RockMeAfrica Magazine - Volume 1 Issue 9

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Inside RockMeAfrica July 2012



First-ever African day parade in NYC showcasing the rich African culture

POLITICS 8 President Mills Goes Home An elaborate and befiting funeral for Ghana’s late president took off on August 8

HEALTH 14 You can beat depression: Recovering from depression requires action...

LAW & ORDER 18 Immigrant waiver visa The proposed immigration waiver is now in what ever goes here goes here for the sake of oing here and remember to take this crap out

SPORTS 26 Africans Set to Sparkle in European Footbal Leagues Incredible Africans playing incredible sports all over the world

SPOTLIGHT 20 Prince Sampson Afriyie Fontomfrom: First-ever African day parade in NYC showcasing the rich African culture



30 Selected Stories around the continent of Africa Incredible African stories around Africa and blah blah, blah|Visit us at | Volume 1 Issue 9, September 2012

THE PULPIT SERIES 36 The Age of Premature Pastors: There are so many childish apostles and bishops who were never never discipled by anyone but hail themselfs as papa’s

BEAUTY & LIFESTYLE 28 Understanding Textures and Types of Hair: Clearing the confusion surrounding differences between types, textures and desity of hair

COMMUNITY EVENTS 34 New Yorkers show amazing love for Francis, wife: New Yorkers become one in the celebration of life and death of Mary Akua Afriyie whose sudden death shocked the city


SEPTEMBER 2012 Rev. Adu Gyamfi ---------------------------Mentor Gabriel Odame ---------------------- Publisher /CEO Mr. Tony Prempeh --------------------Editor-In-Chief Weeks Mensah -------------------------Public Relations Joyce O. Amoah ---------------------- Advertising Mgr. Ronny Boateng ----------------------- Public Relations Rev. C. Kafui Agbesi ---------------------Columnist Dr. Michael Adusei-----------------------Columnist Dr. Dave Ray (Phd)-----------------------Columnist Sophia M. Goring-P (ESQ) -------------Columnist Kofi Ackumey----------------------- Contributing Writer


Our primary objective is to promote African culture and heritage and offer a platform to encourage relationships; foster goodwill and promote awareness of pressing African issues in the diaspora. We aim to educate and engage our readers to actively participate in the coalition to rebuild and restore the African image globally.

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WHERE IS THEIR CONSCIENCE? alone, if nothing at all, is enough to make Transparency’s claim highly credible. This is a man whose lavish lifestyle is not only outrageously ostentatious but more than that it is openly criminal as it smacks of brazen thievery. Let’s face it, where did he find the money to dash his country’s national soccer team $1m (£641,000) for winning the opening game of the Africa Cup of Nations which Equatorial Guinea co-hosted earlier this year?

Tony Prempeh: Editor-In-Chief

Recently, Teodorin Nguema Obiang Mangue, 43, the son of President Teodoro Obiang Mbasogo of Equtorial Guinea, had his property seized in France by the government over corruption charges. The property in question, a six-story luxury villa, is said to be worth between $124m or the equivalent of £79m. Anti-corruption group, Transparency International, (TI) which filed the charge against Mr. Obiang Mangue says it suspects him, his father, and several other African leaders of using state funds to acquire property in France and elsewhere. The President’s son who is also his country’s Agriculture Minister denies the charge. But we submit, unequivocally, that circumstantial evidence


A month before the seizure of his mansion French police seized about fifteen of his luxury cars, the crème de la crème of the world’s most expensive cars, including a Maserati, Aston Martin and Rolls Royce. Last year, the US Government said it would seek to recover assets worth more $70m from him. The question is: Where did he get the money to sponsor that extremely despicable lifestyle? How much does he earn officially as a minister in his father’s government? The sad truth is that Africa has a lot of such evil characters in positions of authority, with unfettered access to the national vaults of their countries; people so consumed by greed and selfishness that their bowels are incapable of churning at the sight of deprivation and destitution etched on the faces of millions of their own compatriots!

Do people of Obiang’s ilk have any scruples at all? Where is their conscience?

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What happened to the milk of mercy that God so graciously deposited in each one of us to make us our brother’s keeper? Equatorial Guinea, with a population of under one million – in fact, some sources put it at just 720,000 - is one of Africa’s largest oil exporters. Inexplicably, however, most of its small and manageable population wallows in the mire of poverty while the President and his son flaunt their ill-gotten wealth to the dismay of their compatriots and all right thinking people. For a continent whose combined resources should make its people the envy of the rest of the world; for a continent whose economic growth over the past decade is said to have matched or surpassed that of the Asian Tigers’ and Latin Puma markets, it is a shame that its people should be consigned to the pain of perpetual misery. While Obiang and his cohorts feed fat off the people’s sweat, the masses find it difficult to earn a living wage, get access to food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education, information, access to services such as legal, social, and financial (credit). Experts agree that Africa’s economic future is bright given the growth rates that the continent is registering almost across board. We at RockMeAfrica agree with them but it is our candid view that unless people like Obiang and his type are out of the way of progress, the projections would, at best, remain mere statistics.

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President Mills Goes Home dent Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria; President Ellen Sirleaf-Johnson of Liberia; Alassane Dramane Ouattara, President of Cote d’Ivoire; President Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé of Togo; Senegalese President, Macky Sall; Dr. Thomas Yayi Boni, President of the Republic of Benin and President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba of Gabon. Other leaders who attended the high profile funeral included President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete of Tanzania; President Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba of Namibia; President Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger; Gambia’s President, Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh; Vice-President Kgalema Motlanthe of the Republic of South Africa and Mr Themba Nhlanganiso Masuku; Deputy Prime Minister of Swaziland. An elaborate and befitting funeral program lasting three days, from August 8 to 10, has been held in honor of President John Evans Atta-Mills, the late Ghanaian leader who died suddenly on July 24, 2012, three days after he celebrated his 68th birthday with orphans. As the Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces, the late President’s officers and other ranks of the military, with support from the other arms of the security services, made sure that the State Protocol Department and the Funeral Planning Committee made enough room for them to pay their last respects to their beloved commander. The military were not only the pallbearers; they also provided ample security cover for the numerous Presidents and other dignitaries in attendance, and ensured that no protocol was breached. The solemn occasion which will go down as, perhaps, Ghana’s saddest moment in history, came to its climax as the cortege reached the beloved


President’s final resting place - the “Asomdwee Park,” formerly the Geese Park, a stretch of lush greenery adjacent to the Castle Drive that leads to the Castle, the seat of government. Mourners from all walks of life converged on Ghana’s capital, Accra, to pay homage to the man who was christened “Asomdweehene,” a term in his native Fante dialect that means, “The Prince of Peace.” In death even his staunchest critics, including his former boss, ex-President J.J. Rawlings and members of opposition parties, were unanimous in extolling the virtues of the man they once loved to criticize; the man they loathed to praise and the man they so relentlessly slammed. Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Ministers of State, diplomats, the clergy and leaders from far and near, were there in their numbers to mourn with Ghanaians and pay their last respects to the late president. Among them were: US Secretary of State, Mrs. Hilary Clinton; Presi

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In a related development, a special memorial service for the late President was held on August 17 in New York at the Riverside Church, Manhattan. The well-attended event was organized by the Ghana Mission with support from the various political parties and Ghanaian associations in New York. A team of Ghanaian clergy including, Very Reverend Samuel E. Nketsiah, United Ghana Methodist Church, Bronx; Rev. Ben Boakye of the Ebenezer Assembly of God, Bronx; Apostle Dr. Prince Ameyaw and Chief Imam Mallam Gambo, officiated at the service. The spirit of peace and tolerance espoused by the late Ghanaian leader was in full glow as representatives of the various political parties showed admirable unity in diversity as they poured out moving tributes for President Atta-Mills. Your popular RockMeAfrica Magazine was in Ghana and New York to cover the events. We bring our cherished readers a pictorial coverage of both events.

The military sound the last post in honor of the departed leader.

These chiefs from the Northern Region of Ghana travelled all the way down south to Accra to be part of the funeral and add color to the event.

The face of anguish depicted by this mourner captures the mood of Ghanaians at the funeral.

The President’s casket is lowered for the last rites by the clergy and close family members.

Former First Lady, Dr. (Mrs.) Naadu Mills (middle) composes herself as she awaits the interment of her husband. By her side to lend support are, to her left, President John Mahama and his wife Lordina and some goverment officials

The military lead the cortege as the Commander-inChief nears home.

President Mills’ successor, President John Mahama bids his boss farewell as he kneels to lay a wreath at his tomb

Some officers of Ghana’s military in attendance

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A cross-section of the congregation singing a hymn

Ghana’s Deputy Rep. at the UN Hon. William A. Kanyirige addressing the congregation

Ms. Rose Ivy Quarshie of the NCOGA reading a tribute

Mrs. Charlotte Gyan – First Secretary Ghana mission to the UN.

Amie Gaye

Poetry recital by Dr. Twum Boafo (left) and Kwasi Poku

Rev. Benjamin Boakye of the Ghanaian Ministers Fellowship saying a prayer

Chief Imam Mallam Gambo Mr. Daniel Adjei (Kuwait) at the memorial |Visit us at | Volume 1 Issue 9, September 2012 10 service

Mr. Daniel Adjei (Kuwait) attend

New York Mourns President Atta Mills

The congregation listens to the sermon with rapt attention

.Rev. Nketsiah

Kwame Agyeman Budu –NPP NY

Abass Adamu – NDC NY

Francis Akrofi (left)performs at the memorial service with Pianist Fritz Fletcher

A cultural troupe at the service

A memorial service in honor of the late President of Ghana, Profesor John Evans Atta Mills was held on August 17 at the Riverside Church in down town Manhattan.

Mr. Harry Reynolds (left)head of information Ghana Mission Mr. Tony Prempeh, our Editor-In-Chief

The well-attended ceremony was organized by the Ghana Mission in colaboration with the various political parties and

the National Council of Ghanaian Associations (NCOGA). Among those present were dignitaries representing various countries and international organizations. We bring readers a pictorial coverage of the event.

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Miss Africa 2012 ew Jersey First Annual Pageant

Congratulations to Ucee Guzeh of Liberia who was crowned Miss Africa-New Jersey 2012


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Jireh Adjesson of Togo First Runner Up

Nancilyma Aidoo of Ghana Second Runner Up

Ucee Guzeh in a pose with our PRO, Weeks Mensah

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RMA Health

Yo u c a n b e at Depression! symptoms and can lead to a variety of emotional problems. People with depression have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression makes one feel as if life is not worth living. It affects how one feels, thinks and behaves.


This article is the first of a two-part series. The second and final installment will be published in the October issue.

Depression is a medical illness that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression affects about 1 of every 6 older people. Some older people have had depression earlier in their lives. Others develop it for the first time during old age. Rates of depression in women are twice as high as they are in men. This is due in part to hormonal factors, particularly when it comes to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), postpartum depression, and perimenopausal depression. Depression can also cause physical


Depression is a chronic illness that usually requires long-term treatment, like diabetes or high blood pressure. Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life. But when emptiness and despair take hold and will not go away, it may be depression. The lows of depression make it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did. Neurotransmitters are powerful chemicals that regulate numerous physical and emotional processes such as mental performance, emotional states and pain response. Virtually all functions in life are controlled by neurotransmitters. They are the brain’s chemical messengers. Interactions between neurotransmitters, hormones, and the brain chemicals have a profound influence on overall health and wellbeing. When our concentration and focus is good, we feel more directed, motivated, and vibrant. Unfortunately, if neurotransmitter levels are inadequate these energizing and motivating signals are absent and we feel more stressed, sluggish, and out-of-control. Depression is thought to be directly related to the imbalances with neurotransmitters, brain chemicals and to a lesser extent, certain hormones. Although the precise cause of depression is not known, some factors seem to increase the risk of developing or triggering depression, including: experiencing stressful life events, such as the death of a loved

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one, having traumatic experiences as a child, having a serious illness, such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s or HIV/AIDS, having biological relatives with depression, abusing alcohol, nicotine or illicit drugs, having few friends or other personal relationships, and prior history of depression. Some causes of depression may be more common among older people. For example, older people may be more likely to experience emotionally distressing events that involve a loss, such as the death of a loved one, the ending of a significant relationship, or a loss of familiar surroundings, as when moving away from a familiar neighborhood. Other sources of stress, such as reduced income, a worsening chronic illness, a gradual loss of independence, or social isolation, may also contribute. Common signs and symptoms of depression are: feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, loss of interest in daily activities, loss of appetite or weight changes, sleep changes, anger or irritability, feeling agitated, restless, or even violent, meaning your tolerance level is low, your temper is short, and everything and everyone gets on your “nerves.” Depressed individuals have loss of energy, feeling fatigued or tired, sluggish, and physically drained, strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt, reckless behavior such as substance abuse, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous sports. People with depression also have problem concentrating (trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things).

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ghana Picnic 2012: nYC

Aglow Women’s Fellowship takes the message of the Gospel to the park and cheerfully share Christ and food

An Akan cultural troupe provides entertainment at the event

Some of the attendees

This year’s celebration of the annual picnic for Ghanaians in NY, came off at the Crotona Park in the Bronx on August 18. It was organized by the National Council of Ghanaian Associations, (NCOGA) to bring together Ghanaians from different ethnic groups to celebrate their unity in diversity. The various tribal as-


Officials of Western Union Money Transfer, an official sponsor of the event ready to serve clients

One of the Ghanaian chiefs who graced the occasion with a spice of culture

Attendees stare as cultural troupe obliges them with sounds of Africa

Mr. Ofori Annor, Executive SecretaryGeneral of NCOGA cheers on dancers at the picnic grounds

United Volta Association booth at the picnic

Some of the attendees watch proceedings at the picnic grounds

sociations that constitute NCOGA were there in their numbers to add flavor to the occasion. They included the United Volta Association, Asanteman Association, Akan Association, Yankasa Association and many more. Also in attendance were associations of Ghanaian professionals at various workplaces and religious groups. In

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an interview with RockMeAfrica, Mr. G. Ofori Annor, Executive SecretaryGeneral of NCOGA said his outfit was considering ways of making the program more exciting to improve participation. We bring readers a photo coverage of the program.

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RMA Sports

African Play er s S e t to S par k l e in E urope


With the resumption of most European football leagues, all eyes are expected to be on African players who have shown that they have the pedigree to carry their teams on their shoulders. Aware that their teams and their supporters are banking their hopes on them, these players are set to sparkle. YAHYA TOURE

Didier Drogba who until recently led the African football brigade in Europe with his match-winning displays for Chelsea, and almost singlehandedly won the European championship for the team, has since left Europe for China where he now plies his trade with Shanghai Shenhua But Africa is not in short supply of


football talent in Europe. Teams such as Arsenal, Newcastle, Marseille, Manchester City, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Juventus and Fenerbahçe have in their camps, African players with the proven talent to tilt the scales in favor of their teams on any day.


and Manchester City. Other African players expected to shine for their teams in Europe are



Names that readily come to mind in this regard include the following: Andre Ayew of Ghana and Marseille; Yahya Toure of Ivory Coast and Manchester City; Joel Obi of Nigeria and Inter Milan; Kevin-Prince Boateng


as follows: Seydou Doumbia of Ivory Coast and CSKA Moscow; Oussama Assaidi of Morocco and Liverpool; Modibo Maiga of Mali and Sochaux; Alain Traoré of Burkina Faso and Auxerre as well as Alex Song of Cameroon and Barcelona.

MOUSSA SOW of Ghana and A.C. Milan; Gervinho of Ivory Coast and Arsenal; Kwadwo Asamoah of Ghana and Juventus; Moussa Sow of Senegal and Fenerbahçe; Papiss Cisse of Senegal and Newcastle and Mario Balotelli of Italy

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ghana steals show at 1st African Day Parade The first-ever African Day Parade in New York City was held recently to, among other things, showcase the richness and diversity of African culture while reviving the culture and traditions of the continent with which some Africans in the Diaspora are fast losing touch. At one point, one of the police ofThe event was organized under the However, whatever disappointment ficers detailed to ensure security and auspices of the African Friends of spectators might have had about parsafety, doffed his cap to the “Prince” United States, (AFUS) which was ticipation was soon forgotten as the in reverent admiration of his display. founded by Prince Sampson AfGhanaian contingent, led by Prince riyie Fontomfrom, also known as Afriyie Fontomfrom, set the program In an interview with RockMeAfrica, the “Prince of Africa,” an icon and agog with a display of authentic one of the media sponsors of the promoter of African culture in the US African culture and tradition in the event, Prince Afriyie Fontomfrom and the group’s president. Ghanaian vein. said he was glad that at long last, the African Day Parade had taken off and AFUS officials who worked tirelessly Richly adorned with an intricately finally become a reality after many with the president to bring the day woven and exquisite kente cloth with years of negotiating with New York to pass include, Mr. Geoffrey Atkins, gold ornaments all over his body and City officials to get approval for it. Board Secretary/Member, Mr. Allen riding in a palanquin, the “Prince,” Carlton, Board Member, Mr. Robert followed by a band of cultural drumHe said the event had come to stay Frith, Media Contact Person, Mr. mers and dancers, and dancing aloft, and expressed the hope that in future, Dickson Boamah, Cultural Adviser, lit up the parade as he and his retinue beginning from next year, many more Mr. Theophilus Agbovi, General showcased the royalty, pomp and countries would show interest by parManager, AFUS Secretariat and Mr. pageantry that is synonymous with ticipating in their numbers to make Ramond Eduful, Youth Director and Ghanaian chiefs. the occasion bigger and better. That Contact Person for the Washington way, he said Africans in New York Chapter. As he stepped out of the palanquin would be able to contribute to the at the parade review stand at 112nd improvement of the city’s image as a The parade which took off from 124th Street, two female traditional danctourist destination. Street and Morning Side Avenue in ers from the cultural troupe, in full Manhattan, was meant to bring totraditional costume, danced towards Prince Afriyie Fontomfrom appealed gether Africans from all the 55 counhim and beckoned him to show his to money transfer companies like the tries of the continent in a big carnival dancing skill, and he obliged them as Western Union, Moneygram and through some designated streets of custom demands, drawing applausFamily Link whose services are highly Manhattan. To that end AFUS officials met with Permanent Representatives of the various African missions at the United Nations prior to the D-Day, and urged them to whip up interest in the program among their people and drum up support for it. Through the African Union the representatives agreed to undertake that assignment with a letter pledging their assistance in that direction. Unfortunately, only a few countries, including Botswana, Uganda, Egypt, South Africa and Ethiopia showed up for the event whose Grand Marshall was Mr. Charles T. Ntwaagae, Botswana’s Ambassador to the UN.

from the audience which included some curious whites, Caribbeans, African-Americans and continental Africans.

patronized by Africans, as well as other corporate entities, to partner with AFUS to lift New York’s iconic image a notch higher.

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Prince Afriyie Fontomfrom showcases Ghana’s rich culture as he rides in a palanquin

The cultural troupe of the Ghanaian contingent putting up a show


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Mr Robert Frith, Media contact person for AFUS addresing the parade

The African Diaspora Flag on display during the parade

Mr. Geoffrey Atkins, board secretary of AFUS explaining a point about the group

The delegation from Botswana march during the parade A woman performs an African cultural dance during the parade

Prince Afriyie Fontomfrom performs and African dance

Ghana’s culture in full glow as these dancers put up a display

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Law & Order Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) is Now In Effect

Sophia M. Goring-Piard ESQ This submission represents an updated version of the author’s article published in the July 2012 issue of RockMeAfrica. That publiication discussed President Obama’s announcement of an historic policy change that would grant temporary relief to certain undocumented individuals. Specifically, as of August 15, 2012, the Obama administration had publicly released the details and additional guidance regarding the parameters of the new program, including appropriate forms that must be submitted, filing locations and filing fees. Friday, June 15, 2012 was truly a hallelujah moment for potentially 800,000 to 1.2 million undocumented children in the United States, as that is the day that President Obama and his U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, announced that the administration would, as a matter of discretion, consider granting deferred action to qualifying childhood arrivals to the U.S. and allow them to obtain work authorization for an initial two-year period (with the option for renewal). The historic announcement sparked waves of hope and relief for hundreds of thousands


of undocumented youth across the country who stood to benefit. Such youth had tirelessly advocated for an immediate change to halt the deportations of youth brought to the U.S. as small children either by crossing the border without immigration documentation and were not intercepted by Immigration officials upon entry; or had entered the U.S. with visas and overstayed, and had been residing continuously in the U.S. for five years prior to the announcement; and had not committed serious crimes, and had been educated in the U.S. or had been honorably discharged from the U.S. coast guard or military. Having lived and studied in the US for as long as they could remember, many youths, for the most part of their lives, felt like Americans and reckoned themselves as such. As graduation from High School approached they suddenly faced the stark truth of their status: they were undocumented all along because they did not have a social security number or evidence lawful status. For that reason they could not purse higher education or work lawfully upon graduation. In a bold, creative move by the Obama administration, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (U.S. DHS) implemented a humanitarian policy change that is now known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or “DACA.” Deferred action is a form of administrative relief that can prevent an individual from being placed in removal proceedings, stop proceedings that have begun, or stay the enforcement of any existing removal order. Further, deferred action can be terminated at any time at the agency’s discretion or renewed by the agency. On August 15, 2012, the U.S. DHS supplemented its previously issued press releases and Frequently Answered

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Questions involving the parameters of the DACA consideration request, by specifically introducing the new forms that potential requestors would need to submit, clarifying the filing fees and applicable filing location instructions. Therefore, as of August 15, 2012, potential DACA candidates have been able to submit their requests for consideration to the U.S. DHS, and since that date, thousands of individuals throughout the nation have gathered the necessary documentation and moved forward with the process to prove their eligibility for the program. The Obama administration’s DACA program announcement is an interim relief measure that is decided on a case-by-case basis, and does not grant lawful status to those that will ultimately receive favorable consideration and temporary work authorization. Moreover, DACA is not a form of amnesty, is not a new law, is not permanent residence and is not a pathway to citizenship. The administration is simply enforcing current immigration laws as they currently exist and this policy serves as an extension of the prosecutorial discretion policy the administration announced last year in June 2011. Under prosecutorial discretion, the government ensures that its enforcement resources are not expended to low priority cases, but are instead appropriately focused on people who meet its enforcement priorities. It will effectively suspend the deportation of children in removal proceedings before the U.S. immigration courts nationwide and institute a process for those not currently in removal proceedings to apply for deferred action. • The specific elements of DACA involve specific qualifying factors that each requestor must satisfy before receiving a favorable exercise of prosecutorial disgression, which provide that the individual

demonstrates that he/she:

Obtaining work authorization for an

We commend the administration for

15, 2012;

will allow beneficiaries of deferred ac-

reaching his/her 16th birthday;

a positive way.

United States since June 15, 2007, up to the present time; was present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making his or her request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS; entered without inspection before June 15, 2012, or his or her lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012; is currently in school, has graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, has obtained a general education development certificate, or is an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; and has not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, three or more other misdemeanors, and does not pose a threat to national security or public safety.

With respect to those who have never been in removal proceedings, but were in unlawful status as of June 15, 2012, the DACA request for consideration process involves submission of the newly introduced Form I-821D Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Such individuals must be 15 years of age or older at the time of filing and meet the above eligibility criteria.

prosecutorial discretion towards these children as an interim measure, and pray that this will lead to real legislative long-term reform in the near future.

• was under the age of 31 as of June initial period of two years under DACA taking this brave step in extending • came to the United States before tion to move forward with their lives in • has continuously resided in the • • •

Grants of deferred action will be issued in increments of two years. At the expiration of the two-year period, the grant of deferred action can be renewed, pending a review of the individual case. If an individual’s period of deferred action is extended, he or she will need to re-apply for an extension of their work authorization. In addition, DACA will apply to certain categories of individuals as follows: • those who are encountered by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS); • those who are in removal proceedings but not yet subject to a final order of removal and meet the above criteria; • those who are not currently in removal proceedings and meet the above criteria, and pass a background check; and • those who are subject to a final order of removal regardless of their age.

Further, childhood arrivals whose removal proceedings were terminated prior to a DACA request, who are 15 years of age or older at the time of filing must file Form 821-D with the USCIS for consideration. Additionally, those in removal proceedings, with a final removal order or with a voluntary departure order may file Form 821-D with USCIS even if under the age of 15 at the time of filing. Each request must be properly signed and accompanied by Form I-765 with filing fees of $465, and Form I-765WS. Individuals requesting DACA consideration will be sent a notice scheduling them to appear at an Application Support Center for biometrics collection, and failure to comply with this notice may result in a denial of the deferred action request. Finally, requests for travel authorization (advance parole) for certain eligible individuals may be considered only after USCIS has decided to defer action in the DACA requestor’s case. Therefore, requestors are cautioned against filing Form I-131, Application for Travel Document, with Form I-821-D, and if they do, the entire submission will be rejected and returned to the requestor. Please see www.uscis. gov for further instructions regarding the initial evidence and documentary requirements that are necessary for filing the DACA request, as well as the applicable filing location.

We remain optimistic that considerations for DACA have and will continue to be fairly and humanely applied by the agencies for beneficiaries who were in removal proceedings that immediately qualified as of the date of the policy announcement, as well as for those who will be able to affirmatively apply under the recently issued guidance of August 15, 2012.

About Author

Sophia M. Goring-Piard, a graduate of Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri (Bachelor’s degree) and Fordham University School of Law, New York, New York (Juris Doctor), is an attorney admitted to the Bars of the State of New York and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She primarily practices in the area of immigration and naturalization law. Her current practice also includes representation of individual clients in deportation and removal proceedings, including advising immigrants on the immigration consequences of criminal convictions, asylum, VAWA, Temporary Protected Status, and Special Immigrant Juvenile petitions. She is a Board Member of the Mount Carmel Pentecostal Church, Bronx, NY. You may reach her at

The Law Offices of Sophia M. Goring-Piard, Esq.

1825 Park Avenue, Suite 1102, NY, NY 10035. (212) 281-2231

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RMA Beauty & Lifestyle When talking about hair, people, including some cosmetologists confuse textures, types and even density. This piece is intended to clear the misconception. The texture of hair refers to what I would call the diameter of the strand. This is, believe it or not, genetically inclined and also hereditary. It can by no means be altered. Every person to whom you speak will have some grievance relating to his or her texture. As human beings and slaves to esthetic beauty, we will never be satisfied with the hair with which we are born. The sooner we appreciate that the texture we have will be with us till death, the more stress-free our lives would become. What, in fact, can be altered is our hair’s density and type. This can occur as a result of grave illnesses, some forms of therapies, food poisonings or chemical/physical damage. Physical damage relates to traction such as pulling ponytails too tightly. The hot molten compound from the constant use of a pressing comb can also alter your density. Your texture, however, will remain the same. So you may ask, “What really is texture?” Texture is the size of the strand. By that I mean if you were to hold one strand up and feel the weight of it, you could determine how fine, medium or coarse it is. Coarse-textured strands can be seen individually from, at least, 12 feet away whereas fine-textured strands are the complete opposite. Fine textures are generally more porous and frizz more quickly. They are much more delicate and should be treated that way. For example, high volumes of developer and super strengths of chemicals ought to be avoided. This is for safety reasons, thus preventing overprocessing, shedding and breakage. One can experience more than one texture on the head - perhaps, father’s


Understanding Textures and Types of Hair texture versus grandmother’s texture. When treating such hair chemically, always go with the prevalent texture. Many confuse density with texture. Density is equivalent to the amount of hair per square inch. This determines thickness or sparseness of hair in a given area. With an untrained eye, when we see a person with a full head of hair we naturally think of coarse hair like we do when we see extremely thin hair and think that is fine hair. We even treat them accordingly, thinking we are doing the right thing. What we do not realize is that we are sometimes either under-processing or over-processing the hair. Let us learn to distinguish the difference. Coarse hair is a thicker strand and can be treated with more vigor for lack of a better word. When we encounter extremely thin hair we must pay close attention to the size of each strand. It may be quite coarse. Gray Hair Hair is considered pigmented or unpigmented. This simply means that some degree of melanin from your melanocyte cells in your skin gives you your hair color. Your melanin exists in the cortex of the hair strand. I will explore this in greater detail in my next book. Gray hair is in reality white hair. It has a grayish appearance only because it sits beside darker hair. Although grays are usually associated with age, this is not always the case. It can also be hereditary to acquire them from young adulthood. Benign illnesses can also produce gray hair. The body experiences a chemical change from the norm which affects the balance. You can either have them colored or enjoy them the way they are. Plucking them out does not prevent them from coming back. We all know that gray or pigmented hair is resistant. I am still trying to understand the in-depth nature of gray hair. I learned, however, that color pigmentation in the cortex layer serves to protect the inner structure (the

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Dr. Dave Ray (PhD Trichology) Medulla) from destruction that can occur from ultra-violet rays of the sun. When the hair turns gray this pigmentation is no longer present to combat this condition. Therefore, the cuticle acts as an antibody and becomes thicker to compensate for the lack of melanin. Since the cuticle is now thicker, the hair appears to be more resistant and wiry. This is obviously why rinses do not adhere to the hair unless there is a chemical service that day to soften the cuticle. Remember that the hair can be fine but still resistant if gray is involved. Types The type refers to the velocity or speed of hair. This means how fast or slow the hair grows out of the hair follicle. Please, understand that this does not relate to the time span; it is the shape. Fast hair is curly hair, slow hair is straight hair. This is determined only by race or ethnicity. In other words if both of your parents have super curly or kinky hair, yours cannot be straight. You may have some wavy pattern if your grandmother has wavy type. Type can also determine how voluminous the hair will be. In the universe, there exist about 6 types of hair. They are Nordic, Celtic, Asian, Latin, Indian and African. This is obviously in its purest form. We call it homogeneous racial population. Now in the 21st century, however, the races are becoming more heterogeneous in that they are intermingling and cohabitating. This is allowing for a variation of types of hair. You can have wavy hair but fine or straight hair and still coarse. I hope you get the gist.

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Africa In Perspective Bakassi Revolts against Cameroun, Prepares for war embossed on the blue shade to signify their seriousness. They also set up their radio station to broadcast news to the people.

The people of the Bakassi peninsula in the Cross River State of Nigeria, currently under the jurisdiction of Cameroun, have made a unilateral declaration of independence from their “foreign” rulers and are bracing up themselves for “war.” They see themselves as Nigerians and are therefore opposed to the UN’s plan to integrate them into Cameroun. Their secession which was announced last month comes nearly a decade after the International Court of Justice, (ICJ) transferred sovereignty of the peninsula from Nigeria to Cameroun following a protracted dispute over ownership. The Court, backed by the UN, instructed Nigeria to transfer possession of the peninsula to Cameroun but did not require the inhabitants to move or to change their nationality. Cameroon was thus given a substantial Nigerian population, estimated between 150,000 and 300,000 and was required to protect their rights, in frastructure and welfare. But in a brazen show of defiance the Bakassi people, last month hoisted a blue, white and red flag with 11 stars


Broadcasting from the “national radio” on August 6, Ekpe Ekpenyong Oku who described himself as the Commander-General of the Bakassi Self-Determination Front (BSDF), the brain behind the rebellion, said arrangements had been made with some international liberation groups to assist the Bakassi natives in their anticipated battle with Cameroun who were sure to send in troops to quell the rebellion. He warned residents to flee to avoid being caught in the crossfire. Even though the BSDF predicted that fierce battle was expected on August 11 and 12, nothing of the sort had happened by press time on August 20 as both Nigeria and Cameroun are treading cautiously to avoid heightening of tension and renewal of conflict between them. Before the Bakassi peninsula was ceded to Cameroun a protracted dispute over ownership resulted in serious tension between Nigeria and Cameroon which brought the West African neighbors to the brink of war in 1981. In fact, armed clashes broke out between the two countries in the 1990s. In response Cameroun took the matter to the ICJ on March 29, 1994 and after eight years the Court ruled, on October 10, 2002 that sovereignty actually rested with Cameroun.

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Mandela assassination plot: White Supremacist convicted The mastermind of a white supremacist plot to kill Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first black president, has been convicted of treason. A Pretoria High Court handed down its verdict against Mike Du Toit, a former academic, following a nine-year trial. The court ruled that the leader of Boeremag, the supremacist group, was behind the nine bombings in Johannesburg’s Soweto Township in 2002. According to a South African Press Association report the Boeremag had planned to stage a coup and assassinate Mr Mandela, who spent 27 years in prison before being elected president in 1994, and acted as a unifying force after decades of white-minority rule. The report quoted Judge Eben Jordaan as saying that Du Toit had authored a blueprint for revolution intended to evict black people from most of South Africa and to kill anyone who got in the way. The group also intended to shoot whites who opposed their vision of a racially pure nation, witnesses said. They told the court that Boeremag had carried out a spate of bombings in Soweto in 2002, killing one person. Nearly 200 people gave evidence for the state, including police informants within Boeremag. More than 20 other suspects were on trial with Du Toit, but the court has not yet ruled on their fate.

Egyptian President Defies Army

Egyptian President, Mohamed Morsi last month took his country’s military by surprise when he announced sweeping changes in the hierarchy of the army in breach of a constitutional declaration that cut him off from interfering in the affairs of the soldiers. It is recalled that before Morsi was sworn into office as the first constitutionally-elected president of his

country, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), the group that acted as caretaker government after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak, issued an addendum to the Constitution that stripped Morsi of any control of the military. The declaration, among other things, cut off the President from all army affairs including its budget and promotions. But in a show of defiance Morsi, on

August 12 cancelled the edict and removed the top brass of the military who masterminded the declaration. They included Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, the Minister of Defence and Military Production and Lt. General Samy Hafez Ahmed Anan, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. The President replaced Tantawi with Major General Abdel Fattah Said Hussein Khalil Al Sissy whom he promoted to General and appointed Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and Defense Minister with immediate effect. Major General Sedqi Sobhy Sayed Ahmed was promoted to the rank of Lt General and appointed Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces from the date of the announcement. A lot of other high-profile army officers were also affected by the changes. Tantawi and Anan were, however, appeased with national honors and made advisors to the President. Meanwhile, President Morsi has appointed a senior judge, Mahmoud Mekki, as vice president.

son of equatorial guinea President in trouble most prestigious neighborhoods of the French capital, is thought to be worth between £79m or the equivalent of $124m. President Teodoro Nguema vObiang Mbasogo’s son, 43, who is known for his lavish lifestyle, denies any wrongdoing but he is currently being sought on corruption charges.

The Paris mansion of Teodorin Nguema Obiang Mangue, son of Equatorial Guinea’s President, has been seized by French authorities as part of a money-laundering probe. According to AFP news agency reports, the luxury mansion which is located on Avenue Foch in one the

A week before the seizure, Judge Roger Le Loire had issued an international search warrant after Mr Obiang refused to be interviewed by magistrates on charges of corruption. The allegations were brought forward by anti-corruption group, Transparency International. The organization suspects Mr Obiang, as well his father and several other African leaders, of using state assets to acquire property in France. Become a fan on Facebook

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New Yorkers Show Amazing Love for Francis, Wife By: Tony Prempeh

others. Despite a light shower, sympathizers, mostly Ghanaians, from every nook and cranny of the Bronx, came in such overwhelming numbers that the venue - El Gaucho - which possibly ranks as the largest social gathering center in the Bronx at the moment, was virtually bursting at its seams. Many of the mourners had to stay outside and periodically weave their way inside to feel a real part of the occasion.

For a long time to come, one event that is sure to remain the talk of the town so far as the Bronx is concerned, is the funeral of Mrs. Mary Fordjour who lost her life during childbirth on June 25, 2012 at the tender age of 33. Her baby survived. The circumstances leading to her death, her youthfulness and the fact that she left behind her infant daugh-


ter, combined to trigger an outpouring of empathy and sympathy for the widower, Mr. Francis Fordjour never witnessed in the Bronx in a long while, may be never ever. Among the sympathizers were pastors from almost every church in the Bronx with some members of their congregations; professionals like lawyers, media practitioners, doctors, nurses, drivers, caterers and many

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The admirable show of support could not undo the damage but hopefully, it helped in no small way to assuage the pain of the combined families of the two young spouses, especially the widower, who is a well-known socialite in the Bronx. Through RockMeAfrica Mr. Fordjour expressed his gratitude to all those who mourned with him and contributed in diverse ways to make the funeral the success that it was.

These photos say it all: The attendance was overflowing; the show of love amazing and the atmosphere touching Become a fan on Facebook

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The Pulpit Series

Teenage pregnancy is not only a thing of the world; it is also a spiritual dilemma. We have seen young women at 14 or 16 years raising children of their own. We have decried and denounced this. However, today, we have in our churches, pastors who are still babes in Christ and yet are referred to as Papa or Bishops. Such were never groomed, educated, “discipled” or guided through the foundational doctrines of our churches. They have no background, point of reference and any form of authentic spiritual mentorship. Overnight they became prophets, apostles and bishops by hook or crook. This is a spiritual misdemeanor and the church of this age is suffering from this dilemma. During the days of Prophet Samuel, a school of the prophets was established, indicating that prophets are to be groomed by respected and accepted spiritual leaders. Hence, one does not become a prophet because of a gift received through impartation or some manipulations in the pulpit. This will pass in the eyes of some immature congregants but the end thereof will be tragic. Again, one does not become a bishop because he has learnt the art of preaching, or duplicated and unashamedly imitated the style and revelations of other ministers and diabolically delivered them as though God spoke to him. Beware! Many are called but few are chosen. One must understand that there is a difference between the “gifts” and the “callings.” You may be gifted but you


The Age of Premature Pastors may not be called. Even among the called there are the chosen, for “many are called but few are chosen.” The inability of the modern day church to understand the difference between these two variables has created an unprecedented chaos in the church. The “gifts” are for the edification of the saints, whilst the “callings” are for the training of the saints. Gifts are given to any believer who desires them. They may be bestowed upon you at a premature stage of your Christian life, irrespective of the number of years you have been a believer. These gifts include revelation gifts namely, the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, and discerning of other spirits. There are also the power gifts which include the ability to demonstrate healing, miracle working, and faith. The tragedy, however, is that many who receive any of these gifts, fail to recognize that the bestowal of the gifts does not imply a calling into ministry. A church must not be started on a “gift” but on the “calling.” When individuals refuse to wait for the actual calling of God, and are enticed into ministry because of sensationalism and fame, the church as a whole suffers from this anarchy. There is so much division in our churches because few are truly called. The world has lost trust in the Church because we have celebrated babes in Christ as our apostles, bishops and prophets. We have blindly acknowledged pastors who are not even saved and delivered, because they can put up a theatrical show. As a minister of God or an aspiring minister reading this message, identify whom your spiritual father is, and have a point of reference to authenticate your calling. God is not the author of confusion. He will not call anyone without placing such a one into the hands of a Priscilla or Aquila to train them. Who really brought you up?

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Watching someone on TV does not make them your mentor or spiritual father. Submit yourself to your local pastor; serve in a church. Be an usher; be a cleaner in the church or a janitor. Do something worth doing today, as simple as it is, and it will pave the way to your greatness tomorrow. Before Elisha had the endorsement of King Jehoshaphat it was said of him, “…the one who pours water upon the hands of Elijah.” By that point of reference alone, the King believed that the word of God was in the mouth of Elisha. What is your point of reference? Take your time to grow as a disciple of Christ. Calling yourself an apostle, or bishop or a prophet does not make you one. Some gullible and ignorant congregants will buy into this imprudence of charismatic and Pentecostal sensationalism without the due process of the Divine Law. There are so many childish apostles and bishops who were never discipled by anyone. Before Peter came to be called an apostle he was first called a disciple. Give yourself to studying; develop an intimate walk with the Lord, and fight for your own salvation first. You must recall the caution of King David that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. Why be overly wise and die before your time? Finally, be advised. The most difficult thing in life is not success or rising to the peak of the mountain. But maintaining your longitude and momentum at that height or peak is the difficulty. Apostles are not made in a day; don’t be eager to run ahead of your time. They are born to the call; then they are called to manifest it; they are discipled to pay the price; then they are tested to prove their calling; they are ordained by the presbytery (not some schemes and mendacity). Afterwards, they are sanctioned and released to the world. Only then can they function as a bishop or an apostle.

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