Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper March 2018 Edition

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Vol. 54 No. 04

March 2018


137th Avenue’s ‘Field of Dreams’ closer to reality

Proposal for vacant lot brings retail, new apartments, parking, jobs and more to Rochdale Page 3

*Concept Rendering of Site Proposed concept rendering from The Briarwood Team for redevelopment of the 137th Avenue lot as presented by Rochdale’s Board of Directors on Monday, March 26, 2018

By Susan Van Brackle


magine the vacant lot at 137th Avenue and Guy R. Brewer Boulevard being transformed into a fully thriving corner that contains inter-generational residences, provides state-of-the-art amenities, parking facilities and retail options. For over 53 years now, the site has been Rochdale’s ‘field of dreams’. It is a remaining parcel from the original Jamaica Racetrack that currently serves as a fenced-in dumping ground for winter snow, excavated dirt and storage of the area’s maintenance equipment. To say that numerous surveys, studies and analyses have been conducted over the decades with the goal of finding the best use for the site is an understatement. Generations of board members have been presented General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4


Public Safety Report - Pg. 7


with various ideas and suggestions for their consideration. Yet, finding the trifecta, a proposal that meets the community’s needs for additional parking, new retail options and an income stream that keeps carrying charge increases at bay, are steep benchmarks. Over the last four months, proposals narrowed down to two seasoned contenders: The Briarwood Organization, LLC, (Queens based for 106 years) et. al.; and BRP Development. On Monday, March 26, 2018, the Rochdale Village Board of Directors’ ratified the decision to accept a proposal for site conversion plans from the Briarwood Team with member votes of eight for; seven against. The developer’s estimated cost to build the mixed-use structures calls for an investment of $129,000,000 and assures jobs creation, community revitalization and sweeping changes to a long dormant tract of land. (Continued on page 3) Board of Directors Resolutions - Pg. 16-17


Homegoings - Pg. 36

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President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.

- by Jean Randolph-Castro


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Tim Mercer Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Derrick Shareef Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Joyce Williams Mark Busgang (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Tim Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Hubbard Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Jean Hall Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Clifton Stanley Diaz Information Technology Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel William R. Greenspan

March 2018

Greeting Cooperators.


his month has been a very busy but fulfilling month lead by the grand opening of our Fitness Room. The ribbon cutting was a huge success with 300 plus residents in attendance. We currently have over 200 applications and approximately 75 people registered. This is something that the board and management have been working on for quite some time and it is great to see the community take the opportunity to enjoy the added amenity. Women’s History Month I am so delighted about this year’s Woman’s History Month Celebration. It was overwhelming as this was the largest turn out we had in recent memory. As always, the Women of Jazz did not disappoint and did a phenomenal job. This year I was pleased to be able to honor some of our local politicians such as Vivian Cook with a beautiful bouquet flowers, who has done so much for Rochdale behind the scenes in her many years of service. In addition, we honored our newly elected Council Woman, Adrienne Adams who we are looking forward to working with in the months and years to come. Our very own board treasurer Barbara Staples was honored as well as, the President of the 113th Precinct Council Karen Clements Roach, and one of New York’s finest police officer from the 113th Precinct, Sgt. Widy Geritano received awards for their hard work and dedication to our community. Finally, it was a great honor to acknowledge the late Sylvia Plever. She was one of the original persons who lived in Rochdale Village for 53 years and had an avid interest for Justice and Equality. It was indeed a great honor for her husband, son and daughter to accept her award.

Elevator Area Tiles Recently the Board approved a renovation project to upgrade the tiles around the elevator area in each building and section. There was a delay on the tiles being installed due to the fact that it was not suited and appropriate for that section of the wall. The Board had to go through the process of picking the appropriate tile sample, which will give the elevator banks a rich new look that is representative of the Jewel of Jamaica. The tiles are currently on order and we anticipate the project to start in mid-April of this year. Digital Bulletin Boards Part of the elevator area renovation is the installation of our new digital bulletin boards. Management is finalizing a solution for the software. The new technology will provide the most current updates in the elevator banks and the laundry room, as well, which will help our efforts in communicating with the shareholders in a timelier manner. Exploring Rochdale’s Talents The Community Center will be spearheading a talent search of those in the community who possesses great talent and want to achieve their dreams. We will be having a talent show where every one of all ages including seniors in the community can showcase their talents. We will be partnering with very well-known, experienced professionals along with one of our very own experienced resident of Rochdale Village. Look forward for more information in the Weekly Sheets and Bulletin for this upcoming event. I envision many of you pursuing your dream for the big screen, this will enable you to have a great opportunity to be discovered. Every positive value you receive, always start from the home. My mission is to improve on the quality of life and

Jean Randolph-Castro

explore and succeed the dreams of so many in our community who has great talent and wants to be discovered. In addition to that, we will have well-known professional judges. My next vision is to bring back the Rochdale Village Beauty Pageant and partnering with the huge organization that has successfully given the opportunity for exposure beyond a local level. Please look for more information to be posted in the Weekly Sheets and Bulletin. Business Judgement Rules The Board is in discussion of bringing back the business judgement rule, Based on decision pending the Board approval this will enable Management to be more effective in collecting the carrying charges on time. We will be taking distinct measures that will enforce chronic late payers to pay on time. We clearly understand that many of us have hardship, things do happen. Considering that, the Board will be very mindful in their decision. Each Cooperator will be evaluated based on their circumstances, careful and distinct assessment will be made on a case by case basis. There will be thorough investigation to determine the facts and to clearly justify your lateness or nonpayment. Love, Peace and Blessings to all.

The next meeting of Rochdale Village Board of Directors is Monday, April 23, 2018 at 7:45 p.m. in Community Center Room 11/12/13. Please attend board meetings.

March 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Major development plan proposed for 137th Avenue lot

In four years, Jamaica may see rooftop green space, urban gardens and other state-of-the-art amenities with the 137th Avenue lot conversion.

(Continued from Page 1) Ownership • Rochdale Village maintains possession of the developed parcel and is instead leasing the land to The Briarwood Team. • After 15 years Rochdale Village has the option to own the development 100%. Revenue • Rochdale Village receives 2.5 million when construction starts. • In years 1-15 Rochdale Village receives ground lease payments totaling approximately $3.25 million. • In years 16-30, Rochdale Village Inc. has the option of ending the lease and getting full ownership or renegotiating it. • There will be approximately $80 million in mortgages on the development after 15 years, but the building will still generate significant income because most of the mortgages have 1% interest. • Those mortgages are for this new site only and there is no financial liability for the rest of Rochdale Village. • Income potential for Rochdale Village in years 16-30 is estimated to exceed $8.8 million. Timing and Action • An estimated four years is antici-

pated to complete pre-construcspace and open-air decks tion/construction procedures and obtain zoning, financing and other Parking • 100 out of 165 parking spaces will approvals. be built specifically for Rochdale Community Employment Village Cooperators. • Construction jobs, administrative positions and retail opportunities Retail • Prime retail space of over 20,000 are anticipated as the zoning prosq. ft. with 15’ high ceilings cess moves closer to the building phase. Rochdale Village will hold While early contender BRP job fairs and training programs Development is familiar with largewill be available in an effort to hire scale affordable housing and mixedfrom the community. used construction in New York City, the principals proposed a ground lease that Residences and Common Spaces would have required Rochdale Village to • The complex will consist of 300+ enter a lengthy 99-year commitment and Workforce and Senior apartments embed unrelated affordable housing units • Studio to Three Bedrooms layouts in this community’s coveted green space and parking lots. will be available The Briarwood Team, under the • 300,000 sq. ft. graduated building leadership of management team Bernard levels range from four to eight sto- Warren and Alex Freedman, formerly of Rochdale Village, is spearheading ries high project development for the proposed • There’s rooftop gardens, green 137th Avenue property.

Mr. Warren is familiar with the Rochdale Village community having lived here for more than eight years. He actually started dating his wife when they lived in the same Group at Rochdale. Mr. Warren is a former member of the Jamaica NOW Committee, Vice President for the Jamaica YMCA and also serves as part of the executive leadership team of Harlem’s Webb & Brooker, Inc. Other local mixed-use residential and retail development ventures that Mr. Warren has been involved with are the ‘Moda’ Apartments located at 153-50 89th Avenue in Jamaica on Parson’s Boulevard and the Dallas BBQ (formerly City Rib). In the coming days, resolution details and development updates will be presented in upcoming Bulletin publications and on social media. Rochdale residents are encouraged to participate in monthly board meetings to stay engaged as events unfold.

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March 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for February 2018


Communication is an important and often underrated aspect of property management. Even managers that are attentive and wellintended may forget to keep their residents informed while in the throes of an emergency. If they are not careful, the focus needed to solve the problem quickly can dwarf the need to keep residents in the loop causing occupants to grope around in the dark uniformed. That lack of information becomes rumor that can permeate a relationship between management and the residents causing mistrust and frustration. Rochdale has historically communicated through memorandum, Weekly Sheet and the monthly Bulletin. While these are still viable ways to communicate, the advent of new technologies have paved the way for near instant updates from anywhere on the planet. In the past in the grander scale of communication, world events like the Arab Summer would have had to be covered by news correspondents and reporters on scene. Likewise, events that occur on site would need similar coverage before being stored until the next news cycle came around. Now a days our smart phones are our film crew and we have become the reporters. In a matter of seconds, videos are

posted for the entire world to see, and I say that without exaggeration. Rochdale has a comprehensive list of digital properties that are going to give an added level of attention. For emergencies, we have an alert system in place that will call text and email residents that have signed up. To sign up please contact Managing Editor, Susan Van Brackle at the Bulletin office at 718-2765700 ext. 359. For some time now Rochdale Village has owned the following social media properties.


• Rochdale Bulletin • Rochdale Village Bulletin • Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom • Rochdale Village


• rochdalevillage@ rochdalenews1


• #jewelofjamaica • #rochdalevillage


• Rochdalevillagetv


• •



Please keep an eye on them for updates about upcoming events and information: With all of this digital media at our fingertips to use as a form of communication to supplement what we already have, we now have a Communications Coordinator to oversee our digital properties. The introduction of our digital bulletin boards at all elevator banks will require content, which this person will be responsible for in addition to written communication to cooperators.

Cooperator/Staff Interaction

With proper communication comes a mutual understanding between staff and the community being serviced. We cannot deny there are times that employees have not shown the level of professionalism required in a given situation, it is also evident that at times some cooperators have shown little restraint to the point of using threatening and abusive language toward Rochdale staff. While we are fully aware that residents may be frustrated with a response, using four letter words and derogatory language will not speed up the process to get the desired outcome. On our end, we have scheduled another round of customer service training to help optimize

our employee’s performance. There are mechanisms in place for employees that are discovered to not offering the top-notch custom service that this community deserves such as training, reporting the incident to a supervisor and the progressive discipline process. For cooperators we can only ask that you offer the same respect you would like to receive when encountering our staff.

New Fitness Room

We have a new fitness room in the Rochdale Village Community Center that is finally here. This was formerly room 9 that had been relegated to storage only due to the deflection in the concrete slab. The renovation of the Center fixed the deflection issues making the room viable for use again. When the concept of a fitness room was raised again it became clear that this would be the perfect location. Along with the renovations, the summer camp and after school program has reinvigorated the Community Center. The addition of the fitness room should breathe even more life into the Center while promoting a healthy lifestyle for cooperators. All applicants must be Rochdale residents, have updated insurance on file and must be current with their carrying charges. Hopefully this will help nudge some of our residents into clearing up those reoccurring balances!

March 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village, Inc. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Fiscal 2018 - For the Month and 10 Months Ended January 31, 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2017 and FY 2018

Page 6

March 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY2017 AND FY 2018 Description of Account

FY 2017 Mar







Base Rent (carrying charges) Vacancy Rent (Note 1) Commercial

1,859,394 356,432 195,644

1,981,666 360,533 225,218

2,047,873 358,300 203,567

1,991,446 357,380 210,644

2,193,853 354,053 260,888

2,278,621 398,291 297,056

2,146,963 361,471 261,971

Late Charges Dispossess Restoration & All OtherCharges

98,509 99,078 1,021,261

93,144 102,546 1,286,963

90,823 102,511 1,334,764

84,680 95,395 1,348,089

88,738 97,472 1,357,138

91,268 100,607 1,319,856

91,733 96,653 1,283,669

Subtotal before surcharges & Allowance








664,245 372,764 (3,941,810)

762,719 238,450 (4,062,787)

781,370 259,959 (4,102,787)

779,779 331,595 (4,137,787)

915,067 403,430 (4,172,767)

912,343 280,832 (4,207,787)

927,879 346,879 (4,223,508)








Surcharges Tenant Subsidies(star, scrie etc) Allowance for Bad Debt Accounts Receivables, net

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY2017 AND FY 2018 vs. Budget

March 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Captain Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report - February 2018

Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of February 2018. Public Safety maintains twenty-four hour coverage.

COMPLAINTS: 1. During the month of February 2018, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety officers responded to total of (74) loitering complaints from Cooperators. The Task Force encountered (19) counts of loiterers while conducting interior & exterior patrols and special verticals, which were resolved as follows:


19 0 19 60 104 46


All Complaint Conditions corrected – (44) loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave.



All Unfounded Complaints – (30) unfounded loitering complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present)


4. Loitering individuals Non-compliant of directives – (13) received violations. 5.

Complaint Responses – (74) loiterers. (42) Noise complaints and other quality of life violations found and/or recipients of violations for a total of (116).


Task Force Responses - (11) loitering calls from Dispatch.

7. Violations issued – (69) Loitering, noise and other quality of life violations. For the month of February 2018 there were (8) arrest


8 0 8


69 5 6


1 2 3 The Rochdale Village Public Safety Department will continue to organize to 4 better serve the community. 5 6 7 DVR UNIT ACTIVITY 8 RISK MANAGEMENT INCIDENTS 24 9 10 INVESTIGATIVE INCIDENTS 42 11 VIOLATIONS ISSUED 1 12 ARREST INCIDENTS 8 13 FIRE INCIDENTS 2 14 15 TOTAL INCIDENTS 77 16 17 18 TASK FORCE ACTIVITIES 19 20 • Conducted (116) Special Verticals 21 • Made (0) arrest, issued (2) Trespass Notifications, (0) C-Summons 22 and (42) violations including (12) for loitering. (19) Loiters were 23 24 encountered during routine patrols. 25 26 27 TOWED VEHICLES 28 The Public Safety Department towed (19) vehicles during the month of 29 February for violation of parking rules on the complex. 30 31 *Special Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: 32 Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol the stairwells, 33 34 hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours to curtail unlawful



CLASSIFICATION Illegal Move out Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Noise Complaint Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet/Occupant Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment Dispute Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Creating Fire Hazard Urinating/Defecation in Public Drinking Alcohol in Public (Open Containers) Gas Leak Trespass Offensive Apt. Odor Harassment Walking Dog on Premises Throwing things out the window Illegal Parking Health Hazzard Resisting Arrest Assault on Rochdale Village Personnel Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage Refusing to show ID Unauthorized Air Conditioner Theft of Property Vandalism Smoking in unauthorized area Total

AMOUNT 3 1 6 2 2 3 13 7 2 4 1 1 5 1 2 1

1 1

13 69

Page 8

March 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Claude Laborde

Contract Summary/Status — February 2018 LOCAL LAW 11 CYCLE 6, 7 & 8 BUILDING FACADE REPAIRS: Facade repairs for Building Numbers 13, 14, 15 & 16 Completed end of September 2017. SHOPPING CENTER: 1. Complete: Construction began, January 2017. Completion December, 2017. 2. Contract Amount: $1,760,000

roofretrofit (Public Safety) completed end of October, 2016 PARKING LOTS AND WALKWAY REPAIRS: Complete. Lots: #2, 3,4,6 & 8 Lot #7: Will start on Spring SPRAY PARK: Playground l-Completed end of June 2017.

(Completed, April 2017) 6. Building 4B, Hallway (Completed, April 2017) 7. Advantage Care (Completed, April 2017) 8. Rochdale Outlet Mall (Completed, Apri12017) 9. Subway(Completed, August 2017)

3. Outstanding: Security desk, benches and cameras. COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION: l. Complete: Construction began in April of 2016. Completed, December 2017. 2. Contract Amount: $1,765,000

Playground 3- Completed end of June 2017 ROOF LEAK RENOVATION1. Building 7A, Apt. l3E (Completed, February, 2017) 2. Community Center - Room 18 (Completed, February, 2017) 3. Community Center - Club Lounge & Ladies Restroom (Completed, March 2017)

3. Outstanding: Awnings COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF: Phase 2: Will start on Spring, 2018. Phase 1: Work on parapet wall and

4. Building 2C, Apt l3C (Completed, April 2017)

10. Bed, Bath and Beyond (Completed, September 2017) 11. Mall 2 - HIP cleaner (Completed, March 2018) LAUNDRY ROOM HV AC unit installation in building 16 completed, November 2017. (Bradley Mechanical) HVAC unit installation in building 8 completed, January 2018. (SIGMA) ASBESTOS RECORDS (Reorganizing Files: Project completed end of May, 2017.

5. Big Mall Entry Canopy Roof

Subscribe now for the Are you okay? program at Rochdale Village By Susan Van Brackle


f you haven’t already subscribed to the Are You Okay system also known by the acronym “R.U.O.K.”, then now is a perfect opportunity to do so. Originally, the initiative was spearheaded by Rochdale’s N.O.R.C. program. Effective immediately, residents can register for the Are You Okay? program by dropping off the form printed on page 9 of

this Bulletin to the Rochdale Village Management Office. The system helps senior citizens, the disabled and residents living alone to stay connected in the event of an accident or emergency in their home. How does the program work? Once a person is listed with the no cost Are You Okay? program, they will receive daily automated calls at approximately 8 a.m. All that

is required is to answer the phone when it rings, follow any prompts then hang up so that the system knows that the individual is in fact okay. If the automated call is not picked up, the system will continue to dial the individual to determine the wellbeing of the occupant before Rochdale’s Public Safety department further investigates whether assistance is needed. Should an answering machine pickup the automated call, a voice message will be left that

instructs the recipient to return the call at the first opportune moment to acknowledge that they in fact okay. There is no age restriction to sign up for the R.U.OK. service and the cost to register for the program is FREE. The registration process begins by cutting out the printed form on page 9 then bring to the reception desk of the Rochdale Village Management office. Let’s make staying connected a priority at Rochdale Village.

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 9

**Clip Are You OK form. Return it to Rochdale Management Office.

March 2018

The RV Church Corner Why not visit a neighborhood house of worship here in the surrounding Rochdale Village community? Peace. Greater Springfield Community Church 177-06 129th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 Reverend Doctor Philip Craig Service Time: Sundays at 11 a.m. Sunday School: at 10 a.m. The church of St. Bonaventure 114-58 170th Street Jamaica, NY 11434 718-526-0040 10 a.m. Mass Celebration 8:30 a.m. Morning Mass Celebrations: Mon., Wed., Fri. St. Benedict the moor 171-17 110th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 718-526-4018 Reverend Gordon P. Kusi, Pastor Reverend Stephen Jantuah Deacon Pascual Olivas Angela Lewis, Dir. Religious Ed. Noon & 5 p.m. Mass Celebrations 8:30 A.M. Morning Mass Celebrations: Tues., Thurs. Christ the King Church

145-39 Farmers Boulevard Springfield Gardens, NY 11434 718-528-6010 Pastor: Jeffry T. Dillon Service Times: Saturday Evening 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Daily Mass: M-F 8:00 am; Sat. 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: 8:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Bible Study: 3rd & 4th Sundays Confession: Sat. 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Email: Website: Church School: Adult: 9:00 a.m. Each Sunday Children & Youth: 10:00 a.m. First, Second & Third Sunday Morning Prayer Service: 9:00 a.m. Worship Service - 10:15 a.m Wednesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer Service - 7:00 p.m. Jazz Communion Vespers: 5:00 p.m. Each Third Saturday of the Month Christ Church International (CCI) Bishop Joseph N. Williams, Sr. Pastor 122-20 Merrill Street Jamaica, NY 11434 718-276-2799 Website: Sunday School – 8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship – 10:00 a.m.

Shepherd’s House Open Bible Church (SHOBC) 134-30 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11434 Sunday school - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship Experience -10 a.m. Wednesdays - Bible Study St. Pascal Babylon & Prayer 7:30 pm 112-43 198th Street Fridays - Deliverance Service 7:30 p.m. St. Albans, NY 11412 Mass Schedule: Brooks Memorial United Methodist Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Church Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. 143-22 109th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 Rev. John T. Simmons, Jr., Pastor Telephone: 718-658-8822 Lebanon Seventh-day Adventist

Have a blessed Easter Church 131-72 223rd Street Laurelton, NY 11413 718-525-4630 Website: Service Times: Saturday: Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturday: Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Saturday: Bible Study Class: 5:00 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting Power Hour: 12:00 Noon & 7:30 p.m. Youth Revive Service: 4th Weekend of the month: Friday 7:15 p.m. and Saturday 11:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The Rochdale Village Church Corner lists an array of houses of worship to attend. List your church! Email:

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - April 2018

March 2018

March 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center - April 2018

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March 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ Your Spirit

Showers of Grace and Favor from above

By Gloria Williams

By Alanda I. Wasserman Edwards There are showers of grace and favor From God up above that He gives daily To His children with kindness and love

I felt your spirit when you walked among us here on earth You were born and blessed by the Master who held you close at birth

It is not earned nor can it be bought It cannot be obtained by being taught

I felt your Spirit always rational kind compassionate and calm. You stood tall and proud with a warm welcome smile loving everyone

But it is a gift from God that shower of love Flows down full of His mercy that can turn a Frown to a smile

I felt your Spirit when your heart raced rapidly So be grateful in all that He has done with anticipation and delight I felt your Spirit when youthough you were alone For the battle is not yours It is His to be won! crying in the middle of the night I felt your Spirit you kep your eyes on the prize you sit high upon the throne today your Spirit will rise I felt your Spirit forever it will live on you will always (always) be remembered in conversation laughter poem and song You are unforgettable charming radiant and warm now you rest with the Master although you are gone your sweet sweet Spirit endures and lingers on Well done Beloved God loves you Welcome home I feel your Spirit right now... Peace

Our Editor

By Ed Miller

Your hopes are included in The poetry page An excellent gauge Where Ed›s poems have ever been.

Civil Rights Tribal By Anthony Blake Freedom from years try Through the fight there was an outcry Being determined and not being scare to go on It didn’t matter for how long Together in the fight we were strong One distinguished voice that echoed out It’s Dr. Martin Luther King shout I am talking about Throughout there was who says with a cannot It seemed other powers had a plot It was like a choking knot But through it all we the people continued to march on It was endure the hot sun, rain, cloudiness and anything else in between The struggles simply added more steam The Devils were quite mean Eyes were looking at the skies Freedom was going to be a big surprise Tell me more young people would often ask It was time that passed fast The months within the struggles seemed to last But Freedom was a mission determined to achieve Our victory became our honor and dignity in pride received However, history seems to be revolving once again It’s not a how nor when situation This is the time to be ready to speak out for the occasion Expressions to mount and the exercise of rights ignited.

Aaron Slaughter was the first editor For contributors he opened the door Personal themes Opinions it seems Narrations of WWII and Marine Corps. When the Poetry Corner began It was not anyone›s plan One author wrote three Others came to be It›s still growing after a 50 year span. Susan van Brackle›s job is superb Catching every noun, every verb The Bulletin›s success Perfection, no less From her post, let nothing her disturb.

Original artwork created in 1980 by Rochdale pioneer and Bulletin contributing poet, Mr. Ed Miller

March 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 13

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

March 2018

Your co-op is an investment worth protecting. Call me today for more information about the Allstate Co-Op policy.

Shanta R. Jaggernauth 718-264-7500

Insurance coverage subject to availability and qualifications and policy terms. Allstate Indemnity Co., Northbrook, IL Northbrook, IL. Š 2009 Allstate Insurance Co.


188-06 Jamaica Ave. Hollis, NY 11423

March 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 15

Board Chairman, Clifton Stanley Diaz, begins term on Community Board 12

By Susan Van Brackle


ochdale’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Clifton Stanley Diaz, has been accepted as a member of Queens’ Community Board 12. Community Board 12 is said to be the second largest Community Board in the borough of Queens and covers the neighborhoods of Jamaica, Hollis, St. Albans, Springfield Gardens, Baisley Park,

Rochdale Village and South Jamaica. Another Rochdale Village board member that has served on Community Board 12 for two terms now is Director Kamal Saleem. Mr. Saleem currently participates in both the board’s Transportation and Public Safety Committees. Mr. Diaz begins his first term on Community Board 12 as of April 1 and will be officially sworn in on Thursday, April 26.

(l. to r.) Chairman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Clifton Stanley Diaz; Welcome letter from Queens Borough President Melinda Katz

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

March 2018

Annual Women’s History Month dinner honors notable contributions of women

Photo credits: Larry L. Moore Hardworking Community Center Committee members featured here with Assemblywoman Vivian E. Cook (center) and board executives Clifton Stanley Diaz, Jean Castro, Talib Bey, Tim Mercer, Lisa Stark, Jean Hall, Maryam Hubbard and Joyce Williams (more photos on page 19).

By Susan Van Brackle


his year’s Women’s History Month dinner hosted by the Rochdale Village Community Center Committee once again celebrated a cache of extraordinary women. The list of award winners read like a ‘Who’s-Who’ and recognized women in a variety of professions including the healthcare, civic, media and political arenas. Jean Castro, President of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors and Chairman of the Community Center Committee, greeted attendees

with a warm welcome while Board Director and Committee Co-Chair Ed Douglass, 4th Vice President Tim Mercer and Community Center Committee member Brother Bob delivered the ceremony’s introduction. Opening prayer was delivered by Reverend Dr. Philip Craig of the Greater Springfield Community Church. Before the main award ceremony, guests enjoyed cocktail hour in the red brick atrium of the Rochdale Village Community Center. Reverend A.R. Jamal of the Christian Cultural Church of Brooklyn, presided over the blessing of the feast.

Invited guest speakers included New York State Assemblywoman Vivian E. Cook (D.32) and Stephanie Charles, Director of Constituent Affairs who spoke on behalf of New York City Public Advocate Letitia James. Community Center Committee members like Clara Sheppeard, Debbie Brown, Margaret Cox, Mary Czwartachi, Ethel Gomez, Tina Young, Margaret Cummings, Camilla Williams, Dorothy Jackson, Joyce Williams, Mary Ingram, Marilyn Bell, Rose Hodgson, Judith Pierre-Charles, Eloise Haymore, Donna Marie-Warner

and Inez Lewis did a marvelous job as award presenters and organizing the affair. RV volunteers like Willard Price, Betty Hubbard and Betty Williams always bring their special brand of helpfulness that makes events like Women’s History Month all the more special. It’s the social season at Rochdale Village so there are more events to come. Please be sure to consult the Board of Directors’ Calendar for upcoming activities and follow the Rochdale Village Bulletin on Facebook to find out what’s up.

Just a few of the talented Women’s History Month awardees (left to right) District 28 Council Member Adrienne E. Adams, Rochdale Village Board Treasurer Barbara Staples, Reverend Dr. Maria Hubbard and AdvantageCare nurse Marcel Dawes.

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March 2018

Opening Day at Rochdale’s new Fitness Room

In March, over 300+ residents joined members of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors to cut the ribbon on the community’s new indoor fitness room.

Directors like Kamal Saleem (left), 2nd Vice President of the board Mario Turner and 3rd Vice President of the board Jean Hall put on their exercise gear and gave the equipment a test run.

Healthy treats like water, energy bars and yogurts were in great supply thanks to helpful Community Center volunteers. (left photo) President Jean Castro and Assistant Secretary Maryam Hubbard. (right photo) Board Secretary Joyce Williams.

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Women’s History Month@ ROCHDALE VILLAGE Photo credit: Larry L Moore

(Photos left to right) 113th Precinct brass with honoree Sergeant Widy D. Geritano with son,Chairman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Clifton Stanley Diaz , top row: Democratic District Leader Anthony D. Andrews, Jr., Reverend Dr. Philip Craig of the Greater Springfield Community Church, seated: Board of Directors’ Joe Evans, Assemblywoman Vivian E. Cook, Community Board 12 District Manager, Yvonne Riddick Par$cipants received Valen$ne’s Day gi5s at the Senior Ci$zen’s Commi<ee mee$ng.

(Photos left to right) Kevin Dilworth, Executive Vice President of the Rochdale Village Social Services Board, Rochdale Village pioneer Herb Plever and family accept posthumous Women’s History Award on behalf of Herb’s late wife, Sylvia Plever, Administrative Assistant/Recreation Coordinator for Rochdale Village Senior Center, Evelyn Wilson, and her lovely daughter.

(Photos left to right) Stephanie Charles, Director of Constituent Affairs (D.28 Queens) representing Public Advocate Letitia James’ office,Queens Borough Director for Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office Jessica Douglas with 1st Vice President of the Board of Directors, Talib Bey, performer from Women of Jazz ensemble, Board President Jean Castro with the board’s 3rd Vice President Jean Hall and Maryam Hubbard, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Directors.

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March 2018

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S E Q KW A Southeast Queens Kids Wrestling Association Fundraiser

Jazz & Wine Night Out Fundraiser Date: Saturday April 28, 2018 Rochdale Village Community Center Rm.10 Time: 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Fundraiser: Tickets $35 Invited Guests Assemblywoman Vivian Cook Congressman Gregory Meeks Senator James Sanders Councilwoman Adreienne Adams District Leader Toney Andrews Sponsors Rochdale Village Youth Planning Committee Rochdale Village House Congress

Tickets available at Nu-Nu Car Service Mall 2

Come Out and Support Our Youth

WE ARE ADDING STORAGE UNITS AT ROCHDALE! CALL US TODAY TO BE PLACED ON THE WAITING LIST. Bargold Storage fully enclosed solid steel storage units are currently sold out. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please contact us at 718-247-7000, option #2. The storage units will be allocated as they become available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Call (718) 247-7000, OPTION #2

March 2018

March 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - February 26, 2018



WHEREAS, the Youth Planning Committee (YPC) in conjunction with the Community Center plan to host a family wellness seriesin April led by Urban Yogi Foun

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Nine for, Six absent; motion passes. R11-18:

dation; WHEREAS, the series will consist of promoting men tal and physical wellness through meditation and yoga followed by conversations to support the technique as a means to improve the quality of family and community; WHEREAS, the Family Wellness Series with the Ur ban Yogi Foundation will take place two Friday evenings from 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. and two Saturday after noons from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. during the month of April 2018 and they will also conduct two-one hour sessions with the After School Program in April; and WHEREAS, the Family Wellness Series will have a total cost of $1,000 to be funded through the Youth Planning Committee budget. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves the Family Wellness Series to be led by the Urban Yogi Foundation for a to

WHEREAS, new Local Law 11 Cycle 7 regulations changed throughout the City to include balcony railings; WHEREAS, Management required balcony enclosures throughout Rochdale to be removed in order to comply with Local Law; WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. has balcony enclosures made of wood, glass or screen that were built under the prior 1976 New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) guidelines and the architect Robert Stahl prepared specifications for building screen enclosures that were deemed safe and acceptable by the DOB; WHEREAS, there are thirty-three (33) Cooperators that built screen enclosures based on specifications provided by our architect; WHEREAS, recently the Department of Buildings

tal cost of $1,000. Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Mario Turner

released rules and regulations for balcony enclosures of all types, with screen enclosures requiring filing and permits if they are on the fourth floor or above;

FOR Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbbard

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams

Edward Douglass

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. will pay the cost of the filing and permit fees for the thirty-three (33) Cooperators in addition to a filing per building to benefit all Cooperators who

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March 2018

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - February 26, 2018

in the amount of $115,000;

seek a safe enclosure; and WHEREAS, Robert Stahl provided a proposal to pre-

WHEREAS, the lowest bidding company,

pare and file all of the necessary paperwork to legal

AVA Group, LLC provided a bid in the amount of

ize these enclosures under the most recent Department of

$56,000 which appeared out of synch with other

Building guidelines, at a cost of $48,450.

bids and which mentioned extras in their proposal,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Rochdale Village Board of Directors accept the proposal from Robert Stahl to pay the cost of the filing and permit fees to legalize

leaving suspicion to the possibility of Change Orders, and WHEREAS, all documents were sent to

the balcony enclosures for the effected thirty-three

the New York State Homes & Community Renewal

cooperators in seventeen of the twenty buildings

resulting in months of inertia, management

of Rochdale Village, at a cost of $48,450, including a

revisited the proposal from AVA Group, LLC,

filling per building which can be used by others and au-

interviewed the Contractor, explained there will

thorizes $8,550 for the remaining three buildings if

be no change orders and recommended they provide a


revised proposal removing the word “extras�, and WHEREAS, AVA Group, LLC has agreed to

Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Lisa Stark

the terms set forth by management and has provided


a revised proposal to undertake the LED Lighting Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbbard

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams AGAINST Timothy Mercer ABSENT

Installation project according to Scope, with no extras or Change Orders in the total amount of $56,000. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors agree to

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

void out their acceptance of proposal from

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Elmhurst Electrical Corp. in the amount of

Barbara Staples Nine for, one against, five absent; motion passes. R12-18: WHEREAS, bids were provided for the LED Lighting installation project and ratified via Resolution R47-17 on September 25, 2017, approving the second lowest bidder, Elmhurst Electric Corp.

$115,000 and accept proposal from AVA Group, LLC, at a total cost of $56,000 to complete Phase 2 of the LED Lighting Installation project. Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Talib Bay.

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - February 26, 2018

FOR Clifton Stanley Diaz

Homes & Community Renewal approval.

Lisa Stark

Seconded by: Joyce Williams

AGAINST Talib Bey Timothy Mercer Derrick Shareef

Moved by: Lisa Stark

Jean Hall

Kamal Saleem

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams ABSTAIN Maryam Hubbard ABSENT Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Barbara Staples Two for, seven against, five absent; motion fails.

R13-18: WHEREAS, the present proposal for plumbing and

FOR Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbbard

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams ABSENT

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Barbara Staples Ten for, five absent; motion passes. R14-18: WHEREAS, Dong Sik Jang d/b/a Mr. Fish Market (“Mr. Fish�) is a commercial store in the small mall that sells fish; WHEREAS, Mr. Fish is seeking to sell

mechanical services has expired. Request for Propos-

their business to Fish Farm, Inc. who will assume

als were sought from qualified licensed contractors

the remainder of the lease term and provide the

with a solid background in handling large scale

same service;

plumbing and mechanical needs throughout the Campus such as gas line and subterranean repairs, pipe fitting and other repairs beyond the capabilities of our in-house staff; WHEREAS, after an analysis of proposals pro

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. will be paid 5% of the final sale price; and WHEREAS, the terms of the leases are attached. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the sale of

vided,Noble Mechanical Corp., the incumbent, provid

Dong Sik Jang d/b/a Mr. Fish Market to Fish Farm,

ed the lowest responsible bid in terms of hourly

Inc. is approved by the Rochdale Village, Inc.

costs, for a period of two years. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts proposal from Noble Mechanical Corp. based upon their hourly charges, for a period of two years,subject to New York State

Board of Directors. Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Lisa Stark. FOR

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - February 26, 2018

Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village Inc.

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbbard

Board does not find the AVA Group LLC bid of

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

$56,000 to be a responsible bid,

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark


Mario Turner

Joyce Williams

Village Inc. Board adheres to its original


approval of Elmhurst Electric Corp. and directs

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

management to resubmit to HCR for approval.

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Moved by: Mario Turner

Barbara Staples

Seconded by: Timothy Mercer

Ten for, five absent; motion passes. R15-18: WHEREAS, bids were provided for the LED Lighting installation project and ratified via Resolution R47-17 on September 25, 2017, approving

FOR Talib Bey

Jean Hall

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams ABSTAIN

the second lowest bidder, Elmhurst Electric Corp. in the amount of $115,000; WHEREAS, the lowest bidding company,

Clifton Stanley Diaz Derrick Shareef ABSENT

AVA Group, LLC provided a bid in the amount of $56,000 which appeared out of synch with the other bids and which mentioned extras in their proposal, leaving suspicion to the possiblity of Change Orders, and WHEREAS, all documents were sent to the New York State Homes & Community Renewal

Maryam Hubbard

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Barbara Staples Seven for, three abstentions, five absent; motion passes.


resulting in months of inertia, management

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. has

revisited the proposal from AVA Group, LLC,

entered into an agreement with Hibachi Grill for

interviewed the Contractor, explained there will

12.000 square feet on the second floor of Mall 1;

be no change orders and recommended they provide a

WHEREAS, part of the lease includes

revised proposal removing the word “extras�, and

work that the landlord must do in preparation for

March 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - February 26, 2018

the Hibachi Grill to commence their build out; and WHEREAS, prices for the landlord’s work were sought out from Sigma Construction for the amount of $28,780 and Elmhurst Electrical for the amount of $23,000 for a grand total of $51,780. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves the land lord’s work for Hibachi Grill on the second floor of Mall 1 to be completed by Sigma Construction and Elmhurst Electrical, for a grand total of $51,780. Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Joyce Williams

WHEREAS, the majority of the additional work was due to unforeseen job site conditions such as demolishing and rebuilding unstable bathroom walls, grinding down of en try way floors for proper alignment, bathroom electrical work and adding concrete floors; and WHEREAS, the remainder of the additional work included providing drywall ceilings at entry soffit, new pendant lighting, electrical outlets in all columns and reconnecting light fixtures, which were not functioning. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts Change Order requests from Wall Contractor Corp. in the amount of $115,609, subject to approval of New York State Homes & Community

FOR Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Renewal. Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams



Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef ABSENT Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Barbara Staples Seven for, three abstentions, five absent; motion passes.

R17-18: WHEREAS, Wall Contractor Corp. is

Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams ABSTAIN Jean Hall

Kamal Saleem

Mario Turner ABSENT Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Barbara Staples Seven for, three abstentions, five absent; motion passes.

seeking Change Orders totaling $115,609 for additional work performed outside the original project scope, while renovating the large shopping center;

R18-18: The Environmental Conservation Committee is requesting a total of $500 to fund two events, one on March 10th and one on March 24th.

We will be showing the film Forks

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - February 26, 2018

and Knives on the 10th and the film Inconvenient Truth

Fall Shred Fest:


on the 24th.

Maintenance Appreciation Day:


Food for Committee Meetings:

$1,800.00 (6 months.)





Both events will be held in the Community

Center, Rooms 11, 12 and 13. Moved by: Kamal Saleem Seconded by: Timothy Mercer

The tentative dates for spring shred fest are Friday


Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbbard

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams


Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Barbara Staples

The tentative dates for fall shred fest are Friday September 14th and Saturday September 15th THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves the proposed Maintenance Committee Budget for FY 18/19. Moved by: Jean Hall Seconded by: Clifton Stanley Diaz

Ten for, five absent; motion passes.

R19-18: WHEREAS, committees are formed to assist the Board of Directors and shareholders of Rochdale Village, WHEREAS, the Maintenance Committee has proposed to host shredding events and maintenance recognition day. WHEREAS, to allow for effective budgeting the Maintenance Committee proposes the following budget: Spring Shred Fest:

April 13th and Saturday April 14th.



Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbbard

Timothy Mercer

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams ABSENT Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Jean Randolph-Castro

Kamal Saleem

Barbara Staples

Nine for, six absent; motion passes.

Slow Down!

Please observe pedestrians walking through crosswalks. Come to a full STOP in campus parking lots and at driveway stop signs. Thank you. Chief Pearson.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 29

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - February 26, 2018

Meeting began: 7:35 p.m.

Adolph Osback - Captain, Public Safety

Board Members: Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Talib Bey - 1st Vice President Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President Jean Hall - 3rd Vice President Tim Mercer - 4th Vice President Joyce Williams - Secretary Maryam Hubbard - Assistant Secretary Lisa Stark - Assistant Treasurer Kamal Saleem - Director Derrick Shareef - Director

Not Present Jean Randolph-Castro - President Barbara Staples - Treasurer Edward Douglass - Director Joe Evans - Director Gary Hawkins - Director Eugen Evans - House Congress Gil Francisco - Facility Manager The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session

Also present MSI Real Estate Herb Freedman - General Manager Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager Lance Williams - Assistant General Manager William Greenspan, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Corey Jones - Director of Maintenance

The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting. Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (10) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 10:05 p.m.

Budget & Finance Committee Minutes for January 25, 2018 Mr. Young described some of the automation projects Meeting: implemented and future projects planned for Rochdale Village, The Budget and Finance committee met on Inc.. The projects consist of a Lease Management system where January 25, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. all of our Commercial leases are now stored in software, which allows easy access to our lease information, conversion of our inAttendance: house payroll system to ADP, electronic uploading our Star credits The meeting was attended by Lisa Stark, to cooperatives, electronic transmission of our vendor invoices, Assistant Treasurer, William Young, scanning of invoices and developing speed screens for computer Controller and a group of Cooperators users at Rochdale. Lisa Stark attended the meeting. There was a question and answer session and where cooperators in attendance made a number of inquiries that Mr. Mr. Young provided an overview of the Company’s Profit Young or Miss Stark answered. There were a few questions that and Loss Statement for the eight months ended November 30, the information will be provided as follows: 2017. The overview included a focus on the positive results for the year. 1. Why are we removing floor tiles when a tenant leaves? The Budgeted Operating profit was $4,000,000 and the actual operating profit was $4,489,000, which was a $489,000 2. There was a request to provide the detail of ALL increase over the Budget!!!. Mr. Young stated that the Company expenses that are labeled as other expenses. was on track to meet the Budget of $5,000,000 for Fiscal 2018. In addition, Mr. Young noted that included in the results were 3. There was a request to provide the Budget for the A National Grid Rebate of $250,000, and increase in apartment Boilers in the Power Plant. income related to turnover of units, a decrease in most expense categories related to more fiscal oversight by Management and At this point, Lisa Stark adjourned the meeting and the Staff; offset, in part, by an increase in Maintenance and Operating meeting ended. expenses.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

March 2018

Senior Citizens’ Committee Minutes for Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Place: RV Community Rooms 11/12/13

Joyce Williams

Date: March 07, 2018 The meeting was called to order by the Senior Center Committee Chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams at 10:15 am. Prayers led by Evangelist Betty Jean Randolph-Castro Smith.

 The meeting started with presentations by Management, Senior Center and the NORC Office. Questions asked by the senior members were answered to satisfaction by the different offices.  Mr. Jay Williams spoke briefly of the renovation and new additions to the large and small malls. He explained the function of first floor space along with Hibachi Grill.

ties that are being offered here at Rochdale Village Inc., that they make use all the amenities being offered to them.  The opening of the new fitness center was also mentioned. The date for the ribbon cutting of the new fitness center was set for Saturday, March 10, 2018. All cooperators were welcomed to visit the new fitness center and to register.  Ms. Jean Randolph-Castro, Board President spoke briefly on behalf of the Board regarding the Board functions and the accomplishments. She thanked everyone for their continued support.  The senior committee chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams was surprised with a cake for her Birthday, and was serenaded with a song by a senior member. She received apple cider and special zucchini muffins made by Evangelist Betty Smith, which everyone enjoyed. With a grateful and humble heart, Ms. Joyce Williams expressed her thank you to everyone. She love you all to life. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

 Management also cleared some concerns regarding the terrace enclosures and the Post Office boxes located on the 1st floor of the buildings.

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 04, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.

 Ms. Joyce Williams asked if everyone would be interested in a trip to the Botanical gardens this spring. With a show of hands, it was not a good idea this year, and this will be discussed at a later date. Ms. Williams also stressed that the seniors take full advantage of all the wonderful enti-

Respectfully submitted, THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE Joyce William, Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro- Co-Chair

Community Relations’ Committee Minutes for Friday, March 16, 2018 Meeting opened @ 5:48 p.m., chaired by Maryam Hubbard. Agenda: • 1st Annual Autism Awareness Walk • 2nd Annual Spring Fling • Annual Health Fair - Rochdale Village Community Relations is pleased to Maryam Hubbard announce that the 1st Annual Autism Awareness walk will be taking place Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 10 a.m.. Setup for after walk reception will take place in the Red Brick Area of the Community Center on Friday, April 6, 2018. Registration will be held the morning of the walk at 9 a.m., for all those who wish to participate. Immediately following our 10 a.m.. walk there will be a reception for all walk participants. Walk route has been discussed and determined that we will start at the flag poles and walk to and through circle 5 and 4 then back to the Red Brick Area for a discussion about autism and refreshments. There is no rain date for this event so we’re praying for good weather.

POST THIS HANDY SPECIAL CUTOUT ON YOUR FRIDGE. For all maintenance requests and repairs, please note the following group numbers and contacts for your convenience. Call (718) 276-5610 and dial the following extension for your circle:

- Our 2nd Annual Spring Fling is quickly approaching and we are excited to announce the decision of holding it in our very own big mall from 9pm7pm. Tables will go on sale Thursday, March 29th and Friday, March 30th in the Community Center from 6pm-8pm. Tables will be sold on a first come first serve basis. One table per vendor and all vendors must be present to purchase their own table. The majority of tables being sold will be to Rochdale Cooperators. - Annual Health Fair will be held Saturday, June 23, 2018 in the Big Mall. This will be discussed more as we get closer to the event. The Board Secretary will be asked to send all old and new health vendors letters within the next couple of weeks. We strongly encourage every voice to be heard and acknowledged throughout our community. Community Relations meet temporarily every second Friday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Center. All Cooperators are encouraged and welcomed to be a part of this committee.

Group 1: ext. 402 and 403, ring bell #304 in Bldg. 2 Group 2: ext. 405 and 406, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 5 Group 3: ext. 410 and 411, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 10 Group 4: ext. 413 and 414, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 13 Group 5: ext. 417 and 418, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 17

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Community Center Committee Minutes for Thursday, March 15, 2018 Meeting attendees: Community Center Committee - Attendance Sheet forwarded Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018 Time: Called to order: 7:00 p.m. Adjourned: 8:00 p.m. Facilitator: Jean Randolph-Castro Ed Douglass Chairperson, Jean RandolphCastro Meeting was opened by Chairperson, Ms. Jean Randolph-Castro New Business: Women History Month Event Seventeen (17) people were in attendance The Committee discussed the final details for the Women History Month Event scheduled on March 17, 2018. ~ All remaining monies and tickets were turned in ~ The program for the event was discussed with minor changes to be made ~ Committee members were assigned tasks ~ Decoration of the Ballroom was in progress, members volunteered to

come in to assist ~ A Full Dinner will be served. ~ The program for the event is as follows: • Cocktail hour with h'ourderves will be at 5:00 P.M.- 6:00 P.M. • Socializing with music at 6:00 P. M. - 7: 30 P.M. • Dinner will be served from 7:30 P.M. - 8: 30 P.M. • Presentation, Women of Jazz Performance and Dance 8:30 P.M.-1:00 A.M. ~ Discussion about the next event: the 3 months (April, May & June) Birthday Extravaganza Celebration, scheduled for June 23, 2018 • Tickets will be $20.00 • Purchasing of table preferred, ten (10) individuals per table • Everyone is welcome, bring family and friends • Celebrity DJ Doctor Bob Lee of WBLS will be featured • Call the Board Office to reserve your table in advance Old Business: Next Meeting: Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 7 p.m. Jean Randolph-Castro, Chairperson Eddie Douglas, Co-Chair Tina Young, Secretary

Community Center Committee Minutes for Thursday, February 15, 2018

Jean Randolph-Castro

Ed Douglass

Meeting attendees: Community Center Committee - Attendance Sheet forwarded Date: Thursday, February 15, 2018 Time: Called to order: 7:00 p.m. Adjourned: 8:00 p.m. Facilitator:

Chairperson, Jean Randolph-Castro Meeting was opened by Chairperson, Ms. Jean Randolph-Castro New Business: Women History Month Event The Committee decided on the following for the Women History Month Event scheduled on March 17,2018. ~ Sixteen (16) people were in attendance ~ A City Council Member will be honored, as well as many other women who made history in the Rochdale Village Community ~ Tickets are now available, and were distributed to the Committee Members ~ Tickets are limited, tickets can be purchase from Committee Members and the Board Office ~ Attire for the Committee Members is Black & White, with a white

bouquet ~ Committee Members were assigned tasks ~ Setup will be sold ~ A Full Dinner will be served. Because it is Women History Month, it was decided the men will serve for the Cocktail hour, honoring the women • Cocktail hour with H'ourderves will be at 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. • Socializing with music at 6:00 P. M. - 7: 30 P.M. • Dinner will be served from 7:30 P.M. - 8: 30 P.M. • Presentation, Women of Jazz Performance and Dance 8:30 P.M. -12:00 A.M. ~ It was discussed, the Community Center Committee and the Board of Directors will host an event to honoring exclusively all key holders for their volunteering service and hard work. A date is to be determined for this event. ~ Two new people were welcomed and added as members to the Committee Old Business Next Meeting: Thursday, March 15,2018 at 7 p.m. Jean Randolph-Castro, Chairperson Eddie Douglas, Co-Chair Tina Young, Secretary

If You See Something, Say Something. Alert Public Safety at (718) 276-2400 or by Text at (347) 455-9373.

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Maintenance Committee

March 2018

Minutes for Thursday, March 8, 2018

The meeting opened at 7:01 P.M.; a total of thirtythree (33) members signed in. Also present, was Chairperson Jean Hall (JH), Co-Chair Joe Evans (JE), and Maintenance Director Corey Jones (CJ). Update on pending Action Items:  No update or current issue regarding building 8, Section B, F line water.  Cooperators continue to experience inconsistency with the hot water throughout the development. CJ indicated that this appears to be a power plant issue. Maintenance is responsible for the control distribution of the hot water. However, the power plant controls the temperature. He further explained that the heat exchangers in the pump rooms (which are in every building) require an upgrade. If action is taken to address this issue the inconsistency of the hot water should be resolved.  Mr. Geiger stated that he has been invited to tour the power plant with board member Mario Turner (MT). MT was present and we look forward to Mr. Geiger’s report once he tours the power plant.  There was a go back about the hot water: CJ also stated that cooperators who have unauthorized appliances such as “washing machines” also impact the hot water.  JH must still conduct a walk-thru of one of the buildings with management.  Rules regarding the storage rooms must be provided to cooperators, keyholders in each building for the free storage room should be posted in all buildings  Need to identify the budget line for Bargold income.  Need to have the procedures regarding “farb keys” posted in the bulletin.  The free storage is located in the back section of each building next to the compactor room. Jean Hall

Management Walk-thru: CJ advised the committee that last week he along with management conducted a walk-thru of all 20 buildings during the weekend. He indicated he was able to have a comprehensive view of what is going on in each building. Chair JH asked if a report would be prepared? CJ replied yes. (ACTION ITEM) It was also stated that based on the walk-thru it is evident there is a lot of hanging out in the stairwells particularly with joint smoking. CJ stated he has an excellent relationship with public safety and they will continue to work together to address these issues. Price List: Chair JH brought up the issue about the price list. CJ indicated that the prices fluctuate how-

ever, Chair JH feels the list should be published in the Bulletin on a quarterly basis. It was recommended that a new price list should be sent out with the annual income survey. Membership approved of this recommendation and JH will submit to the board for their review and vote. Budget: Chair JH advised that the board has approved the maintenance budget as follows: • Spring Shred Fest $1100.00 • Fall Shred Fest $1100.00 • Maintenance Appreciation Day $3500.00 • Food for Committee meetings $1800.00 (six months) • T-Shirts $1200.00 Total $8,700.00 Shred Fest: The spring shed fest will be held on Friday, April 13, 2018 in the big mall parking lot, from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. and on Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M.. Chair JH asked for volunteers to assist on both days. Committee members signed up at the end of the meeting. New Kitchen Cabinets: Some cooperators expressed concerns about the quality of the new kitchen cabinets. Chair JH, still expressed her concern over cooperators bearing the expense for the new cabinets. JH stated, she feels this cost should be included as a capital improvement and the corporation bear the expense. JH stated it is up to cooperators/ shareholders to be more proactive in voicing their concerns and wishes with the elected board of directors. New Idea – Diamond Honing: Board Member, Mario Turner brought to the maintenance committee a new idea for maintaining our lobby floors called “diamond honing.” MT explained that this procedure while expense up front is well worth the investment as the appearance of the floors will be greatly improved and the upkeep of the floor is more efficient. CJ indicated he is familiar with the process and agreed that a demonstration of this procedure would be good. JH and committee welcomed the idea and look forward to an upcoming demonstration. JH asked for those interested to sign up at the end of the meeting. (ACTION ITEM) Issues/Concerns: Building 20, cooperator observed an individual in the crawl space putting in a camera. She stated she works for private network cable. The person told the cooperator that these cameras are for security and are under the control of private network cable. In addition, she was advised that if cooperators want to see the lobby there will be a fee. (Clarification Required)

In building 17, a cooperator reported that in her unit the tub was filled with a black substance. (8th floor – MH) A report that in the lobby of building 17 there is a smell; CJ reported that there was a sewer main stack rack in section B – that is the source of the problem. The required snake was done and everything has been resolved. There was an inquiry requiring the proposed new laundry doors which will now require the use of a keri key. Cooperator, Shawn C. reported that he has been told that a child has to be 14 years old in order for a keri key to be issued. So, if you have younger children that you have shown how to use the laundry how will that work? In addition, has the request for weekend hours to be extended been addressed? Cooperators are requesting weekend hours to 12PM. (Questions to be referred to the Board) A cooperator in building 16, stated she was told that she would have to pay $80.00 for a washer part. (ACTION ITEM – Corey Jones) GO BACK COMMENTS on laundry room extended hours – what about the cooperators that live above the laundry room – the noise? Recurring issue regarding exit doors on floors not closing properly. The specific floor was 20A – 7th floor. (ACTION ITEM) Compliant about Group Manager, Mr. George – cooperator stated that the place where the building stores its’ Christmas decorations a pipe broke and all of the Christmas decorations were destroyed. Now there is mold inside of the room, this is building 9. Also impacted were the tables and chairs. How will we be reimbursed? (ACTION ITEM – Corey Jones) Cooperators complained that in the lobbies of building 9, 17, and 4 there is a leak every year. So, what is going to be done, when will these leaks be addressed? (ACTION ITEM – Board and/or Corey Jones) Cooperator raised another concern about Group Manager, Mr. George – cooperator stated that they complained to group manager that the convector in their unit was not providing heat. The cooperator alleges that Mr. George took the motor out and came back with the same motor and told the cooperator in order for the unit to work, the cooperator would have to place he convector on high. Cooperator alleges this happened on March 5, 2018. (ACTION ITEM – Corey Jones) No further business requiring discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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SHRED fest event FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2018


Friday: From 10 A.M.—1 P.M. Parking Lot at Guy R. Brewer & Baisley Boulevards

Saturday: From 9 A.M.—1 P.M. Public Safety Gate near the Community Center


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

March 2018


Rochdale Village Peace officer Darnell Thomas: Sunset: January 28, 2018


arnell Thomas was born on September 8, 1955 in Henderson, North Carolina to the late John Patrick Thomas Sr. and Viola BurchetteThomas. Darnell moved with his family and siblings at an early age to Brooklyn, New York where he was baptized under the leadership of the late Rev. Thomas Harrison, Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. On January 28, 2018, our Lord God extended his mighty hands and gently took our beacon of light into his heavenly kingdom, where it would never be extinguished, preceding him in death his sister Doris Quinitch-

ette and brother Eddie James Thomas, Sr. Darnell received his education from New York City public school system and later continued his studies at Pace University on a basketball scholarship. Afterwards, Darnell enlisted into the United States Army. Darnell was employed by the NYC Sanitation Department. While pursuing his career as a Peace Officer of Rochdale Village, Darnell joined in holy matrimony with Jacqueline Green on September 18, 2010 with the blessings of Rev. John H. Marshall, Pastor of New Life Baptist Church. Darnell affectionately, referred to as “Uncle D” and “DT”

enjoyed bike riding, basketball and spending time with family and friends. Darnell leaves to cherish his memories his loving wife Jacqueline, four sisters Gladystine Venable, Brooklyn NY; Earnestine Hockaday, Lawrenceville, GA, Gloria Thomas, Stockbridge, GA, Pernice Dennis, Queens, NY and three brothers John P. Thomas, Jr., Stockbridge, GA; Wayne Thomas (Sandra), Stone Mountain, GA and Steven Thomas, Stockbridge, GA three sister in laws, Sandra Thomas, Stone Mountain, GA; Tina Thomas, Queens, NY and Barbara Allen (Bernard), St. Paul, MN along with a host of nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Edna Constance Payne-Hoover: Sunset: January 27, 2018


dna Constance Payne-Hoover was born in Brooklyn, NY on July 16, 1951. She was one of five children and the only girl born to Johnnie May Williams-Morton. The daughter of a preacher, Edna accepted Christ and began serving the Lord at an early age. She was raised in Southern Baptist Church in East Elmhurst, NY which started in the basement of her home, where her father Reverend Rivers Kirkland was the founder and pastor. Very active in the church, Edna sang in multiple choirs and served on the usher board. In later years, she found a new church home at New Jerusalem Worship Center in Jamaica, New York under the leadership of Pastor Calvin Rice. As a member of New Jerusalem Worship Center, she continued her service to the Lord as a member of several ministries and even brought her granddaughter Tiana along to follow in her footsteps. Continuing to service her community and those around her was a very important part of Edna’s life. She received numerous awards and recognition over the years for her work with the United Negro College Fund (even appearing on Lou Rawls Parade of Stars), the New

York State Queens Supreme Court as an Arbitrator, and even received an award for being an “Outstanding Young Woman of America” in 1985. Unbeknownst to some, Edna was even a Barbizon Model. Edna received her degree from St. John’s University all the while being a member of The Golden Key National Honor Society and later went on to work there for over 20 years. During her time at St. John’s University, Edna was a counselor, advocate, mentor, and friend to the students and left her mark on the University and everyone she touched there. In 1972, Edna married the late Henry James Payne. Jr. and from that union, two beautiful daughters were born, Tiffany Giselle and Jamilah Diane. She later met and married Andrei Darryl Hoover. Edna’s favorite pastime ... Talking! She was a people person and a person for the people. She said “Hi” to everyone she passed, neighbor or stranger and called everyone her friend because she made friends wherever she went. As a resident of Rochdale Village for over 40 years, Edna was very well known in the community. A ten minute trip to the

store could easily turn into a two hour outing because she would stop and talk to everyone along the way. Edna lived by the “Golden Rule”, Do unto Others as You Would Have Others Do unto You. She was friendly and respectful to everyone, always had kind and encouraging words to say, and always had an opinion whether you asked for it or not. On January 27, 2018, God called his angel home after a long courageous battle with cancer. Always believing in the Power of Prayer, Edna’s faith never wavered once throughout her illness. Her presence, strong spiritual beliefs, and love for everyone she came into contact with will live on forever in the hearts and memories of others. The essence of Edna will live on through her loving family whom she cherished dearly. Her daughters Tiffany Giselle and Jamilah Diane, granddaughter and love of her life Tiana Maye, her husband Andrei Darryl Hoover, stepdaughter Eboni Hoover, brothers John Williams (Sonia)and Yusuf Abdul Wali (Renee). Nephews Robert Jr., Hassan, Neequae, Hakeem, and Jaeson. Nieces Melanie, Makeeda, Friya, and Amber. Goddaughter Jade Belgrave,

Godson Victor Jackson, and a host of other relatives and devoted friends. She was preceded in death by her parents Johnnie May Williams-Morton, Reverend Rivers Kirkland, and Hassie Kirkland, brothers Robert Ingram Sr. and Percy Williams. Edna ... A mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend was loved, cherished and adored and will be deeply missed.

March 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar April 2018

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center





Susan Palmer -Van Brackle


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • ROCHDALEBULLETIN@GMAIL.COM The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

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March 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Community Relations Committee Presents

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Annual Community

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Gift & Crafts; Clothing; Footwear; Jewelry; Books; Household items and so much more...! (There will be NO tables sold for food items) Registration is on a first come first serve basis.

Tables are 6ft and will be sold at $50 each. MONEY ORDERS ONLY made payable to Rochdale Village Inc.

Registration will take place at Rochdale Village on the following dates:

Thursday, March 29, 2018 in Room 17 Friday, March 30, 2018 in Room 17 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. on both days

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