Lutheranrca Journal (June 13,2018)

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JUNE 13, 2018


Everything Lutherans believe

It is through faith in

comes from the Bible, God's

Jesus that we

message of love and hope for

receive the

all people. The Bible is the

forgiveness of sins

written Word of God, handed

and eternal life - by

down to us in order to point us to the truth that we are saved

believing that He

from our sin and eternal

has freed us from

death by the life, death, and

without error. In it we learn

the guilt,

resurrection of Jesus Christ.

everything we need to know

We believe that the Bible is

about God's love and His gifts

punishment, and

completely reliable and

to us.

power of sin. Faith is a gift worked in us by the power of the Holy Spirit; it doesn't


come to us through

There is only one true God - the Triune God - who exists in three separate but equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

anything we are capable of, but through what God does for us. We simply receive what

God the Father is our maker

keeps us in the one true faith,

and the creator of all things.

and equips us for living out

is already being

By the Father's word, all things

our faith. He is the whisper in

offered out of God's

were made, and we are His

our heart's ear.

great love.

most beloved creation; we are closest to His heart. The

There is absolutely nothing we

Son is Jesus Christ, who came

can do to "be saved" - Jesus

to earth as the perfect "go-

Christ has already done

between" between God and

everything necessary. In His

humanity. He has redeemed

death and resurrection,

us and is the voice to the

everyone who believes in

Father on our behalf. The Holy

Jesus as Savior has been

Spirit calls us to believe in

brought back into a right

Jesus Christ as our Savior,

relationship with God. That

[Seleccione la fecha]

reformed lutheran church of america means that, on account of

remind you of the grace

Jesus, everyone who believes

period you are given when

God has provided tangible

is "justified," or declared

paying bills - when your debt

ways through which He

innocent by God. God has

can be paid without further

delivers His grace to those

done justice to the world's

penalty. God's grace is even

who believe, assuring us that

sins; because of Jesus, all who

more wonderful; that's why it's

the sins we commit are

believe are forgiven and will

called "amazing grace." While

forgiven for Jesus' sake. These

live eternally.

we deserved to pay the

are called the "means of

penalty for our sins, God had

grace" and are God's Word,

We do not cooperate in our

a different plan. Christ paid

holy Baptism, and the Lord's

salvation and there is nothing

the debt and we receive

Supper (Holy Communion).

we could ever present to God

forgiveness and eternal life

Through these means, God

to make our way into eternal

from Him that is offered out of

makes Himself known to us in

life with Him-not money or

unconditional love. That's why

a very personal way: God's

even good works. Neither can

it's called grace because it is

Word reveals His faithfulness

we really feel it or prove it. We

truly undeserved.

and love; Baptism is our

cannot reason our way to

rebirth and renewal in Jesus;

salvation, nor can we earn it.

"For it is by grace you have

the Lord's Supper is our closest

There is nothing we can do to

been saved, through faith-

communion with Christ as we

save ourselves—Jesus Christ

and this is not from yourselves,

receive His body and blood.

has done it all.

it is the gift of God-not by

Lutherans often refer to

works, so that no one can

grace. The word itself might

boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9)."


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