God's Time Mag - September 2013

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Every human being has a purpose or a reason to succeed in life but the true purpose of our entrance to this planet is embedded in the word of God. There is a dual purpose of God concerning mankind; that is to serve (worship) God and for man’s sanctification (Ephesians 1:3-14). Man ought4to serve God on the basisMagazine of love. But how can we | God’s Time - Vol. 1 serve Issue 2 God in our sinful nature?, hence the need of sanctification for us to fulfill God’s idea and will of a blameless and spotless people. When this

is done, all other things like the reason to succeed in life will be added unto it (Matthew 6:33). Seeking the Kingdom of God means; there is God, who is the King and He has a domain. In ones search for the King there will be difficulties, ups and downs, but it is only love that can take one through this search. There is no promise that the journey will be easy, but one will surely get there. Do you love God enough to persevere through that search? Only God can determine your answer. Be blessed.

A new voice for the Christian Community has emerged. God’s Time Magazine is your source for showcasing the work of God and a mouth piece for the brethren who are committed to serve in the vineyard of the Lord. We are committed to providing you with accurate, authentic news and information you will find worthy in your life. It is our mission to ensure that we blend in professionalism in our communication and infuse in our stories issues that are entertaining and refreshing to your institution and your family. We are grateful to the Almighty God and some lovely people out there who has made it possible for this ambition to come to reality. We are also indebted to the entire community by way of gratitude for your support in making this dream a success with your continues patronage . It is our prayer that God’s Time Magazine reaches your homes, office and bring good tidings of peace, love and joy to make your day. Your constructive criticisms will never be ignored but would help us shape our work to better serve you

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Administration God Almighty....................................... President/CEO Prince Osei Bonsu ................................ Editor-In-Chief/Publisher Glamour Media Corp ........................... Design/Publisher Senior Editors Prof. Fred Dwamena Ashong, Danso Abebrese, Samuel Kissiedu Editors Rev. Kwame Nti, Isaac Aggery, Emma Addo Editorial Advisor: Mr. Ofori Annor Special Advisers Rev. Eric Clark, Apostle Joshua Apem Boateng Spiritual Advisers Rev. Yaw Nkansah, Rev. Alexander Adu Gyamfi, Archbishop Joseph Alexander Columnists Apostle Edwin Otabil, Rev. Isaac Appiah, Seth Tony Osei Bonsu Photo Journalists: Oghene Adu Darko Graphic Designer/Layout design: Gabriel Odame Legal Advisers: Kofi Amankwah, Eric Darko, George Kuntu-Blankson, Jordan Addo

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Thief Found Asleep In Pastor’s Kitchen!


astor Daniel Asemtey of Believers Church in Medina a suburb of Accra and his family woke up one morning to find Kofi Adusei, asleep in their kitchen, with a pair of scissors and a kitchen knife in his hands. Inspector Sophia Adamuwaah who presented the facts of the case to the court, presided over by Mr. Ernest Adjanor in Medina - Accra, said Pastor Asemtey is a resident of Madina, whiles Adusei, a car washing bay attendant is a resident of Korle-Bu, also in Accra. She said about 5:30 a.m., last Friday when Pastor Asemtey was preparing to go to church when he heard his son screaming in the kitchen. He rushed to the scene only to find a stranger holding a scissors and a knife he took from his kitchen. With the knife in his hand, the prosecutor said, Adusei threatened to stab anyone who came closer to him.

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According to the prosecutor, with help from his neighbors, the pastor was able to arrest Adusei and handed him over to the Madina Police. During interrogation, Adusei told the police that he got drunk, could not find his way home and mistakenly entered Pastor Asemtey’s house. He told the court later that he wanted to use the kitchen knife and the pair of scissors to steal from the pastor’s house but, to his surprise, fell asleep and woke up the following morning. Adusei was sentenced to two weeks in jail based on the statement he gave and will re-appear before the court later . By Enoch Nii Aryee Quaye - Daily Graphic.

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A Bride Fainted On Her Wedding Day! On a wedding day, Pastor Emmanuel Arthur of the True Church of the Lord in Bronx a suburb of New York asked the usual question: ”Anyone who feels the couple should not be joined in holy matrimony should speak now or forever remain silent.”

hand from the back. On seeing him, the bride fainted and when she was revived, the Pastor asked Mr Akpors why he raised his hand.

Mr Akpors replied: ”I just want to tell you that we could Mr Daniel Akpors, aka Sir Dan who is a staunch mem- not hear you well from the back, so please kindly speak ber member of the church at the same time raised his a bit louder ”


A 54-year-old woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God she asked “Is my time up?” God said, “No, you have another 43 years, 2 months and 8 days to live.” Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a face-lift, liposuction, breast implants and a tummy tuck. She even

had someone come in and change her hair color and brighten her teeth! Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she might as well make the most of it. After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was killed by an ambulance. Arriving in front of God, she demanded, “I thought you said I had another 43 years? Why didn’t you pull me from out of the path of the ambulance?” God replied, “I didn’t recognize you”.

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Pastor, Fetish Priest Fined…For Fighting In Public. A pastor and a traditional priest who fought in public over juju money at Adansi Anwiaso in the Adansi North District in the Ashanti Region have been fined GH¢50 each by the traditional authorities.

Part of the fine is to be used to buy drinks to appease the gods of the land for the disrespect and the curse the two had brought to the area. The two persons, Nana Boafo Mosi of the Boafo Mosi Shrine at Adansi Anwiaso and Rev. Dr. Bright Nana Okai Ababio of the Life Chapel International Ministry at Kyekyewere, near Obuasi, were summoned to appear before the chief ’s court last Tuesday for the offence of fighting in public, in contravention of traditional laws. When the two appeared before Council at the chief ’s court, presided over by the Anwiasohene, Nana Kwantwi Sarfo II, they admitted their guilt and consequently paid the fine. Each of them was asked to explain the circumstances leading to the fracas, but Rev. Ababio refused to give details. Although the pastor denied the allegation leveled against him by the fetish priest that he [pastor] owed him GH¢1,050 in respect of the juju he prepared for the pastor

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to grow his church, he refused to give further details. According to Rev. Ababio, he had lodged a complaint with the police against Nana Mosi and as a result he could not give further details of the case. The traditional priest told the chiefs that Rev. Ababio had contacted him for spiritual intervention to enable him to develop his church, which at that time had only nine members. Nana Mosi said he charged the pastor GH¢1,200 for the juju but the pastor paid GH¢150 and promised to pay the remaining amount on an agreed date. The fetish priest said he did everything for the pastor and within two weeks the pastor himself called to inform him that the membership of the church had grown beyond his imagination. Having fulfilled his part of the contract, Nana Mosi said he demanded the remaining amount from the pastor, but the pastor refused to honour the promise to pay the amount. The fetish priest said he had no option but to confront the pastor on his adopted church premises at Adansi Anwiaso last Friday to demand his money.

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Fetish Priest Accepts Christ


29-year-old man, who used to be a fetish priest, has started preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Obuasi in the Ashanti Region.

Emmanuel Asikwa now shares the word of God with close friends and some residents of Apitikooko, where he practiced as a fetish priest for 15 years with 850 gods. Emmanuel Asikwa, who sometimes struggles to recite the Lord’s Prayer, was previously called Nana Sabantoa. Very Rev. Fr. John Dwoden Adu Osei, a Catholic Priest at Obuasi and Rev. Owusu Agyemang of Heaven City Chapel helped Emmanuel to accept Christ. They burnt 850 gods of the fetish priest, which includ

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ed 560 gods from his family and 290 gods collected from Benin and Nigeria. Until recently, Emmanuel Asikwa dressed like many traditional priests in Ghana. He told DAILY GUIDE that “for me, obviously it’s a dramatic change, but it’s a change I’m happy with because now I don’t have to prove myself to anybody out there. “At the age of 14, I took interest in the religion and I was abducted by a dwarf to an unknown place. “But recently I realized that I was on a perverted path to hell which I feared,” he explained. “I was a rebel previously but my life has been transformed by Christ whom I have accepted as my God and Savior.”

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Compassion, love in action Compassion is derived from the word, which means to suffer with. It is an emotion promoted by the pain of your lover. You put yourself in your lover’s shoes. It therefore gives you the active desire to alleviate the pains of your lover. Importance of compassion motivates you to appreciate the vulnerability of your lover. It makes you accept your partner with his or her negative set of experiences, temperaments and values. You want to help your lover achieve what is best for him or her. It makes your partner feel great. Studies how for example, that one loving word or phrase when your lover is hurt can lower his or her risk of heart disease. On the other hand lack of compassion is a heart-killer disease. Most relationships die slowly for lack of compassion. Compassion therefore contributes far more happiness in relationships than in passion love. Consider a young wife who was diagnosed with cancer of the breast. She went through a painful decision to have surgery because a woman without a breast is like a man without his manhood. The mental, emotional and physical pain continued after surgery but the husband completely ignored her. He wouldn’t even share a bed with her or touch her in any way. He claimed he loved his wife but she needed him most, he let her down because he has passionate love but no compassion. Compare this with a prominent lawyer whose husband developed kidney problems. She immediately stopped her lucrative practice to give all her attention to her husband. She travelled all over with him and eventually donated her kidney to save her husband. This is compassion. Showing compassion begins with appreciation of 20 | God’s Time Magazine - Vol. 1 Issue 2

your own weakness as any weakness you see can happen to you. If you do not have the weaknesses of your partner it is not by your effort but by God’s grace. Also appreciate that the main reason of a relation is companionship and support. This attitude makes it easy to help heal the pain or your lover.

Let go ego. Stop thinking so much about yourself. Resolve to listen instead of lashing out. do things for your lover without being asked to so that you reduce the burden on him or her. Focus on the good side of your lover and appreciate everything your lover does even when you see it as little or expected. Speak your lover’s love language. Appreciate the pain of your lover even when you see it is his or her fault. Work through your issue through effective communication. Show love and care. When everyone is leaving the door of your lover be the one who enters. Stand by your lover through thick and thin. Compassion, love in action Compassion is about understanding and comforting. You need it to form an emotional bond. If compassion decreases selfishness increases and makes simple problems bigger. Whatever you fight about is a reflection of compassion you do not show. On the other hand, compassion of a lover who knows your faults and accepts you for who you are is the best thing you can have in your life. If you look at each other with compassion you find there is more to build and share. The best way to grow your relationship is not to manipulate change in your lover but to focus on compassion by validation, understanding and loving connection. If you think you love your partner, live it with compassion because it is love in action.

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General Apostle Edwin K Otabil.

od has a “custom-made word” for whosoever has ears to hear at this hour….”Prepare to be amazed by the new harvest of leading people to their wealthy place so they can lay hold of their Kingdom Inheritance!” God has given me the charge to blow the trumpet and announce to the nation that the NEW HARVEST is here to take over the nation, and lead many to their wealthy place in Christ so they can lay hold of their Kingdom Inheritance and become masters of every human situation. Now is the time to get into the word of God which is able to build us up and give us our inheritance through the sacrifice of Jesus. ( Acts 20: 32 ). We must reject man-made tales that come out of the mouth of some so-called Prophets which undermine the faith of many and confuse them. We must return to the pure milk of the scriptures which make us grow to possess our Kingdom Inheritance.( 1 Peter 2: 1-2). According to Galatians 4:1-7, if the heir remains a child he will not be different from a slave. We must no longer remain as children and live as slaves in the Kingdom of God, which is the unfortunate state of many of God’s children today. The solution is to aim for the word of God and not for strange stories coming the mouth of some ministers today. The NEW HARVEST is a fresh, new thing that God is bringing to His church for such a time as this to elevate the church to the top for all the people to flow into it. The fulfillment of Isaiah 2: 1-3 is upon us and God is watching over His word to perform it for His Glory in Christ. The Holy Spirit has led us word upon word, revelation upon revelation on this JOURNEY to the NEW HARVEST. And now we are right in the midst of the New Harvest of leading multitudes from their present place in Life to their wealthy place in Christ so they can possess the Kingdom Inheritance that will make poor rich and the week strong! Where ever you are in Life, God is thinking about you to 24 | God’s Time Magazine - Vol. 1 Issue 2

bring you to your wealthy place in Christ. If you receive Jesus as Savior from sin and Lord of the New Harvest you will experience the oracles and miracles of the New Harvest that will change the course of your Life. Prepare to be amazed by the New Harvest that will wipe out your past failures and lack and bring abundance to light in your Life through Jesus Christ.( John 10:10). What makes the NEW HARVEST a unique spiritual experience is the fact that it is coming from the throne of Mercy and Grace where the Blood of Jesus speaks on our behalf. We have received a call from God to reap a harvest which is the product of God’s Mercy and Grace. If we are willing and obedient we shall eat the good of this harvest.( Isaiah 1 : 19-20). At this time we must open our heart to God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us every step of the way. We must not lead the Holy Spirit lest we lose our way. We must line up with God’s Word and follow the Holy Spirit and come into the New Harvest that God has planned for your Life. When you come into the New Harvest, every day will be a continuation of the new harvest in your life and your life will never be the same. Are you ready for God to flood your heart with the oracles and miracles of the New Harvest? I have waited a long time for this. God always has something special for those who wait on Him, no matter how long it takes. Our God is never in a hurry, we are. We must learn to be still and know that He is God. In His time He will do something beautiful that will surpass anything we have seen before.

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atan’s only focus is to hurt the cause of God. To do his infernal work, he has many weapons in his arsenal. He may at one time use greed, another time use anger or malice or false accusation, still another time use lust, evil desires, or the temptation to revenge. But of all his weapons, Pastor Joe Twum ( Maj Rtd)Senior none is sharper than the one Pastor Royalhouse Chapel called discouragement. If only he can get the saints of God to despair over their efforts, then his battle is already won.

Discouragement is one of the tools the devil used on the people of Israel immediately they got out of Egypt. Each time there was a challenge instead of encouraging themselves in the lord they became discouraged and began questioning their leader Moses. The discouragement of the Israelites is exhibited clearly in the book of Haggai 2:1-9 Why were the people of Israel feeling discouraged? Quite simply because they thought their efforts were insignificant. It was the exact date when, 430 years earlier, King Solomon had dedicated the first temple to God. I believe you heard about Solomon’s temple: its beauty, its glory, a true masterpiece of architecture that was the envy of the ancient world. I am sure the people of Israel would have been thinking about that first temple and looking around them as they stood there with their pots of paint and their hammers and chisels – and have felt very discouraged…they have thought that their efforts were utterly insignificant because there was no way they could rebuild to meet the first one also they had no resources such as gold for the finishing. Do you ever get discouraged? Do you ever find yourself disappointed in your work for the Lord? We all do! There are times when disappointment looms over us like an impossibly high, impassable mountain. If we are not careful, our disappointments can derail our lives and cause us to lose faith and focus. If we are not careful, our disappointments can even cause us to quit on the Lord. The reasons for our discouragement are many, and most of them revolve around a bad memory. Memory can be a blessing or a curse. Note that our mind is the battle field where the devil tries to win us to his side. The Jews were guilty of focus-

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ing on the negative, and forgetting all about the positive. For these Jews memory was a heavy burden that hindered their progress. The Things We Remember has a great effect on our lives, Haggai asked the question, “Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory?” Haggai prophesied in 520 BC. The Temple was destroyed in 586 BC. So it had been 66 years since Solomon’s Temple was destroyed. So certainly, there were some people among the Jews who had seen the first Temple, the one built by Solomon. They remembered its glory and its gold covered walls, its splendor, its size, and its breathtaking beauty. They recalled the glory days, when the Shekinah glory of God filled the temple and the house of God reverberated with his praises. The same people looked at the Temple they were building now, and it seemed to be an embarrassment to them. It seemed so small and so shabby compared to the wonderful Temple that was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. This scene is described in Ezra 3:9-13. (read) These people looked back, and they remembered the past. Remembering the past is not always a bad thing, but you chose to remember matters, all they could consider with how things used to be, and they had no interest in how things were now. When we hold so tenaciously to the past that we refuse to serve God in the present, then we are remembering the wrong things! The past is gone, The Past is not where you belong that is why you passed it. If it was good for you God would have made you stay there!!!! You see, they looked at the Temple built by Solomon and they remembered its grandeur and majesty. They looked at the Temple they were building and were discouraged by the differences. What they could not see was that God did not see a difference. I know you have a past, those that you are not proud to talk about, those with regrets, but the good thing is that God still loves you and your past would stop him from using you now, you past would not stop him from blessing you now!!! When we live in the past and downgrade the present, the inevitable result will be disappointment and discouragement. We will miss God’s promises and plans for today and for tomorrow. We will be so trapped in what we feel and believe, that we will forget that God has some big things planned for the future, If we are not careful, we might just fail to see that the greatest days of our lives, the greatest days of our church, the greatest days of our ministry, are the days in front of us, not the days behind us! Remember if you continue to dwell in the past, and refuse to appreciate God for today we will not see the blessings of tomorrow. Stop looking back, look ahead, look up to God don’t let the devil have his way for the rest of your live would be the best of your live!!!

Six-legged Baby Boy Fighting to Survive

present physical structure to the baby,” explains the National Institute of Child Health managing director, Mr George Simon The Institute is currently weighing all options for surgery and will hopefully be getting foreign aide from overseas experts. The baby’s father is asking for charitable donations, as he cannot afford the travel and health care that his son needs. “I can’t afford to visit Karachi and get treatment for my baby,” Mr. Francis Curzu, an X-ray technician, pleads. “I appeal to philanthropists and the government to come forward for the treatment.”

A six-legged baby boy was born last week in Bronx a subbed of New York and is now fighting for his life. The baby had a premature conjoined twin, which inadvertently caused him to have extra limbs.

According to the New York Daily News, this condition affects 1 in one million.

“One of the babies is not fully developed, giving the

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