Recording Engineering & Mixing : Adam Goldsmith & Melissa Dee Produced by : Adam Goldsmith for World of Sound |worldofsound.uk.com
Recorded at : Hallé at St Michael’s Manchester Mike Lovatt Photography : Mikaela Morgan | mikaelamorgan.co.uk
This album is dedicated to the memory of my dear brother Dave. He was and continues to be an inspiring musical influence in my life.
Recording Session Videography & Photography : Hollie Harmsworth | Graham Cooper | followfilms.co.uk Recording Studio & Guest Artists Photography : Ann Lovatt Scotland Photography : Jason Tyldsley Editorial : Sarah Lowther | copytaster.co.uk Graphic Design : Derek Lawton | rocketcreative.co.uk © 2018. All Rights Reserved. CD Catalogue No : WOS 139
PAUL FISHER | MICHAEL FOWLES | Colin Skinner With Special Guests
Philip Cobb | Danny Marsden | Gareth Small | Jeremy Brown | Graham Harvey | Matt Skelton