“If good luck exist, it is that which results from hard work and preparation.”*
Dobrodošli na 1517 m. n. v. Welcome on 1517 m. a. s. l.
Rogla, olimpijski športni center na nadmorski višini 1517 metrov, in termalno zdravilišče Terme Zreče sta turistična centra znotraj programa Turizem delniške družbe Unior, ki sta med seboj oddaljena le 15 kilometrov. V Uniturjevih centrih Rogla in Terme Zreče smo v tridesetih letih delovanja gostili številne evropske in svetovne prvake ter olimpijske zmagovalce. Mnogi med njimi so bili naši gostje v času, ko so tekmovali v mlajših kategorijah. Danes smo zelo ponosni, ko se k nam vračajo kot uspešni športniki in športnice. Olimpijski športni center Rogla je eden izmed bolje opremljenih srednje gorskih turističnih centrov na 1517. m n.v. za aktivne priprave vrhunskih športnikov.
Rogla, Olympic sports center, located on 1517 m above sea level, and Terme Zreče, Wellness & Spa Resort, are part of Tourism Programe of the Unior company. The resorts are just 15 km apart. In our 30 years of active work, Unitur ‘s centres Rogla and Terme Zreče hosted many European and World Champions and also Olympic Medalist. A lot of them were our guests in youth categories and we are extremely proud to see them coming back as a successful athletes. Olympic centre and climatic spa Rogla, one of the best middle-mountain sport resorts on 1517 m above sea level with beautiful position in the middle of spruce forests.
Ključni atributi Rogle, centra za vrhunski šport,
Key attributes of Rogla, Olympic sports center, are:
• klima in s tem odlični pogoji za bazične priprave • odlična športna infrastruktura • strokovnost, izkušnje in reference na področju vrhunskega športa.
• climate and perfect conditions for basic preparations, • superb sport infrastructure, • expert knowledge, references and experiences in the field of top sport.
Terme Zreče odlično dopolnjujejo ponudbo na področju vrhunskega športa z
Terme Zreče supplement the offer for top athletes with:
• • • •
• • • •
vrhunskimi namestitvenimi kapacitetami, odlično wellness ponudbo, zdravstveno - diagnostično podporo, športnimi kapacitetami.
Zadostno število in opremljenost seminarskih sob na Rogli in v Termah Zreče zagotavljata, da imajo športne ekipe ali posamezniki dovolj prostora za izvedbo sestankov, analiz treninga ali posveta. Panožne zveze in športne ekipe uporabljajo seminarske prostore tudi za organizacijo slavnostnih prireditev ter novinarskih konferenc.
superior accommodation infrastructure, top level wellness offer, health – diagnostics support, sport infrastructure.
Well equiped conference rooms on Rogla and in Terme Zreče make the possibility to arrange meetings, training analysis or consultations. Teams and national teams often organize press events in our centers.
Cross Country Polygon
Running tracks Football field with natural grass
NOVO / NEW Hotel Rogla***
Bungalows Rogla***
Ski resort
Bike park
Football field with natural grass
Tennis court
Hotel Planja**** Football field with artificial grass Sport hall Hotel Brinje***
Priprave na 1517 m. n. v. Preparations on 1517 m. a. s. l.
1517 m. n. v.
High altitude preparations on 1517m Moje sodelovanje z Roglo se je pričelo leta 1991, ko sem s košarkarsko reprezentanco Jugoslavije sodeloval na pripravah pred EP 1991. Rogla je postala obvezna postaja v telesni pripravi, tako ekip kot posameznikov, ki so želeli doseči vrhunske dosežke. Na Rogli sem pripravljal NK HAJDUK, KK POP-84 (Jugoplastika Split), Hrvaško košarkarsko reprezentanco pred SP 1994 v Torontu, KK Panathinaikos iz Aten, KK Zrinjevac,... Od posameznih vrhunskih športnikov sem pripravljal Dina Radjo, košarkarja Boston Celticsov, kateremu je bila Rogla ena od ključnih destinacij za priprave. Tudi Toni Kukoč, takrat igralec slavnih Chicago Bullsov je treniral na Rogli. Leta 2007/2008 sem na Rogli treniral teniškega igralca Marija Ančića, osvajalca Davis Cupa in takrat 7. igralca na svetovni jakostni lestivci. Priznati moram, da je moja povezanost z Roglo neprekinjena in nerazdružljiva. Spominjam se vseh tekaških stez, ki smo jih pretekli in narave, ki je na Rogli edinstvena. V posebnem spominu pa mi bodo vedno ostali zaposleni na recepciji, v restavraciji, športni dvorani in wellness centru, ki so nam bili pripravljeni priskočiti na pomoč v vsakem trenutku. To prijazno osebje vodi enega od najbolj opremljenih centrov za priprave vrhunskih športnikov v tem delu Evrope. Osebno lahko rečem, da sem se v hotelu na Rogli, na nadmorski višini več kot 1500m, počutil kot doma. Rogla je bila in bo ostala eden meni najljubših centrov za pripravo vrhunskih športnikov. From the first time I came across Rogla and the first preparations carried out with the National Basketball Team of the former Yugoslavia for the 1991 European Championship, and afterwards continuously for 10 years, Rogla turned into a can’t-miss station in terms of training and working on physical preparations both of teams and individuals that I prepared for top sports results. On Rogla, I prepared the Hajduk Football Club, the Pop 84 Basketball Team from Split, the Croatian National Basketball Team for the 1994 World Championships, the Panathinaikos Basketball Club from Athens, the Zrinjevac Basketball Club, etc. In terms of individuals, top sports athletes, I have prepared Dino Rađa, who played for the Boston Celtics, and who considered Rogla one of the key preparation destinations. Apart from him, I also prepared Toni Kukoč, who played for the Chicago Bulls at the time, Žan Tabak, and later on, in 2007/2008, also the tennis player Mario Ančić that won the Davis Cup and reached World No.7. I have to admit that my connection with Rogla is continuous and unbreakable. I remember all trails, all the distances we ran and the unique nature for athlete preparations. I especially recall the friendly staff willing to provide assistance at any time; from the staff at the reception, restaurant, sports hall, medicall centre and all that run of the most beautiful and best equipped top sports athlete preparation centres in this part of EU. I could personally say that I have always felt like home in Rogla, Slovenia, at the magnificent Hotel Planja, at an altitude of slightly above 1500 meters. Rogla has and will continue to remain a special centre in my eyes for physical preparations of top sports athletes. MIRKO KROLO, professor, Fitness trainer
Bazične priprave na 1517m Športni center Rogla zagotavlja optimalne pogoje za bazične priprave vrhunskih športnikov na srednje visoki nadmorski višini, kjer ob vplivu sredozemskega podnebja prevladujejo kontinentalne značilnosti. Rogla ponuja poleg srednje visoke nadmorske višine tudi možnost umetnega povečanja nadmorske višine (v t.i. višinskih sobah). Z napravo za zniževanje vsebnosti O2 je opremljenih šest hotelskih sob in »trenažna soba«, v katerih je možno ustvariti pogoje, ki so podobni nadmorski višini do 7000 m n. v.. Fitnes je opremljen z vrhunskimi trenažerji za tek, kolesarjenje in veslanje. V športni dvorani sta na voljo tudi utežarna in koordinacijska soba. Hkrati ponuja Rogla tudi odlične terene za tek in kolesarjenje v naravi. Z individualno analizo odzivnosti posameznika na povečano nadmorsko višino lahko izberete želen protokol, ki ga potrebujete za potrebe tekmovanj ali aklimatizacijo na visoko nadmorsko višino. Ob potrebi po testiranju vpliva treninga in bivanja na povečani nadmorski višini pred, med in po trenažnem procesu se le-to izvaja v sodelovanju s Fakulteto za šport v Ljubljani.
High altitude preparations on 1517m Rogla ima dolgoletno tradicijo uspešnega trenažnega centra. Dvoletne raziskave dokazujejo, da med vadbo na Rogli ne prihaja do sprememb delovanja simpatičnega živčevja na srce, kar bi lahko predstavljajo povečano tveganje za nastanek motenj srčnega ritma. Dokazano je, da je Rogla primerna za izvajanje vadbe v sredogorju ob spanju na višjih višinah v hipoksičnih sobah, saj je iz analize krvi razvidno, da so parametri kazali pozitivne tendence. Nastale spremembe v krvnih parametrih, ki imajo pozitivni učinek na vadbo in tudi kasneje na športni rezultat, nastanejo pri bivanju športnikov v hipoksičnih pogojih v minimalnem obdobju treh tednov. V trenažnem procesu vzdržljivostne vadbe na višini morajo športniki izvajati tudi vadbo moči, saj je le to izredno pomembno za ohranjanje in povečanje moči. Vzdržljivostno vadbo je smiselno prakticirati s srednjo intenzivnostjo.
Sports center Rogla provides optimal conditions for the basic preparation of elite athletes over medium high altitude . The main seal climate Rogla gives the altitude, where Mediterranean climate is noticeable, but dominated by the continental.
Assistant Professor, PhD, Faculty of Sports, Institute of Sports
Rogla has a long-standing tradition of a successful trainer centre. Two-year-long studies have shown that the impact of the sympathetic nervous system on the heart that could constitute an increased or greater heart rhythm disorder risk does not change during trainings on Rogla. It has been demonstrated that Rogla is appropriate for training in a medium mountain region while sleeping at higher altitudes in hypoxic chambers as blood analysis has indicated positive parameter trends. The changes identified in blood parameters that also positively impact training and also subsequently on the result of the athlete, are created while athletes live under hypoxic conditions for a period of minimum three weeks. During the trainer process pertaining to endurance training at a higher altitude, athletes must also carry out power training which is of exceptional importance to preserve and boost strength. Moderately intense endurance training is sensible.
Rogla offers, beside appropriate high altitude a possibility of an artificial increase in altitude (“the altitude rooms”). The device for reducing the O2 content of the six appointed hotel rooms and “ high altitude training room” where it is possible to create conditions that are similar altitudes up to 7000 m a. s. l. Fitness is equipped with top trainers for running, cycling and rowing . The sports hall has also weight room and coordination room. Rogla offers also excellent terrain for running and cycling in the nature. The individual analysis of the individual’s response to the increased altitude , you can select the desired protocol that is required for the purposes of competition or acclimatization to high altitude . Having the need to test the impact of training and stay in the increased altitude before , during and after a training process , the latter is carried out at the Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana.
Petra MajdiÄ?, Olympic medallist, Cross country skiing 8
Trening na visoki nadmorski višini
1517 m. n. v.
High altitude training Trening na visoki nadmorski višini zahteva sprotno spremljanje stanja športnika. Rogla leži v sredogorje, kjer se treningi izvajajo z drugačno intenzivnostjo kot v značilnih visokogorskih centrih, ki ležijo na nadmorski višini 1800 metrov in višje.
Training at a high altitude requires prompt monitoring of the athlete’s condition. Rogla lies in a medium mountain region where training is carried out with a different intensity than in typical high mountain range centres at an altitude of 1800 metres or even higher.
Na kaj moramo biti pozorni pri vadbi na povišani nadmorski višini na Rogli?
What should we pay attention to when training at 1517 altitude on Rogla?
#1 Najprej je potrebno biti pozoren na adaptacijo na nadmorsko višino. Na Rogli traja adaptacija 2 do 3 dni, saj gre za srednje visoko nadmorsko višino. »Višinske sobe« je torej priporočljivo uporabljati šele po tretjem dnevu trenažnega procesa na Rogli.
#1 Firstly, you need to pay attention to adapting to the altitude. In case of Rogla, adaptation lasts a few (2 to 3) days given its medium altitude. “High-altitude training chambers” are thus recommended only after the third day of the training process on Rogla.
#2 Pri uporabi »višinskih sob« moramo uporabljati oksimeter in spremljati počutje preko ustreznih naprav (merjenje srčnega utripa in drugo).
#2 When using “high-altitude training chambers”, you must make use of an oximeter and monitor the condition of the athlete via appropriate devices (that measure of the heartbeat and other devices).
#3 Zrak na Rogli, je zaradi poraščenosti gozdov, ustrezno vlažen, vendar se kljub temu priporoča večji vnos tekočin predvsem pri intenzivnejši vadbi. #4 Pri treningih v srednje in visokogorju je potrebno biti pozoren na temperaturne razlike, ki se pojavljajo tekom dneva. #5 Na višini Rogle se izvaja bazični trening do srednjih obremenitev, saj ima višina neposreden vpliv na dihanje pri športnikih. Vrhunski tekmovalci lahko izvajajo tudi zahtevnejše treninge, vendar ne smejo biti daljši. Opozoriti velja na pravilno in postopno pripravo na zahtevnejše oblike treninga. #6 Vadba športnikov praviloma doseže optimalni učinek v primeru 21 - dnevnega bivanja na višini. Po posebnem programu se lahko vadba tudi skrajša. Za krajše programe je smiselno urediti tudi spanje v “višinskih sobah”. #7 Na podlagi strokovnih spoznanj je najprimernejši čas trening na povišani nadmorski višini 8 do 12 dni pred tekmovanji.
#3 As Rogla is covered in woods, its air is sufficiently humid but a larger consumption of liquids, especially during more intense training, is recommended. #4 When training in middle mountain regions and in high mountain ranges, attention must be paid to differences in temperature throughout the day. Be aware to have enough clothes. #5 As the athletes’ breathing is directly affected by the high altitude, maximum moderate strain basic training is carried out at the altitude of Rogla. Top sports athletes can also carry out more challenging training which must, however, be not any longer than usual. You are advised to properly and gradually prepare for any challenging forms of training. #6 Athletes usually benefit from an optimum effect of their training if they spend 21 days at a high altitude. Their training can also be shortened according to a specific programme. In case of a shorter programme, it is sensible to make arrangements for accommodation in the “high-altitude training chambers”. #7 Based on professional findings, the most appropriate time for training at high altitude is 8 to 12 days before competitions.
#8 Pozorni bodite tudi na prehrano in vitaminske dodatke za nadomeščanje izgubljene energije.
#8 Pay attention also to nutrition and vitamin supplements that replenish the energy lost.
Svetujemo, da se pred vadbo posvetujete s strokovnjaki športnega centra na Rogli.
You are advised to consult the professionals at the Rogla, Olympic Sport Centre before training.
Na Rogli in v Termah Zreče sem bil večkrat z reprezentanco Slovenije na pripravah pred evropskimi in svetovni prvenstvi. Na voljo smo imeli vse, kar potrebuje vrhunska ekipa. Dobra namestitev, odlična hrana,... da o športni infrastrukturi niti ne govorim. Posebej pa bi rad poudaril še izjemno prijazno osebje, ki nam je bilo vedno na voljo. I spent time on Rogla and in Terme Zreče several times with the Slovenian Basketball Team during our preparations for European and World Championships. Everything required by a top sports team was at our disposal. Good accommodation, excellent food, not to mention the sports facilities. I would especially like to mention the friendly staff that was always at our disposal.
NBA champion and national basketball legend
Slovenia national basketball team 11
Slovenia national handball team
V Termah Zreče se že vrsto let pripravljam na različna tekmovanja v sklopu reprezentančnih aktivnosti. Imamo odlične pogoje za delo in počitek. V Termah Zreče sem se tudi hitro in uspešno rehabilitiral po operaciji ahilove tetive. I have been preparing myself for various competitions as part of national team activities in Terme Zreče for several years. Working and resting conditions are excellent. I also quickly and successfully rehabilitated at Terme Zreče after my Achilles’ tendon surgery. LUKA ŽVIŽEJ,
member of Slovenia national handball team
Košarka, rokomet, odbojka in futsal Basketball, handball, volleyball and futsal Roglo in Terme Zreče so obiskali številni košarkarji, rokometaši, odbojkarji in predstavniki drugih dvoranskih športov iz Evrope in širše. Bogata športna infrastruktura na Rogli in v Termah Zreče ponuja, ob dodatnih atributih, kakovostne pogoje za pripravo na sezono in največja tekmovanja.
Rogla and Terme Zreče have been visited by numerous basketball, handball, volleyball players and representatives of other indoor sports from Europe and beyond. The rich sports infrastructure in Rogla quality conditions in preparation for the season ‘s biggest matches.
Športna dvorana, v sklopu hotelskega kompleksa na Rogli, ponuja možnosti igrišč za rokomet, futsal, košarko (2x) in odbojko (2x).
Gym, as part of a hotel complex on Rogla offers optional courts for handball, futsal, basketball (2x) and volleyball (2x).
Velika športna dvorana v Zrečah ponuja možnost postavitve igrišč za rokomet, nogomet, košarko in odbojko, mala športna dvorana pa igrišče za košarko ali odbojko. Zunanja športna infrastruktura vsebuje igrišča za mali nogomet oz. rokomet z umetno podlago, igrišče za košarko z umetno podlago in igrišče za odbojko na mivki.
Big sports hall in Zreče offers the possibility of courts for handball, football, basketball and volleyball, while small gym the basketball or volleyball court. Outdoor sports infrastructure contains a futsal or handball field with artificial substrate, basketball court with artificial surface and a playground for beach volleyball.
Možnost treningov dvoranskih športov je prav tako v športnih dvoranah, ki so v neposredni bližini občine Zreče. Športni dvorani na Rogli in v Zrečah sta opremljeni s semaforjem, ki omogoča izvedbo tekmovanja. Za vas lahko uredimo vse potrebno za izvedbo prijateljskih tekem (sodniki, zapisnikarji...).
Possibility of training courts is also in sports halls which are in close proximity to the county Zreče. Sports hall on Rogla and Terme Zrečeare equipped with scoreboards for matches. We can make arrangements to hold friendly matches (judges, scorers ... ) as well.
Zadnjih 20 let sem z ekipami, ki jih treniram, reden gost centrov Rogla in Terme Zreče. Izjemno ugodni klimatski pogoji za delo in počitek, optimalna infrastruktura in izkušeno osebje nam vedno omogočijo odlične pogoje za vrhunski trenažni proces. I have been a regular guest of Rogla and Terme Zreče for the last 20 years with the teams I’ve been training. Extremely favorable climatic conditions for work and rest, optimal infrastructure and experienced staff enable us to meet excellent conditions for professional training process. ZMAGO SAGADIN, basketball coach
Nogomet Football ROGLA Nogometno igrišče z naravno travo (dimenzije 65 x 105m) se nahaja le 50 m od hotela in je obdano s tartansko atletsko stezo. Na razpolago so goli različne velikosti. Ob igrišču je možnost shranjevanja opreme. Dodatno nogometno igrišče z naravno travo, dimenzije (60 x 100 m), se nahaja neposredno ob novem hotelu NATURA. Na Rogli je na voljo tudi nogometno igrišče z umetno travo (dimenzije 44 x 64 m). Football field with natural grass (65 x 105 m) is located just 50 m from the hotel and is surrounded with tartan athletic tracks. Goals of various dimensions are at your disposal and cottage for equipment storage. Additional football field is located directly at Hotel Natura (60 x 100 m). There is also a football field with artificial grass (44 x 64 m) just a moment from the hotel.
ZREČE in okolica: V Zrečah je eno nogometno igrišče z naravno travo, dodatna nogometna igrišča pa so na voljo v bližnjih občinah. Na vseh igriščih se nahaja zadostno število prenosnih golov različnih dimenzij. ZREČE and surroundings: One football field with natural grass is at your disposal near Terme Zreče, as well additional fields in the surrounding municipalities where we can arrange the transport. Goals of various dimensions are at your disposal.
Še preden smo prišli na Roglo (FC Crvena zvezda), smo bili seznanjeni z dobrimi pogoji, ki so tukaj. Tukaj je vse idealno; od hotela, hrane, športne dvorane, fitnessa, nogometnega igrišča in klime. Teh 10 dni, ko smo tukaj, bomo na najboljši možen način poskušali izkoristiti, da se dobro pripravimo, napolnimo pljuča in baterije za napore, ki nas čakajo z začetkom nove sezone. Even before arriving to Rogla (FC Crvena Zvezda), we were familiar with the excellent conditions in Slovenia for our preparations. From the hotel, terrain, fitness centre, sports hall, to the altitude and climate, all is ideal. The ten days during which our preparations will be carried out will be utilised the best we can to prepare ourselves well, to recharge our lungs and batteries for the exertions that await us.
football coach and former player of the Real Madrid CF and Barcelona CF
Urška Žolnir, Olympic medallist, Judo 16
Borilni veščine Martial arts
Na Roglo smo se vedno odpravili pred velikimi tekmovanji, kot so EP, SP in Grand Slami. Na voljo imamo vse, kar potrebujemo. Poleg dobrega hotela, hrane in športne infrastrukture, še višino nad 1500 m in mir, kar je še posebej pomembno. Priprave na Rogli bi priporočal vsakemu posamezniku in ekipi, ki verjame v trdo delo. S tekmovanj, po pripravah na Rogli, smo se vedno vračali s kolajnami. We always travel to Rogla before major competitions, such as the European, World Championships and Grand Slam. Everything we need in addition to a good hotel, food and sports facilities, is at our disposal, even at an altitude over 1500 m and peace and quiet which are of special importance. I would recommend to carry out preparations on Rogla to all individuals and team that believe in hard work. We have always returned back with medals from competitions after preparing on Rogla.
trainer of the Sankaku Judo Club
Rogla je trening center številnih športnikov borilnih veščin. Gostimo tudi več športnih taborov znanih slovenskih trenerjev, boksarjev, judoistov, teakwon-doistov, kickboksarjev in karateistov.
Rogla is a training base for lots of martial arts sportsmen. We host several sports camps of known Slovenian coaches, boxers, judoists, taekwon-doists, kickboxers and karateists.
Kolesarstvo Cycling
Zreško Pohorje ponuja predvsem odlične terene za gorsko kolesarjenje. Na Rogli je zgrajen tudi kolesarski poligon, namenjen kolesarskemu spustu. Kolesarjem uredimo prostor za čiščenje koles, hrambo koles in opreme, zemljevid gorskih kolesarskih poti... Po želji jim pripravimo tudi posebne programe športne diagnostike. The Zreče Pohorje constitutes excellent mountain biking terrains in particular. A cycling range intended for cycling descent has also been constructed. An area where bicycles can be cleaned, where bicycles and equipment can be stored and a map of mountain biking trails are set up, upon request special sports diagnostics programmes are prepared.
Zreško Pohorje je primerna destinacija za priprave gorskih kolesarjev, saj je teren zelo zanimiv in ponuja številne steze. Tudi Bike park Rogla je odlična popestritev v ponudbi. As the terrain is very interesting and offers numerous bike tracks, Zreško Pohorje is very suitable destination for preparations of mountain bikers. Bike park Rogla is a very good addition to the offer. TANJA ŽAKELJ,
2013 Olympic Cross Country World Cup & European Champion
Ostali športi Others sports
Na Rogli ponujamo:
• štiri zunanja igrišča za tenis s peščeno podlago, • dve notranji igrišči za tenis z umetno podlago – SPORT Floor, • štiri igrišča za badminton in igrišče za squash.
Velikost športne dvorane na Rogli omogoča, da se lahko polovice dvorane spremeni v dvorano za ritmično gimnastiko. Več let gostimo različne plesne in navijaške skupine. Športna dvorana na Rogli ponuja tudi plezalno steno. V neposredni bližini Term Zreče se nahaja tudi igrišče za odbojko na mivki.
At Rogla there are:
• or outdoor tennis clay courts, • two indoor tennis courts (Sport Floor surface), • four badminton courts and squash court.
The size of sports hall at Rogla allows a place for rhythmic gymnastics. For several years we have been a place for preparations of dance groups and cheerleading teams. Sports hall on Rogla offers climb wall as well. Just a moment from Terme Zreče you can play beach volleyball.
Športni tabori Sports camps
Raznolika ponudba na Rogli omogoča izvedbo športnih kampov. Gostili smo več nogometnih in košarkarskih taborov, taborov v zimskih športih ter tabore olimpijskih reprezentanc v otroških kategorijah. Diverse offer on Rogla makes possible to host various sports camps. Rogla has been a place for lots of football, basketball and winter sports camps in different categories.
Poleg samih košarkarskih treningov lokacija na Rogli omogoča tudi izvedbo vseh ostalih aktivnosti, ki bi jih radi ponudili udeležencem košarkarskega kampa Gorana Dragića – od predstavitve tipičnih ameriških športov, učenja angleščine in aktivnosti v naravi. Otrokom bi radi pokazali, da je poleg športa oz. košarke, v življenju pomembno tudi veliko ostalih stvari in Rogla nam to več kot omogoča. Rogla provides, in addition to basketball trainings, also a possibility to offer different activities to the participants of the Goran Dragić basketball camp - from demonstration of typical American sports, learning English and outdoor activities. We want to increase the children’s awareness that besides sports or basketball, there are also other important things. Rogla makes that possible. GORAN DRAGIĆ,
NBA Most Improved Player 2014, Phoenix Suns
Rogla je moj drugi dom. Večji del poletnih priprav opravim na Rogli, ki poleg izredne športne infrastrukture ponuja tudi edinstvene klimatske pogoje za bazično pripravo. Pozimi na Rogli opravim veliko treningov na Jasi, kjer poteka tudi tekma svetovnega pokala. Rogla is my second home. Most of my summer preparations are carried out there, as unique climate conditions for basic preparations are provided for in addition to its exceptional sports facilities. During winter, I train a lot at Jasa slope where a FIS Snowboard World Cup race is also held. ROK MARGUČ,
world champion in snowboarding
Zimski športi Winter Sports
Vesna Fabjan, Olympic medallist SOCHI 2014
Rogla predstavlja center za priprave zimskih športnikov predvsem iz panog teka na smučeh, deskanja na snegu in smučanja prostega sloga. Olimpijski center Rogla je večkratni organizator FIS svetovnih pokalov v teku na smučeh in v paralelnem veleslalomu deskanja na snegu, medtem, ko je Snežni park Rogla prejel več nagrad za najboljši tovrstni poligon v Sloveniji in širše. Sodoben smučarskotekaški poligon ponuja več tekaških prog različnih težavnostnih stopenj v skupni razdalji več kot 10 km. Štartno-ciljna arena je locirana v neposredni bližini hotela. Na Rogli se pripravljajo tudi vrhunski športniki iz panoge biatlona. Poligon za trening alpskih disciplin se nahaja v neposredni bližini vlečnice in omogoča visoko frekvenco voženj. Snežni park Rogla sestavlja več kot 1,3 km dolg poligon, ki ponuja različne slopestyle elemente.
Rogla is a base center for preparations of winter athletes, especially cross country skiers, snowboarders and freestyle skiers. Olympic sports centre Rogla is also a multiple organizer of FIS World Cups (Cross country skiing and Parallel Slalom/ Snowboarding), while Funpark Rogla received many prizes in the category of best snowparks in Slovenia and in this part of Europe. The modern cross country polygon with multiple tracks of different lengths offers an overall distance of more than 10 km. Start-finish arena is located nearby the hotel. Rogla is also a destination for preparations of biathlon athletes. Training slope for alpine disciplines is located directly at the ski lifts and allows a high frequency of runs. Snowpark Rogla offers different slopestyle elements in length of 1,3 km.. Beside infrastructure for winter trainings Rogla is a perfect destination for physical training in the summer. Cross country skiers usually train on skating pist while snowboarders use the Bike park Rogla or train in “coordination room”. A combination of training with the use of high-altitude training chambers is recommended during summer.
Rogla je bila vsa leta moje vrhunske kariere center mojih bazičnih poletnih priprav kot tudi zaključnih zimskih priprav pred vsemi velikimi tekmovanji. Kot sem skozi leta dozorevala sama kot tekmovalka in so rasli moji rezultati, tako se je tudi Rogla kot tekaška destinacija razvijala do nivoja organizatorja svetovnega pokala v smučarskih tekih. Rogla je izjemna, tako po svojih lepotah, klimi, ki se previdno skriva za 1517m, a ima vpliv na športnika kot 1750-1800m; in predvsem predanosti vseh zaposlenih. Je idealna za višinske priprave tako v poletnem kot tudi zimskem obdobju. Poleti je izjemno prijetno in neobremenjujoče za sklepe izvajati treninge na zelenih površinah mokrišč, šotnih predelih ter rolkarski stezi. Opraviti 4 ure dolg trening na kolesu pa je tu zaradi izjemne lepote narave lažje kot kjerkoli drugje. Pozimi pa športniku nudi dovolj težavnostne in najbolje pripravljene proge za tek na smučeh daleč naokoli. Jaz vem, zakaj sem izbrala Roglo!
PETRA MAJDIČ, Olympic medallist, Cross country skiing
Throughout all the years of my career as a top sports athlete, Rogla stayed the centre of my basic summer preparations as well as final winter preparations before all major competitions. Just like I matured throughout the years as a competitor that resulted in greater results, Rogla as a cross-country skiing destination kept developing until it reached the level of an organiser of a FIS Cross-Country World Cup race. Rogla is exceptional both in terms of all its beauty, its climate that prudently hides behind the 1517 meters of altitude, but has the same impact on an athlete as if he/she were at an altitude of 1750-1800 meters; and especially in terms of the commitment of all of its members of staff. It is ideal for high-altitude preparations both in summer and winter. During the winter, it is extremely pleasant to carry out trainings on the green wetlands and the skating trail that do not burden the joints. The exceptionally beautiful nature makes it easier to train for 4 hours on the bicycle than anywhere else. In the winter, athletes are provided with sufficiently challenging and the best prepared cross-country skiing trails from miles around. I know why I have chosen Rogla! 25
Tim Kevin Ravnjak, professional freestyle snowboarder 26
Športna diagnostika
Sports diagnostics
V olimpijskem centru Rogla izvajam meritve športne diagnostike in trening vrhunskih športnikov ter ekip že skoraj 10 let. V centru imamo vrhunske pogoje za trening, saj imamo na voljo zunanje terene s stadionom ter dobro opremljeno športno dvorano s fitnes centrom. Za regeneracijo športnikov uporabljamo čudovit wellnes center. V svoji karieri sem na Rogli testiral in pripravljal vrhunske športne ekipe in državne reprezentance (moška rokometna reprezentanca, košarkarske reprezentance različnih starostnih kategorij, košarkarski klub Astana, judo reprezentanca, reprezentanca deskanja na snegu, nogometne ekipe različnih starostnih kategorij). V procesu športne diagnostike oz treninga sem sodeloval z vrhunskimi športniki kot so Urška Žolnir, Lucija Polavder, Rok Marguč, Rok Drakšič, Uroš Zorman, Dragan Gajič, Vid Kavtičnik, Rašo Nesterovič, Goran Dragić, Beno Udrih, Boštjan Nachbar, Jaka Lakovič in Maljinda Kelmendi. Tudi v prihodnosti bom na Rogli pripravljal športnike za največja tekmovanja. I have been carrying out sports diagnostics measurements and trainings of top sports athletes and teams for almost 10 years. Training conditions in the centre are excellent with external terrains with a stadium and a well-equipped sports hall with a fitness centre at our disposal. Athlete regeneration is carried out at the wonderful wellness centre. Throughout my career, I have tested and prepared top sports teams and national teams (the national male handball team, basketball teams of various age categories, the Astana basketball club, the national judo team, the national snowboarding team, football teams of various age categories) on Rogla. In the sports diagnostics or training process, I have collaborated with top sports athletes, such as Urška Žolnir, Lucija Polavder, Rok Marguč, Rok Drakšič, Uroš Zorman, Dragan Gajič, Vid Kavtičnik, Rašo Nesterovič, Goran Dragić, Beno Udrih, Boštjan Nachbar, Jaka Lakovič and Maljinda Kelmendi. I will continue to prepare athletes on Rogla for major competitions in the future as well.
Razvoj sodobnega športa je vse bolj povezan z novimi tehnološkimi, strokovnimi, znanstveno-raziskovalnimi in organizacijskimi metodami v procesu treninga. Vrhunskih rezultatov danes ni mogoče več pričakovati na podlagi izkušenj, intuicije in drugih naključnih dejavnikov. Postopki in odločitve v treningu morajo biti skrajno racionalni in kar se da učinkoviti. V sodobnem treningu ima športnofunkcionalna diagnostika, ki temelji na novih tehnologijah in tehnološko-metodoloških rešitvah, izjemno pomembno vlogo. Smisel diagnostičnih postopkov je ugotavljanje relevantnih in čim bolj objektivnih parametrov trenutne pripravljenosti športnika. Brez podatkov o gibalnih, morfoloških, fizioloških, biokemičnih, psiholoških in socioloških značilnostih ni mogoče načrtovati, programirati in modelirati sodobnega trenažnega procesa. Na osnovi pridobljenih podatkov je mogoče izbrati najoptimalnejše metode in sredstva, načrtovati ciklizacijo (program treninga) in korekcije športnikove priprave.
dr. MITJA BRAČIČ, PhD in Kinesiology
Diagnostično – rehabilitacijski center Terme Zreče zagotavlja, v sodelovanju z zunanjimi partnerji, individualno multidisciplinarno obravnavo športnika, kjer sodelujejo naslednji strokovnjaki: ortopedi, fiziatri, specialisti medicine športa, fizioterapevti in kineziologi. Športnikom ponujamo medicinske diagnostične storitve in funkcionalna športna testiranja. Uporabljamo najsodobnejše in certificirane testne postopke za ugotavljanje psihofizične pripravljenosti športnikov, pred začetkom treninga, v času izvajanja trenažnih postopkov in ob zaključku treninga, tako za posameznike kakor za športne ekipe, specifično po posameznih športnih panogah. Testiranje in spremljanje objektivnih pokazateljev pripravljenosti športnikov omogoča ustrezno strokovno vodenje priprav trenerjem in vodstvom športnih ekip ter posameznikom v trenažnem procesu.
The development of modern sports is increasingly connected to new technological, professional, scientific, research and organisational methods in the training process. Excellent results can no longer be expected on the basis of experience, intuition and other random factors. Training procedures and decisions must be extremely rational and as efficient as possible. Sports and functional diagnostics based on new technologies and new technological and methodological solutions plays an extremely important role in modern training. The purpose of diagnostic procedures is to identify relevant and as objective parameters of the current psychophysical condition of an athlete as possible. A modern training process cannot be planned, programmed and modelled without data regarding the athlete’s motor, morphological, physiological, biochemical, psychological and sociological characteristics. On the basis of data obtained, the optimum methods and means can be selected, cyclisation (training programme)
and corrections of the athlete’s preparations can be planned. The diagnostic and rehabilitation centre at Terme ZreÄ?e provides for, in cooperation with external partners, oneto-one multi-disciplinary treatment of an athlete that includes the following experts: orthopaedists, physiatrists, sports doctors, physiotherapists and kinesiologists. Athletes can be provided with medical diagnostic services and functional sports testing. The centre makes use of state-of-the-art and certified testing procedures that determine the psychophysical condition of athletes, before the training, during trainer processes and after the training, both for individuals and sports teams, specifically by sports discipline. Testing and monitoring objective parameters regarding the physical condition of athletes facilitates appropriate professional management of preparations of coaches and sports teams management as well as individuals in the training process.
Regeneracija in prehrana Regeneration and food preparation
Regeneracija je pomemben del za vsakega posameznika, tako vrhunskega kot rekreativnega športnika.
Regeneration forms an important part for all individuals, both top sports athletes and recreational athletes.
V Termah Zreče vam je na voljo:
The following is at your disposal at Terme Zreče:
Za učinkovitejše in hitrejše okrevanje po napornih treningih športnikom nudimo tudi možnost regeneracije s krioterapijo.
Efficient and faster regeneration after strenuous training are facilitated by the optional cryotherapy regeneration.
• 1600 m2 bazenov z akratotermalno vodo, • Idila, Wellness & Spa center, • Savna vas in različne vrste kopeli.
Na Rogli lahko v okviru wellness centra, z zadostim številom masažnih prostorov, hladnimi in toplimi kopelmi in savnami ponudimo vrhunske pogoje za regeneracijo po napornih treningih. Zavedamo se, da je učinkovita regeneracija v trenažnem procesu športnika odvisna tudi od hrane, ki jo športnik uživa. Zaradi individuuma, ki ga predstavlja organizem vsakega športnika, z veseljem zadovoljimo potrebe posameznika z raznovrstno ponudbo na naraven način pridelane hrane. V naših restavracijah se lahko prehranjujete tako glede na energijske potrebe vaše športne panoge kakor tudi glede na vaša osebna prepričanja glede prehranjevanja (npr. tudi halal). Hrano, ki jo nudimo, je skrbno izbrana, saj se trudimo, da nas z njo v čim večji meri oskrbujejo bližnje pohorske kmetije. Le-te hrano nabirajo in pridelajo v zdravem in čistem okolju, ki ga nudi Pohorje s svojo skoraj nedotaknjeno naravo z nepreglednimi gozdovi in obiljem izvirske vode.
• 1600 m2 of pools with acratothermal water, • Idila, Wellness and Spa Centre, • Sauna Village and various types of baths.
As part of the wellness centre, with a sufficient number of massage facilities, cold and hot baths and saunas, Rogla can provide state-of-the-art regeneration conditions after strenuous training. We are aware of the fact that efficient regeneration during the athlete’s training process also depends on the nutrition consumed. As a result of the individuum represented by the body of every single athlete, we are more than happy to meet individual needs with diverse naturally-grown food. In our restaurants you can eat both given the energy needs of your sports discipline as well as given your personal attitude towards food. Our food is carefully selected in the attempt to be supplied by the nearby farms from Pohorje to the greatest extent possible. Local food is collected and grown in a clean and healthy environment provided by Pohorje with its intact nature represented by the sheer amount of woods and waterways that spring in this mountain range.
Za vašo udobno namestitev For your comfortable stay
HOTEL PLANJA**** • • • • •
2 enoposteljni sobi 10 dvoposteljnih sob 11 suite - družinske sobe 4 triposteljne sobe 3 apartmaji
Vse sobe so opremljene s tušem, sušilcem za lase v kopalnici, telefonom, mini barom, SAT televizijo in internetnim priključkom.
• • • • •
2 single rooms 10 double rooms 11 suites – family rooms 4 triple rooms 3 apartments
All rooms are equipped with shower, hair dryer in the bathroom, telephone, mini bar, SAT TV and internet connection.
HOTEL ROGLA*** • 88 dvoposteljnih sob
• 88 double rooms
Vse sobe so opremljene s tušem, sušilcem za lase v kopalnici, telefonom, mini barom, SAT televizijo in internetnim priključkom. 15 sob ima balkone.
All rooms are equipped with shower and a hair dryer in the bathroom, telephone, mini bar, SAT TV, and an internet connection. 15 rooms have balconies.
HOTEL BRINJE*** • 11 enosobnih apartmajev z izhodom na trato • 11 dvosobnih apartmajev z balkonom Vsi apartmaji so opremljeni s tuši, telefonom, mini barom in SAT televizijo.
• 11 one room apartments with an exit to the lawn, room with 2 beds and additional bed. • 11 apartments with two rooms and large balcony, two bedrooms with two beds (1x bunk) and additional bed. All rooms are equipped with shower and hair dryer in the bathroom, telephone and SAT TV.
HOTEL NATURA**** • • • •
2 enoposteljni sobi 14 dvoposteljnih sob ali 7 dvoposteljnih sob in 7 apartmajevjev 1/2+2 ali 7 apartmajev 1/4+2
• • • •
2 single rooms 14 double rooms or 7 double rooms and 7 apartments 1/2+ 2 or 7 apartments 1/4 + 2
BUNGALOVI ROGLA*** IN APARTMAJI JURGOVO*** • 43 trisobnih bungalovov / 2 apartmaja z dvema spalnicama • 10 enosobnih bungalovov / 4 dvoposteljni apartmaji Vsi bungalovi in apartmaji so opremljeni s kuhinjo.
• 43 triple room bungalows / 2 apartments with two double bedroom • 10 single room bungalows / 4 apartments with two rooms All apartment are equipped with a kitchen.
HOTEL ATRIJ**** Superior • 3 Suite Gala z masažno kadjo, toplimi keramičnimi ležišči in finsko savno • 5 Suite Gala Prestige, dvoetažni apartma z masažnim tušem, finsko savno in masažno kadjo na terasi • 6 dvoposteljnih sob z masažno kadjo in francoskim balkonom • 10 dvoposteljnih sob (sobe so povezane z vrati) • 19 dvoposteljnih sob
• 3 Suite Gala with whirlpool, warm ceramic beds and Finnish sauna • 5 Suite Gala Prestige two floor apartment with massage shower, Finnish sauna and whirlpool on the Terrace • 6 Double rooms with whirlpool and French balcony • 10 Double rooms (the rooms are linked with doors) • 19 Double rooms
HOTEL VITAL**** • 4 Suite Relax (dvoetažne suite s finsko savno v kopalnici) • 5 Suite Classic (dvosobne suite) • 8 enoposteljnih sob • 10 dvoposteljnih sob (sobe so povezane z vrati) • 29 dvoposteljnih sob • 4 sobe prilagojene invalidnim osebam
• 4 Relax Apartments (two-floor apartments with a Finnish sauna in the bathroom) • 5 Classic Apartments (double bedroom apartments) • 8 single rooms • 10 family rooms (the rooms are linked with doors) • 29 double rooms • 4 rooms adapted to the needs of disabled people
Vse sobe so opremljene z balkonom, telefonom, klima napravo, mini barom, sefom, SAT televizijo in internetnim priključkom ter s tušem ali kadjo, sanitarijami in sušilcem za lase v kopalnici.
All rooms have a balcony, a telephone, an air-conditioning system, a mini bar, a safe, a SAT TV and an internet connection, and a bath or a shower, toilet and a hair dryer in the bathroom.
HOTEL KLASIK*** • • • • •
1 Suita Classic 11 enoposteljnih sob 18 dvoposteljnih sob 4 triposteljne sobe 6 mansardnih dvoposteljnih sob (nimajo balkonov) Vse sobe so opremljeni s tuši, telefonom, mini barom in SAT televizijo in internetnim priključkom.
• • • • •
1 apartment 11 single rooms 18 double rooms 4 triple rooms 6 mansard double rooms (no balcony)
All rooms are equipped with a shower, telephone, a mini bar, SAT TV and internet connection.
VILLAS TERME ZREČE**** • 10 apartmajskih hiš s 4 apartmaji in 4 dvoposteljnimi sobami v vsaki hiši. • 40 apartmajev z eno spalnico, kuhinjo z dnevnim prostorom ter kopalnico s tušem in sanitarijami • 40 dvoposteljnih sob s kopalnico s tušem in sanitarijami Apartma in soba se lahko uporabljata združeno kot apartma s tremi sobami in dvema kopalnicama. V vseh enotah je telefon, mini bar, balkon, brezžični internet in SAT televizija. Kuhinje so opremljene, v njih je tudi pomivalni stroj.
• 10 apartment houses with 4 apartments and 4 double rooms in each House • 40 one bedroom apartments, with kitchen and living room, bathroom with a shower and toilet • 40 double bedrooms including bathroom with shower and a toilet An apartment and a bedroom can be used together, combined as an apartment with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. All units include telephone, mini bar, internet connection and SAT TV. The kitchens are fully equipped and include dishwasher.
Rehabilitacija Rehabilitation
Terme Zreče se ponašajo z akratotermalno vodo, ki vsebuje kalcij, magnezij in hidrogenkarbonat. Voda je naravno ogreta na 34.5°C in ugodno vpliva na najpogostejše indikacije:
Terme Zreče takes pride in acratothermal water, which contains calcium, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate. The water is naturally heated at 34.5°C and it has a beneficial effect on the most common indications:
• stanja po poškodbah in po operativnih posegih na lokomotornem aparatu, • usmerjena postoperativna rehabilitacija zlasti kolenskega sklepa, ramena, kolka in hrbtenice, • degenerativne in vnetne revmatične bolezni gibal, • poškodbe in obolenja perifernega živčnega sistema in motnje perifernega krvnega obtoka.
• conditions after injuries and operations on the locomotor system, • focused postoperative rehabilitation, especially of the knee joint, shoulder, hip and spine, • degenerative and rheumatic inflammations of the musculoskeletal system, • injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system and disorders of the peripheral blood flow. .
Za programe zdravljenja in rehabilitacije skrbi strokovno usposobljeno zdravstveno osebje, zdravniki iz dvanajstih strokovnih področij (ortopedija, kardiologija, internistika, nevrologija, fiziatrija), diplomirani fizioterapevti in ostalo zdravstveno osebje – skupaj kar 65 strokovnjakov, ki poleg sodobne zdravstvene opreme in zdravilnih učinkov naravnih dejavnikov • zdravilne vode, • srednjegorske klime • pohorske šote, zagotavljajo pospešeno okrevanje in pripravo na ponovno vključitev v vsakdanje življenje in športne aktivnosti po končani rehabilitaciji. Izvajamo terapije iz področja kinezioterapije (Cyriax, Mulligan, Trigger, proprioceptivno terapijo), elektroterapije, hidroterapije, mehanoterapije in termoterapije. Poleg terapevtskih programov izvajamo tudi diagnostične postopke, ultrazvočno diagnostiko, magnetno resonanco, laboratorijske preiskave, izokinetiko, analizo sestave telesnih tkiv. Naša specialnost je individualna obravnava skozi ves program rehabilitacije. Letno rehabilitiramo več kot 9.000 pacientov in opravimo okoli 390.000 storitev. Pri rehabilitaciji uporabljamo izokinetični dinamometer - napravo za diagnosticiranje, treniranje in rehabilitacijo mišic. Z Biodex Balance sistemom izvajamo testiranje in trening ravnotežja.
Treatment and rehabilitation programs are entrusted to the expert trained health staff, physicians from 12 specialties of orthopedics, cardiology, internal medicine, neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitation...physical therapies with a B.Sc. degree and the other health staff – a total of 65 experts who, in addition to the modern health equipment and therapeutic effects of natural factors: • therapeutic water, • middle-mountain climate, • the use of the natural therapeutic factor of peat, guarantee faster recovery and preparation for the return to everyday life and sports activities after completed rehabilitation. We perform therapies from the domain of kinesiotherapy (Cyriax, Mulligan, Trigger, proprioceptive therapy), electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, mechanotherapy, thermotherapy. In addition to therapeutic programs, we also perform diagnostic procedures, ultrasound diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging, laboratory tests, isokinetics, body composition analysis. Our specialty is individual treatment through the entire rehabilitation program.We annually rehabilitate over 9,000 patients, and provide about 390,000 services. For rehabilitation we use isokinetic dynamometer, a device for diagnosis, training and rehabilitation of the muscles. The Biodex Balance System is being used for testing and improvement of balance.
"You can have results or you can have your excuses. You cannot have both."*
Contact us.
Če sreča sploh obstaja, je lahko le rezultat trdega dela in priprav.
Lahko stremiš k rezultatom ali iščeš izgovore. Ne moreš pa obojega.
* Vir / Reference: www.lifestyleupdated.com/motivational-quotes-for-athletes-by-athletes/
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