Ashtead and Leatherhead Local

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Local February 2020

Never underestimate the importance of community

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Welcome to February

Next copy deadline 5th February 2020 for the March 2020 issue


01372 200 000 Email:


Technical & legal stuff Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this magazine is accurate, the publisher cannot accept, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, recording, photocoping, or otherwise - without prior permission of the publisher. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Surrey Hills Publishing Ltd.

What a mixed bag of weather to start this decade! Such extremes reported from around the Globe. At the time of writing, Australia are awaiting a much needed ‘5 day rain storm’ which hopefully will extinguish the dreadful bush fires. What an awful time they have been having, it makes me stop and think before I complain about our damp weather here. A few muddy dog towels is really nothing to worry about! As always, we kick off this issue with news from the local residents associations, see pages 10,12 & 14 for this. A fabulous local Book Fair is taking place in Epsom soon. If you enjoy your books I am very sure you will have a great time! Details on page 20. Age Concern are offering up their ever popular IT courses again. Really well worth attending if you fancy becoming a bit more IT savvy! The only credential you need is to be 55 or over! Ashtead Rotary are delighted to announce the Summer 2020 Village Day, certainly a date for your diary! Leatherhead Rotary have a Big Band event coming up in May and the Leatherhead Theatre are taking bookings for The New Foxtrot Serenaders who will be presenting their new Dixieland Band, Barber Bilk & Ball! See our centre pages for these exciting musical extravaganza’s. The Downsmen Singers are offering free singing lessons! See their notice on page 43. With Half Term holiday just around the corner, Bocketts Farm will have lots of fun and exciting things on offer. See page 43 for more information. If you fancy taking up a new hobby, Leatherhead Bowling Club are offering the chance to try out Short Mat Bowling on a number of Saturday morning trial sessions. Sounds like fun! Mole Valley Veterans Brass Band will be holding their Spring Concert at the Old Barn Hall in Bookham on 18th Feb, what a musical month this is turning out to be! See page 39 for more information on that. Finally, we have a lovely pussy cat in need of a loving home by the name of Benji - see our Cat’s Protection page - let’s get Benji his forever home ! Wishing you all a good month and a Happy Valentines Day on 14th! Best Regards,











CONTENTS 66 10. 12. 14. 20. 22. 25. 32. 33. 38. 40. 41. 42.

Leatherhead Residents’ Association Ashtead Residents’ Association Fetcham Residents’ Association Epsom Charity Book Fair Computer tips from Tec Res Ashtead Village Day Sudoku & Digi-Search Regular Events What’s on in February? Barber, Bilk & Ball Rotary Big Band inConcert APMH Afternoon Tea

43. 48. 49. 50. 52. 52. 53. 54. 54. 55. 55. 56.


The Downsmen Singers Music Matters The Memory Book Crossword puzzle The Arts Society Ashtead The Arts Society Leatherhead Transition Ashtead Ashtead W.I.NG Ashstead Village W.I. Mole Valley W.I. Fetcham Village W.I. Delicious Dishes - Recipe

58. 62. 64. 66. 68. 73. 74. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78.

History Society February Book Reviews Poem of the Month Gardening with Selina Wild by Design Future Mole Valley Ashtead Library Leatherhead Library Surrey Police Notice Useful numbers Puzzle solutions Index of Advertisers


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required for this would seem to place it Changes to our IMPORTANT: PLEASE RESPOND TO CONSULTATIONS beyond all possibility. Mr Elkeles said that On THE LEATHERHEAD HIGH STREET PARKING BAN & On the DRAFT LOCAL expectations? the money would come by bidding forPLAN funds from Consultation the Governments forDraft NHS th From 3rd6February to 16th MVDC is holding a Public on the allocations newly released On the October, weMarch, in Leatherhead, capital expenditure. Refurbishment funds Local Plan; concurrently, Surrey County Council is conducting a 28-day Public Consultation on the with some guests from Ashtead and for Epsom and St Helier hospitals, on the radical proposals Transform (TL) regarding a parking ban and more pedestrianisation in Bookham, werebytreated to Leatherhead a face to face other hand, could be realised through the Leatherhead Street. explanationHigh of how our local NHS CEO, Mr. sale of some land at Sutton.

Daniel Elkeles, is PLAN hoping our hospitals THE DRAFT LOCAL hasthat information on areas allocated residential development, including: Many offor those in attendance at this meeting willHouse develop over (or theGardens), next five to ten years. Red Grounds Leatherhead’s mainwere park area; Allotments nearthe Barnet verythe sceptical about possibility of any improvement at all in theValley current Wood and several different areas of Green Belt, totaling 1,665. The 15-year Mole total ThereLane; are two main deficiencies, provision. maintenance the current and requirement is inof excess of 7,000 buildings new homes. provision of adequate Acute care. A short

rose in their to remind the Transform Leatherhead’s “vision” is to move the centrePeople of gravity of the Town seats away from the suffering video revealed the problems currently speaker that suchofdiscussions hadcar already High Street and onto Bull Hill (Red House Grounds) with the construction a multi-storey park experienced at St. Helier and Epsom. Mr. taken place some 20 years the and some 450 flats. In Leatherhead, flats are already approaching 50% of total homes,ago, and and experience Elkeles also stated that there is a lack of results had been negligible. However, one from suggests that of thisAcute may convert the Town from one comprising predominantly familyreal,elsewhere joined-up provision care Unit. valuable changeInhas takenthe place over the occupied housing to one where more transient flat dwellers dominate. addition, sheer numbers He said he would like to see a building of a last couple of years and that is the method of dwellings involved will put immense strain on single, modern Acute Care Unit where thethe road network and on local services. by which bed blocking has been almost

patients would be in wardsPROPOSALS having widely LEATHERHEAD HIGH STREET as put forward by the TL are at complete variance it is eliminated in team Epsom. The team running spaced beds to prevent cross infection, to the LRA/Chamber petitions signed by 1248 users and 100 business, seeking 1.5Care hoursPartnership.” of free parking the “Epsom Health and and,the most important all,atconsultant level A local doctor or a social worker now to 7 after pedestrian zoneof ends 16.30. Instead TL want to extend pedestrianisation from 6 days supervision 24/7. accompanies the consultant and the nurse days to include Sundays, and ban parking outside these hours. However the problem would be about where when assessing future care of a (usually)

Instead of parking, TL wants to bring in public seating where the Waterless Feature is now, and to place elderly person. This facilitates a safe return to site it – St. Helier, Epsom or Sutton. large wooden “parklets” along the High Street. Although these parklets are popular in California, we home with the necessary help having been Patients needing this kind of care are know from past experience that public seating – as opposed to that being looked after by a restaurant usually not too concerned about where they arranged beforehand. – attracts anti-social use and is much abused. With our Council’s budget so stretched that they have are taken – it is their relatives who have to All attendees were encouraged to fill in the difficulty carrying out the most basic civic maintenance, one can only imagine what these parklets endure awkward journeys. For this reason, short questionnaire to guide future decisions would after 6 months! by farlook thelike most popular site for our

on the Hospitals.

residentsyour would beonEpsom. Whatever views where new housing should be located and what measures are most likely to Brown (LRA assist in the rejuvenation of ournew Highmulti-purpose Street, now is the time to have your Caroline say by responding to Chairman) the The possibility of a brand Gill Hanson (SDCCG) Consultations. the Surrey County hospital was Log alsointo mentioned, but theCouncil sums and MVDC websites. FOR MORE INFORMATION: SUSAN LEVERITT, 07793 283 007,

Susan Leveritt

If you would like to join the Leatherhead Residents' Association To become a member family: • Provide your names, address, & email – include all family members • Provide your name,phone address, telephone number, and email address • Enclose cheque for £2.50 (1 year) for or £6 (3 years), to the • Enclose your cheque £2.50 for payable one year or LRA £6 for three years payable to • Send tothe LRA,Leatherhead Letherhead Institute, 67 HighAssociation St, Leatherhead KT22 8AH Residents' • or pay online to sort code 40-27-07, account 2150 0651, to LRA, with your name as ref

Privacy Notice The LRA stores and processes member information for purposesStreet, of meeting its statutory requirementsKT22 and its contractual Please send to:collects, LRA, Letherhead Institute, 67theHigh Leatherhead, 8AH

obligations to its members under its Articles. The information is not shared with third parties. Any concerns regarding the LRA’s use of member information should be directed to the Company’s Data Controller via A notice regarding the LRA’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 can be found in the Document Archive of the LRA website under “Regulations”.

Telephone: 01372 373 090 | Email:


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As far back as July 2017, ARA was writing articles for this magazine about Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) beginning work on a new Local Plan that would set the development direction for the District for 2018-2033. The Plan needed to identify sufficient land supply to build 6,600 dwellings over the period. Preferred development options emerged from a public consultation held in summer 2017 and they included increased residential density in town centres and suburban locations, expansion of one or more rural villages and a move into greenfield sites. In January 2018, ARA’s article said that MVDC was carrying out further work and analysis to determine which of the development options would go into the draft Plan scheduled for public consultation towards the end of summer 2018. Debate in Council about the final options to be included in the Plan necessitated further work and led to a postponement of the consultation to early 2019. That timing slipped to the summer and the consultation was eventually scheduled for 6 weeks from 24th June 2019. However, following the 2019 May Local Council elections, a new MVDC cabinet took control and needed time to consider if it wanted to move in the same direction as had been proposed its by predecessors. The public consultation was postponed to 21st October to 1st December 2019. BUT - by early October, MVDC’s cabinet took the view that, with a general election likely to take place before the end of the year, if the consultation were to begin it would have to be suspended until post-election. It was again postponed and is now scheduled for 3rd February to 16th March 2020. Fingers crossed! Details will be on the website and MVDC will be arranging a drop-in session at APMH. When we 12 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020

learn the date of that we will publish it on the ARA website. It has taken from late 2017 until early 2020 to get as far as a public consultation on the draft Plan and should all go to schedule from now, MVDC estimates that the final Plan will not be fully adopted until late 2021. In the meantime, MVDC lacks a Plan that shows that the District has sufficient land supply to meet its housing target. This leaves Mole Valley vulnerable to developers appealing planning decisions and Planning Inspectors overturning refusals on the grounds of the lack of a Plan. Carte blanche for developers, really.

Ashtead Youth Centre

Surrey County Council has recently opened a public consultation on its provision of Youth Centres across the County. Funding for Youth Centres has been severely reduced and in Ashtead concerned residents, including Cllr Chris Townsend and Cllr Mary Cooper have formed a charity “Friends of Ashtead Youth Club” to help supplement what little funding SCC now provides. Our Youth Centre meets a very great need in Ashtead and is a vital part of the work of this community, needing the support of us all. SCC’s consultation is designed to determine “ … whether Surrey County Council should continue to deliver universal open access youth work and how it could enable the voluntary, community and faith sector to use the youth centres at little or no cost.” It is open until 30th April and can be found at https:// Please do contribute your views to the draft Local Plan and Youth Centres consultations, both of which are our chance to let those we have elected to office know what we think of their plans for our community. Glynis Peterkin - Chairman





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FUTURE MOLE VALLEY This month Fetcham residents are scheduled to have a further chance to comment on the options for development in the Mole Valley. It’s an important moment - the creation of a Local Plan to take us into the 2030s. As these things don’t come around very often, the Fetcham Residents Association will be taking a hard look at the proposals. Threats to our much loved green spaces are likely to grab most attention. But we are equally concerned about what any building proposals could mean for our roads, schools and health services. So if you haven’t had any reason to visit the Mole Valley district website, try and do so this month. The council has a dedicated Local Plan area at www. and also has a newly created news site at As well as contacting the council direct, you can also let us know at the FRA what you think by emailing These proposals will have an impact on our quality of life, so when

they are published we strongly recommend that you take a look. LITTERPICKS These continue to go from strength to strength. The next dates are Sunday 16th February and Sunday 15th March. Meet at 10am outside Greenwise at Fetcham village shops. Gloves, bags and picking sticks all provided, and there’s a social cup of coffee at 11am when everyone is finished. FRA MEMBERSHIP We’re pleased to say that our membership is growing once again. More members give us a stronger voice and give us more funds to help good causes locally. Our membership year begins on April 1st. Although everyone is welcome to use the printed form published below, we hope that over time most householders will renew their subscription by visiting our new website at If you are unsure whether or not your membership is up to date please email

The FRA is passionate about local issues, invests in community projects, and stands up for your interests. If you live in Fetcham - JOIN US! Visit OR use the form below. Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (if you wish to receive regular updates. Details will not be shared with any third parties) Subscription: £2 (minimum), £5, £10, £20 (or other amount). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROP this form with cash or cheque payment into the FRA box at Symphony World Travel, Cobham Road, Fetcham; OR POST to Fetcham Residents Association, 3 Churchill Close, Fetcham KT22 9EY 14 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020


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Ben Kopieczek Tel: 01372 374676 Contact:Contact: Ben Kopieczek Tel: 01372 374676 Email: Email: Family Wills Surrey is an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd., Family Wills Surrey is an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd.,

Family Wills Surrey is a member the Master Guild ofSea, Will Writers. Head Office: Princess Caroline House, 1 High Street, Southend on on Sea, SS1SS1 1JE Reg. No.No. 7891401 Head Office: Princess Caroline House, 1ofHigh Street, Southend 1JE Co.Co. Reg. 7891401 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020



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MUSIC ON THURSDAYS at Leatherhead Methodist Church 27th February - 3.00pm

Royal Academy of Music pianist Marina Kan plays this year’s 45-minute AGM Piano Concert, in Leatherhead Methodist Church. Please park in the Swan Centre multi-storey. Free entry, with a retiring collection.

The AGM itself is at 2pm.

All welcome to AGM, Concert, or both. / All venues have level access, including toilets. Leatherhead Methodist Church, please park in the Swan Cente multi-storey.

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Epsom Book Fai r 20th-22nd February 2020 At Epsom Methodist Church, Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ 10am - 8pm (Ends 4pm on Saturday) Entrance 50p (children and students free) Annual Giant Charity Sale - over 60,000 BOOKS including antiquarian, out-of-print, children’s, fiction and non-fiction. Also CDs, DVDs and records. Refreshments and light lunches For all enquiries please ring 01372 728535



Email: Family Wills Surrey is an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd., Head Office: Princess Caroline House, 1 High Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE Co. Reg. No. 7891401



AGE Concern

Learn how to use your iPad / Tablet Smart Phone / Laptop / Computer

If you are over 55 and live in the Mole Valley area, you can use Age Concern’s computer courses based in either Dorking or Leatherhead. 31


The Best Bargains

The course runs once a week for 6-8 weeks. Topics covered will include: browsing on the internet, basic keyboard and mouse skills, using a iPad/ Tablet/Smart Phone/ Laptop, setting up and using your own email or Skype accounts and how to shop internet. For on thethe best online prices, it’s a really good idea to sign up to shopping sites’ mailing lists.

Those who already own an iPad/ Tablet/Smart There are often sales, flash discounts and Phone a Laptop encouraged to don’t learn on their otheroroffers that are non-subscribers hear own device. canthe be provided well about, and Computers in some cases discountsascan be– it’s up to very big:you! for example, New Look has offered £25 off orders and GAP has taken 20% off Before coming to the course, you must register sale items and 30% off full-price styles. your interest by telephoning You could also sign up for a deals service 07442 017169 / 01306 899104

such as Groupon, but beware: they send an awful lot of emails, and many of the deals are subject to limits in terms of availability and expiry. Whenever you see a supposed bargain Registered Charity No 1111678 on a product or service you can get elsewhere, it’s always a good idea to see what the going rate usually is.

or by email:



Cookies….. without the cream A couple of years ago the kind of governing body of the internet decided it needed to standardise on certain processes and be more open about what the website providers were collating. As a result most companies on the internet were encouraged to use a code of practice about what data they collect when you log on to their website. This is done through the use of cookies

What is a Cookie? A cookie is a small file, often encrypted, which allow a website to recognise a user’s device. It is typically made up of letters and numbers and is downloaded on to your device when you access a website. Cookies are generally used to help users navigate websites more efficiently and perform certain functions. Since their core role is to enhance usability and improve processes, if you disable cookies you may find that the website does not perform as well as you would expect. When you load a particular website, a cookie is created. Every time you then revisit that specific website, the browser retrieves and sends this file to the website’s server. Computer Cookies are also being created by other websites when ads, plug-ins, widgets, or other elements on the page are being loaded. These cookies regulate how the ads appear or how the widgets and other elements function on the page. For more information see:

Types of cookies Some Cookies will expire at the end of a browser session, while other are stored for longer. Types of cookies include: • Session cookies - these cookies are the ones which allow websites to track the various actions of a user during a browser session. They have a variety of purposes. For example, a session cookie would be working when the website you are visiting remembers what you have put in your shopping basket. Session cookies generally expire after a browser session ends. • Persistent cookies - these cookies are stored on your device between browser sessions. This is useful because it enables the preferences/actions of the user to be remembered across a website. Persistent cookies are also used for a variety of purposes, however they are most famous for being used by a website to perform target advertising. • First and third party cookies - first party cookies are the cookies which are set by a specific website visited by the user. Third party cookies are set by a domain which is not the one being visited by the user. For example, if you visit a website and a separate company has set a cookie through that website this would be a third party cookie. • Tracking Cookies are a specific type of cookie that is distributed, shared, and read across two or more unrelated Web sites for the purpose of gathering information or potentially to present customized data to you... Tracking cookies are not harmful like malware, worms, or viruses, but they can be a privacy concern. With aggressive tracking cookies, these companies can know your location, device information, purchase history, search queries, and so much more. Sometimes, you never even know this information is being collected. However, some countries, like the UK, have adopted laws that require websites to notify users about their data being collected through cookies.

Are these cookies secure? Cookies are not computer viruses, they cannot be executed nor are they self-executing, they also cannot replicate and spread to other networks to execute. Since they cannot perform these functions, they fall outside the standard definition of a virus. Because cookies store information about a user’s browsing preferences and history. Cookies can sometimes be used to act as a form of spyware. Many anti-spyware products recognize this and will flag us certain cookies for deletion, following a scan.

This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989. 22 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020

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The Best Bargains For the best online prices, it’s a really good idea to sign up to shopping sites’ mailing lists. There are often sales, flash discounts and other offers that non-subscribers don’t hear about, and in some cases the discounts can be very big: for example, New Look has offered £25 off orders and GAP has taken 20% off sale items and 30% off full-price styles. You could also sign up for a deals service such as Groupon, but beware: they send an awful lot of emails, and many of the deals are subject to limits in terms of availability and expiry. Whenever you see a supposed bargain on a product or service you can get elsewhere, it’s always a good idea to see what the going rate usually is.





Simply Scones tea room Every Tuesday 2pm-3.30pm Join us for cream tea in the conservatory. Homemade scones, jam and cream – all prepared and served by people we support at The Grange. Try our ‘flavour of the month’ scone. Booking essential.

To book either call 01372 452 608

A new Friday treat - pop in for freshly-brewed coffee and choose from our selection of cakes, biscuits and flapjacks! All made by people with learning disabilities as part of their work experience. Where else can you support a charity just by eating cake! Booking essential.

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NEW Coffee & Cake The Grange, Rectory Lane, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4DZ


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If you are over 55 and live in the Mole Valley area, you can use Age Concern Mole Valley’s Will Writing Service. Once a month local solicitors, Hart Scales & Hodges are taking appointments for Will Writing at the Age Concern Mole Valley offices in Dorking. (A suggested donation of £50-£75 can be given to Age Concern Mole Valley for the service. A solicitor would normally charge over £200-£300). To book an appointment for the Will Writing Clinic, please call

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AGE Mole Valley

Shops & Services


St Mary’s Church Hall 10A The Ridgeway Fetcham, Surrey KT22 9AZ First Wednesday of each month From 10.00am to 11.30am For more information please call Karen on 01372 375000 between 9.00am - 12.00noon



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Termly groups run in Parsons Mead Cricket Pavilion, Ashtead.

Friday 7th February - 1.20pm - 7.30pm

Monthly evening drop-in sessions for those who have completed a course. Parish Room, St George’s Church, Ashtead.

Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BE

Regular free Introductory Sessions. Retreat days.

Friday 21st February - 1.00pm - 8.00pm Bournehall, Spring Street, Epsom, KT17 1UF

For full details of all courses and events visit




Digi search

Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18


Sudoku #2

6 8

4 1 2 6 5 8


8 9 1 7 2 5 9 8 8 7 4 3 5 4 2 8 9 1 4 9 6 5 6 1

© 2013

Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.


9 1 0 2 6 1 8 6 5 4 2 3 7 2

On curing the depression that comes with having to work for a living: Stay home for a day and watch daytime TV. -- Sheldon


4 5 9

5 8 9 7 5 0 5 4 5 3 7 7 6 1

8 4 8 4 7 2 4 7 4 2 8 2 8 1

3 9 6 5 4 9 9 2 7 3 5 6 7 3

7 5 4 3 8 7 5 6 3 7 7 3 5 4

2 3 8 7 3 4 5 1 3 4 7 5 8 5

6 7 6 3 3 0 8 0 9 4 8 5 6 8

2 8 5 0 9 2 3 3 3 6 6 3 6 2

9 3 2 2 4 7 9 6 7 2 0 5 7 6

4 0 4 8 7 6 2 3 2 2 4 2 4 7

7 2 5 4 8 4 0 6 6 8 3 6 6 8

1 8 2 3 8 9 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 7

2 1 2 5 4 3 6 9 7 8 9 1 7 0

Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 10297, 21254, 24796, 28435, 42333, 54537, 54955, 55352, 62322, 65245, 68758, 73567, 74462, 84066, 84953, 89170



REGULAR events

Sunday 2nd (weekly)

Sunday 2nd (weekly)

Sunday 2nd (weekly)

Monday - Thurs (weekly)

Monday 3rd (weekly, except Bank Holidays)

Monday 3rd (weekly)

Monday 3rd (weekly- termtime)

Tuesday 4th (weekly - termtime)

Tuesday 4th (1st Tues monthly)

Leatherhead Parish Church welcomes you to all its services. For full details of our services and events, check out Leatherhead Methodist Church welcomes you to all their services. For more information visit our website Leatherhead Horticultural Society’s Store, situated in Leatherhead on By-Pass Road between the M25 Junction & Copthorne Rd, re-opens to members for the season on Sundays 09.30am - 12.30pm. Annual membership is £3. You can join in Store, or contact the Treasurer on 07966 522 534. The Store stocks seed potatoes, onion & shallot sets & veg seeds, plants & a range of garden products at competitive prices. Citizens Advice sessions at The Georgian House, Swan Mews, High Street, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8AE. Drop-in: Mon toThurs 10am - 1pm Appointments: Mon to Thurs 1pm - 4pm. Offer free, confidential, impartial & independent advice on a wide range of subjects. Advice line: 03444 111 444 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm) email: Ashtead Badminton Club at the Leatherhead Leisure Centre, from 7.30 - 9.30pm. Come along & try our friendly club of mixed ability men & women players. Free first session. Calvin Evans 07774 429225 / 01306 740820 or Jeff Gowlland 01306 259346 for more info & to tell us when to expect you. Ashtead Choral Society, meet every Monday evening to rehearsal at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane. Enquiries: 01372 278852, email Fetcham Ladies Singers are preparing to perform a variety of choral works & songs from the shows for their Summer Concert & now would be a good time to try us out at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall on Monday eves during term time at 7.45pm. First two evenings are FOC. Enquiries to Sandra Brown on 01372 276736. Toddlers Group for 0-3 year olds with a carer. Ashtead Baptist Church, 192 Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2LW. 10-11.30am. Newcomers welcome. Rosemary Bassett 01372 274666 Leatherhead Probus club has been providing fellowship for retired men in the area who have inquiring & active minds for 50 years. We meet at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for a lunch followed by a talk. In February we have speaker Steve Bird. For more information call Jon McCarthy: 07947 361 406 or email membership@ ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020



Tuesday 4th (weekly)

Tuesday 4th (1st Tues monthly)

Wednesday 5th (weekly)

Wednesday 5th (monthly)

Wednesday 5th (monthly)

Wednesdays 5th (weekly closed 19th for half term)

Wednesday 5th (1st weds monthly)

Wednesday 5th (monthly)

Wednesday 5th (weekly)

Thursday 6th (monthly)

Thursday 6th (weekly)

Thursday 6th (1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 6th (weekly)

Knit ‘n Natter at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, Leatherhead from 2.30pm - 4pm, it costs 50p pp to cover the cost of the tea and coffee. This is a craft group where people can come and try a new craft or continue their own project whilst chatting with others. Ashtead Friendship Centre, at Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 2.00pm. This month we have a Steve Poole - Guitarist & Singer. For more info contact Chairman Don Butt: 01372 274288 or The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, meets every Weds (except August), 7.30pm at the Methodist Church, Church Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 8AY. For a cappella singing in close harmony - there’s nothing like it! Just turn up or contact Gary Score on 01372 275177. New singers welcome! FREE 5-week Learn To Sing course every Wed from 4th March - 1st April! Book your place now by contacting Gary on the above number or Ashtead WI, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15pm for 7.30pm.Standing Up For Trees Speaker - Jennifer Harkins Woodland Trust. Sandra Brown 01372 276736 Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group, Demonstration by Neil Bain “Art for Art’s Sake”. Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 1.45pm - 4.30pm. Di Stirling 01372 279501 The Leatherhead Baby and Toddler Group meets in the Parish Church Hall from 10am - 12noon. Lots of freeplay activities for all under 5s and chance for adults to meet one another over a welcome cup of coffee. Just turn up or call Jackie on 07764 686914 Fetcham Village W.I, meet on the first Wednesday (except August) in Fetcham Village Hall, The St, KT22 9QS, from 7.30 pm. Maureen Webb: 01372 842498. Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis &/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT23 3PQ at 7.30pm. Contact details online or just come along to a meeting, Rotary Club of Leatherhead, Police Federation Headquarters, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. 7pm-9pm. We have regular visits from speakers and also plan our various events. For more info: Simon Edmands on 07753 821964 The Rotary club of Ashtead meets 7.30pm for dinner at The Cock Inn, Church Lane, Headley, KT18 6LE. Visitors welcome. Contact Brian 01372 275860 The Armada Probus Club. Retired/ semi retired gentleman please join us at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for lunch. This months speaker: Dr. Bob France (in Georgian costume) “What the Butler Saw (Petworth House)”. First lunch free. Annual membership - £20. Secretary Michael Pearce: 01372 459461 or Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. Kate Findlay -”Working in Series”. Beginners & more experienced quilters welcome. Sandy Clark on 01372 579321 / Ashtead ‘Over 60’s Lunch Club meets every Thurs in the Ralli Room at APMH for a freshly prepared hot lunch & dessert - cost £5. Doors open at 11.00 for a cup of tea or coffee. For more info call Brenda (chairman) on 01372 813276.



Thursday 6th (monthly)

Thursday 6th (weekly)

Thursday 6th (weekly)

Thursday 6th (1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 6th (monthly)

Friday 7th (weekly)

Friday 7th (1st Friday monthly)

Friday 7th (weekly)

Friday 7th

Friday 7th, (Every 2nd Friday)

Fri 7th, 21st (Closed 3rd)

Ashtead U3A, 2.30pm, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Speaker: Ian Keable ‘Charles Dickens, Conjuror’. 01372 273690 or email Ashtead Bowling Club, free coaching sessions for beginners on Thursdays at 2.30 & 6.30 lasting about 90 minutes. Just bring a pair of clean flat soled shoes. Bowls of a suitable size, provided. Club pavilion, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BJ. For more information or to arrange a session with one of our coaches, contact Mike on 01372 273142 Surrey Industrial History Group, talks are held at the Leatherhead Institute at the top of the High Street KT22 8AH. 10am until noon. This week’s talk is “ The Industrial Archaeology of Brooklands” Julian Temple. All welcome £5. For more info about our weekly programme visit: Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institute, £5. For more info contact: Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844 Ashtead U3A meetings at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 2pm, (3pm on 7th May due to local elections). This months speaker: Ian Keeble - subject: ‘Charles Dickens, Conjuror’. New members welcome to our popular meetings & events. If you are interested in joining, contact: Morning coffee and scones served in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE. Prepared and served by volunteers to raise money to help run the hall. Soup Lunch held in St Michael’s Church Hall, the Marld, Ashtead. A selection of Homemade soups, bread & puddings, served with tea/coffee, 12noon - 1.30pm, £5. All money shared between the Princess Alice Hospice, Catholic Agency For Overseas Development and BESOM. For more info contact 01372 272267 New ‘Cuppa and Cake’ Morning at the Grange, KT23 4DZ. Friday Mornings will never be the Same again! We will be running a ‘Cuppa & Cake’ morning every Friday from 10am - 11.30am. Book your places now 01372 452 608. For more information visit us online at Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, “Rock Steady - The Gibralter Story” Talk by Paul Whittle. 10am - 12noon. Annual subscription of £5, & £2 pw. Contact Anne Thomson on 01372 373258 OASIS, fortnightly women’s group at St George’s Christian Craft Centre, 9.15am. Each term explores a different topic, this term is life stories, with this month’s inspirational speakers. All ladies in 20s, 30s & 40s welcome, no charge/booking required. Maxine Simpson: 01372 272177 or Martha’s Market 10.00 - 11.30am at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Lively community market at the heart of Leatherhead welcomes customers old and new. There are a wide variety of stalls ranging from beautiful home-baked cakes to quality bric-a-brac. Refreshments available. This year we will be open on 1st, 3rd & 5th Fridays. Never been before? Why not drop in & see. Janine 01372 374914 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020



Friday 7th (weekly)

Fri 7th, 21st (Closed 3rd)

Sat 9th & 23rd

Sunday 9th (2nd Sun monthly)

Sun 9th & 23rd (2nd & 4th Sunday)

Monday 10th (2nd Mon monthly)

Monday 10th (2nd Mon monthly)

Wednesday 12th (2nd Weds monthly)

Wednesday 12th (2nd Weds monthly)

Wednesday 12th (monthly)

Friday 14th (2nd Fri monthly)

Sunday 16th (3rd Sunday)

Monday 17th (3rd Monday)

The Ark - Christian based toddler group, at Christ Church, Epsom Rd, Leatherhead 9.30am - 11am, for children 0 - 5yrs old. We have toys, games, singing & story time. or The Sewing Shop is available from 10am - 11.30am at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Selling everything in the haberdashery range for sewing for both beginners & advanced sewists. Large range of items can be ordered specially & free advice available. Order in advance from Janine on Family rhymetime at Leatherhead Library, Church Street KT22 8DP. First come first served. No tickets but maximum of 16 per session owing to limited space. Rhymes for babies and toddlers. For more info: Quaker Meeting. An evening meeting is held from 6.30 - 7.30 at Park House, Leatherhead, Randall’s Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship focusing on silence & stillness. For more info: Catherine Carr 01483 283693 or Revive Nation is a youth group we run every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead from 12.30pm 2.30pm. We play games, we have a pool table and we serve a light lunch for the young people. For more info Leatherhead branch, Royal British Legion, Women’s Section, Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Road, 7.00pm, on the 2nd Monday of the month. Interesting speakers & events. For more info or to book contact Jane 01372 811422 Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30pm for 8pm. ‘Australia’s Best Kept Secrets’ with ExCellar & ABS. For more information: or web Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, The Street, KT22 9QS. Speaker: Valerie Fry - ‘Wind and Words - Singing in the rain’, 7.45pm. Meriel on Tylney Lunch Club for ladies, Leatherhead Leisure Centre. 3 course lunch followed by a speaker. Membership is £10 annual & £16 for lunch. Contact 01372 454879 The Arts Society Leatherhead at 7.15pm in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, KT22 8BD. ‘Raphael: A Master in the Making’ by Sian Walters. Huw Jenkins on 01372 278728 or Ashtead Village Friday Market, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 9.00am - 12.30pm. Free entry. Lots of stalls, gifts, cards, cakes, books, & much more, for the RNLI. Messy Church at Ashtead Baptist Church 192 Barnett Wood Lane KT21 2LW a meeting for families children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.Craft Celebration Meal 4pm-6pm. Paul & Sue: The Probus Club of Ashtead meets at Tyrrell’s Wood Golf Club at 12.30pm for its monthly lunch & talk. The speaker will be Terry Johnson and his subject ‘The Great Train Robbery’. New members welcome. Visit:, or contact our Secretary, Stephen Bridges on 07806 791774 or



Tuesday 18th

Weds 19th (monthly)

Thursday 20th (3rd Thurs monthly)

Saturday 15th (monthly)

Sunday 26th (4th Sun monthly)

Tuesday 25th (monthly)

Tuesday 25th (Tues monthly)

Weds 26th (monthly)

Thurs 27th

Friday 28th (monthly)

The Arts Society Ashtead meets, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall at 10.30am for its regular monthly lecture. ‘Mad Men & Artists: How the Advertising Industry exploited Fine Art’ by Tony Rawlins. Contact Pat Anderson, Membership Secretary, 07958 560707 or Eastwick WI. St Mary’s Annexe, Fetcham KT22 9AZ 7.30pm. ““Women gardeners of the 20th century” - Talk by Cherrill Sands. Silent Auction. Cost £4.50, 2pm. Visitors welcome. Mary Morris 01372 289822 / Leatherhead U3A’s next meeting will be on the 16th of January at 2 pm in the United Reformed Church Hall, Epsom Road, Leatherhead KT22 8ST. Nicolas Henderson will be speaking about ‘Fortitude and Fancy’ – Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn. The U3A welcomes anyone no longer in full time employment or raising a family. For more info come along to this meeting as our guest or contact us at lhdu3amembers@ or check out our website Surrey Garden Trust lectures at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE from 2.30pm. This Month Dr Katie Campbell will be speaking about The Edwardian Gardens Of Harold Peto. £10 Members £12 Non-Members. For more information: New Fire contemporary worship (ecumenical) held at All Saints Cafe, Kingston Road. Coffee from 6.00p.m. Worship 6.30pm. For more info email the info@ or call 020 8546 5964. Fetcham U3A 2.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall off The Ridgeway. Speaker Keith Harmon ““Just Divine” - Dowsing. Visitors & new members welcome. 01372 453959 or Kingston & District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance Group meet at Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Ave, KT3 6DJ, 2-4.15pm. Our main function is to keep in touch with local & national issues concerning pensioners, we also arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us. This month Speaker: David Chave ‘Murderous Women’ Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054/ Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild, Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Ln, Ashtead KT21 2BE, 7.30pm. For more information contact Di James on 01372 273948 Open meeting of the Ashtead Cancer Group, a support group for cancer patients, their families, friends & carers, providing support. Free. 7.00pm-9.00pm in The Quiet Room, St George’s Christian Centre, Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead KT21 2DA. Workshops & occasional speakers. For more info: 07843 620295, or online: Ashtead Art Lovers, 11am & 7.30pm. Nicholaes Maes (, a Master of the Golden Age of Dutch Art. A talk on the life and times on this maestro of portraying life in everyday 17thc Holland, providing background knowledge for those visiting the free exhibition at the National Gallery London. £10 inc refreshments. 01372 272235. www.melanievtaylor. ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020



WHAT’S Saturday 1st (weekly)


Short Mat Bowling at Leatherhead Bowling Club, Fortyfoot Road Recreation ground from 10am to 1pm. Short Mat bowls is a fascinating alternative to traditional indoor bowling. It is great fun & provides a good way to meet other people. FREE open mornings every Saturday with qualified coaches until the Spring. New comers & existing bowlers are all very welcome. For more info visit www.leatherheadbowling. or email or call David on 01372 375756

Sunday 2nd FEBRUARY

Barbican String Quartet at Dorking Halls from 3.00pm. Haydn - Quartet Op.77 No.2. Bartok - Quartet No.5. Schumann - Quartet Op.41 No.1. Tickets £21 from 01306 740619 & 01306 881717

Saturday 8th FEBRUARY

Ashtead Players Quiz Night at St George’s Church Christian Centre, KT21 2DA. Teams of 6 - 8. £15pp - inc fish & chip supper. Bring your own pud & drink. Doors open 7pm for 7.30. Sue - 01372 279614 or email

Saturday 8th FEBRUARY

Alex Edelman: Just For Us at Dorking Halls, RH4 1SG from 7.30pm. Bostonian comedian. Jew. Sweetheart. Tickets: £17.

Monday 10th FEBRUARY

Wildlife Aid Foundation Presentation at 7.30pm at Oddfellows Lounge, 270 High Street, RH4 1QT from 7.30pm. Locally based Wildlife Aid Foundation are dedicated to the rescue, care & rehabilitation of sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. £3, members - free. Booking required, or 01306 877 792

Weds 12th FEBRUARY

The Trustees of Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall will be serving Afternoon Tea in the hall from 2pm - 4pm. At the beginning of the afternoon we will have an entertaining talk given by Bob Sinfield, comedy scriptwriter to Rory Bremner, Jasper Carrott & others. Tickets are £8.50 & they can be bought from the Hall Office - 01372 272921, Di 01372 279501 & Graham - 01372 272077. Booking deadline - 7th Feb

15th - 23rd FEBRUARY

February Half Term fun at Bocketts Farm, Young Street, Leatherhead KT22 9BS. Over 70 newborn lambs due, Meet the Shepherd, Fun and games with the Giggle Company, Craft corner, Heated indoor play and acres of outdoor fun! For more information visit:

Saturday 15th FEBRUARY

Mid-Surrey mencap invite you to their Jumble Sale at Fortyfoot Hall, Fortyfoot Road Leatherhead, from 11.00am till 1.00pm. There will be light refreshments. Admission 50p, accompanied children free.

If there’s an event in March that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.6) before Wednesday 12th February.


Saturday 15th FEBRUARY

Cherry Trees ‘Share The Love’ event is open to people looking to celebrate the most romantic weekend of the year in good company, at the increasingly popular & recently renovated La Meridiana, East Horsley. Ticket prices and confirmation of the live musician to be confirmed shortly. For initial enquiries, please contact Debbie at

Saturday 15th FEBRUARY

Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra concert at Old Chapel, St. John’s School, Leatherhead, from 7.30pm. Conductor - Nicholas Smith. MacCunn - The Land of the Mountain and the Flood. Chopin - Piano Concerto No.1 soloist Cristian Sandrin, Sponsored by the Countess of Munster Musical Trust. Shostakovich - Symphony No.9. Tickets £14 (Under18/Students £9) from 01372 275907 & on the door

Tuesday 18th FEBRUARY

Mole Veterans Brass Band, Spring Concert at Old Barn Hall Bookham from 2pm. Brass band music, raffle and interval refreshments, Free entry (Voluntary donation) Everyone welcome! John Cook 01 372 459596

20th - 22nd FEBRUARY

Epsom Charity Book Fair at Epsom Methodist Church in Ashley Rd from 10am - 8pm (4pm on Sat). Annual event supports the work of a number of charities including Action for Children & Hope4Malawi. Thousands of books at bargain prices, plus delicious lunches & refreshments. Entrance 50p. Tel: 01372 728535

Saturday 22nd FEBRUARY

Celebrity Piano Recital Benjamin Grosvenor at Dorking Halls from 7.30pm. Rameau: Gavotte & Variations / Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.4 / Liszt: Berceuse / Liszt: Sonata in B minor. Tickets £21 & £25 from 01306 740619 & 01306 881717

Weds 26th FEBRUARY

Rose Pruning Masterclass at Polesden Lacey, Great Bookham, RH5 6BB from 11am - 1pm. Our expert garden team will share their knowledge in our enjoyable and relaxed class. This will give you the confidence and expertise to get the best possible roses all year round.

Friday 28th FEBRUARY

Cherry Trees 2020 Bingo night, at Top Golf Addlestone, KT15 2DW from 6.30pm. If you have played in the past, always wanted to play or are looking for a group outing for you & a few friends, come to Cherry Trees 2020 Bingo night. Tickets £10 pp: includes 6 games, cards & a dobber, plus light table snacks. Free parking, food & bar on site. For more details:

Save the Date in March Thursday 12th MARCH 2020

Friends: The Musical Parody at Dorking Halls, Dorking RH4 1SG, from 7:30pm. Friends! The Musical Parody takes an hilarious, uncensored look at the TV phenomenon that ruled the 90s & became a cultural institution with millions of fans across the globe. Tickets: £30 | Groups of 10 or more: £27.20. For more info or to book contact: 01306 881717,

Saturday 14th MARCH 2020

Surrey Garden Trust lectures at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE from 2.30pm. This Month Vanessa Berridge will be speaking about “Kiftsgate:Three Generations Of Women Gardeners”. £10 Members £12 NonMembers. For more information:

All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above events are correct at time of print.

Back Again By Popular Demand – SOLD OUT in previous years! LEATHERHEAD ROTARY PROUDLY PRESENTS

British Philharmonic BIG BAND in Concert Featuring the sensational sounds of the swing music era Special guests include Frank Cognoscenti as Sinatra!

LEATHERHEAD THEATRE Wednesday May 20, 2020 at 7.30pm All proceeds in aid of Prostate Cancer UK & Surrey Young Carers

Tickets £20

(Half price for Under 18s) from Theatre Box Office 01372 365141 or* from Gary Zabel 01372 800810 or any Leatherhead Rotary member Box office tickets subject to £1 Restoration Levy


Leatherhead Rotary Registered Charity No: 1032183, Prostate Cancer UK Registered Charity No: 1005541, Action for Carers Surrey Registered Charity No: 1116714


Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall Registered Charity 304968

Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall Registered Charity 304968 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall Charity 304968 AshteadRegistered Peace Memorial Hall

Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea With Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea With Bob Sinfield Registered Charity 304968

With With Sinfield

Bob Comedy scriptwriter to Rory Bremner, Bob Sinfield Bob Sinfield Jasper Carrott, Tracey to Ullman and others Comedy scriptwriter Rory Bremner,

Jasper Carrott, Traceyto Ullman and others Comedy scriptwriter Rory Bremner, Comedy scriptwriter to Rory Bremner, Jasper Carrott, Tracey Ullman and others Jasper Carrott, Tracey Ullman and others

Wednesday, 12 February 2020 Wednesday, 12 –February 2020 from 2.00 4.00pm Wednesday, 12 February 2020 Wednesday, 12 February from(Doors 2.00 – 4.00pm 2020 open from 1.30pm) from 2.00 –– 4.00pm open from 1.30pm) from(Doors 2.00 4.00pm (Doors open from 1.30pm) (Doors open from 1.30pm)

TICKETS £8.50 (BookingTICKETS is necessary by £8.50 Friday, 7 February) (BookingTICKETS is necessary by£8.50 Friday, 7 February) TICKETS £8.50 (Booking is necessary by Friday, 7 February)

available from:7 February) (Booking isTickets necessary by Friday, Hall Office - 01372 272921 (Wed, Thurs, Fri 10-12) Tickets available from: Di – 01372 279501 Graham (W) – 01372 272077 Hall Office - 01372 272921 (Wed, Thurs, Fri 10-12) Tickets available from: Proceeds to benefit (W) hall funds Tickets available from: Di – 01372 279501 Graham – 01372 Hall Office - 01372 272921 (Wed, Thurs, Fri272077 10-12) Hall Office 01372 272921 (Wed, Thurs, Fri 10-12) Di – 01372 279501 – 01372 272077 Proceeds Graham to benefit (W) hall funds Di – 01372 279501 Graham (W) – 01372 272077

2020to benefit hall funds 42 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY Proceeds Proceeds to benefit hall funds







5 week singing course for Men Sponsored by The Downsmen Chorus and supported by a national music educational charity, this course is designed to introduce more men to the enjoyment & health benefits of singing in a group. Aimed at newcomers & those who maybe have not sung for a while.

Reserve your FREE place Learn to Sing Course Starts 7.15pm - Wednesday 4th March 2020 Venue Leatherhead Methodist Church Hall, Church Rd, Leatherhead KT22 8AY

Tel: 0208 642 8104 or 01372 275 177 or Email:

Sign up now - it’s FREE











Adorable Benji is around 7 yrs old. He came into our care as his owner passed away. Benji was traumatised when he first came to us but is now really beginning to settle and show his very sweet personality. He is quite shy so would benefit from an understanding owner prepared to give him some time and space. Once he gets to know you he is a very gentle cat who is really loving. He is long haired and loves to be brushed; he now greets his foster carer with a little meow and a kiss to say good morning! Benji needs to be the only pet in an adult household to give him the quiet and relaxed environment he is looking for. If you feel you can give Benji his well deserved forever home please call 0345 260 1387 or email Epsom Ewell & District Branch If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

Daisychain Preschool has places available for September 2020 Get in touch today to book a

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fire and iron gallery Land of Grey & Pink ٠Happy 2020 to you all٠

Music Matters A BIT OF FUN FOR FEBRUARY QUESTIONS: 1. Who played Elton John in Rocket Man? 2. Who walked like an Egyptian on the Masked Singer? 3. What song won the Eurovision song contest in 1976 for Brotherhood of Man? 4. Gilbert O’Sullivan sang about Claire. Is she real? 5. Who went Halfway to Paradise in 1950? 6. Apart from Tony Christie’s hit record, what is Amarillo famous for? 7. Who heard Voices in the Sky in 1968? 8. Who was born Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O’Brien? 9. What does/did UB40 stand for? 10. What song did Astrid Gilberto make her own in 1964?

Oxshott Road . Leatherhead KT22 0EN

Open Tues to Sat 10-5 Open Tues – Sat 10-5

Find us on facebook


Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 77

COLOUR ME HAPPY Copyright Sarah Lott, January 2020 | @thememorybook | facebook/thememorybook 01372 373844 | 07957 598348 Have you ever wanted to get precious family memories written down? Do you have a loved one with a story to tell? Give me a call and I’d be happy to help.

Ruth and Sam had lived in their semi-detached house for over twelve years. It was nice but nothing grand, with three bedrooms and a good sized ‘box room’. They bought it when they had two children and used the fourth room as a home office, with a sofa bed for Sam’s mother when she came to stay. However, when their gorgeous but unplanned daughter came along, the home office had to go. After years of trains, cars and tractors, Ruth relished in the pinkness of her beautiful girl and Sarah’s bedroom became a cornucopia of marshmallow rose. However, as she came out of babyhood, it soon became clear that Sarah hated the colour. When she was seven, she even subjected her mother to a mortifying display of pink defiance over a bridesmaid’s dress she’d been asked to wear. Ruth and Sam had decided to re-decorate the living room. They’d painted it a very safe shade of ‘Almond White’ several years before and wanted to take the plunge and introduce some colour into their lives. Sarah leapt at the opportunity and begged for her room to be completely ‘de-pinked’. Over the years, they’d removed most of the offending accessories but the walls were still the original shade of marshmallow, albeit hidden under layers of drawings and posters. They took Sarah to the local DIY store and the three of them soon got lost in the myriad of colourful options available to them. Needless to say, opinions

varied dramatically. Sam was all for muted tones such as, ‘Muddy Puddle’, ‘Perfectly Taupe’ and ‘Naturally Hessian’. Ruth preferred ‘Intense Truffle’, ‘Redcurrant Glory’ and ‘Mulberry Burst’. Sarah liked the sound of ‘Melon Sorbet’, ‘Lemon Squash’ and ‘Seville Orange’. Their basket was quickly overloaded with sample pots and Sam was dismayed at the £30.00 bill before they’d even started. Back at home, Ruth carefully started to paint small squares of potential colours on the living room wall. Shops & Services She sensibly took a picture down and painted behind it so the test patches would be hidden. Sam then had the additional bright idea of writing the names in pencil to avoid confusion. Ruth loved the richness of ‘Redcurrant Glory’ but Sam preferred the more subdued ‘Perfectly Taupe’. They looked at them in both daylight and electric light. They discussed and they disagreed. Even Ben and Daniel were brought in to arbitrate. Ruth bought some more test pots but it didn’t make any difference. They still couldn’t come to a decision. The following weekend, Sam put all the samples on a tray. Perhaps they should take a lucky dip and let chance decide? “You know, we still have an almost full can of ‘Almond White’ in the garage. We could always buy some new cushions to brighten up the room…” Ruth decided to assess the colours one last time but when she went to get the tray, it had disappeared. Ben and Daniel were surprisingly doing homework but Sarah was nowhere to be found. Sam and Ruth went up to her room to be greeted by scattered sample pots and a paint spattered daughter. “You don’t have to repaint my room Mum, I’ve done it myself! These colours are brilliant!” 32


Solutions Page 77

Clue: 24 Across

Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

Clue: 8 Down



1. Flightless New Zealand bird (4) 3. More than anything else (5,3) 9. Instance (7) 10. Drink made from apples (5) 11. Leather with a soft napped surface (5) 12. Dapper (6) 14. Cured herring (6) 16. Sherlock Holmes’s assistant (6) 19. Loll (6) 21. Warble (5) 24. Sixth sign of the zodiac (5) 25. Bowmen (7) 26. Languid, apathetic (8) 27. Slender (4)

1 Souvenir (8) 2 Use a loom (5) 4 Bosom (6) 5 Parish clergyman (5) 6 They need a fix (7) 7 Cooking fat (4) 8 Orb (6) 13 Personification of US government (5,3) 15 Ancient writing material (7) 17 Assail (6) 18 Constantly (6) 20 Ring-shaped coral reef (5) 22 Perfectly suited (5) 23 Wicked (4)


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THE ARTS SOCIETY LEATHERHEAD We are a thriving Arts Society of about 250 members that has an illustrated talk on the second Wednesday of each month, starting at 7.30 pm. In 2019 we enjoyed a wide range of talks; the subjects ranged from ‘The Role of the Arts in the Cycle of Crime, Prison and Reoffending’ to ‘Temples, Tombs and Treasures: in Search of the Queen of Sheba’. We ended the year in style with a fascinating insight into The Royal Ballet, followed by a celebratory drinks party. Our programme in 2020 looks to be equally enticing and we celebrate two significant anniversaries this Spring. On 12 February Sian Walters will talk on the 500th anniversary of Raphael’s death: “A Master in the Making.” On 11 March Rosalind Whyte returns to us to talk on “An Illustrated Dickens” on the 150th anniversary of Charles Dickens’ death. We have coffee and biscuits before our lectures and an interesting monthly newsletter. Last year we organised ten visits and two holidays. One highlight was our visit to Chevening House, available as a country house for our Foreign Secretary. It was a great privilege to be there. In 2020 we have a wide variety of trips booked, including Charleston, Spencer House and Westminster School. We welcome new members. If you would like more information please look at our website. Guests are also welcome at a fee of £5. Please contact us at

In January The Arts Society Ashtead kicked off our packed 2020 programme with the first of our ten monthly lectures, on the subject of “Tapestry, The Ultimate Wall Decoration”. Our February lecture is entitled “Mad Men & Artists: How the Advertising Industry Exploited Fine Art” - that should be fun.


We are already gearing up for our programme of five visits to places of interest this year. On 22nd April we will visit our local stately home, West Horsley Place. Also, many members have already booked on our two cultural tours, in the Springtime to the Malvern area, and in the Autumn to Yorkshire. In 2020 we will continue to support our young generation by engaging local primary schools in exciting arts projects, namely the creation of themed ceramic objects (e.g. bees, saints and fishes). We will be working with the fifth primary school, as well as local Beavers and Brownie groups. We will also be conducting “Trails of Discovery” for local school children, based on St Giles’s Church.

Visit our website for details of our lectures, visits, and tours.

We hope you will be tempted to come along to one of our forthcoming lectures, where you will be warmly welcomed. There is a visitor’s fee of £5, but first-timers are welcome as free guests. We look forward to meeting you soon.


Working Towards a Sustainable Ashtead Safe disposal of old electrical equipment – good for the environment Probably you like me, in going through the post-Christmas process of putting things away in the cupboards or the loft, have come across a number of electrical items (battery or mains) that no longer work or are beyond their useful life. What to do with them? – the answer is to find a new home for them, or put them into the recycle stream through the waste system. The process of recycling old and unwanted electrical items, is aimed to help the environment by preventing potentially hazardous waste from entering landfill and causing soil and water contamination. Recycling is the safest and most responsible way to dispose of electrical items that are faulty or otherwise beyond repair. Nearly 200million new electrical items are purchased in the UK each year (1.5 Million tonnes of it in 2018!), but we currently recycle about a third of this when it come to the end of its useful life. This is even though we have had legislation (WEEE) since 2003 that encourages us to recycle such electrical waste and mandates manufactures and importers to maximise recycling. Electrical and electronic equipment contains a wide variety of valuable materials, some of which can be recovered safely if carried out correctly, including copper, gold and silver. Almost all electrical items with or without a plug, or with a battery can be recycled, including: • Large household appliances like fridges, freezers, microwaves, washing machines; • Smaller household appliances like irons, toasters, kettles and vacuum cleaners; • IT and communication equipment like laptops, printers, phones and smartphones; • Audio & other entertainment-related equipment like mp3 players, stereos, TVs, DVD players & games consoles; • Tools like drills, saws, lawnmowers, sewing machines and old electric cables; • Toys with mains power or batteries; • Personal gadgets like electric toothbrushes, hairdryers, & straighteners A simple checklist goes something like this - if you can answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions, then your electrical item can be recycled. Does it have a plug? Does it use a charger? Does it use batteries? Does it carry the WEEE crossed out wheelie bin logo (see pic)? Under the terms of legislation, retailers must provide a way for customers to dispose of their old household electrical and electronic equipment when they sell them a new version of the same item, either through a collection service or a take-back scheme. Check with your retailer for details (they may apply charges for a collection service). Surrey CC at Randalls Road Community Recycling Centre accepts almost all types of waste electrical equipment. MVDC will, for a charge, collect and take large items there for you. MVDC also offers a household recycling collection service for small electrical items and these can be put out in a clear plastic bag beside the weekly collection bin. Batteries need to be separately bagged. They do not take light bulbs – these need to be taken to Randalls Road for disposal. So please do not throw small electrical items and batteries into the black waste bin – be environmentally friendly and recycle them through the channels provided.

Barrie Mould website: email:



Looking back briefly, our Christmas Meal together was most enjoyable, but our plans for carol singing in Ashtead had to be abandoned because of the very bad weather. However, we did meet together indoors, happily carol-singing amongst ourselves with warming refreshments. Details were given about our coming coffee morning, an Emlyn Downs event and the Surrey W.I. AGM at Dorking Halls. There are also 3 proposed outings so far for the coming year to look forward to. We were given information, then discussed and voted on the WI Resolutions for this year - Stem Cell Donor Registration, Female Crash Test Dummies, End Modern Slavery, Talk About Death & Dying, and Protect Precious Helium. Our Resolutions are always most important as the results will go to Government to be implemented.

The evening’s excellent speaker told us about Cheese, from thousands of years ago when nomads took their animal milk around in other animal stomachs, right up to date with cream cheese and fromage fraiche! The Romans introduced milk processing to the U.K. and then isolated farms started producing their own distinctive types of cheese. Apparently there is some type of ‘cheese’ in Baileys!, and of course we have our own local cheese - Norbury Blue. Before finishing, there was news about some Denman Taster courses taking place in early March, there will be our local monthly lunch on 20th January, and at our next meeting on Wednesday 5th February the speaker will be Jennifer Harkins on ‘Standing Up For Trees’, at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15 for 7.30. More info can be found on:


Ashtead WIng meet on the second Monday of the month from 8pm to 10pm in Ashtead Baptist Church Hall.

At our next meeting on the 10th February we have a talk and demonstration about skincare, techniques and make-up by an independent celebrity make-up artist. New members and guests always welcome - why not pop by and meet us! Or send an email to arrange your visit. Next meeting 10th February 2020

Email: Website:




We have been very busy during the last 3 months with outings, interesting speakers at our meetings and our activity groups getting more popular. Our annual quiz night was a success and enjoyed by all who came along. We were able to send £500 to the Friends of Leatherhead Hospital. Our outing to Essex villages was very successful and members enjoyed travelling by vintage buses through pretty villages in warm sunshine and eating lunch and tea along the way!! Members enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch at Effingham

Golf Club and this may become an annual event! The craft group made Christmas napkin rings at their latest get-together and the second gardening group will start meeting in January. The rambling group have not been walking due to rain and muddy conditions underfoot but hope 2020 will be kinder. With Ann Layman being re-elected as our president for 2020, we are looking forward to a busy year with talks about Surrey Fire and Rescue, being entertained by ‘The Courgettes and Zucchini Sisters’ for our 55th birthday meeting in Feb, along with the annual jumble sale in March. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Fetcham Village Hall at 7.45pm. Further details are on our website www. From Liz


Two visitors braved the elements and joined us for place on Wednesday 8th January, in Fetcham a festive December event. After the main meeting Village Hall at 7.30pm, in the next issue of we warbled a few carols, distributed cards, and Look Local Magazine. As well as enjoying the enjoyed a seasonal committee main meeting, and renewing supper. A Christmas themed memberships, we hope that raffle set the scene, and a the annual Beetle Drive that selection of nostalgic games evening should be a lively one. were enjoyed. Sheila and If you are considering Heather rounded up the coming along to any of our total of knitted angels (104) meetings but would like more which were displayed for all information, please telephone to admire; these then go to Maureen on 01372 842498. Pub lunch at the Old Plough, Stoke D’Abernon Leatherhead Church where Meeting on the first Fetcham Village W.I. they are gifted to people on their Wednesday of the the month own over the holiday time. Catch our January (except August) in Fetcham Village Hall, at 7.30 meeting report which takes pm.We’d love to see you. MAUREEN WEBB



pan fried sea bass on minted pea & chilli mash


Sea bass fillets • butter Potatoes - one each • butter • handful of frozen peas

• dash of milk • whole red chilli • fresh mint (or half a teaspoon of mint sauce)


1. Peel and cook the potatoes then mash with butter and milk and defrosted peas. 2. Stir in finely diced chilli and the mint. Season. Keep warm. 3. Pan fry the sea bass fillets in hot butter on either side until the skin is crispy, then serve on top of the mash. 4. Stir a little more mint into the frying pan juices and drizzle over the fish.

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COMMANDER ALASTAIR GUTHRIE DENNISTON (1890 - 1961) The world of historical espionage is on your doorstep as you will hear if you drop in at the Letherhead Institute on Friday, 21 February when Lorraine Spindler, former curator of Leatherhead Museum, gives the latest monthly lecture on Spies and Trained Assassins - How events in Mole Valley changed the direction of WW2. Surrey’s historical links to spying and undercover activities included crossword clues, secretive bank managers, and six Special Operations Executive (SOE) training centres. This talk follows on from the December lecture when L&DLHS chairman John Rowley told the story of Commander Alastair Guthrie Denniston (1890-1961) who lived in Ashtead, founded what is now GCHQ, and secretly served his country during both world wars. In the first he played a crucial role in bringing about American involvement on Britain’s side by translating a decoded German telegram revealing a proposed invasion of US territory from Mexico. Shortly before the second war he led a delegation to Poland to see a code- breaking device whose principle would be developed for the Enigma machine. He also established Bletchley Park as Britain’s intelligence headquarters and recruited Alan Turing among others whose work made victory possible over the Nazis. 58 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020

The L&DLHS monthly talks are on the third Friday of each month throughout the winter. They are always at the Letherhead Institute with refreshments served from 7.30pm and speakers getting under way at 8pm. Non-members are always welcome and the entrance fee is just £2. The Society’s Annual General Meeting will be held there Friday, 20 March, the 73rd since its foundation in the 1940s. Member Simon Ritchie will then talk on Ordnance Survey Trig Points - Industrial Archaeology Hiding in Plain Sight. Trig points were used for producing maps before the days of GPS so nowadays are no more than historical relics. Recent talks have included real eye openers. The one in January was entitled Photographs, Pen Pals & President Trump’s Mother. A few years ago Leatherhead artist and author Cathy Brett discovered five faded photographs of her grandmother Agnes’s pen pal, Mary Ann MacLeod. Lengthy research followed, culminating in a TV documentary entitled The President’s Mother and a graphic memoir exploring the lifelong friendship of Agnes and Mary Ann, mother of US President Donald Trump.

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24 hour: 07901 625145 • ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020


Book Reviews FEBRUARY 2020

‘Your House will pay’ by Steph Cha (Paperback £12.99) Your House will pay is a remarkable book. It takes place along two time lines. The first begins shortly before the Rodney King riots when a panicking Korean shop owner shoots and kills a black girl. She’s convicted on manslaughter but serves no prison time. The second begins 27 years later when that woman is shot in front of the pharmacy her family now runs and a cousin of the girl killed years ago pleads guilty to the shooting. Nothing here is easy. Everyone carries anger, sorrow, resentments and excuses. Every character is flawed in a way that makes the novel ring true. This book stays with you.

‘The Water Dancer’ by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Hardback £16.99) This is a powerful and elegant work, the debut novel by an acclaimed essayist. Hiram Walker was fathered by the owner of the Virginia plantation where he has always lived in bondage. Gifted with remarkable memory and mimicry, but unable to remember his mother, Hiram has another extraordinary skill to master on his road to freedom. As he joins the underground war on slavery, their intellectual dexterity and courage is bolstered by hope of the power that Hiram may hold. Coates writes with great wisdom about love, justice, and finding a purpose in life.

‘Blue Moon’ by Lee Child (Hardback £20.00) In a town run by rival criminal gangs, an elderly couple in debt to loan sharks are running out of time. Fortunately, they meet Jack Reacher. Lee Child, a British author living in the USA, has written a timely novel driven by the swiftly widening cracks between company healthcare policies and the expensive urgency of illness. It’s also an irresistibly exciting adventure filled with Jack Reacher’s powerful brand of ethical certainty in action. 62 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020


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Answers on page 92




POEM CORNER “I only know Mozart”! That this beginner has a lot to learn! We meet at Ruth’s. - First, a short talk About the composer, his life, his work. For we take it in turns in finding out What made him famous and talked about, Then a seat at the “opera” as we watch TV, Get carried away-until it’s time for tea! Sub-titles, in English, help a lot In understanding a twisting plot. It’s all made clear, there is no doubt As to what exactly they’re singing about! For moral dilemmas occur all the time For crashing chords and music sublime. Opera can be tragic, comic or farce, Move us to tears, or make us laugh.

We are a voluntary organisation helping Ashtead adults who need a little “neighbourly” assistance, mainly providing transport to and from medical appointments, for example a GP, dentist, chiropodist, physiotherapist, and to local hospitals.

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We’ve been to cinemas to see operas beamed Direct from “The Met” onto great big screens, But nothing, of course, can really compare To a live performance, being actually there In the theatre and swept along By the drama on stage and the beautiful songs Whose melodies still go round in your head When you’re safely back home, and tucked up in bed! I’ve listened and learbed in this monthly class, But the opera repertoire’s so varied and vast It’s only been possible to study a fewBut at least I’ve added to the one I knew! (i.e. Mozart!!)

MARION KEMP “In Praise of Hugs and Other Poems” by Marion Kemp. Available from Wishing Well, 7 High Street, Bookham

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The influence of water By Selina Botham

Award winning local garden designer Selina Botham looks at the influence of water and how it can be interpreted through garden design. Enjoying the views from the airplane last summer I admired the curves of the land and considered the beauty of the natural world before me. Seeing how the river meanders along the valley floor and how each stream curves down from the mountains to meet the river. Each one is different in its flow but somehow balanced and complimenting its neighbour. I’m loving these shapes in my work at the moment and enjoying the flow of water and how this can be interpreted through my garden design work. 66 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020

The new ‘river inspired’ part of my own garden and another in a beautiful setting leading to the river Mole. There’s another garden overlooking a tidal estuary which I hope will be designed in 2020. In all these spaces, I am letting the design flow like water. Happy 2020 to all the readers. Selina Botham is an award winning garden designer based in Claygate. If you would like to improve and make the best of your garden and need some professional help contact Selina for an initial garden consultation on 07894 553 202 or see her web site for further ideas and her facebook page Selina Botham – Designs for all Seasons.


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Looking Forward to Spring. There is plenty to do laying the ground works for a successful year of wildlife gardening. The dark days of winter are beginning to lengthen and soon our gardens will burst back into life. Time to get prepared! Fruit trees are waiting to be pruned and shaped for the coming growing season. Winter pruning is essential for productive and healthy fruiting and should not be overlooked. The more fruit you grow, the more you may feel inclined to leave an apple or two for your gardens residents. Fruit pruning can seem daunting but a trained eye can make light work of that unruly mass of twigs.

For more tips and tricks please visit

February is also your last chance to clear out ponds before the amphibians arrive. This is a crucial job to get done before the frogs, newts and toads spawn in late February and early March. Cutting back dead plants and clearing out other plants that might be taking over. This work is vital in creating a balanced habitat for your pond inhabitants. It might seem brutal sometimes to change so much in such a short period of time but it pays dividends in the long term and once spring is sprung you will have to wait until winter!

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House & Garden

General Knowledge Crossword Across



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Precious stones (4)


Epic poem adapted for recitation (8)


Public toilet in a military area (7)

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End of a roof (5)

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21. 23.

German composer (4) 07584179241 or(1685–1750) 07879653982

Greek goddess of wisdom (6)


Down 1. 2.

For more informa�on and to view our por�olio please visit...

Strand of yarn (6)

Capital of Italy (4) Title given to a former ruler of Germany (6)



Violently fast stream of water (7)



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81 91



With the very best organic coffee, hand made food and a great space for the community to relax, AllSaints is a coffee shop with a difference. But it’s not just our coffee or food that makes a difference; it’s our staff. We support local young people aged 16 - 21 by preparing them for the world of full time work. We do this by providing employment, training, and counsel through which they gain the confidence and ability to make that step themselves. In 2019 a number of young people had their lives transformed by the work of AllSaints; young people who are part of our community – young people who you know. In fact, we’ve just celebrated our fifth birthday and the fifteen youngsters who, during that time, have had their lives transformed by AllSaints. But in order for AllSaints to be able to continue to invest in these young people we need your financial support. Please, if you believe in our vision of transformation through employment, do think about making a monthly donation to AllSaints.

If you’re a local business, organisation or individual who would like to support AllSaints, then please get in touch through the email below and we can send you some more information. If you fancy the best cup of coffee in the area, then please just drop by any time Monday to Saturday, 8.00 am to 3.00pm; it’ll be great to see you! AllSaints is owned by Leatherhead Youth Project. Get in touch at

CONSULTATION ON MOLE VALLEY’S DRAFT LOCAL PLAN At its extraordinary meeting on Tuesday 14 January 2020, the Cabinet will consider a report recommending that a draft Local Plan be published for public consultation. The draft Local Plan sets out how development in Mole Valley will be planned over the next 15 years and identifies locations for new homes and other development, whilst continuing to protect the countryside. If the Cabinet agrees with the recommendation, the draft Local Plan will be considered by all Members at a Council meeting on 28 January. Should the draft Plan be approved for public consultation, it will take place from 3 February until 16 March 2020. The draft Plan and supporting evidence documents will be available to view online at and in hard copy at MVDC’s offices in Dorking and libraries in the district. Councillor Margaret Cooksey, Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “The preparation of our Local Plan is one of the most important responsibilities we have as a Council. We want to ensure that the amount of development the government expects us to plan for in the district over the next fifteen years is in the best interests of residents and businesses alike. We can only achieve that by carrying out a comprehensive consultation and taking into account the responses we receive. Your views will form an integral part of the decision-making process to help shape the future of Mole Valley.” ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020


ASHTEAD LIBRARY Woodfield Ln, Ashtead, KT21 2BQ T: 0300 200 1001 E: W:


Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 10.00am-1.00pm & 2.00pm-5.00pm Saturday: 9.30am-5.00pm



ASHTEAD LIBRARY Make the most of the last of the long dark nights in February - the perfect excuse to enjoy a good book. Ever thought of curling up with a book for Valentine’s Day? Ashtead Library is where you will find the book to transport you to the place of your dreams.

Are you aware we have a Digital Buddy every Thursday 2-4pm? A digital buddy is able to help with computer queries, using a library PC, your own laptop or tablet. If you would like any computer related help, then please book a slot at the desk or ring 0300 200 1001 and ask for Ashtead Library.

WEEKLY RHYMETIME SESSION - This is a great opportunity to have fun with your baby/toddler through rhythm, actions and singing and introduce children to all the library has to offer. The Rhymetime session is available on Friday 10:15am for 30 minutes. Places are limited so please arrive early. Keep an eye on our twitter account @AshteadLibrary for upcoming events and activities.



LEATHERHEAD LIBRARY We hope to see even more of our customers in the Library again this month.

Love is in the air…To help us mark St. Valentine’s Day, on the 14th, we invite you to pop in and tell us why you LOVE YOUR LIBRARY as part of our special display for February. While you are here, maybe pick up a few tasty cookery ideas for Pancake Day on February 25th! Children’s activities…Surrey schools’ half-term runs from Monday 17th – Friday 21st and if you are looking for ways to keep the children occupied then check out the notice boards in the library and on the website ( or check out the Leatherhead Library Facebook page. Back by popular demand, Katharine will be holding another Lego session here on Wednesday 5th February, 4pm – 4.45pm. You can reserve a place by speaking to a member of staff at the Library HelpDesk. Regular monthly sessions are planned from now on. Finally, don’t forget that Ian, our Digital Buddy, is available every Wednesday between 10am and midday to help you with computer queries, using a library PC or your own laptop or tablet. You can book a 30 minute slot with him at the HelpDesk, or ring 03456 009 009 option 6 and ask for Leatherhead Library.









Back in 1829, Sir Richard Mayne, wrote, “The primary object of an efficient police force is the prevention of crime; the next that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To these ends all the efforts of police must be directed.” End of lesson!! You can probably tell that my training as a Crime Reduction Advisor remains fresh in my mind, hence the need to share! What is interesting, however, is that this quotation from the longest ever serving Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police states that the “primary object” is the “prevention of crime”. Of course, there is an understanding that victims of crime want to see the offenders identified (detection) and punished but it does provide an indication of why I feel that crime prevention is a vital part of the role of the police within communities. My rather simplistic view is that it is impossible to prevent all crime - but that so much that can be done by all of us to deter it. From a crime reduction perspective, putting obstacles in the way of a wouldbe burglar can have a significant deterrent effect. It won’t prevent the burglar from carrying out their intentions but they can be made to think twice before targeting your home and property. Most deterrent measures are so simple and straightforward but they often get overlooked as we become complacent and focus on other aspects of our lives. Obviously, the importance of locking all doors and windows when your home is unoccupied is the first rule. From there, it is about putting in place measures that deter criminal activity. Having a

good line of sight from the roadside to the front of your home is the first measure; lowering high hedges and creating a level of “natural surveillance” which will prevent a burglar being able to work without being observed. Having some low-level exterior lighting which illuminates the front of your home also helps to remove pools of shadow where a burglar could be hidden and unobserved. The next is to remove things that could aid a burglar to gain access. This can include moving wheelie bins that could be used as a climbing aid to get over a side gate to the back of your home. Also, not leaving ladders or tools where they could be used to climb or to target your doors and windows is a sensible precaution that often gets overlooked. Having some timers within your home to bring on lights when you are not there is also a good idea. The best way to do this is to set the lights to come on in a staggered pattern, mirroring as much as possible your normal routine when at home. The most effective deterrent will always be a visible intruder alarm system but I accept that not everyone subscribes to this view. At the very least, however, I would always recommend registering your property online via the secure database. It’s free, very simple to do and you can create an inventory of absolutely anything you own. Anyone who would like me to carry out a free and impartial home security survey can contact me on 01483 630 809 or by email to Neil.Clarke@surrey. to make an appointment. ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020


useful numbers Ashtead Art Group 01737 357263 (Jenny Lister) Ashtead Bowling Club 01372 802421 (Pamela Bennett) Ashtead Cancer Group Ashtead Chess Club 01372 813487 (Richard Jones) Ashtead Choral Society 01372 278852 (Anne Bailey) Ashtead Community Vision 07530 373975 (Andy Ellis) Ashtead Cricket Club 01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane) Over 60s Lunch Club 01372 813276 The Arts Society Ashtead 01372 275605 (Pat Anderson) Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group 01372 279501 (Di Stirling) Ashtead Friendship Centre 01372 274288 (Don Butt) Ashtead Good Neighbours 07752 665066 Ashtead Horticultural Society 01372 373348 (Jennie Pilfold) Ashtead Library 0300 200 1001 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall 01372 272921 Ashtead Players/Young Players 01372 279614 Ashtead Residents’ Association 07804 026577 (Glynis Peterkin) Ashtead Squash & Tennis Club 01372 272215 Ashtead Tennis Players Club 01372 721104 Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild 01372 273948 (Di James) Ashtead Women’s Institute

01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Carers’ Support Mole Valley 01306 640212 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens’ Advice Bureau 03 444 111 444 Cruse Bereavement Care 020 8393 7238 Electricity (UK Power Networks) 0800 783 8866 (powercut info line) Epsom General Hospital 01372 735735 Fetcham Residents’ Association 07833 620 744 for all enquiries Fetcham Singers (ladies’ choir) 01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Gas (Transco) 0800 111999 (minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing 0800 371787) Howard Badminton Club 07711 563481 (Mike Guillem) The Arts Society Leatherhead 01372 278738 (Huw Jenkins) Leatherhead Choral Society 01372 376831 (Sue Foulsham) Leatherhead & District Angling Society 01372 377654 Leatherhead Helpshop 01372 363385 Leatherhead Community Association 01372 360508 Leatherhead Horticultural Society 01372 373493 (David Wells) Leatherhead Leisure Centre 01372 377674 Leatherhead Library 0300 200 1001 Leatherhead Lions Club 01372 274618 (Jim Malynn) Leatherhead Museum 01372 386348


Leatherhead Residents’ Association 01372 813013 Leatherhead Theatre 01372 365141 Mid Surrey Community Mediation 07513 524241 Mole Valley District Council 01306 885001 Police - Non-emergency 101 Probus Club of Ashtead 07806 791774 (Steve Bridges) Probus Club of Leatherhead 07947 361406 (Jon McCarthy) Probus Club of Mole Valley 01372 878875 (Michael Brown) Rotary Club of Ashtead 01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce) Rotary Club of Leatherhead 07753 821964 (Simon Edmands) Royal Association for the Deaf 01306 881958 Royal British Legion Leatherhead/ Fetcham Branch 01372 811422 Samaritans - 01372 375555 Shopmobility Leatherhead 01372 362400 Surrey County Council 03456 009 009 (8am-6pm weekdays) Surrey Trading Standards 01372 371717 U3A: Leatherhead & District 01372 375756 Ashtead: 01372 274388 Fetcham 01372 453959 Trumps Bridge Club Leatherhead 01372 377124 Volunteer Centre Mole Valley 01306 640369 Water - Emergencies/general 01737 772000 Wildlife Aid 09061 800132 (24hrs)



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1 6 8 4

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1. Taron Egerton 2. Alan Johnson Sudoku 3. Save all #4 your kisses for me 4. Yes. She was the daughter the 3 year old daughter of his Manager Gordon Mills1 5.3Billy 6. Cadillac 7. The Moody Blues 8. Dusty 1 7 3 4 8 5 Fury 6 2 4 9 Ranch 7 Springfield 9. Unemployment Benefit Claim Form 40 10. The Girl from Ipanema

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9 8 7 4 3 5 1 7 3 1 9 6 2 8 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020 77 5 7 3 8 1 4 2

advertisers’ index A&D Cars............................................................50 Learn to Sing with The Downsmen Chorus...........43 Amanda Fashions....................................................5 Leatherhead Podiatry............................................28 Ashtead Cobblers & Locksmiths.............................8 Leatherhead Rotary Big Band Concert..................41 Ashtead Interiors..................................................13 Maggie May Therapy............................................31 Ashtead Trees & Gardens......................................63 Margaret Spice - Counsellor..................................31 Aspen Live in Care................................................32 MD Edwards & Son.............................................57 Astek Dental Centre.............................................27 MPS Garden & Estate Machinery.........................79 Boardman, Gelly & Co.........................................65 Orchard Cottage Dental Surgery...........................28 Bockett’s Farm......................................................43 Ovens ‘n’ Stuff......................................................18 Bonnie Dogs Grooming Parlour............................19 Ovens 2 New........................................................13 Bookham Carpet Company..................................17 Pullen Plumbing Services......................................69 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care.......................................15 Ralls IT Hardware & IT Support..........................21 BWB Builders.......................................................67 Roofcraft of Surrey...............................................59 Cairds Estate Agents...............................................3 Roofs of Esher......................................................77 Carpets 4U.............................................................9 Rose’s Garden Design & Landscaping...................61 Casson’s Framing..................................................47 SAS Roofing & Building Ltd................................65 Ceramica Tiles Ashtead.........................................67 Seasons Art Classes...............................................45 Chater Dunham Photography...............................20 Style Cruises...........................................................2 Classic Home Care Services..................................29 Suddies Kitchen Appliances .................................19 Contours National Hardscapes..............................63 Surrey Hearing Specialist......................................27 Cranleigh Aerials..................................................63 Surrey Hills Mindfulness.......................................31 CT Cars...............................................................51 Surrey PC Tech.....................................................24 Daisychain Preschool............................................46 Surrey Roofing Group...........................................61 Davis Property Maintenance.................................13 Tec-Res Computers & Technology...................22/23 DB Garden Services..............................................79 Tekmate Computers & Technology.......................24 Dream Doors........................................................70 Tendacare.............................................................31 Englishman’s Castle..............................................11 The Black Dog Gallery..........................................47 F Covey................................................................68 The Grange Centre...............................................26 Family Wills of Surrey..........................................15 The Leatherhead Theatre Art Gallery.....................64 Fennies Day Nursery............................................47 The Memory Bank - Video to DVD......................21 Fire & Iron Gallery...............................................48 The Memory Book Company ...............................49 First Choice Cleaners Ltd.....................................16 TWM Solicitors......................................................7 Garden Force........................................................71 WA Truelove & Son Ltd ......................................16 HRS Roofing........................................................69 Wild by Design...............................................68/69 Jackie Quinn Estate Agents...................................80 Wise Roofing........................................................71 JD & Sons Building & Landscaping.....................60 Julie Watts Family Law.........................................16 © ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD LOCAL 2020 DESIGNED & SET BY KIRSTY O’MEARA L Hawkins & Sons Ltd.........................................18 78 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - FEBRUARY 2020

Home is where the dog is When you find the love of your life, you may discover that your home is less than perfect. Our experienced team at Jackie Quinn Estate Agents will take the lead to find the property to suit you and them, sell your current home and give you the best professional property advice throughout the process. So if you’re thinking of selling or letting your home this spring, we are here to help. Why not give us a call? 01372 271504


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