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Sports, Activities, Trips & Events

Sports , Act iv it ies , Tr ips and Events

‘I just wanted to say thank you for setting up the wonderful co-curricular programme, as it’s just fantastic that you have managed to allow the girls to access such a wealth of enriching activities when they are in isolation. My daughter is loving the cook-along on Mondays, Irish dancing Tuesdays, House 1 fun Wednesdays, and academic mentoring Thursdays. Not to mention the student led activities which she also does, the twitter challenge, hockey, netball, and cricket too! It’s keeping her very busy and active after sitting at a screen all day. So a big thank you from us – we really appreciate it. Oh, she says she has also entered the photography competition... the fun never ends!’ (Year 9 Parent)

‘You are all doing the most incredible job with virtual school. My daughter is extremely engaged, and enjoying her co-curricular activities. The staff are being so patient! Miss Beadle is just a superstar and so supportive.’ (Year 9 Parent)

‘Absolutely brilliant! In one fell swoop, you have alleviated most, if not all, of our concerns. Thank you so much.' (Feedback from the parent of a boarder from Bahrain joining Year 12)

In order to keep the entire Roedean community as safe as possible, we will do everything we can to reduce contact between people, and avoid large groups congregating together.

Sports and activities will be conducted in such a way as to remove points of contact as much as possible: team and contact sports will be replaced by individual and fitness-based activities, which will take advantage of the School’s open site and grounds. Any performances and large group events will also be avoided, until they are permitted.

Current government guidelines advise against all residential and international trips, so these will not take place until we have further information. Those which have already been planned are likely to be postponed until later in the academic year.

‘My daughter loves her full-time learning and enjoys the homework and research. We are lucky you have put on a great online learning programme. Thank you all!.' (Year 7 Parent)

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