RockMeAfrica Magazine Vol. 1 Issue 7

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R em o v e t he l og yo ur e ye s f i r

The recent remarks by Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, a former presidential aspirant of the NDC, the ruling party in Ghana, about the rift between ex-President Jerry John Rawlings and the incumbent president, Professor John Evans Atta-Mills, provide very good food for thought. What is more, they reverberate with biblical truths expounded by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself during His famous Sermon on the Mount. In case ex-President Rawlings had forgotten who he was, Dr. SpioGarbrah reminded him: African Union High Representative for Somalia. At the turn of Prof. AttaMills, Dr. Spio-Garbrah reminded him of his nickname – “Asomdweehene” – which means, “Prince of Peace,” a title ascribed to Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, President Mills got that tag because of his tendency to say, “Emi dze mepe asomdwee,” a statement in his native language that translates into, “As for me I want peace.” Living by his accolade Prof. AttaMills played a leading role in efforts to broker peace in La Cote


d’Ivoire during the crisis there occasioned by the intransigence of Laurent Gbagbo after losing his bid to retain the presidency. Having reminded the two gentlemen of whom they were really supposed to be, Dr. Spio-Garbrah made his point clear. And that is, given their stake in the sustenance of peace on the continent of Africa, they should not be seen to be at each other’s throat. We wish to pick it up from there and declare that in the supreme interest of Ghana in particular, and Africa in general, it is high time that the two gentlemen buried the hatchet. Thus far, it has not

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been possible to do that despite various efforts by many prominent Ghanaians to get the two peace brokers to smoke the peace pipe.

In our humble opinion we believe that the entrenched positions taken by the two men have exacerbated the problem. When ex-President Rawlings argues that, “I am for peace but when I speak, they are for war,” and President Atta-Mills retorts, “As for me I want peace,” that stance is too entrenched to give peace a chance. We are sorry to say this but that is the fact: The two leaders are behaving like the man in Jesus’

g f ro m rst! sermon who, though he had a log stuck in his eyes, either failed or refused to see it, and yet saw the tiny speck in his neighbor’s eye and offered to remove it for him. Ex-President Rawlings and President Atta-Mills, by accepting the AU’s appointment to broker peace in Somalia and by mediating in La Cote d’Ivoire respectively, while refusing to settle their own differences, are cutting the image of the man in the sermon. The greatest moral preacher, Jesus, calls that hypocrisy and that is what it is. We entreat the two Ghanaian leaders to remember that charity begins at home. They should quench the fire threatening their own backyard in order to have the moral high ground to be brokering peace all over the continent. They should learn to remove the log from their own eyes first, then, they can see well to identify the speck in other people’s eyes. Here is how: Ex-President Rawlings should accept that he is no longer the President; that there is only one president at a time; otherwise posterity would not judge him kindly. By grumbling about President Kufuor and doing the same thing against President AttaMills, he is creating the impression that he has not accepted his exit in good faith and that might be pissing the incumbent president off. President Atta-Mills, too, should emulate the original Prince of Peace. When he was persecuted all over the place by the very people whom He came to rescue from perishing, he forgave them and embraced them. He did not show them where power lies. That is the spirit. become a fan on facebook

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Inside RockMeAfrica July 2012




R e m ov e t he l og fro m your e y e s first: The bickery between

ex-president Rawlings and President Mills must stop! Why are they at each other’s throat?


Ghana Sum m e r Jam : Tiffany, Catro and the

Vision In Progress (VIP) entertain NYC.



W hat y ou sh o u l d know about d iab e t es: A medical condition in which the body is not able to process its energy source due to the lack of insulin...


Afric an Sol u t ion Net ork: Bringing

health education and evironmental awareness to the community.

Law & order


Big re l ief for th e u ndoc um e nt ed: Obama Administration Grants Unprecedented Relief to Undocumented Children



Afric an wom an b uil ds, fl ie s p la n es : Patricia Mawuli Nyekodzi became the first woman in Ghana to be awarded the country’s National Pilot’s License

Africa in perspective


Se ries of articles around t he A frican cont ine nt :



Afric a adds fl avor t o Euro 201 2 : Just as it takes both black and white keys of the piano to create musical harmony, the justended European Cup of Nations

dubbed: EURO 2012, was the better with a spice of the African

flavor and panache infused by the continent’s sons of color in the various teams.



De nom inat io n al W ars : : “If Christianity is true, why are there so many denominations?

Tech. update


Choos ing t he right Com put e r: Review of MacOS and Windows PCs


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July 2012

coVer Photo Š yurI grIPas / reuters

Ghanaian Super Star Tiffany Performs Live at Ghana Summer Jam

Rev. Adu Gyamfi ------------ Mentor Gabriel Odame -------------- Publisher Mr. Tony Prempeh ---------- Editor-In-Chief Weeks Mensah ---------------Public Relations Joyce O. Amoah ------------- Advertising Mgr. Ronny Boateng -------------- Public Relations Rev. C. Kafui Agbesi -------- Columnist Dr. Alex Osei-Bonsu -------- Columnist Dr. Dave Ray (Phd) --------- Columnist Mr. N Siriboe (Att.) ---------- Columnist Oghene Adu Darko --------- Photographer Kofi Ackumey ---------------- Contributing Writer


Our primary objective is to promote African culture and heritage and offer a platform to encourage relationships; foster goodwill and promote awareness of pressing African issues in the diaspora. We aim to educate and engage our readers to actively participate in the coalition to rebuild and restore the African image globally.

Advertisement Deadline is on the 20th of each month. (718) 219-1911 or (347) 271-9211 Email:


African Solutions Network Brings Health Screenings to the community

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Tiffany, Ghana’s female music sensation (right) and Castro one of the leading rappers in Ghana entertaining the audience at the Ghana Summer Jam held in New York City last month. The program coincided with the North American tour of Vision In Progress (VIP), a top hiplife performing group based in Ghana.


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RMA Health

What you should know about Diabetes insulin at all due to absence or non-functional insulin producing cells. These people develop diabetes mellitus early in life and have to depend on external survival.

dr. george owusu Md, geVans MedIcal PractIce, Pc sPecIalIst In Internal MedIcIne

Diabetes Mellitus is deďŹ ned in simple medical terms as a medical condition [metabolic] in which the body is not able to process its energy source [carbohydrate and fat] due to lack of insulin or dysfunctional insulin receptors. In the absence of insulin to move the glucose from circulation into the body cells to generate energy, the cells, in starvation state, try to generate alternate energy from fat cells and this leads to circulating ketones as well as excess glucose. Circulation by-products of fat, ketones and excess glucose lead to all the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus and late complication as described below. Types For practical purposes, there are two main types of diabetes mellitus. Type 1 is simply described as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. People with Type 1 do not have


Type 2 is simply described as noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus. This group has some functional insulin-producing cells, which either produce sub optimal insulin or have normal insulin levels but malfunctioning insulin receptors due to obesity and excessive fat. Type 2 patients, in addition to diet, need oral medication and in some cases, insulin to control their sugar [glucose]. Without proper diet and weight control most people develop Type 2 diabetes later in life. There is also another type known as Gestational Diabetes which presents in pregnant women but in some cases, resolve after pregnancy. How does diabetes present itself? Early presentation: Fatigue, excessive urination [polyuria], excessive drinking [polydipsia], excessive eating [polyphagia] and loss of energy and weight loss. Late presentation: Diabetes Mellitus in its late stages can lead to eye complications that may result in blindness. It can also lead to cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure; peripheral vascular diseases leading to wounds and amputation of the extremities; erectile dysfunction in men [impotence]; gastrointestinal dysfunctions such as diarrhea and constipation; kidney failure leading to early dialysis - about 80 percent of patients with ESRD

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kidney failure is due to diabetes nephropathy. How would you know you have it? 1. Symptoms will present and alert you, which will lead you to the doctor or emergency room. 2. Laboratory findings on routine medical exam. How to avoid complications listed above if you are diagnosed with diabetes: l. Stick to treatment regimen and check blood sugar appropriately. 2. Change Lifestyle by avoiding alcoholic beverages such as hot drinks; check excessive weight gain; exercise regularly and keep fit. Diet Dieting is the key to controlling diabetes mellitus. Avoid excessive carbohydrate [starchy food]. Remember the end product of starch is glucose which the body cannot utilize due to insulin deficiency or insulin receptor malfunction. Do not get confused with carbohydrate/starch and sugar. Eating starchy foods like rice, fufu, banku, yam, bread in excess is worse than drinking soda, because the starch meals contain more glucose than soda does.

Diabetic patients are advised to increase their protein intake such as fish and chicken rather than carbohydrates. Vegetables, fish, chicken, less red meat and small portions of carbohydrate should be their daily menu. Dieting can eliminate the use of insulin and diabetic pills. It is advisable to comply with treatment. Remember there is no cure for diabetes at the moment. However, proper diet can eliminate complications as described above.

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African Solution

Bringing Health Edcuation & Environm


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n Network Inc.

mental Awareness to the Community

Participants are seen at the various stands mounted at the “Community Health & Dental Awareness� program held in NYC recently. The African Solution Network, in collaboration with NYU College of Dentistry and Nursing last month, organized a free health screening and education for residents New York City. African Solution Network Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing health education and environmental

awareness to communities across the globe. The event was designed to bring health to the doorsteps of the African community in NYC. They provided valuable education and free health screening for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, dental health, HIV/AIDS and cancer.

On hand to support the program were the Harlem Hospital and health insurance groups like MetroPlus Health Plan and Health First. Also in attendance were the Fire Department of New York and RockMeAfrica Magazine, the media sponsor.

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Big relief for the undocumented

By, Sophia M. Goring-Piard, Esq.– Immigration Attorney the country who, prior to the announcement, had tirelessly advocated for an immediate halt to their deportation.

PresIdent barack obaMa eXPlaInIng detaIls of hIs IMMIgratIon Plan

Friday, June 15, 2012 was truly a hallelujah moment for potentially 800,000 undocumented youths in the United States. That day President Barack Obama and his Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano announced that the Administration would, as a matter of discretion, offer deferred action to qualifying applicants and allow them to apply for work authorization for an initial two-year period. The Administration, through its relevant agencies such as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), will be forthcoming with additional details in the next 60 days following the date of the announcement. Deferred action is a form of administrative relief that can prevent an individual from being placed in removal proceedings; stop proceedings that have begun, or stay the enforcement of any existing removal order. Given the implication of that historic announcement, the speech sparked waves of hope and relief for hundreds of thousands of undocumented youths across


The Administration was, however, quick to make it clear that a grant of deferred action is not amnesty; is not a new law, is not permanent residence and is not a pathway to citizenship. It is simply an enforcement of immigration laws as they currently exist. The policy also serves as an extension of the prosecutorial discretion policy the Administration announced last year in June 2011, under which the Government is ensuring that its enforcement resources are not expended on low priority cases, but are instead appropriately focused on people who meet its enforcement priorities. Among the beneficiaries of the policy are those brought to the US as little children by family members, either by crossing the border without immigration documentation, and were not intercepted by immigration officials upon entry; and those who entered the US with visas and overstayed and have been long-time residents in the US, who have not committed serious crimes, and have been educated in the US or served in the military. The specific elements of the deferred action policy, as announced by President Obama, involve five qualifying factors. The following criteria should be satisfied before an individual is considered for an exercise of prosecutorial discretion pursuant to the memorandum of • came to the United States un-

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der the age of sixteen; has continuously resided in the United States for, at least, five years preceding the date of this memorandum, and is present in the United States on the date of this memorandum; is currently in school, has graduated from high school, has obtained a general education development certificate, or is an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; has not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise poses a threat to national security or public safety; and is not above the age of thirty.

afrIcan chIldren lIke these s PolIcy Photo In addition, the policy change will specifically apply to certain categories of applicants as follows: • individuals who are encountered by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),

• • •

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS); individuals who are in removal proceedings but not yet subject to a final order of removal and meet the above criteria; individuals who are not currently in removal proceedings and meet the above criteria, and pass a background check; and individuals subject to a final order of removal regardless of their age.

Having lived and studied in the US for as long as they can remember, many youths, for the most part of their lives, have felt like Americans and reckon themselves as such. But as graduation from high school approaches they suddenly face the stark truth of their status: they are undocumented because they do not have a social security number or evidence of lawful status. For that reason they cannot pursue higher education or work lawfully upon graduation.

with their lives in a positive way. Most importantly, by being eligible for in-state tuition rates and possibly other educational benefits, the beneficiaries will be able to fulfill their most pressing need – continuing their dreams of higher education in the U.S. and pursuing college studies and even postgraduate studies. Until President Obama’s historic announcement Congress had failed to pass legislation to address comprehensive immigration reform for the estimated 11 to 12 million undocumented individuals in the US. Repeatedly, Congress had also failed over the years, to pass an even smaller component of the proposed immigration reform known as the DREAM Act. Specifically, DREAM stands for Development, Relief & Education for Alien Minors. The Act was first introduced in the U.S. Senate in August 2001. Thus, the Obama Administration’s initiative represents an interim relief measure that makes sense at a time the inaction of Congress makes no sense. We commend the administration for taking this brave step in extending prosecutorial discretion towards these people as an interim measure, and pray that this will lead to real, long-term legislative reform in the near future.

stand to benefIt froM the

o credIt: JIM young / reuters

But obtaining work authorization for an initial period of two years under the Obama Administration’s policy will allow beneficiaries of deferred action to move forward

We do not yet know all the implementing details of the deferred action policy change for the undocumented youths. However, we are optimistic that deferred action will be fairly and humanely applied by the agencies for beneficiaries that qualify immediately as of the date of the policy announcement, who are in removal proceedings as well as those who have not encountered Immigration officials and seek to apply for the relief in the near future.

soPhIa M. gorIng-PIard esQ. Biography Sophia M. Goring-Piard, a graduate of Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri (Bachelor’s degree) and Fordham University School of Law, New York, New York (Juris Doctor), is an attorney admitted to the Bars of the State of New York and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She primarily practices in the area of immigration and naturalization law. Over the past decade that she has been in practice, she has successfully handled many employment-based visa petitions on behalf of foreign national personnel for corporate employers, as well as naturalization applications, and re-entry permit applications. Her current practice also includes representation of individual clients in deportation and removal proceedings, including advising immigrants on the immigration consequences of criminal convictions, asylum, VAWA, Temporary Protected Status, and Special Immigrant Juvenile petitions. She is a Board Member of the Mount Carmel Pentecostal Church, Bronx, NY. You may reach her at

The Law Offices of Sophia M. Goring-Piard, Esq.

1825 Park Avenue,

Suite 1102, NY, NY 10035.

(212) 281-2231

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RMA Sports

Africa adds fl to euro 2012 they are – Europeans. Perhaps, the most famous, (or is it notorious?) of these EuropeanAfricans is Italy’s striker, Mario Barwuah Balotelli, originally from Ghana who plays for Manchester City in Engand. His team mate is Torino defender, Angelo Ogbonna whose parents are from Nigeria. England boasts among its team Manchester United striker, Danny Welbeck whose parents are both Ghanaians from Accra. They named him Daniel Nii Tackie Mensah Welbeck, a very typical name from the Ga tribe. Until he made his debut for England, the Ghana Football Authority made many futile attempts to lure him to feature for Ghana. Interestingly, England made him to have his debut against Ghana in a friendly last year, the first-ever between the two countries, that ended one-all. From the onset, ever before other European national teams allowed Africans in their midst, France was leading the way with its open-door policy and attracting African talent that could otherwise, have been on show for the continent.


ust as it takes both black and white keys of the piano to create musical harmony, the just-ended European Cup of Nations dubbed: EURO 2012, was the better with a spice of the African flavor and panache infused by the continent’s sons of color in the various teams. 20

Watching the various matches one could not fail to recognize the numerous African-Europeans orchestrating some rhythm on the field like a symphony, and ensuring accord in their teams’ play. In fact, Africa had such a strong presence at the tournament that she could raise a team from the various national sides, and hold her own against any opposition. But wishes are not horses and so these sons of Africa remain who

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And so it is not surprising that The Blues, as the French side are known, had more Africans in their squad than any other team during the tornament. Among them include goalkeeper, Steve Mandanda of Marseille who was born in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Others with him in the French squad included left-back Patrice Evra of Manchester United. Originally from Senegal he was born in Dakar before moving to Paris with his father, who worked as a diplomat. Defensive midfielder Yann M’Vila from Congo Brazzaville is another

lavor 2 African in the French national team. The rest were Real Madrid striker, Karim Benzema and Samir Nasri of Manchester City who are compatriots from Algeria; Hatem Ben Arfa of Newcastle, (Tunisia); Alou Diarra, (Mali) and Blaise Matuidi, (Angola). The German national team’s pioneer African squad members are Gerald Asamoah and Odonkor, both originally from Ghana. In line with that Ghanaian tradition Germany had among its members, stalwart defender, Jerome Boateng of Bayern Munich whose father is Ghanaian. The team also has midfielder Sami Khedira of Spanish champions, Real Madrid who is originally from Tunisia in North Africa. For Portugal, midfielder Nani of Manchester United represented the African cause. He was born in Cape Verde Islands in West Africa where he spent his infancy before his parents moved to Lisbon, the Portuguese capital. Another Cape Verdean on the team with Nani was Porto defender, Rolando. The Netherlands had in their squad, Ibrahim Afellay and Khalid Boulahrouz both of whose parents are from Morocco. Rounding up the list are: the Czech Republic’s Theodor Gebre Selassie, whose father is from Ethiopia, and Jores Okore of Denmark whose roots are from Ivory Coast.

ghanaian Pop singer akwasi Pee poses for our cameras during the ghana summer Jam concert In nyc21

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African Woman Builds, Flies By Tony Prempeh - Editor-In-Chief

She was given a machete to remove tree stumps from the runway. If that was to drive her away because there was no place for her, it backfired because she did it with such enthusiasm and passion that before long, she was engaged as an apprentice.

Patience Mawuli nyekodzi about to take off in one of the planes she builds photo credit: ghana vibes


n the day she turned 21 Patricia Mawuli Nyekodzi became the first woman in Ghana to be awarded the country’s National Pilot’s License, making her the first female civilian pilot in Ghana. That was three years ago. By all standards that was a big feat but this woman was not satisfied with her achievement. She yearned for more and so she raised the bar for herself, making the sky the limit. Now she does not only fly planes, she builds them as well. It takes her four months to build one. In the process the lion-hearted


young lady has set a record by becoming the first black African as well as the first woman in the whole world, to be certified as a Rotax Aircraft engineer. And it did not come cheap. During the training and assessment in Austria for the certification, she was the only woman among thirty-three participants from 20 nations and five continents. But never one to be intimidated she excelled in her written assessment, scoring 97 per cent. As expected she credits her achievements to Jonathan Porter, the mastermind behind the WAASPS, the light aircraft manufacturers based at Kpong in the Eastern Region of Ghana, who saw beneath her rawness and gave her a big break. WAASPS is an acronym for, “West Africa Aviation Solutions Proposal.” Miss Nyekodzi’s amazing story began in 2007 when she walked about eight kilometers from her home to the WAASPS airfield and asked for a job without any knowledge in mechanics. She majored in Home Economics in senior high school and was awaiting the results of her final examinations.

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The WAASPS team, led by Mr. Porter realized that she had a natural flair for engines and so, they decided to sponsor her training, estimated to be $60,000. One day her boss invited her along a threeminute flight and instinctively handed over the controls to her while airborne and she surprised him with her skillful and relaxed handling of the controls. The rest is history.

Ever eager to break new grounds, she now uses the tool in her hands – her passion for aviation – to make a big difference in the lives of her people. Through Medicine on the Move, a non-governmental organization operating under the auspices of WAASPS, Patience who has also trained as a health provider, is changing lives one flight at a time. She is using aviation to deliver health care services to communities which are otherwise inaccessible.

s Planes On her flights she drops educational materials on hygiene, nutrition and other aspects of healthy living to school compounds and living quarters to help stem the tide of disease and prolong life among her people. She also airlifts very sick patients to modern health facilities outside their reach. Through her instrumentaity WAASPS has established the AvTech Academy, an aviation technology institute and decided to train only girls. A team, including Patience, who is now one of the flight instructors, goes to the adjoining communities and selects those who have the spark to be trained. To those who tell her that the occupation she has taken up is highrisk, her response is: “You know what, I want to make a difference; a difference in people’s lives. I want to do something exceptional, something more fun. I want to do something that makes me happy, something that satisfies me.” Now her services are in demand all over the world and, according to her boss, she could earn twenty to thirty times more what she is paid by the WAASPS. But the sweet thing about her is that she has decided to remain at her roots and pay her dues in full, to the WAASPS and then to the country and community that nurtured her. The success story of Patience echoes loud and clear, Africa’s long trumpeted message to the world, that given the same opportunity that people in the developed countries are exposed to, they would


Africa In Perspective

Ex-President Abiola of Nigeria? A call has been made by a crosssection of Nigerians to list the late MKO Abiola among the past presidents of Nigeria. Family members of the man widely believed to have won the June 12, 1993 presidential election, and some politicians are leading the clamor for the unprecedented political move. According to the group doing that would be the best way to immortalize the contribution of the late politician to the development of democracy in Nigeria. Alhaji Abiola had virtually won the poll acclaimed nationally and internationally as the freest and fairest election ever held in Nigeria, when the military government overseeing the transition to civilian rule, headed by General Ibrahim Badamosi Babaganda notoriously annulled the result without any tangible explanation. Abiola declared himself the President of Nigeria and was arrested and detained by General Sani Abacha who had replaced Babangida as head of state following a coup. He died mysteriously in prison the day he was billed to be released after Abacha’s sudden death.


153 Perish in Lagos Plane Crash

cbs news

A crane lifts the tyres of a plane after it crashed at Iju-Ishaga neighbourhood, a commercial hub in Lagos June 4, 2012. All 153 passengers on board perished. Nigerian emergency services pulled bodies out of the still-smouldering, ash-covered wreckage of the plane.

Africa gets breakthrough in ďŹ ght against malaria A mathematical model that can predict malaria outbreaks has been developed by Ethiopian and Norwegian researchers. The computer model dubbed, Open Malaria Warning (OMaWa), incorporates hydrological, meteorological, mosquito-breeding and land-use data to determine when and where outbreaks are likely to occur. It is said to be able to identify up to two months in advance, conditions that increase the likelihood of a malaria outbreak. Now let us chase the mosquitoes out of the continent. We hope it turns out to be very successful.

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South Africa Gets 1st Female Top Cop Miss Mangwashi Victoria Phiyega has become the first woman to be appointed as the National Police Commissioner of South Africa. Until her appointment last month, Ms. Phiyega was also the deputy chair of the independent commission on the remuneration of office bearers. She took over from General Bheki Cele who was fired following a recommendation by a board of inquiry into his conduct. President Jacob Zuma who announced the changes expresse confidence in her ability to deliver.

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Pulpit Series

Rev. Cephas Kafui Agbesi Honey Well Baptist Church


John 17 while praying for His disciples, Jesus emphatically added “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (vv.20-21). Taking these words as suggestive, I shall proceed directly to the discussion of a matter which has long appeared to my mind to be of grave concern to all Christian people. It requires no argument to convince Bible readers that the first churches had a common faith, as they had also a common Lord and a common baptism.

At the beginning there was unity in belief and practice. This is clear upon the face of the inspired records, and it is equally clear that it was the will of our Lord that this happy state of things should continue. A caution was given against those who caused divisions contrary to the doctrines of Christ. Our Savior prayed for the unity of His disciples as the bedrock upon which the church will prove its divine authenticity. The


DENOMINATIONAL WARS whole tenor of the New Testament scriptures strongly indicates unity. But in the course of time changes came. Instead of visible bodies known as the churches of Christ, all holding the same doctrines and practicing the same things, there are hundreds of schismatic bodies, each with its special doctrines and peculiar forms of worship. This sectionalism in the Church of today has led many Bible believers and inquirers to ask, “If Christianity is true, why are there so many denominations? With so many denominations and religions, how can I decide which are true and which are false?” It seems as though while Jesus was praying for the disciples in the seventeenth chapter of John, He prophetically deduced that the future Church would lose its authenticity and divine assignment through denominational wars. He, therefore, prayed that in order for the world to believe in the church, “all of them may be one.” This confusion and division in the Church began right after the first century following the unscriptural alterations to the church’s doctrine and administration by a group which ultimately became known as the Catholic Church. This apostasy of the church which was evident to its own priests, continued to draw it farther from the New Testament practices. This prompted some of the priests to try and reform it. Notable in this regard is the German Monk, Martin Luther. During the 1500s he was so affected by his sins that he spent over six hours in the confessional. As a result he gave himself to studying the scriptures day and night until he discovered through

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the teachings of the early Church that salvation did not come from anything he did but only through the finished work of Christ. This revolutionized his Catholic faith, and he listed the contradictions between what the Scriptures said, and what his church taught; which became known as the 95 Theses nailed to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. As a result, Martin Luther became the first to “protest” against the Catholic doctrines. Since that division there have been many disagreements about how much water one should baptize with, how to dress, how to sing what and why, who should govern who, which bible to read, etc., causing a big rift among Christendom. Many of the groups that emerged as a result of the rift are convinced that they are the only ones who are right. These have become known as Protestant “denominations.” The proliferation of these denominations has created a chaotic and polarizing warfare in Christian circles. Almost every year, a new denomination, with a new sect leader or group arises with their own interpretation and doctrine of scriptures. Through this, the world doubts the authenticity of the Christian faith. Even the most sincere Bible believer may sometimes question why there is so much division in the doctrinal teachings of the churches. Many believe that denominational wars have helped to spread the gospel to the utmost parts of the world in fulfillment of the Great Commission. However, one can also make a valid point that it is in direct contradiction to the prayer offered by Jesus for the church.

Denominationalism is contrary to the will of God. It is a synonym for division that consists of hundred discordant religious sects who have no unity in name, organization, doctrine or practice. It is also a sectarian spirit or policy that violates the command of Jesus for unity among the saints. The New Testament church succeeded with a testimony of turning their world upside down because they were all in one accord. We, on the other hand, have created a worldwide chaos by sponsoring a denominational warfare. If the modern church breaks down its denominational walls as the Berlin Wall fell, a truly unprecedented revival will be the inevitable result. Nevertheless, any group which claims to be the church of the Lord cannot put forth or stand upon any teaching, dogma or creed that has its origin with man. Jesus, in speaking of the religious people of his day, said of them, “And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” (Mathew 15:9). Paul added that, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed” Galatians 1:8. Thus, any religious group or denomination which includes the “commandments of men” and teaches “other gospels” other than the inspired and infallible word in its worship and practice, is laboring in vain no matter what it claims to the contrary. We encourage all to go back to the Bible and base all their teachings and practices on its principles alone. Let those who seek to join the Faith not be hindered by the denominational wars. Rather, let them inquire the truth from the scriptures, that they may escape false teachers in sheep’s clothing. Subscribe to a church whose foundation is the deity, the death, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. become a fan on facebook

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Technology Update The pace of change in the computer and technology world is becoming blistering fast. Every now and then one gadget or another gets an upgrade or an entirely new tool surfaces on the market. That must be welcome news for consumers itching to indulge their impulsive cravings for fancy and shiny gadgets. But it comes with a burden, an overwhelming one for that matter. And, that is, the rapid turnout of technological goods has suddenly foisted on consumers the burden of having to be able to make a prudent selection from all the possible choices available. From basic necessities such as cellphones to luxurious, super thin OLED Smart TV’s, the choices are seemingly endless and complicated. This can quickly become a problem even for most technology enthusiasts. As part of the solution we begin this series of articles entitled, “Technology Update” by which we will offer basic technical guidelines to help you select from some of the hottest consumer product categories. Our maiden article focuses on personal computers with specific emphasis on how to choose the correct platform to fit your needs.

Tips on choosing the computer that is right for you Most personal or business computers

have one of three platforms - Linux, MacOS or Windows - each with its pros and cons. But, really, any of them could be a good choice. Nevertheless, it would be smart to first review the differences between these platforms in order to be informed about the available options. The MacOS and Windows are undoubtedly the most popular platforms on the consumer market today. But please, do not “get a mac or pc” yet. Not until you have read through these guidelines and you are certain of what you really want. 1. Why do you need a computer and what do you want to do with it? This is probably the most important key to selecting a computer that suits your needs more

than anything else. While most computers fit the bill for casual computing, web browsing, social networking, media playback and document manipulation, others are better suited for specialized jobs like programming, graphic design, video editing, hardcore cutting-edge gaming, et cetera. Depending on your use you may choose one platform over the other. Consider the examples below: • Gamers: The exhaustive library of games as well as specifically tweaked hardware for gaming performance on the Windows platform may be more beneficial to them than the MacOS platform. • Professionals: The MacOS has become a household name for professionals seeking to create studio-quality content, while Windows and Linux platforms are much more suitable for serious programmers. • Business Related: Microsoft’s office suite pledged to document manipulation and presentation is available on both platforms with slightly different offerings. But Apple’s iWork is fast catching up with the long standing giant “Microsoft.” • Students: Students often need a platform that has robust offerings of both useability and durability. The ideal computer should last, at least, four years with less crashes; good virus protection, minimum of 2 gigs memory, long battery life for laptops, dual core processor or better. It should also have access to academic programs like Office Suite and a stylish appeal. Either a MacOS or Windows PC will give you these qualities but the search is much more challenging in the Windows world because of the many brands available. 2. How much do you know about computers (usability)? For the uninitiated a MacOS may be the choice as it presents a no-fuss, pre-configured and preinstalled system with a variety

of software and utilities that get even the most computer-illiterate users up and running in no time. Windows PCs these days do come with many pre-installed software and drivers but one still needs to constantly update, keep a virus protection system and manage drivers for added peripherals. While this might also be true for the MacOS, the process is much more simplified. For the average to professional “geek” user, the issue of compatibility is perhaps the most serious concern. The MacOS platform tends to be very proprietary in terms of hardware and software (licensing). Windows on the other hand is more flexible and proprietorship is predicated on a manufacture basis 3. How much are you willing to spend or invest? So you know what you want to do withyour computer and have considered the usability and durability of both platforms. What is next? Money! In this tough economy you want to make sure that you get value for every dollar spent. Apple computers have an expensive initial cost but that may be offset by their durability. Windows PCs come from various manufacturers. This presents yet another layer of difficulty in choosing the right one in terms of durability. Generally, however, they are cheaper at better or comparable specifications. In summary do not be afraid to ask questions when buying. Most importantly do not buy anything just because it looks cool. Only buy when you are certain it is the best fit for your needs, user level and it is perfectly right for your budget. So which platform is better for you? Hopefully this simple guide has set you off on the right track but you are the ultimate decision maker here. Good luck!

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A big thank you to all family, loved ones and friends who supported us in various ways. Without you our wedding would not have been the success that it was. You will forever stay on on our minds and we will remain ever grateful.


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