Ashtead and Leatherhead Local

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Local January 2020

Never underestimate the importance of community

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1994 – 2020


Welcome to January

Happy New Year!

Next copy deadline 5th January 2020 for the February 2020 issue


01372 200 000 Email:


Technical & legal stuff Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this magazine is accurate, the publisher cannot accept, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, recording, photocoping, or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Surrey Hills Publishing Ltd.

2020 - well that has a nice ring to it! I wonder what this year has in store for us all … This is traditionally the time of year when we all have very good intentions; eat less, exercise more, get fitter! Well, how about taking to the saddle and joining a lovely local cycle group who go by the name of ‘Ashtead Velo’? They meet regularly and offer a selection of different rides throughout the year. They are a very friendly bunch and combine their exercise with fresh air and friendship. If this sounds interesting do read their little feature on page 18. You never know where it might take you! We are also happy to share a lovely feature from Horsley & Bookham Riding for the Disabled; one of their volunteer’s is celebrating 40 years with the organisation. What an amazing commitment. My own brother used to go riding with this group, I wonder if Anne assisted him! I received a lovely little message from local lady Pat Jones this month, she sent in a nice little local fact! If you have any similar gems, do send them our way and we will share them for you. Thanks Pat! (see page 20) For all you creative people, don’t miss ‘Crafting Live’ at near-by Sandown Park in Esher this month. It sounds amazing and there is a special Buy 1 Get 1 Free on tickets if you quote the code on the advert. See page 47 for the low down. On 3rd December Michelle and I enjoyed a lovely pre-Christmas lunch; we were fed like Kings and entertained like the Queen! See where we were on page 76. And finally, another event for your new diary! 10th - 16th February, if you’re free and you fancy a little visit to Denbies Wine Estate near Dorking, there will be, a treat in store as 6 popular artists who exhibited there last year return with a new exhibition entitled ‘A New View’.

Wishing you a great start to this New Year ! Best Regards,








60 46


CONTENTS 64 10. 12. 14. 18. 21. 24. 28. 39. 44. 48. 50. 54.

Ashtead Residents’ Association Fetcham Residents’ Association Leatherhead Residents’ Association Ashtead Velo Sudoku & Digi-Search Computer tips from Tec Res Riding for the Disabled Regular Events What’s on in January? Ashtead Players Surrey Artists Collective Leatherhead Youth Project

56. 58. 59. 59. 60. 61. 62. 62. 63. 63. 64. 66.


Crossword puzzle Leatherhead Com. Assoc. The Arts Society Bookham Wine Club Delicious Dishes - Recipe Transition Ashtead Ashstead Village W.I. Mole Valley W.I. Ashtead W.I.NG Fetcham Village W.I. Gardening with Selina History Society

68. 70. 74. 75. 76. 77. 82. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.

Book Potato Reviews The Memory Book Wild by Design Poem of the Month Probus Club Lunch Music Matters Ashtead Library Leatherhead Library Surrey Police Notice Useful numbers Puzzle solutions Index of Advertisers



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Is it possible to have a good divorce? Demelza Patricio of TWM Solicitors discusses the benefits of seeking early legal advice. The New Year can be a time for resolutions and changes. While there is often a lot of unwarranted media hype around “Divorce Day”, New Year can be a time when people decide to move forward with a separation that they have perhaps been thinking about for some time. Many clients that we see are concerned that getting solicitors involved will raise the temperature and make things acrimonious. That doesn’t have to be the case. There are significant benefits in taking legal advice at an early stage. At TWM, we offer an initial meeting of up to an hour and a half, so we can achieve a full understanding of your personal/ financial position and advise you on: divorce/ separation; how to deal with finances in the short term; how to resolve finances overall; sorting out arrangements for children; any urgent or safety issues. That initial advice can often equip people to discuss matters and come to an agreement between themselves so they can simply return to solicitors to deal with formalities. Those people who need more input might choose one of the following approaches. Mediation Couples would see an independent Mediator who would help talk about finances and

arrangements for children, keeping the channels of communication open and helping them to focus on matters in a pragmatic and civil way. Collaborative practice This also helps keep channels of communication open between the couple but gives additional legal input. All of the discussions take place in round table meetings with the couple and their solicitors present. Everyone signs an agreement to say they will not go to court to show that they are committed to this process. Solicitor led negotiations It is possible for solicitors to deal with matters through telephone calls, letters and round table meetings whilst keeping matters as amicable as possible and keeping focused on moving matters forward in a positive way. Arbitration If a couple have tried one or more of these approaches but reached some sticking points, arbitration can be a good way of resolving those matters quickly and in a less formal manner than court proceedings. While changes in your family circumstances can feel frightening and overwhelming, having good quality legal advice at an early stage can help you feel reassured about moving forwards in a way that protects you as much as possible, both personally and financially.

TWM Solicitors – Leatherhead Sweech House, Gravel Hill, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7HF

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“What have the Romans ever done for us?”

The famous line from Monty Python’s “Life of Brian” can equally apply to the Residents’ Association. Non-members frequently ask “Why should I join? What has the ARA ever done for us?” Well, like in Life of Brian although the ARA hasn’t brought in an aqueduct, sanitation, roads etc. it has, over the years brought in many improvements to Ashtead that perhaps now residents take for granted. I shall list a few that come to mind, in no particular order:a) Lights on the Wood Field (Northcott Way) to make it a safer walk from the station. b) Extending the pavement on the north side to make crossing Woodfield Road safer. c) Erecting a sign to request drivers signal at the crossing junction. d) Getting higher lights erected on the iron footbridge (aided in this by Tim Ashton) to make this passage safer. e) An annual Spring Clean of the village – an initiative since copied by Central Government! f ) Supporting role in setting up Ashtead Good Neighbours. g) Sponsoring Ashtead Tree Wardens and the planting of more trees. h) Maintaining the village Notice Boards. i) Committee members being a key part of Ashtead Community Vision. j) Being a key partner in the fight against Tesco’s development. k) Influencing the design and content of the Parsons Mead development and securing playing fields for the Cricket Club. l) Organising the cleaning, repair and reinstatement of the War Memorial at St. George’s plus protecting the York Stone with Smart Water. m) Assisting in the placement of two defibrillators in the village. n) Supporting the fight to get a pharmacy back in The Street. 10 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

o) Ensuring Planned Level Crossing closures are arranged to minimise disruption for residents, whilst obtaining free parking overnight in the station car park and a car placed available to ferry residents home. p) Planting and maintaining the station car park flower beds. q) Leading the fight to try to ensure the Green Lane rail crossing is not closed. r) Persuading Network Rail to improve Lady Howard crossing. s) Persuading Network Rail to bring forward the upgrade of the Level Crossing. t) Major influence in design of new station building and design of car park. u) Reviewing all planning Applications. v) Being a member of Ashtead Highways Forum to improve roads and pavements. w) Bus shelter in Woodfield Lane and getting repairs done to others. x) Persuaded Woodland Trust to divert construction lorries away from Park Lane and Farm Lane. We are often the “Someone” who resolves issues when people say “Someone should do something about that!” We represent c.50% of households in the village & this gives us a powerful voice when it comes to Planning & Highways issues amongst others. To continue to achieve these benefits we need more members & equally important, more Road Stewards to deliver the magazines. A hindrance in the past to getting Road Stewards has been the need to collect cash for the subscription. We can now receive the subscription online and it costs £2.50p.a. – less than one Latte from Costa! To join or become a Road Steward please contact the Membership Secretary on membsec@ or download the Application from the web site and post it to the Membership Secretary. David Baker

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PARKING CHARGES It’s not often that a council imposes parking charges only to withdraw them a short time later. So we must thank Surrey County Council for listening to its residents and having the courage to abandon its controversial parking charges on its countryside estates. Here in Fetcham, this means that from April 1st there will no longer be charges at the Norbury Park car park, just off the roundabout near Bocketts Farm. A council review last summer concluded that the pay and display scheme wasn’t raising the expected amount of money and it actually ran counter to other council policies, such as encouraging people to walk in the countryside. Hopefully, this will also see an end to visitors leaving their cars on nearby residential roads. TUDOR MOTORS DELAYS After conditional planning consent was granted last year for the long-awaited development of the Tudor Motors site, we fully expected that initial works would be underway by Christmas. Sadly, it appears

work is being delayed by continued disagreements between the developers and MVDC over some of the outstanding issues, such as the scope of ‘affordable’ housing within the scheme. Meanwhile, the temporary wooden hoardings around the site had become so dilapidated in the run-up to Christmas that Mole Valley issued enforcement proceedings for their repair. We share residents’ frustration over the lack of progress in recent months and, as ever on this issue, we are in contact with the parties to voice your concerns and assist where we can. PLANS FOR 2020 Finally, we would like to wish all our Fetcham residents a very Happy New Year! There is much to look forward to, but challenges as well, not least the Mole Valley Local Plan. The public consultation for this, delayed because of the general election, is expected to start in February. If you haven’t already, please visit our new website at and if you can’t access our website, and wish to renew your subscription, please use the printed form below.

The FRA is passionate about local issues, invests in community projects, and stands up for your interests. If you live in Fetcham - JOIN US! Visit OR use the form below. Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (if you wish to receive regular updates. Details will not be shared with any third parties) Subscription: £2 (minimum), £5, £10, £20 (or other amount). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROP this form with cash or cheque payment into the FRA box at Symphony World Travel, Cobham Road, Fetcham; OR POST to Fetcham Residents Association, 3 Churchill Close, Fetcham KT22 9EY





Why make aa will? will? Why make 6 CRADDOCKS PARADE ASHTEAD SURREY KT21 1QL

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Family Wills Surrey comes to you, at a time that suits, inc evenings and weekends. Family WillsSurrey Surrey comes to you, attime a time that suits, incl evenings & weekends Family Wills comes to you, at a that suits, inc evenings and weekends. Our services include: Our services include: services include: Drafting of Wills tOur Lasting Powers of Attorney t Trusts Drafting of Wills tLasting Lasting Powers ofAttorney Attorney t Trusts Drafting of Wills Powers of Trusts t Probate & Estate Administration Estate Planning Probate & & Estate Estate Administration Estate Planning t Probate Estate Planning Adminstration Contact us now for a free no obligation consultation:

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Family Wills Surrey is aSurrey member of the Master Guild Will Writers. FamilyCaroline Wills is an appointed representative ofofNew Leaf Head Office: Princess House, 1 High Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE(WWF) Co.Ltd., Reg. No. 7891401 Head Office: Princess Caroline House, 1 High Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE

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The Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH

required for this would & seem to place it HELP! RESIDENTS FETCHAM DORKING Changes to ourOF ASHTEAD, BOOKHAM, beyond all possibility. Mr Elkeles said that PLEASE READ THIS & ACT TO HELP SAVE LEATHERHEAD HIGH STREET expectations? the money would come by bidding for funds from the Governments allocations for NHS Are you aware that Mole Valley District Council On the 6th October, we in Leatherhead, capital expenditure. Refurbishment • has again said NO to a trial of 1.5 hours of late afternoon post-pedestrian-zone free parkingfunds on with some guests from Ashtead and forbusinesses Epsom and Helier hospitals, on the Leatherhead High Street, in spite of PETITIONS from 99 andSt1,248 USERs, which were Bookham, were treated to a face to face othermeetings. hand, could be realised through the supported by Councillor members in MV Local Committee explanation of how our local NHS CEO, Mr.

sale of some land at Sutton.

Furthermore, MV proposes: Daniel Elkeles, is hoping that our hospitals Many of those in attendance at this meeting develop over the next fiveontoSundays ten years. •will to pedestrianise the High Street as wellwere as Monday through Saturday; and possibility incredibly of very sceptical about the •There to impose a 24-hour parking ban! That means no evening or overnight parking! any improvement at all in the current are two main deficiencies,

provision. maintenance ofthose the current buildings andlast year, Compared with all who signed the Petition less than 300 people in total responded to the provision of adequate A short MV Consultation following Acute its Highcare. Street Study. These anonymous, online responses, werethe only People rosemainly in their seats to remind video revealed the problems currently marginally against afternoon parking (52/48%) but it is this opinion which seems likely to prevail over that speaker that such discussions had already expressed by theat1248 (and 99Epsom. businesses) who signed petition . 20 years ago, and the experienced St. users Helier and Mr. takenour place some Elkeles also stated that there is a lack of

However, Of course, areas with plants and trees can be lovely. Butresults the sad had truthbeen is, we negligible. need a compromise: we one real, joined-up provision of Acute care Unit. valuable change has taken over the are happy that people enjoy the pedestrian zone, but our businesses need some parkingplace with car-borne He said he would likeenough to seemoney a building last and thatthat is we theallmethod footfall in order to make to payof theataxes thatcouple provideof theyears infrastructure enjoy. . single, modern Acute Care Unit where the

by which bed blocking has been almost

MV wants to introduce more public seating to the High Street - including wooden “parklets” large enough patients would be in wards having widely eliminated in Epsom. The team running it is to sleep in, containing plants cross & shrubs. We know from past experience of our Bandstand, that public spaced beds to prevent infection, the “Epsom Health and Care Partnership.” seating , especially of this of nature will attract anti-social that will make it necessary that these and, most important all, ,consultant level Ausers local doctor or a that social worker now structures are cleaned and maintained on a frequent basis-a task it is unlikely our Council will have supervision 24/7. accompanies the consultant and the nurse the inclination or resources to carry out.

However the problem would be about where when assessing future care of a (usually)

Surrey Highways toldEpsom us that an is most cost effective, so we are now asking elderly person. This facilitates a safe return to site it – St. have Helier, or 18-month Sutton. trial period for an 18-month trial,this longkind enough to give real evidencehome as to whether not this latehelp afternoon parking with theornecessary having been Patients needing of care are would start to too revive the High Street. Wewhere think itthey would. arranged beforehand. usually not concerned about

have to pedestrianisation, – it is their relatives Ifare youtaken don’t want a complete parking who ban, or Sunday youencouraged would like toto have All attendees and were fillsome in the endureonawkward journeys. For this reason, parking the High Street while shops are open, pleaseshort give this compromise a chance. Please phone or questionnaire to guide future decisions by far mostorpopular site for ourcomments. The email thethe Council Highways with your will be made at a 22nd January onfinal thedecision Hospitals. 2020 meeting and this be followed by a 28-day consultation. Please watch this space and take part residents would be will Epsom. in the Consultation to say NO to these measures which will hurt Leatherhead evenBrown more than Caroline (LRAprevious Chairman) The possibility of a brand new multi-purpose parking reductions. Gill Hanson (SDCCG) hospital was also mentioned, but the sums


Susan Leveritt

IfTo you would alike to join family: the Leatherhead Residents' Association become member • • • •

Provide your names, address, phone & email – include all family members • Provide your name, address, telephone number, and email address Enclose cheque for £2.50 (1 year) or £6 (3 years), payable to the LRA • Enclose your cheque for £2.50 for one year or £6 for three years payable Send to LRA, Letherhead Institute, 67 High St, Leatherhead KT22 8AH the Residents' Association or pay onlineLeatherhead to sort code 40-27-07, account 2150 0651, to LRA, with your name as ref


Privacy Notice The LRA collects, stores and processes member information for the purposes of meeting its statutory requirements and its contractual Please send to: LRA, Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH obligations to its members under its Articles. The information is not shared with third parties. Any concerns regarding the LRA’s use of member information should be directed to the Company’s Data Controller via A notice regarding the LRA’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 can be found in the Document Archive of the LRA website under “Regulations”.

Telephone: 01372 373 090 | Email:





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HOME WANTED! Cassie and Monkey

Our beautiful Cassie (left) came into care with her three tiny kittens, who were born on 30 July. She was too young to have had them but she was and is a most fantastic mum. However now the time has come for Cassie and one of her kittens Monkey (above) to move on and find their forever home. They need a family with some experience and with no children under 10 years old. They would also love a safe garden and need to be the only pets. If you feel you can give Cassie and Monkey their well deserved forever home please call 0345 260 1387 Epsom Ewell & District Branch If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)


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If there was a prize for the friendliest community cycling club in Surrey then it would surely go to Ashtead Vélo! Now with around 170 members, Ashtead Vélo is based on the edge of the Surrey Hills at the Coffee Active Cafe - and almost every day of the week you’ll find experienced members of the club leading rides out into some of the best countryside in southern England. Ashtead Vélo’s main aim is to be fun and inclusive, bringing together like-minded people of all ages and abilities. So whether you’re aiming for a personal best up the Olympic route of Box Hill, or more inclined to pedal and chat around our lovely country lanes, you will usually find a member of Ashtead Vélo who is happy to join you. If you’ve thought about taking up cycling, or you’re already on two wheels but want to ride with others, our guided rides will help you pick up the skills to ride in a group confidently. Sunday morning is traditionally road cycling time across the nation and Ashtead Vélo organises rides in five ability groups departing from and returning to Cafe Active in Rectory Lane, Ashtead. Each of group 18 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

is led by a guide with a planned route. Wednesday is another key club meeting day with a number of groups heading out for rides at 9:30am. During the warmer and lighter months, members come together on Tuesday evenings for shorter and often faster rides. Then there are the big ones! Twice a year the club organises trips over long weekends to destinations in both the UK and continental Europe. Past destinations have included Sicily, Sardinia, Grenada and Mallorca and have included cycling some routes the professionals train on. There are informal trips too: seven members got together to ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats in June 2019. And every July the club runs its big event on the day of the London Ride 100. It is called the Ashtead 101 because it’s just that bit longer that the Ride 100! All you need is a road bike in good working order and the willingness to have a go. We supply the the routes and the camaraderie. For full details on the club, including joining information and our weekly rides times and venues, see the website:


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DID YOU KNOW... THAT WE HAVE OUR VERY First Choice Cleaners: Friendly, Local, Reliable


IN ASHTEAD? • • • • •

Regular Domestic Cleaning End of Tenancy Cleans Spring / ‘Blitz’ Cleans Carpet Cleaning Deep / Steam Cleaning

First Choice Cleaners Ltd is a family run cleaning business serving the local area since 2005. All work fully insured. We take pride in all work undertaken and believe that our strength lies in offering a friendly, flexible and totally reliable service.

01372 200492 20 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

We visited the Brogdale Fruit Farm at Faversham in Kent. It has the largest collection of fruit trees in the world, including 2,200 varieties of apple, 550 varieties of pear, and many cherry varieties. We found the Ashtead apple, called Carswell’s Orange, raised in 1938 by Mr. J. W. Carswell here in Ashtead. It is described as rather coarse textured with a pleasant, aromatic flavor. Pat Jones



Newly Refurbished Grooming Parlour. Est. 2003

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Teeth Cle w Service no available!

Dog grooming for all breeds:

Brush & Bath - Clipping - De-Shedding - Hand Stripping - Wash & Go Bathing - Nail Cutting Friendly, personal service, no holding or drying cages. Call today to make an appointment.

t: 01372 459 670 w: 19 Dorking Road, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4PU

Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm

Digi search

Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18


Sudoku #1



8 2 4

© 2013

Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.


1 6 2 1 8 9 3 0 4 7 9 1 2 6

The product of an arithmetical computation is the answer to an equation; it is not the solution to a problem. -- G. O. Ashley

5 4 9 8 3 6 4 9 1 9 3 2 7 6 4 5 9 6 7 2 9 1 8 5 2 6 3 9 5 7 9 8

8 5 7 0 5 5 8 9 3 6 7 7 2 4

4 7 4 2 4 8 4 8 5 8 8 2 6 7

9 4 5 9 9 3 7 6 3 7 5 6 3 2

5 8 3 7 5 7 3 4 7 5 7 3 4 6

7 3 7 4 5 2 3 8 4 8 7 5 4 1

7 3 3 0 8 6 9 5 4 6 8 5 8 0

8 9 0 2 3 2 5 5 6 6 6 3 2 4

3 4 2 7 7 9 7 2 2 7 0 4 6 7

0 7 7 6 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 3

2 5 3 4 0 7 6 5 4 6 3 6 8 6

8 8 3 9 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 7 4

1 4 5 3 6 2 7 2 8 7 9 1 0 9

Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 24242, 25340, 25566, 47584, 47912, 49577, 54685, 57483, 65463, 72635, 73027, 75734, 84733, 85705, 97402, 97857,




Got something dirty? – No time to clean it? - Take your cleaning to:

A New Dimension

Ovens ‘n’ Stuff

For t he c lea ning of domest ic ov ens , ho bs, ext ract ors , micro w av es and f ree sta nding co ok ers. W e s peci al ise i n AGA /Ra ybu rn and Rang e cleaning

Tel: 078 078 16 347

W hy not t ry o u r o ther s erv ices? W e al so cl ean frid ges, freezers, dis hw ashers , show ers, and bat hs S o w hy d ela y? We l ov e do ing t he j obs yo u hat e! Ca ll u s t od ay fo r y ou r f riendl y l oc al serv ice Fi nd us on Facebo ok Or Emai l us at: new dimensio n. oven snstuff @gmai Based in Godalming, Surrey Est. 2009


Bathroom fitting Kitchen fitting Painting & decorating (interior & exterior)

Plastering Fencing Small extensions Roofing Fully insured. Prompt service. Family business est. 20 yrs.

Howard Davies on 07967 199343 OR 01293 430187 (evenings)

Daisychain Preschool has places available for September 2020 Get in touch today to book a

visit to our inclusive and

friendly setting in Fetcham for

children aged 2 to 5 years

“Staff support the children’s well-being extremely well. Children make outstanding progress in Personal Social and Emotional development. Their behaviour is exemplary” Ofsted 2019

Open from 9.30 to 3.30 term

time with morning, afternoon

and all days sessions available We accept FEET, 15 & 30 hours

funding with no extra charges

Contact Alison and Jackie at Guide Headquarters, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, KT22 9LH 07925 518286 /

Goodbye Windows 7 Without meaning to sound like a scratched record… On January 14th 2020 Microsoft will officially end extended support of Windows 7. Yes very soon now Windows 7 will not receive any software support or updates. But what does this actually mean for you? In very simple terms, it means that your Windows 7 device will become less and less useful if you use the device for any internet connected activity. For example, if you use the machine for online banking, your bank will stop you gaining access to your online accounts, as they view your computer as being a security risk to their systems. Bit by bit this will become widespread and most online shopping systems will block your ability to carry out transactions with them for the same reason. We are not saying your machine will suddenly stop working on the 14 January. Your files and photos will still be accessible, the machine will power on as before, but you will be at greater risk to security breaches, and your ability to communicate and collaborate with others will be much reduced.

What can you do about this?

1: Upgrade the software on your machine to Windows 10 (the worlds most used operating system). This does carry a cost of £130 for the software alone, and your machine may not be designed to work efficiently with Windows 10. Typically we find machines older than 5 years of age are best replaced, rather than being upgraded Or 2: Replace your computer with a new Windows 10 machine. With costs as low as £250 for new machines this is probably the most economical route and you get a brand new, up to date machine, with a full warranty. We can transfer all your data from the old to the new machine and ensure the new machine is ready for the years ahead, with minimal disruption for you. Beat the rush - act now

TecRes New online store We have been busy at work linking our new online store to reflect exactly what we hold in store, with full product images and loads of useful information for you to peruse. The website can be accessed via our usual website or directly via our sister website www. All stock quantities reflect exactly what we have in store for collection or shipment. This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989. 24 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

~Surrey’s favourite Computer Store~

14 North Street, Leatherhead tel: 01372 - 370300 Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 5.30pm

Perfect Windows 7 replacement machines Perfect Home companion notebook

Lenovo V155 laptop

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ONLY £845.00

Refurbished Apple iMac 21.5” all in one

with Intel Core i5CPU, 16Gb Ram, 1.12 TB Fusion Drive, Iris Pro display. Will run latest Mac Catalina Operating System- full 12 Months warranty

NOW ONLY £750.00

Let us copy all your data from your old machine to new- in one easy step

YOUR APPLE & PC SOLUTION CENTRE Onsite & workshop repairs, upgrades, virus removal, data recovery

01372-370300 | | Retail store open Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm



ShopsTechnology & Services


The Best Bargains

AGE Concern Why make a will?

Learn how toto use iPad / 1. Do you want protectyour your children? For the best online prices, it’s a really good 2. Do you want to protect your loved one, whether spouse or partner? Tablet Smart Phone Laptop idea to sign up to shopping sites’/mailing lists. 3. Do you want to protect your family home, especially in old age? are often sales, flash discounts and /There 4.Computer Do you want to express your wishes on a formal document, or leave it to chance? other offers that non-subscribers don’t hear 5. Do you telephone the number about, and in want some to cases the discounts can be below and receive peace of mind? very big: for example, New Look has offered Family Wills Surrey comes to you, at a time that suits, £25 off orders and GAP has taken 20% off including evenings and weekends. sale items and 30% off full-price styles.

Our services include:

You could also sign up for a deals service Draftingbut of beware: Wills they send Lasting Powers of Attorney Trusts such as Groupon, an Probate & Estate Administration Estate Planning awful lot of emails, and many of the deals are subject to limits inContact terms ofusavailability and now for a free no obligation consultation: expiry. Whenever you see a supposed Contact: Ben bargain Kopieczek Tel: 01372 374676 on a product or service you can get Email: elsewhere, it’s always a good idea to see what Wills Surrey is an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd., the going rate usually Family is.

Head 55 Office: House, 1 High Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE If you are over andPrincess live inCaroline the Mole Valley area, you can use Age Concern’s computer courses based in either Dorking or Leatherhead.

Co. Reg. No. 7891401

The course runs once a week for 6-8 weeks. Topics covered will include: browsing on the internet, basic keyboard and mouse skills, using a iPad/ Tablet/Smart Phone/ Laptop, setting up and using your own email or Skype accounts and how to shop on the internet. Those who already own an iPad/ Tablet/Smart Phone or a Laptop are encouraged to learn on their own device. Computers can be provided as well – it’s up to you!


Friendly Local Service For SALES - REPAIRS - UPGRADES 07442 017169 / 01306 899104 or by email: REMOTE ASSISTANCE - CALLOUTS Before coming to the course, you must register your interest by telephoning

TELEPHONE : 01372 801545

Registered Charity No 1111678



31 39

elsewhere, it’s always a good idea to see what the going rate usually is.






AN INTERVIEW WITH OUR LONGEST STANDING VOLUNTEER, ANNE This year we celebrate Anne's 40th year of commitment to the charity. As part of our series of interviews with key people associated with the charity, Anne has kindly given her views about her time with our special charity. How did you first hear about the charity? From a close friend of mine who was running the Thursday morning group at the time. Who is your favourite pony and why? As I have been helping for a long time now there have been quite a few! I remember Harley who was a Piebald pony and very calm and gentle; Rosie was a willing grey who was quite nice to lead (as long as you realised she had rather sharp teeth!) and JimBob, the pony I help with at the moment, who always seems to to try hard for the children. What has kept you continuing to volunteer with the charity? The enjoyment the children get from the riding and being with the ponies. What would be the impact if RDA wasn't available to the riders in your group? A source of exercise would be taken from them and the fact that they are able to enjoy doing something that their more able friends do not. What do you feel are the biggest benefits to the children and young people in your group with regard to riding? It gets them out of the classroom and helps them to learn a completely new skill and also teaches them to 28 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

be considerate to the ponies and form a relationship with their helpers, and gradually builds up their confidence. Riding also helps improve their balance and their co-ordination and helps them to exercise parts of their body other activities do not. What have been the highlights for you with regard to your time with the RDA? To see a child who for a while was very frightened about getting on a pony gradually getting the confidence to mount and enjoy the ride, and then being able to go home or back to school and tell someone about their adventure. The various Christmas rides and end of term competitions are always very enjoyable occasions. In three words please sum up how you feel about our RDA. Enjoyment. Adventure. Confidence.

For the love of hearing

At Surrey Hearing Specialist Ltd we are committed to providing personal, eective and high-quality hearing care. We value each of our patients and commit to providing ethical, good value solutions to enable you to enjoy all the sounds of living.

Complementary hearing assessment and advice

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The Grove Medical Centre, 171 Clarence Avenue, New Malden KT3 3TX 020 3277 0166. 0794 882 3156.

Follow up and support

Shops & Services







w: t: 01372 377 678 a: 19, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, KT22 9LG FIND US ON FACEBOOK

Bridge Masterclass with Andrew Robson, The Times Bridge Correspondent Thursday 12 March 2020 10.00am for 10.30 In The Grange Ballroom £200 per table, includes lunch and a glass of wine

✁ The Grange Bridge Masterclass application form I would like to book @ £200 per table of 4 players


Cheques made payable to ‘The Grange Centre’ or call 01372 455 231 to pay by card Name Email Address

The Grange, Rectory Lane, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4DZ 01372 455 231 Registered charity no 207740

Telephone Dietary requirements 

I require a disability parking space

Please return to Marion Chow, The Grange, Rectory Lane, Bookham, KT23 4DZ. Tel 01372 455 231 email:

A warm welcome for you

At our Surrey care homes, we’re here to support older people in our community. We understand how important it is to enjoy friendly company and feel safe and secure. We’re o�ering short breaks to enable you to relax in welcoming surroundings and enjoy our home cooked food.

If you, or someone you know, would bene�t from this then please call us for more details on 0808 102 4450, visit or pop in for a chat. Short break package:

3 weeks for the price of 2*

Limegrove care home, East Horsley, Surrey, KT24 6SU The Beeches care home, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8RZ Proudly not-for-pro�t.

*O�er available from 25/10/19 until 29/02/20. T&C’s apply, please see website for details.

Shops & Services HEALTH & BEAUTY

Feeling Overwhelmed? Maggie Lynch MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy BACP, UKCP, EATA, IARTA Accessible for all

07949 085425

Termly groups run in Parsons Mead Cricket Pavilion, Ashtead. Monthly evening drop-in sessions for those who have completed a course. Parish Room, St George’s Church, Ashtead. Regular free Introductory Sessions. Retreat days. 10% discount on 1st consultation

For full details of all courses and events visit


Margaret Spice


LOCAL BLOOD DONATIONS Friday 10th January - 1.20pm - 7.30pm

• • • •

Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BE

Friday 31st January - 1.45pm - 8.00pm Old Barn Hall, Church Road, Bookham, KT23 3PQ

37 34 To advertise please email

Abuse Anxiety Depression Bereavement

• • •

Loss of Confidence Relationships All aspects of Infertility

Ashtead Practice Tel: 01372 277802


Health & Beauty

We are a voluntary organisation helping Ashtead adults who need a little “neighbourly” assistance, mainly providing transport to and from medical appointments, for example a GP, dentist, chiropodist, physiotherapist, and to local hospitals.

WE URGENTLY NEED MORE DRIVERS!! If you are able to spare as little as an hour or so a month, please get in touch. Phone: 07752 66 50 66 Email: Like to know more? Have a look at our updated website: Health & Beauty Health & Beauty

Leatherhead Podiatry

Orchard Cottage DENTAL SURGERY

Love your feet! Lesley Pennington S.R.Ch., D.Pod.M., B.Sc.Hons., HPC reg

25 years experience

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10% OFF yourfirst firstappointment appointment production 10% off your onon production (offerends ends 31stNovember January 2020) of of thisthis adad (offer 30th 2017)

01372 374125

63b High Street, Leatherhead

• Well-Established Modern Practice

• Well- Established Modern Practice • Same FullyDay Air Conditioned Service •• Fully Air Emergency Conditioned Same Day Emergency Service •• Cosmetic Dentistry including Tooth • Same Day Emergency Service • Whitening Cosmetic& Dentistry inlcuding Tooth Advanced Facial Aesthetics • Cosmetic Dentistry including Tooth Whitening & Advanced Facial Aesthetics • Full Disabled Access & Advanced •• Whitening Hygienist Service Full Disabled Access Facial Aesthetics ••• Full Disabled Access NHS For Children Hygenist Service Easy ParkingService ••• Hygienist NHS For Children Sue Taylor Dr R Woodriffe Dr M Talbot Dr T Than •Dr Children • NHS EasyFor Parking •• Well-Established Fully Air ConditionedModern Practice

Phone Now for an Appointment

• Easy Parking Dr Sue Taylor Dr R Woodriffe 01372 363670 Dr M Talbot Dr T Than Dr Sue135 Taylor Dr R Woodriffe Dr M Talbot Dr T Than Cobham Road, Fetcham, KT22 9HX

Phone Now for an Appointment Phone Now for an Appointment 01372 363670 01372 363670 135 Cobham Road, Fetcham, KT22 9HX 49

135 Cobham Road, Fetcham, KT22 9HX



To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 35


Christopher Griffiths ON MENTAL HEALTH

When I was twenty, I had a funny turn. An episode, really. I was at university, where I should have been experiencing the time of my life. But I wasn’t. I was dead inside. And whilst my peers enjoyed their new found freedom, I felt trapped, in a prison of my own construction - too much drink, not enough sleep, highly unbalanced diet, unrequited affection. A-ha! I was young, deeply in love, but it wasn’t reciprocated. And so, one late autumnal evening, I had a moment. Rotor blades! That’s what I heard, the wind from their rapid circulation whipping up my teenage angst and spinning it round until in desperate giddiness I fell to the ground. I was outside. I stumbled back to my accommodation. And then I lay in bed, where I felt my mind being stretched like a rubber band, pulled back, expanded, creating a void which in the future simply had to be filled. My course was English Literature. For that I read more than I ever had done before. But it wasn’t enough. I tore through prescribed texts. Further. Faster. Scanned. Imbibed, finally after graduation regurgitated in novels of my own composition. Stage plays. Poetry. The canvas of my mind so porous I decided one day I would compose verse epic. Started, 36 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

enjoyed, endured. Then I had another turn. My wife and I were pregnant. Our baby to arrive early, and in consequent danger to his health. So that I, in hospital chapel, overcome by stress I mightn’t manage, heard before I saw…the rotors, again whipping leaves to clog the blades of my consciousness. I struggle to explain. I was forty. Twenty years. Two decades between the same experience. Two decades in which I’d trodden wilderness. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder, now at a stroke nullified by its own eventuality. For my wife gave birth to our son. Three months early but he, miraculously, flourishing through tremendous care and compassion, from nurses, doctors, consultants, not to mention fellow parents with whom we journeyed. And now, now I owned fresh perspective. Enough to say, I have learnt that the pain of today is often tomorrow’s balm. What we suffer now, its reason may one day be our very explication. I confuse myself. Writing helps. Composition sometimes clears my conception. Until I hear those rotor blades!


Hardy Plant Society - Southern Counties Group We hold talks once a month at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall on Saturday mornings from October ‘til April (excluding December) and welcome new members of all ages and gardening experience, from beginners to experts. Our particular interest is hardy herbaceous perennials, though our talks cover many aspects of plants and gardens. In the summer months we have a programme of garden visits. You can find out more about us on our website at Do come as a visitor (£4) to one of our talks and get to know us. We serve free tea and coffee and there is a sale of plants, garden sundries and books. Saturday 11th January (10am for 10.45)

‘Adapting perennial planting & gardens for the 21stcentury’ by Andrew Humphris

Saturday 15th February (10am for 10.45) ‘What to do with this Space?’ by Darren Lerigo Saturday 14th Mar (10am for 10.30)

AGM followed by ‘A tapestry of foliage’ by Geoff Hodge

Saturday 18th Apr (10am for 10.45)

‘From Cinderella to Princess - Three Gardens makeover on Spaces, Plant Combinations & Surprises’ by Laura de Beden ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020



REGULAR events

Thursday 2nd

(1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 2nd (weekly)

Friday 3rd (weekly)

Friday 3rd (1st Friday monthly)

Friday 3rd (weekly)

Friday 3rd

Sunday 5th (weekly)

Sunday 5th (weekly)

Monday - Thurs (weekly)

Monday 6th (weekly, except Bank Holidays)

Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institue, £5. For more info contact: Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844 Ashtead ‘Over 60’s Lunch Club meets every Thurs in the Ralli Room at APMH for a freshly prepared hot lunch & dessert - cost £5. Doors open at 11.00 for a cup of tea or coffee. For more info call Brenda (chairman) on 01372 813276. Morning coffee and scones served in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE. Prepared and served by volunteers to raise money to help run the hall. Soup Lunch held in St Michael’s Church Hall, the Marld, Ashtead. A selection of Homemade soups, bread and puddings, served with tea/coffee, between 12noon and 1.30pm, all for £5. All money shared between the Princess Alice Hospice, CAFOD ( Catholic Agency For Overseas Development) and BESOM. For more information contact 01372 272267 New ‘Cuppa and Cake’ Morning at the Grange, KT23 4DZ. Friday Mornings will never be the Same again! We will be running a ‘Cuppa & Cake’ morning every Friday from 10am - 11.30am. Book your places now 01372 452 608. For more information visit us online at Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, No meeting in January. (Next Meeting 7th February) 10am - 12noon. Members pay an annual subscription of £5, & £2 per meeting. Open to anyone not just Civil Servants. Contact Anne Thomson on 01372 373258 Leatherhead Parish Church welcomes you to all its services. For full details of our services and events, check out Leatherhead Methodist Church welcomes you to all their services. For more information visit our website Citizens Advice sessions at The Georgian House, Swan Mews, High Street, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8AE. Drop-in: Mon toThurs 10am - 1pm Appointments: Mon to Thurs 1pm - 4pm. Offer free, confidential, impartial & independent advice on a wide range of subjects. Advice line: 03444 111 444 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm) email: Ashtead Badminton Club at the Leatherhead Leisure Centre, from 7.30 9.30pm. Come along & try our friendly club of mixed ability men & women players. Free first session. Calvin Evans 07774 429225 / 01306 740820 or Jeff Gowlland 01306 259346 for more info & to tell us when to expect you. www. ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020



Monday 6th (weekly)

Monday 6th (weekly- termtime)

Tuesday 7th (weekly - termtime)

Tuesday 7th (1st Tues monthly)

Tuesday 7th (weekly)

Tuesday 7th (1st Tues monthly)

Wednesday 8th (weekly)

Wednesday 8th (monthly)

Wednesday 8th (monthly)

Wednesdays 8th (weekly - closed 1st)

Wednesday 8th (monthly)

Wednesday 8th (weekly)

Ashtead Choral Society, meet every Monday evening to rehearse at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane. Enquiries: 01372 278852, email Fetcham Ladies Singers are preparing to perform a variety of choral works & songs from the shows for their Summer Concert & now would be a good time to try us out at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall on Monday eves during term time at 7.45pm. First two evenings are FOC. Enquiries to Sandra Brown on 01372 276736. Toddlers Group for 0-3 year olds with a carer. Ashtead Baptist Church, 192 Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2LW. 10-11.30am. Newcomers welcome. Rosemary Bassett 01372 274666 Leatherhead Probus club has been providing fellowship for retired men in the area who have inquiring & active minds for 50 years. We meet at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for a lunch followed by a talk. In January we have speaker Steven Kershaw: Fascinating Police Experience. For more information call Jon McCarthy: 07947 361 406 or email Knit ‘n Natter at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, Leatherhead from 2.30pm - 4pm, it costs 50p pp to cover the cost of the tea and coffee. This is a craft group where people can come and try a new craft or continue their own project whilst chatting with others. Ashtead Friendship Centre, at Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 2.00pm. This month’s talk is ‘The Role of a Town Cryer’ . For more info contact Chairman Don Butt: 01372 274288 or The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, meets every Wednesday (except August), 7.30 pm at the Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead, KT22 8AY. For singing in close harmony - there’s nothing like it! Just turn up, or contact Gary Score on 01372 275177. New singers welcome. Ashtead WI, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. “Cheese Please” Speaker - Rosemary Horton. Contact Sandra Brown 01372 276736 Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group, Members Social. Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 1.15pm - 4.30pm. Visitors welcome. Di Stirling 01372 279501 Baby and Toddler Group in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall from 10am 12noon. Have you just had a baby or moved to the area? If so why not come along to meet some of the other parents/carers and their children. Lots of toys & activities plus a welcome cup of coffee. Just pop in or call Jackie 07764 686914 Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis &/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT23 3PQ at 7.30pm. Contact details online or just come along to a meeting, Rotary Club of Leatherhead, Police Federation Headquarters, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. 7pm-9pm. We have regular visits from speakers and also plan our various events. For more info: Simon Edmands on 07753 821964



Wednesday 8th (monthly)

Wednesday 8th (2nd Weds monthly)

Wednesday 8th Thursday 9th (monthly)

Thursday 9th (weekly)

Thursday 9th (1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 9th (weekly)

Thursday 9th (monthly)

Thursday 9th (weekly)

Friday 9th (weekly)

Friday 9th, (Every 2nd Friday)

Fetcham Village W.I, meet on the first Wednesday (except August) in Fetcham Village Hall, The St, KT22 9QS, from 7.30 pm. Maureen Webb: 01372 842498. Tylney Lunch Club for ladies, Leatherhead Leisure Centre. 3 course lunch followed by a speaker. Membership is £10 annual & £16 for lunch. Contact 01372 454879 An illustrated talk about Rene Lalique, a master of Art Nouveau jewellery and Art Deco glass, will be given to The Arts Society Leatherhead at 7:15 pm in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, KT22 8BD. Guests are welcome, for £5: please contact or Huw Jenkins on 01372 278728. The Rotary club of Ashtead meets 7.30pm for dinner at The Cock Inn, Church Lane, Headley, KT18 6LE. Visitors welcome. Contact Brian 01372 275860 The Armada Probus Club. If you are a retired or semi retired gentleman please join us at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for a 2 course lunch. This months speaker: Peter Carson “Shale Gas Fracking”. The first lunch is free. Annual membership: £20. Secretary Michael Pearce: 01372 459461 or Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. Show and Tell - pinning of Quilts; suggestions for future meetings. Beginners & more experienced quilters welcome. Sandy Clark on 01372 579321 / Ashtead Bowling Club, free coaching sessions for beginners on Thursdays at 2.30 & 6.30 lasting about 90 minutes. Just bring a pair of clean flat soled shoes. Bowls of a suitable size, provided. Club pavilion, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BJ. For more information or to arrange a session with one of our coaches, contact Mike on 01372 273142 Ashtead U3A, 2.30pm, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Speaker: Professor David Phillips ‘Chemistry in the Atmosphere and Climate Change’ For more info: 01372 273690 or email Surrey Industrial History Group, talks are held at the Letherhead Institute at the top of the High Street KT22 8AH. 10am until noon. This month’s talk is “Wealden Gunfounding” by Jeremy Hodgkinson from the Wealdon Iron Research Group. All welcome £5. For more info about our programme: The Ark is a Christian based toddler group, based at Christ Church, Epsom Road, Leatherhead 9.30am - 11am, aimed at children from 0 to 5yrs old. During the session we have toys, games, a craft, a singing and story time. or email OASIS, fortnightly women’s group at St George’s Christian Craft Centre, 9.15am. Each term explores a different topic, this term is life stories, with this month’s inspirational speakers. All ladies in 20s, 30s & 40s welcome, no charge/ booking required. Maxine Simpson: 01372 272177 or maxinesimpson2003@ ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020



Friday 9th (2nd Fri monthly)

Sat11th & 25th

Sunday 12th (2nd Sun monthly)

Sun 12th & 26th (2nd & 4th Sunday)

Monday 13th (2nd Mon monthly)

Monday 13th (2nd Mon monthly)

Tuesday 14th (2nd Tues monthly)

Weds 15th (monthly)

Thursday 16th (3rd Thurs monthly)

Fri 17th, 31st (Closed 3rd)

Fri 17th, 31st (Closed 3rd)

Sunday 19th (3rd Sunday)

Ashtead Village Friday Market, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 9.00am - 12.30pm. Free entry. Lots of stalls, gifts, cards, cakes, books, & much more, for the RNLI. Family rhymetime at Leatherhead Library, Church Street KT22 8DP. First come first served. No tickets but maximum of 16 per session owing to limited space. Rhymes for babies and toddlers. For more info: Quaker Meeting. An evening meeting is held from 6.30 - 7.30 at Park House, Leatherhead, Randall’s Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship focusing on silence & stillness. For more info: Catherine Carr 01483 283693 or Revive Nation is a youth group we run every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead from 12.30pm 2.30pm. We play games, we have a pool table and we serve a light lunch for the young people. For more info Leatherhead branch, Royal British Legion, Women’s Section, Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Road, 7.00pm, on the 2nd Monday of the month. Interesting speakers & events. For more info or to book contact Jane 01372 811422 Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30pm for 8pm. ‘Where in the World?’ with Deborah Zbinden. For more information: or web Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, The Street, KT22 9QS. Speaker Peter Thompson ‘You - The Jury’ , 7.45pm. Meriel on Eastwick WI. St Mary’s Annexe, Fetcham KT22 9AZ 7.30pm. “It’s your duty to be beautiful”. Talk by Anna Astin. Silent Auction. Cost £4.50, 2pm. Visitors welcome. Mary Morris 01372 289822 / Leatherhead U3A’s next meeting will be on the 16th of January at 2 pm in the United Reformed Church Hall, Epsom Road, Leatherhead KT22 8ST. Mel Rees will be talking about ‘My Family & Other Setbacks’. The U3A welcomes anyone no longer in full time employment or raising a family. For more info come along to this meeting as our guest or contact us at or check out our website to find details of the many interests we offer. Martha’s Market 10.00 - 11.30amLeatherhead Parish Church Hall. Lively community market at the heart of Leatherhead welcomes customers old and new. There are a wide variety of stalls ranging from beautiful home-baked cakes to quality bric-a-brac. Refreshments available. This year we will be open on 1st, 3rd & 5th Fridays. Never been before? Why not drop in & see. Details: Janine 01372 374914 The Sewing Shop is available from 10am - 11.30am at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Large range of sewing stock available. Alternatively, you can email Janine on in advance so I can have your request ready. Messy Church at Ashtead Baptist Church 192 Barnett Wood Lane KT21 2LW a meeting for families children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.Craft Celebration Meal 4pm-6pm. Paul & Sue:



Monday 20th (3rd Monday)

Tuesday 21st

Saturday 25th (monthly)

Sunday 26th (weekly)

Sunday 26th (4th Sun monthly)

Tuesday 28th (monthly)

Tuesday 28th (Tues monthly)

Weds 29th (monthly)

Thurs 30th

Friday 31st (monthly)

The Probus Club of Ashtead meets at Tyrrell’s Wood Golf Club at 12.30pm for its monthly lunch & talk. The speaker will be Sarah Lott & her subject ‘Creating a Memory Book.’ New members welcome. Visit:, or contact our Secretary, Stephen Bridges on 07806 791774 or The Arts Society Ashtead meets, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall at 10.30am for its regular monthly lecture. ‘Tapestry - The Ultimate Wall Decoration’ by Susan KayWilliams. Contact Pat Anderson, Membership Secretary, 07958 560707 or pat@ Surrey Garden Trust lectures at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE from 2.30pm. This Month Naoko Abe will be speaking about Cherry Ingram: The Englishman Who Saved Japan’s Blossom. £10 Members £12 NonMembers. For more information: Leatherhead Horticultural Society’s Store, situated in Leatherhead on By-Pass Road between the M25 Junction & Copthorne Rd, re-opens to members for the season on Sundays 09.30am - 12.30pm. Annual membership is £3. You can join in Store, or contact the Treasurer on 07966 522 534. The Store stocks seed potatoes, onion & shallot sets & veg seeds, plants & a range of garden products at competitive prices. New Fire contemporary worship (ecumenical) held at All Saints Cafe, Kingston Road. Coffee from 6.00p.m. Worship 6.30pm. For more info email the info@ or call 020 8546 5964. Fetcham U3A 2.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall off The Ridgeway. Speaker Andrew Baker “Donald Trump “ or No Turning Back. Visitors & new members welcome. 01372 453959 or Kingston & District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance Group meet at Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Ave, KT3 6DJ, 2-4.15pm. Our main function is to keep in touch with local & national issues concerning pensioners, we also arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us. This month Speaker: Carol Harris ‘Ernest Shackleton and the Endurance expedition’ Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054/ Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild, Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Ln, Ashtead KT21 2BE, 7.30pm. Contact Di James on 01372 273948 Open meeting of the Ashtead Cancer Group, a support group for cancer patients, their families, friends & carers, providing support. Free. 7.00pm-9.00pm in The Quiet Room, St George’s Christian Centre, Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead KT21 2DA. Workshops & occasional speakers. For more info: 07843 620295, or online: Ashtead Art Lovers, 11am & 7.30pm. The Life & Works of Pieter Coeke van Aelst (1502-1550) - Flemish artist extraordinaire. Artist to the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, architect, painter, designer of tapestries, engraver of woodcuts, publisher, writer and traveller - a realy interesting but little known artist of the late Renaissance. £10 inc refreshments. 01372 272235. For more information visitL www.melanievtaylor. ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020





Saturday 4th (weekly)

Short Mat Bowling at Leatherhead Bowling Club, Fortyfoot Road Recreation ground from 10am to 1pm. Short Mat bowls is a fascinating alternative to traditional indoor bowling. It is great fun & provides a good way to meet other people. FREE open mornings every Saturday with qualified coaches until the Spring. New comers & existing bowlers are all very welcome. For more info visit www.leatherheadbowling. or email or call David on 01372 375756

7th - 31st JANUARY

Into the Woods: Big adventures for your little ones! at Painshill Park, Portsmouth Rd, KT11 1JE from 10.00am - 11.30am. Our weekly parent & child Forest School sessions are the perfect way to get out & introduce your child to the great outdoors. £15 per session or £75 per block booking of 6. 01932 868113 or visit:

Saturday 11th JANUARY

Hardy Plant Society: Southern Counties Group talk at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ (10am for 10:45am) on ‘Adapting perennial plants and gardens for the 21st century’ by Andrew Humphris. £4. Sale of plants, garden sundries & books. More details on or

Sunday 12th JANUARY

Barbican String Quartet, winner of the St Martin’s Chamber Music Competition 2018 at Dorking Halls, Reigate Rd, Dorking RH4 1SG from 3pm. Haydn - Quartet Op.50 No.4. Berg - Quartet Op.3. Schubert - Quartet No.14, Death and the Maiden. Tickets £21 from 01306 740619 & 01306 881717

Monday 13th JANUARY

Ashtead Choral Society, Come and Sing “Elijah”at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, woodfield Lane, KT21 2BE, from 8pm - 10pm. Free entry, Free music loan, Free coffee or tea, Free parking, No previous experience is necessary, no need to book in advance. Meet us and make new friends.

Monday 13th JANUARY

Oh No It Isn’t A History of Pantomime Talk at Oddfellows Lounge, 270 High Street, Dorking , RH4 1QT from 7.30pm. Oddfellows warmly welcome back Pete Allen to speak on the History of Pantomime. After the talk all welcome to stay for refreshments & chat. £3 non-members, Oddfellows members - free. Booking required contact or call the 01306 877 792

Tuesday 14th JANUARY

Soundbytes - FREE taster session for new term from 7.30 - 9.30pm at the Ashtead Baptist Church. Booking essential: or 07855 344356 More details visit:

If there’s an event in February that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.6) before Wednesdat 8th January.


Weds 22nd JANUARY Thursday 23rd JANUARY Friday 24th JANUARY

The Rotary Club of Leatherhead’s Burns Night Supper at Effingham Golf Club, KT24 5PZ from 7pm. £35 pp for traditional 3-course supper (including haggis, neeps and tatties & a ‘wee dram’!) Dress: Formal Scottish / Black Tie / Lounge Suits. Further info & tickets: Simon Edmands on 07753 821964 or leatherheadrotary@ SongWorks - FREE taster session for new term from 7.30 - 9pm at the Ashtead Baptist Church. Booking essential: 07855 344356 More details go to Ashtead Art Lovers: Painters of Modern Life: A study day (10am - 4pm) examining how the Impressionists documented the Industrial Revolution and the changes in lifestyles it brought about in France& England. Also how their style of painting became so popular in the USA and Australia. Numbers limited. Fee £28 includes a light lunch & refreshments. 01372 272235 to book. for further information.

Sunday 26th JANUARY

‘Animal Magic’ at the Epsom Playhouse, 42 Ashley Ave, Epsom KT18 5AL at 3.30pm. This is a lovely children’s concert of classical music & the famous story Peter & The Wolf, narrated by West End star David Leonard. This family event also includes musical Lions, Bees, Hippos, Swans, Cuckoos Elephants & Wild Bears in an exciting & fun Carnival of Animals. Children of all ages welcome. For more info or tickets contact (01372) 742555 / 742227.

Weds 29th JANUARY

Winter Garden Talks at Polesden Lacey, Bookham RH5 6BB from 12noon 12.15pm. The Graham Stuart Thomas designed Winter Garden is filled with colour in January and February, but we have plans to make it even better. For more information visit

Save the Date in February Saturday 8th FEBRUARY

Ashtead Players Quiz Night at St George’s Church Christian Centre, Ashtead KT21 2DA. Teams of 6 to 8. Tickets £15 per person - includes fish & chip supper. Bring your own pud and drink. Doors open 7.00pm for 7.30 start. Contact Sue on 01372 279614 or email

Monday 10th FEBRUARY

Wildlife Aid Foundation Presentation at 7.30pm at Oddfellows Lounge, 270 High Street, RH4 1QT from 7.30pm. Locally based Wildlife Aid Foundation are dedicated to the rescue, care & rehabilitation of sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. £3 non-members, Oddfellows members - free. Booking required, please contact or 01306 877 792

Weds 12th FEBRUARY

The Trustees of Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall will be serving Afternoon Tea in the hall from 2pm - 4pm (doors open at 1.30). At the beginning of the afternoon we will have an entertaining talk given by Bob Sinfield, comedy scriptwriter to Rory Bremner, Jasper Carrott & others. Tickets are £8.50 & they can be bought from the Hall Office - 01372 272921 (Wed, Thurs & Fri 10-12), Di - 01372 279501 & Graham - 01372 272077. Booking deadline is Friday 7th February.

All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above events are correct at time of print.

BIBLE TALKS You are warmly invited to attend our


Marshall Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2BE


12 19 26

The importance of God’s promises to Abraham Are spirit gifts possessed today? Why I believe there is only one God


9 16 23

What the Bible has to say about souls Current news and the Bible The Bible is historically accurate

There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion If you are unable to attend, you can send for a free CD or attachment of the talks and relevant literature to: or Freepost RSEZ-KXRB-EKRX, Biblestudy, Bracknell, RG12 9YZ


If you love music and want to have fun then

Come and Sing

Ashtead Choral Society Monday 13th January 2020 8pm until 10pm Doors open 7.30 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall FREE Parking Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE

FREE entry, FREE music loan, FREE coffee or tea. No previous experience is necessary, no need to book in advance. Meet us and make new friends., @ashteadchoral Reg.Charity no265400


Move up to Club Bridge Leatherhead Bridge Club is offering a 10 week course for improvers. Friday evenings from 7.30 Course of 10 lessons £75 [includes club membership]

• Learn confidence in your play • Learn more conventions • Learn other techniques You will improve your game, meet like minded people on a regular basis and feel part of a vibrant and fun, local community. The English Bridge Union [EBU] has started an initiative to attract more people into bridge clubs across the UK.

contact John Cumming: 01372 815162 or 07800 664085


bridge club

A NEW VIEW: Contemporary Art Exhibition 10 – 16 February 2020 Denbies Wine Estate, Dorking

Summer Sunrise - Marie Davey Photography

Following an incredibly successful first show last year, six local artists are returning to Denbies wine estate for their second exhibition entitled ‘A New View’. The exhibition brings together the artists’ unique view of the landscape around them, showcasing each of their distinctive styles across different media, but with the common theme of a love for nature. 50 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

From Steer's Field - Imogen Hartridge

Grace Ellen

Leith Hill - Ellie Green

Tania Busschau

Westie - Jane Davies ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020



The Rotary Club of Leatherhead Registered Charity Number 1032183


Wednesday 22nd January 2020 - 7.00pm for 7.30pm Effingham Golf Club, Effingham, Surrey KT24 5PZ

£35.00 per person for traditional 3-course supper (including haggis, neeps and tatties and a ‘wee dram’!)

Dress: Formal Scottish / Black Tie / Lounge Suits Further information and tickets from Simon Edmands on 07753 821964 or 52 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020





No experience is necessary just common sense and an interest in the housing and well being of people over the age of 60. If you have the time, wish to contribute positively to the community and would like to know more about this interesting and rewarding role

please contact the Chairman of the Trustees, Robert Sabin

on or 07718 582319

LookLocal m a g a z i n e ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD

Local April 2019

Never underestimate the importance of community

LookLocal February 2016

LookLocal October 2018

Esher & Claygate


Your award-winning local community magazine

wishing our readers a

happy LookLocal new year

LookLocal May 2016


Your award-winning local community magazine

Your award-winning local community magazine

September 2019


Your award-winning local community magazine

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Delivered Free

Delivered Free Delivered Free






Looking ahead to the new year at LYP

Here at Leatherhead Youth Project we are passionate about helping local young people. We offer innovative youth services in Leatherhead, Bookham and across Mole Valley which aim to respond to local needs and help young people to be safe, happy and making positive changes in their lives. Whether that’s through one of our daily open access drop-in sessions, our one to one counselling service or our many projects such as Making Good, a social action project that sees young people help out in the local community for two days during half term, all of our projects aim to support young people in their journey to adulthood. Did you know? • In 2019 we provided 1,530 hours of youth work in Leatherhead and Bookham! • We delivered 603 hours of one to one sessions to 57 different young people • We enjoyed 2 wilderness adventures with young people climbing 1 mountain! • 71 girls regularly attended our weekly girls groups We are so excited about the new year and what 2020 will bring, as we look forward to celebrating our 15th year as a charity in the Spring. Be sure to keep up to date with what we’re up to on social media and by signing up to our newsletter at To find out more about LYP and the services we offer to young people, please visit or call the office on 01372 383 345 where we’d be more than happy to have a chat! Leatherhead Youth Project, BFree Youth Café, Kingston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. KT22 7BT 54 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020


Art, Jewellery & Gifts

fire and iron gallery

Hand-Made in Leatherhead

∗ Bespoke Framing

Log hoops by Tom Quinnell & Giles Clarke

∗ Framed Originals & Limited Edition Prints ∗ Gifts & Jewellery ∗ Cards ∗ Ready Made Frames & Mounts

22 Bridge Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8BZ

Tel: 01372 377363

Keyrings by George Quinnell-Harcombe

Oxshott Road . Leatherhead KT22 0EN

Telephone 01372 386453 Open Tues – Sat 10-5

Find us on facebook

Answers on page 45 41




Solutions Page 85

Clue: 8 Across

Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

Clue: 2 Down



1. Loss of memory (7) 5. Desist (5) 8. Tall building (5) 9. Idle or wild fancy (7) 10. Ailment (7) 11. Intrepid (5) 12. Small and dainty (6) 14. High regard (6) 18. Young ladies (5) 20. Lauded (7) 22. Protective garment (7) 23. Mourning song (5) 24. Liquid measure (5) 25. Stories in instalments (7)

1. Behaved badly (5,2) 2. Small amphibians (5) 3. Taverns (anag.) (7) 4. Bowman (6) 5. Ascend (5) 6. Run-of-the-mill (7) 7. Dodge (5) 13. Turbulent swift-flowing stream (7) 15. Defamation (7) 16. Insanity (7) 17. Russets, pippins, etc. (6) 18. Menacing animal sound(5) 19. ‘The final frontier’ (5) 21. Arab country (5)


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A very Happy 2020 from everyone at the Leatherhead Community Association and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the many events that will take place over the next four months. Rosanna Hadley has planned visits to Ightam Mote and Henry Moore’s studio in Hertfordshire, and Peter Humphreys has worked out the short and longer walks that so many enjoy (with the pub visits). Tea and Talks on four Fridays, to help you forget the rain outside for a short while, will transport you to the River Nile, to the Titanic, Victorian England and finally an afternoon finding out about ‘frilly knickers and tutus’, the history of the CanCan and classical ballet. For those who enjoy music, not only has Gwen Hoad arranged four musical afternoons on the third Wednesday of each month, but David Hanson has tickets for a Holst concert in February at the RFH. Liz Meikle’s has booked six Art/History 58 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

monthly lectures beginning on 5 February and covering artists from America, Africa, France and Great Britain. Please remember every Monday there is Table Tennis and Snooker, Social Bridge every Friday and Scrabble every other Friday. There are two book clubs which can keep you busy reading books from the Institute library. Also, there are many classes to join, Art, Languages or Keep Fit to name only three, and rooms for hire in the Institute maybe to give classes or for a one-off lecture. The Institute is on the left at the top of Leatherhead High Street and full details are available from the office where Trudy is always happy to help you with any questions between 9am and 12am every weekday morning - 01372 360508 FROM FRANCES PRESLEY


The Arts Society Ashtead looks back on our 2019 programme with fond memories. We enjoyed eleven fascinating monthly lectures, visited many places of interest, and embarked on two cultural tours, the latter to Vienna. We rounded off the year with our much-loved Christmas Celebration, including a delicious Christmas Dinner followed by a musical talk on the subject of “The Twelve Days of Christmas”.


We eagerly await another packed programme in 2020, including eleven lectures on a wide range of arts related topics, five visits to places of interest, two cultural tours (to the Malvern area, and to Yorkshire), one Special Interest Day, and of course our famous Christmas Celebration. In addition, over the past two years we have been actively supporting our young generation. In four of Ashtead’s primary schools we have led exciting arts projects, namely the creation of themed ceramic objects by all the pupils, e.g. bees, saints and fishes (see photograph). We will be working with the fifth school in 2020. We will also be conducting “Trails of Discovery” for children, based on St Giles’s Church.

Visit our website for details of our lectures, visits, and tours.

We hope you will be tempted to come along to one of our forthcoming lectures, where you will be warmly welcomed. There is a visitor’s fee of £5, but first-timers are welcome as our guests. We wish everyone a Happy New Year, and we look forward to meeting you soon.

Bookham Wine Club ‘Where in the World’

The Club’s first meeting of the New Year sees the welcome return of Deborah Zbinden; when on Monday, January 13 she presents ‘Where in the World’ …. a ‘fun,’ light-hearted evening when members will be invited to ‘blind’ taste six wines (wrapped up so you won’t know what they are). But here’s the catch….the wines will all be from the same country, but which one? Perhaps white wines from one country, reds from another. The evening won’t be about guessing the price, or the grape variety either - it will be about using your ‘sleuthing’ skills to determine which country is capable of producing the wines

you taste. And Deborah will help with plenty of clues, tips and hints! An enjoyable way to hone your tasting skills and understand how the geography of specific countries can influence the wines produced. This will be the first of the New Year’s series of wine tastings which are held on the second Monday of each month in the Harrison Room at The Old Barn Hall … for details of the Club’s complete programme visit: If you would like to attend one of our monthly tastings, or would like further info, please contact:



7 vegetable cottage pie


• 1 x white onion • 2 x carrots • 500g x minced steak mince • 1 x butternut squash

• 1 x red onion • handful of mushrooms • spoonful of plain flour • 1 x swede

• 2 x sticks celery • 1 tsp of thyme • 1 pint beef stock • half pack of butter


1. Finely dice onions, celery, carrots and mushrooms and fry with steak mince until all browned. 2. Season with salt pepper and thyme. 3. Stir in flour. Cook for a minute 4. Add beef stock and simmer for half an hour 5. Peel squash and swede and cut into chunks. Boil until soft. 6. Mash with butter and black pepper 7. Put mince in a casserole dish and top with mashed squash and swede. Cook in a hot oven until piping hot and the top is crispy.

Delicious Dishes Event Catering Specialists

01372 372845

Working Towards a Sustainable Ashtead Living Lightly Living Lightly is a small B&B in Totnes, Devon, whose owner, Holly, strives to demonstrate to her guests how they can holiday with minimal environmental impact but still have a quality experience. This article is based on info that she provides to her guests, explaining how she achieves this. For a start, everything in the house has been sourced with this aim in mind. The Premises Furniture, cutlery and crockery is all second-hand or locally made. The front door has been made draught-free with help from Transition Town Totnes’ Draught Busting team. Towels and bedding are all either second hand or organic. Duvets and pillows are woollen or from sustainably-grown kapok, (similar in feel to feather pillows.) Hot water bottles with organic wool covers are provided. The electric shower uses low volumes of water - definitely not a power shower! The toilet is dual-flush. Toiletries are made from natural ingredients and most are organic - shampoo bars with zero packaging, soap rather than shower gels, and bicarbonate of soda for deodorant, with essential oils to make it smell nice. Try it! It’s both very effective and very cheap. Heating The 14-year-old gas boiler provides both hot water and space heating, and goes on only as needed. The wood stove and a hot water bottle are adequate when there are no guests. There is electric underfloor heating downstairs, but it’s rarely used - a hot water bottle under the feet is cheaper and just as effective, following the principle of heating oneself rather than the rest of one’s home. Food Living Lightly is vegetarian, and guests are asked to respect this by not bringing in meat or fish products. This is said to reduce a household’s food carbon footprint by a quarter, though that’s very approximate. Food is mostly organic, in-season, and bought from local independent shops. Dried goods are bought in bulk; while Holly bakes the bread from UK-sourced stoneground flour. Reducing our food footprint is something for everyone, and being vegetarian, or just cutting back on red meat, especially beef and lamb, is relatively easy to do. Laundry Holly plans her washing around the weather and throughout the year everything is dried on the line outside and finished off when necessary on the pulley clothes-airer over the wood-burning stove. Cleaning She mostly uses eco cloths with no cleaning product, with occasional use of a mould remover for the shower tiles but frequent wiping down means that is seldom necessary. Local Transport Holly has no car and uses an electric recumbent tricycle, occasionally borrowing a car and paying 40p per mile. That’s far more climate-friendly than the electric car I wrote about a few months ago. Recycling The Totnes recycling system is very intricate (and very different from Mole Valley’s). By using it wherever possible and avoiding foods wrapped in plastic the household only produces one carrier bag of landfill waste per fortnight. This, and Holly’s other inventive ideas, are things we can all try out! Tony Cooper website: email: ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020



We arrived to find a really festive and colourful hall, with dishes of chocolates to nibble on, and hope our new member and visitor enjoyed their evening with us. Also we were very pleased to have two members from Bookham Belles W.I. to show us how to make Christmas Trees from books. These little ornaments were made amidst lots of chatter, and then decorated with bobbles and stars. Santa’s sack was full, there were cards for everyone, and a donation had been made to the Chase Hospice. Our lovely multi-coloured blankets knitted and finished by members were warmly welcomed by the Rainbow Trust. Very soon we will be having our Christmas Lunch, and be out Carol Singing in Ashtead,

as always for the Princes Alice Hospice, and of course we had the reminder about torches and warm clothing for the evening. Already we have been given dates for events in 2020, so plenty to look forward to in January and in the future warmer weather. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 8th January, when Rosemary Horton will be saying ‘Cheese Please’, and then we will gather on Wednesday 5th February, for a talk on the Woodland Trust. These meetings will be at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15 for 7.30. More information can be found on: www.


FETCHAM VILLAGE W.I. NOVEMBER REPORT Our November meeting, the AGM, was well 70th birthday. Then a reading of Madge’s attended and took a slightly different format Memories to remember a good friend and long in that we included a short presentation before term W.I. member. Book and card sales beat the main Agenda. The speaker was Mrs. Hilda records and there were free magazines to select Burden and she spoke with Mrs. Hilda Burden, our speaker, preceding the main AGM and enjoy. A display of some of enthusiasm about the work of our knitted angels encouraged TWAMS. We were encouraged others to finish theirs in time to bring unwanted tools and all for the December deadline, manner of sewing accessories and notably we were joined by to our next meeting when she past and much valued member will collect from the car park. Margaret down from her new Then the meeting itself which home in Herefordshire. The new was informative, interesting year meeting will be on the 8th and not too long. The existing Committee will January. Visitors are warmly welcomed, 7.30 p.m. continue for the coming year as will the President, Fetcham Village Hall. and confirmation of this news was well received. Meeting on the first Wednesday of the the month Refreshments followed with an array of her home (except August) in Fetcham Village Hall, at 7.30 made cakes to celebrate Janice’s pm.We’d love to see you.


Ashtead WIng meet on the second Monday of the month from 8pm to 10pm in Ashtead Baptist Church Hall.

Some end of the year activities from Ashtead WIng …

Next meeting 13th January 2020

Why not come and join us in 2020! Email: Website: ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020


Safety in the Garden By Selina Botham

Award winning local garden designer Selina Botham continues to looks at issues of safety in the garden. This month taking a look at paving choices and some important safety consideration. As well as beauty, a garden designer will consider safety too and slipping or tripping on the surface materials can be reduced by careful material choice as well as sensible design. Some materials are worse than others, either slippery or uneven because of the nature of the material. Do choose carefully as I am sure you can imagine, especially in icy January, how important your choice of paving materials will be. The worst issues for slippery surfaces tend to be with decking or with very smooth surfaces like smooth sawn stone or polished concrete. These surfaces should never be laid in north facing positions or where there is heavy shade, since water is more likely to linger and algae is more likely to grow. Algae growth makes surfaces especially slippery, so paving/deck should be regularly cleaned to prevent algae build up. In rain and or ice the risk of slipping will be increased. My advice is to choose a sandblasted finish for a modern look or a more traditional looking riven stone surface as long as your landscaper avoids using heavily riven slabs. 64 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

Avoid deck except for south facing areas and never use decking right next to your main doors from the house. Surfaces like composite decking get slippery when the boards get worn and because the plastics are impermeable, water can sit on the surface and so can be slippery when wet or icy. Some wooden decking is made slip resistant with inlays of a non slip material and this is the most slip resistant if decking is needed. Porcelain is another impermeable material, so take care to investigate the slip resistance when it is wet. Gravel is slip resistant if it has been laid well, but do avoid bigger smooth stones as they can be unstable and therefore hard to walk on, especially if laid thickly (think Brighton beach!). If you don’t clear fallen leaves, even on a gravel path, the surface will become slippery in wet conditions. The important thing to appreciate is that all paving can get slippery, so regular maintenance is a MUST for any surface. Selina Botham is an award winning garden designer based in Claygate. If you would like to improve and make the best of your garden and need some professional help contact Selina for an initial garden consultation on 07894 553 202 or see her web site for further ideas and her facebook page Selina Botham – Designs for all Seasons.



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FASHION & FOLLY - THE DANGERS OF KEEPING UP APPEARANCES People have always gone to bizarre lengths in order to stay in fashion, Jane Lewis of the Surrey History Centre told the Local History Society’s November meeting. Showing that suffering has always resulted from slavishly following fashion, she began with the late 1940s and 50s when starched petticoats for dancing caused itchiness, rashes and ruined nylon stockings. Women also wore over-tight corselettes which exaggerated curvy figures at the expense of comfort and brought long-term physical harm. This was nothing compared with earlier times. In Edwardian days the S-bend corset was laced so tightly around waists it caused internal injuries. Starched high collars upset the skin while bone and steel dug into people’s necks. In the 19th century things were worse. Absurdly heavy crinolines were worn with a bustle or bamboo cage underneath the dress as an alternative to multiple petticoats. Women had difficulty with access to toilets, often causing infections, and the crinolines themselves were a serious fire risk. When the century began corsets were worn so tightly that women could barely move, while a fashion for revealing figures through dampened clothing resulted in chills and deaths. 18th century panniers

expanded dresses up to four feet in any direction while gigantic hoop petticoats added maybe 60 pounds in weight to clothing. Arsenic and other toxic chemicals were used on skin to “improve” its natural condition but poisoned wearers. 17th century fashion followers whitened their faces with lead paint to demonstrate social status. Bella Donna was applied to brighten - and eventually blind - eyes, sulphate of mercury to enhance eyelashes, and dots and patches of mouse-skin to cover smallpox scars. 18th century hairstyles kept piled up hair in place with lard and powder, creating pastry on women’s heads and attracting lice. In the 1780s grey hair was fashionable, sometimes “enhanced” with additional locks from flea-ridden dogs. People bought teeth extracted from corpses to fill their own gaps. So what changes? Is it absolutely necessary to have shoes that cannot be walked in, permed eyelashes or extended fingernails? The folly continues. For more information on the Leatherhead & District Local History Society go to or visit the Leatherhead Museum in Church Street when it reopens this spring.

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JANUARY BOOK REVIEWS Sexuality Faith by Stephen Elmes (non-fiction) I cannot praise this book enough; this difficult topic has been addressed in the form of a discussion, a non-judgemental conversation with people who have experienced difficulties maintaining their relationship with God in the face of controversy of same-sex relationships. Elmes has given these people a voice to tell their stories. Trevor Stubbs (author of the FLIP! Trilogy and retired Priest) said “This book is so accessible and positive” “We’re all on that journey ourselves as people of faith.” Stubbs continued to discuss his experience of people in same-sex relationships “Some people are dealt that hand… why shouldn’t they have loving relationships too?” Regardless of opinion held, this book is a ‘talking prop’, an invite to discuss the topic further. Shadowless by Helen Bell (fiction) A unique post-apocalyptic fantasy adventure. Following two young siblings, living with the ability to glimpse premonitions of the future, whose fates become entwined with the crusade of a ‘broken stranger’ The rapid pacing of the book makes “just one more chapter” a frequent promise, with constant foreshadowing and tension brewing beneath the surface. Characters are alternately charming and sinister, with plenty of humour shot through the plot, and touching moments that will define your favourites before the finale. Highly recommended, and a fantastic start to a series brimming with potential. (reviewed by BookPotato customer, Andrew Jackson) His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (fiction) Adaption currently being shown on BBC -Pullman managed to create that rarest of literary beasts: a narrative the reader wants to go on indefinitely and which they wish they could disappear into forever. The story reflects and inverts Milton’s Paradise Lost – follows an 11-year-old and her daemon, Pantalaimon (in this world, people’s souls exist outside their bodies as talking animal-daemons), through a multiverse in which zeppelins, witches and angels fill the skies, the mysterious Magisterium controls everything, and a strange, newly-discovered elementary particle known as ‘Dust’ is everywhere. Can she uncover who the child-abducting Gobblers are working for, will she find the missing children and more importantly, what is the truth behind the Dust and the Magisterium’s interest in it? / 01372 879362 / Unit 25, The Swan Centre, High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH


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otes and advice, please contact the number below.

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Main office: 01372 889698 Main Office: Leatherhead: Leatherhead 01372 889698 Email:


Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.

Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698

Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service)

Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24hr emergency service) Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Email: 73

73 Free quotes and advice, pleaseEmail: contact the number below. 73

Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) Email:

Do as I Say, Not as I Do… Copyright Sarah Lott, December 2019 | @thememorybook | facebook/thememorybook 01372 373844 | 07957 598348 “The answer is no, Ben, categorically no! You’re not old “I didn’t mean that!” enough anyway. You have to be eighteen to get a tattoo.” “What do you mean then? You don’t want me to change “You’re pretty lame, Mum. Everyone has them! They’re the colour of my hair or have one of those ear piercings. cool. I want an angel on my back like David Beckham.” You don’t want me to stop doing the boring things that I “I’m not talking about it anymore Ben. Wait until you’re do. Give me some suggestions and I’ll see if I can oblige…” eighteen. A tattoo is permanent. Will you really want “Sam’s mother lets him have an Xbox in his room. That’s an angel when you’re fifty or sixty or an old man with not boring.” wrinkles?” “You’re not having your Xbox in your bedroom. That’s not “You’re so boring Mum. I bet you never did anything cool. even up for discussion.” A tattoo is nothing. Maybe I’ll have my ears pierced and “I want a tattoo. You won’t let me have one!” have one of those hoop things that make the hole grow Shops & Services bigger. Maybe I’ll stretch the hole to the size of a pound “Maybe I’ll get my belly button pierced…” “That’s gross!” coin. What would you think of that?” “That sounds like a great idea. I might join you. If I had a “Or get a nose stud…” hole in my ear the size of a pound, it might come in handy. “I know I said that Jack’s mum had one but I didn’t mean I could keep a coin in it for the trolley at Sainsburys. I that you should get one. It would look weird on you…” could hang my car keys from it…” “Would you be embarrassed if I had a nose stud?” “Yeah, Yeah… As if… You’d never do anything like that. “Yeah.” You haven’t got the guts. You’re far too normal.” “So you really don’t want me to change anything at all “What’s normal? What’s your idea of normal?” do you…” “You, you’re normal. Boring… Jack’s mum’s really cool. “Hmmm.” She dyed her hair blue and she’s got a nose stud.” “Would you like me to dye my hair Ben? I quite fancy “So you want me to stay the way I am then do you?” pink. I could do it in time for parents’ evening next week. “Yeah, but I still want a tattoo.” I’d be cool then, wouldn’t I?” “You’re too young for a tattoo. How about chips for “Don’t you dare!” supper?” “I thought you wanted me to be cool…” “Yeah, cool. Can you drop me round to Ben’s house later? “Pink hair isn’t cool. It’s stupid. It’d be so embarrassing…” Oh and I left my football stuff by the machine. I need it for the match tomorrow. Is that ok?” “So what is cool then? What can I do to be cool?” “Dunno. Just be a bit less normal, I suppose, a bit less “Yes Ben, that’s ok.” boring.” As Ruth got undressed that night, “I could go out every night and not cook your supper. she caught her reflection in the I could not do your washing. I could not take you to mirror and smiled at the football. I could give up work. Those are boring things I’d small butterfly tattoo, be very happy to stop doing.” sitting discreetly on her hip. 70 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020



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Live monitored feed video roof inspections Complete roof replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys + lead Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, via work. customer Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders service providers. Average Recommended, vetted monitored local traders and serviceproviders. providers. Complete roofvetted replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys +job. lead work. Recommended, &&monitored local traders service feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing onexcellent Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer score Workman worked very hard and did an Average Recommended byprevious previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitoredvia viacustomer customer Recommended by customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report ofhard SAS Roofing score Workman worked very and didonan excellent job. feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on Call us today for a FREE quotation on: feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on - JANUARY 2020 Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders andASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal service providers. Call us today for a FREE quotation on: vetted & monitored traders and service Recommended by previous customers, vettedlocal by 579727 Checkatrade, monitored via customer (Winchester) (Alton) 01962Recommended, 462727 | 01420 |providers. 01730 290727 (Petersfield) Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing aCheckatrade, FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: Recommended by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date report of for SAS on (Winchester) (Alton)

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AGE Concern


WINTER VISITORS Winter is an easy time to attract wildlife into your garden. With harsher weather in the countryside a plethora of winter visitors will flock to your garden – should you provide them with a reason to do so. Water is key, if you keep your bird bath fresh and free from ice incoming birds will recognise your garden as a good winter home. Food is also vital and not just from feeders. Small birds like robins need protein from worms and other insects. Leaving a covering of leaves on your borders is a good way of providing homes for insects and food for birds. Birds also rely heavily on berries. Exciting winter visitors like fieldfares, redwings and waxwings are drawn to plants laden with food. Mountain ash, pyracantha, crab apple and hawthorn are just a few of the best winter feeders for winged visitors. Containing species such as hawthorn, blackthorn and dog rose, mixed native hedges provide food as well as shelter all year round and will attract wildlife for you to enjoy. Hedging as well as trees are best planted in winter when they are dormant, giving them the best start for next spring. For more tips and tricks please visit 74 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

If you are over 55 and live in the Mole Valley area, you can use Age Concern Mole Valley’s Will Writing Service. Once a month local solicitors, Hart Scales & Hodges are taking appointments for Will Writing at the Age Concern Mole Valley offices in Dorking. (A suggested donation of £50-£75 can be given to Age Concern Mole Valley for the service. A solicitor would normally charge over £200-£300). To book an appointment for the Will Writing Clinic, please call

01306 899104/ 07442 017169 or by email: Registered Charity No 1111678

AGE Mole Valley


POEM CORNER ALL THOSE HEALTHY ADVERTS Do you, like me, think it must be our age That makes us groan as turning page after page We find magazines full of “kindly” advice As how we can “improve” our way of life! I think I’m really not alone In being fed up and having a moan About all the ads I read and see Aimed at the person I thought was me! It’s good to be interested in fashion and health, But not to the exclusion of everything else. With flowing hair and parted lips, These willowy women keep handing out tips On what to eat? On what to wear? Change the make-up? Change the hair? Why not follow this fitness regime? And don’t forget the vitamin cream! You are what you eat and your clothes define The image you present, in person, – or on line But losing sight of your original self Could cause stress and be bad for your health. TV and articles state all you need to know About your body, from head to toe, But how do you check on this and that, As to what is false and what is fact? And when you find a true picture, as that’s what you’re after, Along comes a survey - and changes the data!!

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Acr 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 15. 17. 20.

Glance in the mirror, pause and reflect, Has all the effort had the desired effect?? If not, one piece of advice may hold the key, “Why not go for a walk?” – and do it for free!

21. 23. 24.



November 2019

1. 2.

“In Praise of Hugs and Other Poems” by Marion Kemp. Available from Wishing Well, 7 High Street, Bookham ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020


Violently fast stream of water (7)



Ian Gallagher

Chris Cowdrey

Michelle and I enjoyed a lovely lunch with the Probus Club of Leatherhead on 3rd December at Tyrells Wood Golf Club. We had a wonderful lunch and were entertained by international vocalist, Ian Gallagher who has performed at the London Pladium, The Talk of the Town and The Savoy to name but a few well known venues. He has even had the privilege and honour of being asked to sing at Buckingham Palace for the Queen I’m told! He can now at the Leatherhead Probus Christmas lunch to his list! The club enjoy an active and fun programme throughout the year and their next big event will be a 76 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

celebrity speaker on April 7th 2020. Chris Cowdrey the ex England cricket captain and sporting celeb with be joining them. I’m sure this will be a very entertaining evening. If you are interested in joining the group do give them a call, they are a friendly bunch who would love to hear from prospective new members. Call Mr Jon McCarthy the Membership Secretary on 07947 361 406 or email for more information. Thanks go to everyone at The Probus Club of Leatherhead we had a great time with you all.


House & Garden


Music Matters They may not all be paved with gold, but see if you can score a gold star in our city quiz.




Shops & Services

1. Which city’s streets did Ralph McTell sing about? 2. Which city did Tony Bennett leave his heart in? 3. New York City is in the state of New York. Who snag about New York, New York? 4. Who sang about China Grove? 5. George Ezra had success with a song about which Hungarian city? 6. Where was the little mouse with clogs on, according to Ronnie Hilton? 7. Which, now ruined city, did David Gray sing about? 8. Who was Going Down to Liverpool? 9. Which city (capital of the Roman Empire) was sung about by Al Stewart? 10. Which city did Monserrat Caballe and Freddie Mercury sing about? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 85





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Do you enjoy getting lost in a book but can’t get to a library? There are few things that compare to the joy of getting lost in a really good book, or chatting about what you have just read. But what if age, ill health, mobility problems or caring responsibilities make it difficult for you to get to a library? Library Direct can help. Surrey Libraries and its dedicated volunteers work hard to make sure the library service can reach everyone. Library Direct allows individuals to once again select their own books, and have volunteers deliver them right to their doors. In addition to having complete access to library stock, this services also helps to combat isolation. Volunteers will often stop for a drink and chat, and in many cases, form friendships with the people they are visiting. The service has helped change the lives of countless individuals. One Library Direct client says, “I can’t get out very much so the service is invaluable to me.” Library Direct is a completely free and comes with additional benefits for its clients, such as extended loan periods and amount of books you can borrow, plus no fines or overdue charges. Surrey Libraries and Brooklands Radio have been looking for people in Surrey who are brilliant aloud.individuals We’ve received nomina?ons people Surrey, created As well at asreading supporting in their homes, from we offer anacross opportunity for a variety our‘community shortlist and settings’ invited our shortlist nominees tonursing send in ahomes, recording of them aloud. of such as care homes, long termreading in-patient wards and rehabilitation centres, to provide a library service to their residents. Now we need you to choose the 2019 winner of the Surrey Reading Aloud compe==on.

We are currently looking for more volunteers in the Molesey, Esher and Claygate area to enable us to deliver this service to residents no longer able to visit the Visit or from 8 November to listen to the library themselves. shortlist recordings and vote for your favourite by Sunday 8 December. For more information on Library Direct please visit our webpage Tune into Brooklands Radio on 24 December to hear thecan winner of the Surrey Reading Alternatively, you call 01483 543 599 Aloud 2019 compe??on reading aloud a special Christmas Eve story. or email



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ASHTEAD LIBRARY Woodfield Ln, Ashtead, KT21 2BQ T: 0300 200 1001 E: W:


Are you aware we have a Digital Buddy every Thursday 2-4pm? - A digital buddy is able to help with computer queries, using a library PC, your own laptop or tablet. If you would like any computer related help, then please book a slot at the desk or ring 0300 200 1001 and ask for Ashtead Library






WEEKLY RHYMETIME SESSION - This is a great opportunity to have fun with your baby/toddler through rhythm, actions and singing and introduce children to all the library has to offer. The Rhymetime session is available on Friday 10:15am for 30 minutes. Places are limited so please arrive early. Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 10am-1.00pm & 2pm-5.00pm Saturday: 9.30am-5.00pm

Don’t forget we will close at 1pm on Christmas Eve and all day on the 25th, 26th, 27th December and 1st January, but you can renew your books on-line. Discover the world through reading and join Ashtead Library - Membership is free. Keep an eye on our twitter account @AshteadLibrary for upcoming events and activities.



LEATHERHEAD LIBRARY Very best wishes to our customers for 2020.

We hope you will continue to enjoy all our books, our superb IT facilities and the fun childrens’ activities we’ll be fixing again in the coming year. Did you know...? You can keep up to date with events here at Leatherhead Library by following us on or by logging on to - or you can just come along and see us at the Mansion, 9.30am - 5pm any day except Sunday or Monday. eNews…The range of free eBooks and eAudiobooks available to borrowers continues to enlarge. An eBook is an electronic version of a book that can be read on a computer, tablet, smartphone or a dedicated ‘eReader’. eAudiobooks are books that have to be borrowed as an audiofile which you can then listen to on a computer, tablet, mp3 player or smartphone. Please visit the Surrey Libraries webpages to learn how you can borrow these books. New Titles…Climate change is on many people’s minds right now and if you are thinking of ways in which you can help to protect our planet in the coming years, then you may wish to read ‘No-one is too small to make a difference’ by Greta Thunberg. We have some copies in Surrey, as well as other books on the subject. Start your new year as you mean to go on and reserve a copy now!









We have received a few reports recently of homes being targeted by burglars whilst the owners are away on holiday. Whilst any burglary is likely to cause considerable distress to victims, it can have the additional impact of ruining a well-earned break and having to come back to deal with the fallout of having been targeted by thieves. There are some things (over and above the obvious of making sure that all doors and windows are locked and secured) that can reduce the risk of this type of burglary. The following are some ideas to consider:• Don’t announce that you are going to be away on any form of social media. Although it’s nice to share with friends what you’re doing, it also advertises that your home is going to be empty! • Cancel any regular newspaper deliveries or (if you have an external mailbox) ask a neighbour to take in your post, so that the risk of giving the impression that no one is at home is reduced. • Make use of timer switches to bring on lights in your home in a staggered pattern, mirroring as closely as possible your normal movements throughout your home. One timer is not really enough to give an impression of occupancy. Ideally, I would suggest three timers - two downstairs and at least one upstairs. • Don’t leave any “climbing aids” at the front of your home, such as wheelie bins, which could be used to

climb over a side gate. Also, make sure that side gates are securely bolted and, ideally, the bolt should be at waist height and not at the top where someone could reach over and open it! • If you normally park a car on your driveway and there is not going to be any vehicles there whilst you are away, consider asking a neighbour to park their vehicle on your drive, to increase the impression that the house is occupied. • If you have an alarm system, please set it. A visible intruder alarm is one of the most effective deterrents against opportunistic thieves. Burglars do not want to be seen or heard and a visible alarm system tends to make them think twice! • If you are considering having an alarm system installed, I would suggest that you check out the National Security Inspectorate’s website – www.nsi. You can enter your postcode and find details of local security companies who are accredited to the highest national standards. I would always suggest that you obtain two quotations before making any decision. If you are concerned about your home and property security, you can always request a free home security survey. This is available to any residents or businesses in Mole Valley. Contact 101 and ask to speak with me. ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020


useful numbers Ashtead Art Group 01737 357263 (Jenny Lister) Ashtead Bowling Club 01372 802421 (Pamela Bennett) Ashtead Cancer Group Ashtead Chess Club 01372 813487 (Richard Jones) Ashtead Choral Society 01372 278852 (Anne Bailey) Ashtead Community Vision 07530 373975 (Andy Ellis) Ashtead Cricket Club 01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane) Over 60s Lunch Club 01372 813276 The Arts Society Ashtead 01372 275605 (Pat Anderson) Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group 01372 279501 (Di Stirling) Ashtead Friendship Centre 01372 274288 (Don Butt) Ashtead Good Neighbours 07752 665066 Ashtead Horticultural Society 01372 373348 (Jennie Pilfold) Ashtead Library 0300 200 1001 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall 01372 272921 Ashtead Players/Young Players 01372 279614 Ashtead Residents’ Association 07804 026577 (Glynis Peterkin) Ashtead Squash & Tennis Club 01372 272215 Ashtead Tennis Players Club 01372 721104 Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild 01372 273948 (Di James) Ashtead Women’s Institute

01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Carers’ Support Mole Valley 01306 640212 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens’ Advice Bureau 03 444 111 444 Cruse Bereavement Care 020 8393 7238 Electricity (UK Power Networks) 0800 783 8866 (powercut info line) Epsom General Hospital 01372 735735 Fetcham Residents’ Association 07833 620 744 for all enquiries Fetcham Singers (ladies’ choir) 01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Gas (Transco) 0800 111999 (minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing 0800 371787) Howard Badminton Club 07711 563481 (Mike Guillem) The Arts Society Leatherhead 01372 278738 (Huw Jenkins) Leatherhead Choral Society 01372 376831 (Sue Foulsham) Leatherhead & District Angling Society 01372 377654 Leatherhead Helpshop 01372 363385 Leatherhead Community Association 01372 360508 Leatherhead Horticultural Society 01372 373493 (David Wells) Leatherhead Leisure Centre 01372 377674 Leatherhead Library 0300 200 1001 Leatherhead Lions Club 01372 274618 (Jim Malynn) Leatherhead Museum 01372 386348


Leatherhead Residents’ Association 01372 813013 Leatherhead Theatre 01372 365141 Mid Surrey Community Mediation 07513 524241 Mole Valley District Council 01306 885001 Police - Non-emergency 101 Probus Club of Ashtead 07806 791774 (Steve Bridges) Probus Club of Leatherhead 07947 361406 (Jon McCarthy) Probus Club of Mole Valley 01372 878875 (Michael Brown) Rotary Club of Ashtead 01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce) Rotary Club of Leatherhead 07753 821964 (Simon Edmands) Royal Association for the Deaf 01306 881958 Royal British Legion Leatherhead/ Fetcham Branch 01372 811422 Samaritans - 01372 375555 Shopmobility Leatherhead 01372 362400 Surrey County Council 03456 009 009 (8am-6pm weekdays) Surrey Trading Standards 01372 371717 U3A: Leatherhead & District 01372 375756 Ashtead: 01372 274388 Fetcham 01372 453959 Trumps Bridge Club Leatherhead 01372 377124 Volunteer Centre Mole Valley 01306 640369 Water - Emergencies/general 01737 772000 Wildlife Aid 09061 800132 (24hrs)

M: 07976 814032 E:



PUZZLE solutions 81




Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyD


Sudoku #1 2 9 7 5 5 4 1 9 8 3 6 7 9 1 3 2 4 5 8 6 6 7 2 8 3 8 5 1 1 6 4 3 7 2 9 4

1 6 8 4

5 7 3 2 9


4 8 3 2 7 6 2 9 1 5 4 7 6 8 1 3 9 2 9 1 5 4 7 6 4 9 5 8 2 7 8 5 3 1 3


1 6 2 1 8 9 3 0 4 7 9 1 2 6

8 5 7 0 5 5 8 9 3 6 7 7 2 4

4 7 4 2 4 8 4 8 5 8 8 2 6 7

9 4 5 9 9 3 7 6 3 7 5 6 3 2

5 8 3 7 5 7 3 4 7 5 7 3 4 6

7 3 7 4 5 2 3 8 4 8 7 5 4 1

SudokuFrank #3 Sinatra 4. The Doobie Brothers 1. London 2. San Francisco 3. 5. Budapest 6. Amsterdam 7. 2 9 Babylon 6 8 5 1 7 8.3 The 4 Bangles 9. Constantinople 10. Barcelona

7 3 3 0 8 6 9 5 4 6 8 5 8 0

8 9 0 2 3 2 5 5 6 6 6 3 2 4

Sudoku #2 22 8 61 8 5 8 4 35 3 85 9 4 9 3 1 7 2 0 3 6 7 6 1 12 5 6 2 7 57 2 92 4 43 3 48 1 6 3 7 39 3 29 3 6 3 1 4 3 7 8 7 0 68 4 59 6

3 30 4 7 2 47 7 6 9 7 2 9 24 7 2 2 84 2 52 7 4 0 64 4 2 1 6 4 7 73


7 1 3 6 9 7 6 2

8 4 5 1 2

Sudoku #4 8 1 3 5 6 6 2 9 8 7 4 1 8 3 7 6 9 2 5 5 3 7 4 9 2 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal 8 6 1 5 4 7 3 1 - JANUARY 2020 85 6 7 9 2 1 8 4 5 3 9 6 5 7 3

2 4 9 8

advertisers’ index A&D Cars............................................................56 Maggie May Therapy............................................34 Amanda Fashions....................................................5 Margaret Spice - Counsellor..................................34 Ashtead Cobblers & Locksmiths.............................8 Mark’s Plastering...................................................72 Ashtead Interiors..................................................13 MD Edwards & Son.............................................67 Ashtead Old Paths Bible Talks...............................46 MPS Garden & Estate Machinery.........................87 Ashtead Players.....................................................48 Orchard Cottage Dental Surgery...........................35 Ashtead Trees & Gardens......................................77 Ovens ‘n’ Stuff......................................................22 Aspen Live in Care................................................37 Ovens 2 New........................................................19 Astek Dental Centre.............................................31 Pullen Plumbing Services......................................75 Boardman, Gelly & Co.........................................73 Ralls IT Hardware & IT Support..........................26 Bonnie Dogs Grooming Parlour............................21 Roadtrippers.........................................................17 Bookham Carpet Company..................................15 Roofcraft of Surrey...............................................69 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care.......................................19 Roofs of Esher......................................................79 BWB Builders.......................................................81 Rose’s Gardening..................................................65 Cairds Estate Agents...............................................3 Roxley Models......................................................62 Carpets 4U.............................................................9 SAS Roofing & Building Ltd................................73 Casson’s Framing..................................................17 Soundbytes...........................................................48 Classic Home Care Services..................................30 Style Cruises...........................................................2 Contours National Hardscapes..............................79 Suddies Kitchen Appliances..................................17 Crafting Live @ Sandown Esher............................47 Surrey Hearing Specialist......................................29 Cranleigh Aerials..................................................77 Surrey Hills Mindfulness.......................................34 CT Cars...............................................................57 Surrey PC Tech.....................................................27 Daisychain Preschool............................................23 Surrey Roofing Group...........................................65 Dashe Developments............................................76 Tec-Res Computers & Technology...................24/25 Davis Property Maintenance.................................22 Tekmate Computers & Technology.......................27 DB Garden Services..............................................87 Tendacare.............................................................34 Dream Doors........................................................78 The Black Dog Gallery..........................................55 Englishman’s Castle..............................................11 The Grange Centre...............................................32 F Covey................................................................71 The Leatherhead Theatre Art Gallery.....................55 Family Wills of Surrey..........................................13 The Memory Bank - Video to DVD......................26 Fire & Iron Gallery...............................................55 The Memory Book Company................................70 First Choice Cleaners Ltd.....................................20 Trestle Decorating.................................................76 Focus Strategy Consultants...................................19 TWM Solicitors......................................................7 Garden Force........................................................72 WA Truelove & Son Ltd.......................................22 HRS Roofing........................................................81 Wild by Design...............................................74/75 Jackie Quinn Estate Agents...................................88 Wise Roofing........................................................85 JD & Sons Building & Landscaping.....................71 Zumba with Tessa Rolfe........................................35 L Hawkins & Sons Ltd.........................................20 Leatherhead Bridge Club......................................49 Leatherhead Podiatry............................................35 © ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD LOCAL 2020 Limegrove & The Beeches Care Homes.................33 DESIGNED & SET BY KIRSTY O’MEARA 86 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - JANUARY 2020

We spring into action so you can move When you least expect it, tiny, welcome signs of spring emerge and new properties come onto the market. Our experienced team at Jackie Quinn Estate Agents will find the property to suit you, sell your current home and give you the best professional property advice throughout the process. So if you’re thinking of making a fresh change by selling or letting a new home this spring, why not give us a call? 01372 271504


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