Stephanie Avilés - Ronaldo Carrillo "Effective Classroom Management Strategies"

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Stephanie Avilés Ronaldo Carrillo Third A 19-3-2020

1. Model ideal behavior

Make a habit of demonstrating behavior you want to see, as many studies show that modeling effectively teaches students how to act in different situations.

Talking about a test or other relatable topic, be sure to: 

Use polite langu age  Maint ain eye contac Use polite language  tKeep phone s in your pocke Maintain eye contact ts  Let one anoth Keep phones in your pockets er speak uninte rrupte d Let one another speak uninterrupted Raise conce rns Raise concerns about oneabout another’s one statements in a respectfulanoth er’s statem ents in a respec tful mann Remember that after, start a class discussion er expand upon the ideal behaviors to list and


you exemplified.

After, start a class discussion to list and expand upon the ideal behaviors you exemplified.

2. Let students help establish guidelines Encourage all students to help you build classroom rules, as you’ll generate more buy-in than just telling them what they’re not allowed to do.

start a discussion by asking students what they believe should and shouldn’t


a discussion should lead to mutuallyunderstood and respected expectations.

3. Document rules

Don’t let your mutuallyrespected guidelines go forgotten

You can do this

•you should: •the list of rules that the class discussion generated.

print and distribute

Then... •go through the list with your students.

•you respect their ideas and intend to adhere to them • when a student breaks a rule, it’ll be easy for you to point to this document.

Doing this emphasizes

If you’re feeling creative, you can include the rule list in a student handbook with important dates, events and curriculum information.

4. Avoid punishing the class

Address isolated behavior issues instead of punishing an entire class,

BUT‌ Why you cannot this?

Because can hurt your relationships with students who are on-task and thereby jeopardize other classroom management efforts.

Call out specific students in a friendly manner.

Do you have any question?

Do you need help focusing?

5. Encourage initiative

Deliver short presentations

Promote growth mindset,

Inject variety into your lessons Allowing students to work ahead

You can propose that they read the following one too.(when see that someone needs more)

6. Offer praise

Praise students for jobs well done

When it is sincere and references specific examples of effort or accomplishment, praise can:   

Inspire the class Improve a student’s self-esteem Reinforce rules and values you want to see

7. Use non-verbal communication

Complement words with actions and visual aids to improve content delivery, helping students focus and process lessons.

Allows you to deliver a range of non-spoken content types.

these include videos


physical objects

8. Hold parties

motivatin g them to keep it up.

they should be happy with snacks

hey can earn future parties

Even if it’s just for 20 or 30 minutes,

group games to play

by demonstrating ideal behavior,

collectively scoring high on assessments and more.

9. Give tangible rewards

Reward specific students at the end of each lesson, in front of the class, as another motivational and behaviorreinforcement technique.

10.Make positive letters and phone calls

Keep students happy in and out of class

their kids will likely come to class eager to earn more positive feedback.

sending complimentary letters home

by pleasantly surprising their parents

making positive phone calls

11. Show to the students that having a good behavior improves their skills. Maybe for lots of students, they don’t care about having a good behavior they could improve their skills, how to show it? They could show their skills in the black board in front of their classmates. - Don’t worry if they don’t want to participate they could feel afraid to commit a mistake. - Don’t give strong pressures on your students, they could develop some traumas on all of them. - If your student answer correctly, congratulate him or her, but if they commit a mistake, correct them in private and valuate their courage. 12. Establish a Routine:

interested in class they could feel disappointed and as consequence they don’t get the importance to have a good behavior in classroom.


14. Develop each class with didactic resources. It helps to catch the student’s attention, this is important for the students can catch the general point in the topic and develop the activities and understand every single detail of the topic that you’re going to explain.

15. Finding things to catch the attention of the whole participants. This is important to follow a set of rules and procedures that makes you class more creative and also more productive because establishing rules and procedures you can take less time to develop you class and then you can take that time to improve the new acquired skill. 13. Avoid to punish at your whole class. In some occasions there are some problems whit the behavior of the students, but some students are focused only in learn a new topic so try to avoid to punish at you whole class because the students who are

Try to avoid sensible topics as for example parents, religion, family or politics with your students try to get topics about sports or activities that the students do as jobbie.

16. Using Ed tech that adjust at each student Using interactive games in the technology camp to adapt the class at the student’s interests to improve and tests the student’s skills.

19. Considering Peer teacher Use this teaching technique if you want to engage the attention between students available for reading activities or asking question in pairs.

20. Gamify personal Learning 17. Interview the students There is an important issue to have a few minutes with each student and answer some questions about which are the best topic to talk in class‌ is important to remark the personal interests on the students.

18. Address bad behavior quickly The best way to aboard a problem whit a student is in private, help Him/ her to control their negative behavior.

Try to convert the diary program developing games, for example, if some student participate actively in classroom he/she will win experience points if they win the necessary points they will get a point in classroom.

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