Universidad Técnica de Ambato
Pedagogía de los idiomas nacionales y extranjeros
English III portfolio
Name: Ronaldo Carrillo
Course: III semester “A”
Professor: Lcda. Mg. Lorena Parra
Tabla de contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato...................................................................................3 Misión...........................................................................................................................3 Visión............................................................................................................................3 Guias prácticas:.............................................................................................................4 https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/242582/mod_resource/con tent/1/GUIAS%20PRACTICAS%20.pdf..........................................................................4 Sílabo:...........................................................................................................................4 https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/235679/mod_resource/con tent/1/ENGLISH%20III.pdf..............................................................................................4 Programa Analítico:......................................................................................................4 https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/257457/mod_resource/con tent/1/PlanAlitico%20TERCERO.pdf...............................................................................4 Trabajo Colaborativo:...................................................................................................5 Roll Play...................................................................................................................5 Inventions:................................................................................................................7 History of the Light Bulb..............................................................................................7 Trabajos Prácticos.........................................................................................................9 Writing (Unit 8)........................................................................................................9 Writing (Unit 10)....................................................................................................11 Trabajo Autónomo......................................................................................................13 Robbin Hood...........................................................................................................13 Black Cat................................................................................................................17 Componente Teórico...................................................................................................24 Proyecto integrador.....................................................................................................26 Prácticas Pre – profesionales......................................................................................27 Reflexión.....................................................................................................................29
Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.
Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.
Guias prácticas: https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/242582/m od_resource/content/1/GUIAS%20PRACTICAS%20.pdf
Sílabo: https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/235679/m od_resource/content/1/ENGLISH%20III.pdf
Programa Analítico: https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/257457/m od_resource/content/1/PlanAlitico%20TERCERO.pdf
Trabajo Colaborativo:
Roll Play
SCRIPT SCENE 1: FRIEND: Hi Jason . Beatiful day, isn’t it? PATIENT: I’m sorry David, but I don’t think it is :c (sad) FRIEND: Really? How are you doing? PATIENT: I'm hanging in there FRIEND: No, you don’t look good, you look so sick. Is there anything wrong? PATIENT: Well, I feel bad since yesterday, I have pain in my stomach, I feel nauseous and dizzy sometimes. FRIEND: You must feel terrible, you have to visit a doctor for a checkup. I know a doctor, he is my personal doctor, and he will be able to help you. PATIENT: Ok David, that’s really nice of you. Can you give me the doctor number? FRIEND: Yes, of course. 098765432 PATIENT: Thank you for give me that information, I will try to communicate with him.
FRIEND: Ok Jason, but I hope you can get an appointment with him because he is a busy doctor. PATIENT: Oh, no!! I hope to get the appointment as soon as posible. See you David…
SCENE 2: RECEPTIONIST: Hello, Doctor’s Correa office. May I help you? PATIENT: Hello, I would like to make an appointment for a checkup. RECEPTIONIST: Fine, What is your last name? PATIENT: Mejía RECEPTIONIST: Thank you Mr Mejía. What is the reason for the appointment? PATIENT: I don’t feel very well, I don’t know what’s happening to me. RECEPTIONIST: Do you need an urgent checkup? PATIENT: Yes, If you could. I’m in a lot of pain. RECEPTIONIST: Ok let me check, How about tomorrow at 3pm ? PATIENT: That would be perfect. RECEPTIONIST: Ok Mr Mejía. We will see tomorrow. PATIENT: Thanks! I appreciate it.
SCENE 3: DOCTOR: Good afternoon, please take a sit. PATIENT: Hi doctor, thank you for assinting me in. DOCTOR: Luckily I had time in my schedule. Now tell me, what’s your problem? PATIENT: Well. I feel bad since yesterdayand I have pain in my stomach. DOCTOR: I understand, and tell me, what are the symptoms?
PATIENT: I feel nauseous, a little dizzy and I have been wheezing. DOCTOR: Ok, are you taking any medication? PATIENT: No, I have only drunk herbal tea. DOCTOR: Are you allergic to any medication? PATIENT: No, doctor. DOCTOR: Ok, your problema is not too serious. It is a stomachache, it is a consequence of por feeding. So, I will make you a prescription, you have to take an antacid along the day with six painkillers to nauseous. Take one in the morning and one in the afternoon for three days. Let me know how you feel, ok? PATIENT: Ok, I will call you them. Thank you so much Doctor. DOCTOR: You’re welcome and that you get better soon!
History of the Light Bulb
A Brief History of the Light Bulb The electric light, one of the everyday conveniences that most affects our lives, was not “invented” in the traditional sense in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison, although he could be said to have created the first commercially practical incandescent light. He was neither the first nor the only person trying to invent an incandescent light bulb. In fact, some historians claim there were over 20 inventors of incandescent lamps prior to Edison’s version. However, Edison is often credited with the invention because his version was able to outstrip the earlier versions because of a combination of three factors: an effective incandescent material, a higher vacuum than others were able to achieve and a high resistance that made power distribution from a centralized source economically viable.
Early Light Bulbs In 1802, Humphry Davy invented the first electric light. He experimented with electricity and invented an electric battery. When he connected wires to his battery and a piece of carbon, the carbon glowed, producing light. His invention was known as the Electric Arc lamp. And while it produced light, it didn’t produce it for long and was much too bright for practical use.
Trabajos PrĂĄcticos Writing (Unit 8)
Writing (Unit 10)
Trabajo Autรณnomo Robbin Hood
Black Cat
Componente Teรณrico
Proyecto integrador
Prácticas Pre – profesionales
The present syllabus of English III was great experience because with our teacher, also the most important thing was the tasks that we resolved on class that tasks was very useful to develop our writing, listening and grammar skills however the teacher can teach her classes in a better way using more didactic techniques.
By other hand, the syllabus was the best experience that I had the opportunity to study on this semester because I could learn, more vocabulary trough different units of the book “Top Notch� and, the video activities was the best way to teach us the listening content to denote more words, In fact, my favorite activity on class was the video activities and the purposes with our classmates to understand all the contents in learning process.