Vol. 49. No. 11
November 2013
De Blasio makes campaign stop at RV - p. 11
Pioneers bestowed with an extraordinary gift - p. 16
Poetry in Memorial - 25
Updated parking notice from Controller - p. 3
Oh What a Night! Rochdale Village turns 50 Story on page 16
President’s Message - Page 2 • Manager’s Report - Page 4 • Resolutions- Page 19 • Committee Meeting Minutes- Page 23
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Page 2 ROCHDALE VILLAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-2765700 ext. 336.
President’s Message
- by Jean Randolph-Castro
Chairman of the Board David Jeffries President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Janine Cross Eddie Douglass Joe Evans Talib Bey Treasurer Lisa Stark Assistant Treasurer Joseph Mathieu Secretary Ron Hollie
Talib Bey Janine Cross Edward Douglass Joe Evans David Jeffries Gary Hawkins Ronald Hollie Tracy Irvin Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph-Castro Kamal Saleem Lisa Stark Mario Turner Ahmed White Arlisa Blackwell (State Representative) COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Gary Hawkins Community Center Edward Douglass Community Relations Jean Randolph-Castro Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Ahmed White Orientation Talib Bey Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Gary Hawkins Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc.
General Manager
November 2013
Dear Rochdale Village Cooperators, I would like to thank the community for their involvement in the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Whether you were involved in the planning or came out to the festivities, keep up the good work! Continue to support the Board and stay focused on your community. Keep you eyes on the prize; let us work together as one. This will enable me as your President of the Board to be more efficient and productive. Embrace the fact that we are a united community. The following is the letter that originally appeared in the 50th Anniversary Journal: Jean Randolph-Castro On behalf of all of our Board Members, congratulations! Thank you for taking part in our once-in-a-lifetime celebration of Rochdale Village’s rich and robust history. 50 years of affordable cooperative living cannot be taken for granted. In order to preserve such a vibrant, diverse community at such a quality and low cost for half a century, individuals must have united and sacrifices must have been made. We believe it is most appropriate on this commemorative occasion to give thanks where thanks is due. To the managers of Rochdale Village, including 20 years of service from Marion Scott Real Estate, who have worked tirelessly to keep the cooperative’s doors open and its finances stable. To past and present Board Members who stepped up to make crucial decisions, deciding on the best outcome for our homes. To our employees, who have saw fit to call Rochdale Village their primary place of work, investing day after day in the very tasks that hold the corporation together. Your hard work has and will continue to pay off; it is demonstrated in the well-maintained grounds, the high apartment occupancy rate, and the constant improvements to our amenities and local businesses. Lastly, we thank you, the cooperators. Those who participate in events, keeping community spirit alive. Those who pay their carrying charges on a timely schedule that keeps Rochdale Village’s operating expenses payable. Thank you. These modest yet vital acts of diligence are what keeps our community running, demonstrating your cooperation towards one goal—the best outcome for yourselves and your neighbors.
Enjoy your 50th Anniversary Rochdale Village. You have a lot to be proud of. Wishing you much success in the next 50 years. Most sincerely, Jean Randolph-Castro, President
Marion Scott
Assistant Managers
Alex Freedman, MSI & Lynn Walker, RVI
On behalf of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors
Darius George
Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones
Security Chief Thomas Mason
the next meeting of the
Gilbert Francisco
rochdale village board of directors is
Elizabeth Goldsmith
Monday, November 25, 2013
Power Plant Director Human Resource Director General Counsel
William R. Greenspan
November 2013
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Ceiling repairs in Group 5
Page 3
Updated notice on parking transfers
(Above) the ceiling after renovation by the Maintenance Department. (below) The stained ceiling before repair.
By Lelio Dalencour
wait is over! Buildings 17 and 18 have brand new ceilings, which have replaced withered panels and improved the appearance of the lobbies. The deteriorated areas were attributed to leaking pipe insulation failure, according to Deputy Director Cory Jones. The condensation from the dual temp lines over 50 years had created moisture situations that he
could not be easily repaired. During the repairs other items were noted and addressed that will be modified with part of the proceeds from the cooperative loan refinance. Look out for notices on the next buildings to be repaired. Building 17 and 18 leaseholders have expressed their satisfaction with the panel repairs. Cooperators should report any damages or needed repairs in the community to their Group Manager.
streamlining its parking operations to increase efficiency, effectiveness and control. A key focus of this effort has been to reduce redundancy and create transparency in the “Parking Transfer Lists” process. The current transfer list and its associated assignment process is unnecessarily manual and complex creating unproductive man-hours. The current process consists of the staff manually searching the list for prospective tenants and making several phone calls to these tenants. In the majority of cases the tenant states “I am happy where I am and not interested in
transferring to another lot”. To improve the business process efficiency the existing list will be purged. Before the list is purged Management is requiring that residents who are parking in Lots 3A, 3B and 7 and are still interested in transferring to parking lots 2, 4, 5 or 6 should contact the Accounting Department at 718 276 5700 x331. Cooperators who do not respond by December 31, 2013 will be removed from the transfer list. Reminder, management’s policy is that cooperators with 30 days or more in payment arrears will lose their parking lot privileges. Submitted by the Controller’s Office
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Page 4
November 2013
Monthly Report
- by Marion Scott
General Manager’s Monthly Report for October 2013 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPERVISION One of the most pervasive problems facing society is personal safety. It is management’s job to ensure that a safe environment becomes a reality, whatever it takes. Sometimes this requires sacrifices to be made by security officers due to scheduling and tour changes, but that is the nature of the job in order to provide a balanced staff and reciprocal support. Management often hears that the morale of the Public Safety Department is poor. This is frustrating to hear given today’s vastly improved salaries, benefits, equipment and training. Often the so-called morale issues are more the result of the dichotomy between established traditions and standards, and the different views of the supervisors and subordinates. In a department organized along paramilitary lines, the stage is often set for clashes between the employees’ need for autonomy and the departments need for implementing and enforcing procedures and policies. The leadership of the Security Union should be less focused on the subject of morale and more focused
on the quality of effort and dedication to duty. Intensity of supervision will vary to some extent based upon the employees’ work and performance. It is reasonable to assume that the best performers in terms of accuracy, effort and thoroughness will receive a lesser degree of supervision than those who do not meet the prescribed standards. This leads to the perception that some employees are being targeted while others are being favored. Unfortunately, the union leadership is quite vocal in pushing the notion that there is a serious morale problem without providing any specifics that are contrary to Rochdale policies. The constant complaining and resorting to arbitration is disconcerting, which makes it virtually impossible to nurture a relationship when there are unrelieved complaints and self serving declarations. It is unrealistic to believe that any organization will be perfect in the sense that everyone is happy. Therefore, it is imperative that Public Safety leadership creates and sustains a productive and satisfying work environment, while still maintaining the highest performance standards.
OCCUPANCY AGREEMENTS (LEASES) It has been over four (4) years since the new proprietary lease was implemented at Rochdale Village and over 5000 shareholders have signed. As you know, Rochdale Village elected to stay in the Mitchell-Lama program and agreed to be supervised by the New York State Housing and Community Renewal. 9 NYCRR Subchapter C of the Compilation and Regulations cover the State‘s Lease Regulations as follows: § 1727-3.1(a) A lease for the apartment being assigned an eligible household or person will be executed before that household or person takes possession. The standard form of lease will be prepared in duplicate, one copy of which shall be given to the lessee. § 1727-3.2(a) Leases shall commence on the first day of the month and shall not exceed 36 months’ duration. Management has steadfastly asked the shareholders to follow the NYS HCR regulations and renew their occupancy agreement (lease) in order to preserve their homes and protect the housing company’s interest. We understand that a
number of people who have not signed may not have the legal right to the apartment and there is some pushback. However, that seems to be the exception not the rule. HCR is a governmental agency and the Board and Management must follow their lease mandate without fail or be sanctioned. The Board of Directors is the governmental body of Rochdale Village Inc. and they have approved the lease and passed a resolution to have the lease executed. Unlike the government agency where the directive must be followed, the Board resolution is not that restrictive and it’s your option to sign or not sign. However, if choose not to sign, for whatever reason, you must move out the apartment voluntarily or be evicted. We are in the final stage of the signing process. It is great that the majority of shareholders finally have an updated agreement that reflects their rights and the rights of the cooperative, instead of an antiquated document which discusses issues such as milk delivery and calling maintenance whenever you want to install a TV.
The RV Answer Corner: “What is mold, and how do I remove it?”
obert Woods, Project Manager for the Rochdale Village Management team has provided these helpful tips about mold compliments of the Environmental Protection Agency. This information is designed to provide cooperators with insight about what mold is and how to safeguard your precious investment from it.
What is Mold? Molds reproduce by means of tiny spores; the spores are invisible to the naked eye and float through outdoor and indoor air. Mold may begin growing indoors when mold spores land on surfaces that are wet. There are many types of mold, and none of them will grow without water or moisture.
Mold Basics • The key to mold control is moisture control. • If mold is a problem in your home, you should clean up the mold promptly and fix the water problem. • It is important to dry waterdamaged areas and items within 2448 hours to prevent mold growth.
How do I get rid of Mold? If you already have a mold problem - ACT QUICKLY. Mold damages what it grows on. The longer it grows, the more damage it can cause. Leaky window - mold is beginning to rot the wooden frame and windowsill.
• Fix plumbing leaks and other • Do not paint or caulk moldy water problems as soon as possible. surfaces. Clean up the mold and dry the surfaces before painting. Dry all items completely. Paint applied over moldy surfaces is • Scrub mold off hard surfaces likely to peel. with detergent and water, and dry • If you are unsure about how completely. to clean an item, or if the item is • Absorbent or porous materials, expensive or of sentimental value, such as ceiling tiles and carpet, may you may wish to consult a specialist. have to be thrown away if they become Specialists in furniture repair, moldy. Mold can grow on or fill in the restoration, painting, art restoration empty spaces and crevices of porous and conservation, carpet and rug materials, so the mold may be difficult cleaning, water damage, and fire or impossible to remove completely. or water restoration are commonly listed in phone books. Be sure to • Avoid exposing yourself or others ask for and check references. Look to mold (see discussions: What to for specialists who are affiliated with Wear When Cleaning Moldy Areas professional organizations. and Hidden Mold). Contributed by Robert Woods
Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Page 5
Monthly Report
- by Robert Woods
Contract Summary/Status — October 2013 I. Following is the Status of Schedule ‘B’ Projects: SHOPPING CENTER ELEVATOR: Project Completed. TURBINE GENERATOR #2 OVERHAUL (Power Plant): Project completed. BOILER/BURNERS (Power Plant): Engineer has delivered specifications 100% complete for this project. The documents have been forwarded to the NYSHCR for their review. Intentions are to have this project bid out by the end of the fall season. Rochdale Village needs to comply with Article 5 of DEC regulations. Power Plant and Projects are making arrangements to perform tests and submitting Compliance program. EXCITER REPLACEMENT: The Contractor, Siemens Energy has completed final tie-ins to new Exciter panels. Rochdale Village has digital panel system for Turbine Generators. Project Management is in contact with Siemens with regards to controls polarity issue. Some additional wiring will be installed to alleviate incorrect calibrations. DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR OVERHAUL (Power Plant): Projects Department developed a Request for Proposal to hire a Consultant for Design and Construction of the Generator. The Request for Proposal was sent to HCR with the required HM-180 Form for their approval prior to solicitation of bids.
By Susan Van Brackle
I. Non Schedule B Projects: LOCAL LAW 11, CYCLE-7 BUILDING FAÇADE REPAIRS: Xinos Construction Corp. is continuing repairs on facades of Buildings #1, 10, 13, 15 & 16. As work is completed, the Consultant conducts a final inspection. Consultant is preparing Preliminary Façade Report for submission to the NYC Department of Buildings. The Report will outline future work to be executed by Xinos Construction Corp. over the next 18 months, weather permitting. Projects and Architect prepared a Change Order for remaining work as per NYCDOB’s instructions. The Change Order was approved by the Board of Directors at the October meeting in the amount of $3,757,164. EMERGENCY ROOF REPAIRS: The Projects and Maintenance Departments inspected areas of concern and issued Purchase Orders to have repairs made to Buildings Numbers 7,11,13,14 & 16. The Contractor has made repairs to roofs. Work was completed at main roofs and Small Mall roof over Kelly’s Café. CORRIDOR ROOF REPAIRS: All work has been completed as per contract requirements, including punch list items. Project Manager, upon roof inspection, continues to note that garbage is being thrown onto roof landings. Projects is concerned that garbage mishaps may void warranties, or even worse, garbage lights on fire causing more damage. This practice of throwing garbage on the roofs must end before something goes wrong.
LOBBY CEILING REPLACEMENTS & ASBESTOS ABATEMENT: All work is completed in Lobbies of Buildings #17 & 18. Notices have been posted in the respective Buildings prior to commencement of work. The Department of Environmental Protection has delayed project continuing to lobbies in Buildings #10 & 16, until Contractor submits floor plans with exiting by Building Code. Contractor will comply with DEP request and submit new schedule for remaining work. Contractor submitted Change Order for additional work regarding firewall penetrations sealed, new air diffusers, bulletin board removals, camera room abatement and reinsulation and return duct through camera room to new H/V unit. Projects and Management will determine the extent of extras and submit costs for approval. BUILDING EMERGENCY GENERATOR UPGRADES A/E: Emergency Generators were inspected for running condition and voltage readings in Group 5, 1 and 2. Exit signs are installed on apartment floors in Groups 1 & 5. Main corridor (Ground Floor) Exit signs are being installed in Group 5.
POWER PLANT NEW WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Projects Department is awaiting a decision by the Engineering firm supplying the units for cost savings. POWER PLANT SWEET WATER TANK: Contractor submitted schedule for work. New tank will be delivered midDecember for immediate installation. Work should take approximately two (2) weeks to complete. POWER PLANT CONDENSATE TANK ASBESTOS ABATEMENT: Condensate Tank work cannot be performed until Sweetwater tank is in operation. Scheduling work will be after the New Year. CRAWL SPACE PIPING AND INTERIOR SPACE PIPING: Project pending NYSHCR approval of credentials submitted by Power Plant Director and Projects Director to oversee work. SITE UTILITIES/ UNDERGROUND PIPING: Project pending NYSHCR approval of credentials submitted by Power Plant Director and Projects Director to oversee work.
COMPACTOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT: ELECTRICAL WORK (Electrician): A new Request for Proposal was sent The Contractor, Northeast Electrical to contractors with a return date of Contractors, is continuing work as 10/21/13. Bids ranged in monthly per contract. Purchasing Department cost from $4,950 to $10,000. Premier is investigating a cost effective GFCI was the low responsible bidder and outlet to install in apartments. Too Project Management upon review many GFCI outlets were failing, it of their proposal, recommends an is therefore necessary to find a new award of contract to them. vendor for outlets. A resolution will be prepared for presentation to the Board.
Small Business Saturday coming up at RV
ayor Bloomberg’s Office and American Express have teamed up once again to promote Saturday, November 30th as “Small Business Saturday”. According to, Small Business Saturday is a nationwide campaign to spur business for small merchants and was originally launched on November 27, 2010. Small Business Saturday falls
between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, traditionally two of the busiest shopping days of the year. New York City is the first city in the nation to proclaim November 30th as Small Business Saturday. American Express is launching a national advertising campaign and social media campaigns through Facebook and Twitter where consumers and business owners can participate. • The first 10,000 business owners
who sign up will receive $100 of free Facebook advertising to help build online buzz and drive customers to shop at their businesses on Small Business Saturday. • The first 100,000 American Express card members who register their Cards and use them to shop on Small Business Saturday at any locallyowned, independent small businesses that accept American Express will receive a $25 statement credit.
Small business owners will be able to download online promotional materials and use a number of social media tools to promote their businesses on the inaugural Small Business Saturday. Why not get out and support your local Rochdale Village businesses like Subway, Boost Mobile, His Café, Lawson’s Barbershop and others both now and during the upcoming holiday season. •
Door repairs and controls Keys and Locks Bathroom supplies Convector supplies ochdale illage Plumbing supplies Window & Blinds supplies Welding Equipment & supplies Paint and glass supplies Other Maintenance & Operating Expenses Contracted Services - Electrical - Plumbing - Floor Repairs - Bathtub glazing - Apartment repairs - Apartment restoration - Carpet installation & cleaning - Pump and Roof fans Building repairs- Façade and mansonry Building Stadby generators Misc. Expenses ($ 1,000.00 or Less) Total Maintenance Expenses
Page 6
10,887 1,879 14,847 25,512 33,539 13,679 1,952 7,467 41,697 73,113 2,416 46,640 1,551 107,344 157,878 16,995 5,528 2,547 797,331
November 2013
Controller’s Report Cash Receipts & Disbursements - October 31, 2013 EXHIBIT I
Page 5
RECEIPTS: Carrying Charges Commercial Rent & Utilities Nursery Schools and Democratic Club Community Center Programs/Rentals Section 8 Rent Apartment sales and transfers Parking Rent Laundry Income Bulletin advertising Credit check Ground lease 50th Anniversary journals Wells Fargo wire transfer Miscellaneous ($1,000.00 or less) Total Collection NG Checks Funds Available for Operations
4,578,987 417,379 3,642 10,575 34,501 314,615 100,747 135,000 3,475 4,250 2,000 1,850 366,250 960 5,974,232 46,287 11,214,843
OPERATING EXPENSES: Administrative Expenses: Management fee Managing agent payroll reimbursement Other office expense Office supplies Equipment leasing Data processing fees Postage & Delivery Telephone Information Technology Adverting Legal Consultqnts -(Eng/Architects) Collection expense Other Professional Services Miscellaneous expenses($1,000.00 or less) Total Administrative Expenses
MAINTENANCE EXPENSES : Unifrom & cleaning Cleaning supplies Other Janitorial Expenses Exterminating Rubbish removal Compactor expense Compactor & Garbage bags Landscaping Lawn sprinkler system EXHIBIT I
51,350 28,983 4,834 3,130 4,757 2,495 5,158 9,502 9,670 1,850 28,074 3,000 40,232 2,829 637 196,501
7,054 6,962 6,756 7,006 11,247 33,552 18,302 50,503 7,624 Page 6
Ground Equipment expense Parking lots expense Vehicle Maintenance, Gas/Oil Equipment & Small tools expense Carpentry supplies Electrical supplies Door repairs and controls Keys and Locks Bathroom supplies Convector supplies Plumbing supplies Window & Blinds supplies Welding Equipment & supplies Paint and glass supplies Other Maintenance & Operating Expenses Contracted Services - Electrical - Plumbing - Floor Repairs - Bathtub glazing - Apartment repairs - Apartment restoration - Carpet installation & cleaning - Pump and Roof fans Building repairs- Façade and mansonry Building Stadby generators Misc. Expenses ($ 1,000.00 or Less) Total Maintenance Expenses
10,030 10,809 3,235 6,239 43,534 9,009 10,887 1,879 14,847 25,512 33,539 13,679 1,952 7,467 41,697 73,113 2,416 46,640 1,551 107,344 157,878 16,995 5,528 2,547 797,331
PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENSES: NYPD Paid detail officers Vehicle Maintenance Gas/Oil Office Equipment leasing Uniform and cleaning Paid Detail administrative expense Other Security expense Misc. Expense ($ 1,000.00 or less) Total Public Safety Expenses EXHIBIT I
Page 7
POWER PLANT EXPENSES: Fuel - Oil Fuel - Heating & Electric Gas Fuel - Cooking gas Water & sewer Material, tools and supplies Chemicals and lubricants Uniform & Cleaning Absorbers Diesel Generator expense Boiler expense Cooling Tower Pump Room expense CS- Building maintenance Meter reading services Misc. Expense ($1,000.00 or less) Total Power Plant Expenses
18,765 935,073 15,969 47,342 9,445 6,357 2,313 2,387 2,199 12,869 3,195 6,501 5,079 1,189 2,516 1,071,198
COMMUNITY CENTER EXPENSES: Ouside labor expense Security refund Misc Expenses ($1,000.00 or less) Total Community Center Expenses
1) OPERATING FUNDS: Citibank - Checking - Payroll Water and Sewer Escrow Total Operating Funds
Page3 6,121,276 23,869 19,782 6,164,927
2) IN-HOUSE SHELTER FUNDS: Self insurance - Insured Money Market Self insurance - Checking Commercial Tenant Security- IMMA Total In-House Shelter Funds
1,511,818 5,329 549,840 2,066,987
3) ESCROW FUNDS: FFI Government Fund - Replacement reserve Capital Improvement Equity Replacement Reserve - Checking Completion Repair Escrows Total Escrow Funds
8,911,506 110,656 12,569 8,490,283 17,525,014
4) MORTGAGE ESCROW: Real Estate Tax Insurance Vapor intrusion Soil and Groundwater remediation Debt Service Escrow- Wells Fargo Securities Total Mortgage Escrow TOTAL FUNDS
1,103,805 1,759,692 375,512 724,400 3,610,116 7,573,525 33,330,453
1,140 1,600 96 2,836
BOARD EXPENSES Office expenses Election expenses Contribution- Rochdale Village Social Services Inc Bulletin expense EXHIBIT I
22,069 1,829 1,569 2,335 2,830 2,567 489 33,687
- by Darius George Summary of Corporate Funds at October 31, 2013
Page 8
PAYROLL/ESCROWS/EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: Salaries and Wages Fica expense Refund of past cooperators equity Replacement reserve Contingency reserve Mortgage Principal and interest Real Estate Tax Escrow Insurance escrow Health & Pension- 32BJ Health & Pension- 94 Health & Pension- SSOBA Health & Dental and Group life insurance 401k employee contributions MCMT Taxes Futa Taxes Suta Taxes Disability pemiums(Mutual of Omaha) Insurance loss Disability insurance Wells Fargo Loan Application fee Misc Expenses ($1,000.00 or less) Total Payroll/Escrow/Employee Benefits Total Expenses Ending cash balance
The corporation cash, investments and escrow balances as of October 30, 2013 was $33,330,453.00 The amount available to pay operating expenses are $6,164,927.00. The following accounts are 30,595 The corporation cash, investments The corporation and escrow cash, investments balances as and of October escrow 30, balances 2013 was as of$33,330,453 October 30 encumbered: 14,366 The amount available toThe payamount operating available expenses to pay are $6,164,927.00. operating expenses The following are $6,164,927.00. accounts are Thee 13,334 3,344 61,638 (a) Debt Service escrows(a) Debt Service escrows
(b) Self Insurance (b) Self Insurance (c) Contingency and Replacement (c) Contingency Reserve and Replacement Reserve 925,197 (d) Commercial Tenant (d) Security Commercial DepositTenant Security Deposit 97,683 (e) Capital Improvement (e)Equity Capital Improvement Equity 89,717 250,000 (f) Completion Repair Escrow (f) Completion Repair Escrow 140,266 (g) Real Estate Tax Escrow (g) Real Estate Tax Escrow 279,541 (h) Insurance261,048 Escrow (h) Insurance Escrow 220,687escrow (i)Environmental (i)Environmental escrow
3,610,116 1,517,147 8,924,075 549,840 110,656 8,490,283 1,103,805 1,759,692 1,099,912 27,165,526
228,163 191,199 68,078 47,572 97,564 The Housing Company must obtain approval The Housing Company must The Housing obtain Company must NYS obtain Homes approval & Community from NYSRenewal Homes to & disburs Commu 13,849 from NYSapproval Homesfrom & Community Renewal to 1,291 from the contingency and from replacement the contingency reserve and accounts. replacement reserve accounts. disbursed funds from the contingency and re6,263 1,106 placement reserve accounts. 3,948escrow The self insurance Thefund selfisinsurance escrow by Board fundresolution. is restricted by Board can only resolution. be Funds c The selfrestricted insurance escrow fund isFunds restricted by 7,204 used to pay damages andused other to claims pay damages againstand theother corporation claims against during the the period corporation it wasduring self the 20,000 Board resolution. Funds can only be used to pay insured. It also covers claim insured. below It also the company covers claim liability below insurance the company retention liability program. insurance reten 857 damages and other claims against the corporation 2,930,376 during the period it was self insured. It also cov5,093,567 The debt service, insurance, The debt completion service,repair insurance, and real completion estate taxrepair escrow andaccounts real estate tax escrow $6,121,276 ers claim below the company liability insurance
were created under the terms were created of the mortgage under therefinancing terms of theagreement mortgagewith refinancing Wells Fargo agreement with retention program. Multifamily Capital, Inc.Multifamily Capital, Inc.
The debt service, insurance, completion repair and real estate tax escrow accounts were created under the terms of the mortgage refinancing agreement with Wells Fargo Multifamily Capital, Inc.
Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Page 7
Controller’s Report
- by Darius George
Accounts Receivable Activity - October 2013 Description Base Rent Vacancy Rent Medical Office Commercial Electric Water Laundry Parking Fuel surcharge Surcharges Late Charges Dispossess NG Check Fee Others Totals
Arrears 3,403,215.73 490,972.17 (1,165.53) 168,134.54 89,290.17 6,640.95 179,581.00 22,975.20 58,978.47 1,038,001.47 79,712.81 78,595.23 4,736.06 1,570,223.49 7,189,891.76
Charges 5,363,182.60 26,498.83 286,010.38 85,000.00 102,062.50 97,530.57 40,072.77 6,000,357.65
Adjustments (156,565.26) (15,265.85) (9,673.09) 55,979.46 4,964.27 (85,000.00) (39,702.36) 19,502.16 6,250.67 900.00 357,289.27 138,679.27
5,217,056.33 30,747.93 26,498.83 284,287.70 99,664.73 4,366.21 135,000.00 102,125.00 12.57 55,526.61 16,489.04 7,371.06 759.64 293,555.96 6,273,461.61
3,392,776.74 444,958.39 (1,165.53) 160,184.13 45,604.90 7,239.01 44,581.00 22,912.70 58,965.90 1,040,303.07 82,725.93 77,474.84 4,876.42 1,674,029.57 7,055,467.07
1. Base rent was adjusted by the following amounts: a)Vacancy loss 51,358.64 b)Section 8 subsidy 36,779.57 c)SCRIE subsidy 61,592.64 d)DRIE subsidy 6,468.75 f)Bad debt & other adjustments 365.66 156,565.26 2. Commercial arrears are $171,983.63 including electricity balance of $45,604.90 and water & sewer in the amount of $7,239.01 3. Included in Other receivables are: Restoration charges Equity Deposits Move in & Move out adjustments Evictions Violations Three Day Notices Total
Tenant Arrears Report Ending October 31, 2013 CURRENT TENANTS In arrears for -
Community Center Report For October 31, 2013
One month
Residential Number 1,725
Two months
Three months
Four months
5-12 months
12+ months
Sub-Total PAST TENANTS In arrears for -
Tenants Amount Due 280,440.18
Commercial Tenants Number Amount Due 49 92,533.15
One month
Residential Number 83
Two months
Three months
Four months
5-12 months
12+ months
Tenants Amount Due 95,664.33
1,536,741.38 9,373.24 (96,141.93) 101,184.43 110,612.25 12,260.20 1,674,029.57
Commercial Tenants Number Amount Due 1 3,553.82
REVENUES: Programs Room Rental Vending Machine Total Revenue
850.00 9,725.00 10,575.00
EXPENSES: Salaries - Administrative - Recreation Specialist - Porters Programs Equipment leasing Outside Labor expense Recreation and office supplies Repairs and maintenance Cooking Gas audtorium Misc. (less than 100.00) Total Expenses Net Income/(Loss)
5,627.17 2,272.24 21,359.31 629.48 1,140.00 96.18 31,124.38 (20,549.38)
Note: The Community Center collected security deposits in the amount of $400.00 and made refunds of $1,600.00 These transactions have no effect on the community center profitability.
Page 8
Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Public Safety Report
-- by Chief Thomas Mason
Public Safety Monthly Report October 2013 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of October 2013. Public Safety maintains twenty-four hour coverage. LOITERING: During the month of October 2013, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering conditions. As a result, Public Safety officers responded to a total of one hundred forty-five (145) complaints of loitering which were resolved as follows: 1. Conditions corrected – sixty-six (66) loiterers complied with officer’s directive to leave. 2. Unfounded – seventy-nine (79) loitering complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present) 3. Violations issued – four (4) loitering violations was issued
During the month of October the following arrests were affected: There were a total of 4 arrest(s) and 0 in-house detained for the month of October 2013; the incidents are as follows: Arrests for October 2013 (4 arrest(s) and 0 in-house detained) October 1, 2013 – Bldg. #19 Apartment, an RV Officer observed a NYPD vehicle parked in front of the building; a male was then escorted out of the building in handcuffs; he was arrested for a domestic dispute. Is a Rochdale resident. October 3, 2013 – Bldg. #3 Roof Top Landing, while performing routine verticals RV Officers observed a male sleeping on the floor; after a lawful search with negative results the male was transported to the 113th Pct. for trespassing. Not a Rochdale resident. October 13, 2013 – Bldg. #18 Apartment, RV Officers responded to a call on a possible altercation; upon arrival the officers observed NYPD Officers at the scene; the officers arrested a male and female; the female for allegedly possessing knives and the male for allegedly choking the female; both were transported to the 113th Pct. . Are Rochdale residents. DVR UNIT ACTIVITY Total Incidents = 76 Total Risk Management = 26 Violations = 4
TOWED VEHICLES The Public Safety Department towed seventeen (17) vehicles during the month of October for violation of parking rules on the complex. SPECIAL VERTICAL PATROL BY ROCHDALE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours to curtail
unlawful activities and have been positively reinforced. VERTICALS: SPECIAL VERTICALS: TOTAL:
1499 1525 3024
17 59 194 3576 465 4041
132 2967 4 0 4
67 2 9
Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued: 1 Illegal Move Out................................................................................. 1 2 Negligence........................................................................................... 5 3 Harboring a Pet.................................................................................... 2 4 Loud Noise.......................................................................................... 5 5 Disorderly Conduct............................................................................. 9 6 Loitering.............................................................................................. 5 7 Harassment.......................................................................................... 3 8 Damage to RV Property...................................................................... 1 9 Illegal Occupant.................................................................................. 1 10 Unauthorized Appliance...................................................................... 1 11 Assault................................................................................................. 2 12 Reckless Endangerment...................................................................... 1 13 Illegal Sublet....................................................................................... 1 14 Failure to Comply.............................................................................. 18 15 Littering............................................................................................... 2 16 Criminal Mischief............................................................................... 3 17 Menacing............................................................................................. 1 18 Obstruction of Administration............................................................. 2 19 Illegal Dumping................................................................................... 1 20 Foul Odor............................................................................................ 2 21 Possession of a Weapon...................................................................... 1 Total.................................................................................................. 67
If You See Something, Say Something. Call Public Safety at (718) 276-2400
Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Page 9
RV takes measures to protect against future storms like Sandy Susan Van Brackle
t has been a little more than
since hurricane Sandy made landfall in the tri-state area on October 29, 2012. This category 3 hurricane at one point packed winds of up to 115 mph leaving a path of destruction that touched the Greater Antilles, Bermuda and The Bahamas by the time it hit landfall along the Eastern United States and Canada. Once the dust settled, more than 100 fatalities had been reported according to the New York Times. Some area locations are still reeling from Sandy’s impact. Queens’ neighborhoods like Breezy Point, Rockaway Beach and parts of Staten Island still have not fully recovered. Raging floods and open gas main fires destroyed over 100 homes in Breezy Point alone. Only a few days ago, Fox News reported, “state officials have offered to buy all 129 homes in the flood-prone neighborhood of Tottenville, Staten Island which was devastated by a year
Superstorm Sandy.” One year later, business owners in Rockaway Beach are still struggling along in what used to be a bustling destination largely because many residents have moved out and don’t plan to return. Except for the numerous downed trees that dotted the landscape, Rochdale Village was spared the worst of the ravages of Sandy and never even lost power during the catastrophe. After the storm cleared, Rochdale’s board members, residents and other volunteers formed drives to collect and donate clothing, supplies and other necessary items to help those that were most impacted. While the cooperative was fortunate in this regard, the Rochdale Village Board and management team have taken measures to safeguard the cooperative against future emergencies and natural disasters. Security lighting has been placed at strategic areas of the cooperative’s grounds. Emergency exit signs have been placed along landings and entrances to direct traffic
to safe areas. A round of Group meetings were recently held with to introduce residents to the new emergency alerts, maintenance requests and other broadcast upgrades that are being planned to keep cooperators connected and informed in the event of an emergency. People that haven’t already registered with an email address and contact
phone number via myhomepayge’s registration iPad, please contact your designated group manager to arrange to opt-in for these concierge type services. Senior citizens should register the name of an emergency contact with Rochdale’s new website and emergency alert system for an additional means of connectivity with loved ones and family.
Downed trees dotted the RV landscape after Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
~Poetry Corner~ The Singing Soprano By Anthony Blake A singing voice that has enchanted many hearts The orchestra, leader all in the accompaniment of start The range within pitch It’s the music that didn’t switch St. Patrick’s Cathedral that echoed out and the ringing of the bells, this is what I am talking about As the soprano continued too sing It was the feeling of the music and the quality being the thing It was an Angel with the excellence from heaven This all happened at precise of seven When the Soprano was finished and done The Soprano’s performance was rated as one The audience began with an outpour of applause Then the avion of a standing ovation in the soar As the curtain came down There was no utterance in sound Everyone was now homeward bound.
My Personal Version of Miracle on 34th Street By Anthony Blake Macy’s with an idea Gimbel’s ready to persevere Competition that became fierce Mr. Macy’s, “I want to beat Gimbel’s to the punch” Mr. Gimbel’s, “Go see what Macy’s is doing in a hunch
A shopper’s frenzy The customer’s dilemma in what Department Store shall they go? Macy’s is the parade Gimbel’s is the sales Well I will shop both Thank God I didn’t have to take an oath Mr. Macy’s has a promotional idea But Gimbel’s is responding on fear Macy’s is offering discount cards and expanding advertising It will be sales that will reach the top We will have plenty of customers that just won’t stop Just then, Gimbel’s told Macy’s let’s team up Gimbel’s and Macy’s shook hands They became working partners in demand.
Mr. Turkey By Ed Miller My family is vegetarian Our turkey is made of soy We eat it on Thanksgiving It’s neither girl or boy We gather ‘round the table My Daddy says a prayer Has to do with peace and love For people everywhere.
Old Thanksgiving Limerick Ed Miller There was a young turkey named Tom Grew up from a chick on a farm When Thanksgiving came’ It would be a shame For dear Tom to come to some harm The farmer took Tom to the shed He planned to cut of his head The children protested The farmer relented Tom offered his sister instead.
New Thanksgiving Limerick Ed Miller Our family ‘round the table remembered Enjoying the turkey, Dad dismembered For thanks we all give That in Rochdale we live In peace and love, January to December. Its Fifty Thanksgivings we’ve celebrated Since Rochdale was inaugurated Our history is noted With Cooperators devoted Longevity and thriving ne’er contemplated.
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
by Marjorie Robinson Before and After is a unique feature column where residents submit a photo and brief bio of their youthful days, followed with the details of their current lives. This side-by-side comparison provides a pleasant opportunity for the community to observe a glimpse of the past and the present, celebrating both the former years and the continuing episodes of an individual’s life.
Gwendolyn Stanley Diaz Before
Gwendolyn Stanley Diaz was born in New York City on February 2, 1924 to parents of Beatrice and David Diaz. She received her A.A.S. Masters Degree from Bronx Community College, a B.S. Degree from New York Institute of Technology and a Master Degree from C.W. Post. Gwendolyn (also known as Gwen) worked at Wards Island and retired in 1983 as a nurse administrator. She is blessed with 3 sons. She is also blessed with 9 grand children and 9 great grand children.
Ms. Stanley has been a resident of Rochdale Village since 1964. Gwen has volunteered in many capacities. She was the chairperson of the Senior Citizens Committee, wrote the newsletter for House Congress, Club for special events, Drama, Music Committee, and much more. Ms. Stanley is one of the Rochdale Village Pioneers, For that we salute her and her ongoing support and contributions to the community.
Would you like to appear in the next Before and After column? Whether you’re 95 or 45, collect your favorite old photos, gather the facts, and the Rochdale Bulletin at (718) 978-3007 to work out the details.
Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Page 11
Happenings around Rochdale Village DeBlasio staff, RV Democratic Club host campaign rally in RV Circle 5 By Lelio Dalencour n November 4, the day before Bill DeBlasio was offically voted in as mayor of New York City, he and his campaign team stopped by Rochdale Village to oonduct a campaign rally. Collaborating with Assembly Woman Vivian Cook, Hettie Powell and the Rochdale Village Democratic Club, the DeBlasio camp arrived in the afternoon, preceded by several news vans and photographers seeking coverage of the campaign speech. Ever calm, former Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio greeted Rochdale Village residents, and called for the community to come out and vote in the final elections. DeBlasio’s camp also stopped by Rochdale Village for the 2013 Fall Festival on September 8.
Then-mayoral candidate Bill DeBlasio spends time in Rochdale Village escorted by Assemblywoman Vivan Cook and the Rochdale Village Democratic Club less than 24-hours before the general elections for New York City Mayor.
Halloween Party at RV
By Lelio Dalencour ario Turner’s Youth Planning Committee hosted a Halloween Party in Rochdale Village, to the delight of the many parents and children who attended. A place of enjoyment and excitement. children could run around and be entertained in full costume without a care or fear for safety. The Youth Planning Committee brought in loads of candy, so that every attendee had enough to take home. They also rented a bounce house for the children to jump around on indoors. The youth wore elaborate costumes to the party. Every type of character was present, from zombies to Iron Man, from Power Rangers to the headless horsemen. And at the end of the day, that’s what really makes events: Community residents meeting, greeting, and laughing together. To learn about Youth Planning and to get involved, Call the Board A youth dresses as a skeleton during Secretary at (718) 276-5700 ext. 336. the 2013 Halloween Party in RV.
It’s that time again!
Santa is on his way to rochdale!
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Page 12
November 2013
The Twin Pines logo and its meaning
hen traveling across the Rochdale Village cooperative there is a recognizable symbol that is visible throughout the grounds. The logo is that of the “Twin Pines”; two trees that are encased by a circle. People may have wondered where the logo is derived from and, what does it mean? The Twin Pines logo is not specific to Rochdale Village in Jamaica, Queens. While Rochdale
is the second largest cooperative in the world, many other housing organizations across New York City and the country are also “in the club”. The club of cooperative living, according to archives at Kansas University espouses the premise of “local ownership, democratic operation, non-discrimination and an efficient, economical delivery of goods and services.” The University of Wisconsin even has a designated Center for
Cooperatives. According to their definition of the logo for co-op models, “Two pine trees surrounded by a circle is the international symbol of cooperatives. The pine is the ancient symbol of life. Two pines emphasize the mutual nature of cooperation. The trees are dark green, the color of chlorophyll and the basic building block of life on earth. The circle surrounding the twin pines symbolizes eternity.“
The Elmer Russo Collection of the Kansas University archives also characterizes the Twin Pines logo as an “ancient symbol of endurance, fecundity and immortality – has been synonymous with the North American cooperative movement.” For this 50th Anniversary, here’s wishing the twin pines of Rochdale Village continued liberty, equality, and fraternity!
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Kids and their parents come out to the Youth Planning’s Halloween Party in the Community Center after trick-or-treating.
Boo! Kids greet a familiar friend with a not so familiar face.
DeBlasio’s visit to Rochdale Village sparked a media frenzy and brought locally broadcast stations to Circle 5.
DeBlasio visits Rochdale Democratic Club and gives a listening ear to issues that matter most to the Community.
Bill DeBlasio addressed a captive audience at Rochdale Village the day before the general election and went on to win the race for Mayor.
Always politically conscious, Rochdalers came out to support and make their feelings known about candidate de Blasio.
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Pioneers Millie Bain (left) and Loretta Griggs (right) were just a few of the honorees at the Pioneer Dinner.
Board Vice President Janine Cross hands out anniversary gift watches to Pioneers at the Dinner.
The Burbrdge Family attended the Pioneers Dinner en masse to celebrate 50 years at the cooperative.
Board Members Mario Turner, Timothy Mercer, and Lisa Stark come out to enjoy the Pioneer Dinner with the first move-ins.
Musical guests “Black Ivory” wow the crowd at the 50th Anniversary black tie gala.
Chief Thomas Mason along with Rochdale’s own Public Safety team flank gala guest, Chief of Police, Philip Banks, III from the NYPD. (center).
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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November 2013
Highlights of the Pioneer Dinner and 50th Anniversary Weekend Celebration Lelio Dalencour and Susan Van Brackle
hen the year began,
the Rochdale Village Board of Directors initiated plans on how best to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the cooperative. Board members decided that this achievement, which spans approximately three generations and hundreds of thousands of families, would require a celebration throughout the year. Management invested time and attention while various RVI departments were enlisted to assist with execution of this endeavor. The year’s efforts culminated with back to back nights that were advertised as the 50th Anniversary Weekend Celebration: the Bash, a casual, late night jam, and the Gala, an regal, no holds barred black-tie affair. DJ Doctor Bob Lee, radio host for 107.5 WBLS FM Radio, was on hand to host as Master of Ceremony for both events. Prior to the Weekend Celebration, the Community Center Committee hosted yet another special event honoring Rochdale’s first-move ins which are affectionately dubbed the
“Pioneers”. The function paid tribute to these special residents at a 1960’s and 70’s style dinner party, which was held in the Grand Ballroom. Rochdale’s Pioneers received a gold 50th Anniversary wristwatch, which was custom-designed with the “Twin Pines” cooperative logo engraved in the center of the watch face. Nearly 300 Rochdale Village families, friends, dignitaries and guests filled the Grand Ballroom in the Community Center to celebrate with a 50th Anniversary Gala. Men donned swanky suits and tuxedos, while women wore elegant attire. At the stroke of 6pm, the festivities promptly began. Participants socialized and drank cocktails while dining on hors d’oeuvres in the atrium. Once the Levi Barcourt Jazz Quartet announced dinner at 7pm, the doors to the Grand Ballroom opened, and guests entered into an arena, which was transformed in lavish detail. People enjoyed a three-course dinner along with a light, unconstructed and personalized program. Hettie Powell, President of the Concerned Cooperators, presented guest remarks to the audience, while our new Board President,
Jean Randolph-Castro, delivered welcoming remarks. “People of Rochdale Village, you are the mega stars tonight,” affirmed Ms. Castro. “This is your day. Shine on! And enjoy your evening. We wish all of you fifty more years of celebrated cooperative living.” Musical guests Black Ivory entertained the community sharing that the last time they’d visited Rochdale Village was 40 years ago. “But we don’t remember an auditorium this beautiful!” exclaimed artist Leroy Burgess. The Bash offered a different ambiance since attendees spent most of their time on the dance floor. Keeping the cost of the Anniversary Bash low made it attainable for residents to enjoy the ongoing festivities. The mood of the event was upbeat, positive and high-energy. As the 50th Anniversary celebrations come to a close, there is more in store for residents as we approach the New Year. Remember, Rochdale Village will be 50 years old until December 10, 2014 when it turns 51. Until then, the Board of Directors and Management Company will effect plenty of new system
Board President Jean Castro (right) congratulates 50th Anniversary logo designer Charles Dalencour (left). modernizations, infrastructure upgrades and needed repairs that will keep the Jewel of Jamaica shining bright like a diamond. And, residents will still be able to find anniversary items available for purchase to celebrate this notable event. Just call the Rochdale Village Board Office at 718.276.5700 x336 or visit the Community Center for branded shirts, totes, and gold commemorative watches to recognize this historic occasion.
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Rochdale Village Pioneer Dinner
Image by Daniel Leake
50th Anniversary Weekend Celebration
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Page 18
November 2013
SALE See Now, Pay Later!
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Eye Doctor On Staff. Rochdale Village Mall, 165-24 Baisley Blvd., Jamaica, NY 718-276-0055 Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10-7, Sat 10-6, Sun Closed *Frames from select group. **With purchase of frames. Other restrictions may apply. Prices subject to change without notice.
Repair or replace your frame with our NO-Fault Warranty. We welcome outside prescriptions!
Call 1-800-EYES-789 or visit STERLINGOPTICAL.COM for a no-obligation appointment.
Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Page 19
Upcoming Events at NORC
NORC will be closed on Christmas and New Years Day
NORC Outreach Program - December 2013 No Outreach on WEDNESDAY, November 06, 2013 WEDNESDAY, December 11, BLDG # 10 WEDNESDAY, December 18, BLDG # 13 Program/Social Services Information Benefit & Entitlement Information, Blood Pressure Screening from: 10:00am - 12:30pm, Room 19
NORC Nurse’s Schedule Mondays and Thursdays: 11am - 4pm Other healthcare services, call VNS Nurse for appointment at 718-949-3499.
Seminars (Thursdays @ 1:15pm in the Club Lounge) Thursday, December 05, 2013 Dr. Ray Omid (Advanced Holistic) “How To Get & Stay Healthy Regularly” Thursday, December 12, 2013 Cynthia Diaz, Esq. (Attorney At Law) “Meet Your Up & Running Legal Advocate” Thursday, December 19, 2013 Rose Davis (MetLife Insurance) “Final Expenses in Your Golden Age”
Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Tuesday, December 03 & 17, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. room 19 To Register Contact NORC @ (718) 949-3499 or (718) 949-3474 NOTE: Income Eligibility: $1,862.00 (Single- Elderly Seniors), $2,522.00 (Couple- Elderly Seniors) Volunteers Needed
Senior Companion Program Must be 60 years old with low income (Guidelines for income required)
• Must volunteer 20 hours weekly • Earn a small tax-free stipend • Initial 2 week program & training • Paid Sick Days & Paid Vacation Days Please register at the NORC office: Room 19 or call 718-949-3499 Health care proxy forms available in the NORC Office Room 19. The New York Health Proxy law allows you to appoint someone you trust to make health care decisions for you. Please contact your case manager for additional information. (718-949-3499)
Services Tangers Outlet in Riverhead Tuesday, December 10 - 8:00 a.m. Room 19 Cost $10.00 Contact # (718) 949-3499 Yonker’s Empire Wednesday, December 11 - 9:00 a.m. Room 19. Cost $15.00 Contact # (718) 949-3499 Aqueduct Racino Wednesday, December 18 - 9:30 a.m. Room 19. Cost $7.00 Contact # (718) 949-3499 City Island Friday, December 20 - 11:45 a.m. Room 19. Cost $10.00 (Transportation Only) - Contact # (718) 949-3499 Joe’s Crab Shack Friday, December 13 - 10:00 a.m. Room 19. Cost $10.00 (Transportation Only) Contact # (718) 949-3499 Call for appointments – 718-949-3499
Seeking retired professionals with experience in social work, nursing, computer literacy for clerical support. Seeking volunteers to assist planning events and fundraising efforts. Contact Carolyn Jackson or Ms. Austin, NORC Director @ 718-949-3499 Volunteers Meet every Tuesday at 1:15 pm in Room 17
GAME DAY !!! Tuesday, December 17, 2:00-5:00 p.m. Rooms 17 & 18. Cost: $3.00 Come out & have some fun! Refreshments served!
VAN SERVICES (Doctor appointments, shopping, trips, etc.)
Volunteer Workshops Tuesdays, 1:15 p.m. Room 17 Mind-Over-Matter Group Thursdays - 10:30 a.m. Room 17 Living Independently Support Group Mondays – 1:15 p.m. Room 17 Intergenerational Group Mondays-4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Room 17 (NEW) Creative Dance for seniors - Wednesdays, 1:15 p.m. room 18 (Except first Wed. of each Month). Come out & join us!
9:30am-3:00pm. Call NORC Office for appointments (718) 949-3499 Friendly Visitor Program
Volunteer a few hours weekly to visit with our sick, homebound, isolated and frail seniors in their home. Your visit can make a difference! Join the NORC Group; call (718) 949-3499
169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica NY 11434 • Tel: 718-949-3499 • Fax: 718-949-2935 Naturally Occurring Retirement Community • Funded in Part By NYC Department For The Aging
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Rochdale Village Community Center Events Programs, Trips & Events
Youth Programs • Spirit of Excellence • RVCC Women’s Development Center
The Drum Extraordinaire & Elite Marching Band Class
The RVCC Drum Extraordinaire and Elite Drum Corp. classes are held Saturdays from 9:00am to 3:00pm in Room #8 for ages 10-14 and 15-19.
RVCC Sports & Fitness Karate Classes
Martial arts classes for children and adults, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday in the Community Center, Room 11. This program is more than a karate program. One major focus of this program is increasing self-esteem and awareness. Classes for children are held Saturdays (11am - 1pm) and Mondays (6:00-7:00pm) while adult classes are Wednesdays (7pm-8pm). Call Sensei Derrick Shareef at 718-723-7440.
The Clay Sisters Arts, Crafts & Needlework Program Thursdays & Saturdays @ 1pm - 6pm Community Center Room 5
The Southeast Queens Kids Wrestling Association is hosting ongoing registration for its wrestling program in the RVCC on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm - 8:00pm in Room #10.
GED - Free Basic Education Classes
Improve your reading and writing skills. Monday-Friday from 8:30 -11:30am. 12:00pm - 3:00pm. Pre-testing available. Contact the RVCC for additional information.
Salsa Class for adults is offered on Sundays @ 4:00pm. For additional information contact
Defensive Driving Dates for 2013
Defensive Driving is held on Saturdays from 7:45am - 2:00pm in the Club Lounge. The next Defensive Driving class will be held on December 28, 2013. Call the RVCC to pre-register at (718) 2765700 x337 or 339.
“The Spirit of Excellence” - 169-65 137th Avenue • Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 337/339 • Fax: 718-276-7504
Rochdale Village Senior Center You are invited! For all activities, call 718-525-2800 Calendar of Events Posted at Senior Center Weekly Activities • Daily Activities
Monday-Friday Wednesdays 10:00 am 12:00 pm 11:00 am 1:00 pm
Social Hour Coffee / Tea Lunch is served Bingo Pool and Card / Board Games
10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm
Stay Well Exercise Alert & Alive Discussion Bingo Movie
8:00 am Walking Club 8:00 am Walking Club 10:00 am Aerobics 9:00 am Aerobics 11:00 am Bingo 10:00 am Yoga 1:30 pm Spanish Class Tuesdays Fridays 10:45 am Chair & Floor Exercise 10:30 am Tai Chi 11:00 am Dance Class 11:00 am Bingo 1:00 pm Drama Class 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts 1:00 pm Pool & Card Games 1:00 pm Pool & Card Games
**Office closed on Christmas Day and New Years**
Senior Christmas Showcase December 10. Come out and celebrate! We will also commemorate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Insurance Preparation by Delores Blake on Dec. 16. October-November-December Birthday Celebration December 13, 11am - 3pm.
New Year’s Eve Party Tues., December 31st. TAI CHI - Offered every Friday 10:30-11:30am
Game Day with NORC - Every third Tuesday from 2-5pm in Rooms 17 & 18. Come and have some fun! Wii Sport/ Fitness and Exercise Equipment - Come out and learn the basics of the Wii program every Wednesday Afternoon. Seniors can also use our new treadmill and exercise bike. Call the Senior Center at 718-525-2800 for more details. Bingo - Try your luck and come join us for exciting Bingo games at the Rochdale Village Senior Center. Movie Videos - Come and enjoy lunch and a movie with us. Movies are shown on Wednesdays at 1PM. Light snacks will be served. Weekday Transportation - Available transportation to and from the Senior Center on weekdays. For more information, call 718-525-2800. Metro Card Van - Tues., December 3, 2013 behind the HIP Cleaners in the small mall. Hours of services 1:30-3:30 pm. Please sign up in the Senior Center office. SCRIE Applications for Seniors - The Senior Center provides assistance with SCRIE (Senior Citizens Rent Increase Exemption), STAR, and Food Stamps application. Call the office to schedule an appointment.
“Serving Vibrant Seniors” 169-65 137th Avenue • Tel: 718-525-2800 • Fax: 718-525-0691 • Funded in Part By NYC DFTA
Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Page 21
Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - October 28, 2013
PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD JEAN RANDOLPH-CASTRO Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Ahmed White
Edward Douglass Joe Evans Gary Hawkins Ronald Hollie David Jeffries Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph Castro Mario Turner Ahmed White
LISA STARK Nomination by Tracey Irvin; Seconded by Lisa Stark
Twelve for Edward Douglass, three for Lisa Stark. Edward Douglass elected as Second Vice-President of the Board.
FOR JEAN RANDOLPH-CASTRO FOR LISA STARK Talib Bey Tracy Irvin Lisa Stark Janine Cross Edward Douglass Joe Evans Gary Hawkins ABSTAIN Ronald Hollie Kamal Saleem David Jeffries Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph Castro Mario Turner Ahmed White Twelve for Jean Randolph-Castro, two for Lisa Stark, one abstention. Jean Randolph-Castro is President of the Board.
THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD JOE EVANS Nomination by Mario Turner; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Castro One Vote Cast by Secretary. Joe Evans is Third Vice-President of the Board.
FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD JANINE CROSS Nomination by Ahmed White; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Castro
RON HOLLIE Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Casstro
DAVID JEFFRIES Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Janine Randolph-Castro One Vote Cast by Secretary; David Jeffries is Chairperson of Board.
KAMAL SALEEM Nomination by Tracey Irvin; Seconded by Kamal Saleem FOR JANINE CROSS Talib Bey Janine Cross Edward Douglass Joe Evans Gary Hawkins Ronald Hollie David Jeffries Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph Castro Mario Turner Ahmed White
FOR KAMAL SALEEM Tracy Irvin Kamal Saleem ABSTAIN Lisa Stark
Lisa Stark
FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD TALIB BEY Nomination by Ron Hollie; Seconded by Ahmed White One Vote Cast by Secretary. Talib Bey is Fourth Vice-President of the Board. SECRETARY OF THE BOARD TRACEY IRVIN Nomination by Kamal Saleem; Seconded by Ahmed White
FOR TRACEY IRVIN Joe Evans Gary Hawkins Tracey Irvin Kamal Saleem Lisa Stark Mario Turner Ahmed White
FOR RON HOLLIE Talib Bey Janine Cross Edward Douglass Ron Hollie David Jeffries Joseph Mathieu Tim Mercer Jean Randolph-Castro
Eight for Ron Hollie, seven for Tracey Irvin. Ron Hollie is elected as Secretary of the Board. TREASURER OF THE BOARD LISA STARK Nomination by Ron Hollie; Seconded by Edward Douglass One Vote Cast by Secretary. Lisa Stark is the Treasurer of the Board.
Twelve for Janine Cross, two for Kamal Saleem, one abstention. Janine Cross elected as First Vice-President of the Board. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD EDWARD DOUGLASS Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Tim Mercer LISA STARK Nomination by Tracey Irvin; Seconded by Kamal Saleem FOR EDWARD DOUGLASS Talib Bey Janine Cross
FOR LISA STARK Tracy Irvin Kamal Saleem
ASSISTANT TREASURER OF THE BOARD JOSEPH MATHIEU Nomination by Ron Hollie; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Castro KAMAL SALEEM Nomination by Tracey Irvin; Seconded by Kamal Saleem FOR JOSEPH MATHIEU Talib Bey Janine Cross
FOR KAMAL SALEEM Kamal Saleem Continued on page 22
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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November 2013
Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - October 28, 2013
Edward Douglass Joe Evans Ron Hollie David Jeffries Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph Castro Lisa Stark
ABSTAIN Gary Hawkins Tracey Irvin Mario Turner Ahmed White
Ten for Joseph Mathieu, one for Kamal Saleem, four abstentions. Joseph Mathieu elected as Assistant Treasurer of the Board. BOARD COMMITTEES BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE LISA STARK Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Joe Evans One Vote Cast by Secretary. Lisa Stark is the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee. COMMERCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE GARY HAWKINS Nomination by Mario Turner; Seconded by Joe Evans One Vote Cast by Secretary. Gary Hawkins is the Chair of the Commercial Services Committee. COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE EDWARD DOUGLASS Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Castro One Vote Cast by Secretary. Edward Douglass is the Chair of the Community Center Committee. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE JEAN RANDOLPH-CASTRO Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Castro TRACEY IRVIN Nomination by Tracey Irvin; Seconded by Kamal Saleem FOR JEAN R-CASTRO Talib Bey Janine Cross Edward Douglass Joe Evans Gary Hawkins Ron Hollie David Jeffries Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph Castro Mario Turner Ahmed White
FOR TRACEY IRVIN Tracey Irvin Kamal Saleem Lisa Stark
Twelve for Jean Randolph-Castro, three for Tracey Irvin. Jean RandolphCastro elected as Chair of the Community Relations Committee. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE KAMAL SALEEM Nomination by Edward Douglass; Seconded by Joe Evans One Vote Cast by Secretary. Kamal Saleem is the Chair of the Environmental Conservation Committee. MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE AHMED WHITE Nomination by Ahmed White; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Castro
One Vote Cast by Secretary. Ahmed White is the Chair of the Maintenance Committee. ORIENTATION COMMITTEE TALIB BEY Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Castro TRACEY IRVIN Nomination by Kamal Saleem; Seconded by Lisa Stark FOR TALIB BEY FOR TRACEY IRVIN Talib Bey Joe Evans Tracey Irvin Janine Cross Edward Douglass Kamal Saleem Gary Hawkins Lisa Stark Ron Hollie David Jeffries Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph Castro Mario Turner Ahmed White Eleven for Talib Bey, four for Tracey Irvin. Talib Bey elected as Chair of the Orientation Committee. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TALIB BEY Nomination by Janine Cross; Seconded by Jean Randolph-Castro TRACEY IRVIN Nomination by Kamal Saleem; Seconded by Lisa Stark FOR TALIB BEY Talib Bey Janine Cross Edward Douglass Gary Hawkins Ron Hollie David Jeffries Joseph Mathieu Timothy Mercer Jean Randolph Castro Mario Turner
FOR TRACEY IRVIN Tracey Irvin Kamal Saleem Lisa Stark ABSTENTIONS Joe Evans Ahmed White
Ten for Talib Bey, three for Tracey Irvin, two abstentions. Talib Bey is elected as Chair of the Public Safety Committee. SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE GARY HAWKINS Nomination by Jean Randolph-Castro; Seconded by Janine Cross One Vote Cast by Secretary. Gary Hawkins is the Chair of the Senior Citizens Committee. YOUTH PLANNING COMMITTEE MARIO TURNER Nomination by Jean Randolph-Castro; Seconded by Joe Evans One Vote Cast by Secretary. Mario Turner is the Chair of the Youth Planning Committee. Resolution 69-13: WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc (“Rochdale”) entered into a contract with Xinos Construction Corp. in the amount of $5,969,680 to undertake facade repairs on the twenty (20) buildings throughout the complex;
November 2013
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - October 28, 2013
WHEREAS, after the failure of the facade at Building 20, the New York City Department of Buildings (“NYCDOB”) instituted additional guidelines for Rochdale to follow in order to make the buildings safe for the entire community; WHEREAS, after a detailed analysis of the new parameters of the project, a change order in the amount of $3,757,164 is required; and WHEREAS, the new work is mainly to address brick and shelf angle replacements due to the age of the masonry assemblies and previous poor workmanship by former contractors against whom Rochdale has taken legal action.
Moved by: Ahmed White Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro Talib Bey Joe Evans David Jeffries Jean Randolph-Castro Ahmed White Tracey Irvin
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village Board of Directors accept Change Order #2 to the contract of Xinos Construction Corp. for $3,757,164, subject to approval of the New York State Homes and Community Renewal.
FOR Janine Cross Gary Hawkins Joseph Mathieu Lisa Stark
Edward Douglass Ron Hollie Timothy Mercer Mario Turner
ABSTAIN Kamal Saleem
Thirteen for, two abstentions; motion passes.
Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes for November 7, 2013 Chair: Talib Bey Fourth, it was brought to my attention that our Rochdale Village Community Executive Summary: First, on the behalf of the has no representation at the community meetings held at the 113th preceint Public Safety Committee let me extend our deep on Monday nights. I ensured the committee that from now on we will have heartfelt condolences to our chief of Public Safety representation there, in order to foster a better relationship with the precinct, Thomas Mason on the loss of his mother. We wish get firsthand information about activities in the community, and be a visible you and your family the love, strength, unity and fixture at a meeting that we should have a representative at. peace needed to get through such a difficult time. There were other issues such as illegal pets, which is an ongoing and growing The meeting was opened at @7:05 p.m. The first item problem, illegal marijuana use, car vandalism, and a few maintenance addressed was the need for a secretary. I (Mr. Bey) asked for volunteers, but issues that were mentioned. The maintenance issues were referred to the no one responded. Hence that position on the committee remains unfilled. maintenance department to be addressed. Second we had a long discussion surrounding the possible implementation If you are a cooperator that has never attended our meeting feel free to come, of a wall being placed on the Guy Brewer side of Rochdale village to act with security concerns and issues, or just to be involved. We meet the First as a barrier for the negative element that invades our Rochdale community Thursday of evry month in the Club Room@ 7p.m. Our next meeting which regularly. The discussion will continue at a later date when there are more will be held on Thursday December 5, 2013 at 7pm concrete plans available. As always, it is my pleasure to serve the cooperators of Rochdale in the Third, we discussed the idea of placing a Public Safety Officer in the lobby of capacity of Board member and Public Safety Committee Chair. the buildings to deter the bad element from frequently occupying the lobby areas. This would also add more hands on security in your face security in Best Regards, our circles, which would complement the officers that monitor the circles Talib Bey from the booth. Public Safety Committee Chairperson
Environmental Conservation Committee Meeting Minutes for November 12, 2013 Chair: Kamal Saleem Members In Attendance: Angela Eulle, Kevin Dilworth, Shawn Chandler, Norma Dean, Johnny Solomon, Deloris Watts, Maceo Kareem, Bob Williams, Karen Corenthal, Jean, Tereasa Hamilton Mission: To Promote Green Initiatives and practices through education and activity that not only help shareholders to be better stewards of our environment, but also aid the corporation in potentially reducing its utility expenses and carbon footprint while promoting community pride and community involvement. Agenda: EQA Field Trip (Touring Idle Wild Park), Winter Symposium Series (Showing Films, Demos, Hosting Discussion related to Environmental Education), Proposals (Getting Proposal Ideas adopted as Policies and Board Supported Initiatives), Recruitment, Open Discussion Discussion 1 – Minutes of Previous Meeting, Lauren returned with rates for Shredding Services, Information regarding Crayola Crayon Recycling
Program, and Battery Recycling via Walgreens. Ms. Watts will update committee about Shredding Machinery Costs. Discussion 2 – EQA Field Trip: Reach out to program Director to coordinate visit. Will update committee members via email and committee notice. Discussion 3 – Symposiums: Discussed Logistical and Promotional requirements, as well as Series Schedule. Committee elected to start Series in Jan/2014. Discussion 4 – Proposals: Minutes will be better constructed to reflect committee actions and RV Board correspondence. Discussion 5 – Promoting Committee through social media. Discussion 6 – Lobby Entrance Landscaping, Uniform Trash receptacles on grounds, Yellow Caution Tape around Trees, What happens to cut trees and trimmed limbs? (Revenue Generated?) Meeting Adjournment – 20:45 Minutes Respectfully Submitted by K. Saleem
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
Obituary Obituary Sharon Nicole Profitt-Sims August 15, 1972 - October 2, 2013
n August 15, 1972 the most precious gift was given to Egbert & Shirley Profitt: the gift was a baby girl who they named Sharon Nicole. Sharon started school at an early age in the NYC public school system. Sharon Graduated from Hillcrest High School in 1990. During these years Sharon met her two best friends Katrina & Marita. Sharon is preceded in death by her mother Shirley; Aunts Mary Gadson & Ruth Crandon: Uncle James Yellock; Robert(Robby) & Errol Profitt; her Grandparents Julia Mae & Raymond Yellock Sr. and Thornhill & Elma Profitt. After receiving her Diploma, Sharon started working for the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department as a peace officer. This is where she met her future husband Duane. On February 19, 2000 Sharon & Duane were united in Holy Matrimony, this was the happiest time of her life.
Dont’ grieve for me for now I’m free I’m following the path God laid for me I took his hand when I heard him call I turned my back and left it all
Sharon did not have any children of her own but she had four God Children, ‘who were her world. Saivon, Trianna, Kethura and ParisBlue and they in turn loved her dearly. On, May 23, 2009 Sharon’s life changed dramatically with the passing of her mother. During this time Sharon’s health declined rapidly. On October 2, 2013 after a long battle with illness Sharon was called home to rest. She leaves to cherish her loving memories, her father, Egbert Profitt of Palm Coast Florida, her brother Thornhill Profitt of Long Island NY. Her Uncles Burchell, Gerald & Oliver Profitt, Raymond Jr. & Michael Yellock; Aunts: Alicia Dash & Esther Kyte & a large number of cousins, too numerous to mention: best friends Katrina Caldor of Jamaica NY & Marita Rapelyea of St. Albans NY and Stepdaughter Samantha of Corona of NY.
I’m Free!
Remember the things we shared and done For these things made me strong. But do not burden your days with sorrow Enjoy the sunshine that will come tomorrow Lift your heart and share with me,
I could not stay another day, To laugh to love, to work or play. The task left undone, must stay that way God has called me to be in a better place.
God wants me now, he set me free. “Welcome home” Acknowledgement
The family would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone for the many thoughtful deeds and kind expressions of love extended to us during our time of bereavement. Special thanks to the Pastor and members of Gospel Baptist Church & Mt. Calvary Baptist Church of Palm Coast, Florida.
Rochdale Village Bulletin
November 2013
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See What’s Going On in, and Around Our Community... a Little Something for Everyone!
Rochdale Village Community Calendar
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If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion.
The Cooperators’ Newspaper
Serving over 25,000 cooperators in the world’s second
Largest housing cooperative
CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center Note: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.
718-276-5700 •
169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434
Susan Van Brackle
Managing Editor
Lelio Andre Dalencour Assistant Editor
Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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November 2013
Rochdale Village Bulletin
Classifieds Trips Shopping & Casino Trip to Resorts Casino Atlantic City Come join Diamond Express on a Shopping & Casino trip to Resorts Casino Atlantic City! Celebrating friends gathering together for a day out! Lots of fun!!! Sat. Dec. 7, 2013. Bus departs 9:00am from Building #5, 168-14 127th Avenue, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Price: $40. Rebate: $20. For information contact: Ann Green (718) 276-0570 Cell: 347-244-2570. Gerry: (718) 949-9271 • Cell: (646) 479-7650
Hebrews 10:24: “Let us consider one another in
order to stir up love and good works…”
Thank you all for your gifts, love and your prayers and warm wishes. Mr. And Mrs. Ronald Maurice and Edith Matthews
IS BEING INSTALLED RIGHT DOWNSTAIRS! Bargold Storage will be constructing fully enclosed, solid steel storage units in your building. Reserve your storage unit by calling 718-247-7000, option #2. The storage units will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be a limited number of units available.
Call (718) 247-7000, OPTION #2
November 2013
Rochdale Village Bulletin
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Rochdale Village Bulletin
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