RockMeAfrica Magazine Vol. 1 Issue 5

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Happy Mothers’ Day Mother’s Day means honoring and celebrating mothers for who they are Make this mother’s day special for a very deserving mother.

Bible Believers’ Tabernalce Inc. 1877 Bathgate ave. bronx, ny may 13th, 2012

Rev. Mrs. Adu Gyamfi is a mother of four - Abigail, Emmanuela, Kezia and Alexander Jnr. She is also the mother of the BBT Congregation. There is none deserving of a greater mothers day tribute than this gift of God. RMA salutes her

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March 22 the civilized world woke up to the news that some low-ranking officers of the Malian Army had taken up arms, and removed the constitutionallyelected government of the West African country. The ex-president, Amadou Toumani Toure who was just months from finishing his last term when soldiers stormed the presidential palace, had been forced into hiding.


Before the coup Mali was one country. Although the Tuaregs were making some inroads in their threat to secede, the ousted civilian government had managed to contain them, even though it was a long shot from absolute control of the situation. Now, after the coup and the promise by the military junta to deal more decisively with the rebellion, Mali is rather a divided country. The Tuaregs and Islamist fighters, exploiting the confusion in Bamako and the south in general occasioned by the coup, have gained more ground after rapidly sweeping across the North and seizing control of vast swathes of land said to be the size of France which they have renamed the independent state of Azawad.

Coup Leader: Captain Amadou Sanogo As shocking and unacceptable as that report seemed to be, it proved to be the stark truth: that at a time Mali was enjoying a flourishing democracy, relative social stability and some measure of economic growth after decades of drought, a coup and 23 years of military dictatorship; that in this day and age of democratization in Africa; at a time when Africa was surely proving its capacity for democracy to the world, the skeptical West in particular, some

to stage a coup! According to the mutineers their immediate priority was to restore security and equip the army to better fight the rebellion up north. But events following the coup have proved that the mutiny has rather exacerbated the crisis in Mali.

soldiers would have the audacity, not just to dare to turn the clock back, but actually do so. And, listen to the reason for the rebellion! They were not satisfied with the manner the ex-President was handling a three-month-old secessionist move by nomads from the northern part of the country, otherwise known as the Tuaregs. What? Were they serious? What a flimsy and ridiculous excuse

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The good news, however, is that after just three weeks in office the mutinous soldiers were shown where power really lies. Through a series of biting sanctions the continent’s watchdog institutions like the Economic Community of West African States, (ECOWAS) and the African Union, with backing from their global allies, forced the rogues in uniform to restore democracy. Consequently, on April 12, Dioncounda Traore, who was the head of Mali’s National Assembly before the coup, was sworn in to serve as Mali’s interim president for 40 days after which

WHERE Y LIES! fresh democratic elections would be conducted. The sanctions included the closing of all neighboring borders into the already landlocked country; the blocking of imports into the country, including fuel for vehicles and generating electricity as well as withholding from the Central Bank of Mali, fresh inflows of CFA Francs, the joint currency for much of francophone West Africa. Believed to be among the strictest ever imposed by the 15-member ECOWAS, the sanctions would have left Mali’s 15 million citizens struggling to find food, fuel and

African countries have learnt to be each other’s keeper, at least, as far as entrenching democracy is concerned. Irritatingly and paradoxically this is the name the coup plotters adopted for the bogus and unconstitutional government they set up after their mutiny: THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE RETURN OF DEMOCRACY AND THE RESTORATION OF THE STATE. The name suggested they were returning Mali to democracy What a contradiction! Where did democracy go? Of course, those rascals calling themselves saviors stole democracy from Mali. What necessitated the need for a restoration of the state? Find out from those vagabonds in uniform: they plundered it. And they had

Soldiers who take up arms and overthrow a constitutionally elected government are guilty of high treason. Therefore, they are criminals and must be treated as such. No one should entertain them anywhere on the continent. They are a disgrace to Africa and deserve condemnation in the strongest terms. Thankfully, this time round the continent rose to the occasion and proved the skeptics wrong. As the world watched to see how Africa would address the constitutional crisis or fail to do so, she moved swiftly and proved to all and sundry that she has the clout and commitment to defend the cause of democracy. There is an African proverb that states that “You do not allow a dog

“SaFetY FirSt!” thiS iS what SeeMS to be on the MindS oF theSe MaLianS aS theY Seek SheLter awaY FroM the ConFuSion oCCaSioned bY the Coup cash to buy medicines or keep businesses running. And there would have been no hiding place for the coup plotters! Forget that they would be armed; the people’s power would have triumphed. Even though it could take longer than 40 days for the expected elections to be held given the short time at hand for adequate preparations, the fact that the rebellious soldiers have been neutralized and marginalized is a victory for democracy. It is also a sign that

the impudence to call themselves restorers when, by their coup, they had actually ushered in an era of “institutional looting” of the state. That is what coups are for: looting. We do not care a hoot about what the stooges say; we care less about those who supported the coup for whatever reasons they might have adduced. One thing is certain: Coups d’etats have always been unpopular, anachronistic and retrogressive.

to bite you when you have a stick by you.” To all intents and purposes Mother Africa has a big stick and should not let any dog bite her and inflict more wounds when she is already finding it difficult to nurse her old wounds. She has already proved that she does not wield the stick in vain. That is the spirit! Next time some vagabonds in uniform strike do not hesitate to show them where power really lies! God bless Africa!

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African Scientists The Unsung Heroes House to individuals and organizations, recognizes the crucial role that mentoring plays in the academic and personal President Barack Obama is all Award-winning physicist, development smiles as he gets set to decoProfessor Solomon Bililign is of students rate Professor Bililign obviously a happy man. studying science and en“Ideal teachers are those who gineering—particularly those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students belong to groups that are underto cross, then having facilitated represented in these fields. The their crossing, joyfully collapse, mentoring can involve students at any grade level from elementary encouraging them to create through graduate school. bridges of their own. That’s you, Professor Solomon By offering their expertise and Bililign! Congratulations!” encouragement, mentors help preNikos Kazantzakis, an admirer of pare the next generation of scienthe professor, made that remark tists and engineers while ensuring after learning that the science that tomorrow’s innovators reflect teacher had been nominated as and benefit from the diverse talent a recipient of the prestigious US of the United States. Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and EnCandidates for the award are gineering Mentoring for his excelnominated by colleagues, adminislent work among his students. trators and students in their home Professor Bililign, a physics teachinstitutions. In addition to being er at the North Carolina Agriculhonoured at the White House, retural & Technical State University cipients receive $25,000 from the was among 17 winners recognized National Science Foundation to on December 12, 2011 for their advance their mentoring efforts. work in 2010 and 2011. They included nine individuals and eight In a citation at the award ceremoinstitutions. ny at the White House, President Obama said: “Through their comElated about the honor, the remitment to education and innovanowned African physicist told tion, these individuals are playing Tadias, an online magazine for the a crucial role in the development Ethiopian-American community, of our 21st century workforce. that: “I am humbled by the honor; Our nation owes them a debt of I am just one of thousands of men- gratitude for helping ensure that tors who happened to be nominatAmerica remains the global leader ed. I am sure there are a lot more in science and engineering for deserving mentors. The recognition years to come.” would motivate me to do more.” But the learned man from Africa The award, presented by the White was not happy about the little es-


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teem accorded to accomplishment in science generally. “Success in science, engineering or math is not as glamorous as success in the performing arts or sports in the US, but the economic competitiveness of the nation, depends on a solid foundation in the sciences. He added: “Young people need to be encouraged, pushed and persuaded to do it; not for the money or fame but for the love of discovery and innovation. I believe everyone has a gift, and a mentor’s role is to identify the gift and nurture it.” Prof. Bililign pointed out that African scientists are represented in many fields and levels of scientific research and development, yet their achievements and participation remain highly under-appreciated. From NASA Spacecraft and Satellite Systems engineering, physics, to bioeconomy, Africans have excelled and continue to excel. Unfortunately, due to lack of commitment on the continent, to the development of science as evidenced by the lip service paid to the issue by most governments, much of the intellectual wealth of the continent is not present in Africa. Most African scientists flock to foreign countries with advanced establishments to seek greener intellectual pastures, oftentimes, leaving their families and loved ones behind. But that situation could be a blessing in disguise. Among other things, African scientists in the Diaspora experience social challenges which make them more attuned to the needs of the continent and humanity as a whole. For the African scientist, this is compelling enough to go beyond knowledge of basic sciences to being involved in issues that have direct or indirect influence on Africa.

This story is not unique to male African scientists. Women scientists, too, play very crucial roles for the US and, Africa but are less recognized in their everyday contributions. Some of them, like, Dr. Sossina Haile of CalTech are adopting innovative approaches with environmental consideration such as the power cell wiz, otherwise known as, The Power Behind Cooler, Greener Energy. Dr. Haile is the driving force behind improved fuel cell that could provide highly affordable clean energy. She currently resides in Pasadena, California but of Ethiopian origins. Thousands of miles away from California, in Malawi, Victoria Ndolo, a research fellow and agricultural scientist, conducts an innovative research to improve nutritional quality using sustainable means. She has discovered that if solar-powered dryers are used to dry local fruits, 60% of the vitamin C would be preserved. This discovery directly contributes to the reduction of macronutrient deficiencies and co-morbidities as well as boosting the local economy by increasing the sale of the fruit juices. Dr. Haile’s work to reduce carbon emission and Ndolo’s research on use of available energy to increase high yield products, will directly or indirectly change the trajectories of many communities in Africa. Africa has never been short of great minds that have the potential to transform the continent many times over. Visible or not, these transformations currently, are indeed, gradually happening from within as many of these scientists tackle Africa’s problems using African solutions. What is needed is the right kind of incentive to motivate these men and women – the continent’s unsung heroes – to take their work a notch higher for the benefit of all Africans. Blen Eshete, MPH San Bernardino, CA


A frican Scientists - T he Unsung Hero es: Spotlight an Ethio-

pian American Physicist Solomon Bililign as one of the nation’s “Outstanding Science, Math, and Engineering Mentors.”


A lcohol ism A mo n g Africans: Dr. Mi-

chael Adusei discusses alcoholism and its effects among Africans.


A u t ism : The Bare F a cts. (Part 2)

... Even though a lot of myths still surround the disease, more facts have been uncovered in recent times about it.


A n African Yout h gives u p care e r for co u n try: A story of an African



Ma nc he s t er Unit ed Is S ti l l The Richest: Manchester United remain the world’s most valuable football club, according to Forbes magazine.



During his trip to New York, he paid a, historically, unprecedented visit to the Yankasa community, the largest Ghanaian Muslim community abroad


K ee ping Apart men ts Wit hin t he Fam ily P art 2


Is He l l Re al ? T h e co n c l usion: “Why

will a loving God send anyone to Hell?” and “Why will a loving God torture people for an infinite time for a finite crime?”


MaY 2012 Rev. Adu Gyamfi ------------ Mentor Gabriel Odame -------------- Publisher Mr. Tony Prempeh ---------- Editor-In-Chief Weeks Mensah ---------------Public Relations Joyce O. Amoah ------------- Advertising Mgr. Ronny Boateng -------------- Public Relations Rev. C. Kafui Agbesi -------- Columnist Dr. Alex Osei-Bonsu -------- Columnist Dr. Dave Ray (Phd) --------- Columnist Mr. N Siriboe (Att.) ---------- Columnist Oghene Adu Darko --------- Photographer Kofi Ackumey ---------------- Contributing Writer


Our primary objective is to promote African culture and heritage and offer a platform to encourage relationships; foster goodwill and promote awareness of pressing African issues in the diaspora. We aim to educate and engage our readers to actively participate in the coalition to rebuild and restore the African image globally.

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RMA Fashion

People go to church for many reasons. For some, it is to gain access to a large social niche where they can find acceptance, tolerance and real time interaction. Some see church as the place to find solace, protection and answers to certain questions. A few, however, go to commune with God. What-


ever the motivation may be, one thing is for sure: People will always bring their swag to church. From the least of the congregation to pastor, you will find a variety of taste in style. Gone are the days when people dressed conservatively to church. The modern day Chris-

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tian lady loves the trendy bodyhugging designs that accentuate her features and inject a fresh dose of self-confidence. Likewise, men are attuned to fitted-suits and stylish ties that are sure to enunciate their physique. There is no shame in bring-

Photography by: Oghene Photos ing your swag to church. It is what makes you different from others and creates the first impression of whom you are. One thing to bear in mind is swag goes beyond what you wear. It is the way you walk, talk, relate, react; your entire demeanor. Unless you are one of those nonchalant people who

could care less about what others think, then you would want to keep that swag in check. Next time you find yourself staring in the mirror, ask yourself, WWJD, that is, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?

If you have lost your swagger, here are a few designs to help you get it back.

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Mothers Cannot Wait …A Special Tribute to Mothers on Mothers’ Day By Tony Prempeh

For nine months they carried us alone after our fathers indulged themselves in bouts of lawful amusement. In some cases the men could have been charged with marital rape. For against the wishes of our tired mothers, some of our fathers insisted that amusement they must have and amusement they had – lawfully though – after all, they had “bought” the women with the dowry. Some men would even quote scripture passages to justify why they must have their way against the unwilling flesh of our mothers. How they know the Bible! They would quote that, “The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.” I Cor. 7:4-5. Most of the time the fathers quoting such scriptures, are those who have just returned from a boozing spree. Pregnancy results from amusement and then some men vanish into thin air. Gradually the day of delivery dawns and by God’s grace they are delivered of their babies. Through thick and thin the mothers would be there for their children, selling their clothes, at times, to supplement what the fathers give. If they are single parents their case is worse. With no support from any man they sell everything – iced water, dough nuts, oranges, bread, second-hand clothing, foodstuffs, carrier bags and virtually everything. As the best friends mothers are the special people in the lives of their children who understand them, and laugh and cry with them. Even in anger a mother is able to drop her voice half an octave to its most soothing range, remembering


that children are what they are – naughty. But we seem to be so short-sighted that we do not remember how far we have come from the days of our childhood. Some of us have abandoned our best friends and condemned them by our attitudes to perpetual misery when they thought it was time to rest in peace and not in pieces; when they thought payback time was finally due and when they thought we had never forgotten the days they cried all day long because we were sick and they did not know what to do without any money or helper. May 13 is Mothers’ Day and for the first time in a long while, some people would suddenly remember they have mothers and buy them gifts. For all they have done and continue to do for us, Mothers’ Day should not be seasonal; it should be daily. We should never forget the good, old Biblical injunction; “Honor thy father and mother; that thy days may be long upon the earth.” Since the converse of any law holds equally true, it follows that if you do not honor your father and mother, your days will be shortened. Period!

mother and in the full glare of publicity, announced to the whole world that, that was just the beginning of payback time. Is that not beautiful? Should that not be the standard if God prospers you? For those who are not endowed enough to do that it does not take money to show your mother that you love her and appreciate all that she has done for you. Tell her as often as you get the chance to do so, that you love her. Do for her the little you can at a time. Let your wife respect her and she would be satisfied. This article salutes all mothers and prays that all their toil will not be in vain, especially Auntie Aggie, my sweet mother; Joyce my dear wife and mother of my three children; Mrs. Gladys Adu-Gyamfi, the First Lady of BBT; Mrs. Sandra Odame, the tower behind my publisher; Madam Aba Tetsewaa and Mrs. Stella Ababio, mother and wife respectively of my friend and boss, Emmanuel; Vero, wife of my colleague, Ofori Boateng; Nelly my co-worker; all members of the Women’s Ministry of BBT where I worship and indeed, all women in the whole wide world. You are real mothers and you are the best.

A man, an unbeliever for that matter, when blessed, bought a magnificent five-bedroom house for his mother, got her invited to the Oprah Winfrey show, announced

Mothers cannot wait to be honored in their death with all the useless eulogies. Remember that a stitch in time saves nine and do not forget that prevention is better than cure.

the package to her dumbfounded

A word to the wise…

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RMA Health


A silent killer among africans one problem or another with alcohol. And, yet, it is doing a lot of damage to our people especially our young ones. Youngsters with little experience with drinking are particularly vulnerable as they first begin to participate in highrisk activities such as sports, sexuality, and driving.

Dr. Michael Adusei, M.D, Metropolitan Hospital Center/ New York Medical College Neuro-Psychiatry

Alcohol is one thing people enjoy whether they are happy or sad. Sometimes it seems like the solution to our problems, the only thing that makes life bearable. But, if we would be honest with ourselves, we would admit that when we drink we have problems with our family, at home, at our workplace, with our health, or even with our emotions or social life. Alcoholic beverages are readily available at affordable cost with minimal legal restrictions. Consequently, there is widespread use of alcohol in diverse recreational and work-related circumstances. Not surprisingly, traumatic injuries sustained while under influence of elevated blood alcohol are among the most public health problems today. Alcohol consumption is an important contributor to the global burden of disease, responsible for 4% of disability-adjusted life years. Strangely, however, it is very difficult for many of us to admit and accept that we have


Heavy drinkers, who often have blood alcohol concentrations that impair judgment and motor skills, are particularly at risk to alcoholrelated violence, traumatic injury, and death. Indeed, alcohol has become a threat to the very existence of our society. Over the years, thousands of Africans have been killed, blinded or rendered sterile by drinking lethal concoctions veiled as regular alcohol. Every day thousands of Africans get infected as a result of unsafe sex due to alcohol consumption. According to the World Health Organization, (WHO) the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa is largely due to alcohol misuse. HIV transmission rates through sexual contact are also shown to be higher with harmful drinking patterns, especially among groups whose behaviors, context, or lifestyles already place them at risk of acquiring the virus. Besides, heavy alcohol use has been shown to negatively impact the body’s immune function. By suppressing the normal responses that protect it from disease, alcohol misuse may decrease the body’s ability to defend itself upon exposure to the HIV virus. Alcoholism is also breaking up families and destroying the

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traditional African family values. What about the thousands of people killed by traffic accidents caused by drunk drivers? One could go on enumerating the harmful effects of alcohol but suffice it to state that its misuse has led to many a shortened life. In spite of the obvious harm that alcoholism causes there is a school of thought that touts the protective health effects of moderate alcohol consumption, usually in relation to red wine. In fact, studies evaluating the health benefits of alcohol and wine have demonstrated that moderate consumption is associated with a decrease in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Various populations and alcoholic beverages exhibit this effect to different degrees. Alcoholic beverages exhibit multiple mechanisms that may favorably influence cardiac risk potential actions on platelets, antioxidants, fibrinolysis, and lipids. However, other data suggest that the perceived benefit of alcoholic beverages in general, and wine in particular, are the result of socio-economic confounders. Therefore, in the absence of more rigorous evidence, it is not currently possible to define the role of wine in human health. Alcohol use is an important factor in any woman’s health risk profile. Harmful patterns of alcohol consumption are strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Alcoholrelated morbidities include mental health disorders such

as substance dependence and depression, and physical morbidities such as breast cancer and HIV infection. Women also experience unique negative social consequences of alcohol use that impact health, from increased risk of domestic violence to stigma. The negative health and social consequences of alcohol use are further moderated by the volume of alcohol consumed and the pattern of use over time. Drinking during pregnancy can lead to a range of physical, learning, and behavioral effects in the developing brain, the most serious of which is a collection of symptoms known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Children with FAS may have distinct facial features. FAS infants also are markedly smaller than average. Their brains may have less volume (i.e., microencephaly). And they may have fewer numbers of brain cells (i.e., neurons) or fewer neurons that are able to function correctly, leading to long–term problems in learning and behavior. Most people realize that heavy, long–term drinking can damage the liver, the organ chiefly responsible for breaking down alcohol into harmless by-products and clearing it from the body. But people may not be aware that prolonged liver dysfunction, such as liver cirrhosis resulting from excessive alcohol consumption, can harm the brain, leading to a serious and potentially fatal brain disorder known as hepatic encephalopathy .

coma), which can be fatal. Another problem that alcoholism breeds is thiamine deficiency which results from poor overall nutrition. Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is an essential nutrient required by all tissues, including the brain. It is found in foods such as meat and poultry; whole grain cereals; nuts; and dried beans, peas, and soybeans. Up to 80 percent of alcoholics, however, have a deficiency in thiamine, and some of these people will go on to develop serious brain disorders such as Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. The symptoms of Wernicke’s encephalopathy include mental confusion, paralysis of the nerves that move the eyes, and difficulty with muscle coordination. For example, patients with Wernicke’s encephalopathy may be too confused to find their way out of a room or may not even be able to walk. Approximately 80 to 90 percent of alcoholics with Wernicke’s encephalopathy also develop Korsakoff’s psychosis, a chronic and debilitating syndrome characterized by persistent learning and memory problems. Patients with Korsakoff’s psychosis

are forgetful and quickly frustrated and have difficulty with walking and coordination. Alcohol has toxic and sedative effects on the body. It can have major effects on major organ systems. For example, it can cause ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas and cirrhosis of the liver. Drinking too much alcohol can raise the levels of some fats in the blood. It can also lead to high blood pressure, heart failure and an increased calorie intake. (Consuming too many calories can lead to obesity and a higher risk of developing diabetes). Excessive drinking and binge drinking can lead to stroke. Other serious problems include cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. Many people with alcoholism enter treatment reluctantly because they do not recognize that they have a problem. An intervention from loved ones is needed to help some people recognize and accept that they need to get help. Various treatments are available to help people with alcohol problems. Depending on the circumstances treatment may involve a brief intervention, an out-patient program or counseling, or a residential in-patient stay.

Hepatic encephalopathy can cause changes in sleep patterns, mood, and personality; psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depression; severe cognitive effects such as shortened attention span and problems with coordination such as a flapping or shaking of the hands (called asterixis). In the most serious cases patients may slip into a coma (i.e., hepatic Kenyans consume a locallybecome brewed drink in the Kawangware area, a fan on Facebook Follow us on twitter | 13 on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. [Reuters]

Autism: The Bare Facts (Pt 2) B y: Audrey Jane

Immaculate Murga, who is autistic, practices his letters and numbers in a classroom at the Little Rock Inclusive Early Childhood Development Center in Kenya’s capital Nairobi. Samantha Sais /Reuters


his is the second and final installment of our article on autism. In Part 1 which appeared in our last issue, we dealt with the Definition of autism; Causes of the disease; Autism and Vaccines; Incidence of the disease among different demographic groups of children and What parents should monitor as signs of autism. Evaluations and tests All children should have routine developmental exams done by their pediatrician. Further testing may be needed if the doctor or parents are concerned. This is particularly true if a child fails to meet any of the following language milestones: • Babbling by 12 months • Gesturing (pointing, waving bye-bye) by 12 months • Saying single words by 16 months • Saying two-word spontane


• ous phrases by 24 months (not just echoing)

• Losing any language or social skills at any age These children might receive a hearing evaluation, blood lead test and screening test for autism (such as the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers [CHAT] or the Autism Screening Questionnaire). A health care provider experienced in diagnosing and treating autism is usually needed to make the actual diagnosis. Because there is no biological test for autism, the

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diagnosis will often be based on very specific criteria from a book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV. An evaluation of autism will often include a complete physical and nervous system (neurologic) examination. It may also include a specific screening tool, such as: • Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADI-R) • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) • Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) • Gilliam Autism Rating Scale • Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test Stage 3 Children with known or suspected autism will often have genetic testing (looking for chromosome abnormalities) and may have metabolic testing. Autism includes a broad spectrum of symptoms. Therefore, a single, brief evaluation cannot predict a child’s true abilities. Ideally, a team of different specialists will evaluate the child. They might evaluate: • Communication • Language • Motor skills • Speech • Success at schoolThink ing abilities Sometimes people are reluctant to have a child diagnosed because of concerns about labeling the child. However, without a diagnosis the child may not get the necessary treatment and services. Treatment An early, intensive, appropriate treatment program will greatly improve the outlook for most young children with autism. Most programs will build on the interests of the child in a highly- structured schedule of constructive activities. Visual aids are often helpful. Treatment is most success-

ful when it is geared toward the child’s particular needs. An experienced specialist or team should design the program for the individual child. A variety of therapies are available, including: • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) • Medications • Occupational Therapy • Physical Therapy • Speech-language Therapy Sensory integration and vision therapy are also common but there is little research supporting their effectiveness. The best treatment plan may use a combination of techniques. APPLIED BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS (ABA) This program is for younger children with an autism spectrum disorder. It can be effective in some cases. ABA uses a one-on-one teaching approach that reinforces the practice of various skills. The goal is to get the child close to normal developmental functioning. ABA programs are usually done in a child’s home under the supervision of a behavioral psychologist. These programs can be very expensive and have not been widely adopted by school systems. Parents often must seek funding and staffing from other sources, which can be hard to find in many communities. TEACCH Another program is called the Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH). TEACCH was developed as a statewide program in North Carolina. It uses picture schedules and other visual cues that help the child work independently, and organize and structure its environment. Though TEACCH tries to improve a child’s adaptation and skills, it also accepts the problems associated with autism spectrum disorders. Unlike ABA programs, TEACCH programs do not expect

children to achieve typical development with treatment. MEDICINE Medicines are often used to treat behavior or emotional problems that people with autism may have, including: • Aggression • Anxiety • Attention problems • Extreme compulsions that the child cannot stop • Hyperactivity • Impulsiveness • Irritability • Mood swings • Outbursts • Sleep difficulty • Tantrums Currently, only riffsperidone is approved to treat children ages 5 - 16 for the irritability and aggression that can occur with autism. Other medicines that may also be used include SSRIs, divalproex sodium and other mood stabilizers, and possibly stimulants such as methylphenidate. There is no medicine that treats the underlying problem of autism. DIET Some children with autism appear to respond to a gluten-free or casein-free diet. Gluten is found in foods containing wheat, rye, and barley. Casein is found in milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Not all experts agree that dietary changes will make a difference, and not all studies of this method have shown positive results. If you are considering these or other dietary changes, talk to both a doctor who specializes in the digestive system (gastroenterologist) and a registered dietitian. You want to be sure that the child is still receiving enough calories, nutrients, and a balanced diet. OTHER APPROACHES There are widely publicized treatments for autism that do not have scientific support, and reports of “miracle cures” that do not live up to expectations. Parents must be wary of these. If your child has

autism, it may be helpful to talk with other parents of children with autism and autism specialists. Follow the progress of research in this area, which is rapidly developing. At one time there was enormous excitement about using secretin infusions. Now, after many studies have been conducted in many laboratories, it is possible that secretin is not effective after all. However, research continues. Support Groups For organizations that can provide additional information and help on autism, see autism resources. Expectations (prognosis) Autism remains a challenging condition for children and their families, but the outlook today is much better than it was a generation ago. At that time, most people with autism were placed in institutions. Today, with the right therapy, many of the symptoms of autism can be improved, though most people will have some symptoms throughout their lives. Most people with autism are able to live with their families or in the community. The outlook depends on the severity of the autism and the level of therapy the person receives. Complications Autism can be associated with other disorders that affect the brain, such as: • Fragile X syndrome • Mental retardation • Tuberous sclerosis Some people with autism will develop seizures. The stress of dealing with autism can lead to social and emotional complications for family and caregivers, as well as the person with autism. Calling your health care provider Parents usually suspect that there is a developmental problem long before a diagnosis is made. Call your health care provider with any concerns about autism, or if you think that your child is not developing normally.

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civil war. That decision was made following a visit to the country of her birth in October 2008, almost two decades after fleeing the war with her parents and siblings.

Saran kaba JoneS Ceo, FaCe aFriCa www.FaCeaFriCa.CoM Without doubt all immigrants come to the US for one purpose: To chase the American dream and live it while life lasts. For most people that dream means pursuing quality education, getting a good job, acquiring some property and living an enviable life. But Saran Kaba Jones, a Harvard graduate and the daughter of a diplomat who could lay claim to privilege, is redefining that dream. To her the American dream is more than that; it is all about others; it means forgetting about self and helping the less fortunate ones live better lives. And she is only just thirty-one! After studying Government and International Relations at Harvard she could have followed in her father’s path as a career diplomat and got a job with no less an establishment as the UN. Apart from that option she could have been blissfully employed maintaining her work in Private Equity for the Singapore Government’s Economic Development Board. But she rejected those paths of personal bliss and rather opted for charity work in order to pursue a life-long dream of helping her compatriots back home in Liberia facing all kinds of developmental challenges accentuated by years of


The long civil war had devastated the country’s infrastructures – roads, buildings, health clinics, communications networks, schools, farms and factories were almost totally destroyed. Faced with one of the highest unemployment rates in the world, extreme poverty, lack of electricity, running water or sewage system, and an inadequate education system, Liberia had enormous needs.

African youth gives

Exclusive Interview w

“I was faced with the harsh realities of a post-conflict Liberia and the enormous challenges facing the average Liberian. My visits to various communities, orphanages, markets, clinics, et cetera, exposed me to a cycle of poverty that I wasn’t prepared for,” she told RockMeAfrica in an interview. She left Liberia somewhat overwhelmed and disheartened but she also had a new found understanding of the needs and challenges as well as ways in which she could contribute to the rebuilding efforts. To her what she saw was a clarion call to action. She knew she did not have the resources to overturn the situation overnight but one thing was certain: she had a burden to help, a commitment to alleviate the

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suffering of her people one problem at a time and a passion to succeed. And she sprang into action, choosing to handle the water crisis first since “water is life.” In our interview with Saran Kaba Jones she said: “One of the areas that struck me the most was the water and sanitation issue. The war had destroyed major water points and water systems, and millions of Liberians lacked access to clean and safe drinking water and proper sanitation facilities. I saw the effect this had on other areas of development: health, economic growth and advancement in women and girls’ education. I felt the water and sanitation issue needed urgent attention so I came back and dedicated myself to raising awareness and funds for water and sanitation projects in Liberia.”

ters of drinking water per day. The system is currently supplying hundreds of residents with clean and safe drinking water. Next, Face Africa completed its second clean water and sanitation project in the Joezohn community with a population of 300. In partnership with a local partner, Concern Liberia and a grant from Chase, the group rehabilitated a well, installed a hand pump, built By Tony Prempeh - Editor-In-Chief two communal places of convenience as well At this time she was gainfully emas conducted ployed, working in Private Equity hygiene training sessions. for the Singapore Government’s Economic Development Board. But The NGO also conducted hygiene she established Face Africa, a non- workshops in the township of Hargovernmental organization, (NGO) monville, Grand Bassa and rehato spearhead her drive for a better bilitated a broken hand pump that Liberia. Realizing the enormous supplies 2,000 residents with safe work load that her dream entailed, drinking water. The Harmonville Saran Kaba Jones resigned her po- project was funded with a grant sition with the Singaporean Govfrom Covergirl. ernment in August 2010 to focus In 2001 Face Africa implemented on FACE Africa full time. a full-scale water and sanitation Since 2009, Face Africa has impleproject at a school and an ormented six projects that have benphanage both of which included efited thousands. In 2009, with a construction of a well and hand generous $10,000 grant from the pump, construction of institutionDavis Project for Peace, it completal latrines, pump mechanic trained its first project in a community ing for a designated committee of approximately 600 in Bardnersand a comprehensive health and ville, Liberia. The community had hygiene promotion training among several wells but no direct source the students and children. of clean water supply. The project involved the installation of a wa- Saran Kaba Jones unveiled Face ter purification system, known by Africa’s plans for 2012. “We have its trade name as the Skyhydrant a new initiative called County by that can produce up to 20,000 li- County (CbC) Commitment. With

up career for country

with Saran Kaba Jones

CbC we have an ambitious yet simple goal: clean and safe drinking water for every single Liberian, one county at a time, through partnerships and strategic implementation. From the community to district to county level, CbC will focus on achieving true, long-term water and sanitation solutions. Everyone in the county where we work will have access to water and sanitation, even the hardest to reach and most isolated areas. We are extremely excited about CbC as it will allow us to focus our projects on the projected scale and in a targeted area for a greater impact.” Face Africa has plans to expand beyond Liberia to other African countries but would focus on postconflict environments where the needs are much greater. Saran Kaba Jones was born in Monrovia, Liberia where she lived until she was eight years old. She left Liberia in 1989 with her parents and three brothers for Cote d’Ivoire when the civil war broke out. In 1991 her father was appointed as an Ambassador to the Middle East by the Interim Government of Liberia led by Amos Sawyer and the family moved to Egypt where it lived for four years, followed by two years in France and another two in Cyprus. Face Africa raises funds for its programs through individual donations, online fundraising campaigns, grants and also through an annual Clean Water Gala. This year’s gala, the third in the series was held on March 22nd at the St. Regis New York City where the NGO raised over $100,000. The goal is to grow FACE Africa into a sustainable organization funded with full-time staffing. Saran was one of the panelists for “The Next Generation: Leadership in Africa” during the Harvard African Development conference, March, 2012. We wish her well.

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Man United Is Still RMA Sports the Richest where it lost to Barcelona, commanded an 80-milliondollar payout from UEFA. It, will, however, be more challenging for the Red Devils to boost revenue this year from that source, as the team was stunned early in the Champions League by Basel of Switzerland. Real Madrid follows Manchester United Manchester United’s Welbeck celebrates scoring against Wolverhampton Wanderas the second ers during their English Premier League soccer match at Molineux in Wolverhampton in central England © Toby Melville / Reuters most valuable team. The Whites, or better still, Los Blancos in their parlance, are now worth $1.88 billion, 29% more than last year. They received a $59 million payout for reaching the semi-finals of the 2011 Champions League.


or the eighth year in succession Manchester United has been adjudged the world’s most valuable soccer team. This is in spite of a rapid rise in the fortunes of its rivals such as Real Madrid and Barcelona as well as the team’s early exit from this year’s UEFA Champions’ League which cost it some revenue.

According to a special report by Forbes Magazine the Red Devils are worth $2.24 billion, 20% more than last year. But the magazine makes it clear that their lead is getting narrower and narrower due to the surge by their Spanish rivals, especially Madrid.

global fan base of about 330 million, also helps make it the most valuable team in any sport, worth $385 million more than both Major League Baseball’s New York Yankees and the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League.

The report attributes the English team’s good show to a 16 % rise in commercial revenue, explaining that advertising is the rock of the team’s commercial revenue. It also says Manchester United’s

During the 2010/11 season Manchester United reaped $192 million in broadcasting revenue, 22% higher than the previous season. The club’s run last year to the final of the Champions League,


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Real Madrid, nevertheless, posted the highest operating income of Forbes’ top 20 - $214 million - $36 million more than secondbest Manchester United. Real Madrid’s 2011 commercial revenue of $250 million, powered by sponsorships with Adidas, Emerites Airlines and Bwin, was second only to Bayern Munich’s. Although Real’s sponsorship deal with Austrian online betting group, Bwin may be in jeopardy, the team’s revenue is not. Fact is, it would not be difficult for Real Madrid to replace Bwin. Moreover, the team’s run deep into the 2012 Champions League tournament also will be quite lucrative.

Also gaining a lot of ground on Manchester United is Barcelona, the winner of last year’s Champions League which has made it to the final four of the tournament this year. Barcelona, led by Lionel Messi, the current best player in the world, is worth $1.31 billion, a 34% increase from last year. Barcelona pulled in $77 million in Champions League distributions and the team’s broadcasting revenue of $266 million in 2011 was the most of any team. Barcelona’s revenue and value should increase again next year as it enjoys its first full year of its sponsorship deal with the Quatar Foundation, which is worth an average of $44 million a year through the 2015/16 season. The Forbes report values Germany’s Bayern Munich at $1.24 billion, 18% more than last year, making it fourth on the list. The magazine says it expects that the team, having made it to the semifinals of this year’s Champions League, will increase in value further. The report states that even though Bayern finished third in the Bundesliga and was ousted in the first knockout round of the 2011 Champions League, the team was still first in commercial revenue, with $258 million. According to the report Bayern pulls in $36 million a year from its long-term sponsorship deal with Adidas and has been having talks with Gazprom, the Russian energy company. Arsenal is the remaining team worth over a billion dollars. Excerpts from the Football Money League report, published by the Sports Business Group at Deloitte, which compiles vital figures for the 20 soccer teams with the most revenue, indicate the Gunners are the only club in the top 20 who accumulated more revenue from match-day than any other source. In contrast strength with matchday revenue, commercial revenue only accounted for 20% of Arsenal’s total football-related revenue. In absolute terms this is over £57m behind the leading English club, Manchester United. During the 2011 season the UEFA Champions League, the world’s richest annual soccer competition, doled out a total of $1.14 billion to the 32 teams that qualified for the group stage, 23% more than the previous year. Generally the fur-

ther a team advances in the tournament, the greater its share of the distribution. A 25% increase in UEFA’s broadcasting revenue, to $1.28 billion, fueled the increase. The top teams on the pitch are going to continue to get richer for several reasons. For instance, this year’s Champions League payout will be higher for the 32 tournament teams than in 2011. Besides, UEFA has hatched a plan to increase its revenue from television rights by over 60%. It intends to do so by selling the rights for international games for Europe’s top teams on a pan-European basis beginning in 2014. That means it will sell the rights collectively instead of the current practice whereby broadcasters must contact individual national football federations independently to negotiate terms. The five teams that are worth at least $1 billion–Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Arsenal, Bayern Munich–advanced to at least the round of 16 in last year’s Champions League. Not only do these teams reap direct revenue from finishing near the top of their domestic leagues and tournament competition, but they also generate rich sponsorship and merchandise deals from the powerful brands they have built through success on the pitch over time. Credit: forbes magagazine Editor’s note: Even though this magazine is dedicated to the cause of Africa, we deem it appropriate to feature these teams from Europe as a result of the huge fan bases they enjoy among Africans. become a fan on Facebook

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Akufo-A soned economist whose renowned expertise would be beneficial to Ghana but there was something more to his choice: the Zongo factor. Determined to take his relationship with Muslims a notch higher, Nana Akufo-Addo used his visit to New York last month to try and trigger some advantage for his party in the run-off to the elections this December.

The flag-bearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, is desperate for Muslim votes. He is aware that a good showing in the Muslim community, usually referred to as Zongo in Ghana, could deliver the presidency to him and he is leaving nothing to chance in his efforts to get into the good books of Muslims. Recent bad press about his perceived stormy relationship with Muslims, especially those from the Northern Region of Ghana, threatened to throw his campaign into a ditch in as far as that constituency of voters was concerned. But the NPP presidential aspirant is gradually reshaping opinion about his party and Muslims. His


nomination for a second consecutive time of Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, a Muslim from northern Ghana as his vice-presidential candidate, was motivated by the desire to disabuse the minds of Zongo voters of any negative thoughts they might have harbored against him or his party. Of course, Dr. Bawumia is a sea-

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He has two groups within the Muslim community of New York to thank for whatever inroad he made in his push for a better perception about his party. They are the Nassara Club which is the Zongo wing of the NPP and the Yankasa Association, the umbrella organization for indigenes of Northern Region of Ghana resident in New York. It was the two groups that facilitated the meeting. The events preceding and following his meeting with the Muslim community are revealing. For instance investigations by our team indicate that the venue for his meeting and the duration were changed about three times before the meeting materialized. Initially Nana Akufo-Addo was to meet with the Muslims at their main mosque at Townsend Avenue at six in the evening. But while his audience was almost set to have an encounter with him, word came that upon expert advice, it would not be expedient for the presidential candidate to visit any religious institution, be it a mosque or a church. Behind-the-scene maneuvering

Addo courts Muslims By Tony Prempeh - Editor-In-Chief

was set in motion to ensure that all bottlenecks were cleared to pave way for the meeting. Finally the Uptown restaurant was agreed upon for the meeting.

hen chose Issifu Alhassan from Kunbungu; J.A. Kufuor nominated Aliu Mahama from Yendi while he had gone for Bawumia from Walewale.

Nana Akufo-Addo’s entourage included the National chairman of NPP-USA, Nana Agyei Yeboah, and the New York chairman, Dr. Akwasi Achampong.

Nana Akufo-Addo told the gathering that historically the NPP traces its foundation to the Northern Region in particular and the Zongos in general, explaining that it was stalwarts like S.D. Dombo who teamed up with others from the south to lay the foundation for the NPP.

Nana Akufo-Addo queried why people from the Zongos always voted against the NPP in spite of all that the party had done for them.

From the Uptown Restaurant Nana Akufo-Addo and his team met a cross-section of Ghanaians at the Ghanatta House.

He, therefore, debunked as vile propaganda from the NDC, claims being bandied about that if the NPP wins power it would re-introduce the Aliens Compliance Order

If the presidential aspirant was looking for a straight-forward endorsement it did not come, at least, not from the Yankasa Association as the words of its president, Alhaji Mohammed Mardah appeared to raise more questions than answers.

He assured Ghanaians that his government would continue with the zero tolerance for corruption posture of former President Kufuor. He insisted that free education at the Senior High School level was feasible and so, if he were elected, he would pursue it in order to improve access to education, improve on Ghana’s level of literacy and transform the national economy. The NPP leader urged those present to encourage their friends and relatives back home to register and vote for the NPP to enable the party to translate its plans into reality for the betterment of Ghana.

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo exchanging greetings with some of his audience [Pic. By Mr. CNN] of 1970 that expelled foreigners from Ghana. He said the NPP is the only party that always makes room for a Northerner to be nominated as the vice-presidential candidate. He recalled that Professor Adu Boa-

He told Nana Akufo-Addo that if he were the chosen one to lead Ghana, then it was his prayer that God give him victory. On the other hand, Alhaji Mardah said if the NPP flag-bearer was not God’s choice, then may God choose the right person for Ghana.

As Ghana prepares for elections this December, the RMA wishes to make a special appeal to all Ghanaians, both home and abroad, to refrain from actions that would jeopadize the peace pravailing in the country. To that end we humbly urge all and sundry to eschew violent conduct in any form, rancor and divisive tendencies as these would only serve to undermine the intergrity of the nation. Rather we must uphold tolerance, brotherly love and peaceful co-existence for the sake of our beloved country.


Law &


Keeping Apartm within the Family.

d.k. nkanSah-Siriboe, eSQ.

In our March edition we introduced this article with Part 1 and signed off with a discussion on the rights of succession. Among other things it was stressed that: “Housing is not a necessity; it is deemed a basic human right that the law must protect according to Article 25(1) of the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights.” The right to succeed the primary tenant was also discussed in part. This second part concludes the article. The issue of succession right comes into play when a primary tenant of a regulated apartment either passes away or moves out of the apartment. When such an event occurs, the privity of contract between the landlord on one hand, and the primary tenant on the other hand, is deemed terminated, at least, at the end of the current lease. This is, however, subject to the rights of other family members or occupants of the apartment. “Family member” is defined under the rent and eviction regulations of New York as a husband, wife, son, daughter, stepson,


stepdaughter, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, fatherin-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law of the tenant or primary tenant.

With regard to the other category of “family members” where proof of emotional, financial commitment and interdependence exists, the following must be established:

By regulation a person who falls into any one of the above categories, and has resided at the subject apartment with the primary tenant as his or her primary residence for, at least, two (2) years, is protected from eviction and may succeed to the rights of the primary tenant. For persons 62 years and older or a disabled person, the duration is cone year.

•Sharing of or relying upon each other for payment of household or family expenses, and/or other common necessities of life;

The definition of “family member” also includes any other person(s) residing with the tenant or permanent tenant in the housing accommodation as a primary resident, who can prove emotional and financial commitment and interdependence between such person(s) and the tenant. In other words, a cousin, a nephew, an aunt, boyfriend or girlfriend, “common law wife” (which New York does not recognize), or a significant other may fall within this category. The key, however, is for the person asserting the right to establish emotional and financial commitment and interdependence with the primary tenant over the twoyear period. For a family member to successfully establish his or her right to succeed they must establish cooccupancy for either one year, (for a disabled or persons 62 years or older), or two years prior to the vacature of the primary tenant. This can be demonstrated by the use of utility bills, phone records, bank records, driver’s license, medical record, etc, all showing the person’s name and the address of the subject apartment.

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•Longevity of the relationship;

•Intermingling of finances as evidenced by, among other things, joint ownership of back accounts, personal and real property, credit cards, and loan obligations; sharing a household budget for purposes of receiving government benefits, etc.; •Engaging in family-type activities by jointly attending family functions, holidays and celebrations, social and recreational activities, etc. •Formalizing of legal obligations, intentions, and responsibilities to each other by such means as executing wills, naming each other as executor and/or beneficiary, granting each other a power of attorney and/or conferring upon each other authority to make health care decisions each for the other; entering into a personal relationship contract; making a domestic partnership declaration, or serving as representative payee for purposes of public benefits, etc.; •Holding themselves out as family members to other family members, friends, members of the community or religious institutions, or society in general, through their words or actions; •Regularly performing family functions, such as caring for each other’s extended family member and/or relying upon each other

ments Part (2) daily for family services; •Engaging in any other pattern of behavior, agreement, or other action which evidences the intention of creating a long-term, emotionally committed relationship. The determination of such relationship is not limited to any one factor, and in no event would evidence of a sexual relationship between such persons be required or considered.

In a nutshell a family member has the right to a renewal of lease or protection from eviction. Therefore, it is always important to ensure that the landlord is aware of the family composition and all potential successors. It is equally important that the family members establish a verifiable nexus with the apartment so that when the time comes to offer proof of succession, it will be easy and less contentious. Remember that it always makes business sense on the part of the landlord to oppose succession in order to charge an additional 20% vacancy allowance for the apartment if a family member is unable to establish succession.

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Pulpit Series

Rev. Cephas Kafui Agbesi Honey Well Baptist Church The conclusion of a matter is more important than its beginning. Hence, in this closure to the series we address two of the most important questions put forth by critics of Christianity: “Why will a loving God send anyone to Hell?” and “Why will a loving God torture people for an infinite time for a finite crime?” The notion that a Loving God, who is merciful, and forgiving will send anyone of His creation to an eternal abyss of torment is by itself immoral of His character. Many believe that a merciful God should not even create such an eternally torturing incubator called Hell. First, we must understand clearly what Hell is and also recognize that God does not make these choices for us. Hell as we come to understand it is an eternal separation from God. In other words, Hell is a place without God. As we come to understand, God is the author of love, mercy, forgiveness, goodness, light and the fullness of compassion. Therefore, if Hell is the absence of God, then it equates a place where such attributes do not exist. It is not written in the Bible that Hell is a place of torture as many have portrayed it to be. Rather the Bible specifically states that Hell is a place of torment. This torment is created as a result of the absence of God. For example, before the fall of Adam (the first creation), God’s absolute love filled the earth, and


Is Hell Real? The Con His light was permanent where Adam dwelled. However, right after the fall, God withdrew Himself from creation. The reason being that God is holy, and He simply cannot dwell in a place of sin. Yet, He extended the hope of mercy upon humankind so that we may not be completely consumed in our evil and darkness. You can attest that this world is a living Hell. We call it Hell because it is godless, debauched, and perverted. But this is only a temporary Hell. The scriptures on the other hand speak of an eternal Hell, namely an eternity without God. If we can come to terms with the idea of Hell as espoused above, then we can easily conclude that God does not send anyone to Hell. God created humanity with a freewill. The ability to choose where they will spend eternity is based on their own actions. God has no pleasure in forcing humanity to worship Him or live with Him; so He decided to separate Himself from such as reject Him. There is no evil in this action by God. It is just and righteous. The only problem is that taking God out of the equation is what creates Hell. Furthermore, God and His angels will not descend into any vicinity called Hell only to torture people for eternity. This is nowhere found in the scriptures, and we cannot believe that there is physical torture in such a place. We have only heard such tales from people who claim they died and went to Hell. However, the Bible does not authenticate these claims. The scriptures rather call Hell a place of eternal torment. In the scriptures Jesus Christ describes Hell as “where their worm does not die and their fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:48). Many

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have misquoted, misinterpreted, and misappropriated this scripture without knowing its historical and analogous implications. The word “hell” used in Mark 9:43-48 is from the Greek word Gehenna. This term, as we have learned, is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Hinnom, the name of a valley near Jerusalem, “used as a place to cast carcasses of animals and malefactors, which were consumed by fire constantly kept up.” The Jews saw in Hinnom dead bodies being devoured by flames, or if the flames did not reach them, then by worms, those ever-present agents of destruction and disintegration. So this indicates that there will not be any physical worms in the actual Hell as Jesus only used this figurative expression as an analogy to what the eternal separation from God will be like. Mathew Henry in his theological commentary to this scripture rather states, “…remorse of conscience and keen self-reflection are this never-dying worm.” Before readers draw their conclusion on the matter, it begs to add: Does the punishment justify the crime? Is it right for a loving God to punish anyone infinitely based on a finite crime? Surely, you may say it is unfair and unjust. But truth be told, the duration of a crime should not equate the duration of its punishment. But it is the severity of a crime that justifies the duration of the punishment. For example, if a robber steals from a local grocery store for over 10 years, and finally he or she is caught, should the judge throw him or her in prison for 25 years to life? Though the crime committed lasted for 10 years, the punishment may only last for less than 5 years with community service and good behavior benefits. But should a

onclusion man walk into a grocery store, and shoot and kill the owner, though it might have taken him less than 10 seconds to commit that act, the punishment would be for life in prison or probably warrant the death sentence. Certainly we cannot punish this murderer for 10 seconds or 10 years based on the duration of the crime. Why then do we question the judicial act of God? God is an infinite being; thus, a trespass against Him is infinite and warrants an infinite judgment. God does not operate within our time frame so He should not be governed by it. We, on the other hand, have a choice either to spend eternity with God or to condemn ourselves to eternal damnation in Hell. The choice is ever ours and not God’s; we cannot justify ourselves by blaming God for our choices, as we would not forgive Him had He created robotic beings with no choices. Hell is not a fun place; it has no hip-hop or techno music; it is real; it is a place of eternal damnation where an everlasting fire constantly burns. Certainly this fire is metaphoric and should not be seen as physical. If Hell is to be a place of absolute darkness, then it need not have a physical fire that can be a source of light. But here, the scriptures speak of a Lake of Fire, meaning a state in the soul where one continues to yearn for deliverance and liberation, but will never have it for an infinite time. This is what Jesus meant by “… fear He that destroys the soul.” May the reader escape this damnation, as it will be an eternal tragedy to doubt in the existence of Hell, then finally die and realize it exists. It is far better to believe, confess, repent, and receive Christ; you have nothing to lose.

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