2015!

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2014

Responsibilities of cooperative homeownership: Questions and Answers Feedback from this year’s Group meetings have highlighted the need to discuss Cooperator rights and responsibilities. Housing cooperatives are unique in the sense they are neither rental apartments nor single family homes. Shareholders are often confronted with confusing issues when they have some privileges of a renter but assume some responsibilities of a single family homeowner. It is important to remember the relationship between a cooperative corporation (“Lessor”) and a shareholder (“Lessee”). The cooperative corporation owns title to the land and improvements which makeup the property. The shareholder owns shares in the corporation. Ownership of the shares entitles the shareholder to a long-term proprietary “lease” that grants them the right to occupy an apartment as long as he/she wants.

kitchen cabinets and kitchen hardware is part of the behind the door obligation. RESPONSIBILITIES OF HOMEOWNERSHIP Homeownership carries responsibility. Shareholders receive low carrying charges including heat, utilities and low cost parking for most residents. With these benefits comes the responsibility for behind the door maintenance, including replacement of functionally obsolete equipment and deteriorated kitchen cabinets.

COOPERATIVE CORPORATION (LESSOR) REPAIR RESPONSIBILITY The lease states that the cooperative corporation is responsible to repair all parts of the buildings and grounds except the interior of the apartments. The cooperative is responsible for keeping all of the buildings, including the sidewalks, grounds, equipment and apparatus in good repair. Rochdale has 117 acres with about 25 buildings including a power plant. This is a large footprint to keep in good repair. The only time a shareholder is responsible for repairs in these common areas is if the repairs are due to the act, negligence or carelessness of the shareholder or their invitees (family members, guests, etc.).

BUT I DON’T MAKE MONEY WHEN I SELL MY APARTMENT! Shareholders often ask why they would spend money to fix their apartment when there is no financial benefit when they make upgrades and then sell the apartment. The answer is that hopefully shareholders move to Rochdale to join the community and stay for a long time. If that’s true, shareholders should make improvements to their home that keep it in good repair and make their lives comfortable. The purpose of Rochdale and other Mitchell Lamas was to keep the equity and carrying charges low. If Rochdale changed the rules and started paying for apartment upgrades the equity would go up substantially for everyone. Under state law, shareholders do not make a profit when they sell the apartment because they want to “pay it forward.” Incoming cooperators should have the same opportunity to make a low equity payment as the outgoing shareholders.

SHAREHOLDER (LESSEE) REPAIR RESPONSIBILITY The lease states that a shareholder is responsible to repair the interior of the apartment including interior walls, floors and ceilings, windows, frames, entrance and terrace doors and saddles. The shareholder is responsible for the maintenance and repair of plumbing fixtures and equipment, as well as stoves, refrigerators and other appliances. They are also responsible for all electrical fixtures and equipment including meters, fuse boxes, circuit breakers, electrical wiring and conduits throughout the apartment. The shareholder must do all of the painting and decorating required for their apartment. It should be noted that

BOTTOM LINE The primary advantage of housing cooperative is the pooling of shareholder resources so that their buying power is leveraged, thus lowering the cost per member in all the services and products associated with homeownership. While cooperative living allows a low maintenance lifestyle, there is still the obligation to upkeep and maintain your apartment to protect the investment of your follow shareholders. Rochdale is not a rental complex and should be kept as a family complex of homeowners dedicated to safeguard the investment of 5860 families. That is where your occupancy at Rochdale coincides with being a single family home owner.

T op 7 H oliday S afety T ips from RV M aintenance to C ooperators Please be advised during the holidays it is very easy to create situations that could prove dangerous. The maintenance department is sending these friendly reminders to help make the holidays safe for everyone.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Please do not pour used cooking grease down the drain. Freeze the grease then discard it if possible. Cooking on balconies is prohibited. Keep a watchful eye on flame heights while cooking. Holiday lighting should always be away from draperies. Make sure that the oven is off and cool before cleaning. Never leave your apartment while food is cooking on the stove top or in oven. (It is so easy to forget) Please discard Christmas trees in plastic, only bring them during designated times for proper disposal. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Condo? Co-Op? Rental? To you it’s simply “Home.” Ask me about the kinds of policies Allstate offers for Condominium or Cooperative owners and renters.

THE WRIGHT AGENCY 718-671-8000


Policy issuance is subject to qualifications. Allstate Indemnity Co. Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Co.

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December 2014

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Production of “Sweet Harlem Suite” strikes a tasty chord with RV community By Susan Van Brackle


ochdale’s Community Relations Committee, in association with the Shades of Truth Theatre and Voza Rivers/New Heritage Theatre Group, recently hosted a musical production entitled “Sweet Harlem Suite” in the community center’s Grand Ballroom. Roger Anderson directed the musical, which was choreographed by Dyane Harvey. The Phil Young Xperience provided the musical’s band accompaniment. Board member Mario Turner was integral to having this play performed for the RV community. In one year alone, Mr. Turner brought a number of dramatic works to the Grand Ballroom stage. This time, a lively and comedic musical was actively considered for the holiday season. Audience members were

transformed to a time when ladies sang the blues and nightspots ruled. The musical was written as an homage to the many acclaimed black performers and literary giants that thrived during the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920’s and 30’s. Theatre group actresses simulated performances that represented the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Zora Neale Hurston, Billie Holiday and Josephine Baker just to name a few. The premise of the musical was about preserving an historic building where the “Sweet Harlem Suite” once stood in lieu of demolishing the structure to put up a barbershop. Talented actors and actresses from the Shades of Truth and New Heritage Theatre groups dressed in costumes of past performers from the acclaimed jazz, blues

Just a few of the beautiful and talented cast members from the musical production of “Sweet Harlem Suite” at Rochdale Village.

and creative arts era that were designed by Carolyn Adams. The actors simulated famous spirits that would be displaced from the illustrious structure if

it were to be torn down. The “Sweet Harlem Suite” was infused with comedy, song and choreography, which left the RV audience yearning for more.

All Photos taken by Al Ephraim

Members of the Community Relations Committee, Board Members and special invited guests strike a pose at this musical event.

The play’s cast was supported by the musical stylings of the Phil Young XPerience.

A duet performed by cast members that set the stage for the Sweet Harlem Suite’s theme.

Cast members of this musical theatre production channeled the likenesses and memories of many jazz greats including Billie Holiday (left) and Josephine Baker (right).

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Photo submitted by Al Ephraim

December 2014

Photo submitted by Al Ephraim

The party for the October, November and December birthday celebrants is just getting started with a tasty luncheon.

Photo submitted by Al Ephraim

People got the party started with a little Electric Slide line dancing.

Photo submitted by Al Ephraim

Groups of friends, residents and guests were on hand to celebrate at the October, November, December Birthday Party. Here’s wishing all those that celebrated in these months best wishes and many more birthdays. Rochdale’s “Blue Angels”, better known as Public Safety, continued their annual tradition of donating bicycles to children in the community. This was a banner year for bicycle donations from the department.

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Feliz Navidad and Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel were just a few of the songs performed by these talented tots from P.S. 354. The youngsters spread holiday cheer to RV seniors with songs and handmade Christmas cards.

Generous contributions to RV’s toy drive made gift giving to the community possible for deserving children.

Once the childen of P.S. 354 performed their Christmas carols, they selected RV seniors to gift with a handmade holiday card. The hug says it all.

Photo submitted by Al Ephraim

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2014

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One agency for all your insurance needs.

December 2014

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Community Relations Committee annual photos with Santa event event bigger and better this year! By Susan Van Brackle


wo Elves, Santa Claus and a mountain of unwrapped toys set the stage for fun and games at the annual community party and pictures with Santa event this month. As done previously, Board member and committee chair Jean Castro worked tirelessly along with Rochdale’s Community Relations Committee members to organize this festive affair to perfection. While visitors of the big mall were able to grab a picture with Santa during the weeks leading up to Christmas, this one-time seasonal Saturday gathering offered special amusing activities. This year Christmas elves from Santa’s

workshop blew bubbles, presented captivating magic tricks and created clever balloon animals for children much to their delight. The elves told holiday stories to the audience and even produced a magic technocolor tent for the kids to play under. All pictures with Santa were taken and processed on the spot thanks to the speedy team at 2-4-1 Entertainment. This year, in addition to the special performances, holiday treats and the multitude of presents that were distributed to children by Community Relations Christmas elves from Santa’s workshop perform holiday antics for Committee members, other parents and children that attended Rochdale’s annual event. special gifts were included in the mix. “Blue Angels” from Rochdale’s Public that were to be raffled off President Jean Castro did the Safety Department donated to one boy and one girl in honors of calling the names of two bicycles to the event the community. Board Vice the ecstatic winners.

Photos taken by Al Ephraim

Kids and adults alike joined in on the festivities at the Photos with Santa event.

Santa’s helpers from 2-4-1 Entertainment help make the season bright.

Toys galore were given away to lucky boys and girls in and around the community.

Assemblywoman Vivian Cook is flanked by two raffle winners of brand new bikes that were donated by RV Public Safety Officers.

Imaginations run wild as party elves create a magic tent for the children to play under.

The hardest working eleves in the Community Relations Committee make this one more successful RV event.

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Rochdale Village NORC NORC SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS Living Independently Mondays, 1:15pm, Room 17 RV Community Center Intergenerational Group Monday, 3:30pm, Room 17 January 5 and 26 Volunteer Workshop Tuesdays, 1:15pm, Room 17 Chronic Disease Workshop Tuesdays, 10am-12pm, Room 17 UPCOMING HOLIDAYS Thursday, December 25, 2014 CLOSED – MERRY CHRISTMAS Friday, December 26, 2014 HAPPY KWANZAA Thursday, January 1, 2015 CLOSED - HAPPY NEW YEAR Monday, January 19, 2015 CLOSED - MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY Emergency Preparedness Update Club Lounge, 1:15pm

ACTIVITIES Line Dancing, Wednesdays 1:15pm, Room 18

SNAP Club Lounge - 10am Tuesday, January 6 and 20

Yonkers Wednesday, January 7, 2015 9am, Room 19

Nurse’s Schedule Monday through Thursday 11am to 4:00pm Volunteer Nurse Tuesdays 12pm to 3pm

Tangers Outlet Tuesday, January 13, 2015 9am, Room 19 Famous Dave Restaurant Friday, January 16, 2015 10am, Room 19 Joe’s Crab Shack Friday, January 23, 2015 10am, Room 19 Aqueduct Racino Friday, January 30, 2015 10am, Room 19 SERVICES Van Services Monday through Friday 9:30am to 3:30pm

AARP SMART DRIVER’S COURSE AARP Member Cost - $20.00 Non-Members Cost - $25.00 Monday, January 12, 2015 8:30am to 3:30pm, room 18 Instructor: Gwendolyn V. Vaughn Contact Nadine Robinson at NORC to register 718.949.3499 NO CASH - Money orders or Checks please! Payable to AARP -Please bring AARP ID Card when registering -Must attend complete session to be awarded certificate of completion for insurance. -Please bring drivers’ license and pen For more information call the NORC Center office at (718) 949-3499.

Rochdale Village Senior Center

169-65 137th Avenue • Tel: 718-525-2800 • Fax: 718-525-0691 “Serving Vibrant Seniors” • Funded in Part By NYC Department For The Aging

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December 2014

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - NOVEMBER 24, 2014


WHEREAS, during tests of the system WHEREAS, NYC Department of

Transportation issued a Preliminary Inspection

while work was underway, the existing generators were failing to hold the energy load; WHEREAS, Projects contacted the

Report specifically detailing defective portions of the sidewalks at Rochdale Village; WHEREAS, Rochdale is responsible to

manufacturer of existing generators to find a remedy for the situation; WHEREAS, the manufacturer (Generac)

correct deficiencies within forty-five days of issuance of the Preliminary Inspection Report

stated the current condition of generators were

dated October 27, 2014;

not repairable and the technology was out of date; WHEREAS, it was recommended that

WHEREAS, the Projects Department contacted Carelli Construction, Corp. who is under

Rochdale purchase twenty-two new generators to

contract with Rochdale to repair asphalt and

replace existing ones and increase amperage for

concrete as per bid unit prices; and

future capabilities; WHEREAS, it was determined that the

WHEREAS, Carelli Construction Corp. provided a proposal in the amount of $115,000,

best sized generator for this application is a

reducing their square footage price from $13 per

20KW, single phase, air cooled and natural gas

square foot to $12 per square foot.

supplied; and WHEREAS, Projects received quotes

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts

from four contractors to supply and install the

the proposal from Carelli Construction Corp. in

generators ranging in price from $277,679 to

the amount of $115,000.

with new wiring and Automatic Transfer


Switches. Moved by:

Jean Randolph-Castro

Seconded by: Lisa Stark

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the proposal from NEC Electric in the amount of $227,679, subject to approval from New York State

FOR Talib Bey

Gary Hawkins

Tracey Irvin

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Lisa Stark

Homes and Community Renewal. Moved by:

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro. ABSTAIN Stacey Francis


Jean Hall

Earl Roberts ABSENT

Talib Bey

Stacey Francis

Gary Hawkins

Tracey Irvin

Jean Randolph-Castro

Earl Roberts Clifton Stanley Diaz

Yvonne Breiner

Janine Cross

Kamal Saleem

Joe Evans

David Jeffries

Lisa Stark

Kamal Saleem

Mario Turner

Six for, three abstentions, six absent; motion


passes. R75-14: WHEREAS, Rochdale Village contracted to tie in existing lights and new exit signs to meet current codes and standards;

Yvonne Breiner

Janine Cross

Joe Evans

David Jeffries

Mario Turner

Nine for, one abstention, five absent; motion passes.

December 2014

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Community Calendar

January 2015

See what’s going on in, and around our community... A little something for everyone!


Share What’s Happening in Our Community If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion.

The Cooperators’ Newspaper

Serving over 25,000 SHAREHOLDERS in the world’s second Largest housing cooperative


718-276-5700 x359 •

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center Note: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434

Susan Palmer -Van Brackle

Managing Editor

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams, Al Ephraim (Photography) REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2014

ROCHDALE VILLAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Cooperators Community Room Rules and Regulations By the Community Room Committee under the direction of Board Members & Management


beverages in the Community Room. Rochdale Village often referred to as the “Jewel of Jamaica” 4. I will leave the kitchen, bathrooms and Community Room clean and free of garbage and debris. is a community where all residents are important. It is also 5. I will remove all my decorations from the room when my a place where the diverse needs of cooperators must be affair is over. recognized and addressed in a fair and equitable manner. 6. I will remove all garbage generated by my affair from All Cooperators should have access to their building the rooms, and deliver it to the service hallway for pickcommunity rooms. As we move into the 21st Century the up by maintenance, including the wastepaper baskets in needs as well as the composition of our community has the bathrooms. changed. Yet, we continue to operate the rooms by policies 7. My guests will be kept in the Community Room and not that are more than 20 years old. Additionally, some of the allowed to roam or play in the hallways, or on the grass. existing policies can be seen discriminatory. Therefore, 8. I will not use the Community Room to generate personal in an effort to establish policies that match needs of our profit or for political themes unrelated to Rochdale diverse community the community room committee under Village or for the purpose of organizing religious the direction of the Board members & Management was meetings or activities. formed. 9. I will not remove or allow my guests to remove any Our objectives was to review past practices, current furniture or articles belonging to the Community Room. practices, problems that been associated with the buildings 10. I will be responsible for articles that are stolen or community rooms, and developed a standardized systems broken during the time I have access to the room. of rules and regulations to govern the use of Rochdale’s 11. I will damp mop (no soap) all floors in the areas that I Community Rooms. use. 12. I will check the oven and the refrigerator to make sure Rochdale Village Board Members they are clean. (Some rooms require a match to light the oven.) • Jean Randolph-Castro, RV Board President 13. I understand that I will be held fully accountable for • Janine Cross, RV 1st Vice President guests attending my affair, and I also understand that if • Timothy Mercer, RV Member rules are not followed, my affair may be shut down and • Gary Hawkins, RV Member I will lose the right to use any of the Community Rooms • Marion Scott, Management in the future. I understand that the maximum occupancy for the room is 75 people. Revised 4/2014

ROCHDALE VILLAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Cooperators Community Room Rules and Regulations Dear Cooperator: We welcome your use of the Community Room. These rooms are maintained by volunteers, so we ask your cooperation in keeping them clean. Please control your guests. Rochdale Village is not responsible for accidents during your party.

Additional Notes: • Please – DO NOT push tables or chairs against the walls. The room must be returned in the same condition as when rented. • Please – NO DJ equipment, and NO boom box/loud music. Music is for your guests. • Please – NO Confetti. Rental Fee: $50.00 per Affair Money orders only, payable to Rochdale Village, Inc.

Repass: Complimentary/FREE Refunds: In order to receive a refund, you must submit NO SMOKING PLEASE a written request, for cancellation at least three 1. I will use the Community Room only during the (3) weeks prior to your scheduled event. hours agreed upon for my affair and I will be present Refunds will be processed and returned to the throughout the affair. 2. I agree to use only MASKING TAPE to hang decorations cooperator. Exceptions: Extreme emergency (death, accident or severe on the walls. NO TAPE ON THE CEILING. illness) 3. I will not serve or allow the consumption of alcoholic

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Below is the Community Room Contract for Community Room rentals. To submit a completed contract or request additional copies, look for the key holder contact information in the glass encasement by each Community Room door in the buildings. The building community rooms available to rent are: Circle 1: Buildings 1-4 Circle 4: Buildings 13-16

Circle 2: Buildings 5, 7, 8 Circle 5: Buildings 18, 20

For more information, call the Board office at (718) 276-5700 ext. 336.

Circle 3: Building 10

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner~ Christmas Book with its own stories

“Toys For Tots”

By Anthony Blake

Ed Miller

As I open the book Let us all take a look Bells ring out throughout the square The feeling of Christmas is in the air A little boy sleeps dreaming of snow This is New York City you just never know The vision of a star The Wise men who travelled far Unity being a community Christmas being truly in what you see A little baby Jesus was a male being he It’s was a rememorable night In fact it was silent and no situation of plight All the stars are shining bright There’s Rudolf with his nose being a headlight Oh look a dream did come true The snow is falling Well I have no time for stalling Let’s throw snowballs and see who will fall A Snowman stands and he is tall Frosty is his name A snowman loves to play a game He’s decked out all in Christmas snow Frosty moves along with the flow Well I am starting to yond This was a story I am very fond I am falling asleep for sure Yet my heart is full of joy all in galore As I lay my head down I am asleep across town I will wake up Christmas morning bound Full of praises will be the sound.

I sat on Santa’s lap, He asked if I was good? “I looked at Mommy, answered “Tried, as a little girl should.” “What do you want for Xmas?” “A dolly, not for me, For some poor, homeless child, Who needs some cheer, you see.” I gave all my old toys away To make some Tots feel glad A program run by U.S. Marines For kids with no Mom or Dad. HAPPY, SAFE HOLIDAY!

Old Fashioned

By Gloria Williams

How I long for an old fashioned Christmas like Christmas used to be Hand made dolls, wood carved toys Bows and ribbons wrapped in paper and cloth Underneath the Christmas tree. How I long for family and friends gathered at the table Home cooked turkey trimmings, peach cobbler and apple pies Songs and poems sang and read “The Night Before Christmas”, “Silent Night”, “Little Drummer Boy” surprise. How great it would be for the genuine spirit of Christmas Not the commercial one at all Where the more money you spend would be a sin But when true love stood you proud and tall How I long for the real meaning of Christmas Where we celebrate the birth of Christ While teaching our children the story of three wise men Guided to the manger by a twinkling star Now wouldn’t that be nice? How I long for a joyful spirit to kneel at the altar to pray Praying for the future past and present on that blessed Christmas day How I long for peace on earth with no more thought of war Peace on earth good will to men starting right now, starting right here Near and far. Peace

The RV Church Corner See which houses of worship have been added to our list of those that are in the surrounding Rochdale Village community.

The church of St. Bonaventure 114-58 170th Street Jamaica, NY 11434 718.526-0040 St. Benedict the moor 171-17 110th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 718.526-4018 Reverend Gordon P. Kusi, Pastor Reverend Stephen Jantuah Deacon Pascual Olivas Angela Lewis, DFF Mass Celebrations at each church: Sunday Mornings at 10am

Lebanon Seventh Day Adventist Church 131-72 223rd Street Jamaica, NY 11413 (718) 525-4711 718-525-4630 Ferron F. Francis, Pastor Service Times: Sabbath School: 9:15 am Divine Service: 11:00 am Youth Ministry: 5pm - Sunset

Maranatha French SeventhDay Adventist Church 173-04 Linden Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11434

Wednesday Service: Bible Study 6:30pm Prayer Meeting 8:00pm

(718) 297-8784

Our Lady Of Light Parish St. Catherine of Sienna Church 118-22 Riverton Street St. Albans, NY 11412

Service Times: Sabbath School: 9:30 am Worship Service: 11 am

Merrick Park Baptist Church 120-02 Marsden Street • Jamaica, NY 11434 (718) 276-5039 Elder Thaddeus Hawkins, Pastor Designee Service Times: 8:00 and 11am Worship Service Sunday School: 9:30am Wednesday night Bible study and Prayer Service Wednesday noon day prayer service

Mass Schedule: Monday to Friday 8:00am Sunday 8:00am and 12:00pm

New Star Baptist Church 142-14 Farmers Blvd. Springfield Gardens, N.Y. 11434 Tel: 718 712-5075 Rev. Barry D. Warren Senior Pastor Service Times: Sunday Service 11:00am

St. Mary Magdalene Parish 218-12 136th Ave Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 (718) 949-4311

St. Pascal Baylon 112-43 198th Street St. Albans, NY 11412 Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 10:00am Monday to Saturday 9:00am

Service Times: Weekend: Sunday: 8:45 11:00 am Weekday:

Mon thru Fri: 8:30 am Sat: 9 am Holy Day and Vigil: 8:30 am 7:30 pm The Greater Rescue Church of Christ, Inc. of the Apostolic Faith 110 - 51 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 Phone: 718-739-7165 Fax: 718-739-3880 Website: E-mail: Rev. Leslie B. Hodelin-Wilks, Pastor Min. Gene Robbins, Assistant Pastor Service Times

Sunday School: 9:45am Sunday Morning Worship: 11:30am Sunday Evening Worship: 6pm Prayer Service: Tuesdays, 7pm Kingdom First Living Bible Class Wednesday, 7:30pm Evangelistic Worship: Fridays, 8:30pm The Rochdale Village Church Corner lists an array of houses of worship to attend. List your church! Call (718) 276-5700 ext. 359.

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Obituaries John Harold Hampton


Sunrise: May 20, 1925 - Sunset:

ohn Harold Hampton was born on May 20, 1925 in Cleveland Ohio. He was the fifth of six boys born to the late Jerry and Hattie Hampton, both of whom passed at very early ages and so by the year of 1938 the boys were orphans. John and two of his brothers were under the age of eighteen so they were placed in foster homes until they reached the age of 18. He received his formal education in the Cleveland public school system and later went to Wilberforce University and received a Bachelors of Law degree from the University of Chicago and was a lawyer.

At the young age of 18 and near the closing years of the Second World War, he was drafted into the Army Air Forces where he served for almost three years, obtaining the rank of Sergeant. He was honorably discharged on March 6, 1946. One year later he left his hometown of Cleveland and came to Corona New York where he met his future bride, Joyce Hunter of Waterbury, Connecticut. They fell in love and married on November 28, 1947; which lasted for 53 years until the death of Joyce on September 7, 2000.

September 26, 2014 Service, working as a letter carrier for more than 20 years and 20 years in postal management, seven of which were “Loaned Out” to the US Postal Inspection Service.

He was a New York State Certified Insurance Broker, a Lawyer and a Real Estate Agent for more than fifty years. He was also a Tax Professional with H&R Block for many years, which he also enjoyed very much. He was very active with his church, The Episcopal Church of St. James the Less of Jamaica, NY. That was his second family and he loved his fellow parishioners very much. He served on its Vestry for 35 years. In civic activities he was very active in his community serving as a two- year president of The United Neighbors Civic Association. He received many awards for his outstanding services to all of the above. Finally, his greatest love, next to his church, was his fraternal association with the Prince Hall Masonic and Royal Arch Masonry. There he served as an outstanding member for more than 60 years as Past Master, Past High Priest and Grand Lecture of the State of New York of RAM. He had 32 Degrees and many other accolades.

From this union there were five children, Janet Jean Lee, He leaves to survive him: 3 children, Donna (Son-in-Law deceased 2006, John Charles Hampton, deceased 1980, Donna Joyce Twiggs, PAC, Marian Philure Mason, MBA ASPC and Dr. Timothy), Marian (Son-in-Law Thomas), William (Daughterin-Law Shirley), Sister Hazel Riddick, Brother-in-Law William William Richard Hampton MD. Denby, companion Lola Wade, 17 grandchildren, 14 greatJohn worked for more than forty years for the US Postal grandchildren, and a host of family and friends.

Officer Rafael Ramos

Sunrise: December 12, 1974 -Sunset:

December 20, 2014

Slain Officer Rafael Ramos was many things to many people. To Rochdale Village, he was a paid duty officer that provided policeman services to this community. Please remember Officer Ramos, his partner Officer Wenjian Liu and their families in your prayers as you celebrate the holidays. Respectfully, Chief Thomas Mason - Director of Rochdale Village Public Safety.

Son • Brother • Officer Husband • Father Uncle • Friend Gone too soon ~ May he rest in Peace.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2014

RV Holiday building lobby decorations Continuing with this annual Rochdale Village tradition, residents collaborate with their building Maintenance teams to decorate the Group lobbies. This year’s presentations are absolutely beautiful. Thank you all for your time and efforts. These lobbies bring a smile and the holiday spirit to the entire community.

Building 11

Building 12

Building 17

Residents in Building 20 transformed their lobby into a holiday wonderland!

Building 18

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

December 2014

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