Local October 2020
Never underestimate the importance of community
2 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
Welcome to October
Next copy deadline 5th October 2020 for the November 2020 issue
01372 200 000
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Here we, are heading into Autumn; school routines are getting established again and half term is just around the corner. And what a very strange year this continues to be. Obviously, the virus is causing disruption to our normal routines, and worry the world over, but I think it’s quite amazing how adaptable we humans are. The majority of us have, even if in a begrudging way, adapted to new ways of life, different shopping routines, the wearing of a face mask in public places, and certainly different working set ups, and on the whole, an altogether more local way of life. Many have discovered new or forgotten hobbies and past-times; cooking, baking and gardening are amongst the most popular I believe, and having such wonderful, local suppliers and services has never been so helpful and appreciated. We remain thankful to all the key workers who continue to help us through these weird times; all the NHS staff, the many different delivery services, from post to prescriptions, our teachers, the police and fire services, paramedics and carers…. so many amazing people who selflessly carry on regardless, providing much needed services to help the rest of us, but also the shop owners and workers for the service they provide for our communities. And in support of everyone, the very least we can do is remember “HANDS / FACE / SPACE” So let’s all continue to do our part, and we will get thought this together! There are not many local events taking place at the moment BUT if you do plan to go along to any advertised meetings, please do call ahead of time to confirm if they are still taking place. Things can change on an almost daily basis. I hope you all have a good month, and do keep well, Best Regards,
PS: The Clocks turn back an hour on 25th October this year. Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 3
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ceramica tiles ashtead - 61 The Street, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1AA - 01372 277 727 - Opening Times: Monday - Friday 8am until 5pm Saturday 9am until 2pm
For all your appliance needs call 01372 748275 Or visit us in store: 29 Waterloo Road Epsom KT19 8EX 4 To advertise please email
Come in to see our fantastic new range of Trousers from Toni & Relaxed by Toni. Get expert advice from Victoria our representative whilst enjoying some nibbles and a glass of ďŹ zz. Every purchhasse of Toni trousers will receive a free gift and enttryy into a prize draw. Due to social distancing requirements we are limiting the number of customers in the shop at any one time. To guarantee entry please book an appointment by going to or call the shop on 01372 274333. Without an appointment you may be asked to wait until there is space.
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Newly Refurbished Grooming Parlour. Est. 2003
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Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm 6 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
Tel: 01372 374148
Why make a Will? Many people are aware that a Will is important; but most people do not have one and do not appreciate why it is as important as it is, both legally and emotionally for both you and those you leave behind. You care about your loved ones A Will makes it much easier for your family or friends to sort everything out when you die – without a Will the process can be more timeconsuming and stressful. You want to decide who benefits from what you leave behind If you do not write a Will, everything you own will be shared out in a standard way, defined by the law – which is not always the way you might want. You have people who depend on you Writing a Will is especially important if you have children or other family who depend on you financially, or if you want to leave something to people outside your immediate family. If you are unmarried and have children, this is
particularly important, as without a Will, your partner may not receive anything on your death. You want to protect what you have accumulated for the long-term security of those you want to benefit Writing a Will means you decide who will benefit from your assets, but you can also create a structure to provide for when and how this happens. You might not want your children or grandchildren to inherit at the age of 18, and you may prefer them to be older. You might have loved ones with particular needs that need to be taken into account, and when and how they inherit from you. You may want to leave a lasting legacy that cannot be frittered away and will benefit future generations of your family. You want to be as tax efficient as possible A Will can help reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax that might be payable on the value of the property and money you leave behind. Making a Will is not necessarily an easy task for all sorts of reasons, but we are here to help you begin that process by offering initial consultations with no obligation to proceed, so that we can discuss with you the things you should consider and help you think about your choices and options.
AllisonCrossman,PartnerinPrivateClient TWM Solicitors, Sweech House, Gravel Hill, Leatherhead KT22 7HF Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
Caring, Understanding Funeral Directors in Leatherhead
• Family Run Business • Private chapels of rest in Leatherhead • Granite and Marble Memorials At L. Hawkins and Sons Ltd, we understand how difficult it can be to cope with the loss of a loved one. Having served the local Surrey area from our current premises since 1932, our reputation as compassionate and sympathetic funeral directors in Leatherhead has been built on experience, understanding and care.
Make sure it all goes to plan
A funeral plan leaves nothing to chance and provides peace of mind for you and those you care about We recommend Funeral Plans from Golden Charter, with a pre-paid funeral plan you’ll benefit from: • Fixing the cost of our services included in your plan at today’s prices • Reassurance for your family – no uncertainty or difficult decisions • Complete flexibility to choose the funeral you want Call: 01372 372435
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Now you’ve decorated choose a new carpet from the safety of your own home
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Local Plan
By now we were hoping to have received the dates for the public consultation on the next stage (the Regulation 19 stage) of the preparation of Mole Valley Council’s (MVDC) Local Plan but you are no doubt aware that this has been delayed and is not now expected to be taking place until, at the earliest, May 2021. The Regulation 19 version of the Plan will identify MVDC’s preferred development sites but MVDC has decided that more time is needed for the review of responses to last spring’s consultation, further analysis of development constraints and detailed consideration of required mitigation measures. Given this delay, it is now unlikely that Mole Valley’s Local Plan will be formally adopted until 2022 and new national planning rules, that require a Local Plan to cover a period of 15 years from its adoption, mean that the life of the Plan has been extended from 2033 to cover the years up to 2037. We are awaiting information on how this will affect housing numbers, especially as the Government is also reviewing the method it uses to calculate the level of housing need. Added to this, in August the Government published “Planning for the Future”, a White Paper containing “proposals for reform of the planning system in England to streamline and modernise the planning process, improve outcomes on design and sustainability, reform developer contributions and ensure more land is available for development where it is needed”.
The reforms seek to simplify the planning process and also increase local engagement in decisionmaking. The White Paper also lays down new rules for the preparation of Local Plans and MVDC is reviewing what impact these changes might have on its own Plan. 10 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
Transforming Local Government
MVDC has informed of the following:
“The Leaders of Surrey’s 11 district & borough councils have launched their ‘Putting Residents First’ campaign to transform local government in the county & bring decision making and services close to communities. Work has started on proposals for a modern approach to local government, to be shared with central Government as part of the debate on its anticipated ‘Recovery and Devolution’ white paper this autumn. The white paper signals its desire to reform local government – an opportunity Surrey’s district and borough councils are eager and enthusiastic to embrace. Surrey’s Leaders are agreed that the proposals will centre around simplifying and improving local government. Providing residents with easier and local access to all their council services. As will ensuring that the future approach ensures the democratic accountability between councillor and resident remains strong. The proposals are to be shaped and informed by new thinking, data, insight, research and engagement with residents.”
Ashtead Pond
Residents owe a vote of thanks to Cllr Pat Wiltshire for the work she has been doing with MVDC’s Parks Department to make sure that works being carried out this autumn on Ashtead Pond will be beneficial to the life of the pond and ensure that it provides a pleasant environment for visitors and passers-by. Glynis Peterkin Chairman
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North Surrey & Borough of Kingston Branch Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 11
FETCHAM SPRINGS It seems a very long time ago, but prior to Covid restrictions, one of the last public gatherings of any size in Fetcham was the Village Hall meeting organised by the FRA to discuss Mole Valley’s housing proposals. And there was one message from that meeting that came through loud and clear. The land known as Fetcham Springs, between the Cobham Road and the railway embankment, must be retained as a natural green space. You may recall that Mole Valley’s Draft Local Plan had suggested the land be used for playing pitches, with a clubhouse and parking. The land is owned by SES Water, and shortly after the meeting, SES helpfully stated that it was no longer looking for any change of use for the land. Since then, the Local Plan process has been delayed and of course Covid has moved centre stage. But the FRA remains committed to honouring the wishes of residents that Fetcham Springs should not just be preserved, but enhanced as a wildlife haven. This means the land still needs protecting in planning terms. We are seeking to engage with SES Water, and there is an appetite in many quarters to learn more about the animal and plant life present on the site.
PLANNING LAW CHANGE The continuing effects of Covid on all our lives are quite rightly taking precedence over many other issues. But there are major changes afoot to how planning and development could be decided in future. Proposals from government announced in August to “streamline” the planning approval process received a good deal of attention, much of it hostile. We know from experience locally that planning approvals (routine home extensions aside) are rarely matters for simple red or green signals. There is at present a good degree of scope for considering the specific impact of development on the locality. These proposals beg many questions on the say we may have in future over our immediate surroundings. If you have concerns, the FRA would urge you to raise them with your MP and councillors. MEMBERSHIP It’s not too late to subscribe and show your support for us this year. Please use the form below, or visit our website. Thank you.
The FRA is passionate about local issues, invests in community projects, and stands up for your interests. If you live in Fetcham - JOIN US! Visit OR use the form below. Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (if you wish to receive regular updates. Details will not be shared with any third parties) Subscription: £2 (minimum), £5, £10, £20 (or other amount). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROP this form with cash or cheque payment into the FRA box at Symphony World Travel, Cobham Road, Fetcham; OR POST to Fetcham Residents Association, 3 Churchill Close, Fetcham KT22 9EY
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6 Craddocks Parade Ashtead KT21 1QL
DAKOTA Shutters:
A great new room darkening shutter
20% off DAKOTA
Until 17th October 2020
01372 271010
Why have Lasting Powers of Attorney?
1. A Will looks after your assets when you have passed away BUT a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) keeps your assets safe while you are alive should you become mentally incapacitated, suffer an illness or have an accident. 2. A Property & Financial LPA ensures that decisions affecting either your day to day, or longer term, financial affairs are made by those you trust who are closest to you, rather than by a court appointed Deputy. 3. A Health & Welfare LPA ensures that decisions about your health, care and well-being are safeguarded. 4. For a free LPA factsheet, contact Family Wills Surrey.
Family Wills Surrey comes to you, at a time that suits, inc evenings and weekends.
Our services include:
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Contact us now for a free no obligation consultation:
Contact: Ben Kopieczek Tel: 01372 374676 Email:
Family Wills Surrey is an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd., Head Office: Princess Caroline House, 1 High Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE Co. Reg. No. 7891401
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 13
The Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH
AUTUMN UPDATE The online “silent auction” of the contents of the home & garden of Cheryl & Roy Allen, along with some generous donations, raised more than £2000. The funds have been raised through the Cheryl and Roy Allen Memorial Fund for the LRA, which was set up by their children, Ashley Barr and Paul Allen. Donations are still welcome; if you would like to make a contribution to the Memorial Fund, please contact LRA Chairman Caroline Brown on 01372 813 013, or by email at chairman@ One early expenditure from the new Fund is a donation to the Leatherhead Theatre. ooooo LITTER PICKS
In Leatherhead, litter picks are important; they represent attempts by volunteers to restrain the tide of litter which regularly engulfs our town. LRA litter picks were for years organised and run by Cheryl Allen in her role as head of the environment committee. There was one in March 2020 just before lockdown, and then of course the Pandemic conditions precluded planning another for several months. Finally, we were able to have our second litter pick of the year, on Sunday 6th September, from 2 to 4pm. Dorothy Stapleton has kindly agreed to take over responsibility for this important activity
and her first event went very well indeed. With the Letherhead Institute no longer available as a meeting point, Dorothy and Chair Caroline Brown agreed on a good place for the new headquarters: just opposite the entrance to the Station Road Car Park, with the spot for filled bags to be stacked near the yellow road grit container. This location has the advantage of ample free parking and the pleasant green ambience of Red House Grounds Park. 18 people wielded litter pickers, including member Farroakh Parekh who used our new extra-long picker (purchased at Cheryl’s insistence from her hospital bed!) to extract numerous cans and bottles from hard-toreach situations. Teams worked in a dozen Leatherhead litter hot-spots, while Hilary Porter held the fort at HQ, cheerfully dispensing and collecting litter pickers, gloves and empty bags. The total count of filled bags returned to HQ was 40, which was considered to be a very good result. Pickers reported receiving several comments from passers-by giving messages of support and cheering us on for carrying out this worthwhile activity. The next Litter Pick is planned to be scheduled for early spring – watch this space; even better, come and join us! Contact Dorothy Stapleton at or call on 07582 541 425.
To become a member family of the LRA:
• • • •
Provide your names, address, phone & email – include all family members Enclose cheque for £2.50 (1 year) or £6 (3 years), payable to the LRA Send to LRA, Letherhead Institute, 67 High St, Leatherhead KT22 8AH or pay online to sort code 40-27-07, account 2150 0651, to LRA, with your name as ref
Privacy Notice The LRA collects, stores and processes member information for the purposes of meeting its statutory requirements and its contractual obligations to its members under its Articles. The information is not shared with third parties. Any concerns regarding the LRA’s use of member information should be directed to the Company’s Data Controller via A notice regarding the LRA’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 can be found in the Document Archive of the LRA website under “Regulations”.
14 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
n ha ! r t ht pe ig ea etr Ch arp c Top quality Wool Twist RRP: £37.50m2 Bargain £20.99m2 100% Wool Loop Pile, natural colours only £19.99m2 Quality Vinyls for Kitchens, Bathrooms WC’s & Utility Rooms only £19.99m2 New Karndean range on show in the shop Family Company
30 years experience * Unrivalled customer service Free estimates * Unbeatable prices
In house fitters
T: 01372 459582 E: W: 25 High Street, Bookham, KT23 4AA.
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 15
Monday 19th October The Probus Club of Ashtead will hold its Annual General Meeting via Zoom at 10.30am. Instead of lunch there will be an online talk the same morning. Brian Aldred will speak about Underground London. Cost ÂŁ5. For further information about Ashtead Probus visit or, for more about our online talks, contact our Secretary, Stephen Bridges either on 07806 791774 or
16 To advertise please email
We template fabricate and install top quality stone worktops at very competitive prices Approved fabricator of top leading stone manufacturers in the UK Marble granite quartz worktops fully installed within 3-4 days Best reputation in Surrey Miele appliances cheaper than online prices Miele dealer centre 6 The Parade, Kingston Road, Leatherhead KT22 7SR | 01372 877 280 |
Justine Evans
Just For You Bespoke, Handmade Curtains, Blinds & Accessories
07533 793705
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 17
With Christmas being on the horizon and the possibility of long term home working and/or home schooling, now is a great time to take stock of some of the new innovations and how transformative they may be in the future. Just remember it wasn’t that long ago when we thought the use of the webcam was for the occasional Christmas or Birthday greeting call! The two big game console manufacturers Sony and Microsoft have been polishing off their new arrivals, at the same time the major PC component manufacturers have been working hard, with one of the major announcements being the true high performance graphics card line which will provide really spectacular realism in 4K graphics, with the arrival of the GeForce RTX 2070 graphics card, with an indicated price of less than £500.00, this really will permit the PC to be the machine for all activities. If you are being limited by the range of your wifi internet connection, there is a new Mesh wifi range extender which can be installed in seconds and expanded to
provide coverage in the largest of properties, the Deco range offer an affordable and versatile solution which can be expanded to suit your needs as they evolve. We have a new range of curved monitors in stock which are very impressive, the clarity is first rate, the colour reproduction is excellent, and the curve really makes you feel more involved with what is on the displayseeing is believing! With the increase in home working, we have been very active in providing network and internet solutions for garden offices and cabins. Pretty well every installation is different, so if you would like to discuss your situation we probably have an very effective solution for you. Some products like webcam, headsets, laptops, tablets and home printers are still on limited availability, with availability being patchy until the New Year. Whatever your requirements are please call us as you may be surprised by what we can do and provide. Stay safe and we look forward to being of service to you.
This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989. 18 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
~Surrey’s favourite Computer Store~
14 North Street, Leatherhead tel: 01372 370300 Monday - Saturday 9am - 5.30pm
Please note: Product supplies have been severely disrupted during 19 period, ac the CV CV-19 period items listed are accurate at the time of publishing Notebbooks, PC’s and Tablets are in limited suppliess and are likely to be for the foreseeable future
d laptops Used m £199 from
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14 NORTH STREET | LEATHERHEAD SURREY | KT22 7AW Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
sudoku 6 9 4 2
1 8 2 3 9 4 1 3 9 7 6 8 1 4 1 7 5 6 8 3 2 2 7 5 3 6 8 5 7 9 6 8 1 2 5
Digi search
Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!
8 2 2 1 5 4 4 6 3 4 1 5 4 2
9 9 0 6 6 7 9 9 3 2 0 0 7 8
3 3 3 2 9 5 3 7 4 5 2 6 3 3
0 8 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7
4 5 4 3 8 5 2 5 8 2 4 3 4 4
9 7 8 8 4 8 8 6 4 3 8 8 8 0
5 3 5 4 9 8 8 6 4 0 5 4 5 1
8 9 9 8 9 3 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 8
6 2 9 3 5 7 0 4 3 9 3 5 2 2
7 8 2 9 8 2 3 9 3 2 8 8 7 5
3 2 0 9 3 2 8 9 9 1 2 2 3 8
9 0 3 4 7 0 8 2 2 1 0 9 8 5
2 1 9 0 7 1 1 2 6 2 7 2 9 4
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 05829, 12627, 21098, 32093, 38483, 38573, 39485, 48502, 52633, 50382, 58243, 59588, 63415, 89939, 92039, 99320
solutions page 49 20 To advertise please email
Computer Problems? Hardware and IT Technical Support Computer set-up and installation
Ashtead Choral Society Ashtead Choral Society’s rehearsals at the APMH every Monday night have been cancelled until further notice, but we resumed weekly online rehearsals with Zoom on Monday 7th September.
Virus, Spyware and Malware removal Solid state (SSD) hard disk upgrades Computer rebuilds and maintenance Data backup and transfer Wireless network & printer installation
Why not come and join in? Everyone is welcome.
37 Years Exp.
For further details and joining instructions contact Anne (membership secretary) at or 01372 278852.
Free Call Out
We are on the web at, and also on Facebook and Twitter.
ÂŁ30 Per Hour
Home Visits
Steven Ralls - 07967 666239 To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 21
Working Towards a Sustainable Ashtead Are you getting wilder?
Lockdown gave many of us an opportunity to rediscover the intrinsic nature lover in ourselves. People reported that slowing down and observing wildlife in our parks, woods and gardens brought huge benefits for our mental wellbeing. We have had more time to watch birds and butterflies and marvel at their variety and beauty. Locally, we have a wonderful range of valuable and high-status habitats, with volunteers helping to manage them for further biodiversity. Birds of prey such as, red kites and buzzards are now regularly seen over Ashtead and Leatherhead Commons. A survey by Surrey Bat Group on one night in August 2019, identified common pipistrelle, whiskered bat and Natterer’s bat on Ashtead Common.
Ways to get wilder! We can rewild ourselves more deeply by going outside at different times of day and be more receptive to the indirect signs of wildlife, such as birdsong, animal droppings and footprints. Find a reason to sit still somewhere outside, observe and listen to when and where different species appear. If you need an excuse, say you are taking part in a national count and contributing to a scientific database! Take photographs to help to identify species you discover or use one of the many free identification apps now available, for example, iRecord Butterflies or Roger’s Mushrooms App As well as providing food for garden birds, we can create more habitats in our gardens, such as small ponds (that will attract dragonflies and amphibians), grow flowers that provide nectar for bees and other pollinators, leave pots and logs in damp corners for insects and amphibians to overwinter. Leaving parts of the garden untidy can create small habitats and corridors for animals to adopt. Many weeds such as thistles and dandelions are a great source of nectar for insects.
Rewilding projects to visit Further afield, the Knepp Estate just south of Horsham, once an intensively farmed estate, has since 2001 been pioneering a rewilding project. This process was initiated as a response to the failure of the intensive farming of woodland and grazing land. Intensive farming was encouraged in the 1970s, as a way of increasing land productivity and our food security. To increase output, chemical fertilisers, fungicides and hormones were sprayed onto crops, increasing both costly inputs and work hours dramatically. Over time these methods were in fact, decreasing the ability of the land to support this type of agriculture. The heavy Weald Clay soil is naturally maintained in oak woodland by delicate networks of fungi growing symbiotically with roots, but can this be destroyed by ploughing. Since reverting to a traditional, mixed, woodland grazing system, the productivity of the land has returned together with its biodiversity. Knepp was in the news this year when a pair of White Storks nested there for the first time in decades. We need to help the planet maintain its natural, self-sustaining ecosystems. And the first step is to look around, take notice and get wild about nature!
Helen Hore For information about Transition Ashtead go to @TransitionAsh1 22 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
“They manage a range of complex needs with such care and under these difficult conditions. The improvement in my parents’ health has been quite remarkable.” Daughter of two residents, August 2020
Dene Place Care Home. Here for you There’s been smiles, laughter and tears during these challenging times, but through it all we’ve been there for our residents and their families, relentlessly. The safety and wellbeing of our residents and team has always been our priority, so we’ll keep providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and continue testing. We’re here to support loved ones with a range of needs, from nursing to residential and short stay care. Talk to us about how we can help. Dene Place Care Home, Ripley Lane, West Horsley, Leatherhead KT24 6JW
Call us for advice on care today
01483 331 641
Lines are open 8am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 12.30pm Saturday. Closed Sundays and bank holidays. Calls are charged at no more than local rate and count towards any inclusive minutes from mobiles. We may record or monitor our calls.
All types of funding welcome
No health insurance needed OCT20 CS 01801
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 23
24 To advertise please email
Music Matters
Who sang about “Running on Empty” in 1977?
Which Canadian singer/songwriter released the iconic album “Blue” in 1971?
The album was “Love Deluxe”. The song was “No Ordinary Love”. Who was the singer?
Who tragically died on 1st April 1984, aged 44, after being shot by his own father?
How old was Stevie Wonder when his first record “Fingertips” went to No 1 in 1963?
Who sang “Someone Like You”, featured in Bridget Jones’ Diary?
What are the christian names of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young?
Who is Don McClean’s “Vincent” about?
Who was known as the “Walrus of Love”?
10. Who sang “Arthur’s Theme” for the 1981 movie? Take it Easy with David Sm mith on Surrey Hills Communityy Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 49
AFTER LOCKDOWN? Z Fit Training could be the perfect solution for you. Whether you want to burn calories, build muscle or just get moving, I can help you to achieve your goals and give you the motivation you need
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26 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
Sports and remedial massage in the comfort of your own home Massage can help with: • minor injuries • chronic pain • restricted range of motion • repetitive strain injury • sprains • tension & fatigue • and much, much more! Call me, Sylwia, on 07828 926320 or email at
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 27
Leatherhead Podiatry Love your feet!
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28 To advertise please email
Fun and Friendship
There’s time for both at Hartfield House
Book a visit at Or call 01372 239432 NURSING • RESIDENTIAL • DEMENTIA • RESPITE Hartfield House, 4 Hartfield Road, Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7GQ (Sat Navs KT22 7TH)
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 29
poached pear ghosties ingredients method 1 lemon 1 vanilla pod, halved lengthways 500g granulated sugar 4 Waitrose Conference Pears 100g fresh raspberries 8 small dried blueberries (Serves 4)
1. Pare the zest from the lemon and squeeze the juice. Place in a medium saucepan with the vanilla pod, sugar and 1 litre of water then bring to a gentle simmer. 2. Peel the pears, removing a slice from the bottom so they can stand upright. Add the pears to the pan and simmer for 20 minutes then turn off the heat, leave to cool completely then chill until you are ready to serve. 3. When ready, place the raspberries on 4 small serving plates and mash with a fork until pulpy. Press 2 blueberries into each pear for the eyes then sit the pears on the raspberry pulp. Spoon over a little of the cooking syrup and serve.
cooking tip Make sure the pears are completely submerged in the liquid so they poach evenly – add a little more water as needed.
Prep: 15mins + cooling. Cooking: 25mins 30 &Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 Recipe Photo reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at
The Discreet Way To Perfect Teeth
Precision Implants ‘MORE
01372 377 678
19, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, KT22 9LG FIND US ON FACEBOOK
Maggie May Therapy (MSc) Registered UKCP / BACP
MUSIC ON THURSDAYS For the MV Arts e-Live Festival we have a concert each Thursday at 12.30. 1st October Eddie Lee’s Jazz on Thursday 8th October Diphonon viola & accordion Duo 15th October organist Marion Bettsworth, playing the 3-manual Nicholson organ in St Michael’s Highgate, London. 22nd October CarmenCo - recounting the story of Carmen through music for flute, and 2 guitars (Emily Andrews, Francisco Correa, David Massey) 29th October From JS Bach to John Barry’s film music - Philip Hopkins’ concert of chromatic harmonica & piano. More info at &
• Qualified Adult Counsellor/ Psychotherapist • Counselling for Adults, Children & Young People • Sessions online & face to face No obligation 30 mins free initial session
07949 085 425 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 31
o y is a ma e cat appro imate y years o d ho came into care as his o ner mo ed and sad y eft him ehind e is tota y adora e and o es to cudd e o y is ery easy oin and en oys the simp e p easure of food and a itt e o y ou d o e a uiet home to share his atter years ith and i ma e someone a onderfu companion f you fee you can i e o y his idea e deser ed fore er home p ease email
Epsom Ewell & District Branch If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to
As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)
32 To advertise please email
fire and iron gallery
Quality Picture Framing in Ashtead
“It’s said that All Hallows’ Eve is one of the nights when the veil between the worlds is thin – and whether you believe in such things or not, those roaming spirits probably believe in you, or at least acknowledge your existence, considering that it used to be their own. Even the air feels different on Hallowe’en, autumn-crisp and bright.” ~ Erin Morgenstern
A local business offering professional and experienced bespoke framing from our purpose-built workshop. • Friendly expert advice and free quotes • Huge selection of mouldings, mountboards and specialist glass • Flexible appointments with free parking
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59 Links Road, Ashtead KT21 2HL
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22 Bridge Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8BZ
Tel: 01372 377363
Trees from £339 Skulls from £55 Bats from £99 ‘Pumpkin Vine’ sculpture (7 heads) £490 Oxshott Road . Leatherhead KT22 0EN
Telephone 01372 386453 Open Tues – Sat 10-5
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 33
crosswordpuzzle Solutions Page 49
Clue: 1 Across
Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Clue: 20 Down
1. Mountain lake (4) 3. Waylaid (8) 9. Hazy (7) 10. Soft flat hat (5) 11. Covetousness (5) 12. Raids (6) 14. Horizontally (6) 16. Shortness of sight (6) 19. Informal French restaurant (6) 21. Illumination (5) 24. Play unfairly (5) 25. Smarty t pants (4-3) 26. Loathed (8) 27. Ar A thur --, tennis player (4)
1. Sort of sledge (8) 2. Reddening cosmetic (5) 4. Alter (6) 5. Brown pigment (5) 6. Make haste (5,2) 7. Responsibility (4) 8. Debris (anag.) (6) 13. Historic French prison (8) 15. Apparel (7) 17. Cowardly (6) 18. Turf accountant (6) 20. Skirts worn by ballerinas (5) 22. Be an informer (5) 23. LSD (4))
34 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
A & D CARS Airports
Gatwick £40 Heathrow £45 Any Time, Night or day
Very reliable Your local company Fully licensed and Insured
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Specialists in Audi,Volkswagen, Seat and Skoda Vehicles. Ä?ÄžĆšÇ ÄžÄžĹś >ÄžÄ‚ĆšĹšÄžĆŒĹšÄžÄ‚Äš ĂŜĚ 'ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšÄ¨Ĺ˝ĆŒÄš
IMI Certified for Electric and Hybrid propelled Vehicles.
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Where to find us Open View Farm, Epsom Road, West Horsley, Surrey. KT24 6AP
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 35
Zoom online talks The Covid-19 Lockdown and its aftermath have radically affected this year’s programme of monthly presentations normally held at the Leatherhead Institute. Instead we have introduced a programme of online talks using Zoom technology. People who are not online will be able to see them fully reported in this magazine, on our website and in future L&DLHS Newsletters. To enjoy each talk from the comfort of your own home you need to register in advance via talksonline@ Once registered you will be sent User ID and Password details ahead of the event. The programme of Zoom events began on Friday, 18 September, when Andy Davies, curator of the Railway Correspondence and Travel Society’s library at Leatherhead Station, talked about Leatherhead Station, The Stationmaster’s House. This was followed on Saturday by L&DLHS member Simon Ritchie on Industrial g - Ordnance Surveyy Trigg Archaeology Hiding in Plain Sight Points.
Zoom talks. The date for this and subjects are still to be confirmed. Other Zoom talks are also on offer via the Surrey History Meetup website run by Simon Ritchie. Google Surrey History Meetup and follow the guidance on how to join those. Local history enthusiast Robin Daly spoke on Monday, 7 September about Lonesome Lodge, a fascinating 18th century estate. Situated in the little known area of Broadmoor, near Wotton, tantalising small remnants of this estate can still be found today. Robin joined a group of people from Capel History Group and their findings resulted in a book which can be purchased from Dorking Museum. For more information from The Leatherhead & District Local History Society go to
Coming up next is tour guide and author Julian McCarthy introducing The Secret History off Kingston upon Thames on Monday, 12 October.. Admission to the meetingg m will be from 7.10pm On for start at 7.30pm: O Monday, 22 Novembeer, with the same starting timees, author Paul Le Messurrier will give a talk based on his recently published boook, Surrey’s Military Herittage. In early December we will have our traditional Chrisstmas Miscellany with three short s 36 To advertise please email
Outstanding outdoor spaces for work, rest or play We plan, design and build stunning garden landscapes and outdoor areas. Let us create a special space for you and your family to enjoy. Our fresh approach and our expertise from creating award-winning gardens gives you access to showstopping designs, whatever the scale of your project. Bo ok W no in w te fo r r
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The Arts Society, Leatherhead Wednesday 14th October at 7.30 pm on Zoom Sarah Dunant will be presenting a lecture on The Borgias, The Most Infamous Family in History. Murder, poison, corruption, and incest: all perfect ingredients for sensational popular culture. But in an age known for its brutality and church corruption were the Borgias really so bad? This lecture reveals the real family that dominated the Papacy and Italian politics during the last decade of the 15th century. Novelist, broadcaster and critic. Sarah read history at Cambridge, then worked for many 38 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
years as a cultural journalist in radio and television. She has published thirteen novels, taught renaissance studies at Washington University, St Louis, is a visiting tutor on the MA in creative writing at Oxford Brooks and has lectured around the world at festivals and conferences. If you would like to attend this lecture as a guest, please contact Huw on
M D Edwards & Son
Kitchen, Bathroom, Wardrobe & Study supply & installation specialists
Bespoke kitchens supplied and installed to a very high standard
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Friendly family-run business established over 25 years. Excellent portfolio and local references. We also have a complete team of qualified tradesman builders, plasterers, electricians, heating engineers, tilers and flooring specialists. Project managed by us from design to completion • Choose from a large range of door styles • Granite, Quartz or laminate worktops • Sinks, taps and integrated appliances • Remedial jobs - new hinges, drawers runners etc. Telephone Beverley Edwards on 01372 450677 anytime, including evening and weekends
Cressida House, 10 Humphrey Close, Fetcham, Surrey KT22 9PZ email Public Liability Insurance Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 39
remedial roofing •provided or intended for people with roof issues and deficiencies.
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The Arts Society Ashtead – join us on ZOOM We are a thriving Arts Society with a membership of 300, providing stimulating arts-related lectures and occasional cultural visits and tours, both at home and abroad. Traditionally our lectures have taken place on the 3rd Tuesday morning of each month at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall but that has not been possible during lockdown.
The programme for the next three months: October 20th René Lalique: Master of Art Nouveau jewellery and Art Deco glass byy Anne Anderson November 17th John Singer Sargent: Much more than a modern Van Dyck by Frank Woodgate
Throughout this period we have been keeping in touch with our members through regular newsletters, by email or hand-delivery for those without that facility. In September we staged the second of our live online lectures using the ZOOM app, which was enjoyed by over 120 of our members, on-screen, in the comfort of their own homes. It was an informative and amusing talk by Paula Nuttall, entitled “Isabella D’Este: First Lady of the Italian Renaissance”. We received excellent feedback from our members, and we hope to continue providing online lectures until it is feasible to return to live lectures in the hall.
January 19th 2021 The Field of Cloth of Gold by Jo Mabbutt
For details, see our website We welcome visitors and new members, who can join in an online lecture for a fee of £5 by sending a request to
40 To advertise please email
JD & SONS BUILDING & LANDSCAPING Steve 07724 925305 Keith 07789 347810
First Choice Cleaners: Friendly, Local, Reliable
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First Choice Cleaners Ltd is a family run cleaning business serving the local area since 2005. All work fully insured. We take pride in all work undertaken and believe that our strength lies in offering a friendly, flexible and totally reliable service.
01372 200492 To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 41
10%All roofing OFF work with this advert
New Roofs • Repairs • Flat Roofs • All minor & major repairs undertaken • UPVC Fascia • Soffits • Guttering • Chimney’s Repaired or Renewed • All Lead Work Undertaken • Tiling & Slating Repaired or Renewed etc We specialise in all types of roofing work
For more information or to view some of our customer isit recommendations, please visit
or find us at TRUST A TRADER Free quotes and advice, please contact one of the numbers below:-
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YOUR LOCAL SPECIALIST BUILDERS Extensions & Refurbishments • Loft Conversions • Electrical Works Flat & Pitched Roofing • Exterior Redecoration & Repairs Interior Painting & Decorating • Fully Insured All Works Carried Out To The Highest of Standards & Fully Guaranteed
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Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 43
Could you do with a helping hand?
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Telephone : 020 8661 9671 Freephone : 0800 999 2900
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44 To advertise please email
Local Family Business
Est. 1998
Ashtead WIng WI group meet on the second Monday of the month from 8pm to 10pm
Ashtead Wing still meeting virtually every month At our October meeting we are looking forward to having a (virtual) talk on unconscious racial bias by the Venerable Dr Rosemarie Mallett, Archdeacon of Croydon entitled “Mary Mary quite contrary how do your biases grow”. As heard on Radio 4!
New members and guests always welcome. If you would like to join this virtual meeting, please send an email to the email address below.
Next meeting 12th October 2020
Email: Website:
Are you looking for a roofer you can trust? We are now working in association with Songhurst GRP providing all aspects of GRP breglass which keeps our business family run based which is very important to us. Whether it be roo ng, guttering, lead work, re-pointing, chimney, PVC fascias or general exterior mantiance Wiseroo ng have the expertises and knowledge complete the job with professionalism and 100& customer satisfaction. We have been established for 20 years providing our roo ng services in your local area. Around 80% of our work comes from customer referrals and recommendations, which gives you an indication of the level of customer satisfaction achieved. A large part of our work also comes from the local authorities and the corporation of London as well as the elderly, who qualify for special discounted rates. We are so con dent in the quality of our work we will always try and repair rather than replace. Please visit our website or contact us today for a solution to your roo ng problem. 10% o any GRP work with this advert
For more info please visit our website Call us today on 01737 222 095 / 01306 884688 or email us at for a free no obligation quotation
Working in association with Wiseroo ng. We specialise in Fibreglass Flat Roo�ng with your choice of optional Guttering, Fascia & So�ts. We are also skilled in Fibreglass for Balconies, Garages, Wet Rooms, Boats and Water Features. Fibreglass comes in a range of colours, Please enquire for further information on the colour chart we provide.
07769 737799 / 01306 886887
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 45
At this time of year, I would normally be reminding people about keeping safe around Halloween and Bonfire Night but, as with so many other traditional occasions when family and friends get together, 2020 is proving to be different in so many respects!! Even the traditional big Bonfire at Brockham Green is not going to take place this year, along with many other planned events that are part of many people’s social calendar. In spite of all the new rules and guidance that we are all being required to follow; crime and anti-social behaviour is still happening – although perhaps the nature of those “activities” has changed in some respects? Of course everyone should be following the prescribed rules in terms of trying to control the spread of Covid-19 and officers have been targeting key locations where reports have been received about “mass gatherings” etc. Alongside this work, however, is the ongoing and regular demand to deal with serious offenders – burglars, thieves, people who commit wanton criminal damage and, of course, the victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse. It is worth mentioning that, on average, a person may have been subjected to over twenty separate incidents of serious domestic abuse (and sometimes many more) before they can find the courage to report it to police. Once a case of domestic abuse is brought to our attention, there are clear and sensitive guidelines, and regulations that must be followed, in order to protect the 46 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
victim as well as bring the alleged perpetrator to justice. In the past, domestic abuse was regarded as only having taken place where one person has inflicted physical violence on another person in the same household. Nowadays, it is recognised that domestic abuse can take many forms and be just as damaging as actual physical abuse. Prolonged controlling behaviour, undermining a person’s self-worth and self-confidence are also considered, quite rightly, to be forms of domestic abuse. Often however, these more “invisible” abuses can make it even more difficult for the victim to realise what is happening and to have the courage to report it. Victims are often made to feel stupid and worthless – dependent on the perpetrator of the abuse for their every need. They can be conditioned to believe that any abuse is their own fault and it takes a huge amount of courage and effort to take the first step to tell even close family or friends – that is, of course, assuming that those relationships have not been undermined by the perpetrator of domestic abuse.
East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services We are here to help. 01737 771350 Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm. Surrey Helpline 01483 776822 9am - 9pm. Phone Police on 999 in an emergency.
We now accept all major credit & debit cards
We are really pleased to announce that Ashtead Library is now open for browsing. Following 2 weeks of click and collect services only, from 1st September we have been allowing customers to come into the library and look for titles from the shelves. A really warm welcome to all of you who have managed to come and visit us since then. We look forward to seeing more of you in the coming months. Come and collect your books Currently, reservations are free, so if you do not want to browse you can order on-line and just come and collect your books and issue them in the normal way. If on-line is not your thing we have a new service called “Ready Reads”. You can email or ring us to request books for you. If you give us an idea of what sort of book you would like, we will select the books, issue them and they can be collected with no fuss from a trolley near the entrance.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 10am - 1pm To see a full list of our opening hours please visit Virus safety measures As in shops it is mandatory to wear masks in the library and we request that you use our hand sanitiser on entry to help keep the books clean for everyone. When you return books we quarantine them for 72 hours so that they are clean for the next person to borrow. Future changes We are reviewing our services from week to week to see if we can provide more services and more hours. Please keep an eye on our web-site for the latest news and information.
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020 47
useful numbers Ashtead Art Group 01737 357263 (Jenny Lister) Ashtead Bowling Club 01372 802421 (Pamela Bennett) Ashtead Cancer Group Ashtead Chess Club 01372 813487 (Richard Jones) Ashtead Choral Society 01372 278852 (Anne Bailey) Ashtead Community Vision 07530 373975 (Andy Ellis) Ashtead Cricket Club 01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane) Over 60s Lunch Club 01372 813276 The Arts Society Ashtead 01372 275605 (Pat Anderson) Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group 01372 279501 (Di Stirling) Ashtead Friendship Centre 01372 273327 (Blanche Douglas) Ashtead Good Neighbours 07752 665066 Ashtead Horticultural Society 01372 373348 (Jennie Pilfold) Ashtead Library 0300 200 1001 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall 01372 272921 Ashtead Players/Young Players 01372 279614 Ashtead Residents’ Association 07804 026577 (Glynis Peterkin) Ashtead Squash & Tennis Club 01372 272215 Ashtead Tennis Players Club 01372 721104 Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild 01372 273948 (Di James) Ashtead Women’s Institute
01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Carers’ Support Mole Valley 01306 640212 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens’ Advice Bureau 03 444 111 444 Cruse Bereavement Care 020 8393 7238 Electricity (UK Power Networks) 0800 783 8866 (powercut info line) Epsom General Hospital 01372 735735 Fetcham Residents’ Association 07833 620 744 for all enquiries Fetcham Singers (ladies’ choir) 01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Gas (Transco) 0800 111999 (minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing 0800 371787) Howard Badminton Club 07711 563481 (Mike Guillem) The Arts Society Leatherhead 01372 278738 (Huw Jenkins) Leatherhead Choral Society 01372 376831 (Sue Foulsham) Leatherhead & District Angling Society 01372 377654 Leatherhead Helpshop 01372 363385 Leatherhead Community Association 01372 360508 Leatherhead Horticultural Society 01372 373493 (David Wells) Leatherhead Leisure Centre 01372 377674 Leatherhead Library 0300 200 1001 Leatherhead Lions Club 01372 274618 (Jim Malynn) Leatherhead Museum 01372 386348
48 To advertise please email
Leatherhead Residents’ Association 01372 813013 Leatherhead Theatre 01372 365141 Mid Surrey Community Mediation 07513 524241 Mole Valley District Council 01306 885001 NHS Helpline - 111 or Police - Non-emergency 101 Probus Club of Ashtead 07806 791774 (Steve Bridges) Probus Club of Leatherhead 07947 361406 (Jon McCarthy) Probus Club of Mole Valley 01372 878875 (Michael Brown) Rotary Club of Ashtead 01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce) Rotary Club of Leatherhead 07753 821964 (Simon Edmands) Royal Association for the Deaf 01306 881958 Royal British Legion Leatherhead/ Fetcham Branch 01372 811422 Samaritans Freephone 116 123 Shopmobility Leatherhead 01372 362400 Surrey County Council 03456 009 009 (8am-6pm weekdays) Surrey Trading Standards 01372 371717 U3A: Leatherhead & District 01372 375756 Ashtead: 01372 274388 Fetcham 01372 453959 Trumps Bridge Club Leatherhead 01372 377124 Volunteer Centre Mole Valley 01306 640369 Water - Emergencies/general 01737 772000 Wildlife Aid 09061 800132 (24hrs)
e: w: 79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL
puzzle solutions
SRLPLUMBING Fetcham based plumber for all your plumbing needs Free estimates Happy to do all the small jobs other plumbers don’t want!
MUSIC MATTERS: 1. Jackson Browne 2. Joni Mitchell 3. Sade 4. Marvin Gaye 5. 12 6. Van Morrison 7. David, Stephen, Graham, Neil. 8. Vincent Van Gogh 9. Barry White 10. Christopher Cross 1
7 5 9 4
3 2 8 6
M: 07889 219453 T: 01372 374326 E:
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8 2 2 1 5 4 4 6 3 4 1 5 4 2
9 9 0 6 6 7 9 9 3 2 0 0 7 8
3 3 3 2 9 5 3 7 4 5 2 6 3 3
0 8 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7
4 5 4 3 8 5 2 5 8 2 4 3 4 4
9 7 8 8 4 8 8 6 4 3 8 8 8 0
5 3 5 4 9 8 8 6 4 0 5 4 5 1
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6 2 9 3 5 7 0 4 3 9 3 5 2 2
7 8 2 9 8 2 3 9 3 2 8 8 7 5
3 2 0 9 3 2 8 9 9 1 2 2 3 8
9 0 3 4 7 0 8 2 2 1 0 9 8 5
2 1 9 0 7 1 1 2 6 2 7 2 9 4
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 49
advertisers’ index A&D Cars ...............................................34 Amanda Fashions.......................................5 Ashtead Interiors .....................................13 Ashtead Tress & Gardens .........................41 Aspen Live In Care ..................................27 Astek Dental Centre ................................31 Boardman Gelly & Co.............................37 Bonnie Dogs..............................................6 Bookham Carpet Company .....................15 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care ............................8 BWB .......................................................43 Carpets 4 U ...............................................9 Casson’s Framing .....................................33 Ceramica Tiles ...........................................4 Classic Home Care Services .....................26 Cranleigh Aerials .....................................17 CT Cars ..................................................35 DB Garden Services...................................2 Dene Place Care Home............................23 DiVine Wine ...........................................11 Dream Doors...........................................51 Extra Help Surrey ....................................44 F Covey Plumbing & Heating .................43 Family Wills of Surrey..............................13 Fire & Iron ..............................................33 First Choice Cleaning ..............................41 Garden Force...........................................44 Hartfield House Care Home ....................29 Holistic Massage Therapy.........................27 HRS Roofing Services..............................49 Jackie Quinn Estate Agents ......................52 JD & Sons...............................................41 Just For You - Curtains ............................17 50 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - OCTOBER 2020
L. Hawkins Funeral Directors ....................8 Leatherhead Podiatry ...............................28 Maggie May Therapy ...............................31 Margaret Spice-Counsellor.......................28 MD Edwards & Son ................................39 MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd............2 Ovens 2 New...........................................44 Pet Stay ...................................................11 Pullen Plumbing Services .........................37 Ralls IT ...................................................21 Remedial Roofers.....................................40 Roadtrippers............................................11 Roofcraft of Surrey ..................................42 Roofs of Esher .........................................47 SRL Plumbing .........................................49 Suddies......................................................4 Surrey Interior Design .............................17 Surrey PC Tech........................................21 Surrey Roofing Group..............................38 Tec Res Computer Solutions .............. 18/19 Tekmate...................................................20 Tendacare ................................................28 The Black Dog Gallery.............................33 The Grange Centre ..................................24 TWM Solicitors.........................................7 WA Truelove............................................16 Wemms Education ....................................6 Wise Roofing...........................................45 Woodlark Designs....................................37 Z Fit........................................................25 © ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD LOCAL 2020 DESIGNED & SET BY WARWICK PRINTING
For a beautiful new kitchen...
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