Scaling the wall For years, the narrative was that only foreigners are interested in Centro homes. Sticking a fork in that one is Roger Góngora and his team at Trasmuro — or, Behind the Wall. Their witty, quick-paced YouTube videos present some of Mérida’s most interesting new builds and renovations to a Spanish-speaking audience. In a year, the channel has built an audience of nearly 200,000 subscribers. Our favorite is when the charming host uses his own slim shoulders as a unit of measure, standing in front of a post and declaring it “one Roger wide.” His observations are endless and enlightening as he delves into each home’s construction, amenities, and, the property’s history. The homes not necessarily for sale, because they’re probably not — they’re just really interesting homes. And for viewers still learning Spanish, Roger’s humor is not lost — many of his videos have subtitles. Facebook, YouTube: @trasmuro